
How to translate the name Gloria. The meaning of the female name Gloria. Negative traits of the name

Very rarely in Russia you can find the name Gloria. The meaning of the name and origin are quite well known abroad. It is quite popular in European countries. The name Gloria is very beautiful. It is not for nothing that a lot of names of musical works, songs, clubs and even urban areas are associated with it. Researchers have devoted a lot of time to unraveling the mysteries and meanings of the name Gloria for a girl. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the results of these studies. You will learn not only what the name Gloria means, but also about its patrons, symbols, health, talents and the fate of the owners.

origin of the name Gloria

The researchers expressed such a version that the sound and phonetic shape of this name endows its owner with an unpredictable fate and a bright future. There are two translations of this name. Both of them come from Latin languages. In the first case, Gloria is translated as "happiness", in the second - "glory". Both the first and the other meaning can leave a bright mark on the character and fate of the girl. This name will give the newborn baby an interesting characteristic. In combination with a good upbringing, the influence of various planets and astrological symbols, a girl is able to achieve a lot.

In the Slavic language, the name means "flower". Beautiful, isn't it?

The meaning of the name Gloria

Since childhood, the bearer of a beautiful name is characterized by restlessness, love of freedom, an incredible craving for independence. Sometimes the character manifests arrogance, uncontrollability, snobbery. Little restless Gloria gives her parents a lot of trouble with her uncontrollability. Spoiled, capricious, she arranges quarrels and tantrums for her parents for the slightest reasons. With her capricious demands, she tries to achieve her goals.

The meaning of the name Gloria portends that parents will eventually come to terms with her behavior, because they will get tired of constantly punishing her. In addition, punishments can lead to the girl's aggressiveness. This can lead to Gloria's lack of friends and unpopularity in society. However, parents should not fulfill all the wishes of the girl either.

Gloria is comfortable in the children's company, she does not particularly stand out. The little owner of the name bears grievances for a long time, but never avenges them. She has few enemies, as well as friends. She never deceives close people, helps her mother with the housework, loves her father.

Numerologists in the meaning of the name Gloria saw a clear success in the life of its bearer. Gloria's life is ruled by the number 4, associated with stability, reliability, conscientiousness, caution, honesty and recognition. These traits help the adult Gloria to show positive traits of her character.

Gloria inherits her father's appearance and mother's character. As an adult, the girl often visits her parents, does not forget about them, although she lives separately. She is a fashionista, a beauty, confidently moving forward. The downside of Gloria is that she constantly takes on new cases, never finishing her previous undertakings.

Mystery of a rare name

The future parents of baby Gloria will not hurt to learn the astrological symbolism of the name. The stone-talisman of the girl is considered to be a diamond, the patron planet of Pluto and Saturn. In life, the bearer of the name is patronized by the element of water. Cancer is Gloria's animal symbol. From the plant world, the girl is accompanied by a beautiful rose flower. Aquarius and Capricorn are considered the most suitable signs for a happy fate for a girl. The most responsible decisions should be made on Saturday, this is her lucky day. Gloria feels best in winter, it is during this period that she is comfortable. A suitable shade is called blue.

Talents and health of the owner of the name

Little Gloria can often get sick. Parents should pay attention to the weak lungs of girls. Due to health problems, the girl cannot play sports and lead a too active lifestyle. But the smart temperament of the girl helps her to keep up with everything.

The talented Gloria is suitable for the profession of a journalist, translator, telephone operator, architect, make-up artist, actress, teacher. Thanks to sociability, the girl will be easy in many teams.

Gloria in family and relationships

In the family, Gloria is distinguished by a certain rigidity and authoritarianism. She likes discipline at home and at work. Often she becomes the head of the company. She adheres to the traditional order of life, stability. She chooses a companion for herself slowly, in detail.

Gloria is a strict mother, she does not allow children to relax so that they do not make mistakes. A phlegmatic young man suits her best as a husband. It is he who will be able to listen to all the claims of a picky wife.

