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Sofia Rotaru: personal life, new husband. Sofia rotaru Sofia rotaru biography family

The creative career of Sofia Rotaru is an example of unconditional success on the international stage and universal recognition. The singer's repertoire consists of 500 different songs in many languages. Back in Soviet times, Sofia Rotaru was considered one of the best singers of our time. Today, a talented woman is often called the “golden voice of the country” and “the queen of the stage”.

Childhood and youth of the star

Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru was born into a large family, in which, besides herself, there were five more children. The singer's birthday is August 7, 1947. The family lived in the village of Marshyntsy, Chernivtsi region, Ukraine.

According to Sofia's recollections, she took the first steps to the stage thanks to her older sister, who taught her to sing. The girls' father also contributed a lot to the baby's musical development. The man had a wonderful voice and perfect pitch.

At the age of seven, Sonya sang not only in the school choir of a folk song, but also sang solo during church services, which threatened her with expulsion from the pioneer organization. Possessing Moldovan roots, Sonya felt a special attraction to the old chants of Moldova, which the girl sang in the evenings, picking up the accompaniment on the accordion.

Sonya was also attracted by the theatrical stage. The aspiring artist studied in a drama circle.

In addition to creative pursuits, the girl was also fond of athletics and wrestling. Subsequently, the skills of the future singer helped her perform complex stunts in videos and film plots without the help of professional stuntmen.

What was the beginning of the creative path of Sofia Rotaru

Since childhood, the girl has participated in various music competitions. A truly resounding success overtook her in 1962 after a regional competition in amateur performances. It was thanks to this victory that young Sofia was able to perform at the regional competition, where she also prevailed over her rivals.

After winning the leading places at the shows, the beginning talent Rotaru was waiting for a festival in Kiev, where the young singer won again. According to the results of the competition, information about the successes of Sofia Rotaru appeared in a magazine, where a young man named Anatoly saw a photograph of the young artist. The man was in love with the singer at first sight, and was also captivated by the idea of \u200b\u200bfounding his own musical group. Subsequently, the future husband of Sofia Rotaru did everything to ensure that his beloved had her own musical orchestra.

In 1964, the aspiring artist also performed at the Palace of Congresses in the Kremlin.

After graduating from school, Sonya finally decided on the choice of her future profession and therefore went to study at the Chernivtsi Music College.

The singer's youth

After successfully graduating from a music school, the singer decided to participate in a youth festival in Bulgaria, which took place in 1968. At this event, the singer became a gold medalist as the best performer of folk songs.

In the same year, Sofia married her admirer Anatoly. In the marriage of young people, a boy Ruslan was born. In addition to significant changes in its marital status, Rotaru devoted herself to teaching.

The singer is also known for her film roles. For example, in 1971 Rotaru starred in the title role in the project "Chervona Ruta", which caused a lot of various discussions in society. Soon after the release of this film on the wide screen, Sofia founded her own musical ensemble and named it nothing but "Chervona Ruta". In addition, by that time the singer had a position in the Chernivtsi Philharmonic.

As for the activities of her musical ensemble, the singer worked for him in collaboration with the composer Vladimir Ivasyuk. The musicians created many beautiful compositions that were distinguished by their unique folklore style.

Thanks to her songs, as well as the unique manner of performance, Sofia quickly became famous during her touring trips to foreign countries. Everywhere the talented performer was a dizzying success.

Soon the singer received the official title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian Socialist Republic.

Since the 1970s, she has regularly won various music competitions.

Subsequently, the singer decides to continue her musical education. In 1974 Sofia completed her studies at the Institute of Arts in Chisinau. After that, the young performer went to the Polish festival "Amber Nightingale", where she became an honored laureate among other participants. In the same period, the first album of the talented singer was released. The title of the album is quite simple: "Sofia Rotaru".

In connection with political events, the singer, along with her orchestra, moved to a permanent place of residence in Yalta, where the artist immediately found her vocation on the stage of the local philharmonic society.

In 1976, Sofia became the owner of a new status for herself - People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. In addition, now Sofia Rotaru regularly participates in the filming of the New Year's program "Blue Light", which is a great honor for every talented singer and artist.

The singer also has another disc called "Songs of Vladimir Ivasyuk sings by Sofia Rotaru", which was released in 1977.

