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Kravets biography. Biography, creative activity and personal life of Marina Kravets. Musical activity and KVN

Marina Kravets is one of the best and most sought-after artists working in the humorous genre. From a young age she amazed those around her with her beauty and originality.

The woman works in the Comedy Club, not getting lost among other residents. She was able to achieve everything herself. Her jokes could be heard since 2005 in the performances of various KVN teams.

In 2017, the program "Russo Turisto" began to appear, which she began to conduct jointly with Sergei Gorelikov. In this show, a woman talks with humor about different countries... For example, recently there was an issue about South Korea, in which it was possible to learn about the country's sights, customs and customs of Koreans. In this program, the Comedy Club star sang a comic love song for Seoul.

Height, weight, age. How old is Marina Kravets

Height, weight, age, how old is Marina Kravets? This question is often asked by people who first saw the performance of this comedian. She never gets discouraged and gets out of any situation with dignity. In May 2018, the girl will celebrate her 34th birthday. She looks much younger than her age. Many admirers of her talent give her about 25 years.

Marina Kravets, a photo in her youth and now which makes all men pay attention to her, has ideal parameters. Weighing 50 kilograms, the beauty has a height of 171 centimeters.

The popular comedian adheres to a daily routine specially developed by her. She does yoga and aerobics every day. When there is no time for these classes, she does several mandatory exercises that allow her to stay in good physical shape.

Biography and personal life of Marina Kravets

The biography and personal life of Marina Kravets are very successful. She is a successful artist who is happily married. The beauty loves and is loved, which is very much appreciated in our life.

The girl appeared in the northern capital in the mid-80s of the last century. My father was a locksmith, my mother worked in the accounting department. Marinochka was not alone in the family. Two older brothers always took care of and protected her. The whole family loved the girl and were amazed at her talent. A talented girl from childhood amazed those around her with excellent vocal abilities. She often gathered children around her and sang a variety of songs to them. Grandmothers also listened to her, who asked to sing their favorite romances or pop hits. It often turned out that the concert numbers lasted for several hours.

In grade 1, the girl went to an elite school, which was located not far from her home. The schoolgirl was often met and escorted by her brothers, who protected her sister from troubles. During her school years, she became interested in playing KVN. She often wrote scripts for teams herself.

After leaving school, yesterday's graduate for a long time could not find her way in life. Initially, he was educated at St. Petersburg State University. But having become a professional teacher, the girl realizes that this is not hers. After that, she tried herself in a large number of works, but could not find herself. Something she didn't like. The resident of the popular show program from this time connects his life with humor. She plays in KVN, and also writes jokes for teams.

The artist worked as a vocalist in NestroyBand for several years. Already at this time, the popular comedian declared herself. From 2010 to the present, he has been a permanent resident of Comedy Club. In parallel, she leads the show program "Full Speed \u200b\u200bAhead" on the radio.

In 2011, the show star moved to the metropolitan metropolis and began broadcasting programs on the Mayak radio wave. In 2015, he leaves this radio and starts working on Comedy Radio.

The young woman tried herself in the cinema. Currently, she has played in 2 film series, declaring herself as a talented film actress.

Since 2017, the talented TV presenter has been hosting a travel program around the world. "Russo Turisto" is hosted by Sergei Gorelikov together with a young beauty.

Family and children of Marina Kravets

Numerous fans of the comedian ask the question: "Is there currently a family and children of Marina Kravets?" The star of the humorous genre does not hide that she is happily married. The beauty met her husband during her student years. For several years Marina and her husband lived in a civil marriage, only in 2013 they officially registered their marriage. Until they become parents, but one can hope that this will happen in the near future.

The woman has parents and two older brothers who actively follow her creative activities. They don't miss a single performance. After the release of the program, they evaluate the jokes uttered by their daughter and sister.

As soon as the busy schedule allows, the teleartist goes to hometownto visit parents and beloved brothers who are already married.

Marina Kravets' husband - Arkady Vodakhov

The girl met her future husband in her student years. On his initiative, the artist appeared in the Comedy Club show program. It was Arkady who helped to ensure that his precious wife believed in herself.

Marina Kravets's husband, Arkady Vodakhov, works with his wife on the Comedy Radio radio wave. According to the woman herself, he helps her come up with jokes. In a family, relationships are built on trust. Neither Marina nor Arkady give any doubts about their honesty and openness. They completely trust each other.

