
The most correct horoscope for the year

2014 will be held under the sign of the Green Horse and will bring into our lives a combination of passion and idealism with assertiveness and practicality.

Lofty ideals will not in the least prevent the Horse from setting practical goals and achieving them. The horse is a great social activist, she is characterized by sociability, a sober view of life, breadth of soul and great determination. But what the Horse cannot stand is pettiness, cunning, stinginess and cowardice, and can severely punish those who show these qualities in the year of her reign.

If some idea takes possession of the Horse, then, as a rule, she is ready to turn heaven and earth, just to bring her plan to life. Therefore, in the year of the Horse, you can realize even your most daring ideas, you just need to firmly believe in success and not deviate from your plans for a minute. The horse is a big optimist! At the same time, she can sometimes show a quick temper, authoritarianism and excessive adherence to principles, which lead to quarrels and conflicts. Therefore, throughout the year 2014 of the Horse, it is advisable to avoid conflict situations, since even a minor quarrel can go far! Horses are characterized by amorousness and passion, so 2014, for many of us, will be marked by stormy love affairs.

What will be the year 2014 for the signs of the Zodiac, largely depends on what element they belong to:

Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
The horse is a fiery and passionate animal, so the representatives of the element of Fire will feel very well in 2014. Horses will be able to find a useful use for their strength and energy. If you are Fire, then in 2014 you have to lose your head from love and know a huge and all-consuming passion! In 2014, luck itself will go into the hands of the signs of Fire, but your own impatience and ardor can prevent you from achieving your goals. For representatives of the elements of Fire, 2014 will be full of contrasts - they can both achieve a lot and lose what they have achieved earlier, depending on whether they have enough wisdom, patience and determination.

Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
The Green Horse is characterized by sociability, curiosity and a broad outlook - this makes it related to the signs of Air. If you are Air, be prepared for the fact that throughout 2014 you will have to be at the epicenter of ongoing events and take an active part in all social endeavors. For representatives of the elements of Air, 2014 is the year of personal self-realization, career growth and creative achievements. In the year of the Green Horse, the personal life of the representatives of the element of Air will be very stormy, full of bright events and unforgettable meetings. Well, in order for a love affair to end with a happy ending, you will need to show loyalty and constancy.

Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
The horse is very emotional, and this makes it related to the signs of Water. If you belong to this element, then be prepared for the fact that in 2014 your feelings and emotions will seethe and overflow. For many representatives of the element of Water, 2014 will be a year of emotional renewal and rebirth, and, as you know, when a person changes, the world around him also changes. In 2014, the representatives of the element of Water will have many changes on the personal front, under the influence of which they will be able to more fully reveal and manifest their inner world. It is love that will become the incentive for the signs of Water, under the influence of which they will be able to achieve success in work and make their personal life happier!

Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
The Green Horse is impressed by the practicality and purposefulness of the signs of the Earth, as well as their ability not to retreat from difficulties and not be afraid of problems. It is for this reason that 2014 will be for the signs of the Earth - a period of significant creative, career and professional achievements. If you are a representative of the elements of the Earth, the Green Horse will bring you many favorable life prospects and help strengthen material well-being. But in your personal life, you may start having problems if you forget about romance and become too strict and critical of your loved one. Do not forget that in love the most important thing is feelings!

In 2014, the Earth will be in a clear linear patronage of Mercury and Venus, which, of course, should be considered a determining factor in drawing up a horoscope for 2014. Representatives of all zodiac signs to one degree or another will be subject to the most powerful energy effects of the planetary aspects of the celestial bodies of the solar system. And each of us will have to reckon with these influences, regardless of our own desires and plans.

In general, 2014 will be rich not only in events of all kinds of magnitude and significance. It is likely that you will be able to live it quite calmly, without any outstanding moments that could be called out of the ordinary. However, there is one more point worth paying attention to. 2014 is an energetically powerful year. The concentration of stellar matter in our arm of the Galaxy is reaching a peak value, which means that many will have the opportunity to radically change the energy flows around them. In practical terms, this suggests that, for example, in business, we have the opportunity to unexpectedly change the economic components of a particular market niche, perhaps on an international scale. Perhaps the example is exaggerated, but in view of the key star combinations, it is obvious that it is much closer to the truth than it might seem. But as a result, taking into account the horoscope for 2014, it is quite possible to achieve any goal in the year of the Horse, regardless of its complexity and scale.