After 2 years, other creative works of Rotaru came out:

Disc giant "Sofia Rotaru - Mu tenderness";

"Only for you";

Sofia Rotaru.

Artistic success

In the eightieth year, the domestic audience was able to admire the magnificent game in the film "Where are you, love?", And in which she sang one of her songs and impressed with her bold stunt performance - she rode along the coast on a motorcycle.

Soon after the appearance of the film, a disc was released, which contained all the musical compositions performed in the film.

In the future, the actress Rotaru was in search of a new style, which she had never used before, either on stage or in films. In particular, Sofia starred in a film with Makarevich and his team in the film "Soul", and also started performing songs in the style of rock.

In 1983, the singer and her musical group managed to perform in Canada and even release a disc there dedicated to her grandiose tour. After such a loud event that shook the world of the Soviet stage, the singers for some time lost the opportunity to leave their country.

The singer released the album "Tender Melody" in 1984, which reminded of the original image of the Soviet and Moldovan singer.

Subsequently, a Ukrainian song began to sound from the lips of all the members of the Chervona Ruta ensemble. That is why Sofia Rotaru soon decides to change the team and begins cooperation with the capital's musicians.

In the early 90s, the singer's new album was released, which contains explicit elements of metal.

After Soviet Union broke up, the singer's career, as if nothing had happened, continued with new albums and performances.

The singer has earned such a status as "Man of the Twentieth Century" in Ukraine, and also became the owner of many other honorary titles and awards.

Details of the personal life of Sofia Rotaru

The singer entered into a single marriage - Anatoly Evdokimenko became her husband. Since then, the couple did not interrupt their relationship and lived together until the death of Anatoly. Sofia's legal husband became for her not only a faithful and caring companion in life, but also a person who made a significant contribution to the development of the singer's career. Despite numerous trips around the country, as well as touring abroad, Rotaru did not feel abandoned, because everywhere she traveled, accompanied by her husband, with whom they lived for more than 30 years.

May 27, 2017 No comments

The famous singer Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru - her biography (born, nationality), personal life, family: children, grandchildren and a new husband - all this is an excellent reason for gossip. Indeed, during for long years, the talent and beauty of the artist delighted more than one generation of listeners who grew up on the famous hits of the star that sound on the air of the radio stations of the countries of the former USSR to this day!

Sofia Mikhailovna is a native of the village of Marshantsy, Chernivtsi region, Ukraine. She was born in 1947 into a family of immigrants from Moldova. The penchant for singing was discovered from early childhood. At school, little Sophia very quickly became one of the main voices of the choir. But at the same time, in addition to active participation in creative life educational institution, the future star showed herself in sports, in particular - in athletics... And the all-round development of the girl was helped by attending a theatrical circle, along with participation in school performances and plays. It is no less interesting that Sofia could play several musical instruments at once!

For the first time, they began to talk about Rotaru as a talented singer in 1962: it was then that the girl managed to take first place in the regional amateur art competition. A little later, Sofia Mikhailovna took the grand prix at a similar competition in Chernivtsi.

The phenomenal successes of "Bukovinsky Nightingale" were also appreciated in the capital of the Ukrainian SSR: Sofia also took an honorable first place at the republican competition. It was this competition that determined the future life of the future star: after graduating from school, the singer entered the Bukovina Music School for a course in choral singing and conducting. In 1968, the already formed singer became the winner of the ninth world festival of youth and students in the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia.

In the same year, Rotaru married Anatoly Evdokimenko, who fell in love with the singer at first sight after seeing her picture on the cover of the once popular magazine Ukraine. Since then, Anatoly Evdokimenko (husband of Sofia Rotaru) has provided all kinds of support to his wife's endeavors. In 1970, the singer learns the joy of motherhood, and in 1971 the "Chervona Ruta" ensemble, named after the musical that became the acting debut of young Sofia, was created. A little later, in tandem with the famous Ukrainian composer Vladimir Ivasyuk, Rotaru became known far beyond the borders of the USSR.

Since 1975, after moving to Crimea, Sofia Mikhailovna has become a regular guest of the New Year's "Blue Lights". In the 80s, the singer reaches the top of the domestic show business, releasing successful albums, acting in films and expanding her repertoire with works in various styles and directions. And, contrary to the widespread phenomenon, the star Rotaru did not fade away throughout the 90s: releasing hit after hit, the singer strengthened her position in the starry firmament, becoming the best singer of the Ukrainian stage of the 20th century. In the mid-2000s, the singer was awarded the Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, 2nd degree "For Services to the Fatherland."