Photo by Marina Kravets in the magazine "Maxim"

Photos of Marina Kravets in Maxim magazine periodically appear. But the beauty refuses to appear naked for the publishing house. She considers it indecent to be naked for anyone.

Numerous representatives of the strong half of humanity want to see her on the pages of Playboy magazine. But, in her own opinion, she will not be invited to the photo shoot for this publication, since she will not undress in any case.

On the Instagram page, a woman can often be seen in a swimsuit. She posts photos from a vacation on the seashore.

Instagram and Wikipedia Marina Kravets

Instagram and Wikipedia Marina Kravets allow you to find out the most detailed and accurate information about the popular artist of the humorous genre.

Wikipedia lists only familiar and fateful moments in the life of a screen TV star.

Marina Kravets has her pages in many social networks... She is registered on Instagram. Here a woman very often posts pictures taken by her during her work in the program "Russo Turisto".

The artist's other accounts are not so active, which is explained by her incredible employment at work.

Marina Kravets is a young actress, singer, radio host and the only female resident of the Comedy Club. In addition, she is a beautiful, charming woman with an amazing, memorable smile.

Marina was born in Leningrad in the most ordinary family, her dad was a locksmith, and her mother worked as an accountant. Marina turned out to be the third child, two older brothers were already growing up in the family, but everyone was incredibly happy about the long-awaited girl, she immediately became the favorite of all household members. Marina's grandmother and grandfather lived in Latvia, in Jurmala, and from the age of 5 she went to see them at sea every summer.

Since childhood, the girl loved to sing and dance, she constantly arranged improvised concerts at home, she was especially good at the song about the cruiser Aurora.

Closest to home music school Marina's parents could not determine, all the places were occupied, however, the relatives decided to take care of the development of the vocal abilities of the young artist, so they hired teachers for her so that she could study additionally. The girl is still grateful to her teachers for the knowledge and skills that she acquired.

Marina began to play in KVN in high school. Together with her friend, she wrote scripts and came up with songs. The entire school KVN was on them, since there were no others.

After graduating from the gymnasium, Marina entered the philological faculty of St. Petersburg State University, her future profession was called "teacher of the Russian language for foreigners." At the university, she quickly joined the student team of KVN called "Poofs" from "just philologists." The team even once had a chance to participate in the Sochi KVN festival, but it did not last long in the Premier League.

But Marina unambiguously understood that the stage was hers, therefore, having received a diploma of higher education, she did not work even a day in her specialty, although she nevertheless conducted several trial lessons for Chinese students. She decided for herself that her fellow students will do it much better, but she will develop herself in creativity.

Carier start

However, after university it was necessary to somehow earn a living, so Marina first got a job in a supermarket as a promoter, then as a secretary in a maintenance center. This activity brought some kind of earnings, but the girl was still realizing her creative potential in KVN.

Soon Marina was invited to Radio Rocks to be the host of the morning show Full Throttle. And she succeeded brilliantly, for 4 years she remained a constant presenter.

Several times she appeared on Comedy Women, although then the program was called differently. She got the image of an extravagant madame speaking German. But her heroine did not receive development, so Marina left the show.

Marina Kravets works as a presenter on the radio

At about the same time, she began to sing and tried herself as a soloist of several St. Petersburg groups, staying for more or less a long time in the NestroyBand collective. Some of the group's songs even became hits, and the guys shot videos for the best of them, but the band's creations could not stand censorship, so they were not played on the radio.

Once, with one of the songs "Hop, trash", the group was offered to perform at the Comedy Club, as a result the TV version of the song was born. The composition was received “with a bang”, and for Marina it became an invitation to Comedy.

Now the creative nature had a place to turn around, the girl's career went uphill. First she was invited to sing at one of the concerts with the group "City 312". On Comedy she became a permanent soloist, viewers can see her in the company of five permanent residents, while Marina fits perfectly into this team.

On the set of the "One to One" program

After 2 years she sang a duet with Sergei Kristovsky from “Uma2rman”, and even a video was released for this song. Then a video with DJ Smash for the song "Oil" appeared.

Since 2011, Marina began to live in Moscow, in parallel with other activities she worked at the radio "Mayak", hosted the night show "First Squad", and a year later, together with her co-hosts, the girl moved to the new radio station "Comedy Radio".

