
Quatrain about nesting dolls for children. Beauty holiday methodical development on the topic. Song "Merry Matryoshkas"

Poems about a matryoshka toy for children 4-6 years old

Y. Volodina

Come on with you
Let's play a little:
IN matryoshka big eat
Smaller matryoshka.

colorful dress,
Rosy cheeks!
We open it -
She hides her daughter.
Matryoshkas are dancing
Matryoshkas are laughing
And happily ask
Smile you!
They jump towards you
Right in the palms -
What funny
These nesting dolls!

A. Grishin

wooden girlfriends
They love to hide in each other
Wear bright clothes
Are called- nesting dolls.


In one doll - many dolls,
This is how they live - in a friend,
Their size is calculated strictly -
Wooden friends.

R. Karapetyan

As in big-big matryoshka,
There is a little less
Well, in it - a little more,
Well, in it - a baby doll,
Well, in a crumb - no one.
There are four of them in total.

L. Gromova

Gave Masha
Matryoshka- there is no better!
All so good:
Bright, elegant!

It's fun to play with her
You can even open.
Open it up a little
There's another matryoshka inside!
Just a little smaller
The rest are just twins!

We began to look for the third
It turned out to be five!
Five nesting dolls - all in one
They can sometimes hide.

Mashenka twirls matryoshka.
How to remove clothes from a nesting doll?
Bath soap foaming...
She won't undress herself.

N. Radchenko

There is a doll on the shelf
She is bored and sad.
But you take it in your hands
And you will find another one in it.
And in that one ... And now in a row
Five cute dolls are standing.
Although the growth is different, but still
All are remarkably similar.
In elegant colorful sundresses
Ruddy nesting dolls-sisters.
There was one, and now there are five
They never get bored again!
And the girlfriends will play
And again hide in each other.

Julia Room

These Russians nesting dolls,
colorful clothes,
On the secrets of the master,
The sisters are hiding in the older one.

How many of them you can't understand
If you can't find a younger one.

S. Ivanov

Oh, you are a matryoshka lady,
I will take you in my hands
Show me those girls
What's inside of you!

Oh, you are a matryoshka lady,
colorful clothes,
Knows the whole wide world
This Russian souvenir!

A. Kuleshova

Glorious doll - matryoshka,
Where are the pens
Where are the legs?
Oh what cheeks
red, ruddy,
Flowers on the apron
And on a sundress.
Here is a matryoshka - mom,
Here are nesting dolls - daughters,
Mouth - like berries,
The eyes are like dots!
Mom sings a song
Daughters lead a round dance,
Mom wants to rest
Hiding one inside the other!

T. Lilo

We are waiting for you Matryoshka,
Join us for lunch today!
There will be crumpled potatoes
And mushrooms, and vinaigrette.
Let's drink tea from a samovar,
For tea - donuts, puffs, honey!
Let's chat!
There is a guitar
Is it true that the guest will sing to us?!
She, blushing with embarrassment,
- I will come,
But come on (I'm sorry!)
Will we set the table in the garden?!
The house is cramped for me, by God,
Because I'm not just me!
I am this
a lot of-
a lot of-
a lot of-
a lot of-
a lot of-
a lot of…
The large family!

S. Marshak

Eight wooden dolls,
Chubby and ruddy
In multi-colored sundresses
They live on our table.
The first doll is thick
But inside it is empty.
She understands
into two halves.
Another one lives in it.
doll in the middle.
Open this doll
will be the third in the second.
Unscrew one half
Dense, lapped,
And can you find
fourth doll.
Take it out and have a look
Who is hiding inside.
Hiding in her fifth
pupa is plump.
And inside the sixth
empty lives in it.
And in the sixth seventh,
And in the seventh eighth.
This doll is the smallest
Slightly larger than a walnut.
Here they are, lined up
doll sisters are standing.
How many of you? - we will ask them
And the dolls will answer: - Eight!
Open this doll


Cabinet layout:

  1. Pavlovsky scarf
  2. Matryoshkas
  3. Zhostovo tray
  4. Khokhloma
  5. Gzhel
  6. Drawings
  7. Reproduction of “The Swan Princess” by Vrubel
  8. Photos of “Roses”


And if so, what is beauty

And why do people deify her?

She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,

Or fire flickering in a vessel?

N. Zabolotsky.

"Ugly girl"

We have a very interesting lesson today. I want to talk to you, probably, about the most important thing in every person - about beauty! Pay attention to all the items that are in our office. Say that looking at them, you care about what pleases, surprises ... (the guys speak out: bright colors, ancient traditions, a variety of objects, etc.) But did you know that each of these objects also has its own little secret ? Let's take a closer look at them. Here is a matryoshka. do you already know her? She's beautiful?

Students: “Wonderful wonder - matryoshka”

She was uncompromising

An ordinary chump

And became a Russian doll

With a round barrel.

Dressed like a beauty

We all really like

Multicolored sarafan

Bright as a dandelion.

And flowers and patterns

Everyone loves her outfit.

Well, the strangest thing

The kids are inside!

One opens -

And ... the same is visible.

We reveal the second -

We take out the painted!

And beauties in a row

The circle dance is wide.

After we fold it, like in a basket,

Wonder marvelous - matryoshka.

Presenter: And now the girls will sing a song



My friend Andryushka brought me a toy.

Bright beauty, I immediately liked it.

Painted in patterns, I don't talk at all

What a toy, just a miracle, and with me it is everywhere.


Matryoshka, elegant matryoshka

Funny, round, fine.

My wooden toy

Beautiful, kind, nice.

Russian matryoshka dances to the accordion.

At the same time with the toy, Andryushka and I are dancing.

Look at our faces, how nice it is to have fun.

