
Who is Alexander Stepanov. ST Biography. The Brightest Russian Rap Artist. ST Biography - Musical career

“The turning point for me was the day my father arrived and said that he was ready to pay me tuition, provided that I would stop doing, as he put it,“ foolishness ”.

Real name:Alexander Andreevich Stepanov
Date of Birth:September 23, 1988
Zodiac sign:Virgo
Town:Moscow, Russia
Growth:185 cm
Weight:83 kg

Alexander Stepanovbetter known by the pseudonym ST (One Hundred, $ t Soulja)- Russian rap artist, songwriter, poet, finalist of the first season of the “Battle for Respect” show, former member of the Phlatline association, nominee for the Muz-TV Prize 2013 in the category “Best Hip Hop Project”, repeated participant in Versus Battle.

On the account of ST 3 battles - 2 wins and 1 loss (2016 - ).

In addition, the artist has already released4 albums: in 2008 - “One hundred out of a hundred,” in 2011 - “100”, in 2013"Bulletproof" , in 2015 - "Handwriting."

Today ST is one of the most recognizable and prominent Russian rap artists.. After the release of his first album, his popularity began to grow rapidly, and at the same time still not subsiding.

Throughout his career, ST has appeareda huge number of fans, hundreds of thousands of subscribersin social networks. At the same time, the artist is not arrogant at all, and continues to delight his fans with the quality of his tracks.


Alexander Stepanov was born in Moscow. AssT’s father served in the Navy, the family was constantly moving. For the same reason, everything ST spent his childhood in Murmansk and Kaluga.

“When I was little, I had a particularly sound sleep. Mom said that once, in the winter, she takes me on a sled. And thoughtful. And then, she realizes that the sled has become too light. He’s watching, and in two hundred meters I’m lying with my little finger, sleeping. It was funny. ”

From a very young age, ST was fond of music, and especially he was attracted to new musical trends. Over time, he took up what began to arouse his greatest interest - rap and hip-hop. In one of his interviews, ST admitted thathis musical taste was directly influenced by the world legend of hip-hop2pac .

“As for Russian hip-hop, I started listening to Decl, the album“ Who? You, ”I even now remember all the songs by heart. As for foreign rap music - this, of course, is Tupac Shakur, Cypress Hill, I am an ardent fan of the west coast. Tupac is number one for me, I grew up on his music. ”

To date, his favorite performers on the western stage areEminem, Jay Z, Pusha T, Nas. As for Russia, he really likes artists likeBasta, Timati, Guf.

“I really praise Bast, because this person has an amazing instinct for what people need. Workable, energetic. I think that Vasya deserves respect most of all. We communicate well with Guf, I really like what he does. Creativity Smokey Mo like it. And, of course, the music of Marselle ”

In school, ST began to write his first poems.According to him, he remembers his first works very clearly.

“I then wrote the first big verse, printed it, made 10 copies. He wrote that all the teachers do not understand us, underestimate us, and yet we are the future, we are the new generation. When I came to school and gave it to the guys, everyone read it. It was the first manifestation of interest in me as a person who writes ”

Known that after school SThe entered the Institute of International Relations at a paid department.And in order to pay for his studies, he also had to work.

“The turning point for me was the day my father arrived (he had a different family at that time) and said that he was ready to pay me tuition, provided that I would stop, as he put it,“ foolishness ”. I said that I would think it over, and the next day I took the documents from the institute, quit my job. In fact, I quickly decided everything for myself ”

ST Biography - Musical career

ST took his first steps towards a musical careerin 2003.Then, as part of the Souljar’s Family,he recorded his first song.In addition to ST, the group included artists such as Shodi and Lil ’Soulja. It was no coincidence that these guys were together, because the latter is a former ST classmate - they studied together at school 711.In the same yearST begins to master the art of recitative and flow.

2006-2007. Kingring

In 2006 year ST's work was appreciated by the famous Russian rap artist, head of KingRing labelSerge . He suggested that ST sign a contract with a production company.The contract was the starting point for STbecause after that he began to rapidly gain popularity and win the love of listeners.

“The clearest example is Seryoga, who was such a popular kid with ditties and a black“ boomer ”. And at some point, he made money on this boomer. And according to Western technology, his next songs were about something else. They were just as honest - “Million US Dollars”, “Discomalaria” - they became cheerful because a person satisfied his first hunger and began to make other songs ”

ST began to be invited not only to the best Moscow clubs, but also to various festivals.So ST became a participant in the Coffee Grinder festival, followed by a joint performance with Serega at the RMA, the Golden Gramophone, participation in the Splash hip-hop festival! and etc.).

2007-2011. Phlatline

In 2007ST begins to actively collaborate with Russia's first hip-hop agency Phlatline.In October of the same year Alexander Stepanov released his first debut album, entitled“One hundred out of a hundred” in what he was helped by the record company “Monolith”.

“For me, every album is my child. And the parent will never be able to answer whom he loves more, older or younger, or maybe average? “One Hundred from a Hundred” is my first-born and, you know, how it happens, you think that you are raising a child, but in fact, he is raising you. So, the first album taught me a lot, for which I will always be grateful to him ”

The release of the album contributed to an even greater growth in the artist’s popularity.He was invited to various prestigious clubs in MoscowAmong which were such institutions as HEAT, B-Club, R&B cafe, Black October DJ Bar, Diamond Hall.

Then ST began to nominate for music awards, he waswelcome guest at public events.In addition, from that moment on, ST began to actively tour the cities of Russia.The first tour of his life lasted from 2006 to 2008.

In 2008ST announced his retirement from KingRing label, without explaining the reason for his act.

“I am grateful to Seryoga for everything that he has done for me. If not for him at that moment, now there would be no rapper ST. For me personally, Seryoga has largely become an example of how an artist should work and devote himself to his work. And although I am now familiar with the “dinosaurs” of Russian rap and with those who are just starting, I have never seen in anyone such a love for this music and such a desire to get respect and be recognized. But he was not given this respect. I have not seen a more tragic story. ”

Thanks to the collaboration with Phlatline ST agency, I managed to shoot most of my videos. Perhaps,one of the most famous video works at that time was the ST clip for the song“Peter-Moscow” . Then the clips saw the light“BEEF” , “Respect” , “Fall in love” , "Differently" , "In your house" . By the way, a track called “Falling in Love” became the soundtrack to the movie “Hack”.

