
Dream interpretation flirting with a girl. She dreams that a guy is flirting with another. Flirting with a lover or seriousness of intentions

A complete description of the dream on the topic: "If you dream of flirting" with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

In reality, flirting is perceived differently by people. For some, this is just a frivolous game, for others it is a way to gain self-confidence, some consider it a waste of time. Being interested in what coquetry is dreaming of, it is important to know that any expression of sympathy in a dream is explained by the dream book by the dreamer's excessive credulity, the need for communication and attention.

Miller's dream book about relationship problems

I dreamed that I had a chance to flirt with a stranger, the psychologist Miller tells about the internal dissatisfaction of the chosen one with the behavior of the dreamer. Perhaps, being with a loved one at someone else's wedding or other event, you will behave incorrectly, causing the anger and resentment of your soulmate. Seeing other girls flirting with your beloved boyfriend indicates insipid intimate relationships in a couple, which is the reason for the lack of charm, looseness, imagination and the young lady's willingness to go for sexual experiments.

Sitting on the hands of a man

Dreams in which a young woman happens to flirt with a man while sitting in his arms are interpreted by most dream books of the dreamer's subconscious need for protection or, conversely, indicates a sense of security that has taken place. In a dream, any male image, be it a familiar guy or a stranger, is compared with a father or an older relative, and does not have a sexual connotation.

Flirting with a lover or seriousness of intentions

A dream in which a woman happens to flirt with her beloved man is considered quite favorable and encouraging. The dreamed image foresees complete harmony and mutual understanding with the other half.

Another explanation of what dreams of flirting with your own boyfriend is in Miss Hasse's dream book. The interpreter correlates the dreamed action with happiness, a pleasant pastime.

Is flirting with others good or bad?

The modern combined interpreter is quite severe in his judgments, why dream of flirting with a strange man. A young lady flirting with an unfamiliar guy in a dream, broadcasts about the possibility of suffering from the betrayal and hypocrisy of the chosen one. Seeing this for married ladies prophesies retribution for past folly in a dream book.

What dreams of flirting with a former lover reflects an invisible connection between the dreamer and the character. The presence of the former chosen one in a dream, flirting and signs of attention on his part, portends the dreamer a collision with the past. Perhaps, in order to unravel the tangle of love, you should understand your own feelings and understand what connects you with this person.

Alien flirting

If a young lady happened to receive signs of attention from strangers in a dream, then the marriage for which the girl is preparing will not be happy. For married ladies, the interpretation of a dream in which the dreamer received hints from a friend and answered with flirting portends an unpleasant waking situation caused by her behavior.

Seeing a husband flirting with another woman warns the birthday interpreter about playing with fire. At some points, the dream picture, the main plot of which is that the husband is flirting with the girl, reflects the dreamer's hidden fears and uncertainty about her own attractiveness.

Erotic dream book

Why dream of Flirting in a dream?

Flirting - If you are flirting with in a dream, in reality you are not satisfied and oppressed by the current situation at this stage in the development of relations with your partner. You should consider changing your lifestyle. If you flirt in a dream, this is a symbol of your subconscious aspirations to take the initiative, to diversify intimate relationships, but something is stopping you, preventing you from turning your desires into reality.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Dreaming of Flirting, why?

Flirt - Watch - pleasant moments await you; to take part yourself is happiness.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

Why dream of Flirting in a dream book?

Flirt - Watch - pleasant moments await you - take part yourself - happiness

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

Flirting - Flirting with the person you like - in reality, getting the person you like to start taking you seriously and courtship will develop into love.

Dream interpretation of O. Smurova

Why dream of flirting?

If you saw in a dream that someone was flirting with you, then pleasant adventures and fun await you.

To flirt with someone in a dream yourself means that your real life does not suit you and you want changes and new experiences.

Also, dreams of flirting indicate that it is time for you to change your mind and change your lifestyle.

See also: why dream of love, why dream of a lover, why dream of a mistress.

Dream interpretation - interpreter S. Karatov

Why dream of Flirting in a dream?

Why dream that you are watching flirting - then pleasant moments await you.

If you yourself flirt in a dream, then happiness awaits you.

Big dream book

Why dream of Flirting in a dream book:

Flirting - Flirting in a dream with strangers means that your chosen one will not be happy with how you behave when you are with him at someone else's wedding. Seeing other women flirting in a dream means that in your intimate life you lack charm, looseness, imagination, without which this life quickly becomes insipid and unattractive.

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

For some, flirting is an exciting game, for others it is a habitual behavior. Still others, flirting, gain self-confidence. What does flirting in a dream mean? How does the dream book interpret flirting in night dreams?

The meaning of such dreams directly depends on the gender of the dreamer. It is from this moment that the decoding of sleep can change dramatically. Therefore, it is necessary to consider two options: for women and for men.

Opinion of the interpreter of night visions

If an unmarried girl dreamed that she was flirting with a stranger, then in life she experiences a lack of attention from the opposite sex. Try to visit crowded places more often, make new acquaintances, communicate with interesting people.

Misunderstandings in the family are what a married lady dreams of flirting with a stranger. In the near future, conflicts out of the blue are possible. The dream interpretation recommends calming down and calmly sorting out the situation.

If in a dream your man flirts with another woman, then in reality you are so afraid of losing him that you often do rash acts towards him. Remember that if this is really your "half", then you should not be afraid of betrayal.

To see a dream where other girls flirt with your chosen one, according to the dream book, means to be proud of him. Most likely, next to you is a worthy young man who respects and loves you.

Flirting in a dream with your own husband suggests that your relationship lacks sharpness and passion. Try to pay more attention to each other, be together more often. The best solution would be to travel together.

  • You flirted with the old man - to make a wise decision.
  • Flirt with a woman - look for new sensations.
  • Flirting in a dream ended in sex - playing with fire.
  • A celebrity flirts with you - strive for fame.
  • Do not respond to flirting - you have iron willpower.

Now consider the option in which the dreamer is a man. If in a dream you are flirting with a pretty girl, then in life you are confident in yourself. You really evaluate your capabilities, you know how to present yourself correctly.

Flirting with a woman in front of her husband means knowing that you have a rival. In this case, do not be upset. Most likely, the presence of a fan of your "half" will not affect your relationship in any way.

A dream of coquetry with your own wife portends interesting events in family life. And if the spouse flirted with you, then soon she will surprise you. Perhaps you will learn something about her that will please you very much.

And why does your chosen one dream of flirting with another man? Usually, after such dreams, the representatives of the stronger sex begin to doubt the fidelity of a woman. But in vain. This dream only indicates that your lady is sociable and charming.

Sometimes it happens that a man dreams of flirting with a young man. This indicates that you are not going smoothly in relationships with friends. Experts advise not to hesitate and quickly understand the situation.

As the dream book suggests, flirting in a dream does not mean doing it in reality. Most often, flirting in night dreams reflects the dreamer's inner world and tells him how best to act in this or that case.

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Flirting is pleasant both in reality and in a dream. Coquetry intrigues and gives a person a surge of positive emotions.

Therefore, flirting is included in the dream book as a good sign, which most often predicts the beginning of a romantic period in the dreamer's life. However, there are many other interpretations that will depend on the nuances of sleep.

accept courtship

Why dream of flirting on the part of another person, many dream books explain. We will analyze the most popular interpretations. The erotic dream book claims: flirting in a dream means that in reality you are not satisfied with the relationship with the "second half". You want more romance and attention to yourself. If you talk about it with your loved one, you will be able to quickly get what you want, so do not hide your thoughts.

Medium Hasse says that accepting courtship in a dream is a pleasant pastime in life. Most likely, your loved ones will want to please you and organize a fun joint leisure. Often such a dream comes before a name day or an important event for the dreamer.

The dream interpretation promises that courtship in your direction will turn into unexpected adventures in reality. It is likely that suddenly you will find a profitable and interesting trip to another country, or you will make a short, but nonetheless exciting trip. Your close and loyal friends will accompany you.

Have you seen two women flirting in a dream? You lack the thrill of a relationship. Most likely, soon you will have a joint trip with your spouse to an exotic country, where you can refresh your feelings and return their former passion to them.

To accept a woman-dreamer of courtship in a dream:

  • From the husband - the spouse will soon give you a long-awaited gift.
  • From a stranger - the husband will be jealous of you at someone else's wedding.
  • Flirt with another woman - experience new positive emotions.

To receive signs of attention to a man in a dream can mean the following:

  • From the wife - the wife will give care and tenderness.
  • From an unfamiliar woman - a secret admirer will appear.
  • I dreamed of flirting with a man - you will compete with a strong opponent in a professional environment.

A dreamed vision in which you saw your husband / wife and another person flirtatiously may mean that you will soon become jealous of your spouse. However, the Classic Dream Book warns that suspicions will be unfounded. Therefore, before sorting out the relationship in a couple, analyze the event and evaluate it objectively.

Flirt in a dream

I dreamed about how you flirt with a person who is pretty to you in reality - get his location and attention in life. The feelings will be mutual, and it is highly likely that this relationship will develop into a serious and long romance. Most likely, the first step towards a closer acquaintance will be taken by a man in a couple.

Why flirt with a spouse in a dream, the Modern Dream Book can tell you. If a dreamer flirted with his wife in a dream, then in reality he will receive valuable and wise advice from her that will allow him to make the right choice in business. At first, her words may seem empty, but this is only the first false impression that will quickly dissipate.

Flirting with your husband means, in reality, getting his support at the right time. When it seems to you that the whole world is against you, your spouse will be able to charge you with positive energy and increase your self-confidence. Thanks to this, you can easily overcome difficulties and emerge victorious from the situation.

If you look at the meaning in the Classical Dream Book of “flirting with your spouse”, then you will see that this is a sign of the beginning of a new stage in a relationship. A vision can be an omen of pleasant, but unexpected events: moving, traveling, having a baby. You will perceive new circumstances easily and will be able to strengthen relationships at the same time.

Playing on the nerves of a spouse in a dream, flirting with a stranger means, in reality, feeling a lack of attention in a relationship. Probably, you are trying to attract a husband / wife with the help of tantrums, but this does not work and causes conflicts. However, soon you will be able to find time for joint rest. You will be able to resolve family conflicts and have a great time together.

An interesting interpretation of dreams in which you flirt with strangers. To attract the attention of a complete stranger - to a new business and profitable acquaintance for you. Flirt with a friend - in life ask for his advice or help in an important matter. To build eyes on a person unpleasant for you in reality - to change your attitude towards him for the better.

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    flirt in dream at girls. As soon as girl had a dream flirting, she should expect betrayal from her lover in the very near future. Observe flirting another girlsdream predicts a huge number of pleasant minutes spent next to her lover. But if young woman sees the discontent of others, indignant flirting, then you should expect trouble. Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    See in dream flirt. flirt- Watch - pleasant moments await you - take part yourself - happiness. Dream Interpretation of Adaskin. For what dreaming flirt according to the dream book: flirt- Flirt with the person you like - in reality, achieve the fact that it is the one whoSee. See also: why dreaming love for what dreaming lover, why dreaming mistress. Dream interpretation of S. Karatov. For what dreaming flirt according to the dream book: If you dreamed what you're watching flirting- then you are waiting for pleasant moments. If you yourself flirt in a dream, then happiness awaits you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    Another explanation for what dreaming flirting With own boyfriend, is available in Miss Hasse's dream book. The interpreter correlates dreamed action with happiness, pleasant pastime. flirt With others - for good or for worse? Alien flirting. If the young lady in dream had to receive signs of attention from strangers, which means a marriage to which young woman get ready, will not be happy.Read completely

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    In our dream book you can find out not only about what dreaming dreams about flirting, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see flirting in dream in Miller's online dream book. had a dream dream like my first young woman with whom they parted plays flirts with me while holding a photo of her current boyfriend. Read completely

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    dreamed flirt, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming flirt in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream saw this symbol. hello) I had a dream Today dream in which the guy left me, while there were no scandals, nothing. He just starts flirting with others right in front of my eyes. girls, And With girl who is considered my friend.Read completely

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    If young girl dreamed flirt - your dream says that she will suffer quite a lot from the betrayal of definitely her loved one. dreaming observe in dream for someone flirting- often dream dreaming to well-being and good luck in business. Flirt - Dream Interpretation of the medium Miss Hasse. flirt observe in dream dreamed- most likely you are waiting for pleasant moments in life; If in dream to take part in flirting- happiness. Read completely

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    Young girl such dream Observe in dream for someone flirting- to well-being and good luck in business. Eastern female dream book. Dream in which you are trying to flirt - warns: your frivolous behavior can become public, which will not affect your reputation in the best way. If you dreamed: The fault is yours flirting will end successfully.Read completely

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    In dream flirt, flirt. Don't know what dreaming? What means? Here you will find the interpretation of this sleep.Dream interpretation, dream O flirting. For a man, a dream, where he looks with bewilderment at what young woman makes attempts to flirt with him, portends him a disappointment in love. See someone in a dream flirting- to well-being and a favorable course of business.Read completely

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    flirt in dream from the Modern Dream Book. Flirt in dream girl such dream- says that she will suffer greatly from the betrayal of her loved one. flirt- this is what will actually happen. Is this the correct interpretation? Yes (0). marketability dreams by day: If dream had a dream Tuesday - dream may be completed in 7-10 days.Read completely

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    For what dreaming and what will happen if had a dream flirt. Enter a search term: flirt(Medium Miss Xacce) Watch - pleasant moments await you; to take part yourself is happiness. FLIRT (Modern dream book) FLIRT in dream with someone - a harbinger of the fact that soon you will repent of past follies. Young girl such dream says that she will suffer greatly from the betrayal of her loved one. Read more

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    dream interpretation flirt dreamed, interpretation of the word flirting and its meaning in dream, for what dreaming flirting, read absolutely free and find out the interpretation dreams!Modern dream book flirt»›. Flirt in dream with someone: a harbinger of the fact that soon you will repent of past follies. Young girl such dream. Observe in dream for someone flirting: to well-being and good luck in business. Read completely

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    If the master or hostess is caught in dream spider, perch, crucian, pigeon, drake, then they will have a boy, and if they catch a frog, roach, pike, dove, pitching, in general a bird, a mouse, there will be a girl. Before childbirth dream that the duck walks with the ducklings. Publish your dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming flirt With woman in dream.Read completely

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    flirt. If in your dream someone was flirting with someone, and you were a witness to this, such a vision predicts many pleasant minutes for you. However, if this occupation of other people caused you feelings of disapproval, irritation, then this dream to some trouble in his personal life. In addition, someone else flirting dreaming to a fun pastime in a company where there will be a lot of people you don't know.Read completely

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    dreamed dream about. Dream Interpretation - Balcony loggia blue. Located on a balcony or loggia - a sign that your position in some business is not so strong, the scene with the former is your desire for everything to work out between you, Skirt in dream portends love flirting.Publish your dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming Young woman with flowers in dream.Read completely

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    Dance with your lover in dream promises active popularity among the opposite sex. dreamed that the chosen one is dancing with the other girl- to fulfill your plan, you will need endurance and self-control, any manifestation of feelings threatens to fail. Many dreamers are interested in explaining why dreaming flirting lover with another woman. Such a dream, despite the unpleasant moments, indicates happy moments in Hosse's dream book. Read more

