
Gambling people. Gambling. What are the signs that you can determine the addiction to gambling

Many people today suffer from any kind of disease. psychological nature... This does not mean that you have developmental disabilities or some stage of schizophrenia, it may very well be a simple dependence on something. More often, such people do not recognize that they are not subject to their decisions, a lot seems trifling.

For example, a person takes out another cigarette, justifying it by what he likes, and he can at any time quit smoking, and after a couple of days, in the absence of money, he does not find a place for himself, wanting to make the desired drag. It is also important to note that there are those who suffer from gambling addiction. How to recognize a gambler who is ready to play slot machines at night? What should you pay attention to when analyzing your personality? You will learn about this in this article.

What are the criteria for determining the addiction to gambling?

1. Are you aggressive enough... This is a character trait typical of many gamblers. In any game of chance there is an adversary, be it a man or a machine. That is why the player begins to show rivalry, trying to win. For this, it is important to have enough strength and aggression so as not to give up and not lose. The more difficult the game, the more pressure and skill you need to fight. It turns out that the player attacks the opponent, in the end the game often resembles a fight. If you feel that aggression is a fairly frequent manifestation of your "I", then you should categorically refuse gambling.

2. Sometimes you feel like taking risks... These are people who love to receive incredible emotions from overcoming their fears. Often, individuals who show a weakness for gambling jump from bridges with an elastic band, fly with parachutes and descend under water from scuba gear. The appetite for risk is part of the life of gambling people, so they often come to the conclusion that such games become their passion and everyday life. If you have ever felt a surge of energy and a pleasant rapid heartbeat in a moment of danger, then there is a good chance that you will gamble. Such people get real pleasure from risk, sometimes wanting not to achieve a result, but simply to take part.

3. You have a desire to assert yourself... You've probably noticed that most of the players are. It is very important for them to feel like a winner and arouse admiration from others. How can this be achieved? You can conquer peaks and collect stars from the sky, or you can go to a local casino and get similar emotions. That is why people who lack self-confidence are more likely to have some kind of addiction. But here a trap awaits many, because you can slightly increase self-esteem, or you can get a completely opposite effect due to losses and condemnation of others.

4. Do you like to "hunt"... Most often, such a hunt is led by men, because they want to achieve their goal, to demonstrate their strength and greatness. In order to provide for themselves and their families, many go to desperate actions. People are hunters by nature, and in gambling you can express yourself to the fullest. If you tend to get your way by any means, and feel real pleasure when, after long days of hunting, you got what you wanted, then you are a gambler. Perhaps you are not interested in gambling at the moment, but no one knows how it will be after a certain period of time.

5. Love to trust your intuition... Intuition is a wonderful quality that is not common to many. If you start listening to your inner voice, then the chances are high that you will do a lot of positive things in life. But this does not apply to gambling, because it is not so important how you feel. Many people deceive themselves, convincing themselves that this game will definitely bring victory, and then they are surprised at how much money they spent. You should not trust your intuition when gambling, otherwise you risk losing everything. Better to approach scientifically and build the game in stages. Many gamblers claim that trusting your intuition is necessary, but what you do is your decision.

6. You are prone to impulsive behavior.... Did you have such that you did an act, and only then after a while you realized how stupid it was? Often times, people who act on impulse start gambling. It all depends on the situation, because someone manages to get acquainted with this area personally, and someone does not know what feelings gamblers get. If you react quickly and thoughtlessly to some situations in your life, then in no case try to play on machines and do not visit a casino. You simply will not be able to cope with yourself, and this is fraught with sad results.

7. You want to be a leader... Or you already are. Maybe you are a successful director or managing manager, or maybe you were the organizer of many events at school and knew how to lead people. In this case, the risk of becoming an experienced gambler is also great. Surely you feel a real pleasure when others recognize your superiority and want to be like you. It is in this case that the likelihood of contracting gambling is high. If you know that you are a leader or want to be one, take up other activities, and let gambling become a taboo for you.