The meaning of the letters of the name

Parents who decide to name their baby Gloria do not hurt to find out the secret of each letter of the bearer of this name:

  • G - pays attention to details and does everything in good faith.
  • L - subtly perceives beauty, has an artistic, artistic talent.
  • O - filled with deep feelings, knows how to use her intuition, stands out from the crowd.
  • P - is not deceived by appearances, delves into the essence, is capable of taking risks to achieve the goal.
  • And - very sensitive, kind, peaceful, with a subtle soul.
  • I - has a sense of dignity, seeks the love and respect of others.

Many celebrities have gone by the name Gloria. Several American actresses are known to have it: Gloria Swanson, Gloria Stuart, Gloria Graham. Also for the first ten years of the 21st century was Gloria Macalagal-Arroiro. So do not be afraid to call your baby this name, you will give her energy and versatility.

The name Gloria is quite sonorous and energetic, but this energy is more often directed inward than outward. In other words, Gloria pays much more attention to herself than to the people around her and the external circumstances of life. There is some danger here, since a beautiful and rare name already distinguishes Gloria from the general environment, and her coldish demeanor, combined with excessive attention to herself from the outside, can be perceived as selfish inclinations or even arrogance. This, however, is just an illusion, in fact, Gloria is quite demanding of herself, and her pride does not imply a low opinion of others. At least, this is rarely observed.

Usually a woman named Gloria stands out in society with sufficient self-confidence and restraint. Sometimes she is sociable, but you can’t call her talkative in any way - most often calm prudence, and not emotionality, comes through in her speech, which betrays a somewhat masculine character in her. She is characterized by purposefulness, constancy, and the desire to restrain her emotions gives her feelings depth and stability. The only pity is that this does not only apply to positive emotions - negative tension can also accumulate in her soul, which over time can make Gloria quite irritable, and this, in turn, will complicate her already difficult relationship with others. .

Gloria is an independent person and knows how to be responsible for her actions. There is no doubt that her endurance and patience can help her succeed in life, but because of her closeness, she often feels lonely on her life path. This can be avoided - if Gloria manages to learn to relate to life more easily and, above all, to herself, if there is a little more good humor in her character, then in life she will have no place for internal tension, irritability, or loneliness.

Secrets of communication with Galina

If Gloria seems somewhat arrogant and arrogant to you, then try to talk heart to heart with her, most likely you will find a rather kind person behind this mask. But in a conversation with her, try to be guided by calm logic, and not by emotions. If you decide to joke, then do it in such a way as not to hurt her pride. Also, the joke should be subtle enough.


Gloria's health is usually quite strong. As a child, she often gets sick, some owners of this name have problems with the lungs for a long time.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Gloria is not always happy, as she chooses a bright, but uncommon guy as her life partner. That ease of life, which Gloria liked in him at first, gradually begins to annoy her, because she tries to be a good housewife and a caring mother. The result of such family relationships is constant quarrels and conflicts, which often end in a break in relations.

Professional area

In the professional field, Gloria shows a penchant for creative work, although she does not always have the opportunity or patience to get the education she needs for her work. She can make a good journalist, teacher, lawyer, translator, hairdresser, actress, art critic, architect.

Loronka, Lorochka, Lorushka, Lorusya, Lorunya, Lorka, Lorik.

Name Gloria in different languages

Consider the spelling and pronunciation of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 格洛麗亞 (Gé luò lì yà). Japanese: グロリア (Guroria). Gujarati: ગ્લોરિયા (Glōriyā). Hindi: ग्लोरिया (Glōriyā). Ukrainian: Gloria. Kannada: ಗ್ಲೋರಿಯಾ (Glōriyā). English: Gloria (Gloria).

origin of the name Gloria

The female name Gloria comes from the Latin word meaning "glory", "happiness". It has never been common in our country, but it occurs from time to time, becoming the most popular in the last 20 years. Phonosemantically, this name gives the impression of something bright, powerful. It is very energetic and sonorous, which leaves a certain imprint on its owner.