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    dream book online, dream interpretation, dream book watch for free, dream book flowers, sweet flirting,flirting City, flirting play online free game flirting city ​​play for free, dream book dreamed,had a dream former dream. Modern dream book. Flirt in dream with someone - a harbinger of the fact that soon you will repent of past follies. Young girl such dream- says that she will suffer greatly from the betrayal of her loved one. Read more

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    For a man dream, in which he relates with bewilderment and misunderstanding to the fact that a woman is trying to flirt with him, predicts disappointment in love for him. If you dreamed that you are trying to make an acquaintance with a person who is very nice to you in reality, then you can be calm - fate itself will provide you with an opportunity to get to know each other. If in dream If you avoid meeting an unpleasant type, then in real life you should pay special attention to your health ... Read more

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    Dream: flirt before my eyes. Hello! Please help me to decipher.. dreamed that I, the person with whom I recently broke up together at some home event .., he is flirting with another in front of my eyes and at the same time conducting a dialogue with me in places in a rude form, that we broke up with you .. Invites this girl to come to his house on the weekend, then he invites another one and tells them that they need to chip in. to the entry: Why dreaming unfamiliar young woman. to the record: In dream a person dies.Read completely

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    Dream flirt and its meaning when dreamed flirt need to look into flirt dream book, and it is not necessary to go far, all information about dream in which you saw flirt is on this page. See in dream flirt- this is an occasion to once again look into the dream book and find out the meaning and interpretation dreams flirt. Thank you for visiting our dream book, we will be glad to see you again, add our site esonniki.ru to your favorites or place a link to us on your blog). Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    For what dreaming Sailor in dream: Sailor - Dream about sailors promises a long and exciting journey. If girl dream sailors - this threatens her with a break with her lover due to a frivolous flirting. If she sees herself in dream sailor, then in real life he will not be able to deny himself the pleasure of committing some indecent for girls leprosy and thereby risks losing a true friend.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Meaning sleep Fan: You had a dream A fan of what it is - this is to deceit and hypocrisy on the part of higher people. Transit of Neptune in the 10th house of the horoscope. Jewish dream book. What does Veer mean? in dream For what dreaming dream: Fans around the world mean different things. Oriental fans symbolize simple wisdom and peace. Spanish leather fans - passionate nature. The ornate English fan means flirting and playfulness.

For some, flirting is an exciting game, for others it is a habitual behavior. Still others, flirting, gain self-confidence. What does flirting in a dream mean? How does the dream book interpret flirting in night dreams?

The meaning of such dreams directly depends on the gender of the dreamer. It is from this moment that the decoding of sleep can change dramatically. Therefore, it is necessary to consider two options: for women and for men.

Opinion of the interpreter of night visions

If an unmarried girl dreamed that she was flirting with a stranger, then in life she experiences a lack of attention from the opposite sex. Try to visit crowded places more often, make new acquaintances, communicate with interesting people.

Misunderstandings in the family are what a married lady dreams of flirting with a stranger. In the near future, conflicts out of the blue are possible. The dream interpretation recommends calming down and calmly sorting out the situation.

If in a dream your man flirts with another, then in reality you are so afraid of losing him that you often do rash acts towards him. Remember that if this is really your "half", then you should not be afraid of betrayal.

To see a dream where other girls flirt with your chosen one, according to the dream book, means to be proud of him. Most likely, next to you is a worthy young man who respects and loves you.

A dream of coquetry with one's own portends interesting events in family life. And if the spouse flirted with you, then soon she will surprise you. Perhaps you will learn something about her that will please you very much.

And why does your chosen one dream of flirting with another man? Usually, after such dreams, the representatives of the stronger sex begin to doubt the fidelity of a woman. But in vain. This dream only indicates that your lady is sociable and charming.

Sometimes it happens that a man dreams of flirting with a young man. This indicates that you are not going smoothly in relationships with friends. Experts advise not to hesitate and quickly understand the situation.

As the dream book suggests, flirting in a dream does not mean doing it in reality. Most often, flirting in night dreams reflects the dreamer's inner world and tells him how best to act in this or that case. Author: Vera Fractional

Flirting is a symbol of relationships. Of course, first of all, this dream will symbolize any problems in relations with the opposite sex.

A dream where someone flirts with a dreamer right in front of everyone, marks that a person wants to change his lifestyle. He is not satisfied with the relationship with his current partner, all emotions and feelings are oppressed due to irritability.

Flirtatious dream of a girl. As soon as the girl dreamed of flirting, she should expect betrayal from her lover in the very near future. Watching another girl flirt - a dream predicts a huge number of pleasantly spent minutes next to her lover. But if a girl sees the discontent of those around her, outraged by flirting, then trouble should be expected.

What if you dream of flirting?

Flirt men in a dream. If a man dreams of flirting, then success in the business sphere awaits him. This dream vision can say that a man himself strives to seem independent to others, but he does not succeed well. Another dream flirt, where explicit and not hidden with an unfamiliar girl symbolizes the desire of this man to somehow diversify his life, but something interferes with the fulfillment of his dream. To look with bewilderment at a flirting girl is to expect disappointment in love.

See someone else's flirting in a dream. Why dream of flirting, which the dreamer watches with positive emotions, means that you need to wait for favors from your fate. Perhaps an improvement in your financial situation or things will get better on the personal front.

What portends?

For many people, seeing someone else's flirting means that they will soon have a relationship on the cash front. Do not worry and worry, everything that is done to restore will be positively received by the second half.

To see a rather harmless flirting between familiar people - to see you soon with an old stranger or stranger. And sincerely enjoying flirting with someone in a dream is a symbol of the fact that a person will soon find his long-awaited happiness.

In reality, flirting is perceived differently by people. For some, this is just a frivolous game, for others it is a way to gain self-confidence, some consider it a waste of time. Being interested in what coquetry is dreaming of, it is important to know that any expression of sympathy in a dream is explained by the dream book by the dreamer's excessive credulity, the need for communication and attention.

Miller's dream book about relationship problems

I dreamed that I had a chance to flirt with a stranger, the psychologist Miller tells about the internal dissatisfaction of the chosen one with the behavior of the dreamer. Perhaps, being with a loved one at someone else's wedding or other event, you will behave incorrectly, causing the anger and resentment of your soulmate. Seeing other girls flirting with your beloved boyfriend indicates insipid intimate relationships in a couple, which is the reason for the lack of charm, looseness, imagination and the young lady's willingness to go for sexual experiments.

Sitting on the hands of a man

Dreams in which a young woman happens to flirt with a man while sitting in his arms are interpreted by most dream books of the dreamer's subconscious need for protection or, conversely, indicates a sense of security that has taken place. In a dream, any male image, be it a familiar guy or a stranger, is compared with a father or an older relative, and does not have a sexual connotation.

Flirting with a lover or seriousness of intentions

A dream in which a woman happens to flirt with her beloved man is considered quite favorable and encouraging. The dreamed image foresees complete harmony and mutual understanding with the other half.

Another explanation of what dreams of flirting with your own boyfriend is in Miss Hasse's dream book. The interpreter correlates the dreamed action with happiness, a pleasant pastime.

Is flirting with others good or bad?

The modern combined interpreter is quite severe in his judgments, why dream of flirting with a strange man. A young lady flirting with an unfamiliar guy in a dream, broadcasts about the possibility of suffering from the betrayal and hypocrisy of the chosen one. Seeing this for married ladies prophesies retribution for past folly in a dream book.

What dreams of flirting with a former lover reflects an invisible connection between the dreamer and the character. The presence of the former chosen one in a dream, flirting and signs of attention on his part, portends the dreamer a collision with the past. Perhaps, in order to unravel the tangle of love, you should understand your own feelings and understand what connects you with this person.

Alien flirting

If a young lady happened to receive signs of attention from strangers in a dream, then the marriage for which the girl is preparing will not be happy. For married ladies, the interpretation of a dream in which the dreamer received hints from a friend and answered with flirting portends an unpleasant waking situation caused by her behavior.

Seeing a husband flirting with another woman warns the birthday interpreter about playing with fire. At some points, the dream picture, the main plot of which is that the husband is flirting with the girl, reflects the dreamer's hidden fears and uncertainty about her own attractiveness.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • This will actually happen.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • flirt- this is what will actually happen.

Eastern female dream book

  • A dream in which you are trying to flirt- warns: your frivolous behavior can become public, which will not affect your reputation in the best way.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

  • Watch - pleasant minutes await you; to take part yourself is happiness.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

  • flirt watch- Pleasant moments are waiting for you; to take part yourself is happiness.

  • If they flirt with you in a dream- in fact, you are not satisfied and oppressed by the current situation at this stage of development of relations with your partner. You should consider changing your lifestyle.
  • If you flirt in a dream- this is a symbol of your subconscious aspirations to take the initiative, to diversify intimate relationships, but something interferes with you, does not allow you to translate desires into reality.

Dream Interpretation Danilova (Erotic)

  • If they flirt with you in a dream, in reality you are not satisfied and depressed by the current situation at this stage in the development of relations with your partner. You should consider changing your lifestyle.
  • If you flirt in a dream, this is a symbol of your subconscious aspirations to take the initiative, to diversify intimate relationships, but something prevents you, does not allow you to translate desires into reality.

In reality, flirting is perceived differently by people. For some, this is just a frivolous game, for others it is a way to gain self-confidence, some consider it a waste of time. Being interested in what coquetry is dreaming of, it is important to know that any expression of sympathy in a dream is explained by the dream book by the dreamer's excessive credulity, the need for communication and attention.

Miller's dream book about relationship problems

I dreamed that I had a chance to flirt with a stranger, the psychologist Miller tells about the internal dissatisfaction of the chosen one with the behavior of the dreamer. Perhaps, being with a loved one at someone else's wedding or other event, you will behave incorrectly, causing the anger and resentment of your soulmate. Seeing other girls flirting with your beloved boyfriend indicates insipid intimate relationships in a couple, which is the reason for the lack of charm, looseness, imagination and the young lady's willingness to go for sexual experiments.

Sitting on the hands of a man

Dreams in which a young woman happens to flirt with a man while sitting in his arms are interpreted by most dream books of the dreamer's subconscious need for protection or, conversely, indicates a sense of security that has taken place. In a dream, any male image, be it a familiar guy or a stranger, is compared with a father or an older relative, and does not have a sexual connotation.

Flirting with a lover or seriousness of intentions

A dream in which a woman happens to flirt with her beloved man is considered quite favorable and encouraging. The dreamed image foresees complete harmony and mutual understanding with the other half.

Another explanation of what dreams of flirting with your own boyfriend is in Miss Hasse's dream book. The interpreter correlates the dreamed action with happiness, a pleasant pastime.

Is flirting with others good or bad?

The modern combined interpreter is quite severe in his judgments, why dream of flirting with a strange man. A young lady flirting with an unfamiliar guy in a dream, broadcasts about the possibility of suffering from the betrayal and hypocrisy of the chosen one. Seeing this for married ladies prophesies retribution for past folly in a dream book.

What dreams of flirting with a former lover reflects an invisible connection between the dreamer and the character. The presence of the former chosen one in a dream, flirting and signs of attention on his part, portends the dreamer a collision with the past. Perhaps, in order to unravel the tangle of love, you should understand your own feelings and understand what connects you with this person.

If a young lady happened to receive signs of attention from strangers in a dream, then the marriage for which the girl is preparing will not be happy. For married ladies, the interpretation of a dream in which the dreamer received hints from a friend and answered with flirting portends an unpleasant waking situation caused by her behavior.

Seeing a husband flirting with another woman warns the birthday interpreter about playing with fire. At some points, the dream picture, the main plot of which is that the husband is flirting with the girl, reflects the dreamer's hidden fears and uncertainty about her own attractiveness.

A dream in which you see your boyfriend with another girl may indicate your insecurity in him and in the strength of the relationship. However, such a dream, as a rule, has the opposite interpretation: the young man is faithful to you, despite all suspicions, so there is no reason for concern and jealousy.

However, if the girl with whom you saw your boyfriend in a dream is familiar to you or even is your girlfriend, it is possible that in the near future you will find a cooling of relations, indifference on his part. To prevent this from happening, it is better to clarify all misunderstandings in advance, listen to his point of view and try to find a compromise solution.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams mean about the fact that the guy is with another, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a guy with another in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

Dreaming of a guy with another? Tell me your dream!

Maria 2017-06-25 01:01:02

A friend dreamed. For some reason I left him to look after my child. I come, and he is there with a woman in bed sorting things out. I try to quickly pack the child's things and leave, but something constantly distracts me. I can't find one thing, then another

Katya 2017-05-22 08:15:16

I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend was kissing my girlfriend, with whom we have been friends since the age of 4. Here she is in another city, he went to her and to spite me kisses her and hugs her on Skype

Lena 2017-05-13 07:37:45

I had a dream: I see the sea. a naked girl runs a chicken and behind her is my favorite guy. even with shorts. I feel uncomfortable because there are a lot of other people and it hurts to look at it.

Elizabeth 2017-03-28 09:04:44

I dreamed that the guy I like says that he has a minus, and this minus is that he has 920 girls who like him, and I burst into tears

Ksyusha 2017-01-02 07:23:25

I dreamed that my beloved boy, being at my house, cleaned up and periodically hugged and kissed another girl. (Previously unfamiliar to me) In a dream, I went up to him and asked why? Why are you with another? To which he hugged and kissed

Nastya 2016-10-23 05:20:43

We’ve been dating a guy for a year and a half. I’m faithful to him too. But very often I dream that he’s either flirting with someone else, or flirting or holding hands .. and sometimes I see that he is texting on the phone with another but in front of me. (this is all in a dream). Naturally, when I see this, I wake up in the middle of the night with fear. I love him so much but I can't see him anymore. And the next day, the mood is not very good, and I don’t really want to explain my dream to him. what is it for? Tell me please

Kristina 2016-10-22 11:21:06

I had a dream that my friend was riding a cat with a girl, and when I approached them, the girl said that he was mine and I saw an engagement ring on their hand. Please tell me what it is

Anastasia 2016-07-24 07:41:53

I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday (07/23/16) on his initiative. I left VK so as not to correspond with him. I thought about him all day, I was in no mood. And at night I dreamed that he registered with classmates and was added to me, we started talking (I don’t remember what), then I go to his page, and there the marital status is in love and my name is my last name, I was surprised, I was pleased, I thought we would make up, I started writing to him, then I go to his page again, and there is already another in my marital status, I got angry

vlada 2016-07-10 08:40:27

I had a dream that my boyfriend and I went for a walk and everything was fine, he was joyful and so did I. We met his friends and walked with them, but then he took me away from them and said that he wanted to take a walk, we went and then sat on a shop and he told me that he liked another girl, that she was beautiful, etc., I was upset and began to ask who she was, was he really a name (Alina), then he said I wouldn’t survive and kissed me, and this ended the dream. And before that night, we had a fight and he said that he had grown cold towards me and the problem is in him, what does this mean. We have been together for 1 year and a half

fields 2016-06-04 12:21:48

For a very long time I have been dreaming of the former, and all the time I go into the dream book after sleep. So this time I didn’t find an interpretation. I dreamed of him from Friday to Saturday, it was a winter evening, We were walking and there was some kind of girl, I sat and watched how they communicate nicely, they didn’t notice me at all, that is, I understood that they know that I'm sitting next to them, But they didn't talk to me. In a dream, I understood that we were not dating, I did not feel jealousy. Does this dream mean anything? Thank you in advance

anna 2016-02-08 08:57:31

We quarreled in life. And then I dream about how my young man is with another. Well, as on the other hand, in social networks she is in his marital status, joint photos with her. This girl is not familiar to me. Why did I have this dream

Katya 2016-02-02 07:37:11

In a dream, my friend tells me how my boyfriend told her with admiration about what a beautiful girl he met (another, not me), how much he likes her, how he showed a photo of this girl to his niece and that she also liked her very much . In general, he was delighted, in love. There was no mention of me. Dating for a long time, serious relationship, soon a wedding. Recently I saw a correspondence with another. Nothing serious, I believed him, forgave him. Relations improved. I don't know what it's for?!