In relation to the sphere of personal relationships, it should be noted that many moments that seem unshakable to us, in fact, will turn into illusions. It is always difficult to face such a course of events, but in the year 2014 of the Horse, all feelings (ours personally and those of our loved ones) will be strengthened many times over, which means that difficult moments will be much more difficult to survive. On the one hand, all this may well turn out to be a kind of hardening for us, preparation for something much more significant and much more important. On the other hand, it is not yet a fact that such an event will fall to our lot. In this situation, it is necessary to clearly compare general advice with the recommendations of personal forecasts, because at some points key aspects can either intersect or even exclude each other. In any case, do not worry ahead of time. Be careful in 2014, control your emotions and do not let others unbalance you. If necessary, enter into disputes and defend your point of view by any means, but within the bounds of decency. Putting out a fire by fanning it is not the best option. Therefore, take care of your energy, it will come in handy in smaller battles. For example, for those who have not yet found their soul mate, the hostess of the year Horse will provide a very real chance for real happiness. Of course, it is still a question whether this or that person will be worthy of this happiness. However, in any case, the above recommendations can, at least, suggest the right way to it.

In 2014, we will have big changes. Revolutionary moods will reign in the world and individual destinies. The overdue changes must be implemented, the goals set must be achieved. Changing the old to the new does not promise simple and easy ways. 2014 may prove to be a year of trials and difficult decisions for many. Individual horoscopes will be activated by transits of high dynamics. You need to be able to take a hit, be prepared for unexpected twists of fate. Author - Irina Zvyagina.

2014 portends turning points in personal destinies, a time of great impatience, strong passions and desires, lightning-fast decisions. Be attentive at the very beginning of the year - both to your own motives and to signals from other people. Owners of a passionate temperament can expect great temptations and problems. Those who are determined to act within the framework of house building (and the personal horoscope is activated by favorable transits) can strengthen their rear, find love and happiness. Read the love horoscope for 2014 by Irina Zvyagina!

This is the general horoscope for 2014. The horoscope displays the trends of each month of 2014. A few general provisions, tips, warnings and 12 affirmation settings from January to December. Author - Irina Zvyagina.

The most interesting dates of 2014 in an astrological context. Energy-intensive, turning points of the year; dates that can be used for electives, planning business and personal events. Author - Oksana Tamilina.

In 2014, the Wooden Horse comes into its own, which means that there will be another Feng Shui energy map of the premises in which we live and work. This article will focus on hexagrams, which, like the Stars, change their location in 2014 as well. Author - Marina Lyubinetskaya

The Chinese New Year according to the Millennium Solar Calendar is February 4, 2014. This is an important moment of the change of the main energies of the year and the movement of the intangible forces of the energy of the Earth. Annual feng shui stars come to our house from different directions and largely determine the energy of home space throughout the year. Knowing the nature of the influence of the stars allows us to be ready for changes and make the necessary changes in our home in order to increase the impact of favorable forces and level the force of unfavorable ones.

The Year of the Wind Horse is a year of expansion, fearless optimism, grand gestures, a year of great dreams, great hopes, mega projects and great accomplishments. There is little adaptability, softness, halftones, smoothness in the energies of the new year. This is the Fire Whirlwind, you have to adapt to it.

The main astrological accents of the year, tips, warnings. Continuation - a horoscope for the Signs of the Zodiac for each month of 2014. Author - Nani Davitashvili.

The astro forecast for 2014 is an excursion into the key astrological configurations and accents of 2014. Tips, warnings, parting words. The author of the astrological forecast is Valentina Wittrock

2014 year of the Horse favors new beginnings. Constant movement, activity, expansive development are the main trends of this year. Any plans can get a quick implementation. However, do not forget about quality rest. Author - Oksana Tamilina.

Horoscope for 2014. ARIES
Health. In the year of the Blue Wooden Horse, Aries must love themselves. Self-love in this case means the following: do not overload the body, “nourish” it with vitamins, allow yourself to just relax and rest from time to time ... Changing places will also be good. Soft sand, the sound of waves, a beach chair… Or vice versa: snow-capped mountain peaks, sparkling white underfoot, silence… Any option will do if it allows you to indulge in relaxation without looking back. And then Aries will invariably look good and vigorously strive for the heights of success.

