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Compositions. The Bolkonsky family in the novel "War and Peace": description, comparative characteristics Old Bolkonsky and Prince Andrei

He managed not only to diversify the literary world with a new work, which is original in terms of genre composition, but also came up with bright and colorful characters. Of course, not all of the bookstore frequents have read the cumbersome novel of the writer from cover to cover, but most of them know who they are, and Andrei Bolkonsky.

History of creation

In 1856, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy began work on his immortal work. Then the master of words thought about creating a story that would tell readers about the Decembrist hero, forced to return back to the Russian Empire. The writer unwittingly moved the scene of the novel to 1825, but by that time the protagonist was a family and mature man. When Lev Nikolaevich thought about the hero's youth, this time involuntarily coincided with 1812.

1812 was not an easy year for the country. The Patriotic War began because the Russian Empire refused to support the continental blockade, which Napoleon saw as the main weapon against Great Britain. Tolstoy was inspired by that troubled time, besides, his relatives participated in these historical events.

Therefore, in 1863, the writer began working on a novel that reflected the fate of the entire Russian people. In order not to be unfounded, Lev Nikolaevich relied on the scientific works of Alexander Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, Modest Bogdanovich, Mikhail Shcherbinin and other memoirists and writers. They say, in order to find inspiration, the writer even visited the village of Borodino, where the army and the Russian commander-in-chief clashed.

Tolstoy worked tirelessly for seven years on his founding work, writing five thousand draft sheets, displaying 550 characters. And this is not surprising, because the work is endowed with a philosophical character, which is shown through the prism of the life of the Russian people in an era of failures and defeats.

"How happy I am ... that I will never write verbose nonsense like" War "again."

No matter how critical Tolstoy was, the epic novel War and Peace, published in 1865 (the first excerpt appeared in the journal Russkiy Vestnik), was a wide success with the public. The work of the Russian writer amazed both domestic and foreign critics, and the novel itself was recognized as the greatest epic work of new European literature.

Collage illustration for the novel "War and Peace"

The literary diaspora noted not only an exciting plot, which is intertwined in both "peace" and "war" times, but also the size of the fictional canvas. Despite the large number of characters, Tolstoy tried to give each character individual character traits.

Characteristic of Andrei Bolkonsky

Andrei Bolkonsky is the main character in Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. It is known that many characters in this work have a real prototype, for example, the writer "created" Natasha Rostova from his wife Sofya Andreevna and her sister Tatyana Bers. And here is the collective image of Andrei Bolkonsky. Of the possible prototypes, researchers name Nikolai Alekseevich Tuchkov, Lieutenant General of the Russian Army, as well as Staff Captain of the Engineering Troops Fyodor Ivanovich Tizengauzen.

It is noteworthy that initially Andrei Bolkonsky was planned by the writer as a minor character, who later received individual traits and became the main character of the work. In the first sketches of Lev Nikolaevich Bolkonsky was a secular young man, while in subsequent editions of the novel the prince appears before the readers as a man-intellectual with an analytical mindset, who sets an example of courage and courage to fans of literature.

Moreover, readers can trace from and to the formation of the personality and the change in the character of the hero. Researchers attribute Bolkonsky to the spiritual aristocracy: this young man is building a career, leading a secular life, but he cannot be indifferent to the problems of society.

Andrei Bolkonsky appears before readers as a handsome young man of short stature and dry features. He hates secular hypocritical society, but comes to balls and other events for the sake of decency:

"Apparently, all those who were in the living room were not only familiar to him, but he was so tired that he was very bored to look at them and listen to them."

Bolkonsky is indifferent to his wife Liza, but when she dies, the young man blames himself for being cold with his wife and did not pay due attention to her. It is worth noting that Lev Nikolaevich, who knows how to identify a person with nature, reveals the personality of Andrei Bolkonsky in an episode where the character sees a huge dilapidated oak on the edge of the road - this tree is a symbolic image of the internal state of Prince Andrei.

Among other things, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy endowed this hero with opposite qualities, he combines courage and cowardice: Bolkonsky participates in a bloody battle on the battlefield, but in the literal sense of the word runs away from an unsuccessful marriage and a failed life. The protagonist sometimes loses the meaning of life, then again hopes for the best, building goals and means of achieving them.

