
Krasnoyarsk Academy. Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Music and Theater

Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts

The construction of the complex of the Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts was started in 1977 thanks to the assistance of the First Secretary of the Regional Committee of the CPSU Pavel Fedirko. On February 7, 1978, the institute was established with three faculties: art, music, and theater. In 1987, one of the faculties stood out at the Krasnoyarsk Art Institute.

A creative project “Hello, Celebrity!” Was held at the training center. final holiday. During the final celebration, group members discussed the work presented by students. Winners were awarded with diplomas and prizes. The event was attended by the winners of all competitions - 62 students and 38 teachers. The project was organized by the Lithuanian non-formal education center for students. Project partners: Lithuanian Literary and Folklore Institute, Lithuanian Language Institute and the Lithuanian Union of Artists.

Art History and the Foreign Language Teaching Project "Interesting Arts"

The project was funded by the Ministry of Education and Science. 1st place, teacher Danute Plekhavichene Kasparas Liskevičius 8th grade. Integrated project on art and a foreign language "Interesting Arts". This project allows teachers and students to go beyond textbooks and explore areas foreign language   and art that might interest them.

Since 1994, the Institute has been led by Honored Artist of Russia, Professor Konstantin Jacobson. In 2000, by the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education, the Institute was given the status of the Academy. To the traditional specialties was added sound engineering of theatrical performances and holidays, as well as ballet pedagogy.

The university has trained more than two thousand specialists. The world-famous vocalists were Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Nikolai Putilin. Today, the university employs 33 professors and doctors of science (three of them are doctors of art), more than 50 associate professors and candidates of science. Over 30 teachers were awarded honorary titles in the field of Russian art, are laureates of international and national competitions. Many academy professors have created their own original creative schools: violinist M. Benyumov, violist I. Fleischer, balalaika V. Averin, domrists V. Zeleny and L. Vakhrusheva, accordion player S. Nayko, accordionist I. Gerber choir conductor K. Jacobson, actors I Kalinovskaya, E. Bubnova, musicologists L. Gavrilova, I. Efimov and others.

To create conditions for teaching students, to analyze various artistic phenomena of the past and present with the help of English publications. To develop skills in arts and crafts, the ability to choose sources of information. Create conditions for students to gain experience working with sources and iconographic materials. To help understand and interpret the phenomena of art history, critically evaluate the complex processes of classical and contemporary art and be able to represent them. Get a linguistic competency that will facilitate the use of language in professional life. The ability to improve skills and abilities of English language. Krasnoyarsk is the largest industrial and cultural center of Eastern Siberia, the capital of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In December 2010, the Academy’s central unit was put into operation: Big and Small concert halls, a library with a reading room, and a recording studio. The grand opening of the Great Academic Hall took place on February 18, 2011.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of November 13, 2015, the Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Music and Theater (KGAMiT) returned its historical name: Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts.

About 500 Lithuanians lived in Krasnoyarsk. The exhibition will be on display from May 25. until June 25th. This is a project that gives young people the opportunity to show their patriotism and citizenship. Goals and objectives of the project. Create and transfer creative work to the Krasnoyarsk bungalow - the Lithuanians living in Russia.

Implement a joint project in collaboration with school art teachers - teachers and their educators. Strengthen civic relations and patriotism, the historical memory of Lithuania. Introduce the inhabitants of Siberia into the cultural life of Lithuania. Organize an exhibition of creative works.

The Institute of Arts is the organizer of various competitions. Such as: the theater festival "Hope", the competition "Siberian Chamber Ensembles", the festival "Spring Choir Chapels", the international music festival "Bahakademia" (Stuttgart-Krasnoyarsk).

  Big Concert Hall of the Institute of Arts

The hall is designed for 434 seats. Scene: width 18 m, depth 8.6 m, height 6.4 m, area 155 sq. M. m. The total depth of the stage is 13.2 m. In the hall, concerts of symphonic, folk, choral music, opera performances (there is an orchestra pit) are possible. The stage is equipped with modern equipment. Light control is carried out using digital technology. Technological television is installed in the hall and on the stage. In the lobby there is a background sound and notification system.

To create conditions for the training of teachers and schoolchildren, to analyze the facts of history and events. Deliver work and work to the school community and society. Highly qualified specialists in the field of art education working at the school, who are able to turn a lot of art education into art education projects. The project involves teachers of the National Art School. Čiurlionis and from September 9 to 11. students. Expected Result: Will encourage dialogue between Lithuania and Lithuanian students who still live in Russia.

Today, this Great Hall can be called one of the best in Russia in terms of technical equipment. The recording studio (supervisor Sergey Shershov) is equipped with the latest generation equipment that allows recording from the Big and Small Halls.

Small Concert HallInstitute of Arts

Capacity - 165 seats. Located on the ground floor of the building.

An important aspect of the project is the desire of youth to demonstrate their civic position. The organizers and participants of the exhibition prepared an exhibition of creative works and handed it over to the Lithuanian community of Krasnoyarsk. The project gave students in Chicago and around the world the opportunity to engage in a global creative dialogue and present works of art in an online gallery. Provides opportunities for teachers and students to develop this activity, work together and create common works of art.

Students, families, teachers, and community members are encouraged to attend this event. The gallery is open to the public and is an amazing showcase at the Chicago Youth Art Gallery. Zhirgulis. Participants: Lithuania - National School of the Arts. Kurliona, Vilnius Art School named after Lifelong learning program The project was aimed at: assisting young people in developing life skills and common cultural competencies necessary for the development of their personality, the formation of future work skills and the development of self-renewal of an active European citizen. help understand the difference between aesthetic and street art, graffiti and vandalism; encourage students to seek out new forms of street art as a counterweight to vandalism; take an interest in Internet and Internet technologies 0 and associate them with education; so that students feel responsible European citizens. to help reassess the lifestyle habits of young people by reducing the manifestations of vandalism and expanding cooperation between European Union youth and schools.

Scene: width 10.5m, depth 5m, area 52.5 square meters. m

The hall provides the opportunity to perform chamber and modern ensembles, solo artists, lectures, conferences. Presentations. The most modern sound recording technologies are applied.

There are two small Yamaha concert grand pianos in the hall.