We do not know fatigue - we invite everyone to dance.


Matryoshka, elegant matryoshka

Funny, round, fine

My wooden toy

Beautiful, kind, nice.


Matryoshka, elegant matryoshka

Funny, round, fine

My wooden toy

Beautiful, kind, nice.

Eh! Folk toy.

For a guest, you are the most fashionable.

Art emblem - Russian

Gift for the closest.


Presenter: And here is a Russian folk shawl! She's beautiful?


Like a wonderful heat - plate

She flapped her wings.

It's a red girl

She shook her head.

Was worn on the head

Bright, like a gem -

Painted fabric square,

Multi-colored, with a fringe.

Here is a rose and a petal,

There is a blade of grass and a flower...

And all together it's a miracle -

Russian pavlovian scarf!

Students: lyrics by L. Kuznetsova

"Pavlovo Posad shawl"

Here are the gifts, here are the gifts!

They burn with fiery paint!

Who skillfully painted

This fabulous oval!

And tell us where

This miracle has appeared!

Who invented these colors

Like taken from a fairy tale!

Pupils: sing ditties. "Haze"

Take out countrymen

Hurry wallets!

Here they sing their ditties

famous toys

We are painted toys

Laughing Vyatka

Slobodskie dandies,

Posad gossips.

We have pretzel cheeks

Cheeks like apples

With us for a long time familiar

All the people at the fair.

With ribbons and bows

arm in arm with dandies

We walk in pairs, swim in peahens.

The young ladies are beautiful, very funny

There is a fur coat on the shoulders, and a skirt with a frill!

We are girlfriends - laughter

All ditties sang to you -

It's Rose Time!


Look now at this miracle. Rose is the queen of flowers! (A vase with a rose appears on the table.) Take a closer look, and it will seem to you that it is shining.

Poets of all ages sing about it.

There is nothing more tender and beautiful in the world,

Than this scroll of scarlet petals,

Opened with a fragrant bowl.

S. Marshak

No wonder the ancient Greeks and Romans created many legends and tales about it. beautiful flower. Anacreon wrote that the rose first appeared from the snow-white sea foam at the feet of Aphrodite (the goddess of love and beauty), when she emerged from the sea in the first rays of the sun. There is a legend according to which Egyptian queen Cleopatra, receiving Mark Antony in the banqueting hall, ordered to strew the floor with fragrant rose petals ...

But we live in Russia. Russia is the center of Christian, more precisely Orthodox civilization. And in the Christian world, the rose has a special place. This is a symbol of mercy, spiritual purity and sublime love, i.e. those feelings that elevate our heart to the creator of the whole world - to God.

Pupils: "Roses"

Ripe dew is scattered over the June mowing,

The nightingales sing in anticipation of the dawn,

Roses shine like dawns, and dawns like fresh roses

In the white-maned mists they bloom inaudibly.


Surely it was such a marvelous rose that prompted artists to create patterns on Russian shawls, scarves, sundresses and nesting dolls.

You can talk and sing about the beauty of flowers, especially when it comes to roses, endlessly. they are beautiful at any time of the year.

Students: “Five February Roses”

Winter has its whims - the garden sleeps under the snow,

But the warm wind of March is sneaking along the ledge.

Sparrows tease each other at the window frames,

Soon a holiday, a good holiday of grandmothers and mothers.


Five February roses did not freeze under the snow,

A snowstorm hid five February roses.

I will give five February roses to my beloved mother.

Five February roses will refresh the drops.

I can hear the loud cry of rooks outside the window.

Sun rays are visible on the snow.

And drops play scale ringing from winter tears,

Blossomed again for mom five February roses

The chorus is the same.


I would like to recall another beautiful and delicate flower - about LILY! how many beautiful words can be said about this flower, about its purity and beauty.

Students: the song “Lily” is performed by Tanya Valentseva, Julia Petrova, Vika Kurdyukova.Songwriter: Yuri Verizhnikov.


As if in a fairy tale, I open the door, I have not seen such a miracle.

In front of me stands a living, mother - nature, The Lake District, leading me away from the path, With your beauty, beckoning, you stand, And around the water lily - they look at me very strictly.


Among mighty oaks and pines. And among the blue lakes Early autumn breaks through - The time of sacraments, hopes and dreams. Let it all protect you - Ripples of water and seagulls cry.

Only a little changes, your magical And wondrous moment.


White, white lily - lake decoration, Queen of water flowers. Marvelous, slender, sweet Surprisingly, one among many others.

Presenter: Guys, look, what is the name of this BEAUTY?

Students: answer in chorus - KHOKHLOMA.


Look guys, she's beautiful. It is one of the brightest directions in the field of folk decorative art.

Khokhloma art arose and developed in the Nizhny Novgorod Trans-Volga region, where woodworking reached a high artistic level. The origins of this art go back to the mists of time, when village houses were decorated with lush carving - with mermaids, lions among the branches and intricate patterned gingerbread.

Students: poems by P. Sinyavskaya.

"Golden Khokhloma"

Khokhloma painting,

A scattering of scarlet berries,

In the greenery of grass, groves, copses.

Silk splashes sunny - honey

Golden foliage.

The beauty is chiseled, the sundress is brocade,

On the waves of patterns - yachts are burning

What kind of sorcerers dressed Khokhloma

Into this unspoken

Festive outfit.

Khokhloma painting

Like a witch

Into a fairy tale song

She asks herself

And nowhere in the world - there are no such inflorescences

All miracles are more wonderful than ours Khokhloma.