Andrei Nikolaevich revered Napoleon, wanted to become famous and lead his army to victory, but fate made its own adjustments: the hero of the work was wounded in the head and taken to the hospital. Later, the prince realized that happiness is not in triumph and laurels of honor, but in children and family life. But, unfortunately, Bolkonsky is doomed to failure: not only the death of his wife awaits him, but also the betrayal of Natasha Rostova.

"War and Peace"

The action of the novel, which tells about friendship and betrayal, begins at a visit to Anna Pavlovna Sherer, where all the high society of St. Petersburg gathers in order to discuss the policy and role of Napoleon in the war. Lev Nikolaevich personified this immoral and deceitful salon with the "Famus society", which was brilliantly described by Alexander Griboyedov in his work "Woe from Wit" (1825). It is in the salon of Anna Pavlovna that Andrei Nikolaevich appears before the readers.

After dinner and empty talk, Andrei goes to his father's village and leaves his pregnant wife Liza in the family estate Lysye Gory in the care of his sister Marya. In 1805, Andrei Nikolayevich went to war against Napoleon, where he acts as an adjutant to Kutuzov. During the bloody battles, the hero was wounded in the head, after which he was taken to the hospital.

Upon returning home, Prince Andrei was awaited by unpleasant news: during childbirth, his wife Liza died. Bolkonsky plunged into depression. The young man was tormented by the fact that he treated his wife coldly and did not show her due respect. Then Prince Andrey fell in love again, which helped him get rid of his bad mood.

This time Natasha Rostova became the chosen one of the young man. Bolkonsky offered the girl his hand and heart, but since his father was against such a misalliance, the marriage had to be postponed for a year. Natasha, who could not live alone, made a mistake and began an affair with a lover of riotous life, Anatol Kuragin.

The heroine sent a letter of refusal to Bolkonsky. This turn of events wounded Andrei Nikolaevich, who dreams of challenging his opponent to a duel. To distract himself from unrequited love and emotional experiences, the prince began to work hard and devoted himself to the service. In 1812 Bolkonsky took part in the war against Napoleon and was wounded in the stomach during the Battle of Borodino.

In the meantime, the Rostov family moved to their Moscow estate, where the war participants are located. Among the wounded soldiers Natasha Rostova saw Prince Andrey and realized that love had not faded in her heart. Unfortunately, Bolkonsky's undermined health was incompatible with life, so the prince died in the arms of the astonished Natasha and Princess Marya.

Screen adaptations and actors

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy's novel was filmed by eminent directors more than once: the work of the Russian writer was adapted for avid moviegoers even in Hollywood. Indeed, the films based on this book cannot be counted on one hand, so we will list only some of the films.

"War and Peace" (film, 1956)

In 1956, director King Vidor brought Leo Tolstoy's work to television screens. The film is not much different from the original novel. No wonder the original script had 506 pages, which is five times the size of the average text. Filming took place in Italy, some episodes were filmed in Rome, Felonica and Pinerolo.

The brilliant cast includes recognized Hollywood stars. Natasha Rostova played, Henry Fonda was reincarnated as Pierre Bezukhov, and Mel Ferrer appeared in the role of Bolkonsky.

"War and Peace" (film, 1967)

Russian filmmakers did not lag behind their foreign colleagues in the workshop, who amaze viewers not only with their "picture", but also with the size of the budget. The director worked for six years on the highest-budget film in the history of Soviet cinema.

In the film, moviegoers see not only the plot and the actors' play, but also the director's know-how: Sergei Bondarchuk used the shooting of panoramic battles, which was new for that time. The role of Andrei Bolkonsky went to the actor. Also played in the picture, Kira Golovko, and others.

"War and Peace" (TV series, 2007)

German director Robert Dornhelm also took up the adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's work, spicing up the film with original storylines. Moreover, Robert departed from the canons in terms of the appearance of the main characters, for example, Natasha Rostova () appears before the audience as a blonde with blue eyes.