Characteristics of the name Gloria

Gloria's character is multifaceted and complex, she is a very mobile, independent, talented, inquisitive, but quick-tempered and closed woman. In childhood, the little owners of this name stand out among children very much: they are smiling, cute, active, they grasp information on the fly, but they do not like to learn. At school, a girl with the same name will be bright, eye-catching, a little arrogant, claiming leadership. You can’t call her a difficult teenager, but there are problems with her, because she always wants to stand out, because of which she can take physical risks (make an unusual piercing, ride a motorcycle with a guy at great speed).

Adult Gloria has great restraint, treats herself and people very demandingly, knows how to be responsible for her actions. She is very blunt, often talking too much, but quickly moves away and is not ashamed to ask for forgiveness for what she said. Gloria loves adventure and travel, she always dresses fashionably and beautifully, she is easy to relate to money. She is reserved with people, but she has many friends.

The secret of the name Gloria

Since childhood, Gloria is very mobile and tries to be in time everywhere. She acquires a maternal character and paternal appearance. In early childhood, such girls are exposed to various diseases. And spring Glories have problems with lungs, which are weak from birth.

Gloria is very talented, she is inclined to poetry, loves to read and learn something new. Such a woman loves to be in companies, especially in men's. And they cannot fail to notice Gloria, giving her various signs of attention. Gloria takes on any task, confident that she will be able to complete it, but this is not always the case. Sometimes, its capabilities are exaggerated.

Winter Glories have a quick temper, love to overspend and travel, choosing such professions for themselves. They cannot find a common language with their mother, they choose a bright style of clothing for themselves.

Autumn Glories are unhurried, they think for a long time and calculate everything in advance.

Such professions are suitable for Gloria: journalist, teacher, architect, translator, telephone operator, lawyer, art historian, make-up artist or actor.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Color name: blue
Radiation: 91%
Planet: Pluto
Stone-mascot: diamond
Plant: rose
totemic animal: cancer
Main traits character Gloria: thoughtful, talented, funny

Additional characteristic of the name

Vibration: 75,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 95%
Psyche: expressive
Health Gloria: weak lungs

Numerology Of The Name Gloria

Name number 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are fond of, are heavily carried away. With a patient mentor and adviser who can be one of the relatives or just a close person, the "troika" can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the "triples" is often unenviable. With all the outward invulnerability in the soul, the “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dryness.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Black, olive grey, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, wrestler, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Beasts: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

The name Gloria as a phrase

G Verb (Speak)
L People
Oh He (Oh Oh)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
AND AND (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
I (YA = A) Az

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Gloria

General description of the name Gloria

From Latin - "glory".

The nature of these mobile, everywhere successful girls is maternal, although outwardly they look like their fathers.

In childhood, they often get sick, those born in the spring have weak lungs. Gloria is talented, inquisitive and well-read, she is not without a poetic gift, she will gladly dedicate a birthday poem to her friend or friend. She is sociable, but more often chooses men for communication and enjoys success with them. Gloria is self-confident, will take on any unfamiliar business, which does not mean at all that she will bring it to the end.

"Winter" - with a somewhat unstable psyche, quick-tempered; some of them are susceptible to infectious diseases. They get along well with people, but they cannot find a common language with their own mother. They love long-distance business trips, they treat money very easily. Dress fashionably and catchy.

"Autumn" - prudent, they do everything without too much haste, just as thoroughly, without haste, they choose their life partner. These are easy, pleasant people in communication, inoffensive, able to appreciate a subtle joke and respond to it.

They choose the professions of an architect, teacher, journalist, lawyer, telephone operator, translator, actress, make-up artist, art critic.

Talisman stone - carnelian.

Pros and cons of the name Gloria

What are the pros and cons of the name Gloria? On the one hand, this is a very beautiful, strong and rare name, which in most cases combines quite well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Laura, Lorochka, Lorka, Glorushka. The only drawback of this name can be considered the rather complex nature of its owners, which, however, can be changed in the process of education, instilling in little Gloria the ability to laugh at herself.