Diana 2016-01-17 05:20:29

I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend from Saturday to Sunday. And I was not present in this dream, I just saw my ex-boyfriend, at the wedding of a friend, he came there with a girl, and because of this girl we broke up, and they uploaded their pictures on the social network . What does this mean?

Anya 2016-01-03 12:18:41

Today I had a dream, in it I went to the store and I see my boyfriend kissing my girlfriend on the bench, I tried to stop them, but then I woke up. What could this mean?

xenia 2015-12-28 17:43:29

i had a dream it was that we were indulging in my house, lying on the bed and suddenly a girl I know starts calling me saying that I want to meet with Sasha and asks if I can cry and say no I go into his room, he smiles and says something breaks and I'm hysterical kapets what could it all mean?

Maria 2015-10-18 09:21:47

Last night my FORMER boyfriend (Artem) dreamed about the girls were dancing and going down the stairs. Here he comes to our surprise. I then quarreled with him and said: I don’t want to see you and that you never see my friends. Well, he came and said to my friend Vika. let's go to. She went out with him and went somewhere. The girls and I stood and were stunned! Later, I decided to annoy him. When he was walking down the street once, I released my dog ​​on him. Of course, he was scared and my dog ​​bit him (it didn’t hurt), then at that moment he turned around, and I said. I warned you, and that's the end of the dream. What does it mean? And how to understand this dream in reality? Write please.

Natasha 2015-07-31 11:48:45

I can’t call him my boyfriend, most likely an acquaintance who I like very much. And in a dream I am in a camp where I take pictures and met (reality) and near one building I see him with another girl, moreover, I can’t come up to the cream and tell about my feelings. Cream this dream? Can we have some kind of relationship?

Sofia 2015-07-15 12:10:17

to dream that we were walking with a boy and then they shot a young girl. Vіn greeted her so gracefully, she kissed Yogo on the cheek. the stench stood and said, I went to hello and didn’t show that I was terribly jealous, I looked like everything was good. and with the hour more and more people who knew them came, I knew them, and my lad all sat and sweetly talked with his bib, but didn’t notice me. With an hour I got angry and just beat the stars. and vin yak sidiv so sidiv. and then we robbed vilyad looking that everything is good and robbed me of guilt.

light 2015-07-10 11:15:15

I had a dream on Friday, like my boyfriend was with another, I saw a girl she didn’t know me, he came up to me and said goodbye, said if I was doing the right thing

Elena 2015-05-22 09:23:55

I had a dream from Thursday to Friday. My boyfriend is sitting with his girlfriend kissing, hugging. I try to interfere with them somehow, I just want to hurt them .. but I can’t ..

Tatyanka 2015-05-17 07:58:26

I dreamed that my boyfriend was holding the hand of another girl, and only their hands were visible. What does this mean? The dream happened on Sunday.

Tatyanka 2015-05-17 07:57:28

Maria 2015-04-05 13:42:11

Today is also the 16th lunar day and the 5th day of the month, and on all these days the truth is dreamed, and the very exact truth. I'm very upset((

Maria 2015-04-05 13:39:56

In general, this is how it works. I like one guy for two years now. But the chance to be with him, or at least see him, is very small. I'm trying to forget him. But this is what I dreamed about: this guy with another girl (she is a copy of me, and exists in real life and even knows him), their conversations go on, photos taken together, some excerpts from life. I don’t even know if they are a couple or not, if they had what I saw in a dream.

Why is the other guy dreaming?

If a girl had a dream in which she was talking with another guy, flirting with him, it means that in reality she does not feel due attention and care from her young man, perhaps she is jealous of him. If another guy dreamed of a lonely girl, then it is quite possible that a romantic acquaintance awaits her soon.

What if the other guy is dreaming?

To see a little guy, a boy in a dream, portends an unexpected fulfillment of a dream, help from an outsider in a very difficult matter. No need to refuse an offer of help and show your pride. A handsome guy dreams of making a creative breakthrough in the real world, achieving a scientific discovery, or a feat that everyone will know about. A dirty, ugly other guy who dreamed of a person indicates that in reality he is playing a dishonest game, misleading others, using his comrades for his own selfish purposes. To see a dead guy in a dream is a big quarrel, general shame and humiliation in the eyes of the public. You need to be careful in your statements, you do not need to take rash actions. To meet your ex-boyfriend in a dream - to the emergence of new acquaintances, useful connections and patrons. After this dream, a meeting with another gentleman is possible, which can end in a stormy romance. Seeing in a dream another guy whom the dreamer has known for a long time means that soon there will be news from a person whom no one has heard anything about for a long time.

Why is the other guy dreaming if no one has even seen him during the past day, week, month or even year, and the relationship is long in the past? Our subconscious always “lives a separate life” from our consciousness. That is why very often in dreams we see ex-boyfriends, husbands or lovers, even if we don’t remember them during the day.

Very often you can hear the expression that dreams are a reflection of our inner subconscious, which models pictures after the information received during the day. During sleep, brain activity is reduced to a minimum, all processes in the body slow down, we rest. And it is at this moment that our subconscious mind is able to give us the information that it has. If another guy is dreaming, this indicates, first of all, that for the dreamer these past relationships have not yet passed without a trace. The subconscious still remembers and thinks about this man, and in the heart, even in his most hidden places, there is still a small space where feelings for this person live. Why is the other guy dreaming if the dreamer is happy with his own? Most often, if a girl or woman has already found her happiness with another guy, an ex-boyfriend or husband can dream for various reasons. In some cases, especially if in a dream there are constant quarrels and disputes with your former love, such dreams mean that all issues have not yet been resolved, they have not put an end to the relationship, and the subconscious mind from time to time returns to those events that are not resolved.

If a woman dreamed of a handsome, well-built other guy, in the near future she would enjoy a full life and be happy in love and sex. But if the man she sees is gloomy and ugly, she will be disappointed and have problems with her loved one. For a man to see another guy (friend or stranger) in a dream means that soon he will have a rival who can destroy the harmony of relations with his beloved woman and cause jealousy. When the former dreams, the woman begins to think about why and why she dreams of her ex-husband. And there is a logical explanation for all this. Perhaps, some unresolved issues, problems, conflicts remained, which, after parting, “hung in the air”. And all this understatement "imprinted" in the brain. And the subconscious, which lives a separate life, began to experience this situation in a peculiar manner. You need to think about what was not completed, not finished, and you need to try to fix it. This will help. Even after the relationship has ended, it happens that the former young man appears to the girl in a dream. If this happens with enviable regularity, but at the same time during the day the girl does not even remember him, then this can be very alarming.

To see a bald man in a dream - to respect and wealth. For a woman to see a guy in a shirt - to marriage troubles, if another guy is naked - to good luck, to see a dead man on the street - to discover new sources of income, an intimate relationship in a dream with a man - to a loss of fortune.

Why is the other guy dreaming - psychological disagreements with himself, a new concern. For a woman - love and sexual claims; rough, hard, strong-willed part of the personality of the sleeping person. Hairy or wild for both sexes - a strong animal love passion; wealth; spiritual degradation.

what does every dream mean

Dream interpretation guy on the other

Dream interpretation guy on the other

What is the dream of a guy with another in a dream

A dream in which you see your boyfriend with another girl may indicate your insecurity in him and in the strength of the relationship. However, such a dream, as a rule, has the opposite interpretation: the young man is faithful to you, despite all suspicions, so there is no reason for concern and jealousy. However, if the girl with whom you saw your boyfriend in a dream is familiar to you or even is your girlfriend, it is possible that in the near future you will find a cooling of relations, indifference on his part. To prevent this from happening, it is better to clarify all misunderstandings in advance, listen to his point of view and try to find a compromise solution.

Dream Interpretation Guy, why does the Guy dream in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian What is the Dream Guy dreaming about:

To dream about a guy with another girl - you don’t trust your boyfriend too much and everyone expects him to cheat on you. It's time to give him more attention and trust.

What is the dream of a guy with another girl - do you know the girl you saw in a dream? If so, then perhaps your suspicions of treason are justified and you should be on your guard.

A guy is constantly dreaming - your desires will come true.

If you constantly dream about a guy, then this dream can serve as an indicator of your serene happiness and long-term love for your chosen one.

The guy leaves, and his departure in a dream is accompanied by violent quarrels, screams, tears - it doesn’t have to happen in reality at all, you will quarrel, but not on a grand scale.

Why dream that the guy is leaving, the guy left you - if this happens in a dream through your fault, then such a dream warns against distrust of your loved one and harsh statements, otherwise he can really leave you due to mistreatment.

The guy left and went to another - meet a person with whom you have not kept in touch for a very long time.

Why dream that the guy left in a dream - a dream can also mean that he will soon make you an offer if his departure in a dream was quiet and imperceptible.

Parents of a guy - to see them in a dream means that you and your boyfriend have a strong and happy marriage ahead.

Why do the guy's parents dream - if you quarrel with them, it means that they do not approve of the choice of their son. If they are dissatisfied with something or sad, cry - your happiness with your loved one will be overshadowed by some conflicts.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when a Guy dreams:

Guy, young man - As a girl dreams that a guy attacked - troubles, attack. A young man will dream - there will be profit.

  • A guy, a young man to see in a dream - Handsome and slender - a messenger of heavenly visionary Forces;
  • angelic image - vitality, active energy for a man, the dreamer himself (based on appearance and behavior).
  • For a girl, a guy is dreaming of what - dreams of marriage;
  • for a woman - the appearance of a spiritual assistant;
  • maternal or sexual urges.
  • Seeing an unsightly looking guy in a dream is all bad. See add. Dictionary "mythological" (demon, demon, angel of death).

Everyday dream book What is the Dream Guy dreaming of:

Seeing in a dream a guy whom you have known for a long time means that soon you will receive news from a person whom you have not heard anything about for a long time.

Also, such a dream can be interpreted in the sense that you are not satisfied with your life today, perhaps you cannot achieve the goals you have set for yourself, or you do not like how your loved ones treat you, show you, for example , disrespectful, or not providing the support you need.

Why the guy is dreaming - If you dreamed of a guy whom you have never seen, then such a dream may mean that you wanted thrills, and you decided to go in search of them. But at the same time, one should not forget that often such sensations end very badly.

If a girl had a dream in which she is talking to an unfamiliar young man, a guy, flirting with him, it means that in reality she does not feel due attention and care from her young man, perhaps she is jealous of him.

To see a guy in a dream - If a lonely girl had such a dream, then it is quite possible that a romantic acquaintance awaits her soon.

If you dreamed of a guy who pestered you with obviously bad intentions, then in reality, you should expect some unpleasant events that will spoil your mood, but will not affect your life in any other way.

Dream Interpretation ex-boyfriend on the other

What is the dream of the ex-boyfriend with another in a dream from a dream book?

I saw a former lover with a new passion - in the near future a worthy person will appear in your life who will help you forget old grievances and mistakes, and look with confidence into a brighter future.

Dream Interpretation Beloved man, what is the dream of Beloved man in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian What is the dream of Beloved man from the dream book:

Seeing in a dream If you dream of a beloved guy in a dream - kissing him in the dark, away from your eyes means that gossip will be woven about you.

If you dream of a beloved guy who is cheating on you - do not trust loved ones, they can betray you. Saying goodbye to your beloved guy in a dream - if you want to leave, then this will happen in reality.

A quarrel with a loved one - such a waking dream has a positive interpretation - you have to go on a romantic date.

Why dream of a quarrel with a loved one - more passion will appear in your relationship. Also, a quarrel with a loved one in a dream can also mean conflict situations in the future, if now everything is not going smoothly in your relationship.

Beloved on the other - if you had such a dream, then it cannot be interpreted unambiguously. First of all, answer the question: would you like to leave him? If yes, then your subconscious mind is already preparing you for this process.

Why does a loved one dream about on the other - if you don’t want him to leave you, the dream shows that you are too fixated on this issue and feel insecure, unworthy. Calm down, you must understand that such thoughts only harm the relationship.

The dream in which you see your beloved man, for the most part, reflects your attitude towards him and your emotional state.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller What is the dream of a Beloved man in a dream:

Beloved man interpretation of a dream. If you dreamed that you were kissing your beloved man in the dark, you will be condemned. Such a dream portends gossip and gossip around you and your relationship. Kissing your loved one in a dream in the light - to a good outcome and the development of your relationship. A dream in which you see your beloved man with another woman - to jealousy, which has no reason or reason.

Why dream, the beloved man does not pay any attention to you - in reality you have to choose between marriage and an open relationship. If you dream that your beloved man loves you and idolizes you - fortunately in family life, cloudless relationships and the birth of talented smart kids.

If you dreamed that your beloved man cheated on you, he is abusing your disposition and trust in him. He gave his photo - a loved one uses you to achieve his own selfish goals. If you dreamed that your beloved man gave an expensive gift - to a rich and loving husband. Walking with your loved one - to a successful marriage and a happy life.

If you dreamed that you were having dinner with your beloved man - perhaps in reality you will quarrel or even break up. A pleasant dinner - to good relations, mutual understanding. If in a dream you say goodbye - to parting. If at the same time you do not feel pity or anxiety, you will soon have many fans.

Dream interpretation of a psychologist Z. Freud What is the dream of Beloved man:

Beloved man dreams as a symbol of ideal sexual relations, harmony and mutual understanding. If you dream that your loved one is in danger, you are afraid to part with him.

What is the dream of a beloved man? If you dream that you are fighting or swearing, your relationship will be strong. Seeing in a dream a loved one giving you warm clothes is a spiritual relationship. If a loved one appeared before you in a dream with fire in his hands, he passionately loves you in reality.

Modern dream book If you dream about Beloved man:

Solves a dream book: Why does a beloved man dream about a girl. If a beloved man holds out his hand to you in a dream, this is a good sign. Such a dream suggests that your relationship will be trusting and strong, your beloved man will be ready to support you at any moment. If you dreamed that you were with your beloved man in a wedding dress - such a dream is a dream for change, not for the better. He portends a quarrel, parting, disappointment, illness of a beloved man.

