
Foreign language courses Express. They have no days off. You have no change


Section 1. Talking about relatives

1. Look at the pictures of Diana’s family. Listen to the tape and repeat the words.
2. Listen and repeat:
  Women: grandmother, mother, daughter, older sister, younger sister, aunt, cousin, niece, wife.

Men: grandfather, dad, son, older brother, younger brother, uncle, cousin, nephew, husband.

3. Read and learn.
  Compare: You are two years older than me.

My older brother is given a good natural history.

4. Complete the sentences using older or elder:
  Who’s older, you or me? (Who is older, you or me?)

Suzie’s father is older than her mother. (Susie's father is older than her mother’s ee.) Next year I’ll be stronger and older. (Next year I will be stronger and older.)

What’s your elder sister’s name? (What's your older sister's name?)

5. Do you know the names of all your relatives? Fill in the blanks: Example: My niece is Olga.
  Females: (Women :)

I have no elder sister. (I do not have an older sister.)

My younger sister’s name is Julia (My little sister's name is Julia.)

My niece’s name is Dina (My niece's name is Dina.)

My aunt’s name is Nina (My aunt's name is Nina.)

My cousin’s name is Dasha (My cousin's name is Dasha.)

Males: (Men :)

My elder brother’s name is Sergey. (My older brother's name is Sergey.) I have no younger brother. (I do not have a younger brother.)

I have no nephew. (I don't have a nephew.)

My uncle’s name is Vitaliy. (My uncle's name is Vitaliy.)

I have no cousin. (I don't have a cousin.)

6 Read these phrases as shown in the example:
  Example: my sister's parrot

1) the doll of her niece - her niece’s doll (ee nieces doll)

2) the newspaper of her husband - her husband’s newspaper

3) the habits if his uncle - his uncle’s habits (his uncle's habits)

4) the house of their parents - their parents ’house

5) the invitation of their nephew - their nephew’s invitation (invitation from their nephew)

6) the toys of my cousins \u200b\u200b- my cousins \u200b\u200b’toys (toys of my cousins)

7) the relatives of his wife - his wife’s relatives (relatives of his wife)

8) the letters of your aunt - your aunt’s letters

1)-]); 2) -b); 3) - d); 4) -c); 5) a); 6) -b)

9 Listen to Diana's letter and read it. Answer the questions:

Dear Cheryl,

I'm really sorry that I did not answer you before. Please forgive me. I know, I'm a bad writer of letters. I really like your letters, so don’t stop writing to me. Now we are getting ready for Christmas. Many relatives will come to us at Christmas. It will be quite hectic. My sister and her husband are going to live with us. They will come with their children. The boy is about six months old, and the girl is two years old. The boy cries without ceasing, and the girl always wants something. Next week I will be very busy: I will clean my room and buy Christmas presents. I still don’t know what to buy for my parents, but already know that I will buy for my niece. She's a sweet tooth

It is very cold and windy now. It seems like the rain will never stop.

Please write as soon as possible Diana

1) How many relatives are going to stay in Diana’s family?

2) How old is Dianin's nephew?

3) What is Diana going to do next week?

1) Four relatives are going to stay with Diana’s family: Diana’s elder sister, her husband and their two children, a boy and a girl. (Four relatives are going to stay in Diana’s family: Diana’s older sister, her husband and their two children, a boy and a girl.)

2) Diana’s nephew is six months old. (Diane’s nephew is six months old.)

3) Next week Diana will be very busy cleaning her room and shopping for Christmas presents. (Diana will be very busy next week: she will clean her room and buy Christmas presents. I

10 Translate the following phrases. Use them in your own sentences:
  to give up

  • to give up one’s job / playing tennis - quit work / play tennis
  • to give up smoking / fighting - quit smoking / fight
  • to give up studying (German) - quit learning (German)
  • to get a letter / a postcard - receive a letter / postcard
  • to get along with one’s parents - get along with parents
  • to get rid of some old clothes - get rid of old clothes
  • to get up at 7 o’clock - get up at 7 o’clock
  • to get ready - to be ready

My elder brother has given up smoking and now he gets along with the parents (My older brother quit smoking and now gets along with his parents.)

