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Who is Elena Maximova exactly? Elena Maksimova: “My daughter and I have lived on suitcases for many years. And you were not ready for this

Elena Maksimova (singer)

Elena Gennadievna Maksimova. She was born on August 9, 1979 in Sevastopol. Russian singer. Ex-soloist of the group "Reflex".

Father is a military man.

Mother is a teacher, worked as a kindergarten teacher.

Grandmother is a primary school teacher, grandfather is a physics teacher.

From an early age she was fond of singing. “Mom recalls that it was impossible to walk along the street and ride a trolleybus with me - I read poetry all over the street and sang. In the kindergarten where my mother worked, I was a regular Snow Maiden, Little Red Riding Hood and other characters. Sometimes I was taken right from the playground and dragged me to the next matinee, so that I would sing my signature number there - the song of the elephant trainer, "Elena said.

From the age of 11 she performed in the "Multi-Max" group, participated with the collective in various singing competitions and won several times. “It’s just fate that I got there. I sang in it for six years and as an artist I learned a lot,” she said about her participation in the group. The girl's talent was so noticeable that her mother even quit her job to accompany her in competitions.

She graduated from a music school, piano.

After leaving school, at the insistence of her parents, she entered the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bat Sevastopol University, which she later graduated with honors. "And now knowledge of English and French helps to sing songs and to communicate with people on tour. Now languages \u200b\u200bare a completely natural and obligatory element of education. And I'm not talking about a university, but in general - you need to know at least one foreign language. I was not going to my specialty, because music and the stage are my vocation, I can't do anything else on a professional level, "she said.

While studying at the university, she worked part-time: she sang in cafes and clubs, in the summer - in sanatoriums and rest homes.

After graduation, she entered the Black Sea branch of GITIS. Their course was based at the Sailor Club Theater, which belongs to the Russian Black Sea Fleet. There she was noticed by the conductor of the orchestra of the headquarters of the fleet and invited to solo at the festival of military bands. They went on the ship "Kerch". “And when we came to France, I sang songs by Patricia Kaas: the orchestra accompanied, admirals and diplomats applauded. It’s impossible to forget,” Elena shared.

For three years she studied at the Institute of Contemporary Art in the class of pop and jazz vocals and a year at the RATI GITIS.

Later, together with her husband, she moved to Moscow, but then returned to Sevastopol again.

At one time her musical consultant was the guitarist of the legendary band Queen Brian May (Brian May).

In 2006, producer Vyacheslav Tyurin invited Elena to his project - a group "Non Stop"... It was with this group that Elena Maksimova took part in the Five Stars music festival.

In 2008, the singer was among the finalists of the international competition "New Wave", where she performed the song "Angel Wings", which amazed the audience and for a long time was one of the most frequently downloaded songs on the Internet. Then, in the capital's Mir concert hall, composer Kashin presented a new project, Decadence, and Maksimova became the voice of this group.

In the same 2008 she became one of the soloists of the group "Reflex", where she worked for almost two years.

After Reflex, she participated in the national selection for Eurovision with a song written by Swedish authors. Was a participant in the 2nd season of the show "Vote"... Elena Maksimova passed "blind" auditions, performing the song Run to you, and got into the team.

Elena Maksimova reached the semifinals of the competition, where she performed with a cover version of the famous Back in USSR by The Beatles.

In 2015, she was a participant in the second season of the transformation show "Exactly the same" on Channel One. The peed appeared on TV viewers in the images of a French woman, a pop singer and sang the famous "Moscow Nights" - just like that.

In 2016, she took part in the project “Exactly. Superseason ”, in which the brightest participants of the previous seasons were invited. The final of the show took place on January 22, 2017, and Elena Maksimova, gaining the largest number of points (299), became the winner. She lost only 1 point.

In the final episode of Superseason, Elena Maksimova appeared before the audience in the form of Zemfira.

After participating in popular TV projects, she presented the songs "I won't let you go", "Our first New Year", "Weightless words", etc.

Elena Maximova's height: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of Elena Maximova:

She was married to Vadim Gitlin (later became the head of the Roskontrol Consumer Union). In marriage, a daughter, Diana, was born. Almost immediately after the birth of their daughter, they parted.

Was in a relationship with a colleague - a singer. The artists recorded joint songs, but after some time their cooperation stopped. At the time of their relationship, the couple did not share details - Kungurov was married to actress Natalya Troitskaya. But after he left his wife and gave a frank interview, Maksimova also broke the silence. Eugene told reporters that he repented of his ex-wife, and his mistress became just a litmus test, which revealed the problems in relations with Natalia.

