
Literature lesson: "Chichikov is a new hero of the time." Summary of the literature lesson "Chichikov: a new hero of the era or an antihero? (Grade 9) Preliminary work in groups


1. The word of the teacher.

We are almost finishing the study of a large work of the poem "Dead Souls" by Nikolai Gogol. And let's remember some of the heroes of the poem.

2. Motivation. Crossword.

Guess: who are we talking about?

(1) Even his well was made of such a strong oak as goes only to mills and ships. (Sobakevich).

2 - 6. What were the names of Manilov's children? (Alcides, Themistoclus).

3. ... the hostess entered, an elderly woman, in some kind of sleeping cap, put on hastily, with a flannel around her neck, one of those mothers, small landowners who are crying about crop failures, losses ...(Box).

4. ... he talked about how nice it would be to lead an underground passage from the house or build a stone bridge across the pond ... (Manilov).

5. For a long time he could not recognize what gender the figure was: a woman or a man. Her dress was completely indefinite, very much like a woman's bonnet, on her head was a cap like the country women’s women wear, only one voice seemed to him somewhat strong for a woman.(Plyushkin)

7 He was of medium height, a very well-built fellow with full ruddy cheeks, teeth as white as snow, and jet-black sideburns.(Nozdryov).








What keyword did we get? (Chichikov)

Right. And today in the lesson we will talk about this hero of Gogol's poem.


Teacher's word.

The first impression of a character is always very important, so let's turn to the first chapter, try to answer the question: who is he, Chichikov? And what methods of image image the author uses. Find a description of the portrait of Chichikov, what does the author emphasize in the image of the hero?

Gogol - detail master. This is especially evident in the description of Pavel Ivanovich's baggage. Things help to understand the essence of the hero. What did Chichikov's things tell us?

- We will learn even more about Chichikov if we read a littlestory with a poster. Find this episode, underline the key words that help to understand the character of Pavel Ivanovich.

What impression did Chichikov manage to make on the officials of city N?(1 chap.)

So, Chichikov comes to townNN... But why? The purpose of his visit. But, before answering, let's see an excerptvideo "Chichikov in the tavern".

Chichikov visits the landlords.And in the previous lessons we said that Pavel Ivanovich easily finds a common language with all the heroes of the poem. With Manilov he is sweet-minded and delicate, with Sobakevich he is tight-fisted and stingy, with Korobochka he is assertive. It, like a mirror, reflects the spiritual qualities of the landowners, but speaking about the landowners, we concluded that these are people with "dead souls." Let's look at excerpts from some of Chichikov's visits to the landowners and give them the floor to see how they feel about Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov.

Hero's business card .

Landowner Manilov

fruitless dreamer and dreamer

invites you to sweet chatter "

to the "Temple of Solitary Meditation"

on the shore of the lake in the Manilovka estate.

"Chichikov at Manilov" (video)

Manilov: “Pavel Ivanovich ?! ABOUT! He is an extremely pleasant, educated person. He honored me with his darling Lizonka with his visit ... really, such a right, brought pleasure ... May day ... the birthday of the heart ... Yes, the chance brought me happiness, one might say, exemplary to talk with Pavel Ivanovich and enjoy a pleasant conversation. Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka! What can you say about Chichikov?

Hero's business card


Box Nastasya Petrovna-

collegiate secretary,

"Cudgel head"

superstitious and limited

always waiting for you in his village

and is ready to sell you even

your soul at a bargain price.

Box: AND? That newcomer - that! Then he bought dead souls from me for 15 rubles. And he buys bird feathers too. And he promised to buy a lot of things. And he also puts bacon in the treasury, and therefore he is probably a cheat.

Landowner Nozdryov:

carousel, gambler and chatterbox

with great pleasure he will lose all his fortune to you at cards,

then he will drink and eat at your expense in any tavern.

"Chichikov at Nozdryov" (video)

The hero's business card.

Nozdrev: Who is Chichikov? Yes, he is a big swindler. If I were his boss, then by God I would have hung him on the first tree. He also wanted to take away the governor's daughter, such a pig, a cattle breeder. I myself undertook to help him in this matter, because we are great friends. Do you want to know who Chichikov is? Yes, he is a fetuk, in a word, a fetuk. Now it is clear that he is a two-faced man. Now I know him well. I had thought before that he was at least the least bit decent person, but he didn’t understand the address. You can’t talk to him as if you were a close person. No straightforwardness, no sincerity. Straight Sobakevich, such a scoundrel!

Manilov: Mikhailo Semenovich Sobakevich! What is your opinion of Chichikov?


Sobakevich Mikhailo Semyonovich

a hater of enlightenment, a strong master, unstable in the bidding,

will be glad to "throw mud" at all his acquaintances over a hearty dinner in his home.

Sobakevich : Chichikov is a good person!

"Chichikov at Plyushkin's" (video)

Plyushkin: Yes, I must admit that I see little use in this Chichikov: he started an unseemly custom to visit, and on the farm there are some omissions ... and feed the horses with hay.

Teacher: So, we listened to those from whom Chichikov bought a not entirely familiar product - dead souls. And what did we hear? The nicest, the most educated person, a cheat, such rubbish, generous. Opinions vary, but overall - a good person. How do you think Chichikov differs from the landowners?