I got up at 7 o’clock to get ready by 8 o’clock. (I got up at 7 in the morning to be ready for eight.)

Not has given up his old job and got rid of all the old clothes. He is going to turn over a new leaf. (He quit his old job and got rid of all the old clothes. He is about to start life from a new sheet.)

We’ve got a letter from Denis. He has given up German, can you imagine (We got a letter from Denis. He left German, can you imagine?)

11. Fill in the blanks:

Please fill out this form in CAPITAL LETTERS.

Be polite!

Say please, but remember:

When you encourage people to do something, please put at the beginning of the sentence:

Please take ... (at the table)

Please come to school on time.

Please do not wait for me.

When you ask for something, put the following sentences at the end:

Could you please help me?

Two coffee, please.

A glass of mineral water, please.

12 Read and translate sentences. Tell me if verbs match in forms Past simple   (simple past) and Participle II (participle II).
  1) Today, Nancy has cleaned her room, and she looks very cute.

2) We played this piece of music many times, so now we know it very well.

3) You opened the window, and now it is very cold in the classroom.

4) Jack has lost his textbook, and now he cannot do his homework.

5) The school has purchased new books, and now the teacher will give them to us.

6) I forgot Sofia’s phone number, so I can’t call her.

7) You have written essays, so now you can go home.



Initial verb (infinitive)

Past Simple Form

Participle II Form


Then clean (clean, clean)


That play (play)


Then open


Then lose


That buy (buy)


That forget (‘forget)


Then write

Short Answers in Present Perfect

Did you do your home-work?

Did they receive our letters?

Did you write down her address?

Have they finished their reading test?

Not yet.

Has Helen already passed the English exam?

Has he returned your book to you?

Was Martin a doctor lately?

Did your dog find a bone?

13. Give short answers to these questions:

1) Have you done all your homework for today? - Yes. I have / No, I haven’t. (Have you done all your homework for today? -Yes. / No.)

2) Have you brought your English textbook to school with you today? - Yes, I have / No, I haven’t. (Did you bring an English textbook to school today? - Yes. / No.)

3) Have you got your sports kit with you? - Yes, I have / No, I haven’t (Do you have your sports equipment with you? -Yes. / No.)

4) Has your partner finished writing down his / her homework? - Yes, he / she has./ No, he / she hasn’t. (Has your partner already recorded your homework? -Yes. / No.)

5) Has your teacher given you any marks today? - Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t. (Did the teacher give you any marks today? - Yes. / No.)

6) Have you answered all the questions correctly? - Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t. (Did you answer all the questions correctly? - Yes. / No.)

7) Has your partner finished asking questions? - Yes, he / she has./ No, he / she hasn’t, (Has your partner finished asking questions? - Yes. / No.)

14 Compose questions using these words. Answer them.
  Example: Have you / watched / TV / recently, recently - Have you recently watched TV? - Yes.

1) Have you joined the society already? - Yes, I have. (Have you already entered society? - Yes.)

2) Have your nephews been to school today? - No, they haven’t. (Your nephews were at school today? - No.)

1) Have his parents taken part in the project yet? - Not yet. (Have your parents already taken part in the project? - Not yet.)

2) Have your friends arranged the picnic yet? - Yes, they have. (Have your friends already organized a picnic? -Yes.)

3) Has her cousin given an interview recently? - No, she hasn’t. (Did her cousin give an interview recently? - No.)

4) Has the businessman just written the cheque? - Yes, he has. (The businessman just wrote a check? -Yes.)

15 Answer the following questions.
  Example: Have you been to the Museum of National History? “I haven’t, but I’m going to go there.”

1) Have you joined your friend’s club? - I haven’t, but I’m going to join it. (Did you join your friend's club? - No, but I'm going to join there.)