The image of Andrei Bolkonsky went to the Italian actor Alessio Boni, who was remembered by film fans for the films "Robbery" (1993), "After the Storm" (1995), "" (2002) and other films.

"War and Peace" (TV series, 2016)

According to The Guardian, residents of foggy Albion began buying up Leo Tolstoy's original manuscripts after this series, directed by Tom Harperm.

The six-episode adaptation of the novel shows viewers a love relationship, spending little time on military events. He played the role of Andrei Bolkonsky, dividing the set with and.

  • Lev Nikolaevich did not consider his cumbersome work finished and believed that the novel "War and Peace" should end in a different scene. However, the author never realized his idea.
  • In (1956), dressers used more than one hundred thousand sets of military uniforms, suits and wigs, which were made according to the original illustrations of the times of Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • The novel "War and Peace" traces the philosophical views of the author and pieces from his biography. The writer did not like Moscow society and had mental vices. When his wife did not fulfill all his whims, according to rumors, Lev Nikolayevich went “to the left”. Therefore, it is not surprising that his characters, like any mortals, have negative traits.
  • King Vidor's painting did not win fame among the European public, but it gained unprecedented popularity in the Soviet Union.


"The battle is won by the one who is determined to win it!"
“I remember,” Prince Andrey hastily answered, “I said that a fallen woman must be forgiven, but I did not say that I could forgive. I can not".
"Love? What is love? Love interferes with death. Love is life. Everything, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is, everything exists only because I love. Everything is connected by her alone. Love is God, and to die means to me, a particle of love, to return to a common and eternal source. "
"Let's leave the dead to bury the dead, but while he is alive, he must live and be happy."
"There are only two sources of human vices: idleness and superstition, and there are only two virtues: activity and intelligence."
“No, life is not over at the age of 31, all of a sudden, finally,” Prince Andrei decided without fail. - Not only do I know everything that is in me, it is necessary for everyone to know it: both Pierre and this girl who wanted to fly into the sky, it is necessary that everyone knows me, so that my life, so that they do not live so independently of my life, so that it is reflected on everyone, and so that they all live with me together! "

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Any reader who thoughtfully delves into the legendary epic novel by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy "War and Peace" comes across the images of amazing heroes. One of these is Andrei Bolkonsky, an outstanding person with a multifaceted character.

Description of Andrey Bolkonsky

"... Small in stature, a very handsome young man with certain dry features" - this is how Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy describes his hero when the reader first met him at Anna Pavlovna Sherer's evening. - Everything in his figure, from a tired, bored gaze to a quiet, measured step, represented the sharpest contrast with his small, lively wife.

Apparently, all those who were in the living room were not only familiar to him, but he was so tired of him that he was very bored to look at them and listen to them ... ”Most of all, the young man was bored seeing the face of his wife.

It would seem that nothing at this evening could raise the young man's mood, and he revived only when he saw his friend, Pierre Bezukhov. From this we can conclude that Andrei values ​​friendship.

The young prince Bolkonsky has such qualities as nobility, respect for elders (it is enough to trace how he loved his father, calling him "You, father ..."), as well as education and patriotism.

A time of difficult trials will come in his fate, but for now he is a young man whom the secular society loves and accepts.

Lust for fame and subsequent disappointment

The values ​​of Andrei Bolkonsky are gradually changing throughout the entire novel "War and Peace". At the beginning of the work, an ambitious young man, by all means, longs to receive human recognition and glory as a brave warrior. “I love nothing but glory, human love. Death, wounds, loss of family, nothing is scary to me, ”he exclaims, wanting to go to war with Napoleon.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the novel by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Secular life seems empty to him, and the young man wants to be useful to society. At first he serves as an adjutant at Kutuzov, but in the battle of Austerlitz he is wounded and ends up in the hospital. The family considers Andrei to be missing, but for Bolkonsky himself, this time became very important for the reassessment of values. The young man is disappointed in his former idol Napoleon, seeing him as a worthless person, rejoicing in the death of people.

"At that moment Napoleon seemed to him such a small, insignificant person in comparison with what was happening now between his soul and this high, endless sky with clouds running over it." Now, when the goal of Bolkonsky's life - to achieve fame and recognition - has collapsed, the hero is seized by strong emotional experiences.

