
Barbara is a singer who is her producer. "A very beautiful couple": singer Varvara posted a joint photo with her husband on his birthday. Personal life of Barbara Vizbor

Of course, a lot depends on a woman, but a strong marriage is the merit of both. He cannot hold on to one person. And the most important thing is still love. The family grows stronger over the years if you approach it correctly and take care of it. She should come first, - shares singer Varvara... - Work is important, but I never put it above my family. There is such a wonderful idea in the Torah: a person juggles balls all his life. Everyone is a certain area of \u200b\u200bhis life: friends, work, family. They can fall, get lost, be replaced with new ones. But one of these balls cannot be dropped and lost, because it is glass. And this is a family. If you treat it this way, realizing that you cannot fix what is broken, you will appreciate and cherish. We have two unspoken rules in our family: do not get personal and leave work problems outside the doorstep. It's also important to remember that there are no trifles in a relationship. You need to be more attentive to each other, more tolerant, take time. Even if the work is time-consuming, you need to build the schedule correctly - you can always do so to find time for those closest to you.

PRO Health: Barbara, do you believe that a woman is the center of a family? And what depends on her and her energy, whether a man leaves or lives nearby until old age, do you agree?

Barbara: Wisdom is important in a woman. Somewhere to remain silent, to restrain, to give the partner the opportunity to speak out. You can resort to a woman's trick - to agree, and then do it your own way. It is important to maintain harmony in the family, and it is the harmony that depends on the woman. She can always arrange the situation so that everyone is happy. Situations are different, and it is important to control yourself, your speech. Emotions will go away, but words can cause irreparable harm. If the situation escalates, it is better to disperse for a while in different corners. Common interests are equally important. My husband and I are similar. We both love nature very much. We have a house in the forest, on the shore of the lake, and there we spend our time with great pleasure. We go fishing, in winter we go skating, skiing. We have our own small eco-farm there. We grow vegetables and fruits for ourselves, we also have our own animals - cows, chickens. We built special feeders for wild animals.

- Wasn't there such a thing in your life that, in a fit of emotions, you thought to leave?

No, it was not. We are both of the opinion that it is impossible to disagree. Anything can be survived, any problem. Unfortunately, nowadays, many people really part at the first difficulties. It is not right. Everything is not always smooth in a family, but this is not a reason to quit, leave. You need to fight for your family, to approach acute situations with wisdom and solve them. It only hardens, makes the relationship even stronger.

Varvara's husband proposed to her twice with a difference of 13 years. Photo:

"A woman must love herself!"

- Varvara, your husband made you an offer twice with a difference of 13 years. And some girls, even after a long relationship, cannot wait even once. What do you think a woman should be like to repeat your example?

It's not an easy question. All different. But in any case, a woman must be a woman both externally and internally. This is probably the main thing. And then the man will definitely meet who will not be afraid of the family, will not be afraid of responsibility. But a woman herself should want this, take time for herself, be in harmony with herself. Men feel and see it very well. If a woman accepts herself, loves, then she is calm, her eyes shine. She is happy, which means that the man will be happy next to her.

My husband and I had a remarriage. When our eldest son Yaroslav got married, we were overwhelmed with emotions, we felt a romantic mood. And the husband offered to get married again. At first I took it all as a joke, but after a couple of weeks we were in Koh Samui, where we held a traditional wedding ceremony. Varya's daughter was our witness. I believe that it is useful to create such romantic events - it brings new emotions, a romantic round in the relationship.

- Today, when you raised four children and went through so much together, does romance remain in your relationship?

Certainly! Love must be constantly maintained. Romance is very important. And these are more small things than big actions. In the beginning, we had them, and at that time it was necessary. Now we are already so dear that we simply intertwined into one whole. Even cute little things please. For example, a husband puts our toothbrushes in the morning so that they look at each other. It would seem that such, but the emotions are indescribable.

- And how to hint to a man who believes that a wife does not need to be won over and over again, that he is wrong?

It seems to me that nothing needs to be proved. You just have to be a woman and let a man be a man. It is definitely impossible to force a person. If women's tricks do not help, then you need to try to accept him as he is. It is everyone's choice - what kind of man is next to her and what kind of relationship they have. I can't give you an exact advice, it just doesn't exist. You have to listen to yourself, that's all.

But I don't think you should take each other for granted. Relationships require some kind of sacrifice, attention, actions. And they need to be constantly supported. Both a woman and a man should feel love, that they are needed, that they are appreciated. And this can only be done by actions.