8. It's easy to convince you... Be prepared for the fact that you will be "processed" by real professionals in their field, so leaving the casino with money is not so easy. You will be convinced that luck is on your side, that there is nothing more valuable in life than winning a big game, etc. If you already had the experience of being persuaded to buy a product you didn't need or to make a choice that was not profitable for you, then gambling should be abandoned. It is possible that you came to the casino because someone brought you, or you simply heard a lot of positive reviews. People who are easy to convince of something become the real victims of the gambling business. Choose something else for yourself, because in gambling it is not you who will think, but the employees of the establishment.

The abandoned wife of the player suffers And the mother of a son who wanders wherever. Burdened with debts, fearfully looking for money, He goes at night to the house of other people

Rigveda, "The Gambler's Anthem". Translated by Elizarenkova T. Ya.

Online poker has been actively developing in the Russian segment of the World Wide Web since the second half of the 2000s. The devastating consequences for a person from an addiction to playing poker and other card games are expressed no less noticeably in comparison with such addictions widespread on the worldwide network as pornography, online casinos, and network games.

World religions such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, unequivocally interpret the craving for gambling as an unnatural and sinful urge. For a person on the path of spiritual development, the desire for gambling should be nipped in the bud.

For example, in Buddhism, the reasons for negative attitudes towards gambling can be traced to the four noble truths - the main teaching of the Buddha. The second noble truth speaks of the cause of suffering - this is desire, an insatiable desire. This insatiable desire is also present in the craving for an easy way to make money by participating in gambling.

Online poker began to grow at a particularly fast pace - in the world and in Russia in particular - after the victory of the amateur Chris Moneymaker at the largest poker tournament in Las Vegas in 2003 (the so-called "Moneymaker effect", which the poker industry did not fail to take advantage of) ... In the same tournament in 2008, Russian professional player Ivan Demidov took second place, which gave an additional impetus to the spread of poker in Russia.

In popular social networks, gaming applications are common that allow you to play poker with other people for conditional money. Is poker the art of reading an opponent and counting the odds in the pot or a heavy gambling addiction that destroys a player's personal life and prevents a person from becoming a person in ordinary spheres of life? Disputes on this topic do not subside until now.

Of course, if a player is fluent in poker mathematics, understands psychology, knows how to “read” opponents and determine their level of play, is calm and reasonable and does not give in to “tilt” (inadequate emotional state caused by a loss or win) - such a player will win more than to lose. Why? Because most players are amateurs and cannot make much progress in the game for various reasons.

According to some reports - the exact data poker sites do not like to disclose - about 90% of online poker players lose. The remaining 10% (or less) are professional poker masters who make a living from amateur poker players.

Some fans of the card game consider poker as a leisure time that allows you to tickle your nerves and experience excitement for reasonable money. Others may spend more free time playing poker, thus losing more money, but controlling their passion. The third category of losing players can have serious psychological problems caused by a painful addiction to the game (gambling, gambling addiction, gambling addiction).

And this third category is not that small. Young people who spend a lot of time on the Internet and pay attention to suggestions on how to easily make money without leaving home are especially susceptible to the acquisition of gambling addiction.

Many themed sites related to leisure, gaming industry are full of offers of poker rooms (poker rooms where the game is played directly). Poker rooms offer tempting deposit bonuses, special offers and newbie promotions.

There is a tense and unfriendly atmosphere in the poker rooms where the game is played for real money. After all, the goal of the player is to defeat the opponent and add the money of the defeated person to the money on the account of the more skilled and successful player. It is a common occurrence when a lost player begins to swear in the chat and curse the offender at all costs. In fairness, it should be noted that most players try to behave with dignity, despite the psychological stress.

Here are just a few facts about the harmfulness of addiction to gambling:

  • Stewart Errol Unger, who won the World Series of Poker Main Event three times, spent most of the money he won on sports betting and drugs. Unger died at the age of 45 as a result of drug-related heart disease;
  • professional poker player Ernest Scherer was sentenced to life in jail for the murder of his parents in 2008. The motive for the cruel crime was the desire to alleviate the difficult financial situation in which Scherer was at the expense of inheritance;
  • poker player Alessandro Bastianoni committed suicide in 2013 after a string of significant losses;
  • Andre Moore in October 2013, during a card game with his brother, discovered that he had cheated, and in a fit of anger, fatally wounded a relative with a pistol shot.

The above examples of the detrimental effect of play on human behavior make you think seriously.