Due to the incredible popularity, the personal life of the star was an excellent reason for various gossip about how many children Sofia Rotaru has. At present, we can say with confidence that Sofia left one heir - the son of Ruslan, who works in the field of sound recording. It should be noted that the guy gave her two wonderful grandchildren - Anatoly and Sofia, named after her grandmother.

The turning point in her career was the death of her husband Sofia Rotaru, with whom the singer lived in a happy marriage for over 35 years. The first concert after Evdokimenko's departure from life was dedicated to the bitterness of the loss of a loved one. In connection with the sudden death of her husband, the singer's fans began to be interested in where Sofia Rotaru lives now. However, it is rather difficult to answer this question, because the singer owns real estate in Crimea and Koncha-Zaspa. By the way, the singer has long dreamed of a cottage in the forest, so Ruslan's gift was a rather pleasant surprise for her!

Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru ( real surname - Rotar) is a favorite singer of several generations of Soviet people, the owner of a beautiful contralto, a multiple winner of international and domestic song competitions.

Her songs united the cultures of several nationalities, and her touring tours were held with great success not only in the USSR, but also in Canada, Bulgaria, Romania, and also in many other countries.

During her long creative career, the performer has achieved real success:

  • Sofia Rotaru, whose discography includes 10 vinyl albums and 10 laser discs, is still one of the most popular singers. In Soviet times, the singer's records were released in huge editions, and the lyrics and music for her were written by such talented authors as Ivasyuk, Zatsepin, Gromtsev, Dutkovsky and Tukhmanov.
  • Sofia Mikhailovna is a talented actress. She not only starred in 27 musical films, but also performed soundtracks for them, three of which later became real hits. Rotaru was never afraid to take risks: on the set of the movie "Where are you, love?" she herself performed a dangerous stunt - she rode a motorcycle along a steep cliff, and while working on "Monologue of Love" she skated on a board in the open sea.

  • Sofia Rotaru is a People's Artist of Moldova, Ukraine and the USSR. Three times she was presented with state awards of the USSR. At home, Sofia Rotaru received three orders of honor of Princess Olga, the title of hero, and an honorary badge from the president. Moldova noted the singer's merits with the Republican Order, Russia - the prize and the Order of Honor. The list of the performer's musical awards is even more impressive: 12 "Golden Gramophones", titles "Woman of the Year", "Star of Ukraine", several awards "Ovation" and other music awards, the title of the best singer was repeatedly awarded.

Childhood and youth

The entire biography of Sofia Rotaru confirms the fact that no obstacles will interfere with real talent. The singer was born in a small Ukrainian village called Marshintsy. She was the second oldest of six children in the family of the Moldovan wine-grower Mikhail Rotar.

My father went through the whole war and returned home in the second half of 1944 after being seriously wounded, and all this time my mother worked at the local market, fed and raised the children. It is noteworthy that the singer celebrates her birthday twice: the absent-minded passport officer entered in the metric on August 9, 1947, while in fact Sofia Mikhailovna was born on August 7.

In the harsh post-war years, the only joy for most Soviet citizens was a radio, and the Rotar family was no exception. Sophia's older sister, Zina, who was blinded after typhus, spent a lot of time with the receiver. Listening to songs in Russian, she not only learned the language herself, but also helped the rest of the family to master it, because before that at home they spoke only their native - Moldavian.

Musical abilities were discovered in Sonya quite early, and also thanks to Zina, who had a perfect, almost perfect pitch. As Sofia Rotaru herself admitted, life could have turned out differently if not for her sister, who became her first teacher.

Later, Sofia begins to sing in the school choir and even in the church, despite constant threats to exclude her from the pioneers. At school, the future star studied well, was engaged in all-around, even won the regional sports contest for schoolchildren.

Little Sonechka adored theatrical performances, she was happy to study in the drama club, and in the evenings she sang her favorite songs to the accordion. Sofia Mikhailovna said more than once that music was always present in her life: they sang at the table, during weddings, funerals, at gatherings - everyone, from young to old. Sofia Rotaru in her youth already possessed a strong voice, for which the inhabitants of the surrounding villages awarded her the affectionate nickname "Marshinitsky Nightingale".

