
Natalya Vetlitskaya is one of the most beautiful women in the Russian stage. Natalia vetlitskaya Ulyana vetlitskaya instagram

In the early 90s, the name of Natalia Vetlitskaya was on everyone's lips, her concerts gathered full houses, and the top songs "Look in the eyes", "Soul", "But just don't tell me" were known by heart throughout the post-Soviet space. Natalia was called the sex symbol of Russia. In an instant, she eclipsed the rest of the performers, becoming one of the most famous stars of the 90s.

Childhood and youth

The singer was born in August 1964 in Moscow. The native girls loved music: mother Evgenia Ivanovna played the piano professionally, and father Igor Arsenievich, a nuclear physicist by profession, loved opera. At an early age, the girl fell in love with the piano, she studied at a music school and graduated with honors as an external student.

Natalia Vetlitskaya as a child (right)

Natalia was fond of ballet, attended school ballroom dancingwhere you got there by mistake. Then the girl was waiting for her friend, with whom the teachers confused her and was enrolled in a group with other children. She dreamed of becoming a singer, then a ballerina, or a doctor, and so she could not decide on a future career.

After school, the girl continued her ballet classes and became a dance teacher for children. In her youth, Natalya participated in amateur competitions, and also toured at one time with the Recital ballet troupe.

Music and creativity

Natalya Igorevna got into the music industry by accident, when her friend invited her to the Rondo group as a backing vocalist and dancer. A short (height 168 cm), slender girl looked spectacular in her new role. Here she was noticed by the director of the group "". He invited Natasha to replace, who had previously left the project.

Natalia Vetlitskaya (center) in the group "Rondo"

In the wake of her first popularity, the girl decides to pursue a solo career and already in 1989 leaves the Mirage. In 1992, the singer's debut "Look in the Eyes" was released, instantly elevating the singer to the Olympus of fame. The video for the song of the same name was released for the young star by an aspiring director. As conceived by the director, Natalya appeared on the screen in the image.

In an interview with the TV presenter, Natalya announced that she is now in Russia. According to rumors, the shooting of the star of the 90s cost the TV journalist a round sum. Andrei mentioned that for the sake of an interview with Vetlitskaya he lost his 13th salary.


  • 1992 - Look in the eyes
  • 1994 - Playboy
  • 1996 - Slave of Love
  • 1998 - "Think what you want"
  • 1999 - "Just like that"
  • 2004 - "My beloved ..."

Pop Singer.

From the age of ten, she began to professionally engage in ballroom dancing, and then entered a music school in the piano class, which she graduated in 1979 with a gold medal.

For ten years, starting in 1974, the future singer has repeatedly participated in various ballroom competitions. At the age of 17, Natalya began to run a ballroom dance school on her own.
Her musical career began in 1983, when she, as a backing vocalist, participated in the recording of the song "Bad Weather" for the film "Mary Poppins, Goodbye!" (the main vocal part was performed by the then husband of Vetlitskaya, the famous singer Pavel Smeyan).

After the film was released on television, the song became popular, and a new duet, "Natalya and Pavel Smeyany", appeared on the Soviet stage. The duo's performances are shown several times by "Morning Mail" (except for "Bad Weather" Natalia and Pavel sang the famous hit of Al Bano and Romina Power "Ci sara").

In 1985, after working for about a year in ballet with Alla Pugacheva, she moved to the popular group "Rondo" as a choreographer, dancer and backing vocalist. Then, for two years, starting in 1986, she worked as a dancer and backing vocalist in two more famous bands: "Class" and "Idea Fix".

In 1988 she became a soloist of the super popular Mirage group. Among other Soviet pop stars, she takes part in the recording of the song "Closing the Circle", which is shown on New Year's television air.

Since 1990, the singer begins solo career... Her first video clip "Look in the eyes" makes a splash. The press and television announce Natalia as a new sex symbol. In the wake of her popularity, the singer releases two commercially successful albums "Look in the eyes" and "Playboy". The songs from these albums, reaching the top lines of various charts, consolidate the singer's success.

