
Grisha dobrosklonov in what he sees happiness. The image and characteristics of Grisha Dobrosklonov in the poem who lives well in Russia Nekrasov's composition. What is the meaning of Grisha Dobrosklonov's songs

So that my fellow countrymen

And to every peasant

Lived freely and cheerfully

In all holy Russia!

N.A.Nekrasov. Who lives well in Russia

In the image of the people's defender Grisha Dobrosklonov, the author's ideal of a positive hero was embodied. This image was the result of N.A.Nekrasov's thoughts about the paths leading to happiness for the Russian people. Truthfully, but very ethically, the poet managed to reflect the best character traits of Grisha - an optimistic fighter, closely connected with the people and believing in their great and bright future.

Grisha grew up in poverty. His father, Tryphon, a rural dy-chok, lived "poorer than the last seedy peasant", was always hungry. Grisha's mother, Domna, is "an irresponsible laborer for everyone who helped her in some way on a rainy day." Grisha himself studies at the seminary, which was his “breadwinner”. No matter how poorly they were fed in the seminary, the young man shared the last piece of bread with his mother.

Grisha thought about life early, and at the age of fifteen he already firmly knew "to whom he would give his whole life and for whom he would die." In front of him, as well as in front of any thinking person, he clearly saw only two roads:

One spacious Road is tornaya. The passion of a slave ...

A crowd greedy for temptation is moving along this path, for which even the thought of "sincere life" is ridiculous. This is the road of soullessness and cruelty, since “eternal, inhuman enmity-war” is boiling there for “perishable goods”.

But there is also a second road: Another is a narrow one, An honest road, Only strong, loving souls walk along it, For battle, for work ...

Grigory Dobrosklonov chooses this path, because he sees his place next to the "humiliated" and "offended". This is the road of people's defenders, revolutionaries, and Grisha is not alone in his choice:

A lot of Russia has already sent its Sons, marked with the Seal of God's gift, On honest paths ...

Grisha has not only a bright mind and an honest rebellious heart, he is also endowed with the gift of eloquence. He knows how to convince the peasants who listen to him and believe his words, to console them, to explain that it is not they who are to blame for the appearance of such people as Gleb the traitor, but the "support" that gave birth to the "sins of the landowner", and the sins of Gleb and the "unfortunate Jacob". Material from the site

No support - new Gleb will not be in Russia!

Gregory understands the great power of the word better than the others, since he is a poet. His songs lift the spirits of the peasants, delight the Wahlaks. Still very young, Grisha can draw the attention of the disadvantaged people to the idea of ​​protest with his songs and lead them. He believes that the power of the people is "a calm conscience, truth is alive", therefore he feels "immense strength in his chest."

Grigory Dobrosklonov finds his happiness in love for his homeland and the people, in the struggle for their freedom, and with this he not only answers the question of pilgrims about who lives happily in Russia, but is also the personification of Nekrasov's understanding of the true purpose of his work , own life.

One of the controversial issues for non-racialists is the role Grigory Dobrosklonov and the meaning of this images in the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia": Did Nekrasov create the image of a "defender of the people", a fighter for people's happiness, "a commoner, a revolutionary of the 60s. and the revolutionary populist of the 70s ”, or educator, educator of the people. In the draft version of the chapter, as the researchers note, “the true meaning of the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov, the people's defender, was clearer. It was here that Nekrasov compared him with Lomonosov and predicted a difficult fate for him: "consumption and Siberia." "Consumption" and "Siberia" were, of course, accurate indications of the revolutionary, anti-government activities of Grisha Dobrosklonov. But Nekrasov, even at the initial (pre-censored) stage of work, crossed out the lines: "Fate prepared for him / A loud path, a glorious name / People's Defender, / Consumption and Siberia." Only at the behest of the publishers of the poem, these lines were included in the text already in Soviet times. But the question why the author rejected these lines, which directly indicate the hero's revolutionary activity, remains. Did Nekrasov do it as a result of autocensorship, i.e. knowing in advance that no lines will be skipped? Or was it caused by a change in the concept of Grisha's image?

