
Biography - Saltykov-Shchedrin Mikhail Evgrafovich. Saltykov shchedrin short biography The beginning of literary activity

Saltykov-Shchedrin (pseudonym - N. Shchedrin) Mikhail Evgrafovich - Russian satirist writer.

Born in the village of Spas-Ugol, Tver province, into an old noble family. Childhood years passed in the family estate of his father in "... years ... the height of serfdom", in one of the remote corners of "Poshekhonya". Observations of this life will subsequently be reflected in the writer's books.

Having received a good education at home, Saltykov at the age of 10 was accepted as a boarder at the Moscow Noble Institute, where he spent two years, then in 1838 he was transferred to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Here he began to write poetry, greatly influenced by the articles of Belinsky and Herzen, the works of Gogol.

In 1844, after graduating from the Lyceum, he served as an official in the office of the Ministry of War. "... Everywhere there is duty, everywhere coercion, everywhere boredom and lies ..." - such a description he gave to bureaucratic Petersburg. A different life attracted Saltykov more: communication with writers, visiting "Fridays" of Petrashevsky, where philosophers, scientists, writers, military men gathered, united by anti-serfdom sentiments, searching for the ideals of a just society.

Saltykov's first novellas "Contradictions" (1847), "Confused Business" (1848) attracted the attention of the authorities, frightened by the French Revolution of 1848, with their acute social problems. The writer was exiled to Vyatka for "... a harmful way of thinking and a harmful desire ideas that have already shaken the whole of Western Europe ... ". For eight years he lived in Vyatka, where in 1850 he was appointed an advisor to the provincial government. This made it possible to often go on business trips and observe the bureaucratic world and peasant life. The impressions of these years will influence the satirical direction of the writer's work.

At the end of 1855, after the death of Nicholas I, having received the right to "live wherever he wishes," he returned to St. Petersburg and resumed his literary work. In 1856 - 1857, "Provincial Essays" were written, published on behalf of "court councilor N. Shchedrin", who became known to all reading Russia, who called him the heir of Gogol.

At this time, he married the 17-year-old daughter of the Vyatka vice-governor, E. Boltina. Saltykov sought to combine the work of a writer with public service. In 1856 - 1858 he was an official for special assignments in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where work was concentrated on preparing the peasant reform.

In 1858 - 1862 he served as vice-governor in Ryazan, then in Tver. He always tried to surround himself in his place of service with honest, young and educated people, dismissing bribe-takers and thieves.

During these years, stories and essays appeared ("Innocent stories", 1857 С "Satires in prose", 1859 - 62), as well as articles on the peasant question.

In 1862 the writer retired, moved to St. Petersburg and, at the invitation of Nekrasov, entered the editorial office of the Sovremennik magazine, which at that time was experiencing enormous difficulties (Dobrolyubov died, Chernyshevsky was imprisoned Peter and Paul Fortress). Saltykov took on an enormous amount of writing and editorial work. But the main attention was paid to the monthly review "Our Social Life", which became a monument to Russian journalism of the 1860s.

In 1864 Saltykov left the editorial board of Sovremennik. The reason was the intra-journal disagreements on the tactics of social struggle in the new conditions. He returned to civil service.

In 1865 - 1868 he headed the Treasury Chambers in Penza, Tula, Ryazan; observations of the life of these cities formed the basis of the "Letters about the Province" (1869). Frequent change of duty station is explained by conflicts with the governors of the provinces, at which the writer "laughed" in grotesque pamphlets. After a complaint from the Ryazan governor, Saltykov was dismissed in 1868 with the rank of full state councilor. He moved to St. Petersburg, accepted N. Nekrasov's invitation to become a co-editor of the journal Otechestvennye zapiski, where he worked in 1868 - 1884. Saltykov now completely switched to literary activity. In 1869 he wrote "The History of a City" - the pinnacle of his satirical art.