Now we have talked about outer beauty, but there is also inner beauty. beauty human soul. We grieve and rejoice, love and hope, we can be strong and courageous. And what a wonderful word "FAITH". To be faithful to the Motherland, mother, friend, loved one. When I talk about fidelity, for some reason I remember swans. There is probably no more faithful bird than a swan. And it is precisely for this reason that since ancient times they have been compared with this bird beautiful people's actions: they said about a beautiful walking girl - "like a swan swims."

But not only poems, legends and epics were formed about this sublime bird, but many artists depicted this beauty on their canvases. Look at Vrubel's painting "The Swan Princess". Looking at it, we see the beauty and depth of the human soul.

Students: Song " Swan Lake”Performed by Yulia Petrova.


Hidden in the taiga swan lake.

It lit up in the darkness with a rosy grey.

Golden water spreads in trembling

White swans fly here. -2 times

Float in the shadows like woven lilies

They freeze, embrace wings

Washes the dew and the eloquent lake

Light breaks through, darkness moves apart

Lighting up in response, the soul responds to them

And the radiance of the day over the shimmer of the blue

Illuminates the swan lake. - 2 times


And now let's talk about "blue magic" - about decorative applied arts antiquities - about GZhEL. The beauty of products that are painted with Gzhel are beautiful and beautiful. Nowadays, they are no less popular and in demand.


In some kingdom, in some state.

In the suburbs, by the river - people lived eccentrics

They loved beauty, they valued it more than anyone else.

In summer, autumn, spring, but not in severe winter

And the winter was angry with them, howling with a blizzard, angry with the wind.

Caught up on them a blizzard and blizzards of whiteness.

It was a pleasure for whiteness to rule in this direction

Dealt with people

Issued such a decree to be everywhere -

White, pure, white.

And it came on earth - here expanse of whiteness.

0 white snow, white river, white sky, clouds.

A blizzard - a snowstorm - was swept up - the village of Gzhel was not visible.

And melancholy took the people, whiteness swept away beauty.

Who will help now - beauty to return to Gzhel.

People are mute from anguish - old men, children, young people.

They sat down in the top three and rushed off like crazy.

They didn’t rush across the field, but with an arrow straight into the sky.

There in the far side, in the heavenly heights

As everyone said

The blue is gone.

People in the night crowd to her

Everyone is screaming:

"Calm our hearts!"

The blue got angry: “What a stupid crowd

I don’t understand your whim, you’d better look down.”

People look from above - "no, we were wrong."

How beautiful is the native land - even in a fierce winter.

Blue - the blue was cunning

In vain did not litter with words

He took everyone to the ground

And in addition to each

Gave blue - a broom.

She called out to the people:

"Unravel my secret."

The broom was taken like birds.

They began to fight with the snow - they whined,

Swept up - blue patterns were applied

And on the ice, and on the snowdrifts - it became more fun to.

To pass sadness melancholy,

To return beauty

And from this beauty - people all opened their mouths.

And they stand as if bewitched -

Enchanted by a blue fairy tale

And I was there - with that whisk of chalk

Figured out that secret

Tell him or not?

Miracle broom - swept snow

On the snow here and there -

Blue roses bloom.

Miracle broom - brush

White - white - not a blizzard

Blue drifts in the snow Gzhel


It has always been a pleasure to watch you at work. You were so beautiful! Each of them had a little kind spark in their eyes. Do you know why? When you created beauty, you did it not only for yourself, but also for others. Here's my advice to you: take a closer look one evening at moms, dads, grandfathers, grandmothers at the moment when they do something for you with love. In their eyes you will see the beauty we just talked about. This is the beauty of the soul, the beauty of active kindness. You agree with me? Maybe someone has already noticed something similar in their loved ones?

Every person becomes more beautiful when he does good. A person becomes more beautiful even when he sees beauty, because at the same time beauty looks into his soul. Here, next to each of you, a friend is sitting, but what if you look at him and try to find something beautiful and kind in him. Here, I see, some of you have already brightened up your faces.

Let's think: what is the concept of human beauty? Is it possible to become more beautiful by spinning all day in front of a mirror? Who knows proverbs, sayings about beauty, about the perception of the surrounding world? Name them. Isn't it true that they feel a certain caution in relation to external beauty and it doesn't matter whether we are talking about a person or some inanimate object. For some reason, our attention again and again turns to the inner content, to the essence of things. It’s as if we are being kept from an external passion for beauty, from thoughtlessly sliding over the surface of the first sensations ... Old sayings, but how modern! Why?

  • The hut is not red in the corners, but red in the pies.
  • Gray morning - red day.
  • Red morning do not believe!
  • He speaks red, but there is nothing to listen to!
  • Silk does not tear, damask steel does not split, red gold does not rust.
  • On the other side, and the spring is not red.
  • We are red with feathers, and the wife is her husband.
  • Red and red - a dangerous person (here red means a dandy, rhetoric, liar).
  • The plate is strong with wings, the wife is red with her husband (that is, the merits of a married woman are already judged by her husband).
  • The ringing is great, but not red (glory is not good).
  • You can't dress redder than red!
  • Bread - salt to eat, to listen to the red ringing (in Moscow - the bell).

Here we can add that in the old days the word “red” in the definition of color could also indicate a subjective attitude towards something. “Red” means beautiful (character), good (goods), beautiful (flower), etc.

And so our holiday ended. I hope now you have become a little wiser and one of you will sum up the conversation by telling us what beauty is or how to become beautiful? (Short student statements are heard.)

Children begin to be interested in toys from the cradle, and a painted wooden doll with a secret inside is well known even to a one-year-old baby. Riddles about nesting dolls will interest a child of two or three years old, as well as verbal puzzles about other subjects that are familiar to him, distracting him from pranks, while simultaneously stimulating his logic and memory.