A possible explanation for Nekrasov's refusal to indicate the tragic fate of Grisha Dobrosklonov was found by N.N. Skatov, who saw the reason in the desire to create a generalized image of a representative of the younger generation. “On the one hand,” the researcher writes, “he (Grisha Dobrosklonov) is a man of a completely definite way of life and way of life: the son of a poor sexton, a seminarian, a simple and kind guy who loves the village, a peasant, the people who wish him happiness and are ready to fight for him. But Grisha is also a more generalized image of youth, striving forward, hoping and believing. It is all in the future, hence some of its uncertainty, only prediction. That is why Nekrasov, obviously, not only for censorship reasons, crossed out the verses already at the first stage of work. "

The place of the hero in the narrative is also controversial. K.I. Chukovsky was inclined to assign this hero a key role. Actually, the appearance of such a hero as Grisha Dobrosklonov became the most important argument for the researcher in determining the composition of the poem. According to K.I. Chukovsky, a poem, and not an enthusiastic hymn to the "benefactress" - the governor, which sounds in "Peasant". Other researchers also perceive the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov as the final one in Nekrasov's reflections on “happiness”. According to L.A. Evstigneeva, “in the following chapters, Grisha Dobrosklonov was supposed to become the central figure of the poem, whose image was only outlined in“ The Feast ... ”.

But there is another point of view, according to which Grisha Dobrosklonov is not the culmination of the poem, not its crown, but just one of the episodes in the search for peasants. "The meeting with Grigory Dobrosklonov," the researchers believe, "was one of the episodes of the pilgrims' journey - an important, significant, fundamental, etc., but still only an episode that did not at all mean the end of their search." The same position is shared by V.V. Zhdanov, author of the book "Life of Nekrasov": "It is unlikely that all the lines of the path of a polysyllabic narrative, all the variety of images and characters can be reduced to Grisha Dobrosklonov," he asserts, "it is probably one of the stages on the way to the completion of all work." The same idea is expressed by N.N. Skatov: "The image of Grisha itself is not an answer either to the question of happiness, or to the question of the lucky one." The researcher motivates his words by the fact that "the happiness of one person (whoever it is and whatever it means, even the struggle for universal happiness) is not yet a solution to the issue, since the poem leads to thoughts about" the embodiment of the happiness of the people. " , about the happiness of all, about "a feast for the whole world."

There is every reason for such an understanding of the role of the hero: the journey of the peasants, indeed, should not have ended in Vakhlachina. And at the same time, it is difficult to agree that Grisha Dobrosklonov is just one of the many heroes. It is not by chance that in the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov there are clear features of people so dear to Nekrasov's heart - Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevsky.

But the problem is not only in determining the place of the hero in the poem. The question of whether Nekrasov accepted the "happiness" of Grigory Dobrosklonov as the highest concept of happiness seems to be controversial. Addressing this problem, K.I. Chukovsky argues that in his work Nekrasov correlated the life of only rich and influential people with the idea of ​​happiness, for example, the "owner of luxurious chambers" from the poem "Reflection at the front door" was called happy. But this statement is not entirely accurate. Nekrasov also had a different understanding of happiness. And it was also expressed in his lyrics. For example, he called I.S. Turgenev:

Lucky man! from available to the world
You knew how to take pleasure
Everything that our destiny is beautiful with:
God gave you freedom, lyre
And a woman's loving soul
He blessed your earthly path.

The undoubted component of "happiness" for Nekrasov was not idleness, but work. And therefore, painting pictures of a happy future in the poem "Woe of Old Naum", Nekrasov sings "eternal vigorous work on the eternal river." Such a Nekrasov recognition is also known. In May 1876, the village teacher Malozemova wrote him a letter - a response to the poem read, which ended with the chapter "Peasant Woman". It seemed to the teacher that the poet did not believe “in the existence of happy people,” and she tried to dissuade him: “I am already old and very ugly,” she wrote, “but very happy. I sit by the window at school, admire nature and enjoy the consciousness of my happiness ... There is a lot of grief in my past, but I consider it a blessing, happiness, it has taught me how to live, and without it I would not know the pleasure in life ... ". Nekrasov answered her much later - his letter was dated April 2, 1877: “The happiness you are talking about would constitute the subject of a continuation of my poem. It is not destined to end. " Do these words mean that in the future the author wanted to continue the story about the life of Grisha Dobrosklonov? It is impossible to answer this question. But one cannot fail to notice that Grishino's understanding of happiness is really close to the happiness of a rural teacher. So, when grateful to Grisha for the kind words, for the help, Vlas wishes him happiness, as he understands it, the happiness of the peasant:

May God give you silver,
And sweetheart, give me a smart one
Healthy wife! -

Grisha Dobrosklonov replies with disagreement with this understanding of happiness, opposing it with his own:

I don’t need any silver
No gold, but God forbid
So that my fellow countrymen
And to every peasant
Lived freely and cheerfully
In all holy Russia!

Researchers have long noted the closeness of the fate and image of Grisha Dobrolyubov with the fates and personalities of Nikolai Chernyshevsky and Nikolai Dobrolyubov. Seminary past, the origin of Chernyshevsky, the personality traits of Dobrolyubov and even his surname become the direct sources of the image. It is also known how Nekrasov perceived his collaborators according to Sovremennik: in poems dedicated to Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevsky, their fates are affirmed as the embodiment of an ideal fate. But a whole series of details can be noted, which testify to the special significance for the author of the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov. Nekrasov clearly sacralizes the image of Grisha: presenting Grisha as a "messenger of God", marked with the "seal of the gift of God." The angel of mercy calls on the path chosen by him - "the narrow road", "honest". The song "Among the world of the valley", which is sung by the angel of mercy, in the draft version was called "Where to go?" Researchers see in this name a clear analogy with the title of Chernyshevsky's novel "What is to be done?" But we can assume another source of these words: they echo the words of the Apostle Peter, who asked, as the ancient apocryphas testify, Christ about the purpose of his path: "Where are you going?" Answering Peter's question, Christ said: "To Rome to be crucified again." "After that, Christ ascends to heaven, and Peter, seeing in the words of Christ the proclamation of his martyrdom, returns to Rome, where he is crucified upside down." This analogy also allows us to see the highest meaning of Grishin's path. It is interesting to note that the original name of the Nekrasov hero was Peter.

But it is no coincidence that the author rejects this direct analogy with the fate of a follower of Christ, just as he rejects direct references to the revolutionary activities of Grisha Dobrosklonov. Grisha appears as an enlightener, "a sower of knowledge in the people's field", who is called upon to "sow what is rational, good, and eternal." It is characteristic that the poem calling "the sowers of knowledge to the people's field" was written simultaneously with the chapter "A Feast for the Whole World." But if in the poem "To the Sowers" Nekrasov complained about the "timidity" and "weakness" of the sowers, then in the poem he creates the image of a hero endowed with purposefulness, moral strength, and understanding of the people's soul. Born among the people, having experienced all its sorrows and sorrows, he knows both the people's soul and the path to the people's hearts. He knows that he can "revive" Russia. The life devoted to the revival of the people's soul, the enlightenment of the people, and is thought of by Nekrasov as happiness. That is why Nekrasov ends his poem with the words:

Our wanderers would be under their own roof,
If only they could know what happened to Grisha.
He heard immense strength in his chest,
His blessed sounds delighted the ear,
The radiant sounds of the noble anthem -
He sang the embodiment of national happiness! ..

We agree with V.I. Miller, who writes that the poet sang “every sacrifice of man, every feat - if only it was done in the name of other people. Such self-sacrifice has become, as it were, the religion of Nekrasov. "

Endowing his hero with a truly "happy" fate, Nekrasov nevertheless does not end the chapter with the return of the wanderers to their native villages. Their journey had to continue. Why? After all, the concluding lines indicated not only the author's agreement with this understanding of happiness, but also that the pilgrims were already ready to share it. One of the possible answers to this question was given by G.V. Plekhanov, a well-known revolutionary leader. He saw the reason for this ending in the fact that the people and "people's defenders" were not united in their aspirations. “The fact of the matter is that wanderers-peasants from different villages, who decided not to return home until they decided who lived happily, at ease in Russia, did not know what was happening to Grisha, and could not know. The aspirations of our radical intelligentsia remained unknown and incomprehensible to the people. Its best representatives, without hesitation, sacrificed themselves for his release, and he remained deaf to their calls and sometimes was ready to stone them, seeing in their designs only new intrigues of his hereditary enemy - the nobility. "

