
What does the word orchestra mean. Types of orchestras performing instrumental and symphonic music. See the meaning of Orchestra in other dictionaries

ORCHESTRA, -a, m. 1. A group of musicians who jointly perform musical works on various instruments. Symphonic, brass, string, jazz f. Chamber about. ABOUT. folk instruments... 2. The place in front of the stage where the musicians are located. || adj. orchestral, th, th. Orchestral music. Orchestra pit (recessed orchestra seat in front of the stage).

Watch value ORCHESTRA in other dictionaries

Orchestra - M. ital. a complete gathering of musicians, for joint play, which is a choir in voice music; | fenced off in the theater and generally arranged somewhere for musicians. to ........
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Orchestra M. - 1. A group of musicians who jointly perform a piece of music on various instruments. 2. Ensemble musical instruments... // Part of the musical ensemble ........
Efremova's explanatory dictionary

Orchestra - orchestra, m. (From the Greek. Orchestra - a place for a dance in front of the stage). 1. Ensemble of musical instruments. Concert of a symphony orchestra. Piece for string orchestra. Wind........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Orchestra - -and; m. [French. orchestre from the Greek. orchēstra - a platform in front of the stage in an ancient Greek theater]
1. A collective of musicians or a collection of various instruments participating in the performance ........
Explanatory dictionary Kuznetsov

Orchestra - This word got into the Russian language from French, being borrowed from Latin, which also borrowed it from Greece, where orchestra meant "place to dance". Romans ........
Etymological Dictionary of Krylov

Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra of State Television and Radio - them. PI Tchaikovsky, academic, founded in 1930. The conductors were A. I. Orlov, N. S. Golovanov, A. V. Gauk, G. N. Rozhdestvensky. Chief conductor and artistic director ........

Military band - see Brass Band.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

State Symphony Orchestra - was created in 1936 in Moscow. Since 1972 academic. It was headed by conductors: A.V. Gauk, N.G. Rakhlin, K.K. Ivanov, since 1965 the chief conductor E.F. Svetlanov.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Brass band - a team of musicians performing on wind and percussion instruments. A similar composition is typical for military bands.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Chamber Orchestra - a small orchestra, the basis of which is a string group, complemented by a harpsichord, spiritual, now also percussion. The repertoire is predominantly music of the 17th and 18th centuries. (concerts ........
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Orchestra - (from the orchestra) - a group of musicians (12 people or more) who play various instruments and jointly perform musical works. The term "orchestra" in the 17-18 centuries .........
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Horn Orchestra - (horn music) - the orchestra was created in Russia in mid. 18th century Consisted of improved hunting horns. Each instrument produced 1 chromatic scale sound.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Russian National Symphony Orchestra - Founded in 1991 in Moscow, chief conductor - M. V. Pletnev.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Symphony Orchestra - a large group of musicians performing symphonic music. includes 3 groups of instruments: wind, percussion, bowed strings. Classic (doubles, ........
Big encyclopedic dictionary

String Orchestra - an orchestra consisting of stringed bowed instruments - violins, violas, cellos, double basses, as well as folk instruments.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Orchestra - - a team of musicians. Replaced in the XVII-XVIII centuries. the term "chapel" widespread in Europe. O. string, wind, symphonic, etc., variety, jazz, military.
Historical Dictionary

Horn Orchestra - - horn music - an orchestra created in Russia in the middle of the 18th century. Consisted of advanced hunting horns. Each instrument produced one chromatic scale sound.
Historical Dictionary

Russian Folk Orchestra named after N.p. Osipova - created in 1919 on the initiative of B.S. Troyanovsky and P.I. Alekseeva (artistic director until 1939) as the First Moscow Great Russian Orchestra; from 1936 - State Folk Orchestra ........
Historical Dictionary

Symphony Orchestra - - a large group of musicians performing symphonic pieces of music. Includes 3 groups of instruments: winds, percussion, bowed strings.
Historical Dictionary

String Orchestra - - an orchestra consisting of stringed bowed musical instruments - violins, violas, cellos, double basses, as well as folk instruments.
Historical Dictionary

Brass band - see orchestra.
Music Dictionary

Orchestra - IN Ancient Greece orchestra (orchestra) was a place in front of the stage, on which the choir was placed during the performance of tragedies. Much later, during the heyday of the musical ........
Music Dictionary

