
Hans Christian Andersen - biography, information, personal life. Hans Christian Andersen - biography, photos, personal life, fairy tales and books correct Hans or Hans Andersen

Hans Christian Andersen (in many publications in Russian, the name of the writer is indicated as Hans Christians, dates. Hans Christian Andersen; April 2, 1805, Odense, Danish-Norwegian Ulya - August 4, 1875, Copenhagen, Denmark) - Danish Prose and Poet, The author of the world famous fairy tales for children and adults: "Ugly duck", "New Dress of the King", "Resistant Tin Soldier", "Princess on the Pea", "Ole Lukee", " The Snow Queen"And many others.

Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in Odense on the island of Funen. Andersen's father, Hans Andersen (1782-1816), was a poor shoe, and the mother Anna Marie Andersdatter (1775-1833) was a launcher from a poor family, she had to ask for a child as a child, she was buried in a cemetery for the poor.

He grew up very sophisticated by a nervous child, emotional and susceptible. At that time, physical punishments of children in schools were commonplace, so the boy was afraid to go to school, and his mother gave him to a Jewish school, where physical punishments against children were banned.

At the age of 14, Hans went to Copenhagen; Mother let him go, as it hoped that he would come there a little and return. When she asked the reason for which he rides, leaving her and the house, the young Hans Christian immediately replied: "To become famous!".

Hans Christian was a long-standing teenager with extended and subtle limbs, neck and the same long nose, as well as out of pity, Hans Christian, despite ineffective appearance, was adopted at the Royal Theater, where he played minic roles. He was offered to learn from the good relation to him, seeing his desire. Syflocked by the poor and sensitive boy, people petitioned in front of the King of Denmark Frederick VI, who allowed to study at school in the town of Slagels, and then at another school in Elsinor at the expense of the treasury. Pupils at school were 6 years old under Andersen. He later recalled about the years of study at school as the most dark sum of his life, due to the fact that he was subjected to the strict criticism of the rector of the educational institution and painfully worried about this day until the end of his days - he saw the rector in nightmarish dreams.

In 1827, Andersen completed study. By the end of the life, he did in the letter many grammatical mistakes - Andersen never overwhelmed the diplomas.

Andersen was never married and had no children.

In 1829 published by Andersen fantastic story "Having traveled from the Canal Holman to the eastern tip of Amagra" brought the writer fame. Andersen writes a large number literary works, Including in 1835 - glorified his "fairy tales". In the 1840s, Andersen tried to return to the layout, but without much success. At the same time, he confirmed his talent, making a collection of "Book with pictures without pictures."

In the second half of the 1840s and in the next years, Andersen continued to publish novels and plays, trying in vain to glorify as a playwright and a novelist.

In 1872, Andersen fell off the bed, he was very prayed and no longer recovered from injuries, although she lived for another three years. He died on August 4, 1875 and was buried at the Copenhagen Copenhagen.

List of famous fairy tales:

Storks (Storkene, 1839)
Thumbelina, Wilhelm Pedersen, 1820-1859.
Gudfaders Billedbog, 1868)
Angel (Engelen, 1843)
Anne Lisbeth (Anne Lisbeth, 1859)
Grandma (BedStemoder, 1845)
Flek and Professoren (Loppen Og Professoren, 1872)
Wandering lights in the city (Lygtemændene Ere I Byen, Sagde Mosekonen, 1865)
God will never die (Den Gamle Gud Lever Endnu, 1836)
Big Sea Snake (Den Store Søslage, 1871)
Bronze Caban (Used) (Metalsvinet, 1842)
Eldemoer, 1844 (HYLDEMOER, 1844)
Bottle Gorlashko (Flaskehalsen, 1857)
On the day of death (Paa Den YDERSTE DAG, 1852)
In the nursery (I Børnestuen, 1865)
Merry temper (et godt humeur, 1852)
The wind tells about Valdemar before and his daughters (Vinden Fortæller Om Valdemar Daae OG Hans Døttre, 1859)
Windmill (Veirmøllen, 1865)
Magic Hill (Elverhøi, 1845)
Collar (Flipperne, 1847)
Everybody knows my place! (Everything is your place) ("Alt Paa Sin Rette Plads", 1852)
VEN and GLEN (VæNø OG Glænø, 1867)
Ugly duck (Den Grimme ælling, 1843)
Hans Churban (or Ferus Hans) (Klods-Hans, 1855)
Buckwheat (Boghveden, 1841)
Two brothers (to Brødre, 1859)
Two girls (to Jomfruer, 1853)
Twelve passengers (TOLV MED POSTEN, 1861)
Yard rooster and vane (Gaardhanen Og Veirhanen, 1859)
Deva Ice (IISJomfruen, 1861)
Girl with matches (Den Lille Pige Med SvovLstikkerne, 1845)
The girl who came to the bread (girl coming on bread) (Pigen, Som Tradte Paa Brødet, 1859)
Day of Moving (FlyttedAgen, 1860)
Wild Swans (De Vilde Svaner, 1838)
Director of the Puppet Theater (Marionetspilleren, 1851)
Days of the week (UGedagene, 1868)
House and hostess (Nissen Og Madamen, 1867)
Lantley Merchant (Nissen Hos Spekhøkeren, 1852)
Road comrade (Reisekammeraten, 1835)
Daughter of the Swamp King (Dynd-Kongens Datter, 1858)
DRIADA (Dryaden, 1868)
Thumbeline (Tommelise, 1835)
Jew (Jødepigen, 1855)
Spruce (GRANTRæET, 1844)
Bishop Berglum and His Rami (Bispen PAA Børglum OG Hans Frænde, 1861)
There is also a difference! ("" Der Er Forskjel! ", 1851)
Toad (Skrubtudsen, 1866)
Bride and groom (Kjærestefolkene or Toppen Og Bolden, 1843)
Green crumbs (de Smaa Grønne, 1867)
Evil prince. Tradition (Den Onde Fyrste, 1840)
Golden Boy (Guldskat, 1865)
And in a pinch sometimes hiding happiness (Lykken Kan Ligge i en Pind, 1869)
IB and Christine (IB OG Lille Christine, 1855)
From the Laddle window (Fra Et Vindue I Vartou, 1846)
True truth (Det Er Ganske Vist !, 1852)
History of the Year (Aarets Historie, 1852)
History of one mother (Historien OM EN MODER, 1847)
How the storm moved the signboard (Stormen Flytter Skilt, 1865)
How good! ("" Deilig! ", 1859)
Happiness Kalosker (Lykkens Kalosker, 1838)
Water drop (Vanddraaben, 1847)
Gate key (Portnøglen, 1872)
Something ("NOGET", 1858)
Bell (Klokken, 1845)
KlokKedybet, 1856)
Bell Stantian Ole (Taarnvægteren Ole, 1859)
Comet (Kometen, 1869)
Red Shoes (De Røde Skoe, 1845)
Who is happier? (HVEM VAR DEN LYKKELIGSTE?, 1868)
Swan Nest (Svanereden, 1852)
Lucky (Hørren, 1848)
Little Claus and Big Claus (Lille Claus Og Store Claus, 1835)
Little Tuk (Lille Tuk, 1847)
Moth (Sommerfuglen, 1860)
New Century Muse (Det Nye Aarhundredes Musa, 1861)
On dunes (en Historie Fra Klitterne, 1859)
On the edge of the sea (Ved Det YDERSTE HAV, 1854)
On the tomb of the child (Barnet I Graven, 1859)
On the bird's yard (I Andegaarden, 1861)