Dream interpretation favorite guy

What is the dream of a beloved guy in a dream

A dream in which a girl sees her beloved guy is usually not surprising: if in reality she often thinks about him, then, accordingly, dreams are also dedicated to this person. Therefore, it is not the very fact of his presence in a dream that is subject to interpretation, but other circumstances. For example, a dreamed kiss is of great importance. It is usually interpreted as a symbol of happiness and satisfaction with life circumstances, or as a harbinger of trouble and quarrels. If a girl dreams that she is kissing her beloved in complete darkness, one should be wary of condemnation, gossip, and rumors. If in a dream you saw the betrayal of a loved one, beware of trusting people - you can become a victim of hypocrisy and betrayal. An unpleasant dream, the plot of which is built around the indifference of your beloved boyfriend to you, when interpreted, usually takes on the opposite meaning: a long relationship awaits you, marriage bonds are not excluded.

Dream interpretation guy hugs

What is the dream of a guy hugging in a dream

The most obvious explanation for such a dream is the lack of warmth and care in real life. However, it can be interpreted in another way.

The opposite meaning is a dream in which you are hugging a loved one or a guy who is very nice to you. Probably, your relationship with him will not be long, quarrels and conflicts are possible, the cause of which will be the lack of mutual understanding and support.

When in a dream you see the arms of a person close to you, but not a lover (for example, a friend or brother), you should prepare for trouble. Perhaps they will not be too serious, but it is unlikely that they will be able to cope with them without outside support.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams mean about a guy hugging, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a guy hugging in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

What is the dream of the guy I like with another girl?

Dream Interpretation Guy, what the Guy is dreaming of, in a dream Guy

A guy, a young man - handsome and slender - a messenger of heavenly visionary forces; angelic image; vitality, active energy for a man, the dreamer himself (based on appearance and behavior). For a girl - dreams of marriage; for a woman - the appearance of a spiritual assistant; maternal or sexual urges. Unsightly - everything is bad. See add. Dictionary "mythological" (demon, demon, angel of death).

Because he won't be with you.

you've been given a sign! that you can't be together!

that you have hope

To your chagrin in matters of the heart for some reason.

ex boyfriend with another

Dream Interpretation Former boyfriend with another had a dream about what the ex-boyfriend is with another in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Former boyfriend with another in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Former boyfriend, husband

A former young man or ex-husband who appeared in a dream symbolizes your excessive passion for the past.

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

The dream in which your ex-lover appeared suggests that the past still lives in your heart, although you may carefully avoid remembering it.

Handsome and slender messenger of heavenly seer Forces; angelic image; vitality, active energy for a man, the dreamer himself (based on appearance and behavior). For a girl dream of marriage; for a woman, the appearance of a spiritual helper; maternal or sexual urges. Ugly-looking everything is bad. See add. Dictionary "mythological" (demon, demon, angel of death).

Having a close friend in a dream means that you can count on the help of friends in a difficult situation. A dream in which you unexpectedly meet a friend predicts that you will soon hear about him. Eating or drinking with a friend in a dream is a harbinger of great trouble. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will have to share his hardships with a friend. To see a girlfriend in a dream - to gossip, strife and family squabbles, sometimes to receive news about this person. To dream of a friend who has not been seen for a very long time means that he remembers you. To find out in a dream that your friend has died is to receive news of his marriage. Seeing your friend joyful in a dream - to receive good news and a good day. Seeing him sad is a bad day and bad news. Being in a dream in the company of friends and enemies together is a sign that soon either one of your friends will become your enemy, or vice versa. Seeing your friend in a dream in a different guise - expect deception from your loved ones, the disclosure of which will lead to a break. Pay attention to how your friends are dressed in a dream. If their clothes attract your attention in a dream, then See interpretation: clothes. Looking at a friend from the bottom up - to the realization of the bold hopes that you will strive to achieve, as well as the same position that your friend has reached; looking down is a harbinger of the fact that due to your arrogant behavior or selfish motives, you can lose friends. Leaving a friend in a dream (or seeing a friend leaving you) is a sign of separation from a friend.

Dream Interpretation - To each other. with each other, against each other. between themselves

Wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness.

You take a mirror belonging to another person - the birth of a noble offspring.

Seeing friends healthy and happy in a dream portends good news. It is possible that soon you will meet someone dear to you.

A dream in which you see your friends in a good mood, joyful and healthy, suggests that in reality you can expect good news or a meeting with an old friend that will charge you with a lot of positive emotions. If you see a dream in which your friend is sad, in reality you are threatened with illness and deprivation. Seeing your friend in an unusual guise means that you have enemies or a rival who will separate you from your lover.

Expect good news. A friend is happy to meet you - expect unexpected guests; to see the thoughtful face of a friend - the information received will bring great success; to see the death of a friend in a dream - you will be invited to the wedding; to meet a friend - someone is trying to return your location; laugh with friends - get the wise advice that you so badly need; a friend was appointed to a high post - you will receive news of a reward for your work; find new friends - learn about the opportunity to spend time in a pleasant company.

Guy flirting with another

Dream Interpretation Guy flirting with another dreamed of why in a dream a guy flirts with another? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a guy flirting with another in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

May have outwardly opposite meanings.

If you dream that someone is flirting with you, then pleasant adventures and fun await you. Flirting with someone in a dream means that your real life does not suit you and you want changes and new experiences. In general, a dream about flirting indicates that it is time for you to change your mind and change your lifestyle.

You are flirting with a stranger, which means you are unhappy with your personal life.

Flirting - to observe - pleasant moments await you - to take part yourself - happiness.

Innocent entertainment awaits you, which will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Flirting with the person you like - in reality, to ensure that the one you like will start taking you seriously, and courtship will develop into love.

Dream Interpretation - Guy, young man

Watch - pleasant moments await you; take part yourself - happiness

This will actually happen.

Dreaming of a loved one with another?

What if a loved one is dreaming with another?

So, for example, to see a loved one in an embrace with another woman means to be sure of his fidelity. Most often, such a dream is interpreted precisely as the fidelity of a loved one, despite various temptations. By the way, it is quite possible that these very temptations existed. However, the man himself was able to refuse in time that he could ruin an existing relationship.

Of course, the interpretation itself directly depends on numerous details. If a man in a dream enters into a sexual relationship with another woman, then most likely he has not changed yet, but he has already thought about it. The girl should talk about this with a man, find out what problems exist in the relationship.

What is the dream of a loved one with another, and with a girlfriend? Perhaps the owner of the dream is not jealous of her beloved, but her girlfriend. Perhaps she has a new company and the girl does not pay so much attention to friendship with the owner of the dream. This issue also needs to be clarified as quickly as possible so that in the future the friendship does not completely go wrong.

If a girl in a dream caught a guy with a mistress, it means that in life he is faithful to her and does not even think about cheating. However, regular jealousy can irritate him very much. The girl should reduce her ardor and try to trust the young man more in terms of personal relationships.

It is wonderful that the girl attaches such importance to dreams and wants to know their correct interpretation. In such a situation, one can count on the fact that problems will be solved before they arise, and peace and calm will be established forever in love.

What is the dream of a loved one with another girl

Dreaming of a loved one with another?

To begin with, it is important to note that such a symbol does not always carry a negative interpretation. Still, a girl should be as attentive as possible to the details of a dream so as not to get confused in her own prediction.

According to other dream books, if a girl sees her beloved on the other, then she regularly experiences suspicions towards him. Constant jealousy is transferred to the world of dreams, which causes a similar reaction. It is worth either talking about it with a young man, or breaking up with him, because the most important thing in love is mutual trust.

Beloved on the other is an important symbol for interpretation in terms of future relationships in a couple. If a girl wants her relationship with a man to be always on top and not upset in the future, she should carefully interpret the dream and learn her lessons from it.

Also, if a man tries to get away from another in a dream, it means that he is hiding something from his partner in reality. Perhaps the betrayal has already occurred, but the girl still does not know about it. It is worth clarifying all questions regarding relationships and finding out the secrets of a loved one.

Finding out what a loved one portends with another woman in a dream is not so easy. Due to the numerous interpretations of sleep, one may encounter a clear problem of the fallacy of one's own judgments. To do this, it is better to remember what happens in a dream, and then try to interpret it.

For example, if a girl sees that her beloved is cheating on another, but she can’t do anything, then most likely there has been a crisis in the relationship, and the young man has already begun to flirt with another. Before rushing to save a relationship, it is worth considering whether these feelings really deserve such attention and such a struggle?

In order not to forget, it is important to immediately enter them in a separate notebook, carefully write down and group them. In the future, this will help to correctly predict future problems and solve them even in the rudiment before a real conflict.

Dream Interpretation Favorite on the other

What is the dream of the Beloved with the other in a dream from a dream book?

A dream in which a loved one meets another woman is a reflection of your fears or worries about the fact that you risk losing him. Unspent love, as well as the pangs of jealousy, can lead you to an unstable state, love relationships will be in jeopardy.

If the beloved has gone to another, a true, faithful friend will soon meet on the way. If the separation from the groom happened on the basis of his jealousy - expect unpleasant news or false gossip addressed to you.

A guy with another girl in a dream book

The dream interpretation offers a wide range of interpretations of what a guy is dreaming of with another girl. Most often, the image in a dream is a projection of anxieties and experiences from reality. Interpretations are not necessarily related to personal life, they often deal with what is most deserving of attention at the moment.

Miller's predictions

Miller's dream book offers several interpretations of what the ex-boyfriend dreams of with another girl:

  • a former boyfriend with another girl symbolizes resentment at fate, dissatisfaction with oneself and the status quo;
  • what you see in a dream indicates excessive gullibility;
  • despite all his attractiveness, the former is endowed with negative qualities that he could not come to terms with;
  • there is a chance to renew the relationship.
  • Vanga's prediction, on the one hand, is encouraging: if you dreamed that the guy had gone to another girl, the interpretation does not apply directly to personal life. On the other hand, a dream in which the guy left does not bode well for studies or business. An ambitious plan is doomed. The plot with the continuation, in which the beloved went to another, then changed his mind and returned, means that he will be able to overcome any obstacles and achieve the goal of all adversity in spite of.

    The dream book of the sorceress Medea considers intimate details in a dream a harbinger of trouble. Dreaming about a guy kissing another girl or having sex with a new passion indicates a fear of losing a loved one. When it happens to see in a dream how he kisses or "catch" in bed with another girl, doubts are not unfounded. Perhaps the boyfriend is not cheating in reality, however, he glances to the left.

    Get ready for change

    This is not the only explanation for what dreams of a young man kissing another girl. The dream book of Nostradamus promises that in real life, relationships will move into a new quality. If you dreamed about a guy you like kissing another, it means that big changes are coming. Most likely, they will be positive.

    Loff's dream book considers, oddly enough, a good sign when a guy you like kisses another girl in front of your eyes. What you see in a dream should be interpreted exactly the opposite: the chosen one is faithful to you and will not allow himself to act like what he dreamed of.

    Love is rushing towards you

    It is curious to know what is dreaming of if a guy unfamiliar in real life hugs another girl and communicates animatedly with her. And what is most surprising, it is extremely unpleasant for you to see this. Witch Navi offers a very interesting explanation for this phenomenon. Are you tired of being alone or unhappy with your personal life? Great changes are ahead, and - most importantly - you are ready for them.

    Luck is on your side

    The esoteric dream book offers another interpretation of the dream, in which an unfamiliar young man hugs and communicates closely with his girlfriend, making you jealous. Such symbols happen to be seen in a dream, when in reality the situation is not in the best way. What you dreamed portends unexpected support from outside. The dream interpretation recommends trusting your intuition: thanks to it, you yourself can do a lot to correct the situation.

    The Eastern dream book considers it an unfavorable symbol if your chosen one had a dream in a photo with a suspicious person. It's not even about physical betrayal with another girl, the image in a dream warns of a danger of a different nature. The guy may suddenly betray your shared values ​​or expose himself to unnecessary risks, perhaps under the influence of bad company. If in reality there are reasons for concern, do not ignore them.

    Dream Interpretation Girl with another

    If a man dreamed that he found his beloved with another man, this means that in the near future he will face a collapse of hopes and unfulfilled plans. The plan will not come true, causing serious disappointment. If you dream that your girlfriend is in the arms of your best friend, you may have to endure a painful betrayal on the path of life. If your husband dreamed about his wife with another man, this is a warning about the possibility of a fire. a man whose face cannot be seen - this means that the threat lurks in one of the close people.

    Why is your boyfriend dreaming?

    If you dream that a loved one hugs and kisses, then a serious quarrel will occur in life, which can lead to separation. Caressing and kissing your beloved guy in front of other people is a sign that predicts that in the near future everyone will find out and rejoice about their relationship. It can also mean a happy future together.

    What is the dream of a beloved guy who marries another girl in a dream? Most likely, in reality there is a rival who plots and tries to win the guy's heart, sometimes such a dream is a signal that the beloved has not yet forgotten his ex-girlfriend.

    A dream in which a girl and a guy are walking in the park or swimming in the sea suggests that there are sincere and strong feelings between them that can lead to a serious relationship and a wedding. Family life with such a person will be long and happy.

    If you dreamed of a beloved guy who does not reciprocate in life, but burns with passion in a dream, then we can only say that the girl sees him as her chosen one and dreams of his love, sometimes this betrays hidden sexual desires in relation to this person.

    If a girl sees a dream in which her beloved boyfriend finds out about her betrayal, then in real life he will lose confidence in her. This is a warning sign that advises you to be extremely careful, not to deceive your partner and not to give him even the slightest reason for jealousy.

    Sometimes a girl can see her beloved kissing her in a dream in a dark room. In this case, you should pay attention to those people who surround the couple. Most likely, there are many gossips and envious people who weave intrigues and try to spoil the relationship.

    In rare cases, you may have a dream in which your beloved guy gives or sends his photo by mail. In this case, you need to carefully look at your partner, he may have selfish feelings. In this case, it is worth considering whether such a relationship is necessary.

    Why is your girlfriend dreaming?

    There are many interpretations of dreams in which a man dreams of his beloved girlfriend. A dancing girl portends a man even more in love, and a kiss in a dream indicates an important event between two people that should happen soon.

    If a man dreams of his beloved girlfriend in the situations described above, then you should tell your chosen one about this. The expectation of some joyful event should further strengthen the union of two people, because now both know that everything will be fine ahead of them. A particularly joyful dream should be if in a dream a girl combed her own hair. This sign portends a quick wedding and a happy family life. A girl walking in the garden can tell a man that he will soon be successful in his career.

    There are dreams that are intended for a man to understand what he needs to change. For example, if a girl looks at a man in a dream and just smiles, then it means that she wants to take some important step in a relationship or say something special, but is afraid to do it or is simply shy. In this case, a man needs to delicately, choosing the right words, help the girl open her soul even more. Perhaps this will be just another strong declaration of love, but it is also possible that the girl wants to say about her serious intentions, and is even thinking about a wedding. In any case, if you approach the girl correctly, this should only please and relieve her.

