Other dances

Quickstep ballroom dancing. The main figures and the main step of quickstep. Lesson one (photo, video). Video training “Quick step dance”

Learn to dance, perhaps everyone dreams. This skill is useful at any party and special occasion. Thanks to the dance, you can quickly attract attention and it is impossible to go unnoticed. In addition, most often dancers are one big family, with common interests, needs, holidays. They organize dance schools, studios, festivals, competitions - they live a vibrant and eventful life.

Around the 9th century, the organ enters the church. He accompanies singing as an introduction and finale. If we play an instrument today, we will also often encounter dance pieces. Many of them remind us of the country of dance with its folk motifs. Some of the dance forms also gradually appear as concerts - for example. Masuria, waltz, polonaise.

Detailed analysis of the composition

Alemanda is an ancient German slow dance at a moderate pace and a two-stroke beat. Bolero is a Spanish dance from the 18th century, in ¾, with a characteristic rhythm, at a moderately fast pace. Quantum is an old French court dance in a triple metro, lively, often with auspiciousness.

This master class will teach the basic movements of interesting dance direction  - quickstep. Literally translated from English, this means a quick step. In fact, quickstep is a quick foxtrot. This is a dance of the European program of sports ballroom dancing. Because of his fast lively rhythm, he demands lightness and mobility from the dancer.

Pavana is an old slow dance with solemn movements, probably originated in Italy, often associated with jumping solarium. Pasacalia is an ancient Spanish dance, in ¾, a slow pace, with a constantly repeating bass melody. Passamendo is an Italian solemn dance from the 16th century, in two sizes.

It is right to start with one of the dances, which is quite unusual and has gained international distribution. According to some reports, the music of Saranbad is rude and gloomy. It was also used as a funeral dance for funeral rituals. This style is the result of the intercession of the Catholic Church, for which open hands between partners and the unrestrained and seductive style of the original version of the dance were the reasons for the attempts to ban. These attempts were unsatisfactory, so a deliberate rethinking of the music that was required to write in a minor style was made.

Video training “Quick step dance”

Features of Quickstep dance:

  1. Fast dance, a type of foxtrot.
  2. All movements in the dance should be performed quickly and easily.
  3. Quickstep quick movements of Quickstep require a high reaction speed and light, active movements from the dancer.
  4. The musical size of the dance is 4/4. Four beats per measure.
  5. Quickstep runs 50 beats per minute.
  6. The emphasis in the dance falls on 1 and 3 beats.
  7. Competitions for this type of dance lasts about 1.5-2 minutes.
  8. The rise and fall in the dance is performed at the expense of 1, continues for 2 and 3 and ends at 4.
  9. The basic rhythm of the dance is slow, slow, fast, fast and slow.
  10. Interesting fact: it is proved that the energy that is consumed in 60 seconds of quickstep dance is equal to a mile race in record time!

The emergence and development of Quickstep dance

This dance direction appeared during the First World War and originated in the poor suburbs of New York. The first Quickstep dancers were inspired by the quick and vibrant movements of African and Caribbean dancers. Quickstep debuted on the stages of American music halls and gained wide popularity. Since then, Quickstep has evolved and become known throughout the world.

In the 17th century, dances danced in the same way as the steam menu, in a noble, solemn and majestic manner. In other provinces, this dance is no less popular. It is not known how and when exactly the hottest arose, since the first documentary evidence dates back to the 17th century, with some sources giving rise to the influence of the Moorish, as in many texts there is a poet Maverick, outlawed by Valencia in the 12th century. A distinctive feature of the hood is the performance of the dance with raised hands raised, where the quarantines are undivided attributes.

Both foxtrot and quickstep originate from one dance. In the 20 years, musicians played foxtrot in different ways, some slower, some faster. And, in the end, it gave rise to two different dance styles. So the pace of the foxtrot became even slower, and quickstep became its fast variety.

The development of the Quickstep dance trend was greatly influenced by the feverish fascination with Charleston, which was universally observed in 1925. The British greatly influenced the development of the dance, highlighting it from the original Charleston, removing the kicking movements and combining it with a quick foxtrot. At a dance championship in 1927, a couple from England performed a version of fast foxtrot and charleston, with no knee movements. This performance was a huge success and turned Quickstep into a doubles rather than solo dance.

The fuck doesn’t dance in pairs, male and female parties are almost the same, so everyone can dance. As for performance, the emphasis of the dance figures alternates from heel to heel, the dancer periodically approaches his fingers, and at the beginning of the dance he makes small jumpers. As the dance progresses, the amplitude of the jumps becomes higher and tied. The legs play in rhythm, where it is done under a guitar, lute or traditional Spanish bands reminiscent of a mandolin, and instrumental parts are accompanied by loud and loud singing of the musicians themselves.