Having recovered, he decides not to fight anymore, but to devote himself to his family. Unfortunately, this did not happen.

Another shock

The next blow for Andrei Bolkonsky was the death during childbirth of his wife Elizabeth. If it were not for the meeting with his friend Pierre Bezukhov, who tried to convince him that life is not over, and that it was necessary to fight, despite the trials, the hero would have been much harder to endure such grief. “I live and this is not my fault, therefore, I must somehow better, without disturbing anyone, to live to death,” he lamented, sharing his feelings with Pierre.

But, thanks to the sincere support of a comrade who convinced a friend that “you have to live, you have to love, you have to believe,” the hero of the novel survived. During this difficult period, Andrei not only cheered up his soul, but also met his long-awaited love.

For the first time Natasha and Andrei meet at the Rostovs' estate, where the prince comes to spend the night. Disappointed in life, Bolkonsky realizes that finally the happiness of true and light love smiled at him.

A pure and purposeful girl opened his eyes to the fact that he needed to live for the people, to do good for those around him. A new feeling of love, which was still unknown to him, flared up in Andrey's heart, which Natasha shared.

They got engaged, and maybe they would be a wonderful couple. But circumstances intervened again. In the life of Andrey's beloved, a fleeting hobby appeared, which led to disastrous consequences. It seemed to her that she fell in love with Anatol Kuragin, and although the girl later repented of her betrayal, Andrei could no longer forgive her and treat her as before. “Of all people, I never loved or hated anyone like her,” he confessed to his friend Pierre. The engagement was terminated.

Death of Andrew in the war of 1812

Going to the next war, Prince Balknonsky no longer pursues ambitious plans. His main goal is to protect the Motherland and his people from the attacked enemy. Now Andrei is fighting alongside ordinary people, soldiers and officers, and does not consider it shameful. “... He was all devoted to the affairs of his regiment, he was caring about his people and officers and kindness to them. In the regiment they called him our prince, they were proud of him and loved him ... ”- Leo Tolstoy writes, describing his beloved hero.

The wound in the Battle of Borodino became fatal for Prince Andrey.

Already in the hospital, he meets with his former lover Natasha Rostova, and the feelings between them flare up with renewed vigor. “… Natasha, I love you too much. More than anything ... ”- he admits.

However, this revived love does not have a single chance, because Bolkonsky is dying. The last days of Andrei's life, a devoted girl spends next to him.

He not only knew that he was going to die, but he felt that he was dying, that he was already half dead. He experienced a consciousness of alienation from everything earthly and a joyful and strange lightness of being. He, without haste and without anxiety, expected what lay ahead of him. That formidable, eternal, unknown, distant, whose presence he did not cease to feel throughout his entire life, was now close for him and - due to the strange lightness of being that he experienced - almost understandable and felt ... ”.

So sadly ended the earthly life of Andrei Bolkonsky. He experienced many sorrows and troubles, but the path to eternity was open ahead.

If not for the war ...

Every thoughtful reader can conclude: how much grief and misfortune the war has brought to humanity. Indeed, if it were not for the mortal wound that Andrei received on the battlefield, perhaps their love with Natasha Rostova would have a happy continuation. After all, they loved each other so much and could symbolize the ideal of family relations. But, alas, a person does not spare his own kind and ridiculous confrontations take away many lives of people who, if left to live, could bring considerable benefit to the Fatherland.

It is this thought that runs through the entire work of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

Prince Andrei Bolkonsky appears before the reader at the very beginning of Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. At this moment, his soul is in a state of deep mental crisis, as evidenced by the "tired, bored look" of the hero. He is tired of social life, he is not attracted to family life, he does not find the use of his intellectual energy. Tolstoy paints the image of a typical nobleman of his time. Like most representatives of the noble youth, Bolkonsky is not alien to vain dreams, he presents himself as the hero of his fatherland. But he is disappointed in his ambitious dreams after the battle of Shengraben, where panic and confusion reigned. However, it is thanks to service in the army that the hero's extraordinary abilities, his nobility, intelligence and courage are revealed: “In the expression of his face, in his movements, in his gait, there was almost no sign of the former pretense, fatigue and laziness; he had the air of a man who has no time to think about the impression he makes on others, and is busy with a pleasant and interesting business.