    In the event that a man dreams of any other lady, then in no case should you tell your beloved girl about this. It is not known exactly how the girl will behave, but, most likely, the news that her beloved man is dreaming of others will lead her to frustration and resentment towards her lover.

    Sometimes, the news of what a beloved girl is dreaming of may not please a man, but, on the contrary, disappoint him. There are many situations that mean bad consequences in life. In the event of such dreams, you should draw serious conclusions for yourself. It must be understood that even the worst news can be prevented if it is corrected in time.

    There are real stories in which, with the help of prophetic dreams, men managed to maintain love between themselves and their girlfriend.

    For example, if a man dreams about how his beloved girl calls him for a walk, everything shows that the relationship of the couple is windy and there is a lot of unsaid between two people. You should not immediately panic and go to deal with your girlfriend about what was said and what was not. In this case, it is best to talk with your beloved girl in a relaxed atmosphere, tell something new about yourself, and then slightly hint that the girl will say something unknown to the man. If both people value their relationship, then any situation, no matter what the signs, can easily turn into a good direction.

    No matter how you want it, but bad dreams also happen, and you need to know their designation. If in a dream a girl does not recognize a man, this may mean that she is dating another person. Do not immediately bring down your anger on the girl. To begin with, it is worth finding out if this is really so, because, perhaps, there really is nothing.

    Dreams in which communication with a girl takes place in a raised voice, where a serious quarrel occurs, portend an imminent separation. Most likely, the dream also reflects the reality of what is happening, so it’s worth considering whether the beloved girl really should become someone more. It is also worth thinking about the correctness of the relationship in the case when a man dreams of a conversation in which his beloved constantly looks away. This may mean that you are not always honest with your man, and this is a serious reason to think about the need for such a relationship.

    Bad sleep always brings disappointment, but there is no need for a quick response. Perhaps, by jumping to conclusions too quickly, a man will do a lot of unnecessary things, which will entail unjustified quarrels and even parting.

    You should never immediately aggravate a relationship after a bad dream. Of course, dreams cannot be discounted either, but they should only become a slight impetus to new actions, but not a reason to sort things out and instantly part with a girl.

    Knowing what your girlfriend is dreaming of, you can respond to the situation in a timely manner. In some cases, a more gentle approach will be required from a man, and sometimes you will have to be a strict lover in order to find out for sure whether the girl is honest in her relationship or not.

    Dream Interpretation Favorite Girl

    What is the dream of a beloved Girl in a dream from a dream book?

    A dream about a beloved girl promises strong family relationships in the future, filled with mutual respect and tenderness. Kissing your beloved is a good sign. Marriage with your beloved will be happy and harmonious.

    Farewell to the beloved indicates a manifestation of coldness and indifference on her part. Falling in love with a girl - hard work and courage will achieve your goals.

    What happened to your girlfriend in a dream?

    Dreamed of a beloved girl with another

    What is the dream of a beloved girl with another? Vision warns of a possible negative situation. One will experience disappointment due to the unfulfillment of hopes and plans.

    What is the dream of a loved one with whom she broke up?

    Very often, a girl in a dream may dream of her boyfriend, with whom she met for a long time, but because of certain reasons she broke up. Basically, to see a former loved one in a dream means that the sleeper thinks about him, worries and hopes for the resumption of this relationship.

    In order to correctly understand what the beloved person with whom the girl broke up is dreaming of, the following features must be taken into account. It is considered a good sign when a girl sees her ex-lover in a dream as very beautiful and happy.

    Fame and popularity awaits her in reality, she will be able to realize her most difficult goals. However, if a girl dreamed of a terrible and ugly guy, then in reality the beauty lies in wait for betrayal by a loved one, which can turn all her plans upside down and negatively affect her personal and professional spheres of activity.

    You should also be wary of new acquaintances and dubious events. A person can be highly susceptible to various stressful situations.

    If a girl dreamed of a loved one with whom she broke up a long time ago, then in real life they will reconcile again and be together. Over time, lovers will forget all the insults caused to each other, and legitimize their relationship by marriage.

    In a dream, to see how a loved one communicates or kisses with another girl means that the rival, who was able to lure him to her side, is to blame for the breakup of the relationship. Such a dream indicates that it is worth fighting for your love, that a man doubts his choice. There is no need to despair and cry into the pillow, the girl needs to return her ex-boyfriend in every possible way, since it is with her that he will be truly happy.

    If in a dream the beloved person with whom the girl broke up is in splendid isolation and is very sad, it means that he constantly thinks about his former lover and wants to return, but he cannot take the first step towards reconciliation. This dream is a signal that the relationship can be saved if the girl takes the initiative.

    A dream in which a girl dreamed that she broke up with her loved one, and then reconciled again, means that in reality, on her life path, there will be peculiar men who will bring her a lot of suffering. Frequent conflicts and scandals will become an integral part of her relationship with the opposite sex.

    If a girl dreamed of a guy with whom she broke up because of his relatives, and in a dream the guy was with his relatives, he says that he misses her a lot and wants to be there, but his family does not approve of their relationship.

    If a girl in a dream is looking for a loved one with whom she broke up, then this means that she cannot come to terms with the idea that she will not see him again, that they really broke up. Such a dream says that the girl needs to realize that he has his own life. Otherwise, depression and depression are inevitable.

    It is considered a good sign to see a former loved one with a handsome stranger. In reality, the girl will meet her future husband with the help of her ex-boyfriend. Acquaintance will be fast if in a dream two young people were chatting or having fun.

    Basically, seeing in a dream a loved one with whom a girl broke up means that she does not want to let him go. You should pay attention to how the guy looked: happy and joyful or sad and sad. If in a dream he was unhappy, then the relationship can be started over, and if carefree, then everything is fine with him.

    I dreamed that my boyfriend was talking to another girl, why such a dream?

    Jealous. Afraid to lose.

    he is faithful to you! Don `t doubt


    If you dreamed that you were kissing your loved one in the dark, then you could not avoid condemnation and gossip from others; if in the light - to worthy behavior on your part. If the bride dreams that her beloved has married another, then in reality she will be gnawed by unreasonable jealousy. A dream in which you are upset that your loved one is indifferent to you, then in reality you will be tormented by the choice between marriage and independent life. If you dream that your husband or wife loves you, then this means that nothing threatens your family happiness, and your children will delight you. Cheating on a loved one is a deception on your part. If you dreamed that your loved one is cheating on you, then be prepared for the fact that your trust can be abused. However, if you cheat out of revenge, then your family life will be trouble-free. To receive a photo from your loved one means that he does not love you, but only uses you to achieve his goals. For a young woman, a dream in which her lover gives her beautiful expensive gifts promises her a rich, decent husband. If in a dream you are walking through a beautiful well-groomed park with your loved one, then the dream promises you a pleasant pastime, as well as a successful marriage. For a young woman to dream that she is having dinner with her beloved means that they are threatened by a quarrel and even parting. However, if they are very happy with the dinner, then their relationship will be cloudless. Saying goodbye to your loved one means that in reality you will feel his indifference. If at parting you do not feel sadness, then there will be many admirers in your life.

    Forget the dream, the harm, if it can be, is not only from the dream itself, but from self-hypnosis and thoughts about the fact that the dream is bad. Because if negative thoughts spin in your head, it will create a negative, as it were, energy flow that can have an impact, this can harm, so forget and don’t remember, don’t harm yourself.

    I dreamed that I invited my beloved to my mother for her birthday ... He came with some kind of girl ...

    My beloved today in my dream danced a slow dance with another girl and kissed her, biting her, I looked at it all quite calmly from the side, and my beloved’s friend, meanwhile, tried to support and calm me, but I still fainted into tears, although before that I had never fainted in my life ...

    Beloved did not pay attention to me, he was busy checking whether I was jealous or not

    and said that he was just playing with me

    Hello! Help me deal with my dream, which is so disturbing. So I dreamed that my loved one fell in love with another girl. He kissed and hugged her the way he kisses and hugs me. At the same time, I was always next to them, we even lived together and slept on the same bed. Beloved pushed me away all the time, and I was drawn to him, crying. Also in a dream there was a guy who began to look after me, but I did not notice him, I still lived with my beloved, in the hope that he would return to me.

    i dreamed of a loved one with another, already with a wedding ring, they kissed in the car in front of my eyes. What is it for?

    a young man who was very dear to me stood in an embrace with another girl with a beautiful hairstyle (blond hair was woven into a beautiful white flower, then our mutual friend approached him and he left with her, the dream was very vivid and accurate.

    Good afternoon! I dreamed that my civil Husband came to me. and in my hands was his phone with a password. I somehow miraculously accidentally unlocked it and saw a photo of a redhead girl (hair to the shoulders) and thin. I don’t know her in reality. There were her photos from different angles and intimate photos. And he came up to me and began to hug me and say that he loves me madly. I didn't know what to do, tell him or not. And I woke up with a desire to cry and with a terrible pain in my heart ...

    i dreamed that my husband was sleeping on the bed with the girl he works with and I saw them and he said that I didn’t say anything to you, didn’t want to upset me, I asked you if you had sex, he said no and she said yes, what was it for, but I felt fear

    My boyfriend hid from me that he was invited to the wedding. I accidentally found out when he was already there. I was very worried. I had a dream that he had a birthday, there were several people and me. He is completely consumed by them. Doesn't notice me. Two girls curled around him, then only one of them remained among the guests. I left because he didn't pay attention to me. And watched from the side. He was perspiring all over, but he was constantly on the move among the guests.

    PS. Since the wedding, he never showed up, a day has passed. ((((

    I dreamed that a loved one came home with another girl, only the house is not ours as in reality, but my neighbor, in a dream the girl kissed him in front of me and he pushed her away, after which we began to swear

    Today I had a dream in the morning .. from 4.30 to 8.00, I woke up from an unpleasant dream. I have a loved one, I often have dreams about him ... always different! I don’t remember the whole dream ... I honestly think about him very much ... Every day. So I had a dream I’m looking for him and suddenly I see how he caresses a young girl, it’s unpleasant for me in a dream, but I look .. I clearly see him, handsome in a suit, and the girl is young .. blonde. And suddenly, as if someone is talking from the side (I don’t see who ) -He treats her with such tenderness! -then I woke up…………….. A very unpleasant aftertaste… What is it for… The dream was clear.

    i dreamed I was sitting on a chair and my husband came up to another woman, took her hand and began to dance and kiss her hand

    i met a guy then we quarreled, I constantly see him at school, but I’m sitting on VK and he blocked me, well, I dreamed that he unblocked me, then we clashed

    I dreamed that my boyfriend went to his ex-girlfriend. And somehow I ended up there. My beloved was lying on the couch. When I asked him what he was doing there, he answered me that after work he went to her just to sit and talk and ate at the same time. and lay down on the sofa to watch a movie

    I dreamed that I went to his page and saw pictures and something like records, relationships with this girl! The photo seemed to be in a cold color or blue or black and white! Then I remember that in the same dream I dream of the former, first in a different guise, which I wasn’t even jealous, but then when he already had his own appearance, we had a fight for cooking and he gave me a gift in which there were cakes.

    I dreamed that my beloved was in love with another, and now I am gone and I began to ask her why he fell out of love with me and fell in love with him, and then I woke up, something like this

    Hello. This afternoon, somewhere around 9-10 o'clock in the morning, I dreamed that my young man slept with my friend at my house, in my parents' room, my father caught them, he started yelling and I ran into the room and saw them, and then I felt anger in a dream and began to beat her, and then him, I don’t remember further that I went out into the street and cried, and then all our friends started telling me he was cheating on me with a friend, but then I don’t remember

    i dreamed that I was coming with a friend to a bar, my friends and my boyfriend were sitting there. I greeted everyone and wanted to sit next to my beloved, but at that moment another girl I didn’t know sat down next to him and he hugged her, asked how she was doing and the like, didn’t even pay attention to me ....

    Hello, I dreamed that I went out into the street, and there was the best friend of my beloved. Well, I approached and began to ask about him, where is he? why does not come, does not call, does not write? What I hear in response: leave him, he fell in love with another. I run home in tears, send him a message: I let you go. And that's it. But the fact is .. that .. I did not see my beloved in my dream! I didn't see it at all!

    There is a person who likes, but recently a girl with long white hair has been dreaming next to him. When I am next to this young man in a dream, she shows that she is not pleased (the expression on her face changes), although there is no relationship with this guy in a dream.

    The dream happened this morning. (from 8 to 9 in the morning) As if I arrived on some business in my young man’s car, and then I couldn’t find it, assumed that it had been stolen, went to the guards to look at the cameras with the hope that the hijacker would be found along with the car. Then my young man arrived there, but he did not yet know about the loss and I was afraid to tell him about it. Then we ended up in the company of friends (in my life, not a single person from the dream company was familiar to me) for some reason everyone started to go to bed, I told my beloved that there were too many people here and offered to move to another place, then I looked back and noticed that our a friend was left alone, invited her to come with us. She agreed and said that she wanted to take a walk with us, I agreed and said that I would catch up with her and my boyfriend. While they were gone, I began to get ready, to do something, then I decided to take a shower (all this time we were in the place where the car disappeared) I go into the shower room, and my beloved is kissing our girlfriend. I start screaming, hitting them and I wake up.

    Summer. I walk in a summer dress and see how my beloved leaves the flower shop with another. They passed by smiling at me. I went too, but he turned around and waved his hand at me.

    I had a very sad dream, I woke up in tears. It was as if she saw her husband with another girl (she was short, plump, in a pink jacket, which was clearly remembered). Then I ask him in the evening at home: who is she? He tells me calmly that he is dating her, she has three children and she is a single mother. That he won’t leave her, but he won’t leave me either, we will live together as before. I'm in shock, it's a blow for me, I'm screaming that I can't do it! Then I tell him that I now have a fever from the experience. We are sorting things out for some time, each time I understand that maybe he is joking with me, wants me to be jealous, remaining calm like a boa constrictor. Then he's like, well, take your temperature! I reach for the thermometer and wake up. Tell me, what would it be for?

    i dreamed that there was a cafe on the fence of this cafe, the wet jacket of my beloved weighs, which I wring out of the water, my beloved man comes up and says thank you. so terrible and the sole is already worn out, and I see my man who is sitting in this cafe with another young lady, I come and I see them just like they see me. What can this mean?

    We were supposed to have a wedding in my village. I tried on a white dress but he never came that day. Then I could not access the Internet for a whole week. My young man did not pick up the phone to my calls. Then, nevertheless, I managed to access the Internet from the phone and saw him with another in the photo. I called him, he answered: “Yes, I have a girlfriend and I don’t love you anymore.” I started screaming into the phone that I love and really cried a lot

    I talked with my loved one, and during the conversation he said, “I met a wonderful girl here!”. Then he introduced me to her.

    Hello Tatiana. I had a dream today that as if I see my loved one, a young blonde girl is sitting in his car. I start to resent what it is, and he answers me, what's wrong with that? tell me what kind of dream it is. Although my beloved is married, and I am his mistress.