Singer Varvara with her daughter Varvara. 2015 Photo:

"Diets are bad"

- Varvara, soon you will start a tour that will change your routine. Is it more difficult to take care of yourself on tour than at home?

Certainly. But the tour is well kept in good shape. For example, I lose weight on tour, because I don't eat for several hours before the concert, and after 19.00 I don't have dinner anymore. Lack of sleep is the hardest part. I go to bed early, but on tour I have to get up earlier than usual.

- You love yoga. Are these the only activities that you do to maintain your figure?

I spend a lot of time on physical activity. I constantly keep my muscles in good shape. Stretching, jogging track, in winter we ski 10-12 km. It is not only health, but also energy and good mood.

- Recently you said that in a short time you can lose 1-2 kg, arranging fasting days. What do you allow yourself on such days?

As a rule, I eat only one dish on a fasting day - that's the whole point. For example, I like buckwheat. Someone is comfortable with kefir fasting days, vegetable days. I do not like diets and consider them harmful. And such days are safe and healthy. The body is cleansed, excess leaves. But you shouldn't be zealous with this either. I arrange them as needed. And no more than one day a week.

- Are there unhealthy foods that you cannot resist?

Probably not. I can honestly say that I love everything, but I limit myself. To look good, you need to monitor your diet. Therefore, there are no fried potatoes, buns or even bread on my table. I even try not to eat meat, I prefer fish. I can control myself, and I have no problems with the fact that it is difficult for me to control myself. Eating is a habit. As you accustom the body, so it will be. I am comfortable following the correct diet - low-fat, natural products, I try to do without salt. I have already got used to it, and my body is grateful to me.

- You often talk about the lack of vitamin D, but how do you replenish it yourself?

I love fish and cook it with pleasure. Vitamin D is found in salmon and other oily fish. And of course the sun! Soon we will go with the whole family to relax and recharge ourselves with solar energy.

- Do you arrange for yourself a vacation after frequent concerts / tours? What are you doing to completely relax?

Yes, after the tour I need a reboot. As a rule, I go to nature - to our house. I am quickly gaining energy there. Artists give a lot of it during concerts, and after a long tour, recharge is simply necessary. Nature inspires me, there I quickly replenish my strength.

Our today's heroine is the singer Varvara. Her biography will be discussed below. It's about a Russian singer. She performed in the troupe State Theater variety performances. Awarded the title of Russia.


Varvara is a singer who was born in 1973, in Balashikha. She studied at Later she entered GITIS. She studied in absentia. She chose the specialty "artist of musical theater".


Barbara is a singer who started her solo career after leaving the theater. In 2001, NOX Music released the debut album of our heroine. They named him “Barbara”. Work on this disc continued throughout 2000. It should be noted that Varvara is a singer who collaborated with He was the author of a number of her songs. In 2002, our heroine received an offer from Norn Bjorn, who is the founder of a Swedish studio called Cosmo, to record several compositions with symphony orchestra... The first song that was created in this collaboration was "It's Behind". It can be attributed to the style of modern r'n'b. Our heroine decided to continue recording the rest of the compositions on the territory of Russia.


Varvara is a singer who performed at the Song of the Year competition in 2002. There she performed the song Od-na. Soon, this song appeared on the air of various radio stations in the country. In 2003, Ars-Records released the second album of our heroine called "Closer". Most of the compositions were recorded at the Brothers Grimm studio. Work on the next album began in 2003. The song "Dreams" marked her release. Thus, a new ethnic direction was laid in the singer's work. On an island called Valaam, a video was shot for the specified composition. It became a romantic saga that tells the story of a foreign girl.

Honored Artist of Russia (2010).

Varvara is a Russian singer. Honored Artist of Russia (2010).
Varvara graduated from Gnesinka, where her teacher was Matvey Osherovsky, the director of the acclaimed production of the "Threepenny Opera" in Odessa. The eccentric genius repeatedly kicked out the artist, called her “Kolomna mile” and even threw his boots at her.However, Varvara did not go to the operetta through no fault of his, she just wanted a "free flight", without directors and producers. Later, while working in Lev Leshchenko's theater of variety performances, she graduated from GITIS in absentia with a degree in musical theater. After leaving the theater, Varvara began her solo career.
In 2001, the company "NOX Music" released the artist's debut album, which was called "Varvara". Work on this disc continued throughout the year 2000. Most of the songs were written by unknown young authors, and only the name of Kim Breitburg, the main songwriter of Boris Moiseev, told the audience something. Young musicians-multi-instrumentalists, united in one group, named after Varvara, took part in the recording of the disc.