On the set of the "Comedy-clab"

Marina was not limited to her participation in the Comedy Club, and since the spring of 2014 she became the host of the morning show on the TNT channel. A year later, she took part in the parody show "One to One" on the federal channel, in which she managed to take fifth place. In the same year she was invited to host the program "Main Stage".

Marina Kravets on the recording of the program

Marina also had a chance to play in the television series "Super Oleg", she got the role of a journalist. The girl also tried herself in dubbing an animated film.

Personal life

Marina has a beloved man for many years, his name is Arkady. Young people met while still students, then met for a long time, lived in a civil marriage. Arkady supported Marina when she was about to move to Moscow, she was terribly afraid of everything in an unfamiliar city, and he suddenly appeared on the doorstep, and everything became fine. In 2013, the lovers got married. They did not arrange a magnificent celebration, they just secretly fled from everyone to their native Peter, hastily bought wedding dresses and got married. Marina did not get married in a magnificent, but in an ordinary cocktail dress of a light shade.

Marina Kravets with her husband Arkady

Arkady knows that many fans always hover around his wife, but he treats this with understanding. In family life, he behaves wisely and tries to smooth out all conflicts. The couple have no children yet, but Marina is quite ready to replenish the family. She is not going to put her career ahead of her family, just while young people are waiting.

Marina is often asked if she is Russian by nationality, because she has such an unusual eye shape. Marina is Russian, but her looks - what she got, she got her!

Read biographies of famous presenters

Marina Kravets is a popular Russian actress, KVN-girl, comedian and author of texts for comic shows. Today she is married, loves her job, and strives not to stop there. Marina is an active, positive, strong and kind woman. She always helps friends with practical advice and a warm word.

Where and when was born

This talented actress was born on May 18, 1984 in St. Petersburg (Russia). The girl's mother recalls that even in the maternity hospital, the nurses called her an artist, because the newborn Marinochka constantly cried, was capricious and demanded attention.

Marina's childhood

A girl was born and raised in an ordinary family that has nothing to do with show business. Her father was a mechanic and her mother was an accountant. Marina has two brothers who really wanted a sister, and were delighted when her parents reported the news of the addition to the family.

In the biography of Marina Kravets, the brothers played an important role. They helped her parents with her upbringing, and took care of her sister in every possible way, protected her, took her from kindergarten and fed her. Probably, from here, the girl began to show a slightly boyish character from childhood. However, the feminine side won, and Marina began to take an interest in dancing, singing and acting skills... The little daughter delighted her parents, neighbors and peers with her singing. kindergarten, and later at school. She has a very sonorous and melodic voice, thanks to which the biography of Marina Kravets was further replenished with information about performances with various musical groups.

The further fate of the actress

Despite her good vocal skills, she could not enter a music school. There are simply no places left in the huge competition for Marina. However, the girl's persistence in receiving a musical education gave her her own, and her parents hired a vocal tutor who taught her personally.

In the biography of Marina Kravets, an important place was taken by the game of KVN, which she became interested in in high school. The girl was one of the best humorists in the school. Together with his girlfriend, they composed various scripts and wrote texts for comedy scenes.

When Marina finished her studies at the gymnasium, she decided to enter the Faculty of Philology, where she later received the profession of a teacher of the Russian language for foreign citizens. After receiving her diploma, the girl did not try to work in her specialty, as she understood that her creative nature could not withstand prolonged sitting in one place, and the interpretation of the same material.

Creativity in the life of Marina Kravets

After long reflections on further work, the girl decided to go in search better placewhere she could feel at ease, and at the same time earn good money. For some time Marina worked as a cashier in a supermarket, then handed out brochures, then tried herself as a secretary in a large home appliance store. But all this did not bring the girl pleasure. She rested her soul only during the game in the KVN team, which they called "Poofs". So, the life and biography of Marina Kravets gradually began to be filled with performances at competitions, concerts of the collective and small victories with the team.

Marina's first achievements

The girl was invited to be a member of the KVN team by her best friend, who later became known as the singer Evgenia Kobich. Together with the team, they went to Sochi. There was a case when one of Marina's most successful parodies was aired on the TV show Svoya Igra. However, the team did not manage to bring victory from Sochi, and soon they went in different directions.