Career. In the professional field, the year for Aries will be calm. Of course, some difficulties may arise, but life does not happen without them! And, in fact, these difficulties will not be great and are mainly related to the “human factor”. To avoid them, it is enough just not to trust everyone and not idealize anyone. 2014 will be especially successful for Aries associated with politics, science and creativity.

Finance. The astrological forecast for Aries for 2014 is quite optimistic. They will work hard and make very good money. There will also be bonus incentives, lottery winnings and other unexpected (and sometimes very significant) injections into the family budget. True, Aries will have to spend a lot. But they will do it with great pleasure. Expenses can be very different - from buying pleasant little things for loved ones to changing the interior.

Relationship. Aries in 2014 will have no reason to complain about the lack of attention from the opposite sex. Those of them who have not yet found their soul mate will have every chance to finally acquire it. Married Aries will demonstrate remarkable temperament, and some of them will even manage to acquire a fan (or fan). Those Aries with whom this happens should call on their prudence as assistants. Because then it will be possible to save the family, and not to deny yourself new sensations and impressions.

Horoscope for 2014. CALF
Health. For Taurus, 2014 will be a significant year. Health care will bring tangible results. Taurus will even be able to survive periods of seasonal colds successfully. But the main thing is that they will come up with wonderful thoughts that it would be nice to get rid of bad habits. Especially persistent will be those who have a weakness for all sorts of goodies and because of this they carry extra pounds. They will still be able to achieve their goal, delighting themselves and their own mirror with a new and especially sexy figure.

Career. The leitmotif of professional activity for Taurus in the year of the Blue Horse should be this: to go forward, not to give up positions, to achieve the unattainable. They will have all the means and all the opportunities at their disposal, you just need to believe in yourself and feel the strength in yourself. The first months may be fraught with some difficulties, which, by the way, are due precisely to the fact that the Taurus will doubt something or be afraid of something. But they should be more persistent and more confident in themselves, and then positive results will not be long in coming.

Finance. With money, Taurus in 2014 will be on “you”. For many, the main type of activity will bring quite decent earnings. Those who do not earn as much as they would like at their workplace will almost always have the opportunity to supplement their own budget with additional sources of income.

Relationship. The Year of the Blue Wooden Horse for Taurus will be emotional and full of impressions. Love will just soar around them in the air. Taurus will be simply invulnerable to negativity. They will be ready every minute to give joy to their loved ones and show signs of attention, and their halves will appreciate their big warm hearts. And single representatives of this constellation will be able to have a lot of chances to flirt, fall in love, “spin a romance”, meet their one (or only) one.

Horoscope for 2014. TWINS
Health. Excellent health will begin to "pursue" Gemini in the year of the wooden Horse from the very first months. The hostess of the year on her strong and reliable back will carry them with the breeze and past the spring beriberi, and past the seasonal colds. But the greatest luck awaits those who suffer from chronic forms of illness. They will experience a clear relief and even an improvement in well-being.

Career. Gemini's professional activity will develop incrementally. The year will begin gray and casual, but the situation will gradually level off. Already by May-June, the Gemini will have time to forget about the January-February difficulties. In the summer, even those who have a very busy and busy work schedule will be able to break out on vacation, and in the fall, the Gemini clearly has a career advancement opportunity.

Finance. The astrological forecast for 2014 for Gemini warns: they will have the opportunity to increase their well-being, but it will most likely come from a completely unexpected side. From Gemini, in this situation, one thing is required: to delve into everything, to be interested in everything and not to dismiss proposals just because they seem fantasy.

Relationship. The year for Gemini will start with romance, bouquets and night walks (not alone at all). Then life will begin to make adjustments, and by the summer some couples will break up. However, each Gemini with whom this happens must be clearly aware: this is very good, because it means that the partner is not suitable for him or that he is not serious. And therefore, it is not worth wasting time and emotions on it. And where better to look around, because almost certainly a person lives somewhere with whom he could be truly happy. The same Gemini who survive the first half of the year without parting with their loved ones may consider that they have passed the test of time successfully and can build a long-term relationship with their partner.

Horoscope for 2014. CANCER
Health. The state of health of Cancers in 2014 cannot be called ideal. Problems with well-being on their horizon will loom any from time to time. Liver, stomach, heart, nervous system - anything can get hit. However, the astrological forecast for Cancers for 2014 is encouraging: health troubles can be avoided if you do not wait until the malaise “knocks down”, but takes timely preventive measures. Let walks in the fresh air, timely going to bed, regular use of vitamins turn into a good habit ...