Elena Maksimova was offended by the words of her former lover: “Zhenya, in one of his interviews, without giving my name, called me a“ litmus test. ”Thank you for not a piece of toilet paper. Maybe he is hurt and offended and he asks for forgiveness from his wife for treason. But he humiliated not only me, but also his ex-wife, saying that he had outgrown her. I can’t date a married man, so I said to Zhenya: “Make up your mind.” But this is only the first step for the relationship to start honestly. take more steps. Zhenya did not take them ... I did not interfere with Zhenya's marriage with Natalya Troitskaya. Why did I seduce him? Maybe I ran away from him without looking back. "

At the moment, according to Elena, her heart is not free, the singer's chosen one is a musician with whom she has been working for many years.

Elena Maksimova was born on August 9, 1979 in the city of Sevastopol, Crimea. At the age of 11, the girl sang in "Multi-Max", one of the most famous children's groups in Ukraine. As part of this dance circle, she traveled all over the country and became a laureate of many television competitions. When Lena turned 17, she became a soloist of the orchestra of the Headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia, and in 1998 with this composition she represented Russia in Cannes at the Festival of Military Orchestras. At the same time she became the winner of the festival called "Yalta-Moscow-Transit".

In 2004, Maksimova was cast in the musical We will rock you in Russia, where the legendary Brian May, one of the leaders of the Queen group, became her musical consultant on the album recording. The young vocalist shocked the seasoned musician with her amazing timbre and perfect pronunciation. After Brian Maya, her second musical mentor was Queen bassist Danny Miranda. He even recorded basses from the future album in some of Lena's songs. In 2006, the new producer Vyacheslav Tyurin invited the young singer to his new project, which he called the Non Stop group. As part of this new pop group, Lena took part in the Five Stars music festival.

In 2008 the girl became a finalist of the international competition for young vocalists "New Wave". After the competition in Jurmala, Lena started recording her debut album, which was released in August 2009. Her fellow musicians from the Ethnosphere group helped in the work on her album. The texts of Russian songs were written by the author Olga Shamis, and the English ones were written by the famous composer Pavel Kashin. Performing songs in a foreign language did not constitute the slightest difficulty for Lena, since by education the girl has a red diploma from the Institute of Foreign Languages.

In March 2009, the premiere of a new project by composer Pavel Kashin - "Decadence" took place in the Moscow concert hall "Mir", Lena Maksimova became the voice of this group. As part of this project, Lena performed more than 10 compositions in English. In the same way, she becomes one of the soloists of the popular group "Reflex". Lena spent a little less than two years in this group.

In 2013, Elena becomes a participant and finalist of the GOLOS television project. At a blind audition, all four mentors turned to her, but Elena gave preference to Leonid Agutin.

This important event was followed by another - Elena became a resident of the Jazz Parking project, another member of a large and friendly creative family.

Biography of Lena Maximova has come a long way from pop to intellectual pop - this is how the girl named her new musical direction, in which she is currently working.

The winner of the project "Just the same" humiliated by her lover

The winner of the project "Just the same" humiliated by her lover

Elena MAKSIMOVA, the finalist of the Golos project, scored the maximum number of points in the TV show "Just the same", beating the rest of the participants. On the eve of the superseason finals, we met with Elena and asked why her path to success was so long.

- You were noticed after the video "First New Year" ...

- You said that every New Year in kindergarten they dressed up as a Snow Maiden. Did you like it?

Mom worked as a teacher, of course, she made me the Snow Maiden by pull. One of the teachers dressed up as Santa Claus. In general, I stopped believing in Santa Claus early.

- I see that you have a lot to do with the winter holidays.

Once before the New Year, I collected money from fans for a monument Michael Jackson... So far, we have collected little, but we are not leaving the idea behind.

After kindergarten and school, the path lay in the Sevastopol University. You graduated from the faculty of foreign languages \u200b\u200bwith honors, and then - the Black Sea branch of GITIS and the first tour.

Wherever they did not perform! I remember singing on a battleship in Sevastopol next to guns and two missile systems. I was not afraid of anything then, even though I was in storms. And now I watch my health, I won't eat too much. I fly in business class not because show-off, but because it is more comfortable there.

Sex under Pushkin

- Why did you leave the "Decadence" group?