In February 2011 saw the light of an album called“Awesome.” Famous performers took part in the recording of the album, among which wereL’One and Guf.

“My second album“ Na100yaty ”appeared in a rather difficult time, which undoubtedly affected both me and him, but, over the years, I am glad to see that he grew up a strong and independent album”

In March 2011, Alexander Stepanov(ST) announced his departure from the Phlatline label. His example was followed by performers Marselle and Dj Booch. The reason for this action is still unknown.

2012-2013. Invisible Management

In 2012it was the beginning of ST cooperation with LLC "Supermarket Culture".In the summer of that yearin Los Angeles, a video was shot on a track called “Rap’N’Roll”. The track was the first single from the artist’s third studio album, entitled “Bulletproof”.

“Bulletproof” is an album with a big heart! He took all my pain and splashed it out with a rainbow after the rain. He took all my fears and experiences and taught me how to deal with them! He is a child of a new era - an indigo child. And just as he helped me, I'm sure he will help people who hear him! Every song on it is already a small album! ”

In the same 2012ST took part in cipher“” # Dawning ”, along with Timati, Jenee, 5 Pluch, Misha Krupin and other performers.

“There are many talented guys who appear on television and on the radio. I believe this happened after the crucial "Goodbye." Before him, a wide user knew who Basta was, who Guf was, heard Caste's word, and saw Noise on the Internet. And everything else for him is a mystery. As a maximum, they caught a couple of songs about love from the artist and that's all, no more. And here for the first time such a number of rappers on such a long track ”

In December 2012 saw the light clip to the track“Going to the bottom”.

“When I went to the bottom, we met with Levan and he says to me:“ Sasha, well, you can make funny songs. Why are you sad? ” I’m really funny somewhere, but when I, for example, am sitting in silence alone at home, words wake up in me that I have long wanted to say. ”

In March 2013album release"Bulletproof" .

“In early January, when everyone was still celebrating the coming of the new year, we, with my team, were already busy preparing the album. In the early days, we already had a photo shoot for the cover and booklet. And towards the end of January, I was already flying to New York to shoot video for the new single! ”

In September of that year a video was released on an updated version of the song called“Beef”, the original of which became the property of the audience yetin 2008. At the end of 2013 ST announced the termination of cooperation with Invisible Management.

“I constantly write something, take notes. Probably, for the first time in three albums I rewrote many songs, brought them to mind. It wasn’t such that I wrote the text, came to the studio, wrote down - and that's all, I forgot. We listened to the songs, changed the arrangements, somewhere I adjusted the verses ”

ST Biography - ST Today

In the spring of 2014 ST presented his new track called“Smile with you” , who became a joint work with the performer Mojito. In his song ST appeared before the audience from the lyrical side. Subsequently, the song became the soundtrack to the series “Immersion”.

In 2015 ST introduced his new album called"Handwriting."

“In the“ Handwriting ”album, in the tab on which lyrics are usually printed, I wrote poetry. Then I thought that there are probably a lot of people who write poetry, but do not have a platform where they could share their work. And I created the # superSTYCHES project and released the first collection with poems by modern poets ”

2017 yearwas marked by the release of a joint soundtrack with Elena Temnikova“Crazy Russian” to the film "Defenders."

Preparations are underwayto the fifth solo album STwhose output is assigned for the spring of 2018.

ST on Versus Battle

In March 2014 ST first took part in Versus Battle.

His first rival was the notorious rap artist from St. PetersburgHarry Axe.

ST and Harry Ax Versus Battle

Although before that all the battles of Harry Ax ended in his victory, this time the judges awarded the victory of ST.

“For the first time for me it was a challenge to myself. This is not my element at all, but I really wanted to talk it out. I found the most important thing, it was then Harry Ax, and expressed everything. It was the most difficult and unpleasant battle - you go out and a person says all sorts of nasty things to your face, and you are forced to accept the conditions of the game, stand and listen. ”

In November 2014 ST vs D.Masta. The fight ended in victory for ST.

In June 2016 ST and Oxxxymiron. The battle ended with the victory of the latter.

“Then there were D.Masta and Oxxxymiron. I am grateful to each of them that we did not raise the theme of the family and behaved with dignity. I'm generally the only one from media artists (let's say, from pop rap) who dared to come there. Now I'm waiting for a suitable opponent, I still have something to say ”

ST and “Battle for Respect”

In 2008 ST decided to take part in a popular reality show called “BiTV for Respect”. He managed to reach the finals, because ST was remembered by the audience for his vivid performances and charisma. However, in the final, he lost to his opponent, known under the pseudonym Ant.

“I really like the lyric songs that the guys release on 25/17. I believe that Ant is a very talented musician, performer, but, alas, our paths do not intersect. It’s not good, not bad, it’s so simple to eat.

ST - Personal life - Wife ST

In 2015ST married a beautiful girl named Assol. Fans of ST for the eyes call his beloved “Russian Angelina Jolie”, because the girl is incredibly similar to the famous actress. Their wedding took place in a narrow family circle.

“I saw her in the photo and fell in love with her eyes - I immediately realized that it was mine. I agreed through friends to introduce us. And I consider myself still that alpha male, I never had problems getting to know someone, but here I reminded a schoolboy in love with a high school student and literally could not connect two words. Then I realized that everything hit. Assol, by the way, had absolutely no idea who I was and what I, and indeed, didn’t expect anything good with the word “rapper”. But in the end I came to her in Tver and said: "You will be my wife." She laughed, after four months we got together, and after a year we got married ”

Assol has a higher geographical education and, by the way, works in the specialty.She is a successful businesswoman.owning its own travel company.

“I really fell in love, I found a woman whom I was looking for and who I am thankful for a lot. Now, in general, the institution of marriage and the family is not in the trend - coping with everything that moves is considered cool, but to be faithful to one woman is a cost of antiquity. But I live by my principles - my parents divorced, and I never had the feeling of a complete family, so I always dreamed of creating a strong cell of society myself ”

ST family

It is known that ST parents are divorced. According to him, after that he did not communicate with his father, and his mother had a rather tense relationship.

“By the way, for which I am especially grateful to Assol - she reconciled me with my whole family. Assol first reconciled me with my mother and regularly calls up with her, then with my father (he already has two children). This year we even went to the 90th anniversary of my grandmother, my mother’s father. The whole family rests on her ”

ST admits thatfrom childhood, his parents wanted a slightly different future for him.