Dung Beetle (Skarnbassen, 1861)
Meal Book (Den Stumme Bog, 1851)
Non-good boy (Den Uartige Dreng, 1835)
New Dress King (Keiserens Nye Klæder, 1837)
Night cap of the old bachelor (Pebersvendens Nathue, 1858)
What was the old woman of Johanne (Hvad Gamle Johanne Fortalte, 1872)
Pearl Thread Pearl (Et Stykke Perlesnor, 1856)
Ole Lukoye (Ole Lukøie, 1841)
Sibliya Paradise Plants (Et Blad Fra Himlen, 1853)
Couple (Kæressefolkene, 1843)
Cowgirl and Peduchist (Hyrdinden Og Skorsteensfeieren, 1845)
Peter, Peter and Per (Peiter, Peter Og Peer, 1868)
Feather and inkwell (Pen Og Blækhuus, 1859)
Dances, doll, dances! (DANDSE, DANDSE DUKKE MIN! 1871)
Cancer (Venskabs-Pagten, 1842)
Under Yes (under Piletræet, 1852)
Snowdrop (Sommergjækken, 1862)
Last Sleep of Old Oak (Det Gamle Egetræes Sidte Drøm, 1858)
Last Pearl (Den Sidte Perle, 1853)
Pradedushka (Oldefa "ER, 1870)
Greach Birds Ancestors (Hønse-Greethes Familie, 1869)
Beautiful Rose of the World (Verdens Deiligste Rose, 1851)
Princess on the pea (Prindsesen PAA æRTEN, 1835)
Pagger ("HUN DUEDE IKKE", 1852)
Jumpers (Springfyrene, 1845)
Psyche (Psychen, 1861)
Bird people's song (Folkesanges Fugl, 1864)
Phoenix Bird (Fugl Phønix, 1850)
Five of one pod (fem fra en ærtebælg, 1852)
Paradise Garden (Paradisets Have, 1839)
Solskins-Historier, 1869) stories
Children's chatter (Børnesnak, 1859)
Rose with the grave of Homer (En Rose Fra Homers Grav, 1842)
Chamomile (Gaaseurten, 1838)
Mermaid (Den Lille Havfrue, 1837)
From a serf tree (et Billede Fra Castelsvolden, 1846)
Gardener and gentlemen (Gartneren Og Herskabet, 1872)
Song candle (Tællelyset, 1820s)
The most incredible (Det Utroligste, 1870)
Candles (Lysene, 1870)
Svinhad (Svinedrengen, 1841)
Piggy Bank (Pengegrisen, 1854)
Cardiac Mountain (HJERTESORG, 1852)
Silver coin (Sølvskillingen, 1861)
Seat (Krøblingen, 1872)
Hurtigløberne, 1858)
Snowman (Sneemanden, 1861)
Snow Queen (Sneedronningen, 1844)
Hidden - not forgotten (GJEMT ER IKKE GLEMT, 1866)
Nightingale (Nattergalen, 1843)
Sleep (en Historie, 1851)
Neighbors (Nabofamilierne, 1847)
Old gravestone (Den Gamle Gravsteen, 1852)
Old House (Det Gamle Huus, 1847)
Old street lamp (Den Gamle Gadeløgte, 1847)
Old church bell (Den Gamle Kirkeklokke, 1861)
Resistant Tin Soldier (Den Standhaftige Tinsoldat, 1838)
Fate of Revik (HVAD TIDSELEN OPLEVEDE, 1869)
Sunduk-plane (Den Flyvende Kuffert, 1839)
Sausage Stick Soup (Suppe Paa En Pølsepind, 1858)
Happy family (Den Lykkelige Familie, 1847)
Son of the gatekeeper (Portnerens Søn, 1866)
Talisman (Talismane, 1836)
Shadow (Skyggen, 1847)
The thorny path of glory ("ærens Tornevei", 1855)
Turatka (MOSTER, 1866)
Tenta Toothpone (Tante Tandpine, 1872)
Ragging (Laserne, 1868)
So what a hubby will do, then okay (what a hubby will do, everything is fine) (HVAD Fatter Gjør, Det Er Altid Det Rigtige, 1861)
Snail and roses (snail and pink bush) (Sneglen Og Rosenhækken, 1861)
Philosophical Stone (De Vises Steen, 1858)
Holger Danske (Holger Danske, 1845)
Little Flowers (Den Lille Idas Blomster, 1835)
Kettle (Theepotten, 1863)
What will not come up with ... (what can come up with) (HVAD MAN KAN Hitte Paa, 1869)
In a thousand years (Om Aartusinder, 1852)
What the whole family said (Hvad Hele Familien Sagde, 1870)
Skal Needle (StopPenaalen, 1845)
Elf of pink bush (Rosen-Alfen, 1839).

Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in Odense on the island of Funen. Andersen's father, Hans Andersen, was a poor barbecue, the mother of Anna, was a launcher from a poor family, she had to ask for a child as a child, she was buried in a cemetery for the poor. In Denmark, there is a legend of the royal origin of Andersen, since early biography Andersen wrote that in childhood he played with Prince Frith, afterwards - by King Frederick VII, and he had no friends among street boys - only the prince. Andersen's friendship with Prince Frith, according to Andersen's fantasy, continued in adulthood, until the death of the latter. After the death of Fritz, with the exception of relatives, Andersen alone was admitted to the coffin of the deceased. The reason for this fantasy was the stories of the boy's father, that he is a relative of the king. Since childhood, the future writer showed a tendency to dream and writing, often arranged improvised homemade performances, which caused the laughter and mockery of children. In 1816, Andersen's father died, and the boy had to work for food. He was an apprentice first in weaver, then the tailor. Then Andersen worked at a cigarette factory. In early childhood, Hans Christian was a closed child with big blue eyes, which was sitting in the corner and played his favorite game - Puppet Theater. Puppet theater Andersen was fond of and later.

He grew up very sophisticated by a nervous child, emotional and susceptible. At that time, physical punishments of children in schools were commonplace, so the boy was afraid to go to school, and his mother gave him to a Jewish school, where physical punishments against children were banned. From here forever the preserved Communication of Andersen with the Jewish people and the knowledge of its traditions and culture.

In 1829, Published by Andersen a fantastic story "Hesy Traveling from Canal Holman to the eastern tip of Amagra" brought the writer fame. Little was written until 1833, when Andersen received a cash benefit from the king, which allowed him to carry out the first foreign journey. Since that time, Andersen writes a large number of literary works, including in 1835 - the "fairy tales" glorified him. In the 1840s, Andersen tried to return to the layout, but without much success. At the same time, he confirmed his talent, making a collection of "Book with pictures without pictures."
The glory of his "fairy tales" grew; The 2nd issue of "fairy tales" was started in 1838, and the 3rd - in 1845. By this time he was already famous writerwidely known in Europe. In June 1847, he first arrived in England and was awarded a triumphal meeting.
In the second half of the 1840s and in the next years, Andersen continued to publish novels and plays, trying in vain to glorify as a playwright and a novelist. At the same time, he despised his fairy tales, who brought him deserved glory. Nevertheless, he continued to write more and more new fairy tales. The last fairy tale was written by Andersen at Christmas of 1872.
In 1872, Andersen fell off the bed, he was very prayed and no longer recovered from injuries, although she lived for another three years. He died on August 4, 1875 and was buried at the Copenhagen Copenhagen.

Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in the city of Odense on the island of Funes (some sources are called Fionona Island), in the family of shoemaker and bars. Andersen's first fairy tales heard from his father who reads him the history of "Thousand and One Night"; Along with fairy tales, the father loved to sing songs and make toys. From the mother who dreamed to be Hans Christians to become a tailor, he learned to cut and sew. As a child, the future storyteller had to communicate often with the patients of the hospital for the mentally ill, in which his grandmother worked on the motherboard. The boy with hobby listened to their stories and later wrote that he was "made by the writer of the song of the father and speech insane." Since childhood, the future writer showed a tendency to dream and writing, often arranged improvised homemade performances.