This remark, which reflects the real realities of Russian life, is still not entirely true in relation to Nekrasov's poem: Grisha does not appear as a lone fighter in the poem, the "vahlaks" both listen to him and listen to his opinion. And yet Nekrasov did not want to complete the search for his heroes in Vakhlachina. The journey must continue, and, as one of the researchers rightly writes, “it is not known what it can lead men to. After all, the poem is based on the development of the author's idea, and it is very important for Nekrasov to show what the pilgrims learn during the journey, what, in particular, they learned from those new encounters that are described in the "Feast ...". Therefore, the events depicted in "Feast ..." should not at all be the ending of the poem, on the contrary, they became a new stimulus in the further search for seven men, the further growth of their self-awareness. "

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Many works have not lost their relevance in our time. This, perhaps, is happening because most of the problems and difficulties in human life can be carried beyond the boundaries of time and the development of mankind as a whole. It has always been difficult for people to find their place in society, someone did not have enough money to get a proper education, someone to look properly (a person in a shabby suit was not perceived by society either in ancient times or now). The problem of arranging everyday life, providing food at all times occupied the minds of people, especially those of low income. How to get out of the vicious circle of such problems and can it be done in an honest way? N.A. is trying to answer this question. Nekrasov in his unfinished poem "Who Lives Well in Russia".

Many images could serve as an illustrative example for the disclosure of this topic, but nevertheless, the bulk of information on this issue falls on the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov.

Name meaning and prototypes

In literature, the names of heroes are often symbolic. Their names and surnames in most cases are a brief description of the literary personality. If the question of assigning names to characters, in view of the detailing of their personal qualities, is controversial, then the question of the meaning of surnames is almost always decided in favor of symbolism. The authors of the past centuries took as a basis the names widespread in society, in particular, the described class was taken into account. The name of the hero should have been close and familiar to the readers. The names of the characters were invented by the authors themselves. It was from the associations with the surname that the further development of the image consisted. It was based either in a game on contrasts, or on enhancing the effect of personality traits.

The prototype for Grisha Dobrolyubov was the poet and publicist Nikolai Alekseevich Dobrolyubov. In society, he was known as a man of unique industriousness and talent - at the age of 13 he was already engaged in translations of Horace, successfully wrote literary critical articles. What unites Dobrosklonov and Dobrolyubov is the tragedy of childhood - the death of his mother, who made an indelible impression on both the first and the second. Similar qualities also arise in their social position - the desire to make the world kinder and better.

As you can see, Nekrasov took the name of the literary figure as a basis, modifying it, but at the same time, the fact of its symbolism cannot be rejected. The character's surname also reflects his personality traits. It is based on the noun "good", which corresponds to the general characteristics of Grisha. He is a really kind person by nature, full of good aspirations and dreams. The second part of his surname is derived from the verb "to decline". That is,

Age, appearance and occupation of Grigory Dobrosklonov

The reader gets acquainted with the image of Grigory Dobrosklonov in the last parts of the poem - partly in "A Feast for the Whole World" and, in more detail, in the epilogue of the poem.

We do not know about the exact age of the hero, the fact that at the time of the story he was studying at the seminary gives the right to assume that his age is about 15 years old, the author confirms this guess, saying that the boy is "about fifteen years old."

Gregory's mother was called Domna, she died early:

I was much caring
But also durability
God didn't give her.

His father's name is Tryphon, he was a clerk, in other words, he was at the bottom rung of the clergy's career ladder. The family's income was never high - the mother tried her best to change this situation and give a proper education to her children - Grisha and Savva. The woman was often helped by the villagers to feed the children, so she

Unrequited old lady
For everyone who has something
Helped her on a rainy day.

Naturally, hard physical labor and poor living conditions had an extremely unfavorable effect on the woman's health and she soon dies. Gregory is very upset by the loss of his mother - she was kind, good and caring, so at night the boy “grieved for his mother” and quietly sang her song about salt.