The birth of Russian matryoshka

This traditional toy is actually not as ancient as is commonly believed. At the end of the 19th century, its prototype was brought to Russia from Japan, which was a figurine of a Buddhist sage with four of his followers inside. The idea pleased the philanthropist Mamontov. He decided to carve a similar souvenir out of wood in his toy workshop, located in Abramtsevo, near Moscow.

As conceived by the artist, the top doll depicted a girl in a scarf and holding a black rooster. A boy was hidden inside it, then a girl again, and so on. The last, eighth figurine depicted a baby. This is how the first nesting doll in Russia appeared, which is still kept in the Sergiev Posad Museum. Subsequently, the figurines that made up the souvenir began to be made similar to each other, like sisters, by girls. Very often, the riddle about the nesting doll for children is built on emphasizing this feature:

Look like a sister's face

Like two drops of water.

But they sit next to each other.

What are cute toys?

Why is the toy called that?

There are two main versions why this fun with a secret was called a nesting doll:

  1. The top doll originally looked like a young beautiful girl, possessing the features inherent in a healthy peasant woman: round-sided, round-faced, rosy-cheeked. Matrena was the most popular name in the villages at that time in Rus'. So the folk toy acquired a truly popular name.
  2. The largest doll turned out to be full and very beautiful woman named Matryona, who at that time served on the Mamontov estate and had many children. This determined the name of the toy.

Games in and older may be accompanied by stories about why the toy is called a matryoshka, and assumptions about which version is most reliable.

Doll from you and me

Hides little sisters swarm.

Wooden like spoons

And they are all called ... (nesting dolls).

Matryoshka - Russian symbol of motherhood

Riddles about nesting dolls - encrypted questions about friendship and love. They give a doll to children and adults, always wishing happiness and family well-being. Looking at her, people most often recall maternal care, the closeness between sisters and brothers, the support they provide to each other, helping to cope with troubles and rejoicing together in victories. This is a symbol of unity.

A large doll with all its large family can serve as an example of love and mutual assistance for the baby, when the elder protects and protects the younger:

The first sister is big

The second sister is hiding in it,

Break it down, you'll find the third one

And so you get to the little one.

In the very middle - a crumb,

That toy is called ... (matryoshka).

Acquaintance with Russian folklore

Riddles in Russian serve as a tool for transmitting wisdom from generation to generation. They educate and teach. At the same time, they do not have moralizing, which children simply hate. But the features of the ancient secret language underlying all the riddles attract and captivate every child. This interest must be used by developing intelligence in kids and exercising logic.

Open this doll

There will be a third in the second.

Unscrew one half

Dense, lapped,

And can you find

fourth doll.

Riddles about nesting dolls, spinning tops and roly-poly dolls will introduce children to Russian folklore and folk art, so diverse and witty. Along with proverbs and sayings, they have a strong influence on the mind and feelings:

Bright red handkerchief

Russian sundress in a flower,

And there are surprises inside:

Maybe three, maybe six.

Souvenir famous all over the world

People anywhere in the world instantly recognize Russia when they hear well-known words: "balalaika", "boots" and "matryoshka". Along with snowstorms, snowdrifts, frosts and other features of our country, a funny toy has become a Russian symbol. Wooden matryoshka, painted with bright patterns, is a welcome souvenir for every foreigner.

It is unpleasant for a Russian person when the Motherland is associated with vodka and bears roaming the streets of cities. But love for the original doll "with a secret", pride in folk art inspires. With the help of riddles, these feelings need to be brought up in children from an early age:

So blush, chubby!

Hiding one inside the other

Very friendly sisters.

What kind of surprise is this?

A riddle within a riddle

The love of our people for the original doll never ceases to amaze foreigners. They chuckle and repeat about the mystery of the Russian soul when they remember the matryoshka. The toy really has a certain magic, understandable only to a person born in Russia or brought up in Russian traditions. Where does this attachment come from?

The Western model of the world is a pyramid, on top of which live the chosen ones of this world, the rich and all-powerful. For Russia, the most important thing is justice and spirituality, the predominance of these values ​​over the power of money and power. The Russian world is arranged according to the principle of nesting dolls. All that exists is God (a big matryoshka), in it is a galaxy, then the universe, then our planet, in which humanity is enclosed, inside the people, even deeper is the family. And in the center of the doll is the man himself, surrounded by the world and God, like a mother's embrace. This in no way speaks of Russian exclusivity, since it is only a feature of the worldview and the result of upbringing. The model of the world familiar to us is reflected by all, without exception, riddles about nesting dolls for children:

In the red-cheeked youth

The sisters hid.

colorful toys

They cleverly hid in each other.

One is smaller than the other.

Positive riddles about useful fun

The appearance of a very kind toy that inspires confidence, well known to all kids since childhood, will set the child on a positive note. It will be wise to choose a matryoshka doll, offering riddles for children 5 years old or younger. Confidence that the answer to the question is simple and refers to a toy well known to him will help the preschooler not to get confused. The riddles themselves, especially those based on the use of personal names, relax the baby, caressing his ear. For example, like this:

In a wooden doll Masha

Sister Natasha is hiding.

If you open Natasha,

You can find Glasha.

Matryoshka is not only a favorite toy, it is also useful. With its help, the child learns to navigate in quantities, to compare objects, determining which is larger and which is smaller, according to their height, width and volume. Knowing these parameters helps to understand and solve the riddle:

The mouse was met by girlfriends

And they hid in each other.

And which remained

There are riddles that have an educational goal, which the matryoshka will help to achieve:

They sit one inside the other

They don't want to show up.

Suddenly the baby will scatter them,

Or lost somewhere?