Horn Orchestra - You know about many different orchestras. Symphonic and pop, wind and folk ... They consist of various instruments combined into homogeneous groups, possess ........
Music Dictionary

Symphony Orchestra - see orchestra.
Music Dictionary

Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra - it. symph. orchestra. Main in 1882. The predecessor of B. f. about. was prof. orchestra, organized by B. Bilse (1867, Bilsen Chapel). From 1882 on the initiative of conc. Wolf agencies are held ........
Musical encyclopedia

Grand Symphony Orchestra of Central Television and Radio Broadcasting - (B. c. O.). Main in 1931. The first leader of the orchestra was A. I. Orlov (1931-37). An important role in the formation of the collective was played by N. S. Golovanov, who headed the B.S. about. in 1937-53. He was replaced by ........
Musical encyclopedia

Boston Symphony Orchestra - one of the oldest symphons. orchestras of the USA. Main in 1881 by the patron G. Lee Higginson. The orchestra consisted of qualified musicians from Austria and Germany (initially ........
Musical encyclopedia

Great Russian Orchestra - Russian orchestra bunk bed tools. Created in 1887 by V.V. Andreev initially as the "Circle of fans of playing the balalaikas" (an ensemble of balalaikas consisting of 8 people); first concert ........
Musical encyclopedia

Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra - (Wiener Philharmoniker) - the first prof. concert orchestra in Austria, one of the oldest in Europe. Main at the initiative of the composer and conductor O. Nicolai, critic and publisher A. Schmidt, ........
Musical encyclopedia

Military band - spirit. an orchestra, which is a regular unit of a military unit (see. Brass band). In the Sov. Army V. about. exist in combat units and formations (in regiments, divisions, ........
Musical encyclopedia