It was then that the realization began to come to Marina that she would not be able to live without stage, creativity, music and constant movement in this area. Then she became a soloist of several musical projects at once: "NestroyBand", "Mary & Band", NotNet.

Few of the songs of these bands became famous, but a few, namely "Sex Will Not", "Hop, Trash Bin", and "Goddess of Disco", blew up all radio stations in a matter of days. So, personal life in the biography of Marina Kravets faded into the background, and she gave herself up to creativity.

First steps in "Comedy Club"

The creator of one of the NestroyBand collectives has agreed with the director of the Comedy Club about the performance of his group at their show. At first, the guys did not really like this offer, but they could not refuse. It was a chance for them to "light up" and increase the number of fans. And this, as you know, plays into the hands of anyone music performer or group.

The performance was exciting, and, fortunately, the audience was warm and welcoming. This relaxed the band a bit and they were able to play Hurray! Photos in the biography of Marina Kravets with the team began to appear more and more often in publications, which very flattered the young group and gave strength.

In 2011, the artist was invited to a concert by one of the most popular bands in Russia "City 312". There Marina and the group performed several of her compositions. And she was also honored to sing with the soloist Sveta Nazarenko. After some time, Kravets was lucky again, and she recorded a hit with the lead singer of the Uma2rman group called "Fall". A few months later, a video was released.

The singer's career did not end there, but rather the opposite. Marina records another song, this time with the popular Russian DJ Smash. In the video, Kravets appeared in the form of a seductive and burning girl in a wig and an open outfit.

While working in one of the groups, the girl met Ilya Pavlyuchenko, who was an employee of a famous radio station. He said that they needed a radio host for the morning show, which Marina seriously thought about, and began to try herself in this role.

For four years the lively, sonorous and joyful voice of the presenter woke the listeners of the Rocks radio station. However, in 2011, Kravets was forced to move to Moscow. There she gets a job at the Mayak radio station for night shows with famous artists.

Personal life, biography: husband of Marina Kravets

After graduating from the university, Marina literally immediately began to live with a young man, with whom they had a stormy and passionate romance. They had known each other since their student days, and over time friendship grew into passionate feelings.

Together they moved to the capital, where Marina got a job as a radio host, and he was her producer. The couple got married in 2013. However, fans did not immediately find out about this. important event in the biography of Marina Kravets. She did not post her husband's photo, as well as pictures from the wedding, to social networks.

The life of the spouses is going very well, there is always mutual understanding, respect and trust between them. They are only talking about children, but they are in no hurry to become parents. One thing is for sure that they both want two kids. More is possible, but nothing less!

The husband treats a huge number of his wife's fans calmly. Marina recently starred in a candid photo shoot for the men's magazine "Maxim", and even this did not hurt her husband. This is how strong trust can be in a family! This publication published Marina Kravets as one of the most beautiful girls Russia. Still would! Indeed, with such parameters and appearance, she could become a model. The girl is 171 cm tall and weighs 51 kg. Despite the speculation about the nationality of Marina, she does not get tired of repeating "I am Russian, despite the fact that the shape of the eyes gives you reason to doubt it."

Marina today

Today Kravets works tirelessly at the Comedy Club. She acts as a lyricist and often appears on stage. Men take care of her and help her, since she is the only woman in their team.

And also Marina tries herself as a TV presenter, which she does well. She leads the TV project "Marry Buzova" and "Big Breakfast" on the TNT channel.

The glorious girl Marina by father Leonidovna with a sonorous Ukrainian surname Kravets (which means "tailor") was born on May 18, 1984 in the no less glorious Leningrad. Marina grew up surrounded by two older brothers who always protected her. Marina is a tall and slender girl, her height is 170 cm, and her weight is 50 kg.


In 2001, Marina Kravets graduated from high school and decided to enter the university. This, of course, she succeeded.

In 2005, the girl became a graduate of the Faculty of Philology of the State University of St. Petersburg.

During her studies, Marina actively participated in the student games of KVN, playing for the teams "IGA" and "Poofs" (Just philologists). Even then, the young student was distinguished by her outstanding acting skills, sense of humor and naturalness on stage.

At that time, Marisha was so carried away by KVN that in 2008 she even made it to the finals of the KVNschik of the Year competition, which was held by the KVN for Everyone website. Later, our activist performed several times in the teams "Faculty of Journalism" and "MFYUA".