In some countries, poker and other gambling are recognized not only as illegal, but as a real evil, for which you can get a real prison sentence or become the object of public beating. These are Afghanistan, Indonesia (including a ban on online games), Bhutan, Algeria, Vatican. In Israel, the game of poker was banned in 2008, and residents of the country are prohibited from playing even at home with friends.

But, unfortunately, online poker is formally not prohibited almost anywhere, including in Russia. It is also sad that many countries only pretend that they are somehow struggling with this problem, but in fact they are only trying to control the cash flow by collecting taxes from this business. So the game doesn't stop, but it gets a little harder for end users ...

There are countries that recognized poker as a sport, and Russia was no exception (in August 2009, poker was approved as a game of chance and a ban on participation was introduced, but 4 gambling zones were established). And here the saying "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" will be appropriate. Of course, the opinion that sports poker increases the intellectual and ethical development of the individual, helps to distract citizens from negative and bad habits and asocial forms of behavior and is a useful and pleasant form of spending free time, has the right to exist, BUT ... Almost all people associate poker with the ability to earn easy money, and an innocent, at first glance, hobby can provoke the appearance of mental disorders and the formation of serious addiction. Statistics show that there are far fewer people with drug addiction than those who gamble.

International classification of diseases: disease No. F60 "A disorder consisting in frequent repeated episodes of a person's participation in gambling, dominating in the life of the subject and leading to a decrease in social, professional, material and family values." Pathological addiction to gambling leads to the fact that for a person, gambling is the only way to relieve stress, forget grievances, a way of communication, a chase, a dream to get rich, to assert one's importance, to gain recognition, a way to fill a certain void. There is a process of destruction of the personality, which is aggravated by social consequences, i.e. impoverishment, job loss and family breakdown. It is very difficult to realize this dependence, because it is a psychological programmedness and keeps the thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions of the player under control. In gambling addicts, even the biochemical composition of the active substances of brain cells changes, which manifests itself in the form of perverted emotional reactions. Instead of being afraid of a sense of danger, players begin to experience euphoria, an intoxicating feeling. The very important neurotransmitter dopamine, responsible for positive feelings towards others, feelings of satisfaction and joy, is reduced to incredibly low levels.

In poker itself (or any other type of card game), in the opinion of an ordinary person, there is nothing illegal or unacceptable. At the same time, does play help a person achieve something really important and valuable, does it contribute to the development of your noble qualities or opens a deeper understanding of the world and your purpose? The card game takes up time and energy - the most important resources at the disposal of the individual, and can manifest in the human person terrible feelings and disgusting urges that will ruin the player's life, turning it into one big stupidity ...

So is it worth spending such a valuable life in the human body so as not to actually be present in it, plunging into the world of the game?

The decision is yours, I hope we will be on the same side!

Such online casinos are represented by various lotteries, card games, Internet roulettes, video poker, and online slot machines. In such online casinos, addicted people can find absolutely anything they want.

Most people who are addicted to gambling are able to control themselves. They just enjoy the game without becoming addicted. Some players get carried away so much that it becomes a kind of insanity or even a disease. For such people, play is no longer just a bad habit, they develop a difficult emotional one. Excitement in them already causes addiction, and not just euphoria. The player wants to experience more and more pleasure from the game.

Online casinos are doubly dangerous. The Internet itself is addictive for many people. While playing on the Internet, people cannot evaluate their actions even with that small degree of adequacy that is present when playing in the real world.

The formation of a severe pathological dependence on gambling goes unnoticed by others. At first, it looks like a harmless human attempt to spend free time. But gradually the player stops interacting with the appearance, and shifts all his attention only to the game. He feels an increasingly strong desire to escape from the often uncomfortable and uncomfortable reality. There is a decrease in all normal human needs for the sake of the game.

A person who has embarked on the path of gambling can commit criminal acts in order to get money to satisfy his addiction. Addiction to gambling often becomes the cause of financial bankruptcy, a threat to a professional career. In especially severe cases, patients may even lose the support of relatives and friends, their families.

People with gambling addictions are socially degraded in the same way as people suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction. Addiction leads to the rapid development of social isolationism. A person experiences constant feelings of shame and guilt, tries to hide the fact of addiction to the game. There is an integration into a kind of environment typical for gamblers. After a while, there is absolutely nothing left in the life of a game-addicted person except the desire to continue playing. Ultimately, a person's life is destroyed.