In ancient Greece, an orchestra (orchestra) was a place in front of the stage on which the choir was placed during the performance of tragedies. Much later, during the heyday of musical art in Europe, large ensembles of musicians who jointly perform instrumental pieces of music began to be called an orchestra. A variety of instruments participated in these ensembles. The composition of the orchestra was not constant for a long time. As a rule, wealthy nobles had orchestras. It was on the wealth and tastes of the owner that the number of musicians and the choice of instruments depended. Gradually, certain types of orchestra have developed in musical practice.
The most complete and perfect sounding among them is the symphony orchestra. You have heard, of course, both brass and pop orchestras, orchestras of Russian folk instruments. orchestras of instruments of other peoples of the USSR. In our time, perhaps, it is difficult to find a person who has never heard the sound of a symphony orchestra. The symphony orchestra performs symphonies and suites, symphonic poems and fantasies, sometimes accompanies the action in the film, participates in the performance of operas and oratorios, and competes with soloists in instrumental concerts. Many different instruments are included in the symphony orchestra. Some are played with a bow, guided along the string. Others need to be blown to make a sound. There are instruments to strike. So the main groups were determined, into which all instruments are divided: stringed bows, winds - wood and copper, and percussion. Sometimes a harp, piano, organ are included in the orchestra. If you look at a photograph or a diagram of a symphony orchestra, you will understand that the orchestra members are sitting not as they wanted, but in a strictly defined order. Previously, in all the orchestras of the world, the performers sat the same: on the left in front of the first violins (the most important instruments in the orchestra, performing beautiful, expressive melodies, they are located in the "main place"), on the right - the second, behind the second violins - violas, in the center - cellos, behind them are woodwinds.
Now there are several options for seating the orchestra, depending on the will of the conductor, on the characteristics of the piece performed. But one thing remains unchanged: the instruments are arranged in groups - all brass (French horns, trumpets, trombones and tuba) next to each other, all wooden (flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons) together, stringed bows (violins, violas, cellos and double basses) are also grouped separately. There are many stringed instruments in the orchestra. The first violins are from ten to eighteen, the second - from eight to sixteen, violas - from six to fourteen, cellos - from six to twelve, double basses - from four to eight. This can be explained simply: the sound of stringed instruments is the weakest. Compare, for example, the sound of a violin and a trombone: if they play at the same time, the violin will not be heard at all, no matter how loudly the violinist tries to play. For the balance of sonority, a large string group is needed in an orchestra. Therefore, the strings are always located closest to all other instruments to the conductor, to the audience. The situation is different with wind instruments. There are two or three main wooden orchestra or one more additional one, which is called specific (depending on this, the composition of the orchestra is called double or triple): this is a piccolo flute (piccolo), a kind of oboe - an English horn, bass clarinet and contrabassoon. Of the brass instruments in an orchestra, there are usually four French horns, two trumpets, three trombones and one tuba. However, the number of brass instruments can be even greater. The percussion group in the orchestra does not have a permanent composition. In each case, it includes those instruments that appear in the score of the work performed. Only the timpani are an indispensable participant in every concert.
Brass bands are generally not intended for indoor concerts. They accompany processions, marches, and during festive festivities they sound on the stage located in the open air - in squares, in gardens and parks. Their sonority is especially powerful and bright. The main instruments of the brass band are brass: cornets, trumpets, French horns, trombones. There are also woodwinds - flutes and clarinets, and in large orchestras there are also oboes and bassoons, as well as percussion - drums, timpani, cymbals. There are pieces written specifically for the brass band, but they often perform symphonic pieces re-orchestrated for the brass band. There are also such works in which, along with the symphony orchestra, the participation of a wind instrument is envisaged, such as, for example, in Tchaikovsky's overture "1812". A special type of brass band, the so-called "gang" (the Italian word banda means a squad). This is an ensemble of brass, winds and percussion instruments, which is sometimes introduced in addition to the symphony orchestra in opera performances. He appears on the stage when some kind of ceremony is taking place or a procession is moving.
In 1887 famous musician, enthusiast of learning Russian folk art and folk instruments V. V. Andreev organized the "Circle of fans of playing the balalaikas." The first concert of this circle took place in 1888. Soon after gaining European fame, the ensemble began to expand. In addition to balalaikas, it included domras, gusli and other ancient Russian instruments. The "Great Russian Orchestra" appeared - that is how it began to be called. After the Great October Socialist Revolution, it was renamed the V.V. Andreev Russian folk instruments, and many other similar groups appeared. The main role in them is played by stringed plucked instruments (read about them in the story "String Instruments"), there are button accordions, flutes and other wind instruments, a large group of percussion instruments. The music for these orchestras is written by Soviet composers. They also play transcriptions classical works and processing of folk songs. In our time, orchestras of folk instruments exist in many union and autonomous republics. Of course, they are very different: in Ukraine they include bandura, in Lithuania - old kankles, in Caucasian orchestras they play zurnas ... Variety orchestras are the most diverse in their composition and sizes - from large, similar to symphonic ones, such as, for example, orchestras All-Union and Leningrad radio and television, up to very small ones, more like ensembles. Variety orchestras often include saxophones, ukuleles, a lot of drums.

Watch value Orchestra in other dictionaries

Orchestra - M. ital. a complete gathering of musicians, for joint play, which is a choir in voice music; | fenced off in the theater and generally arranged somewhere for musicians. to ........
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Orchestra M. - 1. A group of musicians who jointly perform a piece of music on various instruments. 2. An ensemble of musical instruments. // Part of the musical ensemble ........
Efremova's explanatory dictionary

Orchestra - orchestra, m. (From the Greek. Orchestra - a place for a dance in front of the stage). 1. Ensemble of musical instruments. Concert of a symphony orchestra. Piece for string orchestra. Wind........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Orchestra - -and; m. [French. orchestre from the Greek. orchēstra - a platform in front of the stage in an ancient Greek theater]
1. A collective of musicians or a collection of various instruments participating in the performance ........
Explanatory dictionary Kuznetsov

Orchestra - This word got into the Russian language from French, being borrowed from Latin, which also borrowed it from Greece, where orchestra meant "place to dance". Romans ........
Etymological Dictionary of Krylov

Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra of State Television and Radio - them. PI Tchaikovsky, academic, founded in 1930. The conductors were A. I. Orlov, N. S. Golovanov, A. V. Gauk, G. N. Rozhdestvensky. Chief conductor and artistic director ........