In the summer of 2002, Varvara received an unexpected offer. The founder of the famous Swedish studio Cosmo (it was this company that "made" the last records of the group A-ha and Britney Spears) Norn Bjorn invited her to record several compositions with the Swedish symphony orchestra. Varvara travels in music as well as travels in life. In the United Arab Emirates, where she often comes with her family, she has already been offered to record an album of songs in Arabic. But besides the east, Barbara is also attracted by northern Europe, with its harsh sagas and Celtic legends, with the cold music of Enya and the salty smell of the ocean. Perhaps that is why the song "Two Sides of the Moon" from her second album, which is due out in February 2003, has a Norman feel.

March 2003 will again become the month of Varvara, the company “Ars-Records” released her second album, called “Closer”. Most of the compositions for it were recorded at the Brothers Grimm studio, it was in this company that we found arrangements and sound adequate to the singer's ideas.
To find out the conditions for inviting singer Varvara to your event, call the concert manager's phone numbers posted on the official website of the concert agent Varvara. Information about the fee, concert schedule, will be given to you so that you can invite the singer to an event or order a performance for the anniversary. We ask you to specify in advance and book free dates for the artist's performance!

Born in the town of Balashikha, Moscow Region, into a family of engineers. Studied in music school accordion class. She went in for dancing and sports.

In 1993 she graduated from the Gnesins State Musical College. She performed in restaurants: sang songs on english language.

For a year and a half she worked under a contract in the United Arab Emirates. Then she was a soloist of the State Theater of Variety Performances under the direction of Lev Leshchenko. She graduated from the RATI in absentia (specializing in "musical theater artist").

Created the art center "Varvara". Sings in ethno-pop style.
She has recorded albums: "Barbara", "Closer", "Dreams", "Above Love".

Singles: "Fly into the light", "Butterfly", "My heart, don't cry!" , "Let me go, river!", "Beautiful life", "Aliens", "Dance-winter", "White bird", "In love", "Fast river", "Here it is, love", "Pipe", " But I will not marry ”and others.

In 2005 she took part in the selection round of the international Eurovision Song Contest.

She recorded the song “But I won't marry” with “Buranovskie grandmothers”.

By her forty years, the singer has achieved a lot - she received a serious musical education, graduated from GITIS in absentia, gained popularity, and created a strong family. True, she did not manage to arrange her personal life the first time. Who was the first spouse of Alena Tutanova (the singer's real name) is unknown - she did not live with him for long, however, she managed to give birth to a son. This happened in her student years, when Varvara studied at the music school. Gnesins. After the birth of her son, she continued to study and work hard.

Second husband of Barbara (singer) entrepreneur, first vice president of MTS Mikhail Susov sincerely rejoices at the success of his wife and helps her in her career development. The singer's husband is a very busy person, he is demanding not only about work, but also about home - it is important for him that there is always order in the house, a delicious dinner awaits him, and everything around him radiates only positive.

In the photo - the husband of Varvara (singer)

The singer Varvara also has her own business, but she and her husband try not to bring work problems home. They met in 1999 while cruising along the Volga. They got married a year after they met, and a year later their daughter Varya was born. The singer's family now has four children - her son, the sons of Varvara's husband (singer) from her first marriage and their common daughter. All children quickly became friends and get along well with each other. Now the children of the husband of the singer Varvara and her son are already adults - two are studying to be economists, and one has already graduated from Moscow State University with a degree in political science.

In the photo - Varvara with her husband

Despite her talent and good education, it was previously difficult for Varvara to break through to television, and she limited herself only to such channels as MuzTV and MTV, and after she married Mikhail, her popularity began to grow rapidly, and clips with her participation could already be see on central television channels.

During her career, the singer Varvara managed to work not only on the Russian stage - she sang in restaurants, worked with a variety show in the United Arab Emirates, performing there in various clubs, where she learned Arabic and even sang songs in it. Returning to Moscow, Varvara entered the theater of variety performances "Musical Agency" of Lev Leshchenko, and from that time a completely different life began for her. When she decided to start a solo career, Lev Valerianovich reacted favorably to this, and when Varvara was already performing on her own, she continued to work in his team for some time.