There is a funny version that quistep became popular in the UK because people used it as a way to keep warm in cold times.

In the modern dance world, quickstep is the most joyful and carefree dance. And although his steps are quite simple, the pace of music and the mood of the dance will attract and please anyone. Learn the basic steps of the dance and adjust to the music of quickstep, for a beginner it will not be difficult. Experienced dancers will find that the pace and nature of the dance provides unlimited possibilities for variations and improvisations.

This dance "Miller's Dance" is characteristic of the whole of Galicia and Asturias. The fact is that since ancient times the Celts lived in these places, and even in the Roman rule of the Iberian Peninsula, these people did not lose their authenticity. Therefore, it is accepted that the dance Muneira has Celtic roots.

As evidence of the Celtic origin of the dance, one can name the so-called “aturuko” - a call characterized by special strength, severity and prolongation. The assumptions of historians is the battle cry that Iberokelz used when they were on the attack. Now with "aurukuo" the audience supports the Mumbai artists.

The musical size is 4/4. The pace is fast. Appeared in the 1920s. It is an English version of the dance. Characterized by fast sliding steps, interspersed with light jumps.

2.Sports ballroom dance, part of the European dance subgroup. Musical size 4/4. The tempo is fast, 50 beats per minute. Performed in pairs, with the advancement of the site.

As for the name of the dance, it is believed that the authors are Galician peasants who, when grinding grain, entertained dancing around the mill in anticipation of the completion of grinding. In the Galician dialect, "mill" is pronounced as "Monsieur." As a rule, the performers of the munter are opposed to each other, but if the number of dancers exceeds 6, they form a circle. This dance, in principle, is similar to the dancers of the dancer, raises his hands up and makes small jumps. In addition to Galicia, dance is also popular in Asturias, Castile and Leon.

So, the dancers are in a circle and hold hands, lifting them up, gradually moving along the formed circle. Movements and steps are not particularly difficult, so the sardine is delighted with the dance of many people right through the streets and squares during the holidays. In this “street” version, the performers gently snap their fingers, occasionally stepping one step. The duration of the dance is an average of 2 minutes and is 96 movements. Therefore, it was called "short sardana." It is interesting that, despite the perception of “hot” Spaniards, during the performance of the sardan, the faces of the dancers are not particularly expressive.

3.Compulsory dance in sport dancing  on ice to the music. Musical size 4/4, tempo 28 measures per minute. Performed in twice around the rink.

Created in America in 1914 based on dancing and was fast dance. Initially, it was performed to music at a pace of about 50 beats per minute. Over time, the music accelerated even more and acquired a swinging hue. The dance itself in choreographic terms developed in the direction of complicating movements. Therefore, fast music ceased to suit dancers, and musicians had to moderate the tempo of accompaniment. In the 1920s, already dancing at a pace of about 30 beats per minute. The dancers were pleased.

And indeed, in his performance, the Sardana resembles the Greek sirtaki. If we do not get many stories about the origin of the dance, its performance can be seen as a peculiar manifestation of the unity of the national Catalan spirit. No wonder in the Franco regime, the sardan was banned.

The accompaniment is performed by a special orchestra called the “cobblestone,” which is traditional in Catalonia. It consists of four instruments typical of Catalan territory: three windmills - tenor, flambilla and drumsticks - and one bright tambourine resembling oneta.

But what happened to the former bright examples of fast fox music? They have not gone anywhere. Dances of type and continued to dance under them. In the mid-1920s, enthusiasm returned enthusiasm to fast music. As a result, a dance at a rate of 55 beats per minute appeared in the USA. And in England there was its own version, which at first was called "Fast Foxtrot and Charleston" [Eng. QuicktimeFoxtrotandCharleston]. Such a long name, of course, could not take root. He was soon reduced to Fast Foxtrot. QuickTimeFoxtrot], then redid to "Quick Step" QuickTimeStep], and then reduced again - and the name “Quickstep” appeared. QuickStep].

An interesting fact is that sardana is included in the government catalog of the Catalan holiday, where artists dedicate and dedicate their own paintings to dance, and sculptures - monuments. Initially, this name was called songs and dance form, which was popular in the Spanish city of Seville.

Sources for this Spanish dance date back to the 15th century, namely during the Rios Catholicos period. It is also believed that Seville originates from the sedidilia of the Casilian dance. Later, especially in the 18th century, Sevilla mixed with other Spanish dance forms, such as flamenco, to give more variety to the dances.

In the 1930s and 1940s, Quickstep's fast music was performed by large dance orchestras. Quickstep continued to play in the 1950s and 1960s, when a lot of beautiful music was written, romantic and lively, in its original style. The pace of the dance slightly decreased - from the frantic 54-56 beats per minute in 1929 to 48-50 beats per minute in the 1990s. The dance did not suffer at all from this.