First steps to success

Luck smiled at Rotaru in 1962. After winning the regional folk song contest, she was offered to take part in the regional talent show, which was to be held in Chernivtsi. The singer won the jury with a virtuoso performance of the song in Spanish "Kiss me harder", for which she received the first prize and direction for participation in the talent competition in Kiev (1963).

The republican festival opened the way for her to the big stage, because Sonya again took the deserved first place! On this occasion, a shot of a young and beautiful singer printed on the cover of the popular publication "Ukraine", and it was this photograph that helped her find not only a spouse, but also a creative partner.

In 1964, after graduating from school, Rotaru entered the conducting and choral faculty of the Chernivtsi School of Music and graduated with honors. Three years later, singer Sofia Rotaru, along with other creative teams, goes to the World Festival of Youth and Students in Bulgaria, where she takes a prize and receives an honorary award in the competition for the title of the best performer of folk songs. The audience was delighted with the singer's voice, and journalists wrote: "Sofia conquered Sofia."

1971 was a special year for Rotaru: the famous director Alekseev invited her to appear in the musical film "Chervona Ruta" and sing several songs along with the then popular singers Zinkevich and Yaremchuk. So Rotaru met the novice composer and poet Vladimir Ivasyuk, who would later write more than one hit for her. The film was a resounding success, and Rotaru was offered to create a group at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic and call it "Chervona Ruta".

At the peak of his musical career

The singer and her team began touring all over the country. Their debut was their performance in Star City in front of the cosmonauts. The direction in which the group worked was very unusual for a Soviet listener, as it combined elements of folk music, modern rhythms and pop instrumental arrangements.

However, the first tour was not without annoying misunderstandings: the group's program was not approved at the artistic council, and Pinkus Falik, who held the position of the collective's administrator, had to make a lot of efforts to resolve the issue in Moscow. Soon the ensemble "Chervona Ruta" went on a tour of the USSR together with the stars of the Polish, Czech, Bulgarian and German pop music.

In early 1972, Sofia Mikhailovna and her musicians toured Poland with great success, where grateful spectators gave a standing ovation. A little later, Rotaru went to the Orpheus festival, which took place in Sunny Beach Bulgaria, where she won first place with the compositions "Bird" and "My City". The second song was so successful that, having performed it later in Russian, Rotaru was able to reach the final of the Song of the Year contest, popular in the USSR.

Sofia Rotaru liked patriotic songs, and she sang heartfeltly "Enemies burned down their home", as well as "Happiness to you, my land" and the song "My Motherland" specially written for her voice. It is noteworthy that during the concerts, the singer always established contact with the audience: she went down to the hall and sang along with everyone. Sofia Mikhailovna often said that sincere applause is much dearer to her than awards, because the meaning of creativity is to give joy and beauty.

Since 1975, "Chervona Ruta" has moved closer to Yalta, and there were two reasons for this: firstly, disagreements with the Chernivtsi party elite, and secondly, the singer began to have serious health problems. 1976 turned out to be incredibly successful for Rotaru: the German company "Ariola-Eurodisc GmbH" offered her to record several compositions in German. Later, the singer went on a European tour, visiting countries such as Yugoslavia, the German Democratic Republic, Romania and the Federal Republic of Germany, where she gave over 25 concerts.

The 80s brought the Soviet pop star a victory at a song contest in Tokyo, where she sang the song "Promise". Rotaru's popularity grew, but she wanted to try herself in a new capacity. And Sofia Mikhailovna took part in the filming of the picture - it was the film "Where are you, love?"

The tape turned out to be so successful that it was nominated several times for prestigious awards, and the songs from the film were released as a separate disc. In the 90s, the singer starred a lot, gave numerous concerts and received four prestigious awards.

During her career, the singer radically changed her repertoire several times. The first time this happened after meeting with Andrei Makarevich and the Time Machine group. The romantic, very soft compositions, which were Rotaru's calling card, were suddenly replaced by more dynamic melodies, more like rock.

After the collapse of the USSR, the concert geography of Rotaru changed, but this in no way prevents her from remaining one of the most popular singers on the Russian stage on a par with Pugacheva.

Personal life

Sofia Rotaru is sure that her personal life was successful, because there was a wonderful man next to her for many years. Sofia Rotaru's husband, Anatoly Evdokimenko, was from a simple family, was also fond of music and dreamed of creating his own band. Seeing a photo of young Sofia in the press, he decided that it was she who should become the soloist of his group. Anatoly found the girl, and four years later they got married and moved to Novosibirsk.