Yes, right. Chichikov has a past and we learn about him in Chapter 11. But, also in Chapter 11, Gogol poses an interesting question to the reader in relation to Chichikov: “Who is he? So, a scoundrel? "

Let's try to answer this question. To do this, turn to chapter 11 and work with the text according to the plan.


Chichikov's childhood.

Studying at the school.

Service in the treasury chamber.

Service at customs.

Invention of a new enrichment method.

How was Chichikov's childhood?What Gogol tells about the origin and
childhood Chichikov?

What advice did he receive from his father when he entered the school?

- How did Chichikov take advantage of his father's advice?

How were his school years?

- What goal did Chichikov set for himself when he entered life?

Teacher: Already in childhood and adolescence, Chichikov developed such character traits as: the ability to achieve a goal at any cost, a manner to please, to find benefits for oneself in everything, mental meanness, etc.

The central place in the biography of Chichikov is occupied by the description of his official career.

Service in the treasury chamber.

How did Chichikov's career begin?
- What means does he choose to make a career?
- How did Chichikov manage to win over the police officer?

Teacher: We see that the same qualities, which were mentioned above, not only were not lost, but also developed.

Participation in the construction commission.

Where did Chichikov go from the treasury chamber?
- What did you achieve in the new place?

Why did he have to leave the commission for the construction of a government building?

Customs service
- How did his career as a customs official develop?
- Why did it end in failure?

Teacher: Consequently, the stages of Chichikov's career are the history of his ups and downs, but for all that, it reveals such traits of his character as energy, efficiency, enterprise, tirelessness and perseverance, prudence, cunning.

Invention of a new enrichment method

Teacher: "Here is our hero on the face, what he is!"
And we return to the question posed at the beginning of the lesson:

- “Who is he? So, a scoundrel? "

The author tries to defend Chichikov, calling him rather a master, a purchaser than a scoundrel. But he immediately notes something repulsive in this character. Gogol evaluates the hero ambiguously and ambiguously.

"Decent, knowledgeable and respectable person"; “The most amiable and courteous; “Not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; you cannot say that he is old, but not so that he is young ”; the kidnapper of the governor's daughter, "spy", "robber Rinaldo Rinaldini", "counterfeiter", "Napoleon in disguise" and, finally, the Antichrist himself.

We are talking about the main character of the poem P.I. Chichikov.

Critic I. Zolotussky said about him: "He is still some kind of strange scoundrel ..."

- Why does Gogol place Chapter 11 at the end of Volume 1, and not at the beginning?

Lesson summary.

The image of Chichikov is an enormous discovery of Gogol in Russian literature. With the development of social relations, the old feudal-serf system was rapidly collapsing. The Manilovs, Nozdrevs, Plyushkins were no longer able to govern the country, the state and even their own economy. Time has called to life new people - energetic, dexterous opportunists who know how to conquer living space for themselves, such as Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, whose image represents the broadest socio-psychological generalization, which makes it possible to speak not only about a literary hero, but also about Chichikovism, i.e. e. the special social and psychological practice of a fairly wide range of people. Chichikovshchina threatens the world with its militant, ever-increasing meanness. It brings with it the complete destruction of humanity in the broadest sense of the word. Chichikovism is terrifying in that it hides behind external decency and never admits its meanness. The world of Chichikovism represents the most terrible, lowest, most vulgar circle of Russia "from one side", and therefore it ends the first volume of the poem, which embraced all the phenomena that deserved the most merciless satirical ridicule.

Gogol asks readers a question.

(“And who of you, full of Christian humility, not publicly, but in silence, alone, in moments of solitary conversations with himself, will deepen this difficult inquiry into his own soul:“ Isn't there any part of Chichikov in me too? "")

How would you answer this question?

Output: Chichikovism is also characteristic of modern society, the Chichikovs are flourishing today, and the blame for everything is an acquisition.

Sections: Literature

Lesson objectives:

Show Gogol's attitude to contemporary reality;

Reveal the essence of an entrepreneur, show his typicality;

In the course of research activities, come to a solution to a problematic issue.

1) teach children to think, develop their reading skills, which contribute to the manifestation of intellectual-creative and emotional-figurative thinking;

2) to develop students' research and communication competencies, text analysis skills.

Organizational forms: independent group work, text-based conversation with elements of research work, student message, student presentation.

Equipment: computers, projector, projection screen; multimedia presentation of the lesson

Advance assignment: preparation by students of the presentation “Means of revealing the image of Chichikov”, the student's message “The meaning of the title of the poem. The secret of the name of the protagonist ”.

During the classes

The work is carried out using the teacher's presentation (Appendix 1)

I. Teacher's introduction about the main business of the writer's life - the poem "Dead Souls"; the teacher recalls the results of work in previous lessons, raises a problematic question for upcoming research, introduces the epigraph (simultaneously showing slides 1 - 3 of the Appendix 1).

Each artist has a creation, which he considers the main business of his life, in which he has invested the most cherished, secret thoughts, all his heart. For N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" became such a work of life. His biography as a writer lasted 23 years, 17 years of which were devoted to working on this poem.

In previous lessons, you and I saw that, showing the adventures of Chichikov, the author created unforgettable images of landowners and officials. The order in which Gogol introduces us to the landowners (Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich, Plyushkin) has a deep inner meaning: the writer strove to reveal in his heroes an ever greater degree of loss of human principles, the degradation of man, the mortification of his soul.