2) Have you seen those animals? - I haven’t seen them, but I’m going to see. (Did you see those animals? -I haven't seen them, but I'm going to see them.)

3) Have they rebuilt the left wing of their house? - They haven’t rebuilt it, but they are going to do it. (They rebuilt the left wing of their house? - They did not rebuild it, but they are going to do it.)

4) Has she been to see the vet with her pet? - She hasn’t been there, but she is going to go there. (She went to her pet's veterinarian? - She was not there, but she is going to go.)

5) Have you arranged the party? - I haven’t done it yet, but I’m going to arrange it. (Did you organize the party? - I haven't done it yet, but I'm going to organize it.)

6) Has she invited the scientists to the conference? - She hasn’t invited them, but she is going to. (She invited scientists to the conference? - She did not invite them, but she is going to do it.)

16 Put the verb in brackets in the correct form (Past Simple or Present Perfect):
  1) They went to the theater last week. (They went to the theater last week.)

2) My cousin has been to the theater three times this week. (This week my cousin has been to the theater three times.)

3) His niece has just written the invitation letters. (His niece just wrote invitation letters.)

4) Helen came home, had a short rest, and began to help her mother. (Helen came home, rested a bit and began to help her mother.)

5) Did your parents take part in the demonstration yesterday? (Did your parents participate in the demonstration yesterday?)

6) Have your parents told you about the project today? (Did your parents tell you about the project today?)

17 Find out who has the most relatives in your group. Who has the most male relatives? Who has women?
  Maria has the most relatives. Besides her parents and a brother she has two nephews, two uncles and an aunt and five cousins. She is also the one who has the most male relatives: a father, a brother, two nephews, two uncles and five male cousins.

(Maria has the most relatives. In addition to her parents and brother, she has two nephews, two uncles, an aunt and five cousins. She also has the most male relatives: dad, brother, two nephews, two uncles and five cousins.)

Denis has the most male relatives. He has a mother, two sisters, two aunts and a female cousin.

(Denis has the most female relatives. He has a mother, two sisters, two aunts and a cousin.)

18 Listen, read, and memorize.

What is family?

What is family?

What is family?

One and the other - it turns out two - this is a family

Baby, Dad and Mom - Family

Parents, sister and brother - family

Any people can become a family.

Any mix can become a family

What is family?

What is family?

The children who lived in the shoe are family!

A couple like Gyeonggi and Roo is a family!

Calf and cow that moo - family!

Any living thing can become a family. Any number of creatures can become a family. Your whole family plus you are a family.

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  • how many relatives are going to stay with dianas family
  • how to answer the question Has your partner finished writing down his her homework?
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  • english assignment family members many relatives crossword
  • Short answers to questions about your family

Direct questions in English
  Direct questions in English

This pronoun (This)

It - This

In the last lesson, we looked at the question What is it? and as an example they gave It’’s a dog an answer.

In continuation of the same topic, we can add that the word it   (it, this) can be replaced by a demonstrative pronoun this   (this), which will mean the same thing:

What is it? \u003d What is this?
It is a book \u003d This is a book

What is this? - This is a dog
What is this? - This is a chair
What is this? - This is a car

These designs are absolutely similar to each other. They allow you to build simple sentences in two ways, which is so common in English speech. Which of the two options to take with greater preference is up to you.

It is or it’s \u003d This is

Note that the construction of this is is not reduced as it’s. They don’t say: This’s

Direct questions and answers

Direct questions and answers

Is it? - Yes, it is

We have already learned to ask the question in English What is it? (What is it?). Answering this question, we should name some subject.

What is it? - What is it?

- It’s a table - This is a table.

However, there are questions that require an answer of Yes or No. Agree to the question What is it? it is not very correct to answer Yes - this is illogical. Here is a suitable question:

Is it a table? - It is a table?

- Yes, it is a table - Yes, this is a table.