His face expressed more contentment with himself and those around him; his smile and look were more cheerful and attractive. " The character of the hero has also changed. He experiences a feeling of pain for the state of the army, for the soldiers and officers who have become close to him, and gradually ambitious dreams fade into the background.

Andrei finally understood what the meaning of his life was after being wounded during the battle. The truth about the transience of life and about his own insignificance before eternity was revealed to him.

After returning home, Bolkonsky decided not to serve in the army anymore and decided to become a calm family man. However, he cannot calmly observe the life passing by.

The spiritual world and character of the hero has undergone changes. The meeting with Natasha Rostova played a big role in the fate of Andrey. Returning home one day, Andrei saw that an old oak tree, which he had known for a long time, had sprouted new branches. For Prince Andrey, it was a sign that said that happiness was still possible. In Natasha, the hero saw an ideal woman, in whom there was no pretense, or prudence, or insincerity, which so annoyed the prince. Bolkonsky proposes to Natasha, but is forced to postpone the wedding for a year at the insistence of his father. But Natasha, a young, addicted nature, full of life, could not withstand the separation, the news of her falling in love with Anatoly Kuragin inflicted a severe mental trauma on Bolkonsky.

The war of 1812 became a new page in the hero's life. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky takes part in battles, sees nationwide disasters and begins to feel like a part of the whole people. Now he wants to fight, but not at all for the sake of fame and career, but in order to protect his homeland. But a serious injury prevented the prince from realizing his impulses. He sees the sky of Austerlitz, which becomes for the hero a symbol of understanding life: “How could I have not seen this high sky before? And how happy I am that I finally got to know him. Yes! Everything is empty, everything is deception, except for this endless sky. " Bolkonsky felt that the life of nature and the life of man are of greater importance than war and glory. Having met a seriously wounded Anatol at the dressing station, towards whom he had just recently felt a feeling of deep hatred, Andrei suddenly realizes that this hatred is gone, that there is no such hatred in relation to Natasha, but there is only love and pity. The hero's soul is warmed by generosity and love, which could arise only in a noble, honest and exalted heart.

Subsequent events in Bolkonsky's life - the birth of a son, the death of his wife - directed the hero's life in a new direction: he began to live for the sake of his relatives. But the eternal philosophical questions continued to torment his mind. Andrei becomes a landowner-reformer who has improved the lives of his peasants.

In the course of the novel, L.N. Tolstoy dooms his hero to a huge number of trials, thanks to which he was able to understand that the surest path in life is the path of honor, freedom from pride, the search for glory, the path to purity of feelings, desires, thoughts, the path to the purity of the soul. And this is the path of Andrei Bolkonsky.

The prince realized the great truth - life is an absolute value. He felt his connection with infinity: "Nothing is true, except for the insignificance of everything that I understand, and the greatness of something incomprehensible, but the most important."

The prince repents of his ambitious dreams, the natural needs of love and kindness rise in his soul.

Prince Andrew accepts some of Pierre's convictions, which have a beneficial effect on Bolkonsky. Now the prince can admit to himself: "How happy and calm I would be, if I could say now:" Lord, have mercy on me. "

I Meeting with an oak tree "... It was a huge oak ..., with broken off, long seen, bitches and broken off bark, overgrown with old sores ..." nothing was needed, that he should live out his life without doing evil and not wanting anything. "
Meeting with Natasha Rostova in Otradnoye Returns to "living life", begins to feel the joy of communicating with the big world, people.
II Meeting with the oak "Through the tough bark ... young leaves have made their way." "No, life is not over at the age of 31 ... not only do I know everything that is in me, it is necessary ... that they all live with me together!"

Natasha's emotionality, her sincerity and delight give impetus to the spiritual revival of Prince Andrei. In this state, Prince Andrei hurries to enter the close spheres of state activity, converges with Speransky.