Chichikov is a scoundrel and a swindler, but no more than any official of the city of N, “knowing the business”. Chichikov's meanness is an expression of the morality that in the ruling circles of Russia was considered virtuous and respectable. Acquisition in the 40s of the XIX century is a kind of sign of the times: the era of the bourgeois was coming, and clever acquirers climbed out of all cracks, professing only one faith, which his father instilled in Pavlusha: “You can do everything and make a penny in the world”.

You and I have come to the conclusion that, indeed, “... not revisionists are dead souls,” but landowners and officials of the city of N.

But what about the swindler Chichikov? Chichikov's “dead” soul or “living” one? This is the central problematic issue of our lesson.

The epigraph of our lesson-research - the words of I. Zolotussky: "... He is still some kind of strange scoundrel ...".

II. Research activities.

  • Study 1 - The Writer's Purpose

The teacher presents questions for 1 study, a diagram of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem ( work with slides 4 - 6 Applications 1)

What is the peculiarity of Gogol's plan when creating a poem? Reread Gogol's statement to answer this question.

“… If I make this creation the way I need to make it, then… what a huge, what an original plot! What a diverse bunch! All Russia will appear in it! " (from a letter to V.A. Zhukovsky dated November 12, 1836)

(The writer wanted to show “all of Russia”.)

Why was the writer's plan not fully realized? ( work with the diagram on slide 6 of Appendix 1)

Commentary on the slide: “Dead Souls” was conceived by analogy with Dante's “Divine Comedy” - in three parts.

(Gogol succeeded only in the first part, which shows the dark sides of life. The second volume did not satisfy the writer and was personally burned by him. In volumes 2 and 3, Gogol wanted to offer a “recipe” for transformation to everyone. The conversation was not about a political, but about a spiritual revolution, about internal rebirth of a person, the salvation of his soul.)

  • Study 2 - "Chichikov and the Landowners"

Research work in groups

So, was it possible to “save” the main character - Chichikov - maybe he is a “dead” soul, and his salvation is impossible? To answer this difficult question, let's see what Chichikov has in common with the landowners and how he differs from them. You have on your tables scheme-theses on the topic “Landowners in the poem by N.V. Gogol " (Appendix 2 ). You have to work in 5 groups. Each group must reveal the quality that makes this or that landowner related to Chichikov.

The guys work in groups. Then we discuss the proposed versions together, at the end of the work we fill in the diagram (slide 9 of Appendix 1).

Look at the lesson epigraph. I. Zolotussky called Chichikov “a strange scoundrel”. So are there any distinctive features in the character of the hero, which makes him the first person in the gallery of meanness?

The guys discuss the issue in groups, then representatives from the groups express their opinions “for” and “against”. The slide displays those features that are distinctive in the character of Chichikov

(Slide 10 Appendix 1).







  • Study 3 - "Means of revealing the image of Chichikov"

(work with slides 11 - 13 of Appendix 1)

To reveal the images of the characters, Gogol uses various means. Review presentation of the guys on topic 3 research (Appendix 3 ).

Find the tool that is used to a greater extent only to characterize Chichikov (biography of the hero).

The guys in groups work near computers, get acquainted with the presentation on this topic, find the tool that is used to characterize only Chichikov, evaluate the content of the presented work. Answer questions, arguing the answer.

So why was it so important for Gogol to devote an entire 11 chapter of Chichikov's biography? (It is important for motivating his actions and character traits.)

Chichikov's biography is the story of the “fall of the soul,” but if the soul “fell,” it means that it was once pure. So is the revival of Chichikov's soul possible? (Yes, through repentance.)

And what is necessary for repentance, for the purification of the soul? (The inner "I", the inner voice, and Chichikov just has it. Gogol constantly captures the feelings and thoughts of his hero. And sometimes the inner voice of Chichikov turns into the author's voice and merges with him in poetic digressions.)

Do you think it was by chance that Gogol gave his hero the name Pavel?

Guys make their guesses, then listen message prepared student “The meaning of the title of the poem. The secret of the name of the protagonist " (Appendix 4 ).

(The disciple will tell that the Apostle Paul was one of the persecutors of Christ, and then became the disseminator of Christianity throughout the world. In Gogol's worldview, the epistles of the Holy Apostle Paul, who “instructs and leads everyone on the straight path,” occupy an extremely important place.)

  • Study 4 - "An Unusual Transformation: the Chichikov Troika - Rus Troika"

(work with slides 14 - 19 of Appendix 1)

The meaning of the finale - a lyrical digression about Russia-Troika - is mysterious. Gogol knew that time would add the book. Let's try to open this veil of mystery, riddle.

Listen to the excerpt concluding volume I, performed by Katchalov ( Appendix 5).

What motive underlies this lyrical digression and the entire poem as a whole? (road motive)

Identify the contrast underlying this passage based on the diagram (work with slide 18 of Appendix 1).

The guys draw a conclusion from this study. We say that Chichikov is constantly on the road, he “moves”, unlike other characters. His troika breaks out of a closed, motionless circle, it dashingly, with a breeze, is carried away to the beyond.

  • Generalization on the topic, answer to the problematic question, conclusions

(slides 20, 21 of Appendix 1)

Let's return to the topic of our lesson and the problematic question at the same time. Chichikov's “living” or “dead” soul?