Once a familiar bassist invited me to visit the composer Pavel Kashin... He invited me to participate in the "NLP" project - "Inspired by Lermontov and Pushkin." I just graduated from GITIS, came to Moscow. I thought for a long time how to sing. I decided in an infantile way, in a thin voice. This was my first reincarnation. Say, no one recognizes in my strange rattling voice. Renowned music critic blogger Guru Ken wrote: "Maksimova is a nightmare, drive from the stage!"

Pasha all the time tried to bring his girls to the project. They did not participate in the Decadence, but they stood with me for a picture. As a result, the cable channel "Russian Night" launched our "NLP" soundtrack for a video with naked girls who lathered themselves in the bath with foam.

- Then you went to the Reflex group?

I got to a restaurant Arcadia Novikova "Cheese", where she sang western stylish things. Once I saw the soloist of "Reflex" Irina Nelson and a producer. She sang something from the "Reflex" repertoire and "hooked". They also had a non-stop group - a subsidiary. The producer offered to go there. I did just that, and after several tours I got into Reflex.

- And the money flowed like a river? Rich daddies, I suppose, livened up.

No matter how hard I try to exude sex, I can't. True, in Kazakhstan, one dude approached the director of the team and said, pointing at me: "I am ready to invest a million dollars in the group, and this is all because of her!" But sex was not offered. In general, "Reflex" had a tough discipline, it was impossible to even touch the girl.

I got arthrosis

In "Just the same" I saw the number: you sing in the image of Gurchenko with Boris Moiseev. This is not your first reincarnation as this woman-element?

Last year I was supposed to leave Moscow for the New Year, but unexpectedly I was informed that I was to perform on Red Square in the dress of Lyudmila Markovna. Wind, I wrap myself in a muff, I sing "Five minutes". Since that time, Lyudmila Markovna has not left me. She sang for Kultura a song from the film Old Nags, then for Exactly, she sang a hit from the film Straw Hat. By the way, on the project number with Moiseev must be done by another artist. At first I was offended. Believe it or not, she sobbed and said to herself: "How can you, Lyudmila Markovna, allow this?" And then this artist refused, so we sang with Borya. Three weeks ago, we called the director Moiseev - Sergey Gorokhov, I was planning to record a song with Boris. But he was gone. Probably not feeling well.

- Weren't you afraid that your transformation into Lyubov Kazarnovskaya won't be accepted?

The following happened to "Blokha": it was planned to be more grotesque, but I was advised to make it more restrained. I was afraid to go all-in and show how I rehearsed. And still I was satisfied, because I had not studied opera vocals before.

- How satisfied are you with the work of the make-up artist?

I just have my makeup Bianchi I didn't like it - it turned out to be different. Her snub nose was made sharp for me, like Baba Yaga's.

- Do you think you deserve the victory?

For the whole season I was given only one four. I got arthrosis. Six hours of rehearsals a day, and at night. I was so tired that I could hardly crawl to take the prize.

Left with a baby

- Why did you break up with your husband? And by the way, who is he?

16 years have passed, and I myself want to find out the reason. Before marriage, we dated for three years, and everything was fine. I wanted to become a mother at the age of 21, so that later I could devote myself to work. They signed when I was nine months old. And so, when I just gave birth, my husband went on a business trip for three months. Vadik said he was saving the family business. I didn’t understand: my wife gave birth, she’s lying in one or another hospital, how can you leave her, knowing that she is in poor health? Then I returned with the baby to my father's house. Looks like we have such a share. Vadik was surprised that I was divorcing him. Didn't even feel that I needed help. Vadik, how could you do this to me? Apparently, I will live with this issue until the end of my days.

- Give your ex-spouse to see Diana?

At first I was afraid that he would take my daughter away from me, but he was not going to. After me, Vadik had another abandoned wife with a child. Sometimes I beg that the father will call his daughter at least once a year. But any conversation ends with the fact that we should not communicate.

- Is your daughter's last name?

Father, but she wants to change her.

- Does he pay alimony?

I could pay such alimony to ten children. And he thinks there are enough of them. How can you pay such a sum in Moscow ?! And I don’t spend a dime on myself. My daughter has a Sberbank card, on which her father dumps money, and she wastes them on things. And I pay for the rented apartment where we live. I think that Diana's father should also participate in this. Vadik is not a poor man, he is public, and now he appears in the Natural Selection program as the head of Roskontrol. (This organization is led by Vadim Gitlin. - N. M.)

- It turns out that for all these years in show business you have not earned money for your apartment?

In 2006, I bought an apartment on Rublevka, in the village of Gorki-10. I invested in a new building, but the house was completed only ten years later. I bought an apartment in a business-class building, but in the end I got "economy". It is worth while without repair. The daughter does not want to leave the area in which she grew up. Therefore, I will probably sell it and buy it in Moscow.