The consequences of gambling addiction can also manifest themselves on the physical level. Various psychosomatic symptoms await a person here, for example, stomach ulcers, headaches, strokes and heart attacks.

Recently, one more addiction has been added to bad habits - a passion for gambling. Now, due to the widespread distribution of slot machines, this problem has become even more urgent.

In general, gambling addiction has a long history. Even Peter I had a negative attitude towards cards, but nevertheless allowed gambling, but with a loss of no more than 1 ruble in copper.

Every tenth person on the planet has gambled at least once in his life - slot machines, casinos, lottery tickets, running, arguing, etc. About 5-7% of the population of almost any city are considered pathological gamblers.

Excitement is inherent in almost every person, but it manifests itself in everyone in their own way. One directs him to achievements in his career, the other to personal life, the third enthusiastically goes in for sports, and the fourth, unfortunately, begins to get involved in gambling. The manifestation of passion does not depend on either gender or age of a person.

There is even a special term "gambling addiction", which denotes a pathological addiction to gambling. First of all, gambling addiction was encountered in the West, where this problem was equated with alcoholism and drug addiction and gambling addicts are treated with appropriate methods.

In many countries, preventive measures were taken - gambling establishments were allowed to be located in certain areas of the city or even in individual cities. Such a city is, for example, Las Vegas.

There are also countries where gambling is prohibited by law, and people at risk of running gambling establishments face life imprisonment. In some countries, each person has the right to write and always carry with him a statement according to which he is not allowed to enter a gambling establishment.

In Russia, the number of people suffering from gambling addiction has significantly increased recently. In 2005-2006. Moscow's power structures are seriously thinking about the negative consequences of excessive enthusiasm for slot machines. An epidemic of gambling addiction was even declared, while there are already about 300 thousand people with such a diagnosis.

Internet gambling has also become widespread. According to American scientists, a person gets used to gambling on the Internet faster than to games in a casino or to slot machines.

Psychologist Nancy Petri, who took part in the study of the formation of gambling addiction on the Internet, said: “... among patients, many are addicted to gambling on the Internet. Although this passion is still quite rare in the general population, it is spreading rather quickly. " According to Petri, “adolescents are primarily at risk. Among them, addiction to gambling is much more common. Teenagers generally use computers much more. ”

Reasons for gambling addiction

Many people are concerned about the question, for what reasons a person becomes a gambling addict. For a long time they were unknown, various theories were put forward, polls and studies were conducted. Recently, many researchers are inclined to believe that the only cause of gambling addiction can only be psychological disorders.

One of the reasons for excessive gambling is loneliness. Most single people from time to time fall into a state of depression, experience a feeling of incomprehensible melancholy and melancholy. Some studies have shown that single people have significantly reduced blood endorphins. It is gambling that gives them a state of euphoria and the necessary adrenaline. Such people easily and quickly become addicted to gambling, experiencing a real psychological dependence on them. And almost none of them manage to get rid of it on their own.

The MPs are considering a proposal to distribute booklets about the dangers of gambling in all gambling establishments in Moscow. Vladimir Platov on gambling: "In any gambling club, the service personnel must issue booklets to visitors about the dangers of gambling, which should describe all the harmful consequences of slot machines, roulettes and cards."

Most people who are prone to gambling addiction show a tendency to impulsive behavior from time to time. As a result, gambling is the most dangerous for creative people, as well as for people with a fine mental organization, who very quickly get used to them and can no longer independently give up the game.

Another reason for the excessive passion for gambling is, oddly enough, the lack of money. Having financial problems, a person hopes to win a significant amount of money and, thereby, improve his financial situation.

Such people think as follows: "I have no money, which means that I can not lose much, but there is a chance to win." Over time, they also develop psychological dependence.

Based on the above, we can conclude that in most cases, gambling addiction is not a cause, but a consequence of some psychological problems. To get rid of an excessive passion for gambling, you need to look for the reason in the person himself, in his lifestyle, etc.

Very often gambling addiction begins against the background of alcoholism or drug addiction. At the same time, a person is subject to a sharp change in mood, he has somatic disorders, involuntary trembling of his hands, in addition, he often feels guilty before his family for his addiction.