In 1875 - 1876 he was treated abroad, visited countries Western Europe in different years of life. In Paris he met with Turgenev, Flaubert, Zola.

In the 1880s, Saltykov's satire culminated in its anger and grotesque: "The Modern Idyll" (1877 - 83); "The Golovlevs" (1880); "Poshekhonskie Stories" (1883 㭐).

In 1884 the journal Otechestvennye zapiski was closed, after which Saltykov was forced to publish in the journal Vestnik Evropy.

IN last years life the writer created his masterpieces: "Tales" (1882 - 86); Little Things in Life (1886 - 87); autobiographical novel "Poshekhonskaya antiquity" (1887 - 89).

A few days before his death, he wrote the first pages of a new work "Forgotten Words", where he wanted to remind the "colorful people" of the 1880s about the words they had lost: "conscience, fatherland, humanity ... others are there ...".

M. Saltykov-Shchedrin died in St. Petersburg.

Saltykov-Shchedrin is not only a talented writer, but also an organizer who tried to be useful to the Motherland and serve her. He was born in the Tver province 27 january 1826 d. He spent his childhood at his father's estate. This is reflected in his works.
Mikhail had an excellent education, thanks to which in 10 years, he entered the Moscow Institute and spent there 2 of the year. After that he was transferred to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. The lyceum student was greatly influenced by the work of such great writers as Belinsky and Herzen.
After graduating from high school in 1844 year, the young man becomes an assistant secretary and enters the service in the Ministry of War. But he was attracted by another life. He liked to communicate with scientists, writers, philosophers. He began to visit Petrashevskie "Fridays", where there was a frankly anti-serf mood. This led to the search for standards of a just society. Shchedrin reveals acute social problems in his first works "The Contradiction" and "The Tangled Affair". Frightened by the French Revolution, the authorities turned their attention to the writer and sent him to Vyatka.
There, in 1850, he received an adviser position in the Provincial Government. This makes it possible for Saltykov to often travel around cities and see the world of officials and the life of peasants from the inside. The impressions received from these trips were reflected in the writer's works in the form of satirical remarks.
When Nicholas I died in 1855, Mikhail was allowed to live wherever he wanted, and he again went to St. Petersburg.
In 1856 -1857 years, his work "Provincial Essays" was published. All reading Russia calls Shchedrin Gogol's heir.
Saltykov-Shchedrin married the vice-governor of Vyatka. He combines civil service with writing.
FROM 1856 by 1858 Mikhail worked for a year at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I was only engaged in special assignments. At that time, it was there that the center of the preparation of the peasant reform was located.
In 1858 -1862 he lived in Ryazan, later in Tver. He served as vice governor. The writer recruited educated and always honest young people to his team.
During these years, Saltykov publishes articles that reflect peasant problems.
Saltykov resigns in 1862 year and moved to St. Petersburg. He gets into the editorial office of the magazine "Interlocutor" at the invitation of Nekrasov. At this time, the journal is experiencing great difficulties. Shchedrin assumes all responsibility, all writing and editing of articles. He devotes his main attention to the monthly review of Our Public Life. It later became a monument to Russian journalism 1860 of the year.
IN 1864 year Saltykov leaves the editorial staff due to disagreements that have appeared within the team. The controversy concerned the issues of tactics of conducting social struggle in the changed conditions.
Returning to the municipal service, the writer becomes the head of the Treasury Chambers, moving from Tula to Ryazan, and then to Penza. He closely observes life in cities. This becomes the main plot of Letters of the Province.
in his grotesque pamphlets, Saltykov openly mocked the governors of the provinces. This was due to the frequent change of cities and places of his service. After another complaint to the Ryazan governor, Saltykov with the rank of state acting councilor is dismissed. The writer returns to St. Petersburg again and becomes one of the editors of the Otechestvennye zapiski magazine.
He is completely devoted to writing. During this period, the "History of a City" appears - which is the pinnacle of his satirical art.
In the last months of his life, the writer worked fruitfully. The writer died in 1889 year.