Such a question (Is it a table?) Is called direct, since we must give a direct answer to Yes or No. And we ask such a question when we want to ask if this is the subject we are thinking about. Maybe this is not a table, but, for example, a chair?

Let us consider in more detail the construction of the direct question.

To ask a direct question, first of all, we must recall the usual affirmative sentence   It is a table. When translating into interrogative form, we must rearrange the verb is   and pronouns it. Verb is   should always come first in the question: Is it a table? At the same time, intonation, of course, should be interrogative.

Take a look at various examples with other words:

It is a book - Is it a book?

It is a chair - Is it a chair?

It’s a pen - Is it a pen?

Try building your own direct questions from the following suggestions:

It is a cat
It is a computer
It is a window
It is a house
It is a pencil

Attention: If in a regular sentence we can shorten it is - it’s, then in interrogative sentence   we can never do this.

Is it a book? - Yes, it is a book \u003d Yes, it’s a book

Is it a bed? - Yes, it is a bed \u003d Yes, it’s a bed

Say it yourself in English:

This is a book? - Yes, this is a book.
This is a car? - Yes, this is a car
Is this the door? - Yes, this is the door.
Is this a wall? - Yes, it's a wall
This is a bed? - Yes, this is a bed.

Test yourself by hovering over each sentence.


1.   Replace It Offers with This

What is it? - It "s a pencil;

What is it? - it "s photo;

What is it? - It "s a wall;

What is it? - It "s a house;

What is it? - it "s bicycle;

What is it? - It "s a bed.

2.   Translate offers into english   using the pronoun This

What is it? - This is a window;

What is it? - This is a wall;

What is it? - This is a pen;

What is it? - This is a car;

What is it? - This is a computer;

What is it? - This is a book.

3.   Answer yes to the questions


Is it a car? - Yes, it is a car

1. Is it a cat? - ______________________;

2. Is it a girl? - ______________________;

3. Is it a sofa? - ______________________;

4. Is it a pencil? - ______________________;

5. Is it a house? - ______________________;

6. Is it a bed? - ______________________;

7. Is it a window? - ______________________;

8. Is it a door? - ______________________;

9. Is it a tree? - ______________________;

10. Is it a chair? - ______________________.

4.   Ask direct questions to suggestions


It is a phone - Is it a phone?

1. It is a boy - ______________________;

2. It is a wall - ______________________;

3. It is a tree - ______________________;

4. It is a guitar - ______________________;

5. It is a lamp - ______________________;

6. It is a table - ______________________;

7. It is a chair - ______________________;

8. It is a pencil - ______________________;

9. It is a pen - ______________________;

10. It is a book - ______________________;


A.   Translate sentences into English using the pronoun it

It is a table? - Yes, this is a table;

This is a chair? - Yes, this is a chair;

Is this a house? - Yes, this is a house;

Is this a computer? - Yes, this is a computer;

This is a bed? - Yes, this is a bed;

This is a car? - Yes, this is a car;

Is it a bike? - Yes, it's a bike.

B.   Translate sentences into English using the pronoun this

This is a tree? - Yes, this is a tree;

This is a dog? - Yes, this is a dog;

Is this a girl? - Yes, this is a girl;

This is a lamp? - Yes, this is a lamp;

This is a pencil? - Yes, it's a pencil;

This is a book? - Yes, this is a book;

Is this the door? - Yes, this is the door.

Lesson 3

In this lesson, we will train the verb to have “have,” the to part defines the initial form of the verb, just as in Russian, the ending “t”.