Categories of gambling addicts

According to scientists who have studied the problem of pathological addiction to gambling, there are several categories of gambling addicts:

- gambling addicts who, in addition to addiction to gambling, have a number of pathological addictions. In other words, these are people suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse and so on, along with this addicted to gambling;

- gambling addicts who some time ago underwent treatment in psychiatric clinics, that is, suffering from mental illness;

- gambling addicts suffering from feelings of loneliness. As a rule, these are closed, shy people who have no family or friends. For them, gambling serves as a kind of outlet or a way to escape from everyday problems. Surrendering with all their hearts to the game, such people stop thinking about their own lack of demand;

- professional gambling addicts. These people began to play professionally, not hoping for chance, perhaps they even developed their own method of winning. Over time, they lost their professionalism and their usual hobby took on the form of pathological addiction;

- gambling addicts who do not fall into any of the above categories. In such people, addiction to gambling was formed due to individual reasons - sudden bankruptcy, death of a loved one, betrayal of a friend, divorce, etc.

Signs of the formation of gambling addiction

As a rule, a gambling addict can be distinguished by some characteristic features. It is very important to identify this bad habit in the early stages of formation and help a loved one get rid of it in time.

There are cases when people during the game lost consciousness or even died from lack of sleep and exhaustion.

Signs of the formation of gambling addiction:

- a person begins to experience unprecedented excitement and excitement during the game, constantly increases the rates;

- even outside the game, a person constantly loses his past games in his thoughts and plans future ones. He constantly thinks about how he will raise the rates, how he will start the game and will win. Also, all thoughts are occupied with where to find money for the next game;

- if a person is forced to stop the game or he runs out of money, he becomes aggressive and angry, he can take the evil out on others. If he is prevented from playing, he may even hit the person;

- if a person does not have money for a game, he can commit illegal actions for this - go to theft, set up another person, etc .;

- a person plays when he has any problems at work or in his personal life. With the help of the game, he tries to get away from these problems and somehow distract himself;

- a person cannot stop the game on his own, persuades himself to play again and then stop, and so on ad infinitum;

- a person begins to deceive loved ones, hides that he is passionate about gambling, how much he lost, etc.;

- after each loss, he strives to recoup at any cost, again loses and again wants to recoup, and so on in a vicious circle;

- for the sake of the game takes risks to one degree or another. For example, risking work, family, money, promotion, the well-being of loved ones, etc .;

- a person is constantly in debt, he begins to borrow money to pay off old debts, in some cases he may not stand it and lose them again.

A person obsessed with gambling usually goes through 4 stages:

- the stage of winning. At this stage, psychological dependence has not yet formed. A person plays very rarely, from time to time. He only dreams of winning, but does not yet strive for it at any cost. Over time, he can even start winning, it is after this that he sometimes starts raising rates and plays much more often;

- stage of loss. The beginning of the formation of psychological dependence on gambling. A person starts to play quite often, specially comes to gambling establishments, can borrow a large amount of money, hoping to win. There comes a time of scandals in the family, unpaid debts, lies, reproaches, etc .;

- the stage of despair. At this stage, a person becomes more and more isolated from his family and friends, his reputation at work deteriorates. During this time, he may begin to commit illegal actions, and is also prone to fear and panic. He already feels his dependence and does not know how to get rid of it;

- the stage of hopelessness. This is the last stage of gambling addiction. At this time, the person is already completely confused, he does not know what to do next, how to pay back huge debts, family and friends. At this stage, a person often has thoughts of suicide. The person may start drinking or using drugs. In some cases, he can go crazy.

Negative consequences

As already mentioned, excessive gambling can lead to serious mental disorders. As a rule, it is not this hobby itself that leads to this, but the negative consequences that arise after that.


Psychopathy is a persistent pathology of character that has a hereditary or acquired character. With such a pathology, a person's intelligence, as a rule, is not disturbed, but in this state it is very difficult for a person to maintain normal interpersonal relationships.

For a long time, the clinical picture of psychopathy has not been studied. According to the results of some studies, the following forms of psychopathy have been identified: affective, excitable, schizoid, paranoid, asthenic and psychasthenic. There is also persistent and unstable psychopathy.