    At first, my mom and dad dreamed about how I was at home, and then I dream of a picture that doesn’t fit in my head

    i dreamed that my beloved was marrying another girl (I don’t know her) and tells me that this is all for a short time, that he will quickly get married and then divorce and at the same time still communicate with two others

    I like the boy, he used to meet my girlfriend, now they broke up, I think he still likes her, so I dreamed at first that I laughed a lot then I was going to school as if I was waiting for him on the street, he walked with his brother of his brother, I know very well that I have changed and I had a bang, but I don’t have it in reality. And so I sat and waited, then he came and Rita came and my 2nd friend Yulia was with me and it’s as if that boy still loves my girlfriend Rita very much and she sends him away he suffers lying at her feet and everyone is crying and how as if Yulia was guessing the cards flew away and she asked to take them, and Rita and that boy were lying next to me and it was very PAIN like I never even had a naive and I collected these cards dreamed of school as if I received 2 and my mother found out then I filled out the diary very ugly then I dreamed that I can play volleyball very well, but not very naively) PLEASE HELP! thanks in advance

    I dreamed about how my beloved told me that he met some girl and that they sat and talked with her for a long time, and at that time I was very nervous and jealous. What does it mean?

    Hello, I had a dream where my beloved told me about how he met another girl and how they sat and talked for a long time, and at that time I was very nervous and jealous. What does it mean?

    The page on the Internet is dreaming. The page of the person I love. We have mutual sympathy with him in real life, but we are not in a relationship. And I dream that on his pages on the Internet I see photos with another girl, and then, somehow, he is nearby and says that this is the one he loves.

    Marina! I dreamed of a loved one standing near his car 'and on the other hand a woman' but he knows her!

    I dreamed of my beloved that he was sitting with another girl, and I was talking, I didn’t pay any attention to me, I came with a girlfriend and turned around and left, he ran after me and I woke up (

    earlier in my life I had problems with this girl who was sitting with her beloved, why is this?

    in a dream, my lover is allegedly with my girlfriends, and this is before my eyes, as if they want to annoy me on purpose or provoke me. But the dreams are beautiful, sunny. I can't find an explanation myself.

    Through the window I watched how my beloved was preparing dinner in the kitchen with another woman. And she herself approved of his choice of wife, but really wanted to be in her place

    I met a young man, but he left me. and today I had a dream that he came to the holiday with another girl, when I felt bad, he followed me and said, “I love you, but it’s necessary.” I woke up because my heart started to stop

    Hello! I saw tonight in a dream how a beloved man makes love to another woman. I cried a lot, until I lost consciousness. And he didn't care. What did it come up with?

    dream that another calls from her lover’s phone, and sends a photo of their joint wedding to the mail

    My loved one had a birthday. They played some kind of game and he had to choose to hug and kiss a person. He hugged his sister, but kissed another girl as he walked past me without even paying any attention. I left there with tears and I remember that I walked around the city and cried.

    My boyfriend took care of a girl in the hospital and bought her a silver bracelet as a gift.

    Hello, I dreamed that I came to my beloved person in another city, and he found himself another and began to introduce me to her. I burst into tears and stood looking at him then at her and clearly saw her face. And at that moment I woke up. Please tell me what this dream means.

    my beloved danced with the other, humiliating me that she is better than me and more beautiful.

    The beloved man made love with another woman, with the one who in real life had a relationship and their union is now in question to be or not to be.

    Hello, what does the dream mean. I dream that my beloved is with another woman, in the company of other people, but I know that he is with her as if I see them. Then another story, he sends through my child in SMS that everything is serious with him. And I woke up.

    I was with my loved one and there was another unfamiliar girl, they were talking, and I was sitting on the sidelines, after a while they started hugging, trying to tell them something, everything was pointless, when I got up started to leave, they started kissing and I woke up

    he came to stay, there were kisses and caresses in a dream, then he took shrimp, frozen fish and berries from the refrigerator, everything crumbled a little in his stairwell. and went to another when I went after him he was gone

    beloved man climbs up the stairs with him young girls and a white dog

    Hello! I dreamed that another girl was pregnant from a beloved man. What is it for? In real life, I have nothing with him, only my feelings for him.

    I dreamed that the guy was in a water dream as if in a relationship with my sister, and in another that he was kissing my mother very gently like an adult. What does it mean?

    Please explain what my dream means.

    I dreamed that my boyfriend left me in a friends car. He, in an embrace with a stranger, spectacular, relaxed in public, in front of his friends and me (sitting in the car), kisses her without shame or conscience and hurriedly enters the hotel. Unexpectedly, I jumped out of the car and began to beat him with anger, slap him in the face and scold him in front of my friends, what a scoundrel and scoundrel he is. Thank you for your reply! God bless you!

    I dream about how I am somewhere on the street, and I see how my young man kisses a girl, as if on purpose, so that I pay attention to it, but kissed her as if at a meeting when friends are kissing! And I start throwing something like wads of paper at him! But he does not notice, but only this girl sees and smiles back! Then my boyfriend caught me at a meeting and led me into some kind of room and held me, did not let go and demanded something from me! I felt his love and perseverance! But she was offended!

    I don't remember half of the dream. I remember that we were driving around the city, on a half-closed bus. Out of nowhere it rained. All the water flew into me. There was a flood in the city. When I turned around, my beloved was sitting behind and my girlfriend (with whom we are now in a quarrel, but at that time we were talking), my beloved got up from the chair and kissed her, looking at me. As if waiting for something. At the same moment the bus had an accident and I woke up

    My friends and I walked and just talked. Then one of my friends put her hand on my shoulder and began to point somewhere. I followed where she points, and there my young man is standing and kissing another girl. We approached him and he told me that he had found the one he had been looking for for so long and that he had never loved me.

    In a dream from an ex-girlfriend, because of betrayal, she tells me that she kissed my boyfriend. I beat her and I can't forgive him

    my girlfriend betrayed me talking to my boyfriend. Now I have dreams of them together. i dreamed that she was telling me that she was kissing him. and I start beating her. but I can't forgive him for that.

    Hello! I remember only a fragment of a dream, because I immediately woke up. In a dream, a guy came up to my beloved (we have known each other for 3 years, a month ago we began to live together) and began to stroke her neckline and chest. She did not even resist and it even seemed that she liked it. Then they began to hug, she kissed his chest ... On this I woke up.

    This is the second time I have had this dream. The first time I dreamed that my boyfriend was hugging another girl in front of me, while she seemed to be offended by him, only he hugged her. I told him: “Don’t you give a fuck?”, He didn’t say anything, I kind of left (I don’t remember). Today the dream was like this, again the same situation, some kind of park, and our peers, and again before my eyes he hugs her and kisses in her ear, and she has tears in her eyes, I again say the same phrase, he moves away from this girl, and is silent, I ask her: “Did you have something?”, To which they receive an answer from her: “Yes, it was ”(while she cries), I start crying and leave.

    Hello Tatyana) I dreamed that my boyfriend came to me with his family, brother, mother, and I cook for them, but I don’t remember what, and then I look out the window and he kisses three of my friends whom I don’t like.

    I dreamed that after that. as I met my beloved, another girl runs up to him, he pushes me to his friend and kisses another girl who ran up.

    Hello! I have a dream that the boy whom I love is kissing his ex .... and this is not the first time I have dreamed of this with this particular girl. before, I felt confident and there was no pain in a dream from what I saw .... but now I began to offend the guy and tell him that I communicate with my ex .... I see that he is not pleased ... we seem to not meet with him .... but in previous dreams he at least repelled her and I felt love from him .... and this time he kissed her and said nice things .... I felt indifference .... what could it be ??

    My beloved person kissed my own sister, the sister was the initiator of the kiss. I beat them both, after which my husband followed me and asked for forgiveness with words of love

    I’m sitting and in front of me sits the person whom I love and he kisses the other, then she disappears somewhere and I sit, he and his classmates leaning on the back of the sofa and I leaned on his shoulder, he let me hold my phone and I climbed in and there opened his correspondence with the one with whom he kissed, but there were photographs of some kind of hamsters, then we went for a walk and we had to go through the tunnel, approaching him, a train passed from there, then I went into the tunnel with him and I woke up

    I had a dream, my man was kissing another girl right in front of my guests, and then after a while he left somewhere with her, which means

    my boyfriend and I have been arguing lately and now I had a dream that he kisses another girl and tells me what will happen to her and leaves with her, I try to catch up with him, but his friend stops me and I cry a lot and even wake up from this and my heart is terribly bad

    Unfortunately, I don’t remember the whole dream, but the main thing that interests me is the meaning of such an excerpt from the dream: my young man, the girlfriend of my young man’s brother and I were lying on our bed and just talking about something and in some that moment I noticed that my boyfriend was hugging his brother's girlfriend and kissing her as if he was dating her, not me. I was shocked by this situation and distracted them and asked the girl why she was doing this, why she was kissing my boyfriend, she answered me that she just really wanted to kiss and she uses the moment and that my boyfriend agreed to help her ... I became very sad and I cried and ended up waking up in tears. Help me find out what this dream could mean, should I be afraid of something, or am I worried in vain? Thank you very much

    Hello, I dreamed that I was driving with a guy from somewhere home, he got up at his stop, and there was some kind of girl, he approached her, and in the meantime I said to stop the car, I get out of the car standing in front of them and I see how they kiss and smile sweetly at each other, I asked “I don’t interfere?”, He didn’t even say anything in response, I turned around and left, and he calmly agreed to meet her further, I went further and saw a white cat , stopped and waited for them to finish talking, then I see him moving away, I’m going to him, I say “how can I understand all this? And how long have you been with her? he replied that they corresponded with her, he replied that he didn’t want anything except kissing her, I cried very much in a dream, I remember that I wiped my tears and the ring that was worn on the middle finger of my right hand fell, my hands were trembling, but I picked it up and put it on , we also moved on, I don’t remember what we were talking about, we saw our friends, also a couple in love, that guy looking at me says “maybe she should go to the hospital?” and with that I woke up. Please tell me the meaning, it is very important for me, because in reality I plan to marry him, give birth to a child ..



    i dreamed that a loved one confesses his love to another girl in front of me, hugs her ... but in a dream I realized that I was meeting him ... he seemed to do it out of spite

    For the second day I have been having a dream about my boyfriend walking with others. But today I dreamed that we were walking with him and my girlfriend was also with us and he hugged her right next to me and kissed her on the lips, of course I start screaming at him and wake up. Please help me find out what these dreams are for!

    a friend came to me, we were all sitting in the bedroom, I was my boyfriend and girlfriend, I went to another room and seemed to come back on purpose.

    I dreamed that I came to visit my beloved guy, but he was not at home, there was his friend, he said that my boyfriend had gone for a walk, I started calling him and heard women's voices in the receiver. Then the guy's friend gave his phone, which he allegedly left at home. My number was completely deleted on the phone, the dialed numbers were completely unfamiliar

    i dreamed that my boyfriend was kissing another in front of me, I told him that aa he is such that there is nothing like that in this, it's just communication

    I was sitting in a room with my boyfriend and smoking, and out of nowhere his ex-girlfriend is already sitting with us, we talk normally, I react normally to her appearance, and then she started talking about some kind of star, supposedly she suggests love, and sharply kisses my beloved, and he does not mind, I left them in tears with grief and that's it, then I woke up!

    I dreamed that the young man and I were walking in the evening and then he meets his ex-girlfriend. He was very happy about this meeting, as was she, then I went home. On the same evening, when I was already alone at home, the best friend of a loved one sent me a video about how a loved one passionately kisses his ex-girlfriend! Please tell me what does this mean? Why might this be a dream?

    My girlfriend and I came to walk with my boyfriend and his friends, and when we met, my boyfriend didn’t come up to me, but hugged her friend and asked her to kiss him and they kissed.

    It was cold.. We took a little walk with my boyfriend.. then we went into some house.. nothing reminded me there.. I had never been there before.. there was one girl besides us.. in real life, I don’t know her .. but in a dream she clearly understood that she was my boyfriend’s sister .. Then we sat at the table and drank tea .. at that time some unknown impudent woman came in and didn’t say a word .. She just looked at everything around her people .. There was a feeling that everyone knows everything, and I had no idea what was happening .. and oddly enough, another young girl appeared in the room from where it came from .. came and sat down next to my boyfriend hugged and kissed him .. I didn’t do anything, I just decided to get up and leave .. and after my boyfriend says to me, “What are you leaving .. Well, go away !!” A very strange dream .. My relationship with my boyfriend is very good .. But I don’t know why I had this dream .. can you help me decipher this dream .. otherwise it worries me a lot ..

    we were together with my ex and some other people and my man and his ex we yelled at me I was cold with the ex and they have a warm relationship they talked then went to bed and he kissed her I told him called by name can you for a minute he tells me ... well, what else)))

    From Wednesday to Thursday, I dreamed that it was as if my beloved and I had parted as friends and he was kissing his new girlfriend in front of me, as if he, being still doubtful in a relationship with her, met in a company. I see their kiss, I kill, he found me after that I left!

    I went to some house, and my boyfriend was standing there near the entrance, I love him, and he seemed to be me too, but in a dream, they stood on the stairs, a little higher than me, and he kissed another girl, I don’t know her …I just left..

    I walk down the corridor at school and in a friend I see my loved one is trying to kiss another but does not touch her lips this person hates me and I love him for 2 years

    I had a dream in which I saw a guy I like, he looked at me intently, and we often made eye contact. but suddenly I saw how one girl came up to him and kissed him, I burst into tears and ran away. What does it mean?

    I was sitting in a cafe, for some reason alone, and my friend was sitting at the next table, and then I raise my head, and he goes to her, he came up and took her hand, they were sitting giggling, I came up and said maybe I could take a picture of you, well, she clicked them, and she answered me, I’ll explain everything to you later, they got up and went somewhere and I don’t remember how, but we ended up on the street and he told her, well, come on and they kissed, and he looked up and said, next time you will be more accommodating. I turned around and went, he caught up with me and covered me with his jacket because I was in a light blouse, we went to the store, I hugged him too, and then looked up when he had to leave and it was not him but my friend, and I remember exactly that he hugged and sheltered me, but I don’t know how my friend ended up in his place ...

    I dreamed that I was at some fun event and my ex-lover comes there, first carefully observes, then a girl comes to him and kisses him, they leave the table. I don’t know her

    I was looking for a loved one, I saw how he went into a cafe, I go there, he is not there, I continue to look. I meet his friend, and another person, we are looking for the three of us. I saw a loved one, called him to talk, he seemed to want to come up, but people stood in his way, and he turned away and left. We saw him next to the girl who was crying, he wanted to leave with her. he looked lost. A friend began to reproach him that he was dating his girlfriend, a friend cried. And my man just stood there without saying a word.

    I dreamed that my boyfriend (we were dating recently) was kissing my cousin. In detail: we were visiting, there were all our friends. I didn't suspect anything about them. I walked away for a couple of minutes, I go into the hall, and they sit kissing. When they saw me. I woke up. Help, I really like the guy, but sleep haunts

    my martyr dreamed that at first he just sat with a girl he knew, she molested him, then kissed him, he kissed her back, but it seemed like after that he stopped, remembering that he had me, later looking around, he sees me and I sit and smile, what can this mean?