Who seduced whom?

Why didn't it work out with the Voice member Zhenya Kungurov? What a beautiful duet it was! "Promise me love" ...

Zhenya in one interview, without giving my name, called me a "litmus test". Thanks for not having a piece of toilet paper. Maybe he is hurt and offended and he asks for forgiveness from his wife for treason. But he humiliated not only me, but also his ex-wife, saying that he had outgrown her. I can’t date a married man, so I told Zhenya: “Make up your mind”. But this is only the first step for the relationship to start honestly. And then it was necessary to take more steps. Zhenya did not do them. So we parted.

- From his interview it turns out that you broke his family.

Zhenya's marriage to an actress Natalia Troitskaya I didn’t interfere. Why did I seduce him? Maybe I ran away from him without looking back. Maybe we should pay attention to Eugene's moral foundations. It is unpleasant for me that this happened, but in my place there could be any other. Zhenya now has another woman, a baby was born, we don't communicate, sometimes we don't even say hello. But Zhenya and I had plans to start a family, although we did not live under the same roof, but only met.

I also have a problem. It just so happened that Diana knows that her mother's work comes first. I have a strong sense of guilt towards my daughter due to the fact that we were often apart. In addition, Diana told me that she would not accept someone who will walk at home in "sweatpants". However, if my daughter sees that a real man has appeared in my life, maybe it will be possible to break this psychological barrier.

Now my heart is not free. He is a musician, we have been working together for many years. But marriage for me is not an end in itself.

- Will you celebrate the New Year with your beloved?

I hope, but I don’t dare to guess. If all goes well, I'll meet you at a private party in Paris. I wanted to take my daughter with me, but she prefers to be with friends.

24 march 2018

Looking at the charming appearance of the singer Elena Maksimova, you will never think that she has such a strong soulful voice. But fans of her talent have long been convinced that this blonde is capable of taking any note. Today you will find out how difficult the path to the stage was for this talented performer.

Biography of the singer Elena Maximova

The future star was born in 1979 in Sevastopol. Mother was a teacher in a kindergarten where little Lena went. Talent manifested itself at an early age: at the age of 11, the girl became a soloist in the Multi-Max group. The vocal baby was noticed, and she began to take part in numerous competitions, confirming her singing talent. The mother did not have time to work at the same time and accompany her daughter to contests, so she came to quit and devote herself to the child. Lena graduated from the music school in piano.

But she has not yet connected her future with the stage and performances. At school, she discovered another talent for learning languages. Therefore, after graduation, she submitted documents to the SevGTU at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Having received a red diploma, she did not get a job, but entered the RATI GITIS. Studying pop-jazz vocals, she had to earn extra money so as not to burden her mother.


For some time, Elena tried to break into the world of show business on her own. Thanks to her excellent pronunciation and knowledge of English, she caught the attention of Brian May. The guitarist had been following the girl for a long time, so he was struck by her timbre of voice. Not many managed to earn such praise from a member of the legendary Queen group, the more pleasant it was for a simple Russian girl to hear such words. But there was another memorable event in her life - she had a chance to sing a duet with Sting. Singer Elena Maksimova still considers this day one of the brightest in her life. Except for the birth of a daughter, of course.

Long road to success

In 2008, Elena goes to the New Wave competition. Her piercing performance of the song "Angel Wings" had the desired effect - the audience rushed to the Internet to download the song, and the producers drew attention to the fragile blonde. Soon she became a member of the "Reflex" group and gave two years to work in this team. But real fame came in 2015, when the girl decided to take part in the "Voice" music competition. At the blind auditions, all the judges turned to see the performer, but she chose Leonid Agutin as a mentor. And she was right. She reached the semifinals and became a recognizable singer.


She was able to consolidate her success in the same year. Channel One invited her to the show "Just the same." The audience liked her bright numbers, but she did not succeed in taking first place. Too much competition prevented her from becoming a leader. In addition, she competed with the already popularly beloved stars, while she herself was still an aspiring singer. But she was able to fully reveal herself in 2016 on the show “Just the same. Super season ".

Only the brightest and most memorable participants of previous seasons were invited there. Elena performed brilliantly and received first place by right. Now the whole country knows her name, and she herself is one of the most successful performers. Photos of the singer Elena Maximova often appear in magazines, because at the age of 38 she looks amazing, and the winner's smile never leaves her face!

Source: fb.ru