“My parents, like everyone else, were brought up with the absolute understanding that the child first goes to kindergarten, then to school, college, and, finally, to work. At that time it was a simple and clear picture of the future. However, there was no other ”

But now ST mom is happy to see the Rap-Info project, where ST is the lead.

“I bought her a laptop, now she is all on the Internet. Due only to music, I now support myself and my mother and grandmother. I believe that I have proven that my music is work.

Hobbies ST


ST is a dedicated Spartak fan.According to him, the love of football came to him herself, since his family did not have a culture of pain for some football club.

“I don’t remember that my father watched some football matches. Around football there is something such an animal, real and not hidden. And it is very valuable to me, this outburst of emotions. And gradually I began to go to matches, matches of Spartak, because this is a Moscow team with history. That is, I first fell in love with the colors, and then I became a fan. Now I don’t miss a single home game if I'm in the city ”

"The Simpsons"

It is known that ST isan ardent admirer of the famous animated series “The Simpsons”.

“I'm really a big fan of this series and, in particular, Homer Simpson! Now I watch it, as if reading a new issue of my favorite comic book. Season after season, the series began to lose "between the lines." And the very same South Park is much more daring and unpredictable. However, in the last season of the Simpsons, an all-conquering line of the family began to be traced, as the main thing in human life, with which I completely agree ”

ST Tattoos

To date, ST has about 18 tattoos on its body.The first was made at the age of 18 - the inscription “One Hundred and One Hundred” in Gothic on the left hand.

“I generally think that stuffing a tattoo for the sake of a beautiful picture is stupid. For me, every tattoo means something. From the last ... On my side is Lyuba - she symbolizes my Love. And on the back is Vera. True, the latter was hard for me. I never ask for anesthesia, but after 5 hours I asked for a pill. In general, I believe that a tattoo is a kind of cleansing, through pain. If you don’t feel all this pain, you won’t remember this tattoo. ”

ST in life

In his spare time, ST, like many people,listens to music, watches movies and TV shows and, of course, reads books.Especially ST advises the book “The Master and Margarita”, which he called “the storehouse of wisdom”. To her adds books such as “Fight Club”, “Alchemist”, “Shogun”, “The Godfather” and “Big Soldering”.

“Recently, I really liked the work of Lana Del Ray. From the movie ... the last time I came out directly impressed was the film "Vysotsky, thanks for being alive" and "Happy New Year, Moms." I also like to read, I read quite a lot. Always on tour I take a book with me on the road. I just can't read Homer's Odyssey ”

ST does not hide his bad habitsand addiction to cigarettes and alcohol.However, he is absolutely not interested in the topic of drugs and is not discussed in any interview.

However, in one of his interviews, ST admitted thathis favorite drink is Jack Daniels when classic, and Jameson when for the soul. To this addedB-52calling it "our musketeers drink."

“I collect vinyl and buzz when I manage to buy a new record, still play the guitar and write songs 24/7. I’m also the person who hasn’t seen a single interview with Dude, and I don’t watch TV shows at all. But I have January 3, when the New Year has already been celebrated, and Christmas has not yet begun. This is the day of Sony Playstation, for which I go through some cool game. And of course, shopping - I’m buying new sneakers for myself ”

An important attribute of ST is a cap, which in his closet is quite a lot.

“For me, a cap is an integral part of my wardrobe and image. Even those who may not know my songs, from somewhere know that - “my baseball cap is red”. I have a lot of caps! Somehow I tried to count and lost! This is despite the fact that I periodically give them away and scatter them at concerts. ”

Battle list

2016 year

  • VKontakte personal page -

ST started rapping in the early 2000s with his gang Souljar’s Family consisting of such personalities as Shodi and Lil ’Soulja, while ST himself called himself $ t Soulja. The band recorded the first track in 2003, then no one knew them, but over time the songs became better pleasing the ears of new listeners.

Work with KingRing and Care at Phlatline

Closer to 2006, the boys were popular in certain circles and Alexander (this is the real name ST) was noticed by Serega, who already owned the KingRing label and offered to sign a contract. ST could not refuse. The popularity of his music grew sharply, and he began performing in the best clubs in Moscow, as well as at all sorts of all-Russian events and festivals of the highest level. 2 years after the end of the contract, ST decided to leave KingRing and began working with Phlatline.

One hundred from one hundred

In 2008, together with the label "Monolith", the release of his first album, "One Hundred of a Hundred", which was very successful and brought the rapper great popularity, took place. With Serega, of course, he was also not little known, but Serega turned out to be an impetus for Alexander, who helped him to gain a new level and record the first album almost independently. ST actively continues to play in all the elite clubs in Moscow: from the "Heat" to the "R&B cafe". With the support of Phlatline, many videos have been shot and released, which have been broadcast for a long time on all the central music channels. In the spring of 2011, ST said goodbye to Phlatline, leaving only history.

Invisible Management

Next comes the time of working with Invisible Management, on which Alexander released his third solo album, Bulletproof, as well as many famous clips. The collaboration between the company and the rapper was short and in 2013 ST terminated the contract and left the office.

In March 2014 he became a member of the “Versus Battle” project in which he razed the rapper Harry Ax, and in November he defeated Di Masty at the same battle.

Alexander Stepanov, better known under the pseudonym ST - is a Russian rap artist from the Phlatline association, the finalist of the show “BiTV for Respect”.

Alexander Stepanov made his first record in 2003 as part of the SouLJa Family group. And in 2006, his work attracted the attention of Seryoga, the head of the KingRing label, who immediately offered ST assistance in recording a solo album and a contract with a production company.

Having quickly won the attention and love of listeners, the rapper became a welcome guest in the best clubs in Moscow, as well as a participant in many public events (the "Coffee Grinder" festival, a joint performance with Serega at the "RMA" and the Golden Gramophone, hip-hop - Splash festival, etc. .).

In 2008, ST left the KingRing label and began an active collaboration with Russia's first hip-hop agency Phlatline. In October of the same year, together with the Monolith record company, the artist released his debut album, One Hundred from a Hundred.