Shchedrin, his real name is Saltykov, was born in 1826, in the village of Spas-Ugol, Tver province, now the Moscow region, in the family estate.

The strictest economy, parental scandals and abuse, cruel treatment of serfs - this is the world of his childhood, captured in the novel "Poshekhonskaya antiquity".

Having received his primary education in the family, the writer studied at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, where senior government officials were trained. There his literary and poetic abilities were manifested.

After graduation - service, which lasted with a short break until 1868.

In 1848. a young official, already taking part in the literary and social life of the capital, almost suffered the fate of Dostoevsky: Saltykov was arrested for the novellas "Contradictions" (1847) and "Confused Business" (1848). He continues to serve in Vyatka, from where he returns after the death of Nicholas I, in 1855.

In 1856 - 1857, the satirist, based on the impressions of the province and for the first time using his favorite form - a cycle of closely related stories and scenes, embodies his idea - "Provincial Essays".

1858 Saltykov - vice - governor of Ryazan, later - Tver, and in 1865 - 1868 he served in important posts in Penza, Tula, the same Ryazan. According to the testimony of contemporaries, he was a decent, incorruptible, zealous official. But intransigence, harshness and inflexibility, some cynicism and sting of temper, unwillingness to adapt to the leaders and the current situation, became the reason for leaving the civil service.

Shchedrin devotes himself entirely to the literary craft. The genuine experience of life in the outback and awareness of the structure of the state apparatus from within made the writer an expert on the national foundations of that time. There are "Innocent Tales", "Satires in Prose", "Pompadours and Pompadours", the ingenious "History of a City", which became a satirical parody of a historical work by genre.

In 1863 - 1864, having temporarily retired from service, Saltykov collaborated with Nekrasov in the Sovremennik magazine. In 1868. - becomes co-editor of Otechestvennye zapiski, linking his further literary and social activities with this journal. In 1880. the sociopsychological novel "Lord Golovlevs" was completed.

In 1884. by decision of the government, the popular and democratic "Fatherland Notes" are closed. The writer perceives this as a personal life disaster. The mental wound inflicted by the prohibition of the publication, in which so much energy and heart had been invested, did not heal until his death in 1889.

Despite a painful illness and a depressed state of mind, Saltykov continues to compose. By this time are: "Poshekhonskaya antiquity", "Little things in life." Bright, expressive, sharp in their subject matter, fairy tales, the images of which have become common nouns. The author begins "Forgotten Words" in the genre of poetic prose, but death interrupts his work.

All the works of the classic are united not by genre, not by theme, and not even by a special, sarcastic method of describing what is happening, but by the fact that they are peculiar parts and fragments of one large work that reflected Russian life at the end of the 19th century.

ME Saltykov, thanks to the strength and depth of his striking talent, is a rare, amazing phenomenon. He rightfully occupies a special niche in literature.

A very short biography of Saltykov-Shchedrin

ME Saltykov-Shchedrin was born in the Tver province in 1826. At the age of 10, he began his studies at the Moscow Noble Institute. Having shown himself as an excellent student, he soon received a transfer to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

At the age of 19, Mikhail entered military service, to the office. At this time, his works began to be published for the first time.

He was exiled to Vyatka in 1848, because his way of thinking was not accepted by many. There he worked as a senior official under the governor and later became an advisor to the governor's board.

It wasn't until 1856 that his residence restriction was lifted. At this time, Mikhail returned to Petersburg. There he began again to engage in writing. In addition, the writer worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and took part in the reform. In 1858 Saltykov-Shchedrin became vice-governor in Ryazan, and then in Tver. At the age of 36, he retired, returned to St. Petersburg and began working as editor of the Sovremennik magazine.

For several years he tried to return to civil service, but attempts were unsuccessful.

Almost until his death, Mikhail worked in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski, first as one of the editors, and then as the managing editor of the magazine. At this time, he creates his famous work - "The history of one city".