Life after the death of the mother

After Domna's death, the family's life deteriorated significantly - "Poorer than the seedy / Last peasant / Lived Tryphon." There was never enough food in their house:

There is no cow, no horse,
There was a dog Zudushka,
There was a cat - and they left.

Gregory and Savva are often fed by fellow villagers. The brothers are very grateful to the peasants for this and try not to remain in debt - to somehow help them:

The thugs paid them.
As much as possible, work,
According to their deeds, chores
Celebrated in the city.

Nekrasov gives a meager description of Grisha. He has a "wide bone", but he himself does not look like a hero - "his face is too emaciated." This is because he is always half-starved. While in seminary, he woke up in the middle of the night from hunger and waited for breakfast. Their father also does not rush - he is as eternally hungry as his sons.

Gregory, like his brother, was "marked by God's seal" - the ability to study and the ability to lead crowds, therefore "the deacon boasted of his children."

Studying at the seminary for Gregory is not joyful there, "dark, cold and hungry", but the young man is not going to retreat, he also plans to study at the university.

Over time, the image of a mother and a small homeland merged into one, soon they decided to strive to serve the common people, to make the life of ordinary men better:

Gregory already knew for sure
What will live for happiness
Wretched and dark
A native corner.

Gregory does not dream of personal wealth or wealth. He wants all people to live in goodness and prosperity:

I don’t need any silver
No gold, but God forbid
So that my fellow countrymen
And to every peasant
Lived freely and cheerfully
In all holy Russia.

And the young man is ready to do everything possible to get closer to the fulfillment of his dreams.

Dobrosklonov is optimistic, this is especially noticeable in the lyrics of his songs, where he tries to glorify the love of life, to outline a wonderful, cheerful future.

The fate of Gregory is typical - a joyless, hungry childhood, sad memories of studying at the seminary. What will happen next? This is quite predictable, the fate of such people is always the same:

Fate prepared for him
Glorious path, loud name
People's defender,
Consumption and Siberia.

Summarize. The image of Grigory Dobrosklonov is optimistic. The young man is full of wonderful aspirations - he is a future revolutionary, ready to sacrifice himself for the good of others. Gregory is driven by a good intention to improve the lives of ordinary people, like himself, to provide them with a decent, not a beggarly life.

Grisha Dobrosklonov is fundamentally different from the other characters in the poem. If the life of the peasant woman Matryona Timofeevna, Yakim Nagogo, Savely, Yermil Girin and many others is shown in obedience to fate and the prevailing circumstances, then Grisha has a completely different attitude to life. The poem shows Grisha's childhood, tells about his father and mother. His life was more than hard, his father was lazy and poor:

Poorer than a seedy one
The last peasant
Lived Tryphon.
Two closets:
One with a smoking stove
Another fathom - summer,
And all this is short-lived;
There is no cow, no horse,
There was a dog Zudushka,
There was a cat - and they left.

Such was Grisha's father, he least of all cared about what his wife and children eat.

The sexton boasted of his children,
And what do they eat -
And forgot to think.
He himself was always hungry,
All wasted on searches,
Where to drink, where to eat.

Grisha's mother died early, she was ruined by constant sorrow and worries about her daily bread. The poem contains a song that tells about the fate of this poor woman. The song cannot leave any reader indifferent, because it is evidence of a huge inescapable human grief. The lyrics of the song are very simple, they tell how a child suffering from hunger asks his mother for a piece of bread and salt. But salt is too expensive for poor people to buy. And the mother, in order to feed her son, pours her tears on a piece of bread. Grisha remembered this song from childhood. She made him remember his unfortunate mother, grieve for her fate.

And soon in the heart of a boy
With love for poor mother
Love for all Vakhlachina
Merged - and fifteen years
Gregory firmly knew from the same,
What will live for happiness
A wretched and dark Good Corner.

Gregory does not agree to submit to fate and lead the same sad and wretched life that is characteristic of most people around him. Grisha chooses a different path for himself, becomes the people's defender. He is not afraid that his life will not be easy.

Fate prepared for him
Glorious path, loud name
People's defender,
Consumption and Siberia.