In the creative piggy bank of the artist, more than one successfully implemented project is already. In 2008, Alexander vividly showed himself in the reality show "BiTV for Respect" (Muz-TV) and became the finalist of the most memorable Hip-Hop TV project to date in the history of Russian television. The “BEEF” clip, directed by Ivan Kulak, made a splash [source not specified 109 days] and brought ST a new audience of listeners, and the soundtrack recorded in 2009 for the movie “SHADOWS” and the clip shot for this composition , showed the rapper on a completely different, lyrical side. Particularly noteworthy is the collaboration with Guf on the track “In a Different Way”. The duet caused a heated discussion among representatives of the Russian hip-hop community, and the video shot on this “fit” broke all records for viewing and downloading it. The last music video for the track “Mom” from the debut album “One Hundred From a Hundred” on the air of almost all the leading music channels in Russia.

Now ST is actively preparing for the release of its second album, "Nastoyaschiy", and continues to tour cities in Russia and the CIS.
The track "Girl from the periphery" will be released on the album "Real", the release of which is scheduled for early December. February 11 will be filming a new ST video on the track "Girl from the periphery."

The track was produced by Nel from the Marselle group, and singer Alexandra Streltsova, who performed the chorus, will play the main character of the video.

"Girl from the periphery" will be included in the track list of the second ST album "Naststoyuschy", which is scheduled for release in early December.

The director of the video was Sarik Andreasyan, who shot the films “SHADOWS” and the modern sequel to “Office Romance”.

ST removes clip for new album

The album delayed due to illness will be released in February. But now available for download, prepared by Phlatline, EP "Hokku".
Interesting Facts
Recorded the track “In a Different Way” with Guf, performed at his wedding.
ST was born on the same day as Guf (September 23), but Guf is seven years older.
In 2008, he participated in the Battle of Respect project of Muz-TV, where he took second place. (first - Ant)
Lives on Kutuzovsky Prospekt (Moscow). [Source not specified 302 days]
He was an artist of the KingRing label.
Prior to the release of the album “One Hundred from a Hundred” he collaborated with ST1M’s (ex- “KingRing”), Seryoga and SD (“UnderWater a.k.a. UnderWHAT ??”).
Is a club MC.
Released a mixtape with a German DJ (DJ Maxxx).
Studio albums
One Hundred From The World (2008)
100th (2011)
Mixtapes, EP
We are in the club (feat. L’One) (2008)
Russian lessons (2008)
Russian club Bangers (2008)
It's time to be happy (feat. DisbalanZ (a.k.a D158)) (2009)
Peter-Moscow (feat. DJ Pill-One) (2009)
Phlatline In Da Building (feat. Marselle) (2009)
Tell me who? (ST & DJ Maxxx) (2010)
Hokku (2010)
Eating (online release)
In a different way (feat. Guf)
ST - Girl from the periphery
Rap is not stamped
I'm rap (Long mix)
Fall in love
In a different way (feat. Guf)
We made it remix
In your house (feat. Marselle)
20 lines (DJ Maxxx)
Tell me who? (DJ Maxxx feat. ST)
Rap is not stamped.

The rapper ST has many faces: he is a popular hip-hop artist, and presenter, and battle rapper, and songwriter and just a poet. Sometimes it seems that different people work under this pseudonym. But this is not so - in all forms the same person manages to prove himself: Alexander Stepanov.

Sasha was born in the capital of the USSR in the family of an officer of the Navy. Since the boy’s father was often transferred from the garrison to the garrison, other close relatives followed the head of the family.

From the Belokamennaya Stepanovs went over the Arctic Circle to the small town of Gadzhievo, where one of the bases of the Northern Fleet was located. Then Sasha’s father was transferred to serve in Kaluga, and mother and son returned to Moscow.

As a child, Sasha was no different from his peers: he studied at school, played with friends in the yard, attended the sports section. At some point, the little boy became interested in music. Hearing the compositions of Tupac Shakur, one of the cult American rap artists, Sasha and himself became interested in this direction.

As a teenager, the guy not only wrote poetry on his own, but, having knocked out two comrades for a joint business, he recorded the first music track with them. So the band “Souljar’s Family” was born, which soon became quite famous in the Moscow musical environment.

Closer to graduation, Alexander's relationship with his parents deteriorated. The father left the family, but the guy could not communicate normally with his mother. Having taken a high school diploma from school, Sasha took the documents to the Institute of International Relations. It was not possible to enter the budgetary form of training, and Stepanov went to the paid form.

In order to pay for tuition on time, the guy had to work hard after class. There was no time left for music. Sasha did not like this state of affairs, and he decided to quit his studies, fully devoting himself to his favorite occupation. Subsequently, Stepanov never regretted the decision.

The incomplete young man was noticed by Sergey Parkhomenko (better known as rapper Serge). He took Sasha under his care, and soon the rapper ST became one of the popular performers in the domestic show business. The diligence and talent of Alexander did not go unnoticed and on the part of music critics, the rapper was awarded prestigious prizes.

In 2008 ST took part in the show "BiTV for Respect", which organized the channel MUZ-TV. Alexander was a little short of victory (he won MS Antu). But ST was not a loser - the Phlatline label expressed a desire to collaborate with the young rapper. The management of this company not only provided Alexander with a permanent tour schedule throughout the country, but also helped to record the debut album, One Hundred and One Hundred. Joint tracks with ST were soon recorded by Basta, Guf, L`One.

The first album didn’t stop and the second one - “At 100”. This disc caused an enthusiastic reaction from the fans and made the artist even more famous. In support of the album, ST shot several videos, the most popular of which were “Girl from the periphery” and “Peter-Moscow”.

Interesting notes:

The singles "Rap’N’Roll", "Going to the bottom" only secured success. But ST did not stop there - in 2013 he released the third solo album entitled “Bulletproof”, which Alexander helped to record Guf, Linda, Katya Nova and the group “Meaning Hallucinations”.

The year 2014 in the career of ST was marked by the fact that for the first time he agreed to participate in "Versus Battle", which won by defeating Harry Ax. Two years later, Alexander once again participated in the battle and defeated even such an opponent as.

In 2015, the performer brought to the public’s court his fourth album, entitled “Handwriting,” which complemented the original cover with poems written by Alexander by hand. In 2016, ST wrote for the song "Sea." A year later, the rapper began close cooperation with the Leningrad group, with which he shot several videos.

Currently, ST continues to tour successfully with the band and create songs for other artists. In particular, he wrote compositions for and for Olga Buzova. About this, the rapper told the journalist Irina Shikhman in the YouTube show "And talk?"

In the summer of 2018, the performer gave many concerts in support of the world football championship, which took place in Russia, performing at the venues of fan zones in various cities. He also presented the book “The Rapper Against Music”, which included poems written by Alexander, but which did not become part of musical compositions.