In 1889, Mikhail Evgrafovich passed away.

Biography by dates and interesting Facts... The most important thing.

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On January 15, 1826, M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin was born in a small village in the Tver province. The biography of this man is thoroughly imbued with philanthropy and contempt for the reactionary state apparatus of his time. However, first things first.

Saltykov-Shchedrin Mikhail Evgrafovich: biography of the early years

Future famous writer was born into the family of a wealthy nobleman. By the way, Saltykov is his real surname... Shchedrin is a creative pseudonym. The boy spent the first years of his life in his father's family estate. This period saw the most difficult years of serfdom. When in most states a scientific and technological revolution had already taken place or was taking place, as well as capitalist relations were developing, the Russian Empire more and more plunged into its own medieval way. And in order to somehow keep up with the development of the great powers, the state machine worked more and more actively, in an extensive way squeezing all the juices out of the peasant class. In fact, the entire subsequent biography of Saltykov-Shchedrin eloquently testifies to the fact that he had sufficient opportunity to observe the situation of the peasants in his youth.

This greatly impressed the young man and left an imprint on all of his further creativity... Mikhail receives his primary education in his home, and being ten years old, he enters the Moscow Institute of the Nobility. Here he studied for only two years, showing outstanding abilities. And already in 1838 he was transferred to receiving a state scholarship for training. Six years later, he graduated from this educational institution and entered the ministerial military office to serve.

Biography of Saltykov-Shchedrin: the beginning creative activity

Here the young man is seriously fond of the literature of his time, avidly reads French enlighteners and socialists. During this period, his first own stories were written: "Contradictions", "Confused Business", "Notes of the Fatherland". However, the nature of these works, full of free-thinking and satire on the tsarist autocracy, already then turned the state power against the young official.

Biography of Saltykov-Shchedrin: creative recognition and acceptance by state authorities

In 1848 Mikhail Evgrafovich went into exile in Vyatka. There he enters the service of a clerical officer. This period ended in 1855 when the writer was finally allowed to leave the city. Returning from exile, he is appointed as an official for special assignments under the state minister of the interior. In 1860 he became the vice-governor of Tver. At the same time, the writer resumes his creative activity. Already in 1862 he retired from public office and focused on literature. At the invitation of Sergei Nekrasov, Saltykov-Shchedrin comes to St. Petersburg and gets a job at the editorial office of Sovremennik. Here, and later in the journal "Otechestvennye zapiski", where he got under the patronage of the same Nekrasov, pass

the most fruitful years of his creative activity. Many stories, satirical articles and, of course, the famous grotesque novels: "The History of a City", "Modern Idyll" and others - were written in the second half of 1860-1870.

Biography of Saltykov-Shchedrin: the last years of his life

In the 1880s, the writer's satirical works are increasingly popular among the intelligentsia, but at the same time they are increasingly persecuted by the tsarist regime. Thus, the closure of the journal Otechestvennye Zapiski, where it was published, forced Mikhail Evgrafovich to look for publishing houses abroad. This ban on printing in his native country severely undermined the health of an already middle-aged person. And although he also wrote the famous "Fairy Tales" and "Poshekhonskaya Antiquity", over the course of several years he had aged greatly, his strength was rapidly leaving him. May 10, 1889 Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin died. The writer, in accordance with his request in the will, was buried in St. Petersburg, next to the grave of I.S. Turgenev.

Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin - Russian writer, journalist, editor of the journal Otechestvennye zapiski, Ryazan and Tver vice-governors. Saltykov-Shchedrin was the master of the island of words and was the author of many.

He managed to create wonderful works in the genre of satire and realism, as well as help the reader to analyze his mistakes.

Perhaps his most famous graduate was.

While studying at the Lyceum, Saltykov-Shchedrin stopped looking after his appearance, began to swear, smoke, and also often ended up in a punishment cell for unworthy behavior.