Since childhood, Grisha lived among poor, unhappy, despised and helpless people. He absorbed all the troubles of the people with his mother's milk, therefore he does not want and cannot live for the sake of his selfish interests. He is very smart, has a strong character. And it takes him to a new road, does not allow him to remain indifferent to the disasters of the people. Gregory's reflections on the fate of the people testify to the lively compassion that makes Grisha choose such a difficult path for himself. In the soul of Grisha Dobrosklonov, the confidence gradually matures that his homeland will not perish, despite all the suffering and sorrow that befell her:

In moments of despondency, oh motherland!
I fly forward with a thought.
You are still destined to suffer a lot
But you won't die, I know.

Reflections of Gregory, which “poured out in the song,” betray in him a very literate and educated person. He is well aware of the political problems of Russia, and the fate of the common people is inseparable from these problems and difficulties. Historically, Russia "was a deeply unhappy country, suppressed, slavishly without trial." The shameful stamp of serfdom has turned the common people into powerless creatures, and all the problems caused by this cannot be discounted. The consequences of the Tatar-Mongol yoke also had a significant impact on the formation of the national character. The Russian man combines in himself a slavish obedience to fate, and this is the main reason for all his troubles.
The image of Grigory Dobrosklonov is closely connected with revolutionary democratic ideas that began to appear in society in the middle of the 19th century. Nekrasov created his hero, focusing on the fate of N.A. He was born into the family of a poor sexton, from childhood he felt all the disasters that are characteristic of the life of ordinary people. Gregory received an education, moreover, being an intelligent and enthusiastic person himself, he cannot remain indifferent to the situation in the country. Gregory is well aware that for Russia now there is only one way out - radical changes in the social system. The common people can no longer be the same wordless community of slaves that dutifully endures all the antics of their masters:

Enough! Completed with the past calculation,
Completed settlement with the master!
The Russian people are gathering strength
And learns to be a citizen.

The image of Grigory Dobrosklonov in Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" inspires hope in the moral and political revival of Russia, in a change in the consciousness of the common Russian people.
The ending of the poem shows that the happiness of the people is possible. And even if it is still far from the moment when an ordinary person can call himself happy. But time will pass - and everything will change. And by no means the least role in this will be played by Grigory Dobrosklonov and his ideas.

In Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" the writer describes the hard life of a young guy Grisha Dobrosklonov. Grisha is from a very poor family, his mother is seriously ill, and they live poorly by all standards. His childhood and youth were spent in eternal starvation and severity, and this is what brought him closer to the people. Poverty does not prevent Dobrosklonov from being a pure, fair person, he loves people very much and stands up for their protection. He hopes that soon all people will live well.

Grisha Dobrosklonov has always fought for the people and their welfare. For him, wealth and blessings were not important, he wanted a good life for everyone, and not just for himself. Dobrosklonov is a very fair young man and he believed that everyone should be reunited and go ahead to their goal.

Nekrasov describes Dobrosklonov as the son of the whole people and a fighter for justice. Grisha is not even afraid to sacrifice his life for the whole people. His life is nothing compared to the lives of a huge number of people. Dobrosklonov is not afraid of hard physical work; he is a hard worker in life and a revolutionary for a good life.

Grisha Dobrosklonov knows that he is not alone in his struggle, because hundreds of people are already fighting, as he is for the people and the Motherland. Dobrosklonov is not afraid of difficulties, he is sure that his business started will be crowned with success. An immense sense of respect for his people burns in his chest. He knows that they will have to suffer a lot, but at the end of this difficult path, they will all be successful.

He sees how a large number of people rise with him one step and this gives him even more strength and faith in victory. Nekrasov describes Grisha Dobrosklonov as a person who lives well in Russia, he is happy. His love for the people and zeal to do everything for them is happiness.

At the beginning of the poem, the peasants decide to hit the road and find out who lives well in Russia. They search among the rich and among ordinary people, but they can not find the desired image. Nekrasov, describing Grisha Dobrosklonova, believes that this is exactly what a happy person looks like. After all, Dobrosklonov is the happiest and richest person. True, Grisha's wealth lies not in an expensive house and a large amount of money, but in his soulfulness and spiritual maturation. Dobrosklonov is happy that he sees that his people are starting a new life. Nekrasov made it clear to the reader with his poem that wealth is not the main thing, the main thing is the soul and self-sacrifice for the sake of others.