Gloria's health is usually quite strong. As a child, she often gets sick, some owners of this name have problems with the lungs for a long time.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Gloria is not always happy, as she chooses a bright, but uncommon guy as her life partner. That ease of life, which Gloria liked in him at first, gradually begins to annoy her, because she tries to be a good housewife and a caring mother. The result of such family relationships is constant quarrels and conflicts, which often end in a break in relations.

Professional area

In the professional field, Gloria shows a penchant for creative work, although she does not always have the opportunity or patience to get the education she needs for her work. She can make a good journalist, teacher, lawyer, translator, hairdresser, actress, art critic, architect.

Famous people named after Gloria

The meaning of the name Gloria in history This name was worn by American actresses Gloria Graham, Gloria Swenson, Gloria Stuart. From 2001 to 2010 Gloria Macalagal-Arroyo was President of the Philippines. And, of course, the American singer Gloria Gaynor and the Brazilian actress Gloria Pires are known all over the world.

Catholic name day Gloria celebrates

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Gloria is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Gemini or Aquarius. similar to Gloria in energy and versatility, under their influence the owner of this name will become a person of mood, loving fun, but suffering from excessive irritability. - a sign less like Gloria, but softer, it will make her a kind, uncalculative person who has intuition and lives as if in the future, a mysterious, unpredictable rebel, old-fashioned in matters relating to the family.

Meaning of the name: The female name Gloria comes from the Latin word "Gloria", which means "strength" in Russian.

Name origin: Gloria is a Latin name that is very popular in Europe, especially in the USA. In Russia, this name is more often found in an abbreviated version and sounds like Laura.

Other forms: Laura, Lori, Lorik.

The name Gloria does not appear in the church calendar, so its owners do not celebrate the name day.

Name characteristic

The secret of the name Gloria endows its owner with strong energy, a complex character, extraordinary curiosity and exactingness.

As a child, Gloria grows up as a smiling, active and sweet child. She is curious, has a good memory, but does not show much interest in learning. At school Gloria stands out among other children, likes to show her arrogance, often claims leadership. She is active and cheerful, has many friends, likes to argue, often initiates conflicts. Gloria is not a difficult teenager, but it is often difficult to find a compromise with her. She always wants to stand out from the crowd, has a bright appearance, loves to do rash and risky things.

The adult owner of the name has good endurance, she is demanding, she knows how to be responsible for her actions. Gloria is a straightforward and stubborn woman, she loves to argue, she always defends her opinion. Can flare up, offend another person, but quickly moves away, can ask for forgiveness. She loves to travel, always looks after her appearance, dresses beautifully, never spares money for her needs. In communication, a woman bearing this name always behaves with restraint and self-confidence, always reasonable, does not like empty talk. Purposefulness and constancy are inherent in her, and the ability to restrain emotions gives her stability and confidence. Gloria knows how to be responsible for her actions, has good endurance, and is endowed with patience. Such qualities help her to achieve success in life.

The nature of the name

Gloria is a self-confident and reserved woman who is never driven by emotions. She is purposeful and demanding of herself and others. Gloria's character is multifaceted and complex. She will inherit it from her father, but her appearance from her mother. The owner of the name is mobile, independent, talented and inquisitive. It is easy to piss her off, she can flare up over trifles. Gloria is a rather closed woman who does not want to open up to others. To many, she seems arrogant and narcissistic, but it’s enough to talk heart to heart with her, as you immediately realize that inside she is a kind and sensitive nature.

"Winter" - focused, sociable;

"Autumn" - quick-tempered, sociable;

"Summer" - prudent, hardworking;

"Spring" - demanding, mobile, independent.