As a result, the student graduated from the Lyceum with the rank of collegiate secretary. It is interesting that it was during this period of his biography that he tried to write his first works.

After that, Mikhail began working in the office of the military department. He continued to be engaged in writing and became seriously interested in the works of the French socialists.

Link to Vyatka

The first stories in the biography of Saltykov-Shchedrin were "A Confused Case" and "Contradictions". In them, he raised important issues that run counter to the policy of the current government.

When in 1855 he was on the throne (see), he was allowed to return home. The following year, he was appointed Special Assignment Officer under the Ministry of the Interior.

Saltykov-Shchedrin's creativity

Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin is one of the most prominent representatives of satire in c. He had a subtle sense of humor and knew how to brilliantly convey it on paper.

An interesting fact is that it was he who invented such expressions as "bungling", "soft" and "stupidity".

One of the most popular portraits of the writer M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

After Saltykov-Shchedrin returned from exile in, he published a collection of short stories "Provincial Essays" under the name of Nikolai Shchedrin.

It is worth noting that even after he gained all-Russian popularity, many of his admirers will remember this particular work.

In his stories, Saltykov-Shchedrin portrayed many different characters, who, in his opinion, were outstanding representatives.

In 1870 Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote one of the most famous stories in his biography - "The History of a City".

It is worth noting that this work was initially not appreciated at its true worth, since it contained a lot of allegories and unusual comparisons.

Some critics even accused Mikhail Evgrafovich of deliberate distortion. The story presented ordinary people of different minds and who implicitly obeyed the authorities.

Soon from the pen of Saltykov-Shchedrin came out a very interesting and deep in content fairy tale "The Wise Piskar". It told about the whole fearful piskar, who until his death lived in fear and loneliness.

Then he started working as an editor in the publication "Otechestvennye zapiski", which he owned. In this magazine, in addition to his direct duties, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin also published his own works.

In 1880 Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote the brilliant novel "The Lord Golovlevs". It told about a family that all their adult life thought only about increasing their capital. Ultimately, this led the entire family to spiritual and moral decay.

Personal life

In the biography of the writer, there was only one wife - Elizaveta Boltina. Saltykov-Shchedrin met her during his exile. The girl was the daughter of the lieutenant governor and was 14 years younger than the groom.

Initially, the father did not want to give Elizabeth in marriage to the disgraced writer, however, after talking with him, he changed his mind.

An interesting fact is that Mikhail's mother was categorically against him marrying Boltina. The reason for this was the young age of the bride, as well as a small dowry. Finally, in 1856 Saltykov-Shchedrin got married.

Saltykov-Shchedrin with his wife

Soon, frequent quarrels began to occur between the newlyweds. By nature, Saltykov-Shchedrin was a direct and courageous person. Elizabeth, on the other hand, was a calm and patient girl. In addition, she did not have a sharp mind.

According to the recollections of Mikhail Evgrafovich's friends, Boltina loved to interfere with the conversation, saying a lot of unnecessary things, which, moreover, were often irrelevant.

At such moments, the writer simply lost his temper. In addition, the wife of Saltykov-Shchedrin loved luxury, which further increased the distance between the spouses.

Despite this, they lived together all their lives. In this marriage, they had a girl, Elizabeth, and a boy, Constantine.

Biographers of Saltykov-Shchedrin claim that he was a good judge of wines, played on and was an expert in matters related to profanity.


In recent years, the writer suffered seriously from rheumatism. In addition, his health deteriorated after the Otechestvennye Zapiski was closed in 1884. Censorship considered the publication to be a distributor of harmful ideas.

Shortly before his death, Saltykov-Shchedrin was bedridden, in need of outside help and care. However, he did not lose his optimism and sense of humor.

Often, when he could not receive guests due to weakness, he asked to convey to them: "I am very busy - I am dying."

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin died on April 28, 1889 at the age of 63. According to his request, he was buried next to the grave at the Volkovskoye cemetery.

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