In addition to concert activities and work in a recording studio, ST tried his hand at cinema. In 2011, he played a cameo role of a guy who caught hallucinations in the comedy Pregnant. Two years later, Alexander appeared in one of the episodes of the comedic melodrama

In his personal life, Alexander is as good as in his professional career. He is married to television host and model Assol Vasilyeva. Together with the wife of the performer can often be seen among fans of the Moscow “Spartak”. In addition to creating a cozy home, Assol was able to try on her husband with his parents. Alexander has established relations with his father and mother, and now in the Stepanov family there is peace and harmony.

The rapper ST has a hobby - he collects vinyl records. And even at her leisure she doesn’t let go of the guitar, in order to soon please the fans of her work with new compositions.

, USSR), better known under the stage name ST - Russian rap artist, former member of the Phlatline association, finalist of the first season of the Battle for Respect show.

From 2011 to December 2013, together with the Dino MC 47, he led the RapInfo program. Nominee of the Prize Muz-TV 2013 in the category "Best Hip Hop Project". He is also a fan of the Spartak football club, to whom he devoted several of his compositions.


Born in 1988 in Moscow.

He made his first record in 2003 as part of the Souljar’s Family group, which included ST (at that time $ t Soulja), Shodi and Lil ’Soulja.ST and Lil’Soulja are former classmates, studied at school 711, ZAO, Q2za

In 2006, his work attracted the attention of Seryoga, the head of the KingRing label, who immediately offered an ST contract with a production company. Having quickly won the attention and love of listeners, the rapper became a welcome guest in the best clubs in Moscow, as well as a participant in many public events (the "Coffee Grinder" festival, a joint performance with Serega at the RMA and the Golden Gramophone, the hip-hop festival Splash! And others. ) In 2008, ST left KingRing Records.

In 2007, he began active cooperation with the first hip-hop agency Phlatline in Russia. In October of the same year, together with the Monolith record company, the artist released his debut album, One Hundred and One Hundred.

The album brought ST even more popularity, he became an honored guest in prestigious clubs of the capital (B-Club, HEAT, R&B cafe, Black October DJ Bar, Diamond Hall, Bar Fly), began to participate in various public events and music awards.

With the support of Phlatline, many ST videos were shot, which have been on the air for such well-known TV channels as A-One, RU.TV, Music Box, Muz-TV and MTV for a long time. One of his most famous clips of that time is the clip for the song “Peter-Moscow”, also on his account are the clips “BEEF”, “Respect”, “Fall in Love”, “In a Different Way” (student Guf), “We Made It” Remix ”and“ In Your Home ”.

On February 11, 2011, a new ST video was shot on the track “Girl from the Peripherals” from the album “On100”. The track was produced by Nel from the Marselle group, and the singer who performed the chorus, Alexandra Streltsova, played the main character of the video. "Girl from the periphery" was included in the track list of the second album ST "Na100yaschy", which is scheduled for release in early December. The director of the video was Sarik Andreasyan, who shot the films “Mugs” and the modern sequel to “Office Romance”.

In 2012, ST begins cooperation with Universam Kultury LLC. In the summer of Los Angeles, a video was shot for the track “Rap’N’Roll”. The filming process began to lead Motion Family. “Rap’N’Roll” is the first single from ST’s third studio album, “Bulletproof.”

December 22, 2012 released a video clip for the song "Going to the bottom." The song even before the film adaptation caused a great resonance in the hip-hop community. Immediately after the release of the track, it turned out that the clip for it was already shot and is in post-production. Worked on video production group 2rbina 2rista. The release of the “Bulletproof” album took place on March 5, 2013, and its presentation took place on March 9.

On September 23, on his birthday, he uploaded a video clip to the updated version of the song “Beef”, the original of which was released back in 2008. At the end of 2013, he ceases cooperation with Invisible Management.

In 2014, he took part in the Versus Battle online show. The release went online March 9, 2014. His opponent was St. Petersburg rapper Harry Ax, who defeated hip-hop artists such as Billy Milligan, Czar and Noize MC on the same project. The fight ended in victory for ST.

The fourth studio album, Handwriting, was released on March 10, 2015, the track list of which included 15 songs. Also in addition to the album is a booklet with your own poems. In September of the same year he married the TV presenter Assol.

In June 2016, he again participated in the Versus Battle project, where Oxxxymiron acted as his opponent. ST lost by decision of the judges with a score of 3: 0, which caused discussion among the Internet audience.

In the fall of 2016, ST announced the opening of its label, Istoria Music.

“The battle for respect”

In 2008, ST participated in the reality show "BiTV for Respect" (Muz-TV), where he became the finalist of the most memorable Hip-Hop TV project in the history of Russian television.

  • Qualifying round, Mad-a vs. ST (won)
  • 1/4 finals, D.masta vs. ST (won)
  • 1/2 finals, L’One vs. ST (won by spectator votes)
  • Final: Ant vs. ST (lost: 49% against ST vs 51% Anta)

Versus battle

  • Versus Battle (Season 2): ST vs Harry Ax (ST won 2-1)
  • Versus Battle All Stars: ST vs D.Masta (ST won)
  • Versus Battle (Season 3): Oxxxymiron VS ST (ST lost 3-0)


Studio albums

  • - "One hundred out of a hundred"
  • - “At 100”
  • - “Bulletproof”
  • - "Handwriting"


  • - 25

Mini Albums

  • - Hokku
  • - "# xxxxxxx1" (shared with DJ Pill.One)


  • - “We are in the club” (together with L’One)
  • - "Russian lessons"
  • - Russian Club Bangers (with DJ Booch)
  • - “It's time to rejoice” (together with DisbalanZ)
  • - “Peter-Moscow” (together with DJ Pill.One)
  • - Phlatline in da building (together with the Marselle group)
  • “Tell me who?” (with DJ Maxxx)