(It can be assumed that in Gogol's view this character is a "living" soul. The author himself sympathizes with the hero and marvels at his persistence. Chichikov's goal - contentment and happiness in family life - is a quite worthy goal. Another thing is that he chooses dubious means to achieve it - the means by which Gogol's “dead” souls live.)

Let's reiterate the conclusions that we came to as a result of the study.

Students pronounce those provisions that helped answer the problematic question, write them down in notebooks. All positions are displayed on the slide.

Conclusion: Chichikov is a “living” soul to a greater extent than a “dead” one. Therefore, the author wanted to lead his hero to moral cleansing, renewal, one of the first. Associated with these dreams is the image of a flying, unattainable Russia - a troika.

Tell me, is it only Chichikov that Gogol gives hope for salvation?

(No, to all mankind. Spiritual rebirth is one of the highest abilities bestowed on man, and, according to Gogol, this path is open to everyone whose soul has not yet “died” at all. This was one of the “super tasks” of the poem “Dead Souls” ”.)

III. Final words of the teacher

(Slide 22 Appendix 1)

And in your souls, guys, as a parting word, let the wonderful Gogol words sound: “ Take with you on the way ... all human movements, do not leave them on the road, do not pick them up later! ”.I would like you not to lose everything good, good, and light on the way, but carry it through your whole life.

IV. Homework

(Slide 23 Appendix 1)

Write a small discourse on the topic: “Are there Chichikovs today? What position do such people occupy in modern society? "

Appendix 1 - Multimedia Lesson Presentation

Appendix 2 - outline diagrams on the topic “Landowners in the poem by N.V. Gogoli"

Appendix 3 - presentation of students "Means of revealing the image of Chichikov"

Appendix 4 - message prepared student“The meaning of the title of the poem. The secret of the name of the protagonist "

Appendix 5 - sound writing (excerpt from the poem about Russia-Troika performed by Katchalov)

Literature lesson in grade 9

N.V. Gogol. Poem "Dead Souls".

Lesson by topic: « Chichikov and Chichikovshchina.

Kalinina Irina Borisovna
teacher of Russian language and literature, MOBU "Secondary School No. 54", Orenburg

The purpose of this lesson is to create conditions for understanding the main character traits of Chichikov as a socio-psychological generalization, as well as the timeless essence of “Chichikovism”.

Equipment: multimedia projector; computer, local area network, Internet.

During the classes.

    Verification: "Who is this hero?" (presentation).

Each slide is an illustration of one of the heroes and is accompanied by a reading of the description of that hero. The task of the students is to find out who this hero is.

    Topic today's lesson: "Chichikov and" Chichikovshchina ". You and I have to find out who he is, Chichikov, and what is the meaning of the concept of "Chichikovism".

    Analysis of the image of Chichikov.

Let's summarize what we have learned about this hero.

? How does the hero resemble those with whom he does business to buy peasants?

Chichikov may be more delicate than Manilov, able to save more stubbornly than Korobochka, he can live on a grand scale no worse than Nozdryov, he is tight-fisted and businesslike, like Sobakevich, in frugality he will not yield to Plyushkin.

? Are there any traits in the character of Chichikov that distinguish him from the rest?

Let's try to draw the image of Chichikov,let's try to answer this question:“Who is he? So, a scoundrel? " ( A schematic image of a person is used who, as the biography of Chichikov is discussed, is surrounded from all sides with words denoting character traits. All this is reflected in the presentation).

    Working in groups .

Let's break up into groups and within 3-4 minutes we will discuss, using the material you collected at home in the form of a double diary, what traits appear in Chichikov's character throughout his life:

Group 1 - childhood;

Group 2 - service in the treasury chamber;

Group 3 - construction commission and customs;

Group 4 - a new way of getting rich;

Group 5 - search for the definition of "chichikovshchina" on the Internet.

5. Chichikov's childhood. Studying at the school. (Group 1).

    What Gogol tells about the origin and
    childhood Chichikov?

    What advice did he receive from his father when he entered the school?How did you use it?

    How were his school years?

(He is a bad friend, he does everything for the sake of profit, pleases the teachers,

the episode with the teacher testifies to the spiritual meanness of Chichikov.

ATstepping into life, Chichikov set himself the goal ofenrichment,penny worship).

Conclusion: Already in childhood and adolescence, Chichikov developed such character traits as:the ability to achieve a goal at any cost, a manner to please, to find benefits for oneself in everything, mental meanness, etc. .

    The central place in the biography of Chichikov is occupied by the description of his official career.(Group 2) Service in the treasury chamber.

    How did Chichikov's career begin?

    What means does he choose to make a career?

(Chichikov's official activity began with the treasury chamber, where he decided immediately after graduating from college. "Bypassing" the police officer was the first and most difficult obstacle that he managed to overcome. As in the story with the old teacher, when Chichikov refused to help him, it convinced him that success in life can be achieved the sooner and easier, the sooner a person is freed from the principles of morality, honor, decency that fetter him, that these principles interfere and harm those who are firmly resolved to win a place under the sun.)

Conclusion: we see that the same qualities, which were mentioned above, not only were not lost, but also developed.

7. Participation in the construction commission. Service at customs.

    Where did Chichikov go from the treasury chamber?

    What have you achieved in the new place?

    Why did he have to leave the commission for the construction of a government building?

    How did his career as a customs official develop?

    Why did it end in failure?