Psychopathy does not affect the central nervous system of a person, therefore, as the disease progresses, many of the symptoms characteristic of most mental illnesses do not appear. For example, psychopathy does not have hallucinations.

For a long time it was believed that psychopathy acts as a protective reaction of the body, manifested in response to the aggression of the external environment. Thus, a person tries to adapt to the world around him. Usually, psychopathy can begin after a person has been in a stressful situation for a long time, for example, constantly loses, cannot repay debt for a long time, etc.

It was also assumed that the onset of psychopathy is the first step towards the underworld. Most people suffering from this disease commit more or less serious offenses.

Usually, a person suffering from psychopathy and committing a crime is completely confident that they are right. He thinks that crime is in this case the only way out.

As a rule, people who grew up in an unfavorable environment are prone to psychopathy. Perhaps they had problems with their parents, or, on the contrary, they were too cared for, they had poor living conditions, they were offended by their peers, etc. All this only exacerbates the situation. Passion for gambling will in this case be the impetus for the development of the disease.

As a rule, improvement occurs if a person is isolated from an irritating factor for a long time, in this case, does not gamble. With constant exposure to an unfavorable environment, a person cannot adapt, and this is manifested in the occurrence of psychopathy in him.

The manifestations of the disease largely depend on the personality itself, on the character of the person and his life attitudes. This is how they differ from most mental illnesses. The peculiarity of the manifestation of psychopathies lies in the individuality of the person himself, in how he treats himself and how strong these or those character traits are in him.

If a child is brought up in an incomplete family, in the future, under certain circumstances, there is a high risk of developing psychopathies.

The main symptoms of psychopathy are insomnia, headache, weakness, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, emotionality, etc.

A person suffering from psychopathy often provokes conflict situations with others. It is impossible to communicate with him for a long time. The aggressive behavior of such a person can be caused by anything, it seems to him that people look at him the wrong way, any words seem insulting, etc.

A person suffering from this disease rarely meets new people, he is reserved and reluctant to make contact. Even with the closest relatives, he does not have very good relations. A sick person is characterized by an obsession with some kind of super ideas and he is very offended when he does not find support from others.

Such people become very touchy, they are hurt by any word or deed. Later in their thoughts, they replay the "scene of resentment", come up with words that they would answer to their offender. They are able to remember the resentment for many years and subsequently behave very arrogantly with people who offend them.

There is another type of people who, with a similar disease, behave exactly the opposite. They are very insecure in their abilities, it seems to them that they are not capable of anything. Such people are very silent, because they are afraid that they will say something wrong. Before deciding to utter any phrase, they scroll it several times in their head.

In any case, a person with psychopathy, deep down in his soul, dreams of always being in the spotlight. Some even make up stories that supposedly happened to them and tell them to their friends. Some of their gestures, looks are very theatrical, they can even practice them for some time alone with themselves, in order to amaze others later.


Neurosis is probably the most common mental illness. For the most part, neuroses arise as a result of prolonged mental stress.

The term "neurosis" was proposed by the Scottish psychiatrist W. Cullen in 1776.

There are 3 forms of neurosis: hysteria, neurasthenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. External factors affecting the onset of neuroses are stress, obsessive fears, prolonged depression, intoxication of the body with harmful substances, etc.

As the disease progresses, a person feels a deterioration in well-being, mental exhaustion and disorder of some autonomic and somatic functions develop.

People with a psychopathic disposition are especially susceptible to neurosis, but even a perfectly healthy person can get sick with it under the influence of situations that are highly traumatic for the psyche.

The main symptoms of neurosis are melancholy, depressed mood, depression, weakness, deterioration of health, a feeling of incomprehensible anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, cardiac syndrome, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, belching, impaired sexual functions (decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, frigidity, etc.), seizures, tremors of the limbs, tics of the facial muscles, aphonia, partial visual and hearing impairment, goose bumps, numbness of the limbs and headache.

In its development, neurasthenia goes through 3 stages:

- hypersthenic;

- transitional;

- hyposthenic.

At the first stage of the development of the disease, the person becomes very irritable. He is constantly in nervous tension, while often provoking such situations himself. At this time, a person becomes very inattentive, his thoughts are indistinct, which prevents him from concentrating.