Riddle about matryoshka for kids

Memory, logic, thinking, the ability to associate, and much more makes it possible to train a simple riddle. In combination with game moment such activities are especially useful for spending time with kids from two years old. But it would be a mistake to demand answers from the child to complex tasks that require logical conclusions. For educators and parents, for starters, it is better to choose simple poetic riddles:

bbw dolls

They hide in each other.

And one sister

For the other - a dungeon.

Missing answer word at the end of the rhyme that rhymes with last word the previous line is another successful version of the riddle:

In wooden Natasha

A cute doll is sitting.

There are other crumbs in that doll.

And the sisters are called ... (nesting dolls)

Rhyming questions, training memory, teach children to quickly memorize new poems and songs.

Despite the fact that puzzles about the nesting doll for schoolchildren may already be less interesting, because now this doll has been replaced by other age-appropriate toys, they do not lose their relevance. The benefits of the riddle for teenagers remain the same, the same as for preschoolers. This is the development of creative abilities, fantasy, logic, training the speed of thinking. The fact is that the matryoshka doll has bright distinctive features, which you can focus on, solving verbal puzzles and creating them yourself. For example,

This toy is first broken in half, then they play with dolls with it.

Wooden things are collected in one pile.

Bright as a butterfly. Cheerful, like a holiday. Folk, but not a song.

For schoolchildren, it is necessary to find or come up with more complex riddles. In addition to listing the properties of the object being guessed, they must contain elements of various puzzles, rebuses:

Three sisters, three-ruble toy,

Starts with "ma" ... (matryoshka)

The task of riddles for a teenager is not to know the world around him, he already knows how to successfully do it on his own. The goal is to prepare him for life situations when the ability to think quickly and accurately, as well as the ability to switch attention, will become very important. Such training in the future will justify itself during the participation of a schoolchild and a future student in various olympiads, in the process of passing the exam and in making vital decisions throughout life.

Preschoolers about Russian matryoshka

Russian matryoshka for children

History of matryoshka
Although the matryoshka has long gained a reputation as a symbol of our country, its roots are by no means Russian. According to the most common version, the history of nesting dolls originates in Japan.
In the nineties of the 19th century, A. Mamontova brought a figure of the good-natured bald old sage Fukurum from Japan to the Moscow toy workshop "Children's Education". Wood turner Vasily Zvezdochkin, who then worked in this workshop, carved similar figures from wood, which were also nested one into the other, and the artist Sergey Malyutin painted them for girls and boys. The first matryoshka depicted a girl in a simple urban costume: a sundress, an apron, a kerchief with a rooster. The toy consisted of eight figures. The image of a girl alternated with the image of a boy, differing from each other. The latter depicted a swaddled baby.
In another version, the toy was: eight dolls depicted girls of different ages, from the oldest (big) girl with a rooster to a baby wrapped in diapers. Today, only those chiseled and painted wooden souvenir toys, which consist of several nesting one into the other, are called matryoshka.
The first Russian matryoshka dolls were created in Sergiev Posad as fun for children, who helped them learn the concepts of shape, color, quantity and size. These toys were quite expensive. But the demand for them appeared immediately. A few years after the appearance of the first nesting dolls, almost all of Sergiev Posad made these charming dolls. The original plot of the Russian nesting dolls is Russian girls and women, ruddy and full, dressed in sundresses and scarves, with dogs, cats, baskets, with flowers.
In 1900, Maria Mamontova, the wife of S. I. Mamontov's brother, presented dolls at the World Exhibition in Paris, where they earned a bronze medal. Soon, nesting dolls began to be made in many places in Russia. Also in Semyonov, at the art factory "Semyonov painting", in 1922, the traditional Russian Semyonov matryoshka was born, which the whole world knows today.
After the appearance of the first children's nesting doll in different regions of Russia, artists began to paint nesting dolls, they liked this doll so much! And they all did it differently. Sergiev Posad, Polkhov Maidan, Vyatka, city
Semenov - ancient centers of folk crafts, which
matryoshka helped to become famous, and from here
names of types of nesting dolls - Sergiev Posad
(Zagorskaya), Semenovskaya (Khokhloma) and Polkhov-Maidanskaya.