(The next stage of Chichikov's career was participation in the commission for the construction of a government building. It brought him substantial acquisitions, which significantly exceeded the income that he had while occupying a "bread spot" in the government chamber. But unexpectedly a new chief was appointed to the commission, who announced a decisive war against bribery and embezzlement. Chichikov had to look for a new place. The catastrophe that once broke over him, almost to the ground demolished the fruits of his "labors", but did not force him to retreat).

Arriving at the customs, as before, Chichikov begins here by rubbing himself into the confidence of his superiors, showing extraordinary "quickness, insight and sagacity. For a short time there was no living from him for the smugglers. " Having thus lulled the vigilance of those around him, having even received a new rank, he again switches to fraudulent operations, and they bring him a half-million fortune. However, fate prepared a new blow: Chichikov quarreled with his accomplice, and he wrote a denunciation against him. And again he had to lose everything.

Output: stages of Chichikov's career are the history of his ups and downs, but for all that, it reveals such traits of his character asvigor, efficiency, enterprise, tirelessness and perseverance, prudence, cunning. (Man slide)

8. Invention of a new enrichment method.

    How did he get the idea of \u200b\u200bacquiring "dead souls"?

    What character traits make it possible to win over officials and landowners?

(In search of new profits, being an insignificant attorney, he discovered the possibility of profitable deals with "dead souls" when he was busy with the mortgage of the estate of a bankrupt landowner to the treasury.)

Conclusion: "Here is our hero on the face, what he is!"striving for enrichment, dishonesty in relations with people, enterprise, perseverance, ability to please insensitivity , immorality, prudence, cunning, indefatigability, purposefulness - these are the traits that form the character of Chichikov. ( Final slide with man)

9. The concept of "chichikovshchina".

Let's turn to our experts and ask them to give us the definition of the concept of "Chichikovism" that they found using the resources of the Internet. NO!

Have you come across the use of this word in printed articles? YES. Read the snippets.

What do we mean when we talk about "Chichikovism"?

Let's define this term ourselves.

Chichikovshchina - the desire for enrichment, behind which decency, compassion, warmth are forgotten, and prudence, cunning, unscrupulousness, satisfaction by any means of selfish interests, covered with the most decent arguments and explanations, come to the fore.

10. Chichikovshchina today

Do you think there is a place for Chichikovism in our life? (Chichikovism is also characteristic of modern society, the Chichikovs flourish today, and the blame for everything is acquisition).

Homework: Some critics, Gogol's contemporaries, reproached him for laughing at the Russian people in his poem. Prove the injustice of this reproach, give examples from the text.

Lesson 51 IMAGE OF CHICHIKOV (lesson with elements of a dispute)

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Lesson 51 image of Chichikov (lesson with elements of a dispute)

Objectives: teach to reasonably express your opinion using the text: quote, refer to the author's opinion.

During the classes

I. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Introductory speech of the teacher, conversation.

- What changes are taking place in the "geography" of Gogol's book?

- Your vision of the city in Dead Souls.

- Why did the writer capture in such detail his colors, "architecture" - up to the indispensable mezzanine?

- Where is the final destination of our wanderings?

- Yes, "The Tale of Captain Kopeikin" - Gogol's St. Petersburg! Compare it with Nevsky Prospect. Gogol considered this plug-in novella "very necessary" and could not reconcile with its exclusion from the text of "Dead Souls" at the request of the censorship, he made a compromise: "remade ... so that no censorship could find fault."

So, let's follow along with our "entrepreneur" Chichikov to a city that "was in no way inferior to other provincial cities."

We already met the district bureaucracy depicted in The Inspector General in the 8th grade; now we will try to compare the provincial bureaucracy and the provincial bureaucracy that is on the next rung of the administrative ladder.

The author of Dead Souls transparently alludes to the consanguinity of officials of all ranks and departments. Even in the events that agitated the district and provincial towns, one can notice a lot in common. And there, and here "an important spring of action" is fear, which, as the poem says, "is more sticky than the plague and is communicated suddenly." It is noteworthy that both Chichikov and Khlestakov were already mistaken for "an official sent from the office of the Governor-General to conduct a secret investigation." The inspector of the provincial medical council in Dead Souls trembled in exactly the same way as the district trustee of charitable institutions in the Inspector General: “... do not the word“ dead souls ”mean sick people who died in significant numbers in hospitals and other places from rampant fever, against which no proper action was taken. "

New rumors about Chichikov — that he was a counterfeiter, a spy, Captain Kopeikin, Napoleon — no longer changed the essence of fear: all the same, officials were most afraid of an overbearing thunderstorm. The provincial officials, like the uyezd ones, trembled, remembering their sins and omissions, and waited for "bulkheads, scolding, whipping up" and other "official stews" to collapse. It got to the point that the representative of the provincial justice, who turned out to be weaker in spirit than the judge from the "Inspector", "came home, began to think, think and suddenly, as they say, from one thing or the other - he died."

2. Cento.

Teacher. My story about the provincial town will continue with the literary montage prepared by your comrades. This montage includes excerpts from chapters 8 and 9. Here the picture of provincial society, sketched in a few large strokes as early as Chapter 1, unfolds widely and in many ways.

The opinions and actions of the two "parties" - male and female - reflect the mores of the city, the attitude towards Chichikov and his swindle, and the spiritual world of the Russian philistine.