Family life was full of happiness, and a year later Sofia began to dream of a child, but her husband was against it - due to the fact that they did not have their own living space. The singer decided to go for a little trick and told her husband about her pregnancy when there was no point in hiding. The son of Sofia Rotaru was born on August 24, 1970.

I must say that Anatoly was incredibly happy when his child was born. It is not for nothing that it is said that the true meaning of life is children. Sofia Rotaru really wanted to get pregnant again, but she did not dare to do so, which she still regrets.

Her son Ruslan became a music producer, and his wife became the singer's executive director. The granddaughter of Sofia Rotaru - Sofia - adores her grandmother and spends a lot of time with her, and her grandson Anatoly tries his hand at the Ukrainian stage. The singer loves her family very much, she still financially helps all relatives, pays for their education and treatment.

The personal life of Sofia Rotaru changed dramatically after the death of her beloved husband in 2002 (he died of a heart attack). The singer grieved for a long time, she stopped performing, and her family and fans were seriously concerned about her health. However, Sofia was able to pull herself together and return to a full life. The singer celebrated her 55th birthday among her relatives on a yacht.

What is happening in the singer's life now?

Despite her considerable age, the singer looks so that many ask the question: "How old is Sofia Rotaru?" She does not hide the fact that several times she resorted to the services of specialists in plastic surgery, but the interventions were very small. Rotaru advises fans to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and exercise a lot - only this will help to maintain excellent physical shape.

A couple of months ago, Sofia Rotaru, her biography and personal life became the most discussed topics in the Ukrainian media. Journalists expected a sensation, believing that soon the star will have a new husband - her young fan Vasily Bogatyrev. He confessed on his page on the social network in love for the star, wrote poetry and songs, made her an offer, but never received an answer. Nikolai Baskov tried to look after the singer, but Sofia Mikhailovna only brushed it off, explaining that she was a one-woman woman and no one could replace her dead husband.

Sofia Rotaru rarely gives concerts now, and due to the aggravated political situation she does not visit Russia. About 10 years ago, she ran for elections to the Ukrainian parliament, traveled almost all over Ukraine on tour, but did not get the required number of votes.

What is Sofia Rotaru doing now? The latest news reported on Instagram by her relatives confirms that the singer spends a lot of time with her family, plays sports, and is also working in the studio on a new song. Author: Natalia Ivanova

The future celebrity was born in the small village of Marshinitsy, which at the end of the 40s was considered the territory of Romania, and then was transferred to Ukraine. Hence the eternal confusion with the surname: the surname Rotar, which is written in the star's passport, is the Ukrainian version of the Romanian Rotaru. In the singer's family, the original, Romanian version is still considered correct. However, Rotaru's roots are generally Moldavian, which the beauty never hid.

Her musical talent manifested itself at an early age. As soon as Sofia went to school, the teachers already began to try her in vocal circles and children's creative groups. Sofia Mikhailovna recalls that her older sister Zina gave her first vocal lessons. The girl suffered from typhus and lost her sight. But the sharpened hearing became its distinctive feature and made it possible to sensitively pick up all the semitones, as well as teach music to younger children.

"Music has always lived in me"

So the singer will say in an interview when journalists want to follow the entire creative path. Little Sonya was passionate about singing both at school and in the church choir. Over the past, they threatened to expel her from the Octobrists, but she was too active life position occupied by a girl from a good working family. Sofia not only sang, but also studied in music school... To practice playing the button accordion, I took him from school, and in the late evening went to the barn to pick up new songs for the button accordion.

In addition to music, Rotaru also went in for sports. She was the school champion in track and field athletics, won prizes in sports. She will never give up sports, and already in adulthood, acting in films, she will perform stunts on a motorcycle and on a surfboard without stuntmen.

But the first serious success was still musical. At the age of 15, the girl participated first in a regional vocal competition, then in a regional one, and then was sent to Kiev, where she also won a victory. The beautiful and talented owner of the first place was instantly placed on the cover of one of the Ukrainian magazines, where her future husband noticed her.

Modest wedding for 200 people

Anatoly Evdokimenko was a representative of the "golden youth", the son of a major official. The young man studied at a prestigious university, was going to build a career as an optic physicist, although he studied music in parallel - he played the trumpet. And here - a photo of the beauty Rotaru in the magazine!