Why is the doll called "matryoshka"?
Matryoshka (a diminutive of the name "Matryona". Almost unanimously, all researchers refer to the fact that this name comes from female name Matryona, common in Russia: “The name Matryona comes from the Latin Matrona, which means “noble woman”, Matron was written in the church, among the diminutive names: Motya, Motrya, Matryosha, Matyusha, Tyusha, Matusya, Tusya, Musya.
Why this chiseled doll began to be called a nesting doll, no one knows for sure. Maybe this is how the seller advertising his product called her, or maybe the buyers gave her such a name: the name Matryona was very common among the common people, so they began to call the toy affectionately Matryosha, Matryoshka; So, the name Matryoshka stuck.
What are nesting dolls made of. Manufacturing technique
Behind long years the existence of nesting dolls, the principles of its manufacture have not changed. Matryoshka dolls are made from larch, birch, linden and aspen, cut down in early spring. Each master knows his secret of the tree and its preparation for processing. For a long time he chooses even, not knotty trees. Cleaning the tree from the bark, the master always leaves it untouched in several places. This is done so that the wood does not crack during drying. Then the prepared logs are stacked in stacks so that air passes freely between them. For several years, the trunks are weathered, dried in the open air to the desired humidity. Here it is very important not to overdry and not dry the log - craftsmen know this secret. It is necessary, as they say, that the tree rang, sang. Dried logs are sawn into chocks and blanks. A fake doll goes through up to 15 operations before becoming a beautiful, elegant doll. With great skill inherent in sculptors, the turner carves the head and body of the matryoshka from the outside and from the inside, using simple tools - a knife and chisels. Then - the lower part of the next - the bottom. The master makes bottoms for nesting dolls for a thousand pieces at once. This is done so that the lower part can dry out. When the turner finishes the tenth hundred, the first hundred has already dried up and you can prepare the upper part of the toy for it. It is not necessary to dry the upper part of the matryoshka, it is put on the bottom, where it dries out and tightly wraps around the spike and therefore holds tightly. The figurines are carefully sanded, primed with potato paste and dried. Now it is ready for painting, and after painting, it is varnished. First, the base of the drawing is applied with a pencil. Then
contours of the mouth, eyes, cheeks. And then they draw clothes for the nested doll. Usually when painting, they use gouache, watercolor or acrylic. Each locality has its own painting canons, its own colors and forms. Gouache used to be used for painting. Nowadays, their unique images are created using watercolors, tempera, and aniline paints. However, gouache still remains the most favorite paint of artists who paint nesting dolls. As a rule, the face and apron are painted first, and then the headscarf and sundress.
A good nesting doll is different in that: all its figures easily fit into each other; two parts of one matryoshka fit snugly and do not hang out; the drawing is correct and clear; Well, and, of course, a good nesting doll should be beautiful.
The original plots of wooden nesting dolls were exclusively female: ruddy and full red maidens were dressed in sundresses and scarves, they were depicted with cats, dogs, baskets, etc.
Sergiev Posad (Zagorsk) matryoshka
This toy still looks like the first nesting doll with a rooster in its hands. The Zagorsk matryoshka is solid, round-sided, stable in shape. They paint it on white wood with gouache paints, using pure (local) colors. The oval of the face and hands are painted over with a “flesh” color. Two strands of hair are hidden under a scarf, a nose is depicted with two points, and lips are made with three points: two at the top, one at the bottom and the lips are ready with a bow. The scarf at the Zagorsk matryoshka is tied in a knot. Next, the master draws the sleeves of the jacket, sundress. The scarf and apron are decorated with a simple floral pattern, which is easily obtained if you apply a brush with paint, leaving a trace-petal or leaf. And the round center of the flower or "pea" can be obtained using the poke technique. Having finished painting, the master covers the matryoshka with varnish. From this, it becomes even brighter and more elegant. Conciseness and simplicity of design created a clear and joyful image of a Russian village doll. That is why, probably, everyone loves nesting dolls, from young to old.
Semyonovskaya matryoshka
Semenovskaya (the town of Semenov, in the Nizhny Novgorod region) the toy is also turned on a lathe. For work, well-dried wood of linden, aspen, birch is used. Undried wood cannot be used, otherwise a product made from raw wood may crack, split, and it will be a pity for the labor spent on it. The turned product - linen - is similar in shape to Zagorsk, but somewhat narrowed down. But they paint it differently, and the colors are taken by others. First, a white nesting doll is primed with potato paste, rubbing it into the pores of the tree. This is necessary so that the paints do not spread over the wooden fibers and that the matryoshka shone immediately after the first coating with varnish. On the dried primed surface, the craftswomen make a "tip" with black ink: they draw an oval of the face, eyes, nose, lips, outline a scarf tied in a knot, and separate the border on the scarf (this is important, because the border with flower buds is hallmark Semyonov matryoshka). Then they draw an oval in which hands and flowers are depicted: lush roses, bells, spikelets.
So, the tip is ready. Now the painting is carried out with aniline transparent paints of yellow, red, crimson, green, violet colors. And, finally, the matryoshka is varnished. And here we have a bright nesting doll.
Polkhov-Maidan matryoshka
This is a neighbor of the Semenov matryoshka. And they grind it in the village of Polkhovsky Maidan, Nizhny Novgorod region. The first two stages - priming with a paste and tipping - are performed in the same way as with Semenovskaya, but the painting is more concise: an oval face with curls of hair, a scarf falls from the head, a shamrock rose on the head, an oval replacing the apron is filled with floral painting. Lush roses, dahlias, bluebells, wild rose flowers, berries decorate this nesting doll. Yes, and she will be slimmer than her friends: the shape of the nesting dolls is more elongated, the head is small, flattened. Polkhovsky Maidan is the name of the village. “Maidan” is a very old village, and it means “a gathering of people”. And Polkhovka is the river on which the village stands.
Vyatka (Kirov) matryoshka
Residents of Vyatka and the surrounding villages have long been engaged in the production of toys. The special originality of the Vyatka painted wooden doll is that the nesting dolls were not only painted with aniline dyes, but also inlaid with straws. The Vyatka matryoshka doll is easily recognizable by its friendly, smiling face with large blue eyes, reddish-brown hair, traditional dress painted in bright aniline colors. On her apron are bouquets of flowers from large scarlet poppies or roses framed by leaves. Nested dolls are often decorated with patterns made using straw appliqué technique. For incrustation, rye straw is used, which is grown in special areas and carefully cut by hand with a sickle. To obtain a decorative effect, one part of the straw is boiled in a soda solution until golden brown, the other remains white. Then the straw is cut, smoothed, the details of the desired pattern are knocked out with a stamp. Glue the straws on the raw nitrocellulose varnish.
The golden color, depending on the change in the angle of view, can become mother-of-pearl, they learned to paint it in various colors, reminiscent of precious stones under the lacquer coating. Matryoshka, painted with aniline dyes and inlaid with straws, is covered
oil varnish.
Tver matryoshka
In the Tver matryoshka, historical and fairy tale characters: The Snow Maiden, Princess Nesmeyana, Vasilisa the Beautiful. Outfits and headwear can be completely different, which makes the doll very interesting for children.