Approximate installation plan:

1) "... The inhabitants of the city ... mentally fell in love with Chichikov ..." (to the words: "Like the great secret").

2) "But incomparably more remarkable was the impression ... which Chichikov made on the ladies ..." (to the words "... harder than any duel").

3) "The ladies of the city were strict in the morals ..." (to the words "... that a millionaire was invited").

4) “Even Chichikov himself could not partly fail to notice such extraordinary attention…” (before the words “… the original itself will be present”).

5) "His appearance at the ball produced an extraordinary effect ..." (to the words "... extraordinary fun").

6) "The ladies grabbed hands, kissed and screamed ..." (to the words "- I confess, - just a nice lady answered").

7) "Imagine only that which is armed from head to toe ..." (before the words "something else is hiding").

8) "- Well, listen, what are these dead souls ..." (to the words "... and the daughter will still surpass the mother").

9) “But no matter how the men armed themselves and resisted, their party did not have the same order as in the women's party…” (to the words “… fear is more sticky than the plague and is reported suddenly”).

Depending on the nature of each passage, one to three students can read it. For example, it is advisable to read a conversation between two ladies by roles: two ladies and an author-narrator.

Teacher. We feel shades of bitterness and contempt in the excerpts selected for editing, don't we?

Gogol not without surprise notices that the word "millionaire" "contains something that affects both scoundrels, and neither this nor that, and good people, in a word, it affects everyone."

II. Dispute on the topic: “Who is he? So, a scoundrel? "

Teacher. According to the genre "Dead Souls" - a poem, lyrical epic work with elements of the novel.

It is with the image of Chichikov that the novel beginning is connected.

Remember, the first volume begins with a riddle: two men are discussing whether the wheel of the Chichikovskaya chaise will reach Moscow or not. Who is he, who is in this chaise, who is Chichikov - a scoundrel, a petty demon, or maybe a "new man", an entrepreneur?

Chichikov, as it were, unites many images of "Dead Souls" - and not only because he draws them into his scam: he combines the features of many other characters, represents the highest level of generalization. Chichikov is like a "type of types".

How is a cunning traveler like those with whom he does his business?

It turns out that Chichikov can be no less delicate than Manilov, is able to accumulate goods more stubbornly than Korobochka, he can wank no worse than Nozdryov, and in his ability to live “tight-fisted and businesslike, like Sobakevich, in frugality he will not yield to Plyushkin of the time when he was still was a wise master, and certainly in the art of taking bribes he outdid Ivan Antonovich - "the pitcher's snout".

But there is in the character of Chichikov a trait that gives all his properties a new meaning, makes him the first person in the gallery of meanness.

Which one? Amazing flexibility, tenacity, adaptability to any circumstances. Chichikov's appearance itself is the embodiment of this property. ("... not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat, nor too thin; you cannot say that he is old, but not so that he is too young").

Retelling of the biography of Chichikov with citation:

1) childhood;

2) father's instructions;

3) study at the school;

4) service.

As for the service in customs, then, you see, Gogol's hero could compete with the most cunning of detectives and criminals. By the way, Chichikov combined both in himself: he showed a devilish instinct as a customs controller and amazing ingenuity in smuggling operations.

Gogol's hero also showed extraordinary vitality after two of his failures: he left the court like a bun, kept his track record unstained, even hid some money. A little time passed - and now he is again engaged in speculation, which may well make him a "millionaire".

Teacher. What is the "mechanism" of Chichikov's scam? What benefit could there be?

The fact is that since the time of Peter the Great, revisions of serf souls were carried out in Russia, as a result of which “revision tales” - lists - were drawn up. For each male soul the landowner paid a capitation tax to the treasury. If in the period between revisions a peasant died, he still had to be paid for while he was on the lists. It was these dead but still alive peasants that Chichikov bought up. They could be pledged in the Board of Trustees as alive and receive for each soul ten times more than it was necessary to pay for it. (Remember, the highest price that Chichikov had to pay for a dead soul - Sobakevich - was 2 and a half rubles. And in the Board of Trustees they could give up to 250 rubles per soul, that is, 100 times more.) Of course, the money was supposed to be returned on time, otherwise the Board of Trustees would confiscate the peasants. But souls were also allowed to re-mortgage. In addition, having received a hefty sum for a certain period, it was possible to embark on new scams with her.

So, is this a resourceful con man or a business man?

Gogol explicitly declares that he takes a scoundrel as a hero, and not a virtuous person, because "they have turned a virtuous person into a workhorse, and there is no writer who would not ride him, urging him with a whip and with anything." Gogol hints that the virtuous hero has turned into a well-worn figure, that he is not a living person (“there are only ribs and skin instead of a body”), but a walking set of virtues. “No, it's time to hide the scoundrel,” he concludes. "So, let's harness the scoundrel."

what does the writer mean when he calls his hero a scoundrel? Does he denounce Chichikov as a lawbreaker?

Gogol, of course, was in favor of observing the laws, "at least those that already exist."

But in the purchase of "dead souls" there was no direct violation of the law: after all, the death of the peasant did not cancel the payment of tax to the treasury for him until the next revision. This means that officially he remained as if alive. And the living landowner had the right to sell for any amount - that was his business. Chichikov was not so far from the truth when he said to Manilov: "z akon - I go numb before the law." He found a loophole between the laws! Of course, Chichikov also indulged in direct violations of the law: he took bribes, concealed government money when he was on the construction commission, entered into transactions with smugglers. But remember the activities of officials in the "Inspector"! In general, Chichikov is a scoundrel and a swindler no more than any official of the city of N, "who knows the business." Chichikov's meanness is a "concentrated" expression of the morality that in the circles ruling Russia was considered virtuous and respectable.