  • 2007 - “I'm Rap” (ST1M’s album) Track 09. "In the give (school Seryoga)."
  • 2007 - I Am The Russian Dream vol. 1 (mixtape / promo collector Phlatline)
  • 2008 - Poetry nights (DJ Nik-One mixtape) Track 13. “All vand” (study 5Pluch, MC Young, Le Truk, Mezza Morta).
  • 2008 - “Warriors of the Light vol.1” (GLSS label album) Tracks 01. “Intro”, 10. “War of the light is here” (study 5Pluh), 17. “Dream” (study L’One, Masha Malinovskaya).
  • 2008 - Mars (Marselle album) Track 13. "Hay Yo."
  • 2008 - Mars mic on (mixtape of the Marselle band) Track 04. "What will I be like."
  • 2008 - Mars fm (mixtape of Marselle band) Track 11. “Look around”.
  • 2008 - Novi den (Kadi & Zoit collaborative album)
  • 2009 - Oil(Dino MC 47 album) Tracks 11. “Verbs” (student Roma Zhigan, 5Pluh), 17. “Give me my mic ...”.
  • 2009 - “Warriors of the Light vol.2” (GLSS label compilation) Tracks 04. “Once the world will cave in”, 20. “Verbs” (study Dino MC 47, Roma Gigant, 5Pluh).
  • 2010 - The Delugh (joint maxi-single of Roma Zhigan and Tribal) Track 07. "Verbs" (study Dino MC 47, 5Pluh).
  • 2010 - 3G (J Wilks album) Bonus track 09. “Sun Freedom”.
  • 2010 - “Not an album” (Artik’a compilation) Track 05. “Since I am” (study L’One, Keks, Ilya Kireev).
  • 2010 - Moscow 2010 (Miko album) Tracks 05. “Moscow” (study Dino MC 47, Roma Zhigan, Nastya Kochetkova), 18. “Responsible for” (study Dino MC 47, Nastya Kochetkova).
  • 2010 - “Other 2” (joint mini-album of Gigi and Matt Quota) Track 02. "Not a crime."
  • 2011 - Ein fall für zwei (DJ Sweap & DJ Pfund 500 album)
  • 2011 - The Show by MaxiGnom (MaxiGnom’s album)
  • 2012-Come on Goodbye, Timati, L "One, ST, Nel Marselle, Jenee, 5 Plush, Misha Krupin

Prod. by Capella / Diamond Style Productions

  • 2012 - Habitat (Dino MC 47 album) Tracks 03. “We continue Rock & Roll”, 17. “Responsible for ...” (student Nastya Kochetkova).
  • 2012 - American 2 (Pencil album) Track 16. “Titanic” (study Luina).
  • 2012 - Old Secrets (Ptah’s album) Skeet 22. “For the minus one”.
  • 2013 - "EP’zod 3" (mini-album of the New Union group) Track “Shorter than a leash”.
  • 2013 - Somatica (Gigi's album) Track "Happy New Year, mother (student Hamil)."
  • 2013 - “I want all my friends to be” (collection 4atty) Track "I smoke, rap (study 5Pluh, Jenee)."
  • 2013 - # 4eva (Cosmostars album) Track "I'll never stop drinking (student L’One, Pencil)."
  • 2014 - "#Mine Quarry" (mixtape DJ Philchansky & DJ Daveed) Track "#ST".
  • 2014 - XO (Nel’a mini-album) The track is Rock’n’Roll.
  • 2014 - Decamerone (Vintage album) Track "LR".


  • "Eats" (online release)
  • "I smoke, read rap"
  • “Wake the music in me”
  • “Just hold my hand tight”
  • Rap’N’Roll
  • "Going to the bottom"
  • "Happy New Year, Mom!" (school Giga, Hamil)
  • "Bulletproof"
  • “I Will Never Stop Drinking” (student L’One, Pencil, Cosmostars)
  • “The Irony of Fate” (student Andrey Grizz-lee)
  • “Smile with you” (school “Mojito”)
  • “Letter to a Woman” (Verse by S. A. Yesenin)


Video clips

  • 2007 - "I am rap" (Long mix) (school ST1M, SD, Seryoga, Misha Krupin, Lyon, Artik ("Carats"), Valachi (G-Style)
  • 2008 - Beef
  • 2008 - Respect
  • 2008 - Russian Club Bangers / We Made It (Linkin Park & \u200b\u200bBusta Rhymes instr.)
  • 2009 - “Fall in Love”
  • 2009 - Peter-Moscow
  • 2009 - “In a Different Way” (student Guf)
  • 2009 - “At Your Home” (student Marselle)
  • 2010 - Mom
  • 2010 - “20 lines” (student DJ Maxxx)
  • 2010 - “Tell me, who?” (student DJ Maxxx)
  • 2010 - “Rap is not stamped” (student Nel)
  • 2011 - “Girl from the periphery” (student Alexander Streltsov)
  • 2011 - Blindfold
  • 2011 - Na-na-na (student Ilya Kireev)
  • 2011 - So High (student DJ Sweap & DJ Pfund500)
  • 2011 - The Loner
  • 2011 - Hope (study OZ)
  • 2011 - “I smoke, read, rap”
  • 2012 - Marijuana (student Linda)
  • 2012 - Nannies
  • 2012 - “Just Hold My Hand Tight”
  • 2012 - “#Davidosvidaniya” (student Timati, L’One, Nel, Jenee, 5 Pluch, Misha Krupin)
  • 2012 - “We Continue Rock & Roll” (student Dino MC 47, DJ Kid)
  • 2012 - “#Kuryuchitayurep” (study 5 Pluch, Jenee, 4atty)
  • 2012 - Rap’N’Roll
  • 2012 - The Titanic (student Pencil, Luina)
  • 2012 - “Happy New Year, Mom!” (school Giga, Hamil)
  • 2012 - “Going to the bottom”
  • 2013 - Bulletproof
  • 2013 - Rowan
  • 2013 - MaloMalo (student L’One, DJ Pill.One)
  • 2013 - Fly
  • 2013 - “Everything will be buzzing” (student MC T, Andrey Grizz-lee)
  • 2013 - “I Will Never Stop Drinking” (student Cosmostars, L’One, Pencil)
  • 2013 - The Irony of Fate (student Andrey Grizz-lee)
  • 2013 - Beef / 2013 (study Noises)
  • 2013 - So Important (school tribal)
  • 2014 - Slam (student DJ Pill.One)
  • 2014 - “Smile with you” (school "Mojito")
  • 2014 - Pedals (student DJ Kid, Stewart)
  • 2014 - Rock’n’Roll (student Nel)
  • 2014 - Phoenix (student Tribal, Andrey Killa)
  • 2014 - Aesthetes (student Marta Kot)
  • 2014 - “I am here” (student Big Som, Morison)
  • 2015 - Okoloshoubiz
  • 2015 - “Underwater” (study Pizza)
  • 2015 - “Recommended” (student DJ Pill.One)
  • 2015 - "# pray4j" (student Ptah, Gourmet, Nagual, Fed L, Aedee, Staff Bro)
  • 2015 - “#Police (Home Alone)” (student DJ Pill.One)
  • 2016 - Haight (student DJ Pill.One)
  • 2016 - Hasl (student DJ Pill.One)
  • 2016 - Naruli (student DANU)
  • 2016 - Q2ZA (student DJ Pill.One)
  • 2016 - The Sea (student Julianna Karaulova)
  • 2016 - “Letter” (student Marie Kraimbreri)