In 1997, Vetlitskaya played one of the main roles - the insidious and seductive fox Alice - in the musical film "The Newest Adventures of Buratino".

In 1999, the next album was released - "Just like that". Several songs from this album took first places in charts and charts during the year.

In 2003, the musical film by Maxim Papernik “ The Snow Queen", Where Vetlitskaya played the role of the Princess and sang the song" Lanterns "in a duet with Vadim Azarkh.

During 2004-2008, Vetlitskaya released new videos for the songs "Bird" and "It's not just that", as well as numerous performances at various television competitions and festivals. These are duets with Sergei Mazaev with the song "Words That You Won't Say", with N. Tumshevits - "Look in my eyes", with I. Kalninsh - "Vernissage", etc.

Natalia Vetlitskaya not only sings, but also writes music, composes poetry, is engaged in painting and design. Since 1998 Natalia has been practicing kriya yoga (breathing exercises), attending the courses of her master Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in India.

Natalia Vetlitskaya is still remembered and loved in Russia for her songs, which sounded in the nineties from all radio receivers and television screens in the country. The singer's life is of interest to her fans today. Especially often they ask if she has a husband and who is the father of her daughter Ulyana.

As a child, Natasha studied in a dance studio and went to a music school. Having matured, she went on stage as a show ballet dancer and was the backing vocalist of famous Soviet performers and groups. In 1988, Vetlitskaya began to sing in the legendary Mirage.

Then she left this popular group to pursue a solo career. On the covers of magazines, candid photos of Vetlitskaya began to appear, after which she was called the sex symbol of the country.

Moving to Spain

In 2004, Natalya gave birth to a daughter, Ulyana, and practically stopped giving concerts. A few years later, Vetlitskaya and her daughter began to live in Spain on the territory of an elite district in Denia. Now she rarely visits Russia and prefers solitude to noisy parties.

Vetlitskaya has her own blog on the Internet, where she criticizes the Russian authorities and talks about the unsettled life of Russians.

At the same time, Vetlitskaya continues to write songs, paint pictures, restore old furniture and decorate houses. She is interested in spiritual practices, numerology and yoga. Natalia often visits India and lives there in ashrams.

The singer celebrated her 50th birthday a few years ago, but age in no way influenced her beautiful appearance.

Vetlitskaya likes to wear stylish glasses and chooses lipstick depending on her skin tone.

Life near the sea coast and fresh air have a beneficial effect on the health of the star of Russian pop music. In addition, Natalia eats right and compiles a diet that does not contain meat and alcohol.

Daughter problems

Natalia's daughter had problems at school. Classmates treat Ulyana, one might say, cruelly. They mock the girl and insult her. Ulyana's well-known surname became the reason for the persecution. In addition, she does not want to be friends with classmates, who, according to her mother, live by animal herd instincts.

Natalya says that she is worried about her daughter, who has become withdrawn and does not want to go to school. Once Vetlitskaya expressed everything she thinks about this situation, directly into the eyes of Ulyana's classmates and their parents. Mom and daughter are waiting for graduation, when the girl does not have to listen to various nasty things about her.

Recall that Vetlitskaya never disclosed the name of the father of her child.

Daughter Ulyana

Fight against scammers

One large Internet platform illegally hosted popular songs by Vetlitskaya for paid download, which, according to the law, was supposed to receive interest on the profits received by the site owners from paying for listening to her songs, but they did not transfer any money to Natalia.

Natalia Vetlitskaya - singer, actress, TV presenter, native Muscovite, was born on August 17, 1964.


Little Natasha most likely inherited musical abilities from her mother, who was a music teacher and played the piano perfectly. And a serious attitude towards everything that she does, the girl learned from her father. He was a talented scientist, engaged in nuclear physics.

But the girl's first serious hobby was ballroom dancing. In the dance studio, she began to study in primary school... But her mother insisted that her daughter also learn to play the piano, and Natasha also had to go to a music school. But Natasha did not plan to connect her life with music.

Moreover, after graduating from both schools, Natasha began working as a ballroom dance teacher in a children's private studio. Moreover, almost all of her childhood, the girl performed at various competitions and quite often won dance awards. The girl liked the performances in front of the audience, but then she began to realize her dreams in her pupils.