Military band - see Brass Band.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

State Symphony Orchestra - was created in 1936 in Moscow. Since 1972 academic. It was headed by conductors: A.V. Gauk, N.G. Rakhlin, K.K. Ivanov, since 1965 the chief conductor E.F. Svetlanov.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Brass band - a team of musicians performing on wind and percussion instruments. A similar composition is typical for military bands.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Chamber Orchestra - a small orchestra, the basis of which is a string group, complemented by a harpsichord, spiritual, now also percussion. The repertoire is predominantly music of the 17th and 18th centuries. (concerts ........
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Orchestra - (from the orchestra) - a group of musicians (12 people or more) who play various instruments and jointly perform musical works. The term "orchestra" in the 17-18 centuries .........
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Horn Orchestra - (horn music) - the orchestra was created in Russia in mid. 18th century Consisted of improved hunting horns. Each instrument produced 1 chromatic scale sound.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Russian National Symphony Orchestra - Founded in 1991 in Moscow, chief conductor - M. V. Pletnev.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Symphony Orchestra - a large group of musicians performing symphonic music. includes 3 groups of instruments: wind, percussion, bowed strings. Classic (doubles, ........
Big encyclopedic dictionary

String Orchestra - an orchestra consisting of stringed bowed instruments - violins, violas, cellos, double basses, as well as folk instruments.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Orchestra - - a team of musicians. Replaced in the XVII-XVIII centuries. the term "chapel" widespread in Europe. O. string, wind, symphonic, etc., variety, jazz, military.
Historical Dictionary

Horn Orchestra - - horn music - an orchestra created in Russia in the middle of the 18th century. Consisted of advanced hunting horns. Each instrument produced one chromatic scale sound.
Historical Dictionary

Russian Folk Orchestra named after N.p. Osipova - created in 1919 on the initiative of B.S. Troyanovsky and P.I. Alekseeva (artistic director until 1939) as the First Moscow Great Russian Orchestra; from 1936 - State Folk Orchestra ........
Historical Dictionary

Symphony Orchestra - - a large group of musicians performing symphonic pieces of music. Includes 3 groups of instruments: winds, percussion, bowed strings.
Historical Dictionary

String Orchestra - - an orchestra consisting of stringed bowed musical instruments - violins, violas, cellos, double basses, as well as folk instruments.
Historical Dictionary

Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra - it. symph. orchestra. Main in 1882. The predecessor of B. f. about. was prof. orchestra, organized by B. Bilse (1867, Bilsen Chapel). From 1882 on the initiative of conc. Wolf agencies are held ........
Musical encyclopedia

Grand Symphony Orchestra of Central Television and Radio Broadcasting - (B. c. O.). Main in 1931. The first leader of the orchestra was A. I. Orlov (1931-37). An important role in the formation of the collective was played by N. S. Golovanov, who headed the B.S. about. in 1937-53. He was replaced by ........
Musical encyclopedia

Boston Symphony Orchestra - one of the oldest symphons. orchestras of the USA. Main in 1881 by the patron G. Lee Higginson. The orchestra consisted of qualified musicians from Austria and Germany (initially ........
Musical encyclopedia

Great Russian Orchestra - Russian orchestra bunk bed tools. Created in 1887 by V.V. Andreev initially as the "Circle of fans of playing the balalaikas" (an ensemble of balalaikas consisting of 8 people); first concert ........
Musical encyclopedia

Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra - (Wiener Philharmoniker) - the first prof. concert orchestra in Austria, one of the oldest in Europe. Main at the initiative of the composer and conductor O. Nicolai, critic and publisher A. Schmidt, ........
Musical encyclopedia

Military band - spirit. an orchestra, which is a regular unit of a military unit (see. Brass band). In the Sov. Army V. about. exist in combat units and formations (in regiments, divisions, ........
Musical encyclopedia

State Russian Folk Orchestra. N.P. Osipova - see. Russian folk orchestra.
Musical encyclopedia

State Symphony Orchestra of the USSR - Created in Moscow in 1936 on the basis of the 1st symphony. brigades of the All-Union radio. The first concert took place on October 5. 1936 in the Great Hall of the Conservatory; were performed - "Internationale", 1st ........
Musical encyclopedia

Brass band - a group of performers on wind instruments (wood and copper or only copper, the so-called band) and percussion instruments. D. o. capable of performing in a wide variety of acoustic ........
Musical encyclopedia

Chamber orchestra - a small orchestra, the core of which is an ensemble of performers on strings. instruments (6-8 violins, 2-3 violas, 2-3 cellos, double bass). In to. often includes a harpsichord, ........
Musical encyclopedia

Efremova's Dictionary


  1. m.
    1. A group of musicians who jointly perform a piece of music on various instruments.
    2. :
      1. Ensemble of musical instruments.
      2. Ensemble part of musical instruments in complex musical works.
    3. The place in front of the stage where the musicians are seated.