The prince becomes happier and better from the feeling that Natasha Rostova awakens in his soul.

During the Battle of Borodino, Bolkonsky fulfills his duty, he is motivated not by a desire for personal glory, but by a sense of the officer's honor, hatred of the enemy who ravaged his native land.

Forgiveness of Anatol Kuragin Seeing how Anatol's leg was amputated, the prince felt sincere sympathy for the pain and suffering of this man: "The flower of love has blossomed in spring, free, independent of life ..."
Revival of love for Natasha Rostova After a severe injury, he experiences a passionate desire to live. It was at these moments that his love for Natasha returned to him. But this is already a different feeling: “... for the first time he imagined her soul. For the first time I realized the cruelty of breaking with her. "
Death of Prince Andrew “The more he, in those hours of suffering solitude and half-delirium that he spent after the wound, pondered the new, open beginning of eternal love, the more he, without feeling it, renounced earthly life. To love everything, to always sacrifice oneself for love meant not to love anyone, it meant not to live this earthly life. " "This was the last moral struggle between life and death, in which death was victorious."

The fate of Andrei Bolkonsky is the path of a person who makes mistakes and is able to atone for his guilt, striving for moral perfection. The introduction to the feeling of eternal love revived the strength of spirit in Prince Andrei, and he did the most difficult thing, in Tolstoy's opinion, - he died calmly and with dignity.


"Pierre's way of searching"

  1. Idealization of Napoleon as a great man - the spokesman for the ideas of the revolution.
  2. Immaturity of views and spinelessness: revelry, marriage to Helene.
  3. Thoughts about social inequality, about the "possibility of the brotherhood of people."
  4. Freemasonry is the correction of the human race.
  5. An attempt to link Freemasonry with the facilitation of the life of the peasants.
  6. Consciousness of limitation, falseness of Masonic theory.
  7. “It is not enough to keep our sacraments in the amusement of the box - you need to act,” - Bezukhov's new thoughts.

- Why does Pierre suffer after breaking up with Helene?

Pierre is one of those rare people for whom moral purity and understanding of the meaning of life are essential above all. Pierre blames himself for all the tragic failures first of all: he almost killed a man, because he could not refuse marriage not for love in time. Reflections on his own life lead him to reflect on the meaning of life in general: "Why live and what am I?"

- Why does Pierre, being an atheist, join the Masonic lodge?

He is attracted not by the religious, but by the moral side. Pierre found a way out of their impasse, caused by a sense of the aimlessness of existence. He believed because he wanted to believe.

- What leads Pierre to disillusionment with Freemasonry?

A trip abroad helps to understand the true state of affairs: "I walked knee-deep in a swamp." He saw that in Russia Freemasonry is only an external form.

Pierre cannot see someone else's suffering, someone else's misfortune, even if they are experienced by a person whom he does not love, who is to blame for him. He is able to condemn himself, and not everyone can. It seems that this is also the manifestation of Pierre's sweet awkwardness. If you approach it strictly, this trait is a flaw, this is how others judge it, but Tolstoy deprives his hero of this awkwardness, everyday impracticality - and his charm would disappear. So often the shortcomings of people are a continuation of their merits. It is no coincidence that Prince Andrei said about his friend: "This Sami is a funny and absent-minded person in the world, but the most golden heart."

- Tell us, what are the paths of truth followed by Pierre?

These searches were central to the hero's life. At the end of the novel, we see that it is Pierre who appears before us as the organizer of a secret political society.

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General characteristics of Andrey

Andrei Bolkonsky, one of Leo Tolstoy's favorite characters, appears before the reader almost at the beginning of the novel. Tolstoy describes Bolkonsky in his novel War and Peace as a gifted person with a rich inner world and a heightened sense of honor. Bolkonsky is a man of an extraordinary mind, inclined to constant analysis of both external and internal, mental events. Not alien to selfishness at the beginning of the work, Prince Andrey gravitates towards state activity, he longs for fame and recognition - not for himself, but for the good of the Russian people. This confused, lost inner orientation, but deeply honest patriot and a real nobleman, throughout the entire work, is looking for himself, the meaning of life, answers to those difficult questions that the current situation poses to him.