Career. Events in the Year of the Horse at Cancers will be different. Some of them will surprise, some will cause anger. However, the rule “everything that is done is for the best” fits perfectly in this case. It’s just that the Mistress of the Year wishes to test Cancers for strength from time to time. But after each “test”, they will receive not only a good result, but also bonuses - bonuses, new promising acquaintances, promotion, etc.

Finance. The first half of the year will be financially stable and calm. Incomes will go to the household budget regularly and in full. The second half of the year promises to be stormy and unpredictable. But this period is the starting point for new projects and qualitative changes in life. True, overhead costs may be required, but later it will pay off with interest.

Relationship. In 2014, the personal life of Cancers will depend only on themselves. Fate will provide them with every chance for love and happiness - and new acquaintances, and the sincere disposition of loved ones ... You just need not go to extremes - do not demand more from your partner than he is able to give, do not be overly passive and take the initiative where it is the situation demands.

Horoscope for 2014. A LION
Health. In the year of the Blue Wooden Horse, Lions will enter with excellent health potential. And already from the first months they will begin to spend it thoughtlessly ... But despite all their "efforts", they will not be able to spoil their well-being. The only thing that threatens the Lions is irritability, overwork and, perhaps, insomnia or, conversely, increased drowsiness. The most dangerous time in this regard will be in the first half of the year (ie until the end of June) and then in December. In the period from July to November, the Lions will be invulnerable to any external stimuli. However, even at critical moments, they will be able to quite satisfactorily cope with their not particularly optimistic mood and manifest ailments. Career. The Year of the Horse is very favorable for Leo. The grace of Fortune will fall in 2014 on scientists, and on officials, and on people of creative professions ... yes, in fact, on every Leo. Any representative of this constellation can, to one degree or another, experience pleasure and satisfaction in the professional field. The only condition for success is diligence and conscientiousness in the performance of official duties, for the Mistress of the Year does not accept lies and cunning.

Finance. In terms of finances, 2014 will be a difficult year for the Horse for Lviv. A lot of events will happen ... But when the Lions encounter negative moments, they need not blame anyone (including themselves) for this, but calm down, stop and look around. Because any problem will gradually resolve itself, you just need to be able to be patient. So, the main task for 2014 for Lions is to subordinate themselves to planning and prudence. In general, the situation for representatives of this sign is as follows: in the first months it is better to beware of investing money somewhere; in May-June they need to try to be especially tolerant with their partners and colleagues with whom they work side by side; October-December is the time to start new projects and invest in things that seem promising.

Relationship. Family Lions will be able to please themselves and their loved ones in 2014. After all, they will be able to show amazing insight and sensitivity and will be able to make their loved ones pleasantly shocked and in love with them with renewed vigor. Lonely Lions can calmly go about their daily business, because fate has already prepared a pleasant surprise for them, and their meeting with their "half" will happen at the right day and hour.

Horoscope for 2014 VIRGO
Health. The astrological horoscope for 2014 for Virgo shows quite clearly: any health problems will be solved satisfactorily if the Virgos show any attention to prevention and take care of the general regimen of their diet, sleep, and the fight against bad habits. Nothing special is required of them, only a mandatory minimum, vital for the normal existence of every person.

Career. The year 2014 will be quite successful and even promising in professional terms. Virgos will be able to succeed in any business that they undertake. Even a change of job or professional activity in general - if the need arises - will be quite normal and painless. April - the first half of May will be especially successful; during this period, Virgos will easily succeed in everything, even what had previously seemed unattainable. At the end of May - June, something very important will happen in the lives of many of them - an event that will become a key event for their careers not only in the entire second half of 2014, but even in 2015.

Finance. The year of the Blue Horse will bring many surprises for Virgos. The first months will pass normally and unremarkably; but already in the spring (for some Virgos in the summer) unexpected news will suddenly come, and from where it would least be expected. It is difficult to say in advance what kind of news it will be, but there is no doubt that it will please financially. The whole summer will pass in high spirits, because success in the material sphere at this time will exceed all expectations. Autumn will bring everything back to a reasonable rate, finally balancing the emotions of the Virgin and returning them to the mainstream of prosperous working days.