Culturology. Dictionary-reference


a large group of musicians performing musical works together. Depending on the composition of musical instruments, orchestras are distinguished: symphonic, consisting of bowed, wind and percussion instruments; string (or chamber) - from bowed instruments; brass - from woodwind (wood, copper and percussion); different kinds orchestras of folk instruments, pop, jazz, etc.

encyclopedic Dictionary


(from the orchestra), a group of musicians (12 people or more) playing various instruments and performing musical works together. Term "orchestra" in the 17-18 centuries. replaced the term common in European countries "chapel"... In terms of composition, the orchestra of strings, folk instruments, wind, symphonic, etc .; by genre - pop, jazz, military. The chamber orchestra has a small number of performers.

Ozhegov Dictionary

ORC EPAGE, and, m.

1. A group of musicians who jointly perform pieces of music on various instruments. Symphonic, brass, string, jazz f. Chamber about. O. folk instruments.

2. The place in front of the stage where the musicians are placed.

| adj. orchestral, oh, oh. Orchestral music. Orchestra pit (recessed orchestra seat in front of the stage).

Ushakov's Dictionary


orke p, orchestra, husband. (from greek orchestra is a place to dance in front of the stage).

1. Ensemble of musical instruments. Concert of a symphony orchestra. Piece for string orchestra. Brass band.

| A group of instrumental music performers. Played orchestra.

| Part of the ensemble in complex musical pieces ( muses.). Concerto for piano and orchestra.

2. Premises for musicians at the opera house. Orchestra seats.

Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language


French - orchestre.

German - Orchester.

Italian and English - orchestra.

Latin - orchestra (dance place).

In the Russian language, the word "orchestra" has been known since the middle of the 18th century, probably from French.

In ancient Greece, an orchestra was a place for dancing in front of spectators or a choir. IN Ancient Rome an orchestra was the name given to the front seats in the theater intended for senators and noble townspeople. In Russia, an orchestra began to be called the place where the musical ensemble was located, and then the musical ensemble itself.

Derivative: orchestral.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


(orchestra - Greek) - in a modern theater, a room for performing musicians, between the stage and the audience. This name passed to performers of instrumental music, as well as to the composition of the instruments played by those participating in O. Orchestrating or instructing means writing a piece for an orchestra (see Instrumentation). O. is big and small. A large modern symphony orchestra includes all orchestral instruments currently in use (see Instrument); the small O. includes a string group, flutes, clarinets, oboes, bassoons, French horns, and timpani. There is also a string O. composed exclusively of stringed instruments. Military O. contains only wind and percussion instruments. They also talk about O. XVII century, O. Handel, Beethoven, etc., to denote the character and composition of O. and the orchestration of this or that time, of this or that composer. The composition of O. XVII Art. included, for example, lutes, cymbals, harps, which were later excluded from it. Under Francesco Cavalli, the importance of violins as guiding instruments begins to rise. O. received a completely new meaning under Joseph Haydn and later composers (see Instrumentation).

N. S.

Dictionary of Music Terms


(gr. orchestra - a platform in front of the stage in an ancient Greek theater)

1. The place in front of the stage, where in ancient Greece the choir was located, accompanying the stage action of the tragedy.

2. Place in front of the stage in the musical theater where the orchestra is located (orchestra pit).

3. A collective of instrumental musicians united for the joint performance of music.

In terms of composition, the orchestras are divided into the following main types:

1) Symphonic - small or classical; large symphonic (opera and symphonic). These orchestras include instruments from all groups.

2) String - consisting only of stringed instruments.

3) Wind - consisting of wood and metal wind instruments and a percussion group: small (copper), small mixed, medium mixed, large mixed.

4) Orchestras of folk instruments - Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Uzbek, etc., Neapolitan orchestra.

5) Noise bands, which mainly include percussion instruments.

6) Variety orchestras.

7) Orchestras of electric musical instruments.