Participate in video clips

  • 2007 - “My Game” (Basta and Guf)
  • 2012 - XXIV (Nel)
  • 2013 - “Time” (Ptah)
  • 2013 - X-ray (Timati)
  • 2013 - Magical (Timati and Snoop Dogg)


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ST passage (rapper)

Despite the fact that since the 20th of August almost all of Rostov’s acquaintances had left Moscow, despite the fact that everyone persuaded the countess to leave as soon as possible, she did not want to hear anything about leaving until her treasure, beloved, returned Petya. On August 28, Petya arrived. The sorely passionate tenderness with which his mother met him did not please the sixteen-year-old officer. Despite the fact that his mother hid from him his intention not to let him out from under her wing, Petya understood her intentions and, instinctively afraid that he wouldn’t be discouraged with his mother and would not get into trouble (as he thought to himself), he managed coldly with her, he avoided her and during his stay in Moscow he kept exclusively to Natasha’s company, to which he always had a special, almost in love, brotherly affection.
According to the Count’s usual carelessness, on August 28, nothing was ready for departure, and the wagons expected from Ryazan and Moscow villages to lift all the property from the house only arrived on the 30th.
From August 28 to August 31, all of Moscow was in trouble and movement. Every day, thousands of wounded in the battle of Borodino were imported and transported to Dorogomilovskaya outpost around Moscow, and thousands of carts, with residents and property, went to other outposts. Despite the plaques of Rastopchin, either independently of them, or as a result of them, the most contradictory and strange news was broadcast around the city. Who said that no one was told to leave; who, on the contrary, said that they raised all the icons from the churches and that they expelled everyone by force; who said that there was still a battle after Borodinsky in which the French were defeated; who said, on the contrary, that the entire Russian army was destroyed; who spoke of the Moscow militia, which will go with the clergy ahead on the Three Mountains; who was slowly telling that Augustine was not told to leave, that traitors were caught, that men were rebelling and robbing those who were leaving, etc., etc. But that was only said, but in essence, those who were traveling, and those who remained (despite the fact that there was still no council at Fili, at which it was decided to leave Moscow), everyone felt, although they did not show it, that Moscow would certainly be surrendered and that it was necessary to clean up as soon as possible by ourselves and save your property. It was felt that everything suddenly had to tear and change, but until the 1st day nothing had changed. Just as the criminal who is being executed, knows that he must die, but he is still peering around and adjusting the badly worn hat, so Moscow involuntarily continued her usual life, although she knew that the time of death was close when everyone was torn those conditional relationships of life that are used to obeying.
In the course of these three days preceding the capture of Moscow, the entire Rostov family was in various everyday troubles. The head of the family, Count Ilya Andreich, constantly traveled around the city, collecting rumors from all sides, and at home he made general, superficial and hasty orders for preparations for departure.
The countess followed the cleaning of things, was unhappy with everything, and went after Petya, who was constantly running away from her, jealous of him to Natasha, with whom he spent all the time. Sonya alone was in control of the practical side of things: packing things. But Sonya was especially sad and silent all this lately. The letter of Nicolas, in which he mentioned Princess Mary, provoked in her presence the joyful reasoning of the Countess about how in the meeting of Princess Mary with Nicolas she saw the Providence of God.
“I was never happy then,” said the countess, “when Bolkonsky was Natasha’s fiance, and I always wanted to, and I have a hunch that Nikolinka will marry the princess.” And how good it would be!
Sonya felt that it was true that the only way to improve Rostov’s affairs was to marry a rich woman and that the princess was a good party. But she was very bitter. Despite her grief, or perhaps precisely because of her grief, she took upon herself all the difficult worries of orders for cleaning and packing and was busy all day. The count and countess turned to her when they needed to order something. Petya and Natasha, on the contrary, not only did not help their parents, but for the most part everyone in the house was annoyed and disturbed. And the whole day they were almost heard in their house running around, screaming and causeless laughter. They did not laugh and rejoice at all because there was a reason for their laughter; but their hearts were joyful and merry, and therefore everything that happened was a cause of joy and laughter for them. Petya was having fun because, having left the house as a boy, he returned (as everyone had told him) a young man; it was fun because he was at home, because he was from the Bila Tserkva, where there was not soon hope of getting into a battle, he got to Moscow, where they would fight the other day; and most importantly, it’s fun because Natasha, whose mood he always obeyed, was cheerful. Natasha was cheerful because she had been sad for too long, and now nothing reminded her of the reason for her sadness, and she was healthy. She was also cheerful because there was a man who admired her (the admiration of others was that wheel ointment that was necessary for her car to move completely freely), and Petya admired her. Most importantly, they were cheerful because the war was near Moscow, that they would fight at the outpost, that they would distribute weapons, that everyone would run away, go somewhere that something extraordinary was happening that was always joyful for a person, especially a young one.