Relationship. January and February will be an emotional period for Virgos. Many of the single representatives of this constellation will fall in love at first sight, those who have already found a mate for themselves will experience a new surge of romance, which may even end in a wedding. Family Virgos will make plans and successfully cope with everyday worries.

Horoscope for 2014 LIBRA
Health. The beginning of the year will require significant activity from Libra. And this means that they will have to take care of the normal number of hours of sleep for themselves, and also try to change the situation from time to time, getting out to the country house or spending the night in a tent in the wild. This will help to cope with stress and not lose courage. From May to August, you should pay special attention to your digestive system. Please yourself with a healthy diet, contact a good specialist to advise you on some drugs or, possibly, herbal preparations that are useful for preventing the activity of the stomach and intestines.

Career. The year of the Blue Wooden Horse for Libra will not be unsuccessful or problematic. Especially if they are extremely efficient in January, creative in February, and patient and hardworking in March-April. Those Libra who follow these recommendations will eventually realize that the first half of 2014 has become a springboard for them into a promising career future. Finance. 2014 will be financially stable for Libra. And although they may not have additional cash injections into the household budget, they will be able to receive what they are due (salaries, bonuses for work performed, etc.) on time and for sure.

Relationship. The astrological forecast for Libra for 2014 predicts an increase in feelings and a strengthening of existing relationships. Lonely Libra will surely meet their soul mate. Moreover, this may not be a new acquaintance or acquaintance, but an old love, which at one time, as it seemed, was the feeling of a lifetime. Most of the single Libras who have already met their love will decide to marry. And in the families of many representatives of this constellation, an addition is expected, and in some cases it will not even be a second, but a third child.

Scorpio Horoscope for 2014 SCORPIO
Health. Scorpios in 2014 the Blue Horse show an active lifestyle, self-care and a lot of fresh air. They should certainly try to set aside time to visit a fitness club, pool or gym. And also - do not miss more than a single seasonal fruit or vegetable. Scorpios born in the year of the Horse are encouraged to travel. Because it is the journey that will be for them the best cure for all health problems and bad mood.

Career. In 2014, Scorpios should not take on more responsibilities in the workplace than they can handle. But how to understand that some kind of obligation is already superfluous? Yes, very simply - according to my own feelings. If there are doubts or inner unwillingness to do something, then it is not necessary. Some of the Scorpions will want to change their field of activity. Well, well, then so be it; because these people always know exactly what they want from life.

Finance. In the first 4 months of the year of the Wood Horse, Scorpios will need remarkable diligence. Often you have to stay up late at the workplace, take work home for the weekend. But let this not upset the Scorpios at all, because the result of their efforts will be such a material reward that will more than pay for both the lack of leisure and the lack of attention to loved ones. In May-September, events can occur that will subsequently raise the life of Scorpios to a qualitatively new level. And starting from October, they will finally have a period of long-awaited stability, when there is no doubt about the future, and only good prospects lie ahead.

Relationship. Scorpios in 2014 will make a lot of efforts to improve coziness and comfort for themselves and their families. The unmarried representatives of this constellation can, together with their halves, finally decide on marriage, because they want to run a common household and equip joint housing. The household of Scorpios, paying tribute to their self-care, will be grateful to them. Of course, life sometimes takes its toll, so minor misunderstandings and disagreements can not be avoided. But it happens in every family. And in Scorpio families, such moments will be quite infrequent. Only January and March-April can bring some difficulties into their lives. The rest of the time there is nothing to worry about.

Horoscope for 2014 SAGITTARIUS
Health. From the very beginning of the year, Sagittarius will feel cheerful and energetic. Therefore, the very first warm days will give birth in their heads to the desire to finally throw off heavy coats and fur coats and feel light, free. And spend more time outdoors. Let Sagittarians do not deny themselves such a pleasant pastime, and also let them not limit themselves in vitamins and other benefits. The body of any representative of this constellation itself will tell you what it needs and what is desirable, so Sagittarius only needs to follow their inner urges.

Career. The year for Sagittarius will start quite successfully. No force majeure at work is expected. And if they are not too trusting and open to colleagues, then even minor misunderstandings can be avoided. In the spring, almost every Sagittarius will have the opportunity to move forward on the career ladder. True, you will have to wait for good luck not passively, but in every possible way demonstrating to your superiors your initiative, conscientiousness, and responsibility. The summer will pass steadily, all the positions won before it will be preserved, so that autumn will truly be the harvest time. Only for Sagittarius, this will not be a collection of vegetables and fruits, but banknotes.