In 1816, Andersen's father died, and the boy had to work for food. He was an apprentice first in weaver, then the tailor. Later, Andersen worked at a cigarette factory.

In 1819, earning some money and bought the first boots, Hans Christian Andersen went to Copenhagen. The first three years in Copenhagen Andersen connects his life with the theater: makes an attempt to become an actor, writes tragedies and dramas. In 1822, the play "Sun Elf". The drama turned out to be an immature, weak product, but attracted the attention of the Directorate of the theater, with whom at that time he collapsed by a novice author. The Board of Directors achieved for Andersen scholarships and the right of free study in the gymnasium. The seventeen-year-old young man falls into the second class of the Latin school and, despite the mockery of his comrades, finishes it.

In 1826-1827, the first poems of Andersen ("Evening", "Dying Child"), who received a positive feedback criticism were published. In 1829 his story was published in the fantastic style "Hesy Traveling from the Canal Holman to the eastern tip of Amagra". In 1835, Andersen bring the fame of "fairy tales". In 1839 and 1845, respectively, the second and third books of fairy tales were written.

In the second half of the 1840s and in the next years, Andersen continued to publish novels and plays, trying in vain to glorify as a playwright and a novelist. At the same time, he despised his fairy tales, who brought him deserved glory. Nevertheless, he continued to write more and more new. The last fairy tale was written by Andersen at Christmas of 1872.

In 1872, the writer received serious injuries as a result of the fall, which was treated for three years. In 1875, August 4, Hans Christian Andersen died. He was buried in Copenhagen in the Cemetery of Assistance.

  • Andersen was angry when he was called a children's storyteller and said that he writes fairy tales for both children and adults. For the same reason, he ordered that from his monument, where children were to surround the original storyter, removed all the children's figures.
  • Andersen had an autograph A. S. Pushkin.
  • The fairy tale G. H. Andersen "New Dress of the King" posted in the first letter L. N. Tolstoy.
  • Andersen has a fairy tale about Isaac Newton.
  • In the Fairy Tale "Two Brothers" G. H. Andersen wrote about the famous Brothers Hans Christian and Anders Earsted.
  • The name of the fairy tale "Ole Lukae" is translated as "ole-close eyes."
  • Andersen paid very little attention to his appearance. He constantly walked on the streets of Copenhagen in an old hat and a worn raincoat. Once on the street, he stopped one squirrel and asked:
    "Tell me, this pathetic thing is called a hat on your head?"
    What was followed by an immediate answer:
    "And this pathetic thing under your fashionable hat is called head?"

Be as children



Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in Odense on the Danish Island Funen. Andersen's father, Hans Andersen (1782-1816), was a poor shoe, Mother Anna Marie Andersdatter (1775-1833) was a launcher from a poor family, she had to ask for a chance as a child, she was buried on the cemetery for the poor. In Denmark, there is a legend of the royal origin of Andersen, because in the early biography, Andersen wrote that in childhood he played with Prince Frith, afterwards - King Frederick VII, and he had no friends among street boys - only the prince. Andersen's friendship with Prince Frith, according to Andersen's fantasy, continued in adulthood, until the death of the latter. After the death of Fritz, with the exception of relatives, Andersen alone was admitted to the coffin of the deceased. The reason for this fantasy was the stories of the boy's father, that he is a relative of the king. Since childhood, the future writer showed a tendency to dream and writing, often arranged improvised homemade performances, which caused the laughter and mockery of children. In the city of Andersen died, and the boy had to work for food. He was an apprentice first in weaver, then the tailor. Then Andersen worked at a cigarette factory. In early childhood, Hans Christians were a closed child with big blue eyes, which was sitting in the corner and played his favorite game - Puppet Theater. This is the only occupation, he retained in his youth.