Physical education minutes
We are funny Matryoshkas -
(hands on a shelf in front of the chest, the index finger of the right hand rests on the cheek)
patties, patties -
(clap hands)
We have boots on our feet
(alternately put forward the right and left legs)
patties, patties -
(clap hands)
In our colorful sundresses -
(imitation of holding the hem of a sundress)
patties, patties -
(clap hands)
We are like sisters
(hold on to the imaginary ends of the handkerchief and squat)
patties, patties -
(clap hands)

(floods in place)
We are nesting dolls, such crumbs -
(holding on to an imaginary sundress)
And we, and we have clean hands -
(clapping hands)
We are nesting dolls, such crumbs -
(holding on to an imaginary sundress)
And we have, and we have new boots -
(alternately put the right and left foot forward
We are nesting dolls, such crumbs -
(holding on to an imaginary sundress)
To dance, to dance we went out a little -
(turns with stomps around themselves)
They clap their hands.
Friendly dolls.
(clap hands)
Boots on the feet
(hands on the belt, alternately put the right foot forward on the heel, then the left)
Matryoshkas stomp.
(stomp feet)
Lean left, right,
(tilts the body to the left - to the right)
Bow down to all your friends.
(tilts head left and right)
girls are naughty,
Matryoshkas are painted.
In your colorful sundresses
(arms to shoulders, body turns to the right - to the left)
You look like sisters.
almonds, almonds,
Cheerful nesting dolls.
(clap hands)

Riddles about matryoshka

Growth different girlfriends
They don't look like each other
They all sit next to each other
In this youth
The sisters are hiding.
Each sister is
For a smaller one, a dungeon.
These bright sisters
Together they hid the pigtails
And they live as a family.
Just open the older one
In it sits another sister,
In that one, there is a smaller sister.
You get to the crumbs
These girls are... Matryoshka
She looks like a big one
But the second sister sits in it,
And the third - in the second you will find.
Taking them apart one by one,
You get to the smallest one.
Inside them all - a baby, a baby.
All together - a souvenir .. Matryoshka
Near different girlfriends,
But they are similar to each other.
They all sit next to each other
And just one toy.

scarlet silk handkerchief,
Bright floral sundress
The hand rests
In wooden sides.
And inside there are secrets:
Maybe three, maybe six.
Broken up a little.
This is a Russian... Matryoshka.
The children sit quietly in it,
They don't want to show up.
Suddenly their mother will lose,
Suddenly someone will scatter them?!
Hiding from you and me
One doll to another.
Peas on kerchiefs.
What are the dolls?
Like a turnip, she's tough
And under the scarlet handkerchief on us
Looks cheerfully, smartly, widely
A pair of black currant eyes.
scarlet silk handkerchief,
Bright floral sundress.
The hand rests on the wooden sides.
And inside there are secrets:
Maybe three, maybe six:
Blushed a little
Our Russian ... Matryoshka

Poems about matryoshka

Look soon -
Cheeks are rosy
colorful handkerchief,
flowered dress,
chubby babes -
Russian nesting dolls.
Just a little scared
Everyone runs into a circle
Hiding in each other
Slick girlfriends.
T. Lisenkova
colorful dress,
Rosy cheeks!
We open it -
She hides her daughter.
Matryoshkas are dancing
Matryoshkas are laughing
And happily ask
Smile you!
They jump towards you
Right in the palms -
What funny
These nesting dolls!
wooden girlfriends
They love to hide in each other
Wear bright clothes
They are called nesting dolls.
A. Grishin
In one doll - many dolls,
This is how they live - in a friend,
Their size is calculated strictly -
Wooden friends.
Like in a big-big nesting doll,
There is a little less
Well, in it - a little more,
Well, in it - a baby doll,
Well, in a crumb - no one.
There are four of them in total.
R. Karapetyan
Gave Masha
Matryoshka - there is no more beautiful!
All so good:
Bright, elegant!

It's fun to play with her
You can even open.
Open it up a little
There's another matryoshka inside!
Just a little smaller
The rest are just twins!

We began to look for the third
It turned out to be five!
Five nesting dolls - all in one
They can sometimes hide.
L. Gromova

There is a doll on the shelf
She is bored and sad.
But you take it in your hands
And you will find another one in it.
And in that one ... And now in a row
Five cute dolls are standing.
Although the growth is different, but still
All are remarkably similar.
In elegant colorful sundresses
Ruddy matryoshka sisters.
There was one, and now there are five
They never get bored again!
And the girlfriends will play
And again hide in each other.
N. Radchenko
These Russian nesting dolls
colorful clothes,
On the secrets of the master,
The sisters are hiding in the older one.
How many of them you can't understand
If you can't find a younger one.
Julia Room
- Oh, you are a young lady-matryoshka,
I will take you in my hands
Show me those girls
What's inside of you!

Oh, you are a matryoshka lady,
colorful clothes,
Knows the whole wide world
This Russian souvenir!
S. Ivanov
Glorious doll - matryoshka,
Where are the pens
Where are the legs?
Oh what cheeks
red, ruddy,
Flowers on the apron
And on a sundress.
Here is a matryoshka - mom,
Here are nesting dolls - daughters,
Mouth - like berries,
The eyes are like dots!
Mom sings a song
Daughters lead a round dance,
Mom wants to rest
Hiding one inside the other!
A. Kuleshova
Polkhov-Maidan matryoshka
Matryoshka from Polkhov-Maidan
a little leaner and leaner.
Color loves crimson, scarlet.
All in poppies beauty unprecedented!
Olga Kiseleva
Polkhov – Maidan Matryoshka
I am a matryoshka from Maidan.
Decorated with flowers on my outfit.
With shining petals.
And different berries
Ripe and red.
Matryoshkas from Sergiev Pasada
I'm from Sergiev Pasada
I am very glad to meet you.
Given to me by artists
Bright Russian sundress.
I have for a long time
Pattern on front.
My handkerchief is famous
Multicolored border.