In parallel with her studies, an active girl manages to earn extra money. She works promoterin a department store, where he offers customers instant soups "Minutka". Then Marina changes her job and gets a job at a car maintenance center for a position secretary.

In 2007, the talented KVNschitsa was noticed by the management of the St. Petersburg radio station "Rocks" and invited to work.

Until 2011, Marina works for the benefit of this FM radio station as leadingtransfer "Full speed ahead"- daily morning show.

In June 2011, the girl decides that it is time to grow up in terms of her career. And already in July, the talented radio host is casting at the Mayak radio station, moves to Moscow and becomes host of the night show "First Squad"together with Nikolai Serdotetsky and Mikhail Fischer.

In October 2012, after the opening of a new radio station "Comedy Radio", which so far broadcasts only in Moscow, Marina with the same guys becomes the host of the entertainment and educational show " Good morning, America! ”, Which he is currently doing.


In the fall of 2008, while still studying, Marina, who played in the theatrical circle "Muki Tvo", was noticed and invited to participate in Made in woman- the progenitor project Comedy Woman. However, this project was not purely feminine. The girl participated for the most part in the musical numbers Made In Woman in various parties that took place in Peter's clubs once a week. The organizer of the project was Natalya Sergeevna Yeprikyan, who soon decided to open an exclusively female project and invited Marina there.

IN Comedy womanour beauty starred in only four programs.

In 2010, when Marina's friends organized the NestroyBand group, she was offered to sing together in Comedy club... The song "Hop, trash" - a chanson, performed in the style of jazz, went to "Hurray", and the project management decided to try to make the girl a resident of the club. Marina perfectly fit into a purely male team and became the only resident-girl of the project.


For the first time Marina sang in the tenth grade, she really liked Zemfira's song "Don't let go." At that moment, she felt that she could and wanted to sing, the song served as a kind of sign that you can try your hand at the musical field. Although Marina has no musical education, she once took vocal lessons. But it is not in vain that they say: a talented person is talented in everything. The beauty and the clever girl have excellent hearing, voice, appearance, and success was not long in coming.

At first, the aspiring singer participated in a musical project "NotNet".

Then, in parallel with her work on the radio, Marina Kravets became the soloist of the musical group "Nestroyband", in which she performed the song "Hop, Trash". This thug song, performed in a jazz manner, spread throughout the Internet and glorified the girl not only as a radio host, but also as the owner of a very pleasant voice.

Later, Marina, as part of the Comedy Club project, sang the insanely popular song "Oil", for which a video was shot, where the beauties acted as a glamorous dummy.

In addition, the girl recently recorded a song and starred in a video with the lead singer of the Uma2rmaН group, Sergei Kristovsky.


In 2012, activist Marina Kravets tried herself as a wonderful actress, starring in the multi-part feature film "Super Oleg"... The film was shown in November of the same year on the 2x2 channel.

Personal life

Marina has been together with her husband Arkady for 7 years, and they have known each other for over 12 years, since their student days. The sweet couple studied together at the University of St. Petersburg, and then again played together in the "Poopers" team.

When Marina Kravets was offered a job in Moscow, her faithful husband moved to the capital with her and now works with his wife on Comedy Radio. According to the girl, her husband is a very creative, talented person, a bright head. However, he prefers to stay behind the scenes, doing screenplay.

When asked about children, Marina replies that she loves them very much and easily finds them. mutual language with babies of employees, but not yet ready to become a mother

Theater, cinema, music, radio, KVN and Comedy Club - what's next? Where else will Marina Kravets show her countless talents?

Marina Kravets is one of the best and most sought-after artists working in the humorous genre. From a young age she amazed those around her with her beauty and originality.

The woman works in the Comedy Club, not getting lost among other residents. She was able to achieve everything herself. Her jokes could be heard since 2005 in the performances of various KVN teams.

In 2017, the Russo Turisto program began to be published, which she began to conduct together with Sergei Gorelikov. In this show, a woman talks about different countries with humor. For example, recently there was an issue about South Korea, in which it was possible to learn about the country's sights, customs and customs of Koreans. In this program, the Comedy Club star sang a comic love song for Seoul.

Height, weight, age, how old is Marina Kravets? This question is often asked by people who first saw the performance of this comedian. She never gets discouraged and gets out of any situation with dignity. In May 2018, the girl will celebrate her 34th birthday. She looks much younger than her age. Many admirers of her talent give her about 25 years.