Carier start

Natalya started her professional artistic career by accident. She came across an advertisement for a dance casting. New dancers were required for the recital ballet, and Natalia decided to try her hand. She herself was surprised that she was immediately enrolled in the main team. There, the girl tried her hand at being a choreographer. But Natalia worked with them only for about a year.

The reason for leaving Recital was an invitation to the Rondo group, which was then rapidly gaining popularity. At first, the girl worked there as a choreographer, and she herself took part in dancers. But when the group learned that she sings beautifully, Natalya began to appear on stage as a singer.

But Natalya did not stay long at Rondo either. She recorded several songs with them, which were included in the collection "Rondo-86", and then said goodbye to the group. After that, she changed several more groups, where she was mainly on backing vocals, but the girl was not dreaming about that at all. Now she wanted to become a famous singer.

Finest hour

The road to the musical Olympus Natalya was opened, oddly enough, by the cinema. The girl was invited to perform several songs for the film "Mary Poppins, Goodbye!", Which quickly became popular. And songs from it sounded in almost every home. True, then no one was interested in the name of their performer.

But for this work, Natalia was offered a small role. In the film "Above the Rainbow" she not only sang, but also appeared in a small episode. This was followed by another film "Train Out of Schedule". And soon, with one of the popular film songs, Natalia was invited to shoot the most musical program of the USSR "Morning Mail".

Natalia is finally noticed by famous producers, and after six months she becomes one of the vocalists of the Mirage female group. It was this group that brought the singer real popularity. Girls were the youth idols of the late 80s, and whole stadiums gathered for their concerts. For several years Mirage has toured almost continuously throughout the former USSR.

Solo career

But in the early 90s, Vetlitskaya left the group. The reason for her departure is so reliably and not known. Some believe that she began to have serious disagreements with the group's producers, others attribute the singer to an affair with, who in 1992 shot her one of the first solo videos. But, most likely, Natalia simply decided that she was already popular enough to perform on her own.

In 1996, Natalya presented her first solo album and for several years has been touring quite successfully with solo concerts, periodically appearing on television. She is constantly invited to the shooting of "Blue Light", she regularly gets into "Song of the Year".

But by the beginning of the 2000s, the singer's popularity gradually began to fade. Another film with her participation helped to warm up interest in the singer. In the musical "The Snow Queen" Vetlitskaya got the role of a princess. Then two more videos were released, and this was the end of her musical career. Currently, the singer is actively involved in charity work.

Personal life

Natalia Vetlitskaya's personal life began early and has always been stormy. Her first husband was Pavel Smeyan, who at that time was already a fairly popular singer. It was he who initiated Natalya's singing career, who at the time of this marriage was barely 17 years old. But soon she found her husband with one of the fans and filed for divorce.

Soon, Natalya flared up a passionate romance with the young handsome Zhenya Belousov, who at that time was at the peak of popularity.

With Zhenya Belousov

The relationship developed rapidly, and a few days after they met, the couple went down the aisle. This marriage was the shortest in the singer's life - officially they stayed as spouses for only a couple of weeks. All in all, the novel did not last even three months.

However, Natalia's passion for handsome men turned out to be indestructible, and the famous Moscow fashion model Kirill Kirin becomes her next husband. But this marriage did not last even two years. After that, Natalia was already limited to civil relations. At various times she was a friend of Topalov Sr., Vlad Stashevsky.

With Vlad Stashevsky

In the early 2000s, her then-common-law husband, millionaire Suleiman Kerimov, invested a lot in making the singer popular again. But their relationship quickly ended, and with them funding ended. Vetlitskaya did not have time to fully take advantage of this chance.

She is currently in her fourth legal marriage with a yoga coach, to whom she gave birth to a daughter in 2004. The singer has no regrets about completing musical career... She is now fully dedicated to family and charity work.