    Because in real life this girl is not particularly pleasant to him, but in a dream the kiss was pleasant and at first there was a desire, and later the desire disappeared because he remembered me. And before this dream he hadn’t had dreams for a very long time. Explain why this can be.Many thanks in advance!

    i had a dream. that a loved one was kissing another. while I was standing with them. after which. my sister called him and said: "Why did you kiss the other?" To which he replied: "It happened. It's an accident." In fact, I already broke up with my beloved. But our communication does not stop. Please help me, what should I do, and why do I have such a dream !?

    I had a dream from Thursday to Friday! I come home, start to change clothes, walk around the apartment, then I sit next to my husband, he starts writing some phone numbers in a notebook and tells me something, and then I seem to be out of a trance I fall out and understand that he is telling me how he was kissing another girl, he even said who it is, I fall on the sofa with my face in the pillow, I just have a tantrum, and he walks around, doesn’t touch me, doesn’t calm me down, he just mumbles somehow languidly, that he didn't want to.

    I dreamed that my beloved was kissing another woman in front of me, I was very upset, crying. At the same time, I rocked the stroller, but did not see who was in it.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was at my friend’s house (he is my favorite person) a girl came, he introduced her as a sister, later a lot of people appeared in the house and I noticed that my friend was kissing a girl whom he introduced to me as sister

    my beloved and I decided to part, but still walked in the same company, and she met another and they kissed, she felt so good, but I felt bad

    I dreamed that my friend had a birthday, and this friend (her name is Masha) is dating a guy I like, and she knows about it. So I dreamed how everyone congratulated her, and so did I. All this happens at school. And we go with him and chat, when suddenly he leaves the conversation, passes by her, kisses and hugs.

    We were in a building with him, he went somewhere, saying that he would be back soon. But he was gone for more than an hour. I went to look for him, went down the stairs and saw him kissing some girl (but the face was familiar), I yelled at him. It was winter outside. I stripped down to my bra and panties and ran home, he ran after me not for long, then we stopped and he made fun of me in front of everyone. I spun around and collided with some woman, we stumbled but did not fall, I ran and then woke up.

    in space there are two elongated tables, parallel to each other

    The tables are not empty, there are dishes on them, something else, attention has not been focused on this. I enter this space, I say something, I am quite active. there is a woman there. I know her and the man I love. they are more familiar than I am with her. he sits at the end of one of the tables, I sit at the end of another table, but not at the end, but facing him, i.e. as if sideways and I see how she approaches him, with her left hand she puts something like a pear on the table (on the table - some kind of dishes, glasses - a little), leans towards him and kisses him and he answers her and they continue to kiss tightly and passionately. I have been jealous of this woman lately. maybe they have some business, or maybe something else .... they told me that such a kiss was their parting, conflict. What do you think?

    i dreamed about my boyfriend kissing another girl, and I saw it, it was on the street a lot of clean sea and waves

    I was standing in the entrance with my boyfriend and friends, my girlfriend was standing next to my boyfriend, and they kissed. I ran home, he ran after me, started knocking on the door. I cried and hated him. He said if I open the door he will explain everything. I opened. He said that he was drunk and did not understand what he was doing, said that he only loved me. I said that I forgave him, although in reality it was not so.

    I look at the photo of a guy - he is sitting on the shoulders of another guy in an army uniform (he is currently serving), and in the background is a girl in a purple hat, straight hair, a warm jacket, and shows a heart with her hands. Then the photo seems to come to life, and the girl approaches him, he tries to kiss her. But then the photo freezes. And the guy and I go for a walk further ...

    i dreamed that I was riding a hill and saw that my boyfriend with whom I currently live was kissing with another, I went up to them and started crying and at the same time beating Nastya, that was the name of the girl with whom he kissed, she said that they had been kissing for a long time already meet.

    i dreamed that my husband was kissing a blonde and then after a while he was kissing a girl with black hair, and not even though he was bewitched, everything was dreamed on the same day and that I was pregnant in the fifth month, I was keeping a girl and then she left him for her childhood friend

    We were sitting at the table with my boyfriend. My girlfriend was sitting next to him. We were talking, and then I turned to my boyfriend and I see him kissing my girlfriend on the neck, I jumped off, screamed as you could in front of me, and ran away, he first ran after me. but did not stop me .. and then I woke up

    I dreamed that my boyfriend was kissing my girlfriend under the covers. I saw this and began to beat them, he said you left me, now I want to love and be loved, you will find your favorite again.

    At first I dreamed that they just fell asleep together, it seemed to me that his hand was on it, but I did not attach any importance to this, then I left, I come and see them kissing under the covers, then he said that he wanted to love and be loved, and I I'll find myself another, you left me too!

    I’m sitting in a dream, and next to the person I like, we talked a little, then he changes seats and a girl came to him, after which they start kissing, and I look at it and my heart hurts.

    I dreamed that my future husband was kissing another girl at some party, but Iwo asked Iyo to kiss

    i dreamed that I was with my boyfriend at a disco and he saw me but kissed another, then I came up and took her out and beat her ...

    I had a dream, my boyfriend and I are sitting at home, and then his sister comes, everything was fine, we were talking and then they step aside supposedly talk. I go up to them, and they are kissing without paying attention to me. At the same time, I didn’t react in any way, I just stood aside and looked at them. thanks in advance for your reply!

    Hello. I dreamed that my boyfriend was kissing another girl., I start packing. he comes and as if nothing had happened ....

    Good afternoon! I dreamed that when I met my husband, when he greeted me instead of hi, he kissed them on the lips, and the girls at that moment were standing and looking at my reaction.

    I dreamed that a girl kissed my boyfriend! With me! My boyfriend didn't like it and he hit her! And he came and hugged me. What does it mean.

    I’m sitting in our country house, my friends of acquaintances have arrived, they all come up and kiss my boyfriend, but one of them is left on his lap and he caresses and kisses her. I woke up and began to think about this dream (I saw her once and her name is Yulia as her ex) what could it mean

    i dreamed as if my common-law husband was kissing my eldest daughter, I think to myself in a dream and let it be okay, let's see how they will live on, but not in my house

    Hello! I often see the same dream. My husband kisses and hugs another girl. Then he tells me that he is leaving me for her. And I beg him not to do this, because I love him very much. And in a dream I constantly sob from this, so much so that I immediately wake up from fear.

    I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend was photographed with another girl when their lips are close, but do not touch, as if in anticipation of a kiss, I broke up with my boyfriend 5 months ago, I can’t forget him

    Hello. At first I couldn't catch him, as the ghost disappeared when I approached him. And then I saw how he kisses others. Both on the lips and on the nose, etc. And goes down the escalator together from me ...

    today I dreamed that we were driving in a car, I was with my boyfriend in the back and there was some girl in the front seat and he started kissing her, right in front of my eyes ... I immediately went into hysterics ... then I woke up ... and now I have an unpleasant feeling all day, that he is cheating on me.

    i dreamed that my best friend whom I love and my girlfriend, we arrived at some kind of camp and were placed in the same room. There were two beds and I took the one near the wall, and my girlfriend the one in the middle and my friend whom I love lay down next to my girlfriend, and in front of me they hugged under the covers, and then they kissed in front of me and my girlfriend got up to me and smiled, and I flew out of this room like a bullet and began to sob. Why is this?

    Hello! i dreamed that my girlfriend was lying on my boyfriend on her chest, his hand was on her shoulder, I told him not to kiss her, but he took and kissed her on the neck, as if out of spite ... I don’t know what to think ... help ...

    I’m still young, I’m 12 years old, the dream is that we will go on an excursion with the whole class. I go on the bus, and there my girlfriend kisses another. I don’t remember what I dreamed about. Answer?

    Hello) I’m standing with my common-law husband talking (we have a child, this is his unit and a long-awaited child) and suddenly our common acquaintance with friends appears (my husband has been friends with her husband since childhood and we communicate) then she comes up to us and we greet and I kiss each other on the cheeks with her and my husband, well, as if jokingly, hugs us with her and then I see that they are kissing on the lips, I started screaming, hitting him in the face with a newspaper, I don’t even know where it came from this newspaper I didn’t have it in my hands they started talking to me with a smile, like it seemed to me, I turned around and ran away, found myself among some people and my husband found me came up behind and kissed me and then some woman (she is the age of my husband and I also have the feeling that she has several children or I I saw them in a dream, or well, this is my feeling) she asks where this man was just here and went out into the street and called him, apparently, they come in, then she’s her husband, I don’t remember what she said, but she and I, like, just to he helped something there and everything woke me up…………

    He dreamed that he left my house with my girlfriend, she told him something and they went to him. She started kissing him and he kissed her back too

    I went into the room and saw my boyfriend kissing another, I threw coins at them and started walking, well, it was very difficult for me to walk. then my girlfriend saw me, we started running with her and that's it

    dreamed of a loved one, he is married, kisses his wife, and for some reason I am in her pants at their house

    i had a dream where my boyfriend was kissing the other they were sitting where we kissed for the first time, I saw them and went to sort it out with my boyfriend and we were talking about something and we parted in a dream and then I woke up

    in a dream my beloved cheated on me. he cheated with his ex-girlfriend. I stood and watched that they were standing outside the window and he began to kiss her. he dated for 8 years. in a dream, he is cheating on me for the second time. and also in the same dream my friend told me not to believe him that he was not so good

    I walked around my yard and raised my head upstairs, I saw a person on the balcony who is not indifferent to me. He didn't seem to recognize me. He looked at me with some surprise, they say, "what are you looking at." Then I went a second time in the same direction. And looking up, I saw him kissing a girl. He kissed her and looked at me in bewilderment.

    I dreamed about how we gathered in a big company with a friend and when we went to bed, the guy I like lay down with me, he hugged me, began to stroke along the spine, he apologized for changing his attitude towards me so drastically that he ignored the last month and a half, then we kissed, and immediately after the kiss he pushed me away, I went to a friend for advice, returning after a while I saw our mutual friend kissing him

    i dreamed that my boyfriend was kissing another second night already having such a dream

    please reply to this email

    I dreamed that a young man entered a dark room with me and another girl. They sit at the table next to each other and cannot take their eyes off each other. And I go to another room and they stay there

    i dreamed that I invited a girl home to us, in reality I know her by the way, but I don’t communicate with her, and I went to the kitchen, supposedly for something, and my common-law husband kisses her back, then I began to beat her and then packed my things and left, but he didn’t stop me, HERE. PS I’m pregnant from him

    I remember that the guy I love was looking for the police, I wanted to lie to the police so that they wouldn’t put him in jail, in general, we met with him, and some girl kissed him, she looked 15-16 years old with such white hair , very white.

    He kissed me and said that he liked me too, then this girl sat down next to him and took his hand, he also took her hand, I started to cry very much, and then I don’t remember

    I dreamed that the person I love was kissing another girl, and I saw this and started crying and pouring rain

    I had a dream today, a person who is dear to me kissed another, while I didn’t see the kiss itself, my friends told me about it.

    We were at a party. I was standing in another room from everyone and a friend runs up to me, says that my boyfriend just kissed Diana on the lips (also my girlfriend), I go up to them and ask what the hell, Diana replied that it was purely friendly and showed it to me again! They kissed me again. Well, they just kissed on the lips like "smack" - without a tongue ..

    i was walking with a friend and then he was walking, but then when we crossed paths he began to kiss my girlfriend and for some reason I began to laugh

    I dreamed that the groom went on a spree with a friend on his birthday. I couldn’t find him anywhere, and when I found him, I saw a photo on his computer, where he was kissing another that day.

    I dreamed that I came to visit my relatives with my young man, and after a few minutes I go into the room and there my beloved kisses passionately with my second cousin, I'm afraid, although then he constantly followed me on my heels

    Hello, I don’t remember the beginning of the dream, but the passage is like this - my sister slips in the water (the depth is from a puddle, just on the street) and my boyfriend decides to catch her, but falls with her, and then they rise from the water kissing. I start beating him and so on

    I dreamed that my beloved was kissing another girl, but seeing this, I run away and start crying very much

    Hello! The husband cheated and wants to go to another. Gently kisses her, and she cries. The girl has beautiful long hair. And I'm freaking out.

    All the action took place in the country. The very first thing I remember was that I saw a guy kissing with another girl, I saw that she was wearing a gray jacket, and she herself was very thin.

    Dad, who is not visible at all in the background, not in the foreground, but his voice was simply heard, said that she was pregnant. I was then surprised at her slenderness and asked if she had an abortion, but received no answer.

    After that, it turns out that I got a job in a store, selling food. A man came in, an adult, of average appearance, overweight, bought something from me from food and children's toys (a car with a crane in the back and some other). He paid 200 rubles, and then she ran after him and again on the right saw my boyfriend kissing another.

    I don't remember what happened next. And my dad took me home by car (I don’t remember the process itself) and I received a message from the guy, he asked for forgiveness and wrote in the second message a smiley “:(“. But, I want to note, even when I saw that he was kissing, I didn’t do much I didn't feel any negativity towards him or anything else.

    I was walking with my loved one, met a friend, talked. Then her phone rang and she went off. Then for some reason my boyfriend went to her, they were talking, I saw this and got jealous, went home, and then he kissed her, I saw this too. He noticed that I was going home, went to me, she said, maybe we shouldn’t stop, but he still followed me, but I managed to leave

    So it was all on the balcony of my friend. It was evening, and I remember that I was standing in the aisle, my friend was somehow between the street and the balcony, that is, I was somehow standing in the air, and it turns out between us. He was in a drunken state, takes this girl with whom he stood by the neck, smiles and begins to kiss.

    In life, I know this girl from the outside, he does not know her.

    Today I had a dream 2 times with the same essence. The bottom line was that I saw in the photos how my boyfriend kisses another girl.

    1 dream: I just climbed the social network (Vkontakte) went to his page and saw photos of how he and another girl were at some kind of party and kissed her there.

    2 dream: I was walking with friends, and then a friend comes up and says: “Do you know about treason?”, I answered: “No.” After my answer, she took out her phone and showed photos that showed that he kissed another girl at night.

    These dreams happened today. And about a week or two ago, I had a dream that my best friend came to my house and said: “Son, can you imagine I was kissing your boyfriend.” I was in shock, but for some reason I didn’t even cry, then I ended up in a bright place, at the table, one might say in some kind of cafe. My boyfriend was there, I was offended by him because of this incident. I began to ask the truth, he kissed his girlfriend or not. He walked, was silent, I realized that this was so, I was about to leave, he stopped me and began to make excuses, and I forgave him.

    Do all these dreams mean that he will cheat on me soon?

    my boyfriend and I went to some event (banquet), where there was a huge table, a lot of people (strangers to me) and the sea. why the sea is there - I didn’t understand, but while we were sitting at the table, someone called us urgently to look at the waves. I went out with everyone, my mol. stayed at the table. I look at the sea and see a huge wave - a tsunami ... at first, I was scared, but when I saw that it was not coming towards us, but parallel to the shore, I calmed down and told someone that there could be no such waves, that all waves hit the shore , to which they answered: “Can this be?” and pointed towards my boyfriend. a girl was sitting on his lap, he hugged her and gently kissed her neck and cheek ... I went up, began to figure out what it was, and they got up together and left. I burst into tears, ran after them, started beating him in the chest with my fists, he calmly got into a taxi and left with her. in parting, this girl grinned at me, to which I showed her the middle finger. woke up in tears

    So, I’m dreaming as if we were walking with my beloved, here we see his ex-girlfriend, then he lets go of my hand and comes up to her. Then they kiss ... I don’t know what to think ..