The young people met, fell in love with each other. In 1968, they played a beautiful, perky wedding in her native village. The singer later jokes: "It was a modest wedding, about 200 people." We walked in a huge company, with national Ukrainian and Moldavian traditions, round dances, songs and dances. The wedding of Rotaru and Evdokimenko will then be called the holiday of the unity of the two peoples for a long time.

After the wedding, Anatoly became a real support for the ambitious artist, her producer and first assistant in everything. They had a son Ruslan, who has now given the singer a grandson and granddaughter. They will go hand in hand through life, and will be together until his death in 2002.

The grief left a deep imprint on the heart of Sofia Mikhailovna. She was in mourning for a whole year. All this time, her records did not come out, no new sound recordings were made. Sofia did not give concerts, did not take part in public life. A year later, for the first time after the death of her husband, she went on stage. The speech was dedicated to his memory.

The secret Rotaru didn't admit

The period of courtship of the future husband for the singer is covered in darkness. Lovers usually like to tell the details about the sweetest time in their lives, but Rotaru and Evdokimenko kept it a secret. And all the secret causes great interest and a desire to understand.

So many years ago, journalists tried to trace the five years of Sofia's life before marriage, and it was suggested that Evdokimenko was not the first husband of a celebrity. Her first love is called Vladimir Ivasyuk, poet and composer, author of the famous "Chervony Ruta". It is known that in the early 70s the body of a man was found hanged in his apartment. Despite numerous injuries from beatings, the police refused to open a criminal case and declared the death a suicide.

The singer does not hide that there was a tragedy in her life: her child was abducted, but she assures that Ruslan's son was involved in the abduction. However, close friends of Rotaru say that they kidnapped the first and carefully concealed child from the singer - a daughter born of Ivasyuk.

There is an assumption that the singer's first husband was involved in crime. Realizing that the whole family is in danger, he blessed Sonya for a second marriage. And she was forced to hide her daughter due to constant threats.

Sofia Mikhailovna neither confirms nor refutes this information. She promises to start giving interviews on personal topics only after she leaves the stage.


After death legal spouse, Rotaru was "married" several times. First, information about her romance with a young musician of her own team leaked out. The words were put into her mouth that they had been happy together for seven years, despite the fact that the man was married. They don't hide their feelings, they really love each other. In another interview, Sofia Mikhailovna claims: they had no romance. And the rumors only embarrassed her, because the young man is an exemplary family man!

In 2011, Nikolai Baskov begins to look after the spectacular Sofia Mikhailovna. He always emphatically admired the famous singer, and at one of the receptions, in the presence of six thousand guests, he uttered the cherished words. But Rotaru just brushed it off, announcing once again that she would always love only her husband and remain faithful to him until the end of her days.


In recent years, Sofia Mikhailovna rarely visits Russia. The singer decided to meet the conflict of her native Ukraine with our country at home.

It is known that during the Orange Revolution, the singer and her family members distributed food to people who came to Independence Square in Kiev. Moreover, her mission was truly humanitarian: food went to everyone, regardless of political preferences.

Ten years ago, Sofia Mikhailovna took part in the elections, running for one of the parties. She gave a charity tour across Ukraine in support of her candidacy, but did not get enough votes.

Thanks to the above article, an ordinary reader will be able to get acquainted with the life of a famous Soviet singer. Now, the most famous, Sofia Rotaru acquired on the territory of her homeland - Ukraine.

As for creative talents, many residents of the post-Soviet space know her voice. It is noteworthy that she sings in a contralto voice - a fairly good indicator for a singer. In addition to her vocal skills, Sofia Rotaru boasts a large number of awards and titles that she received in various periods. Now, the singer's discography has more than five hundred songs in various languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Get acquainted with life and creatively will be interesting to many - both ordinary readers and fans who missed some points. Let's get started.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sofia Rotaru?

First of all, a biography should begin with the external indicators of a particular person. This will be especially interesting for fans who follow the singer's life. The main data, as you already understood, is height, weight, age. How old is Sofia Rotaru - just such a question can be heard from those who are familiar with her songs from early childhood. The approximate height is just over 169 centimeters, and the weight is 64 kilograms.