Ulyana Vetlitskaya is the minor daughter of Natalia Vetlitskaya, a popular Russian singer, composer and dancer in the 90s. As it became known almost after the birth of her daughter, the pop diva moved to the town of Denia (located in the north of the Costa Blanca and is considered one of the most expensive resorts in Spain) and lives there, leading a reclusive lifestyle to this day. What is known about Vetlitskaya's daughter - Ulyana? What is she interested in, what is her character? You can find out about this by reading the information in our article.

Vetlitskaya Ulyana

Ulyana was born in 2004 in a French private clinic. At the moment, the girl is 14 years old. Her mother Natalya radically revised her life precisely after the birth of Ulyana. The popular singer wanted to end her pregnancy, but a close friend and producer of the ex-soloist of the Mirage group persuaded the woman to leave the baby.

The name of Ulyana Vetlitskaya's father prefers not to disclose. It is known that she was married 4 times. The first husband is a Russian musician and composer Pavel Smeyan, the second is Evgeny Belousov, known in the 90s thanks to the musical hit "My blue-eyed girl", the third husband of the pop diva was the fashion model Kirill Kirin. Now Natalya Vetlitskaya is married to Alexei, a yoga coach.

After the birth of Ulyana Vetlitskaya decided to leave her native country and move to Spain. Here is the pop diva and the beginning new life with a daughter who is like two drops like her mother (the girl has blue eyes, blonde hair and delicate facial features).

Reason for emigration

According to eyewitnesses from the singer's inner circle, Vetlitskaya deliberately left Russia immediately after the birth of her daughter, as she decided to raise her away from prying eyes. The pop diva dreamed that her daughter would gain her mind from foreigners, receiving an education and developing communication skills away from compatriots, which would be different from the thinking of Russians.

Daughter of Natalia Vetlitskaya - Ulyana

The ex-soloist lives with her daughter in a two-story cottage in an elite area of \u200b\u200bthe small Spanish city of Denia, in which there are practically no Russian-speaking citizens. The Vetlitsky couple are helped by the gardener and the nanny. Together with Ulyana Vetlitskaya, she occasionally leaves the house. They usually visit the local port, restaurant or supermarket.

Ulyana speaks fluent Spanish, which she studies at a private school located in a nearby town. When the girl was younger, Natalya took her to classes by car on her own. Growing up, Ulyana began to get to school on a school bus.

Hobbies of the girl

Not so long ago in social networks there was information published by the ex-soloist musical group "Mirage". Vetlitskaya admitted that her daughter began to surprise her more and more. Just the other day, she announced to the popular singer of the 90s that she was going to go to judo. To which Natalya replied with a ban and was very surprised that her daughter decided to give preference to martial art over gymnastics.

By nature, the girl is very independent and self-reliant. The pop diva admits that she never collected a portfolio for her daughter and did not perform with her homework... Ulyana Vetlitskaya herself does her homework and chooses what to do in her free time. Due to the lack of strict guardianship, the girl, according to Vetlitskaya, considers her a supermom, which Natalya is incredibly happy about.

Everyday life of a star mom

While Ulyana is going through the school curriculum, Natalya does not waste time, but does what she loves. The pop singer has mastered a new profession - the restoration and decor of houses. Rumor has it that the cottage next door is also the property of Vetlitskaya, which she periodically rents out.

Natalia Vetlitskaya tries to follow the economic and political situation in Russia. She regularly watches and reads news items that appear in the media. After getting acquainted, the pop singer speaks out rather sharply about life in her homeland, criticizing the adopted laws, the state of the roads and various changes in show business.

So, about two years ago, in an article on the Echo of Russia website, the singer spoke out and criticized the spiritual, informational and political atmosphere prevailing in the territory Russian Federation... In February 2016, on her page on social networks, Vetlitskaya wrote that she was tired of watching "cotton wool", as she noticed one common similarity among them - everything, as if on selection, tongue-tied and stupid.

In addition to the restoration of houses and communication on social networks, the ex-soloist of the musical group "Mirage" is engaged in writing music, composing poems, painting and design. Attends kriya yoga and does charity work. Since 1999, Natalya has been regularly helping children who are being treated at the neuropsychiatric hospital No. 4, which is located in the village of Nikolsky, Ruzsky district, Moscow region.