The fate of the name

Little Gloria grows up as an energetic and active child. It is often over so it requires special care and attention. Excessive guardianship of parents does not develop capriciousness into her, she is calm, but too curious. Gloria has every chance of doing well in school, but often does not show interest in school assignments, although she loves to read and learns to write early. Gloria's curiosity is so strong that she always wants to be aware of everything. With age, Gloria becomes a little arrogant. She gets along well with others, but cannot find a common language with her mother. That is why Gloria often, upon reaching adulthood, begins to live separately from her parents. The owner of the name loves to dress beautifully and stylishly, has good taste, is distinguished by confidence and assertiveness.

The adult owner of the name is quite independent and reasonable, never guided by emotions, does everything deliberately. Despite such qualities, Gloria often does not complete what she has in mind. She likes to be demanding, in communication she is often cold and uncommunicative.

As for the profession, Gloria always chooses highly paid positions, for this she graduates excellently from higher universities. More often works as a journalist, translator, architect, actress, make-up artist. She does not like to save money, especially if she needs it to buy a new outfit or go to a beauty salon. Gloria is a good and responsible employee.

In family relationships, women named Gloria are not always happy, since they almost always choose a bright and unpretentious guy who does not like to take responsibility as husbands. At first, Gloria enjoys an easy life with such a man, but over time, she begins to annoy her, which can lead to the destruction of the marriage. Gloria is a good wife, a loving mother and an excellent housewife, but misunderstanding of her husband leads to constant quarrels and scandals. Such a marriage often ends in a breakup.

As a child, Gloria often suffers from lung diseases. In adulthood, they are also too sensitive to infections and viruses. Owners of the name need to monitor their immunity, avoid overwork and stress.

Positive traits of the name

Gloria is independent and responsible woman of strong character. She is always reasonable, never gives in to emotions. Able to be responsible for their actions, quite purposeful.

Negative traits of the name

Gloria's multifaceted nature makes her cold in communication. She can flare up, is often irritable. Many see arrogance and narcissism in Gloria's character, but when they get to know each other better, they immediately change their minds.

By nature, Gloria is similar to her mother, which is why frequent conflicts occur between her daughter and mother, especially in adolescence. In early childhood, Laura often gets sick, so parents need to closely monitor the girl's health. Little Gloria loves to read, she strives for knowledge, thanks to which she studies well at school. The owner of this name is energetic, inquisitive, sociable.

Already from childhood it is clear that Laura has many talents. The girl dances, and sings, and composes poetry, and needlework. Gloria is ready to take on any business, but, unfortunately, she can leave it halfway if she suddenly becomes uninterested. She tends to overestimate her abilities, but self-confidence alone is not enough to complete what she has begun.

Gloria leaves home early and begins to live an independent life. Early retirement into adulthood is often due to a bad relationship with her mother, but Gloria is very attached to her father. She even chooses her future husband so that he looks like her father. Since childhood, Gloria prefers the company of boys to the society of girls, however, she often becomes just a good friend for the representatives of the opposite sex. Having matured, Laura begins to understand how to use her beauty, and she has many admirers. Gloria marries late, and all because she is very demanding of her chosen ones and categorical: for the slightest mistake, she is ready to delete a person from her life.

Gloria will be happy with a man who is ready to give her the main role in the house. Stability is important for her, so Gloria must be completely confident in her chosen one. Gloria's husband needs to be ready to regularly listen to his wife's claims, but it is important not to react to them, because the owner of this name does not like conflicts, although she starts them herself. Gloria will be happy with a simple, homely man, but often, on the contrary, she chooses a charismatic, bright guy who takes everything easily. At first, the lightness of the chosen one attracts Gloria, but later it starts to annoy, and the marriage breaks up. Laura is a good housewife, she will not tolerate disorder in the house. Demanding Gloria will bring up children in strictness, which is why a generational conflict is possible.

Career plays an important role in Gloria's life. For the sake of the family, she is ready to give up work, but then she will reproach the household for this. If Gloria becomes a housewife, she needs to find a hobby, otherwise she risks getting bored. The owner of this name, as a rule, chooses a profession related to communication with people. Gloria can become a good translator, journalist, teacher, psychologist, actress.