Reading reasoning "About thick and thin".

That is why in the depiction of Chichikov, such different words turn out to be synonyms: scoundrel, master, acquirer. And the key word here is the "acquirer". “Acquisition is the guilt of everything,” Gogol notes, “because of it, deeds were made to which the light gives the name of not very pure. Acquisition is a kind of sign of the times: the era of the bourgeois has come, and dexterous, energetic, tenacious acquirers climbed out of all cracks, professing only one faith, the one that his father inspired Pavlusha: "You will do everything and you will break everything in the world with a penny."

So, before us, if he is an adventurer, then pretending to the role of "master of life", if he is a scoundrel, then an exponent of the prevailing public morality. Today he may still fail ("suffer for the truth," as Pavel Ivanovich said), but tomorrow ... Who knows who Chichikov will be tomorrow?

- And last, final question of the dispute: Chichikov's "living" soul or "dead"?

Taking into account that the author wanted to lead his hero from hell through purgatory to heaven, it can be assumed that in Gogol's view this character is a “living” soul. However, the author himself, speaking of Chichikov's will to victory over a hostile fate, sympathizes with the hero and marvels at his persistence. Chichikov's goal - contentment and a happy family life - is a worthy goal. Another thing is that he chooses dubious means to achieve it, the means by which Gogol's "dead" souls live.

2) one poem by N.A.Nekrasov - by heart;

3) individual task: prepare a report on the life of N. A. Nekrasov.

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What is the peculiarity of Gogol's plan
when creating a poem?
Re-read the author's statement,
to answer this question.
“... If I make this creation as it should
commit it, then ... how huge, how
original plot! What a varied
a bunch! All Russia will appear in it! "
(from a letter to V.A. Zhukovsky from
12 November 1836)

Why the writer's intention
was not fully implemented?
"Dead Souls"
"The Divine Comedy"
1 part
Show of "hell"
Part 2
Are planned
ways of purification
Of Russia
Part 3
bright beginnings
Russian life

"Chichikov and the Landowners"


Not handsome, but not bad either
appearance, not too
fat, not too
thin, you can't say
so old, but not
so that too
In the receptions of their lords
had something solid ...

Social status:

Mister of the middle hand
Collegiate counselor
Pavel Ivanovich
Chichikov, landowner,
by their

Manners, speech:

“… The newcomer knew how to do everything
somehow find myself and showed in
an experienced socialite
human. What would
there was no conversation, he always
knew how to support him ...
in a word, wherever you turn,
was very decent

"Speaking surname":

Chichikov - reminds
the chirping of a sparrow,
creates an effect

Artistic detail:
"Not handsome, but not bad either
appearance ... "
Lingonberry tailcoat with
spark "," a chest of red
tree ", etc.
“The face ... is very
portrait of Napoleon "
Hero biography:
“Please teachers and
chiefs "
“... but most of all, take care and
save a penny "
Characteristic by others
Smart, scientist, knowledgeable,
respectable, pleasant
man, millionaire, captain
Kopeikin disguised as Napoleon
Antichrist, etc.

lover Hero
eligible groom
Kherson landowner
pleasant person
collegiate counselor
middle man

What makes Chichikov related
with the landlords?


Distinctive features in the character of Chichikov


Disclosure means
Chichikov's image

Why was it so important to Gogol
devote a whole 11 chapter
biographies of Chichikov?
Is the rebirth of the soul possible

What is needed for repentance
purification of the soul?
Was it by chance that Gogol gave his
the hero's name is Paul?

Chichikov Pavel Ivanovich - a new type for Russian literature
adventurer-acquirer, protagonist of the poem, fallen,
cheated on his true destiny, but capable
to be cleansed and resurrected by the soul.

Biography. Origin:

“Dark and modest
our hero.
His parents were
nobles, but pillar
or personal - God
knows "

Born into a noble family,
from the mother-pigeon and from the father -
grim loser, he saved
one memory from childhood -
"Snow-covered" window,
one feeling - twisted pain
with his father's fingers
ear. Driven to town on
with a fly piebald horse, a coachman, a humpback, Chichikov
urban splendor. Before
parting father gives son chief
advice that sunk into his soul:
"Save a penny", and a few
additional: please
senior, don't mess with

Father's order
Look, Pavlusha, study, don't be silly, and
don't hang around, but most of all please
teachers and bosses ... albeit in science
do not have time and God did not give talent, that's all
go into action and get ahead of everyone.
don't be friends, they are good to you
will not teach; and if it comes to that, so
hang out with those who are richer, so that
could be useful to you on occasion.
take care
penny ... all
you will break through in the world with a penny.