Until then, Royal Spanish College did not officially recognize the final meaning of the word. Zambra comes from the Moorish dance, which became famous during the reconfiguration with the monks Fernando and Isabelle. The Moors managed to save it and adapt to the customs of the Spanish dance.

The name comes from the noise that comes from certain musical instruments and a large number of people gathered in one place. In ancient Roman language, the word "dying" was used to mean a Moorish evening with music and noisy celebrations. The musical accompaniment consists of a guitar and vocals, which does not sound particularly sophisticated due to the lack of imagination and monotonous rhythm. This is a very old form of dance, consisting of three others: albordia, katsacha and moss. This is pretty primitive, thanks to its gypsy tradition.

Quickstep is a very beautiful and elegant dance. His movements are performed in the rhythm of "slowly, slowly, quickly, quickly, slowly." When performed correctly, they exhibit excellent footwork. Lively steps combined with light syncopated jumps look very attractive and give the impression of fluttering. Quickstep is rich in variations. Therefore, it is considered to be his "small grammar" of standardized European ballroom dancing.

Bolero is one of the oldest and most traditional dances in the history of Spain. This is a fast Spanish dance, which is inherent in sudden pauses and fast backs. Bolero dances to the accompaniment of a guitar and a drum, plus castanets that complement the rhythmic phrase. Historians believe that the dance comes from segidil.

In one period, the most famous dance of Spain. They say that "Andalusian can neither travel, nor walk, nor work" without fandango, a favorite of the southern melody. Malaga, Cordoba and Lucena are considered the cradle of this style and dance. A quick live dance symbolizing the corridor. Translation means "two steps." In its new manifestations, the dance was developed in France, and in the 1930s it gained great popularity in the United States.

Watch the video:

Watch video - Quickstep dance on ice:

Examples of Quickstep ballroom dance moves and figures:

  [eng. DoubleReverseSpin] - a sequence of steps "slowly - slowly - quickly - quickly", during which the pair makes a complete revolution to the left, but only once. The name of the figure indicates that it is borrowed from where two turns to the left are provided during its execution.

Since its modernization is French, the names of the steps have French names. The pace holds up to 60 beats per minute. Flamenco dancing, allusions, salarers, pharaohs and others. common in southern Spain. The most characteristic of them is that they have complex and diverse strokes or alternating strokes with heels and fingers, the expressiveness of the hands is significant. Castanets are rarely used by women. Flamenco dances are performed accompanied by guitars, bells, and cracked hands. Adaptations are allowed, unlike other popular Spanish dances.

  [eng. LockStep] - is a sequence of steps, among which there is a crossing of the legs by foot (). It can be played forward or backward.

  [eng. ProgrssiveShasse] - is a sequence of steps in the course of which the pair abruptly changes direction and completes the figure with the movement of Chasse Left.

Jazz washed the dust of everyday life. Dancing on a swing is a favorite dancer of all ages. Swings are characterized by a large number of throwing, twisting and rotating partners. Since this is not a progressive dance style, but because it is performed mainly in one place, it is a popular style for a crowded dance floor. A swing is a dance characterized by quick steps. Couples hold hands, unlike dancers with dancers who are around the waist or with a hand on their shoulders. Learning to dance a swing takes some time, but once you know the steps, you will never want to stop.

  [eng. Natural turn] - a sequence of steps according to the scheme "slowly - quickly - quickly - slowly - slowly - slowly", during which the pair makes a three-fourth turn to the right. This figure is convenient to perform in the corner of the dance floor.

  [eng. QuarterTurns] - a sequence of steps in the course of which the pair turns around a quarter circle to the right, then a quarter circle to the left. It is believed that in the early this way, couples moved in the cramped restaurant tables.

The term “swing” refers to several types different dances. Here are some basic options. This style focuses mainly on improvisation caused by the emotions of the dancer, combinations are based on 8 strokes. His characteristic is more narrowed, bends to the knees and lack of strict requirements for a well-defined area of \u200b\u200bdance. It can often be found in clubs dancing by amateurs. Typical for him is the so-called "slotted area" - an imaginary line or a narrow rectangle in which the couple is dancing. Unlike Lindy Hopp, the body is much more upright and stretched, typical of European dances. It is used as a synonym for Lindy Hopp and all other swinging dances. It is part of the ball and racing dances. Improvisation, leadership and follow-up, as well as the dynamics of the steps, are heavily dependent.

  • Lindy Hop - Probably the most popular swing dance, it hails from Harlem.
  • This caused a boom in the 20s and 30s in the United States.
Many musicians say that there is no such thing as rocking music, there is only music that you can play a swing.