Composition by Grisha Dobrosklonov. Image and characteristics

The image of Grisha completes Nekrasov's poem, in which the poet showed so many misfortunes, sufferings of ordinary people. It seems that they already have no hope ... But in the epilogue itself there is a positive note - Dobrosklonov! The surname itself tells us that this is a very good hero.

Grisha is a poor young man who received a church education. He is an orphan. His mother (with the strange name Domna) did everything to educate him. She loved him very much, and also tried to help other people. But how can you help if you yourself have nothing (especially salt)? The poem says that you can ask for bread from friends, neighbors, but you have to pay for salt, which is not there. And little Grisha is crying - he refuses to eat without salt. I think that this is not a whim, but a need for a growing organism. The blast furnace has already sprinkled flour on the bread in order to deceive his son, and he demands "more" salt. Then she cried, tears fell on the bread, and this made it salty.

The mother's story greatly influenced Grisha. After her death, he always remembered his mother, sang her song ... He did not finish eating, he suffered. Love for the mother was combined with love for the Motherland. And the older he got, the better he understood how difficult it was for all his fellow citizens. He is horrified that the Slavs are brought to the market in chains in order to sell, that they are taken from the serfs of their children. (Sons - in the army for twenty years, and daughters, in general, to "shame".)

And Gregory feels the strength to change everything for the better. Nekrasov writes that Dobrosklonov is destined for the role of the people's defender, and he also predicts consumption and exile to Siberia for this hero. But Grisha has already chosen his own path.

The choice, according to the poet, was one of two ways. The one that the majority chooses is broad - to material well-being and passions. And the other is for the elite, who no longer think about themselves, but only about the rest. Who is ready to intercede for the unfortunate!

Nekrasov believes in this image of Dobrosklonov, believes that such people will soon appear (and have already appeared) in Russia. They will surely free their people, or their own nobility. And enlightenment, joy will come ... Of course, you will have to fight with the past. And many of these heroes will need to sacrifice themselves.

And Nekrasov was not mistaken, and his hero became an example for many further defenders of the people.

Option 3

The problem of Nekrasov's work would not have been fully disclosed if there had not been such a hero, a defender of serfs, like Grisha Dobrosklonov. He is ready to go to the end in the struggle for the happiness and rights of disadvantaged peasants.

The author introduces us to the folk hero in the 4th part of the poem. Grisha had a difficult childhood. As the son of a parish dyachka, the future hero was well acquainted with the life of the peasants. A difficult childhood was brightened up by the singing of Grishina's mother, whose songs later helped him to please and inspire ordinary hard workers. It is the songs that reveal the inner world of a fighter for justice, and it is they that show his love for the Russian people. The first song, which the author introduces the reader, tells us about the problems of Russia. According to Dobrosklonov, Russia is ruined by drunkenness, hunger, ignorance and, above all, serfdom. During his life, Grisha managed to feel the troubles of the serfs so strongly that the words for the song burst out on their own. But apart from problems, the song expresses hope for the future happiness and liberation of the peasants. Another song tells the story of a barge haule, who, after hard labor, spends all his money in a tavern. The third song, which is called "Rus", betrays the hero's boundless love for his country. For him, happiness is when the peasants are happy. With his songs, Grisha Dobrosklonov tries to appeal to both ordinary people and aristocrats, urging them to answer for the troubles of the peasants.

The image of Gregory is the image of the public defender. Nekrasov tells us about two paths to happiness. The first path is material wealth, power. The second path is spiritual happiness. According to Dobrosklonov, real happiness is spiritual happiness, which can only be achieved through unity with the people. The hero chooses exactly this path, which leads him to "consumption and Siberia."

Grisha Dobrosklonov is a young, purposeful person, whose soul is tormented by the injustice of serf Russia. He is attracted by material wealth, he seeks to support the spirit of the people, wants to sacrifice his life for the future of his beloved country.

The author of the poem wants to convey to the reader the idea that only fighters for the happiness of the people, such as Grisha Dobrosklonov, can lead Russia to prosperity. Because only they are capable of leading people along with them, young, strong revolutionaries who are not indifferent to the problems of ordinary people.

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