Biography. Childhood:

“Life at the beginning looked
somehow sourly at him ... neither a friend nor
a friend in childhood ... "

Biography. Study:

“He suddenly realized and understood
business and behaved in
attitude towards comrades
exactly the way
that they treated him, and
he not only never,
but even sometimes,
hiding the received
treats, sold them
the same ... "

All school life
Chichikov turns into
continuous accumulation.
He sells to comrades
a treat, a bullfinch,
molded from wax
sews into bags of 5
rubles. Teacher, more
appreciating everything
obedience, singles out
the meek Chichikov; that one
receives a certificate and a book
with gold letters, but,
when later than old
teachers will be kicked out of school and
he gets drunk, Chichikov
will donate only 5
kopecks of silver. Not from
avarice, but out of indifference
and following the father's

Biography. Service:

1) In the treasury chamber
2) Work at customs
3) The idea of \u200b\u200bbuying
"Dead souls"

By then will die
father; selling dilapidated
house for 1000 rubles,
Chichikov will move to
the city and start an official
a career in the treasury.
Diligence is not
helps; marble face
boss with frequent
mountain ash and bumps -
the symbol of callousness. But,
wooing his
ugly daughter, Chichikov
enters into trust; having received
from future father-in-law
"Gift" - promotion
in service, immediately forgets
about the appointed wedding.

Making money was money on commission
for the construction of some very
capital structure, Chichikov
loses everything because of
incipient persecution
bribery. Has to
make a "new quarry" on
customs. For a long time
refraining from bribery,
Chichikov gains a reputation
incorruptible official and
represents to superiors
project to catch all
smugglers. Having received
powers, colludes with
smugglers and using
ingenious plan is enriched.
But again failure is secret
denunciation of the "accomplice".

With great difficulty
avoiding court, Chichikov
starts his career for the third time
clean slate in despicable
attorney. It was then before him and
realizes that you can lay
dead souls in guardian
advice as alive; small village
Pavlovskoe in Kherson
province looms before him
mental gaze, and
Chichikov gets down to business.

Chichikov himself is quiet and
unremarkable, rounded and
smooth as his cheeks always
shaved to satin
states; soul of Chichikov
similar to his famous
casket. New Antichrist "
the bourgeois world and
will be - invisible, gentle, insinuating,
neat; for the role of "prince
of this world "intercepts,
"Insignificant worm of the world
this ". This "worm" is capable of
eat the very core
Russian life, so
she herself will not notice how
will rot.

Hope is for fixability
human nature. Not
random images of the majority
heroes of "Dead Souls"
created according to the principle
"Turned out gloves"; them
initially positive
qualities were reborn into
self-contained passion;
sometimes - as is the case with
Chichikov is a criminal passion.
But if you master the passion
return it to its former boundaries,
direct for the good -
will completely change and
the image of the hero himself, the "glove"
turns from inside out to
the front side.

Study 4
Unusual transformation:
Three Chichikov -
Russia is a troika

Research results:

With the image of Chichikov
connected the image of the road
in the poem. Road -
in time - everyday
Chichikov's path -
creative way
the author's spiritual
revival of heroes -
of all mankind -
the author himself, that is, this
road Up, road salvation, road hope, road -
the future of Russia.

Research results:

The image of Chichikov, like
most heroes
poems, created by
the principle of "inverted
gloves ": they were originally
positive traits
reborn into
passion. But if
cope with it -
will completely change
and the image of the hero,
The "glove" will turn out
on the front side.


Thus, speaking of the Chichikov road,
it is important to pay attention not only to the fact that
the hero "left on the road", but also that he could
save - a manifestation of a living human
feelings. Indeed, according to Gogol's plan, his hero
goes to subsequent volumes, i.e.
is reborn. And if we take into account the fact that
the apostle Paul was at first one of the persecutors
Christ, and then became an ardent distributor
Christianity around the world, then its namesake,
Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, will be reborn, and the makings
for this he has.

The meaning of the ending is lyrical
digressions about Russia-troika -
mysterious. Gogol knew that the book
will add the time.
Let's try to open up
this veil of mystery, riddle.

What is the motive behind
this lyrical digression
and the whole poem as a whole?
Reveal the contrast that lies in
based on this passage, on
based on the scheme

Road motive
Vast Russia
State crew
Soulless Glyph

Chichikov is constantly on the road, he
characters. His triplet breaks out
closed, motionless circle, she
by the breeze
carried away

Chichikov - "living" soul
Has distinctive character traits,
which the landlords do not possess
The author gives the story of the hero's life
A hint of the impending moral
the rebirth of the hero - in the name Paul
The motive of travel, roads are and
motive "movement of the soul"

V. Kozhinov: “Chichikov is really strong
personality ... "
SI Mashinsky: “In the epic with the“ dead
souls "
opened up
devilish energy and ingenuity
Chichikov, his character as a businessman and inventor
new formation ... "

V.Nabokov: “Fool ... It was foolish to trade
the dead souls of the old woman and Nozdrev ”.
M. B. Khrapchenko: “One of Chichikov's qualities is the ability to mimicry, a contradiction between
the desire to appear and the inner essence
character ”.

AI Herzen: “One active person Chichikov, and that limited rogue”.
IP Zolotussky “After all, he cheats, but the rogue does not
may not risk it. Of ups and downs
the life of a rogue consists - such is the law. But everything
the same, but still ... ”.
V.G. Marantzman:
landlords, also "dead soul". Him
the “shining joy of life” is not available.

Chichikov is a "living" soul in
more than "dead".
Therefore, the author wanted to cite
cleansing, renewing one of
the image of a flying, unattainable
Rus - three.

“Take away
with me on the way ...
all human
Do not leave
them on the road,
won't you lift


Write a small
reasoning on the topic:
"Is the image modern
Chichikova "