In the summer of 2018, celebrate her 71st birthday Sofia Rotaru. Photos in your youth and now will help you understand how the singer has changed over such a period of time. We hasten to say that everything is in order - she monitors her appearance and supports her in every possible way.

Further, the readers will be interested in the biography of Sofia Rotaru with the date of birth, which we will present for your study. The future singer was born in Marshintsy, in 1947. The village, at the moment, is located on the territory of Ukraine. In view of some historical eventsSofia has Romanian roots. Father Mikhail, after the birth of his daughter, worked in the vineyards, before that he participated in the Great World War II... There were six children in total. Due to a bureaucratic error, the singer has two birthdays - she herself was born on August 7, and the ninth is indicated in her passport.

The environment from the very childhood influenced Sofia's talent. My sister was blind, and because of this she acquired perfect pitch. She could easily repeat any folk song, and later she taught Sofia to sing. Later, the singer will repeatedly express her gratitude to her sister, who gave her a start in the musical world.

During her school years, she did not sit still and was distinguished by her energy. Already in those days, relatives predicted a great future. A large number of hobbies also contributed to this. The girl went in for sports and did well in this matter - at school she had the champion title in the field of all-around. In addition, young Sophia studied acting skills and, of course, music. Various amateur performances did not do without the participation of the singer, gradually increasing the level of skill.

Already in the school period, Sofia could boast of a strong contralto, and the first tour was not without a well-aimed nickname - "Bukovinian nightingale".

Real fame came very quickly. It all started in 1962 - the singer wins a regional competition. Thanks to this, it reaches the regional level, in which it also wins a prize. In 1964, Sofia Rotaru won the talent festival, thus gaining recognition from the entire Soviet Union.

It turned out to reach the world level after 4 years, on world festival... Young people from all over the world were gathered there, and journalists from other countries noticed her talent. 1971 becomes a landmark - Sofia's compositions are used in the film "Chervona Ruta". Thanks to this, he collects his own pop ensemble and receives national recognition.

Two years later, Rotaru becomes an Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR, and this is at the age of 26. This prompted her to record a song album, which is dated 1974. After two years, she left for Yalta, and for her activities became the People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. Songs in various languages \u200b\u200bexpand the geography of demand - Europe also invites Sofia to perform.

In 1986, changes took place in her work - the group breaks up, and the singer decides to pursue a solo career. Of course, there was some change in direction. Since that time, various hits have appeared - "Moon", "It was", "Only this is not enough." There are touring tours almost every year, and Rotaru visits almost all corners of his homeland.

After the collapse of the USSR, interest in her person does not fade away, and even vice versa - the listeners are getting younger. Two collections are released, which include the singer's hits. In the early 2000s, Sofia Rotaru received several more awards related to musical data. In addition to solo concerts, she performs with other pop performers - Nikolai Baskov, Rastorguev and others.

On top of that, the singer tries her hand at cinematography. She has several roles in various films - some even became autobiographical.

Fans who follow latest news about your favorite singer wondering where does Sofia Rotaru live now, 2018? Of course, it is difficult to answer such a question for sure, but having some facts, we can assume. So, as you probably know, the singer has several apartments and houses located in different places.

Not far from the city of Yalta, Sofia has a cottage. Its main advantage is that it is located near the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Because the singer suffers from asthma and often spent the summer here. But now, due to some political and logistical problems, Rotaru rarely visits this property. In the same city, by the way, the artist has her own hotel, which receives visitors during the "velvet" seasons.

In the capital of Ukraine, Sofia Rotaru also has several apartments. One of them is located right in the central part, near the St. Sophia Cathedral. The singer herself admits that she keeps outfits there that were created by designers for concerts.

According to the latest data, Sofia lives in the settlement of Pyatikhatki, which is located twenty kilometers from Kiev. Here she has her own house, three stories high. The building is surrounded by a high fence, and there is a security service. There are video cameras along the perimeter. In addition, the site is surrounded by a coniferous forest.

You can often hear the question - how did Sofia Rotaru's personal life develop after her husband's death. Of course, it's worth noting right away - the loss of a loved one negatively affected the singer. Not surprising, because the couple had known each other for almost half of their lives.

After the tragedy, Sofia Rotaru canceled all performances and concerts. Also, I missed the international competition "Golden Orpheus", which I attended for almost forty years in a row. After a time, when the artist came to her senses after the tragic loss, she no longer started a romantic relationship. In contrast, she continued to create in memory of her husband - many live performances were dedicated to him.