Modern option:
Classic version:

I have [ah have] - I have (have)

You have [you have] - you (have)

He has [hes hez] - He has

She has [shi hez] - She (has)

It has - [it has] He (her) (is)

We have [vi have] - We have (have)

You have [u have] - you have

They have [Zey Hav] - They have (have)

I have got

You have got

He has got

She has got

It has got

We have got

You have got

They have got

I "ve

You "ve

He "s


It's "s

We "ve

You "ve

They "ve

I "ve got

You "ve got

He "s got

She "s got

It "s got

We "ve got

You "ve got

They "ve got

a lesson [lesn] - lesson

an exam [igze m] - exam

time [time] - time

a book [bu: k] - book

a house [ha us] - house

a break [break] - a break, a break

a holiday [ho lidei] - vacation, holiday

a day-off [day of] - day off

a problem

a plan [plan] - plan

a son [san] - son

a daughter [to che] - daughter

a sister [si ste] - sister

a brother [brazo] - brother

an idea [id yo] - idea

money [ma neither] - money

a friend [friend] - friend, girlfriend

a meeting [mi tinn] - meeting

business [bi znis] - business

children [chi ldren] - children

Read and translate.

I have a lesson.
You have an exam.
He has time.
She has a book.
We have a house.
you have a break.
They have a holiday.

I "ve a day-off.
You "ve a problem.
He "s a plan.
She "s a son.
We "ve a daughter.
You "ve a sister.
They "ve a brother.

I have got an idea.
You have got money.
He has got a friend.
She has got a meeting.
We have got business.
You have got children.
They have got a holiday.

I "ve got a lesson.
You "ve got an exam.
He "s got time.
She "s got a book.
We "ve got a house.
You "ve got a break.
They "ve got a holiday.

I have no lesson ... etc.

I don "t have a lesson.
You don "t have an exam.
He doesn’t have time.
She doesn’t have a book.
We don "t have a house.
You don "t have a break.
They don "t have a holiday.

I have not got an idea.
You have not got money.
He has not got a friend.
She has not got a meeting.
We have not got business.
You have not got children.
They have not got a holiday.

In the classic version, there are two more ways to reduce:

  The have verb is abbreviated with the pronoun:


The not part is shortened with the verb have:

I "ve not got a lesson.
You "ve not got an exam.
He "s not got time.
She "s not got a book.
We "ve not got a house.
You "ve not got a break.
They "ve not got a holiday.

I haven "t got an idea.
You haven "t got money.
He hasn "t got a friend.
She hasn "t got a meeting.
We haven "t got business.
You haven "t got children.
They haven "t got a holiday.

Interrogative sentences can also be built in two ways: classic and modern.

Do I have a lesson?
Do you have an exam?
Does he have time?
Does she have a book?
Do we have a house?
Do you have a break?
Do they have a holiday?

Have I got an idea?
Have you got money?
Has he got a friend?
Has she got a meeting?
Have we got business?
Have you got children?
Have they got a holiday?

To answer the question

- Do you have a lesson?

in the short answer it is necessary to use that auxiliary verb, with the help of which the question was asked, i.e. Do:

- Yes, I do.


- No, I don "t.

To answer the question

- Have you got a lesson?

it is necessary to use the verb have in the short answer, as The question was asked using have:

- Yes, I have.

- No, I have not.

Now we will train the translation from Russian into English:

Now, take a pen and a piece of paper and translate the following sentences into English, and then verbally at a pace. The final exercises should be treated as a sports training, i.e. perform as many times until you feel that it’s easy for you. This practice will help to further speak a foreign language fluently. GOOD LUCK!



I have a lesson.

You have an exam.

He has time.

She has a book.

We have a house.

You have a change.

They have a vacation.

I have a day off.

You have a problem.

He has a plan.

She has a daughter.

We have a sister.

You have a brother.

They have an idea.


I have no lesson.

You have no exam.

He has no time.

She doesn’t have a book.

We have no meeting.

You have no change.

They have no business.

I have no day off.

You have no problem.

He has no plans.

She has no daughter.

We have no children.

You have no exams.

They have no days off.


Do I have a lesson?

Do you have an exam?

Does he have time?

Does she have books?

Do we have a day off?

Do you have a change?

Do they have a vacation?

Do I have an exam ?.

Have you got any problems?

Does he have a plan?

Does she have a daughter?

We have time?.

You have a brother?

Do they have an idea?