Marina Kravets, a photo in her youth and now which makes all men pay attention to her, has ideal parameters. Weighing 50 kilograms, the beauty has a height of 171 centimeters.

The popular comedian adheres to a daily routine specially developed by her. She does yoga and aerobics every day. When there is no time for these classes, she does several mandatory exercises that allow her to stay in good physical shape.

Biography and personal life of Marina Kravets

The biography and personal life of Marina Kravets are very successful. She is a successful artist who is happily married. The beauty loves and is loved, which is very much appreciated in our life.

The girl appeared in the northern capital in the mid-80s of the last century. My father was a locksmith, my mother worked in the accounting department. Marinochka was not alone in the family. Two older brothers always took care of and protected her. The whole family loved the girl and were amazed at her talent. A talented girl from childhood amazed those around her with excellent vocal abilities. She often gathered children around her and sang a variety of songs to them. Grandmothers also listened to her, who asked to sing their favorite romances or pop hits. It often turned out that the concert numbers lasted for several hours.

In grade 1, the girl went to an elite school, which was located not far from her home. The schoolgirl was often met and escorted by her brothers, who protected her sister from troubles. During her school years, she became interested in playing KVN. She often wrote scripts for teams herself.

After leaving school, yesterday's graduate for a long time could not find her way in life. Initially, he was educated at St. Petersburg State University. But having become a professional teacher, the girl realizes that this is not hers. After that, she tried herself in a large number of works, but could not find herself. Something she didn't like. The resident of the popular show program from this time connects his life with humor. She plays in KVN, and also writes jokes for teams.

The artist worked as a vocalist in NestroyBand for several years. Already at this time, the popular comedian declared herself. From 2010 to the present, he has been a permanent resident of Comedy Club. In parallel, she leads the show program "Full Speed \u200b\u200bAhead" on the radio.

In 2011, the show star moved to the metropolitan metropolis and began broadcasting programs on the Mayak radio wave. In 2015, he leaves this radio and starts working on Comedy Radio.

The young woman tried herself in the cinema. Currently, she has played in 2 film series, declaring herself as a talented film actress.

Since 2017, the talented TV presenter has been hosting a travel program around the world. "Russo Turisto" is hosted by Sergei Gorelikov together with a young beauty.

Family and children of Marina Kravets

Numerous fans of the comedian ask the question: "Is there currently a family and children of Marina Kravets?" The star of the humorous genre does not hide that she is happily married. The beauty met her husband during her student years. For several years Marina and her husband lived in a civil marriage, only in 2013 they officially registered their marriage. Until they become parents, but one can hope that this will happen in the near future.

The woman has parents and two older brothers who actively follow her creative activities. They don't miss a single performance. After the release of the program, they evaluate the jokes uttered by their daughter and sister.

As soon as the busy schedule allows, the TV artist goes to her hometown to visit her parents and beloved brothers who are already married.

Marina Kravets' husband - Arkady Vodakhov

The girl met her future husband in her student years. On his initiative, the artist appeared in the Comedy Club show program. It was Arkady who helped to ensure that his precious wife believed in herself.

Marina Kravets's husband, Arkady Vodakhov, works with his wife on the Comedy Radio radio wave. According to the woman herself, he helps her come up with jokes. In a family, relationships are built on trust. Neither Marina nor Arkady give any doubts about their honesty and openness. They completely trust each other.

Photos of Marina Kravets in Maxim magazine periodically appear. But the beauty refuses to appear naked for the publishing house. She considers it indecent to be naked for anyone.

Numerous representatives of the strong half of humanity want to see her on the pages of Playboy magazine. But, in her own opinion, she will not be invited to the photo shoot for this publication, since she will not undress in any case.

On the Instagram page, a woman can often be seen in a swimsuit. She posts photos from a vacation on the seashore.

Instagram and Wikipedia Marina Kravets

Instagram and Wikipedia Marina Kravets allow you to find out the most detailed and accurate information about the popular artist of the humorous genre.

Wikipedia lists only familiar and fateful moments in the life of a screen TV star.

Marina Kravets has her own pages on many social networks. She is registered on Instagram. Here a woman very often posts pictures taken by her during her work in the program "Russo Turisto".

The artist's other accounts are not so active, which is explained by her incredible employment at work.