Finance. Sagittarius in the year of the Blue Wooden Horse, it seems, are not going to be lazy. This can be said quite definitely, since according to forecasts, their income growth is expected, primarily due to their conscientiousness in the performance of official duties and their willingness to work as long as necessary. And even the intrigues of competitors and the hostility of colleagues will not become an obstacle for Sagittarius. In addition, from time to time their budget will be replenished with bonuses and additional fees.

Relationship. The astrological forecast for 2014 for Sagittarius predicts a lot of events and emotions for them. Lonely Sagittarians will live a romantic year, the Mistress of the year will generously endow them with new acquaintances and the opportunity for a pleasant, easy pastime. Married Sagittarians should try not to pay attention to rumors, and also to their own suspicion of their loved ones. All this will have no basis, so you should not overshadow either your life or the existence of loved ones.

Horoscope for 2014 CAPRICORN
Health. For the year of the Blue Horse, Capricorns can confidently plan any loads, since their health potential will be great and inexhaustible. The only risk group is people suffering from chronic forms of diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems. But, by the way, even simple preventive measures will be sufficient for them. Of course, Capricorns are known workaholics, so even the healthiest of them sometimes bring themselves to overwork. Therefore, it is desirable for all of them, under no circumstances, to neglect the normal number of hours of sleep and walking in the fresh air.

Career. Movement on the career ladder will be associated for Capricorns with changes in social status. They should start the year cautiously, without self-confident statements and overt demonstrations of ambition. But this is only in January-March. Then you can relax and achieve what you want boldly and energetically. Luck will always be on the side of Capricorns, and they will be able to achieve positive results quickly and easily.

Finance. The financial side of life for Capricorns in 2014 will not disappoint. This year, it is possible to implement even those projects that previously seemed unrealizable. The most favorable periods of the year are February, early summer and mid-autumn. At this time, in addition to the main sources of income, Capricorns may have additional ones.

Relationship. The astrological forecast for Capricorns for 2014 guarantees them fresh and yet unexplored impressions. Already January and February will be marked by new acquaintances for single representatives of this constellation, and March and April - by a feeling of jealousy for married people. But let the word “jealousy” in no case frighten Capricorns, for this will be the very measure of it that only renews and unites loving couples. By summer, Capricorns and their lovers will have complete harmony, because the keys to each other's hearts will finally be found.

Aquarius Horoscope for 2014 AQUARIUS
Health. No matter how responsible the work is, no matter how much household chores, in the year of the Blue Wooden Horse, Aquarius would be desirable to take care of themselves. Of course, if you do not think about your own well-being, then nothing fatal will happen. But still, in this case, there is a possibility that someday, in about ten years, an inescapable thought will settle in my head: “Oh, who then needed my dedication!”. Therefore, advice to all Aquarians: more peace in the soul, balance and solidity in movements, and as much time as possible spent outdoors, ideally in the bosom of nature.

Career. The year is not bad, but the career prospects for Aquarius, who are ready to take responsibility, will be especially significant. Those of them for whom work in life is far from the most important thing will be able to survive the year of the Horse without career ups and downs. The areas of activity in which Aquarius will be most interested in working are analytics, technology (including programming), and technical invention.

Finance. Aquarius in the year of the Blue Wooden Horse, it makes sense to think about changing activities. But, of course, not everyone… Only those who do not experience the pleasure of being in the workplace for one reason or another. A change of job or professional sphere will mean a tangible increase in income and, accordingly, a qualitatively new standard of living.

Relationship. In 2014, Aquarius will be as lucky as ever in love. The mistress of the year will generously endow them with the attention of the opposite sex. Those of Aquarius who already have a couple should try to treat their soul mate without undue anguish. If you are dear to her (or him), then you do not need to do something especially extraordinary in order to please and be loved (beloved). And if not, then it means that you need to part with this person without regret and look for your real destiny. Moreover, a lot of time for new searches will not go away.