At the second stage of the development of the disease, a person is capable of aggression towards others. He responds to any statement in his address with anger and irritability. After the manifestation of aggression, a person feels severe weakness, drowsiness and loss of strength. In this state, a person cannot do one thing for a long time, as he quickly gets tired.

At the third stage of the development of the disease, a person increasingly begins to show symptoms of mental and physical asthenia. The patient is distinguished by very rapid fatigability, not only physical, but also intellectual work is difficult for him.

Quite often, patients with neurosis have obsessive-compulsive disorder. In this case, a person constantly forgets whether he turned off the light or iron, locked the door, etc.

In the last stages of the disease, a person suffers from suspiciousness. He constantly thinks that he is sick with an incurable or serious illness - cancer, AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis, etc. Because of this, he may stop going outside, constantly washing his hands, not using other people's things, etc.

A sick person may develop various phobias. He may begin to be afraid of confined spaces, heights, sharp objects, elevators, etc. Such a person is very afraid of losing consciousness, in his opinion, others may think that he is dead and bury him alive. He constantly imagines how he will suffocate, trying to get out. Such thoughts do not give a person peace, further aggravating his condition.

Psychosomatic diseases

Psychosomatic diseases are a complex of somatic diseases. They arise due to the influence of external factors that affect the emotional sphere and cause certain mental disorders.

The disease can occur both with short-term and long-term exposure to a certain external factor. The very first big loss can trigger the onset of the disease. All subsequent ones will each time cause her relapses.

Psychosomatic diseases and the factors that cause them can provoke the occurrence of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, migraine, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, psoriasis, thyrotoxicosis, ulcerative colitis, urticaria, neurodermatitis, etc.

The main symptoms of psychosomatic diseases are frequent urination, sweating, drooling, diarrhea, fever and blood pressure, heart cramps, heart palpitations, weakness, fatigue, insomnia, etc.

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Gambling is a personality trait to enter in a state of powerful mood elevation and euphoric state, with active emotionality and fervor, with a strong desire to achieve success or victory.

Passion, like any means intoxicating the consciousness, is easily assimilated, but the credit taken from the devil in the form of the Hormones of Happiness must be repaid with interest. The resulting Gambling and dependence is similar to drug or alcohol addiction - the same withdrawal and hangover.

Gambling is present in all areas of life, where there is even the slightest hint of expectation of success. Gambling is not only a Casino or a lottery. Quiet hunting, fishing, picking up mushrooms, cause no less excitement. Any Passion intoxicates the consciousness and leads to degradation.

The sequence of exposure to this type of pleasure - Interest\u003e Greed\u003e Gambling\u003e Foolishness\u003e Negligence\u003e Euphoria\u003e Thoughtlessness\u003e Disappointment\u003e Depression

Where Recklessness comes, there immediately appears recklessness, greed, stupidity, carelessness and thoughtlessness. Together with Gambling, troubles and troubles immediately follow.

Man has a powerful weapon - the power of reason, but he loses his mind in the Euphoric ecstasy of Excitement... Recklessness weakens the Willpower and mental potential of the individual, pushing towards the world of ignorance with its devilish power of destruction.

Gambling mainly affects men. Women are more pragmatic, rational and careful. In men, feelings and the desire to get euphoric pleasure are very intense, only a hormonal surge of desire works.

Hungry feelings turn off one hemisphere of the rational brain and connect the other - responsible for feelings. It is difficult to stop and cope with the frantic race of the lusty mind for illusory luck. If a person wins, he experiences a sense of satisfaction and happiness in the present moment.

Where the hair stands on end and Fear, blood rages, the feelings are naughty, the hormones of happiness are raging and the mind is completely absent. Excitement causes a change in a person's appearance. External signs in a Gambler when he plays are paleness or redness of the face, dilated pupils, breathing changes.

Gambling is harmful to humans. The behavior of gambling clearly shows a fast and powerful way of obtaining pleasure and a powerful emotional outburst.

A person who has become a hostage of gambling loses interest in family, work and his reputation. Losing respect for himself, he ceases to respect those around him, a person gradually degrades, beliefs, moral principles are destroyed, depression and physical illness sets in.

Excessively Gambling people tend to break the law and disturb society. For the sake of money, gambling people are often ready to commit criminal acts in violation of laws.