Semyonovskaya matryoshka
From Semyonov matryoshka,
and inside - nesting dolls-crumbs.
I can count them
one two three four five!
To count to ten
I need to grow up a little.
Red bottom and yellow top
all of these nesting dolls.
Holding roses in hand
and spirals on a scarf.
Olga Kiseleva
Semyonovskaya matryoshka
I'm from quiet green
Town of Semyonov.
Came to visit you
Bouquet of garden flowers
pink, burgundy
Brought as a gift.
Vyatka matryoshka
Our lips with a bow,
Yes, cheeks like apples,
Have known us for a long time
All the people at the fair.
We are Vyatka nesting dolls
Everyone in the world is more beautiful.
Painted, bright
Our sundresses.
colorful dresses,
Rosy cheeks!
We open it -
Daughters hide in it.
Matryoshka on the window
Under a bright sundress,
And the whole family in a matryoshka.
Like a wooden house.
Very fond of all nesting dolls
Multi-colored clothes:
Always painted marvelously
Very bright and beautiful.
They are noble toys,
Complicated and nice.
Matryoshkas are famous everywhere.
We really like them!

Compiled by: Lomantseva G.I., educator

A selection of poems, riddles, songs about nesting dolls


Here are five wooden dolls,

Chubby and ruddy

In multi-colored sundresses,

On the table we live -

They are all called matryoshkas!

The first doll is thick

And inside it's empty

She understands

into two halves

Another one lives in it.

doll in the middle.

Open this doll

There will be a third in the second.

Unscrew one half

Dense, lapped,

And can you find

fourth doll.

Take it out and take a look

Who is hiding inside.

Hiding in her fifth

The doll is chubby!

This doll is the smallest -

A little more than a nut!


We are beautiful nesting dolls

Multicolored clothes.

Once - Matryona.

Two - Malasha,

Mila - three.

Four - Masha.

Margarita is five.

(V. Stepanov)

Song "Merry Matryoshkas"

We are funny nesting dolls,

Sweeties, sweeties!

We have boots on our feet.

Sweeties, sweeties!

We go colorful in sundresses.

Sweeties, sweeties!

We are like sisters.

Sweeties, sweeties!

We tied scarves.

Sweeties, sweeties!

Our cheeks blushed.

Sweeties, sweeties!

Riddles about Matryoshka

Growth different girlfriends

They don't look like each other

They all sit next to each other

And just one toy.

(Answer: Matryoshka)

In this youth

The sisters are hiding.

Each sister is

For a smaller one, a dungeon.

(Answer: Matryoshka)

Come on with you

Let's play a little:

There is a big one in the matryoshka

Smaller matryoshka.

colorful dress,

Rosy cheeks!

We open it -

She hides her daughter.

Matryoshkas are dancing

Matryoshkas are laughing

And happily ask

Smile you!

They jump towards you

Right in the palms - what fun

These nesting dolls!

There are many dolls in one doll

So they live - in each other,

Their size is calculated strictly - Wooden girlfriends.


Like in a big-big matryoshka,

There is a little less

Well, in it - a little more,

Well, in it - a baby doll,

Well, in a crumb - no one.

There are four of them in total.

(R. Karapetyan)

Gave Masha

Matryoshka - there is no more beautiful!

All so good:

Bright, elegant!

It's fun to play with her

You can even open.

Open it up a little

There's another matryoshka inside!

Just a little smaller

The rest are just twins!

We began to look for the third

It turned out to be five!

Five nesting dolls - all in one

They can sometimes hide.

(L. Gromova)

These Russian nesting dolls

colorful clothes,

On the secrets of the master,

The sisters are hiding in the older one.

How many of them you can't understand

If you can't find a younger one.

(Julia Room)

Oh, you are a matryoshka lady,

I will take you in my hands

Show me those girls

What's inside of you!

Oh, you are a matryoshka lady,

colorful clothes,

Knows the whole wide world

This Russian souvenir!

(S. Ivanov)

Glorious doll - matryoshka,

Where are the pens

Where are the legs?

Oh what cheeks

red, ruddy,

Flowers on the apron

And on a sundress.

Here is a matryoshka - mom,

Here are nesting dolls - daughters,

Mouth - like berries,

The eyes are like dots!

Mom sings a song

Daughters lead a round dance,

Mom wants peace - They hide one in the other!

(A. Kuleshova)

Here they are Matryoshenkas,

They are all cute

All with scarlet cheeks

Under colorful scarves.

smart, pretty,

Slightly similar to me.

At Aunt Matryoshka's

The house is big and nice.

This house has seven doors

Seven luminaries for daughters.

In every light

Sits on the girl.

Where are you going, Matryoshka?

For cloudberries.

I'll bring cloudberries

Full bowls.

Come Sunday

I'll treat you to jam.


At the blue-eyed matryoshka

With a balalaika in hand

Sundress embroidered with braid

All in azure colors.

You open the painted

Look - and there is another one in it,

And it looks like a big

Splendid beauty!

Just a pretty girl

Turning the accordion slightly,

The song sings famously.

And behind it is another one.

On a ratchet, having contrived,

The merry tact will tap out,

half open,

The smaller one will be invited to us.

Five wonderful beauties,

In sundresses, in flowers,

In the colors of sunny heaven!

Russian songs in verse.

Ah, matryoshka-matryoshka.

Okay, don't tell!

Children love you very much

Play in our garden.

Bright cheeks, handkerchief,

Flowers along the bottom.

Have fun spinning in the dance

Bright bouquets!

Of course we are interested

Tell about nesting dolls

But it's good to remember:

When will we dance?

We know a lot of Russian dances.

We love to dance them.

But today in this room

"Quadrille" would like to dance.