Pisces Horoscope for 2014 PISCES
Health. The astrological forecast for 2014 for Pisces is quite categorical: they should be as active as possible. And even if from time to time there is a desire to lie aimlessly on the couch, stare thoughtlessly at the TV or “kill time” on social networks, you need to dismiss it as destructive and harmful. It is known that “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. And Pisces is just the opposite: a healthy mind - optimism, dynamism - will make the body healthy and obedient.

Career. From the first days of 2014, Pisces will rush headlong into work. Any business will seem urgent and super important to them. Then the enthusiasm will dry up a little, to resume with renewed vigor with the beginning of the summer. It is at this time that the efforts of many of the Pisces will be appreciated, and they will receive a new position - not only more promising, but also very interesting.

Finance. Maybe Pisces in the year of the Blue Wooden Horse will not be able to earn a million. But they will surely have friends, sponsors, well-wishers (it's like anyone else) who will be ready to help solve their financial problems. Well, as they say, don’t have a hundred rubles ... And Pisces, like no one else, are able to establish desirable contacts and demonstrate excellent communication skills, which they should use “to the fullest”.

Relationship. Pisces in 2014, the stars are strongly advised not to bind themselves with unnecessary obligations. You need to be able to defend your own independence. And besides, one must someday finally experience a sense of personal freedom! And it’s known that the kindness and reliability of Pisces are used by everyone who is not too lazy, including those close to them, in whom sometimes a sense of selfishness takes precedence over related and love emotions.

About, what is the sign of 2014 we learn from the Chinese astrological horoscope compiled by the ancient sages. Horse, in Chinese Ma. it is one of the twelve symbolic animals involved in the astrological cycle of time. The Wood element is chosen on the basis of a long 60-year cycle, taking into account the cosmic element, the color is indicated - Blue, the sign - Leo, the accompanying element - Fire. All this is complex and multifaceted, there are special scientific sources for this, but we are interested in what awaits us in the New 2014.

The Blue Wooden Horse will smile at everyone if desired. If you follow certain rules, then almost everyone will be able to achieve prosperity in financial, love terms, as well as in terms of health. And all that is needed for this is to work hard, believe in success and one's own strengths, and not deviate from what was planned. If you decide to raise your life bar, then it is best to do this in the year of the Horse.

The zodiac sign of 2014 is Leo. Leo sympathizes with everyone who likes to take risks. This once again proves how much can be achieved in the year of the Lion and the Horse. But this, with regard to business, business life, health, by the way, is the time to travel. But in love, things are a little different. Leo and Horse are temperamental and ambitious, but if during the inevitable love frictions, Leo closes in his experiences, then the Horse can simply gallop to the side. Again, both are bossy and like to do things their own way. This year is predicted as a year of sexual outbursts. Everyone who wants to find their soul mate will definitely be lucky, but it will not always be easy to keep it.

The coming year promises something good for everyone. Aries - profit, and already at the beginning of the new year. True, provided that they worked hard in 2013.

Taurus will find financial well-being a little later, closer to the middle of the year, if they can only overcome their excessive conservatism.

The twins will finally be able to realize their most secret plans, because this year money luck will turn to them more than to anyone else.

Cancers will live according to the principle: you drive more quietly, you sleep more calmly. Although strong financial outbursts are not expected, the money will come evenly, little by little. But in love it will lead like never before.

Lions, happy representatives of the new year, will attract money like a magnet. But they just need to be extremely careful: money that came easily can also easily leave.

Virgos will increase their wealth with each lived quarter. But not only. The growth of prosperity will increase the needs, which in turn will lead to the conquest of new heights.

Libra will be lucky if they find the courage to finally do their own thing. Even if you have to change the place of work in which they have sat for at least a dozen years. Open new horizons for yourself!

Scorpions will receive their income and soon. But for this they will need a vital and professional fight and ingenuity.

Sagittarius will receive their profit, however, by the end of the year. Only if they get rid of their hibernation, pull themselves together and move to the envy of the Horses.

Capricorns will be rich and successful, the world around them will be filled with wealth and success if they reconsider their life positions and priorities.

Knowing which sign of 2014 you can make predictions, determine the character born this year, avoid many mistakes, plan your further actions. Do not treat horoscopes as a clear guide to action. It is rather a hint, a psychological basis that makes you think, compare, analyze.

It can be added that all material well-being for all signs depends solely on themselves, and will affect all other areas of life. According to astrological forecasts, financial fluctuations, and even a crisis, are expected next year. So get ready to work hard. Happy New Year!