On August 31, Saturday, in the Rostovs' house, everything seemed to be turned upside down. All doors were dissolved, all furniture was moved out or rearranged, mirrors, paintings were taken. There were chests in the rooms, hay, wrapping paper, and ropes. The peasants and courtyards carrying things walked hard on the parquet. Peasant carts crowded in the courtyard, some already stowed on top and bogged down, some still empty.
The voices and steps of the huge courtyard and the men who arrived with carts sounded, echoing in the yard and in the house. Earl in the morning went somewhere. The countess, whose head ached from fuss and noise, was lying in a new sofa with vinegar bandages on her head. Petya was not at home (he went to a friend with whom he intended to transfer from the militia to the army). Sonya was present in the hall when laying crystal and porcelain. Natasha sat in her busted room on the floor, between scattered dresses, ribbons, scarves, and, motionlessly looking at the floor, held in her hands an old ball gown, the same (already old in fashion) dress in which she was for the first time in St. Petersburg the bale.
Natasha was ashamed to do nothing in the house, while everyone was so busy, and several times in the morning she still tried to get down to business; but her soul did not lie to this matter; but she could not and did not know how to do anything not from the bottom of her heart, not from all her strength. She stood over Sonya during the laying of porcelain, wanted to help, but immediately left and went to her place to pack her things. At first, she was amused by the fact that she was distributing her dresses and ribbons to the maids, but then, when the others still had to be laid, she found it boring.
- Dunyasha, will you lay down, my dear? Yes? Yes?
And when Dunyasha willingly promised to do everything for her, Natasha sat down on the floor, picked up an old ball gown and thought not at all about what should occupy her now. From the thoughtfulness in which Natasha was, she brought her talk of the girls in the neighboring girl’s and the sounds of their hasty steps from the girl’s to the back porch. Natasha got up and looked out the window. A huge train of wounded people stopped on the street.
Girls, lackeys, a housekeeper, a nanny, a cook, coachmen, post-graduates, cooks stood at the gate, looking at the wounded.
Natasha, having thrown a white handkerchief over her hair and holding the ends with both hands, went out into the street.
The former housekeeper, an old woman, Mavra Kuzminishna, separated from the crowd standing at the gate, and, going to the cart, which was wearing a gun-shaped wagon, talked to the young pale officer lying in the cart. Natasha moved a few steps and stopped timidly, continuing to hold her handkerchief and listening to what the keykeeper was saying.
- Well, do you mean that no one is in Moscow? - said Mavra Kuzminishna. “You should be at ease where in the apartment ... That would be at least to us.” Gentlemen are leaving.
“I don’t know if they will allow it,” the officer said in a weak voice. “There’s the boss ... ask,” and he pointed to the fat major, who was returning back down the street in a row of carts.
With frightened eyes, Natasha looked into the face of the wounded officer and immediately went to meet the major.
- Can the wounded stay in our house? She asked.
The Major put a hand to his visor with a smile.
“Whom do you want, mamzel?” He said, narrowing his eyes and smiling.
Natasha calmly repeated her question, and her face and all manner, despite the fact that she continued to hold her handkerchief at the tips, were so serious that the major stopped smiling and, at first thinking, as if asking himself to what extent this is possible, answered her in the affirmative.
“Oh, yes, why, well, you can,” he said.
Natasha inclined her head slightly and returned quickly to Mavra Kuzminishna, who was standing above the officer and talking with him with mournful participation.
- You can, he said, you can! - whispered Natasha.
The officer in a kibitochka wrapped the Rostovs in the courtyard, and dozens of wounded carts, at the invitation of city dwellers, were wrapped in yards and pulled up to the entrances of Povarskaya Street houses. Natasha, apparently, has recovered these relationships outside of normal living conditions with new people. She, together with Mavra Kuzminishna, tried to wrap as many wounded as possible on her yard.
“We need to report to dad all the same,” said Mavra Kuzminishna.
- Nothing, nothing, isn't it all the same! For one day we will move into the living room. You can give all of our half to them.
“Well, you young lady will come up with that!” Yes, even in the outbuilding, at idle, to the nanny, and then you need to ask.
- Well, I'll ask.
Natasha ran into the house and tiptoed through the half-open door of the sofa, from which it smelled of vinegar and goffman drops.
“Are you sleeping, mom?”
- Ah, what a dream! Said the countess, awakening, just dozing off.
“Mom, darling,” said Natasha, kneeling in front of her mother and putting her face close to hers. - Guilty, sorry, I will never, I woke you. Mavra Kuzminishna sent me, here they brought the wounded, officers, let me? And they have nowhere to go; I know that you will allow ... - she said quickly, without taking a breath.
- What officers? Who was brought? I don’t understand anything, ”said the countess.
Natasha laughed, the countess also smiled faintly.
“I knew that you would allow ... so I will say so.” - And Natasha, kissing her mother, got up and went to the door.
In the hall, she met her father, who came back home with bad news.
- We had enough! - Count involuntarily said the count. - And the club is closed, and the police come out.
- Dad, nothing that I invited the wounded to the house? - Natasha told him.
“Of course, nothing,” said the count absently. “That's not the point, and now I ask that you don’t deal with trifles, but help to lay and go, go, go tomorrow ...” And the count gave the butler and the people the same order. At dinner, Petya returned, told his news.
He said that now the people were sorting out weapons in the Kremlin, that although Ropopchin’s billboard said that he would click for two days, he had probably already ordered that all the people go to the Three Mountains with weapons, and that there there will be a big battle.
The countess looked with timid horror at her son's cheerful, heated face as he spoke. She knew that if she said a word that she asked Petya not to go to this battle (she knew that he was happy about this upcoming battle), then he would say something about men, about honor, about homeland - something like that meaningless, masculine, stubborn, which cannot be objected to, and the case will be ruined, and therefore, hoping to arrange so that she could leave before and take Petya with her, as a protector and patron, she said nothing to Petya, and after lunch called the Count and with tears, begged him to take her away sooner that night, if possible. With a female, involuntary cunning of love, she, who had so far shown complete fearlessness, said that she would die of fear if they did not leave tonight. She, without pretending, was now afraid of everything.

M me Schoss, who was going to her daughter, even boloo increased the Countess’s fear with stories about what she saw on Myasnitskaya Street in the drinking establishment. Returning along the street, she could not get home from the drunken crowd of people raging at the office. She took the cab and circled the lane home; and the cabman told her that the people were breaking barrels in a drinking office, which is so ordered.
After lunch, all the Rostovs with enthusiastic haste set to work on packing and preparing for departure. The old count, suddenly getting down to business, all after dinner, without ceasing, walked from the yard to the house and back, stupidly shouting at rushing people and even rushing them. Petya ordered in the yard. Sonya did not know what to do under the influence of conflicting orders of the count, and was completely lost. People, screaming, arguing and making noise, ran around the rooms and the courtyard. Natasha, with her usual passion in everything, suddenly set to work too. At first, her interference in the laying business was met with distrust. Everyone expected a joke from her and did not want to obey her; but with stubbornness and passion she demanded humility, was angry, almost cried that they did not listen to her, and, finally, achieved that they believed in her. Her first feat, which cost her tremendous efforts and gave her power, was the laying of carpets. The count in the house had expensive gobelins and Persian rugs. When Natasha got down to business, there were two open drawers in the hall: one almost laid to the top with porcelain, the other with carpets. Porcelain was still set on the tables and still carried from the pantry. It was necessary to start a new, third box, and people followed him.