The development of orchestras was determined by the evolution of instruments (the invention of new ones, the improvement of old ones, the disappearance of obsolete ones, etc.), the development of orchestral performance, and a change in the orchestral thinking of composers. The works of L. Beethoven, G. Berlioz, R. Wagner, N. Rimsky-Korsakov, I. Stravinsky, A. Scriabin, G. Mahler and others had a great influence on the development of orchestras. The desire to enrich the timbre palette of the orchestras led to the inclusion of power tools, the use of tape recording, the division of orchestras into space groups, etc.

An orchestra is a group of musicians playing various instruments. But it should not be confused with the ensemble. This article will tell you what types of orchestras are. And their compositions of musical instruments will also be consecrated.

Varieties of orchestras

An orchestra differs from an ensemble in that in the first case, the same instruments are combined into groups playing in unison, that is, one common melody. And in the second case, each musician is a soloist - he plays his part. "Orchestra" is a Greek word and translates to "dance floor". It was located between the stage and the audience. The choir was located on this platform. Then it began to look like modern orchestra pits. And over time, musicians began to settle there. And the name "orchestra" went to groups of instrumental performers.

Types of orchestras:

  • Symphonic.
  • String.
  • Wind.
  • Jazz.
  • Pop.
  • Orchestra of folk instruments.
  • Military.
  • School.

Composition of instruments different types the orchestra is strictly defined. Symphonic consists of a group of strings, percussion and wind instruments. String and brass bands are composed of instruments that correspond to their names. Jazz can have a different composition. The pop orchestra consists of brass, strings, percussion, keyboards and

Choir varieties

A choir is a large ensemble of singers. There must be at least 12 artists. In most cases, choirs perform with orchestras. The types of orchestras and choirs are different. There are several classifications. First of all, choirs are divided into types according to their composition of voices. It can be: female, male, mixed, children's, as well as boys' choirs. According to the manner of performance, folk and academic are distinguished.

Choirs are also classified by the number of performers:

  • 12-20 people - vocal and choral ensemble.
  • 20-50 artists - chamber choir.
  • 40-70 singers is average.
  • 70-120 participants - big choir.
  • Up to 1000 artists - consolidated (from several groups).

According to their status, choirs are divided into: educational, professional, amateur, church.

Symphony Orchestra

Not all types of orchestras include This group includes: violins, cellos, violas, double basses. One of the orchestras, which includes the string and bow family, is symphonic. He will build from several different groups of musical instruments. Today there are two types of symphony orchestras: small and large. The first of them has a classic composition: 2 flutes, the same number of bassoons, clarinets, oboes, trumpets and horns, no more than 20 strings, and occasionally timpani.

It can be of any composition. It can include 60 or more stringed instruments, tubas, up to 5 trombones of different timbres and 5 trumpets, up to 8 French horns, up to 5 flutes, as well as oboes, clarinets and bassoons. It can also include such varieties from the group of winds as oboe d "cupid, piccolo flute, contrabassoon, English horn, saxophones of all types. It can include a huge number of percussion instruments. Often a large symphony orchestra includes organ, piano, harpsichord and harp.

Brass band

Almost all types of orchestras have in their composition a family This group includes two varieties: copper and wood. Some types of orchestras consist only of wind and percussion instruments, such as brass and military. In the first variety, the main role belongs to cornets, horns of various types, tubas, baritone-euphoniums. Secondary instruments: trombones, trumpets, French horns, flutes, saxophones, clarinets, oboes, bassoons. If the brass band is large, then, as a rule, all instruments in it increase in number. Harps and keyboards can very rarely be added.

The repertoire of brass bands includes:

  • Marches.
  • Ballroom European dances.
  • Opera arias.
  • Symphonies.
  • Concerts.

Brass bands often perform on open street venues or accompany the procession, as they sound very powerful and bright.

Orchestra of folk instruments

Their repertoire includes mainly folk compositions. What is their instrumental composition? Each nation has its own. For example, the Russian orchestra includes: balalaikas, gusli, domras, zhaleiki, whistles, button accordions, rattles and so on.

Military band

The types of orchestras consisting of wind and percussion instruments have already been listed above. There is another variety that includes these two groups. These are military bands. They serve to sound ceremonies, as well as to participate in concerts. Military bands are of two types. Some also consist of brass. They are called homogeneous. The second type is mixed military bands, which, among other things, have a group of woodwind in their composition.