The first description of Bolkonsky in the novel “War and Peace” speaks at once about the appearance and the inner world of the hero: “... Prince Bolkonsky was short, a very handsome young man with definite and dry features. Everything in his figure, from a tired, bored look to a quiet, measured step, represented the sharpest opposite with his little lively wife ... ".

However, he does not fit into either secular society or his own family. And all because Andrei, as a man of honor, cannot become a part of the world ruled by pretense, pretense and false patriotism. In contrast to the surrounding "mannequins" in beautiful outfits. He considers his wife, whom our contemporaries would call a “secular lioness,” a doll without a soul or a brain.

The beginning of the way. Selfishness and the pursuit of fame

In the first chapters of the novel, Prince Andrew with every fiber of his soul longs for personal glory in the military field. For the sake of this deeply selfish aspiration, he is ready to sacrifice everything: “I love nothing but glory, human love. Death, wounds, loss of family, nothing is scary to me. " The idol of the young man is Napoleon.

It is these aspirations and hopes that push Andrei to enter military service. He becomes Kutuzov's adjutant. At the decisive moment, the young man rushes into the thick of the Battle of Austerlitz, waving the banner raised from the ground - and practically calms the panic in the ranks of the Russian army, dragging an entire battalion into the attack. At this moment, we see Andrei real, without a touch of disappointment and rejection of the surrounding reality, with which he was covered at home from head to toe. He is a true patriot of his homeland, a true nobleman and a man of honor. He is not aware of fear and doubts when it comes to protecting the interests of the state. He wants to serve the Fatherland with every cell of his body. And this egoist also longs for national love and recognition, wants to become a hero - but this is for himself personally.

Andrei receives a serious wound - and all his ambitious aspirations go to hell. Bleeding on the battlefield, he looks to the heavens - and understands the value of life: “How have I not seen this high sky before? And how happy I am that I finally got to know him. Yes! Everything is empty, everything is deception, except for this endless sky. " And after a while, the image of his hero also falls to the dust: the man sees Napoleon, grinning maliciously, scrutinizing the battlefield, from where the groans of the wounded and dying can be heard.

"No, life is not over at 31!"

The changed Andrey can no longer fight. He returns home, but only to suffer the bitterness of loss (his wife died in childbirth, leaving the prince's son Nikolenka) and again get confused. Bolkonsky decides from now on to devote himself entirely to his relatives, to live only for them. But his desire to serve continues. Having met with Pierre Bezukhov, the man understands that serving people and the Motherland is possible not only in war.

Bolkonsky ceases to limit himself to the framework of the family nest, he seeks to contribute to all projects, the implementation of which will benefit the Russian people and the country. Arriving in St. Petersburg, he joins Speransky's circle and participates in a project to abolish serfdom in the country. But ... At one of the capital's balls, a man meets young Natasha Rostova - and remembers the most valuable thing in every person's life: love, happiness and family. Which leads to disappointment in Speransky and in government activities in general.

In a relationship with this young, cheerful and naive girl, dry and callous Andrei learns the value of every moment of life and the happiness of being loved - but even this cannot “evaporate” his egoism. Andrei postpones their wedding for a year, and when Natasha cheats, he cannot forgive her and goes to war again. Why? Because here, as it seems to him, he is appreciated, here he can serve such understandable and such correct ideals of patriotism and heroism.

Those who have reached the ideal are taken away by God ...

Andrey is mortally wounded. Almost until his last breath, this courageous man clings to life: "I cannot, I do not want to die, I love life, I love this grass, earth, air." However, hearing the heavy steps of an old woman with a scythe, he resigns himself to fate: he stops fighting, does not want to see anyone, and loses all hope.

Bitter as it may seem, the hero's death occupies an important place in the characterization of Andrei Bolkonsky. Because this deeply gifted and highly moral person, tirelessly seeking his place in life, by the end of his life became practically a saint: he loved everyone, forgave everyone. Having reached such spiritual heights, he simply could not continue to endure those cruel disappointments that were tirelessly prepared for him by a rotten and therefore even some fake Upper Light.

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