The family and grandchildren of Sofia Rotaru is a rather interesting part of the biography of the famous singer. As mentioned earlier, from early childhood, she was surrounded by creative people. Sophia's own sister was blind and had excellent hearing - she taught Russian folk songs and sang with her sister. The head of the family also did not lag behind - he had certain musical talents, and he helped both daughters in every possible way. It is noteworthy that before Russian songs, the family used Moldovan as the main language.

From her only son, the singer already has a grandson and a granddaughter, who, apparently, were named after the "old men" - Anatoly and Sofia.

As you can imagine, the singer did not have a large number of novels, as is now customary in show business. Sofia Rotaru has one marriage, from which she has a son. Of course, various rumors appear on the network every now and then, the main theme which are the children of Sofia Rotaru. Several times, the singer wanted to ascribe kinship with other children, but such statements will only amuse the favorite of millions.

We can assure you that the Soviet artist has one son Ruslan, who has already had two of his children - in 1994 and 2001. Thus, the Rotaru clan expanded, however, under the name of her husband - Evdokimenko.

The son of Sofia Rotaru - Ruslan Evdokimenko with his wife Svetlana is becoming more and more relevant for netizens. Photos of young people can be found in the public domain. By the way, the firstborn was born to the couple in 1970.

As you know, Ruslan followed in the footsteps of his parents, and decided to connect life with art, but in a more modern direction. Now, he works as a music producer, and is quite popular. His wife is also involved with creativity - she is an executive producer. As you can see, the Rotaru clan contains exclusively people of art. It remains to wait for the choice of profession made by the grandchildren of the folk singer.

Sofia Rotaru's husband is Anatoly Evdokimenko. Who is the new husband?

A topic that is not devoid of popularity is the husband of Sofia Rotaru, Anatoly Evdokimenko. Who is the new husband? - spoke the media a few years after the tragedy. The press tried to guess the new chosen one, but everything turned out to be easier. The singer remained faithful to her husband, and after the death of Anatoly no longer started relationships with men.

The acquaintance of the future spouses took place in 1964. Then, Sofia Rotaru got on the cover of "Ukraine" - a popular magazine. Anatoly, who loved the art of music, quickly found a singer and made an acquaintance. After a while, the young people decided to create their own ensemble "Chervonu Rutu".

Already in 1968, the musicians legalized their relationship by playing a wedding. Anatoly had to go to the Far East to undergo student practice. Sofia Rotaru went with him, where she taught music lessons. Two years after the wedding, the firstborn was born.

Until the death of her husband, both spouses were engaged in joint musical activities - Anatoly often helped in organizing concerts.

As you already know, today's singer is seventy years old. Despite this, she still looks relatively young. And those who follow her life will say - in spite of everything, age-related changes are almost invisible on the artist.

Of course, because of this state of affairs, photos of Sofia Rotaru before and after plastics are gaining popularity. It is difficult, of course, to name the exact date, and it makes no sense - there are several anti-aging procedures, and all are performed at different periods. First of all, experts note facelifts and body shaping, which helped Rotar to maintain his youth. In addition, it is worth noting the lifting of the age-old arches and the removal of wrinkles under the eyes.

As for the artist herself, she indirectly speaks about the use of the services of plastic surgeons. At the same time, she continues to take care of her own beauty and monitors her external indicators.

Due to the age of the idol, there is more and more discussion among the fans regarding what Sofia Rotaru is without makeup and photoshop. Photos of this nature are easy to find on the Internet. Social networks are especially good at this, but more on that below.

Relatively recently, fans have found what Sofia Rotaru looks like without makeup - the photos on the network have pleased many. The thing is that in the photographs, the beloved singer of millions appears with her natural beauty, without additional retouching and embellishments. Fans recommend Sofia not to abuse plastic surgery and leave her natural charm.

It is difficult to imagine a modern star without a page in social networks... However, the official pages of Sofia Rotaru on the Internet appeared at the end of 2016. Since then, Sofia Rotaru's Instagram and Wikipedia have been gaining more and more popularity.

Wikipedia contains basic and comprehensive information about the artist's life. There you can find all the awards that Sofia Rotaru has earned. It will be interesting for representatives of the older generation to remember the main hits and films with the participation of the singer.