    I dreamed that my young man was kissing with his classmate, then I beat her. I dream of the same thing many times, only these actions occur from different places.

    My boyfriend and I lived in a boarding school. And now he is 18 and he is leaving the boarding school. But there should have been a farewell dance, with whomever. I went to another girl, I burst into tears and left. Then they called me into the hall, I just stood there. And then he comes in and gives a huge bouquet. But I was still offended and did not accept the bouquet. And then he hugged me, said that he loves and kissed me.

    In the dream I’m standing, he’s lying and I’m arguing with him, a girl I know is standing next to him, he says to her if you want to go there, pick up the flowers, she says well, and he says kiss and she kisses him and that’s all I rushed to beat them and woke up

    I have only been dating this person for a week .. I dream about how we are riding in a minibus. He was sitting next to me. A friend of his was sitting opposite us. He told me that he would sit down with her for a while. While I was distracted by the phone, I raise my head, look, and they are already kissing .. I am in tears. Then the minibus stops, I run out into the street, and start to sob very hard. The guy ran after me. Runs up to me. He asks me to turn to him. He begins to convince me that he is not to blame, that that girl kissed him herself .. I turn to face him and see that he is also crying .. His tears made me believe and forgive him. And that's where the dream ended.

    Hello! Today I had a dream that my loved one hugs and kisses another girl (my ex-girlfriend) in the bathroom. At the same time, she feels awkward, and he does not seem to notice me (or he does not care about my presence). e-mail -

    We went for a walk, I'm my friend .. in the company in general. Then His friend came up with two girls. Then he goes in a red and white park. Then, after a while, I look at him kissing and looking at me, as if he doesn’t want to be with her, but with me.

    The man whom I love kissed his ex, right in front of my eyes, I just froze, my legs began to give way, I cried and ran away, he and she caught up with me and began to calm me down, he shouted to me "why am I silent" but I am even stronger cried, and he woke up that I was actually crying

    My beloved was kissing another when I asked him if it was her, he answered yes. Women who were near me sympathized and helped.

    I was going somewhere, I don’t remember anymore and I see how my boyfriend kisses another. strangely, the dream was kind of gray, the most important thing is that I thought that, I knew that she would come to him "

    My boyfriend and I were walking and suddenly he got a call. He talked and said he had to leave. I called our mutual friend to take me to her while he was busy. Some not very beautiful girl came up and they, together with my boyfriend, went for a walk. I went to my friend, my friends were there. Everything was great. After some time, my young man came in with the same not very pretty girlfriend by the hand. Nobody knew her there and everyone started asking me what was going on. I said that I didn’t understand anything myself and went to smoke with half the guys. When we returned, this lady was sitting in an armchair and my young man was standing behind her and hugging her. That part of the friends who did not go out looked at me with huge eyes and did not understand what was happening. Yes, I didn't understand it either. Then he kissed her and they went to smoke. He walked by without even looking at me. And then I woke up

    i dreamed that my good friend was kissing his relative on the lips, they didn’t see me, I stood aside and watched this, why this dream?

    My boyfriend and I went to school together. There he met his classmate. She kissed him, but I didn’t (even though we kiss on the cheek every time we meet) because they saw her herpes on her lip .. But he didn’t stop kissing my boyfriend

    It was an ordinary day, we were having fun together, fooling around, then the doorbell rang, friends came to visit, it was already late and I said stay with us for the night, one best friend approached her beloved and asked something, and somehow her beloved kissed her, the most most importantly, my best friend turned into a terrible acquaintance, I ran away, I cried about the entrance, no one ran after me, I returned and started packing, my beloved didn’t even stop .. and I woke up, I would like to know what this dream means.

    I came to school, I saw a boy there who I like, and he passionately kissed another. I was upset, burst into tears and kissed a guy I didn’t know.

    I had a dream that the boy I like is sitting on a tree and kissing some girl

    Today I had a dream about the former, he stood there with other girls hugging me, then he kissed me in my dream in front of them, but I was against it. And those girls began to spite me to do everything, that is, they would come up with their shoulders, they would accidentally touch the door ...

    I dreamed that my loved one was kissing my girlfriend, knowing what I was seeing. Then he kisses another friend of mine, at her request.

    I dreamed that I was sitting at the table and my boyfriend was lying with my girl friends and began kissing with one of them in front of me, and says how cool she kisses, but in reality he doesn’t like kissing at all, I freaked out and went to get ready to go outside and started ironing some thing and she woke up crying in choking with tears in her eyes

    I looked at the photos, then the video started, which was my boyfriend and his friend who was holding a kopeck piece, after which they kiss On the lips, I beat that girl. The guy stayed with me.

    From Sunday to Monday, I dreamed that I was looking at photographs that showed my boyfriend with a friend. Then a girl appeared in the arms of a friend of my boyfriend, my boyfriend was sitting next to a friend and with her, a video began where they kissed, the guy first looked at her chest and then they had a kiss on the lips. I had a fight with this girl where I beat her. I stayed with my boyfriend.

    i looked at the photos, they originally had my boyfriend and his friend, after which the video began where the guy was, next to him was a friend, the friend had a girl in his arms, the guy first looked at her chest and then kissed .. I had a girl fight where I beat her. The guy stayed with me.

    i dreamed of a guy who I like and we have a relationship with him, but free, which lasts about three years, declares his love to me and kisses another

    I don’t remember well, I just remember that it was a familiar girl and we haven’t seen her for a long time, we missed her, she is a mutual friend. They hugged, he kissed her on the cheek, and then not on the cheek. I stood nearby. Naturally, I was surprised and angry, but he did not consider that there was something bad in this. Then I don't remember.

    i dreamed that my boyfriend was kissing another girl, I run in, I see this and start swearing at him

    I dreamed that my lover kissed his best friend in front of my eyes and in front of our friends. The action took place on the street, it was winter, the colors in the dream were cold, almost no color. When I asked him: “What is going on, what have you done now ?!”, he did not answer. In a dream, I roared excitedly about this, and this best friend reassured me, because she herself was against the kiss and what happened, but when he kissed her, she could not resist and reciprocated the kiss. The dream had a dream on the night from Saturday to Sunday. Please tell me what such a dream can mean?

    My loved one, another was kissing, and they were in the closet, I opened the closet and saw them there, then they came out of it and stood in an embrace, the girl was not beautiful, I cried very much in a dream.

    I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were standing in some kind of queue, sort of like a work colleague was standing in front of us, a tall blonde, and he was saying come here, my bunny will say hello to you and kiss her on the cheek. and he was all in orange clothes, and it seemed that she also had something orange

    today I had a dream about how a loving person (we don’t meet him, I just have feelings for him) kissed his sister in front of my eyes. Before that, we walked from the river (like bought). We went to some old house, like a hut, and that's where everything happened ... please explain

    Hello, I had a dream about a person who I really like, and I came to the club and there he is sitting with his friends. I walked by and didn’t even notice him, after which I get with him and some girl to the Shopping Center (I don’t remember which one) he kisses her everywhere, buys her various things and after that I wake up in a sweat

    And in reality we are in a quarrel with him

    I dreamed about my boyfriend hugging another, and when I saw this, I ran away from this room angry .. and feeling very jealous.

    In a dream, my beloved kissed my girlfriend, with whom we had not communicated for a long time, on the lips, and then in the ear

    hello, today I dreamed about how my beloved was sent on a business trip somewhere, he goes with colleagues, including girls, then he sends me a photo that he is in the bathroom, another guy and a girl. then, as it were, the dream is transferred to the apartment where I am and they really all come out of the bath, and he kisses this girl on the lips several times as if nothing had happened. I start to make a scandal and he tells those girls to talk to me. but I woke up.

    Beloved man, as if to spite me, hugged another girl and kissed, then they left the room. I and other people saw all this. I knew the girl in a dream. I didn’t cry in a dream. As if I realized that he was making me angry, but the sediment remained.

    I like one boy and he kissed me after a party for a long time and gave me a ring like this

    Beloved with the former went to the dacha by car and took me with them. At the dacha, he began to kiss and hug her, then she had him .. then he stroked her hair. Then he took her to the station and returned back to me. I started to quarrel with him and beat him. And he smiled.

    my girlfriend and I went out into the street there was my boyfriend, he was kissing another girl, and I was not jealous, but waited for it to be dark so that I would kiss him too, and even if my girlfriend was pregnant from me

    well, we were sitting at his house, then his brother came with his girlfriend, and his girlfriend came up to my boyfriend and they kissed, well, she kissed his lower lip and then smiled, and then the showdown with my boyfriend began and I woke up

    I love one person, and I dreamed that I was making him a date with one of my friends. He tells me:

    Tell her that I have another one to get behind.

    Then, when a date came, I walked with them, then a conflict occurred between me and a friend, we had a fight. Then I lost my things and while I was looking for them and found them, I saw how they kiss.

    Thank you for your attention

    My boyfriend in a dream avoided me extremely. He almost left without me. As a result, when we stood and waited for the car in a crowd, he acquired my girlfriend, and then they kissed.

    A dream from Thursday to Friday. This person always dreams of me at this time. I dreamed that in the reflection of the phone / mirror camera I see him kissing me, but looking at him, I see him kissing another and I am nearby. What would that mean ?

    my boyfriend in the window is standing on the stairs 2 of my girlfriends are near the window and the third one I don’t know is beautiful with red lipstick on her lips climbed onto the stairs to take a picture of him and they started kissing and he was very happy about it and said that he fell in love with her and fell out of love with me

    In a dream, I dreamed that my boyfriend was walking and kissing a mokey girlfriend, or rather, we can’t stand each other

    I climbed the stairs with my beloved, then he met a girl and kissed her, and he just smiled at me, then we climbed some kind of tower to the top and started making love, and then we swam in the lake and suddenly we were naked all the time, then I ran on a tightrope very high

    My loved one kissed another woman, while ignoring me, looking at me angrily, pushing me away. I slapped him in the face with a bag for that.

    I dreamed that the guy was kissing his ex (the one who was before me)

    Hello. i dreamed that, as usual, I came to the office to my lover and another kisses him. I immediately ran away, he followed me and made excuses, but I went to my friend and cried very much, even sobbing

    I dreamed that we were sitting at school with our best friends and then he came up to another and kissed her

    i dreamed that my boyfriend in the photo was kissing another girl on the chest

    I was at school, I was looking at my boyfriend’s phone and saw a photo where he kisses another girl and this girl was at school, I beat her, but usually I don’t do this, not when I didn’t fight with anyone, but the photo hurt me a lot And I don't know, maybe it will be like this in real life?

    I had a dream that the guy with whom I have been together for a long time is kissing the one with whom he himself (live) had previously worked. In a dream, I felt rage, grief! He explained that it was done out of spite and that he "supposedly" did not kiss her.

    before my eyes, my beloved kissed another girl, read the interpretation they write that I do not trust him, but this is not so

    we arrived in a taxi, paid with coins, and suddenly another girl came up and started kissing him on the neck and sores began to appear in his chest

    Hello! I dreamed today that my loved one was kissing another. what does that mean?

    my beloved is standing on the balcony, smoking, my ex-girlfriend, wrapped in a blue towel supposedly came out of the bath, came up to him, at that moment I wanted to go in and saw how they kissed, I was all “boiled” with jealousy, went to another room, there were friends and friends, I told them what she saw.

    my boyfriend has a friend from a technical school, he baptized her child. yesterday they came to visit. and I had a dream that they had loved each other for a long time, but it just so happened that they were not together. i cried so much in my sleep

    In a dream, I saw my beloved, who is currently the groom, how he kisses another, but I don’t remember exactly, they kissed each other on the cheek or kissed on the lips, this other girl is familiar in a dream

    Hello, I constantly dream about my ex-boyfriend, we broke up 2 months ago. I endure this separation very hard. And today I dreamed about how he kisses my classmate, with whom he communicates in life.

    i dreamed of a bus, I was sitting in the back, and my boy in front and next to me was a girl similar to me in silhouette, and he began to kiss her, and it seemed to me that he was doing this on purpose so that I could see and it hurt me. and I woke up, in fact, we are now in a quarrel.

    I dreamed from Wednesday to Friday that the one I like was kissing another while chewing gum, and I just wanted to kiss this guy for the first time in the morning, but because of this dream I changed my mind, what does it mean ??

    The guy I like in a dream kisses another girl in front of my eyes

    Hello! I dream that I go into some room and see my supposedly man kissing his ex. I felt so disgusted and hurt. She called them as best she could in a dream and left, but he didn’t even make excuses and didn’t follow me. What does this mean, please tell me.

    Hello! I dream that I go into some room and see my supposedly man kissing his ex. I felt so disgusted and hurt. She called them as best she could in a dream and left, but he did not even try to leave and did not follow me. What does this mean, please tell me.

    I dreamed that my beloved helped this woman remove the curtains (for some reason they were having fun on the window from the side of the street). There was some flirting between them. Then he kissed her on the lips. I peeked around the corner, he saw me and smiled.

    my boyfriend was kissed by another girl when we were all sitting in the car together

    So I'm leaving school

    And I see that the boy whom I love is kissing another. Then he told her what would she do so that I would not love him, and stopped loving, he also seemed to tell her to take a picture of something and another intimate photo. I found myself in the yard, she me caught and tied with my camera with a pink elastic band that stretches. She tied me up with that toffee and started beating me. I started crying and she tried to take a picture of me, but I didn’t want to say something to her last. I then thought in a dream that this boy whom I used to love, and then I remembered what it was that boy whom I love. When I was sitting with friends on a bench, I called my friend to which she did not answer. Then when I went I saw that little boy whom I used to love tried to kill me

    Not that strange, I noticed a girl from another dream, she was a demon

    She told me something like this: "I'm still waiting for you to help me"

    And she appeared several times and yes, she was next to me, that is, a dog appeared, that girl started talking to this dog, what the hell

    I was terribly upset, I thought this reality turned out to be a dream, and yes I read what it could mean, I'm terribly upset that all my efforts are in vain

    He will never love me

    I am in some house, my man in another room kisses and hugs another girl and they understand that I see everything and my darling even kissing the other looks me straight in the eyes and I woke up

    Somehow an unfamiliar girl turned out to be in our house, but in a dream I knew her. And when she began to leave, she furtively kissed my husband. I ran out the door, caught up with her, dragged her into the house to beat her. She began to apologize and say that she did not know how it happened. Even though she was married. Her husband was our neighbor in the dream. And further on the development of sleep, it was clear that she fell in love with my husband.

    I dreamed yesterday that my boyfriend was kissing someone else, what does that mean?

    I saw my boyfriend kissing another. What could this mean?