At the age of 14, Andersen went to Copenhagen, the mother released him, as it hoped that he would come there a little and would come back. When she asked the reason for which he rides, leaving her and the house, the young Andersen immediately replied: "To become famous!" He went with the goal to get a job in the theater, motivating it with his love for all that is connected with him. He received money on the advisory letter of Colonel, in the family of which he arranged his performances in childhood. During the year of life in Copenhagen, he tried to get to the theater. At first he came home to the famous singer and, from excitement, pouring into tears, asked her to arrange him in the theater. She, in order to only take away from an annoying strange long-grade teenager, promised to arrange everything, but, of course, did not fulfill his promise. Much later, she will say Andersen, which just took it then for his crazy. Hans Christians was a teenager with lengthened and subtle limbs, neck and the same long nose, he was a quintessence of a nasty duck. But thanks to his pleasant voice and his requests, as well as out of pity, Hans Christians, despite ineffective appearance, was adopted at the Royal Theater, where he played minor roles. Its less and less involved, and then the age breaking of the voice began, and he was dismissed. Andersen, meanwhile, composed a play in 5 acts and wrote a letter to a king, convincing money to make money on her edition. This book also included poems. Hans Christian took care of advertising and gave an announcement in the newspaper. The book was printed, but no one bought her, she went to the wrapper. He did not lose hope and brought his book to the theater, so that the play was put on the play. He was denied the wording "in view of the complete absence of the author's experience." But he was offered to learn from the good relation to him, seeing his desire. People who melt at the poor and sensitive boy were petitioned by the King of Denmark Frederick VI, who allowed to study at school in the town of Salagls, and then in another school in Elsinor at the expense of the treasury. This meant that no longer need to think about a piece of bread, about how to live on. Pupils at school were 6 years old under Andersen. He later recalled about the years of study at school as the most dark sum of his life, due to the fact that he was subjected to the strict criticism of the rector of the educational institution and painfully worried about this day until the end of his days - he saw the rector in nightmarish dreams. In 1827, Andersen completed study. By the end of the life, he made many grammatical mistakes in the letter - Andersen never overwhelmed diplomas.

Andersen did not correspond to the image of a storyteller, surrounded by children telling them her fairy tales. His closedness and egocentric poured into dislike for children. When famous sculptor I wanted to portray the famous already a storyteller surrounded by children, he was angry so much that he kicked him out in disorder and said that he had no habit to talk with children. He died in full solitude.


List of famous fairy tales

  • Storks (Storkene, 1839)
  • Angel (Engelen, 1843)
  • Anne Lisbeth (Anne Lisbeth, 1859)
  • Grandma (BedStemoder, 1845)
  • Bronze Caban (Used) (Metalsvinet, 1842)
  • Eldemoer, 1844 (HYLDEMOER, 1844)
  • Bottle Gorlashko (Flaskehalsen, 1857)
  • The wind tells about Valdemar before and his daughters ( Vinden Fortæller Om Valdemar Daae OG Hans Døttre, 1859)
  • Magic Hill (1845)
  • Collar (Flipperne, 1847)
  • Everybody knows my place! ("Alt Paa Sin Rette Plads", 1852)
  • Den grimme ælling,)
  • Hans Churban (Klods-Hans, 1855)
  • Buckwheat (Boghveden, 1841)
  • Two girls (1853)
  • Yard rooster and vane (Gaardhanen Og Veirhanen, 1859)
  • Girl with matches ( DEN LILLE PIGE MED SVOVLSTIKKERNE, 1845)
  • The girl who came on bread ( Pigen, Som Tradte Paa Brødet, 1859)
  • Wild Swans (De Vilde Svaner, 1838)
  • Director of the Puppet Theater (Marionetspilleren, 1851)
  • House of the benchmark (1852)
  • Road comrade (Reisekammeraten, 1835)
  • Daughter of the Swamp King (Dynd-Kongens Datter 1858)
  • Ferrian Hans (Klods-Hans, 1855)
  • Thumbelina (Tommelise, 1835) (see also an inches (character))
  • There is also a difference! ("Der Er Forskjel!", 1851)
  • Spruce (GRANTRæET, 1844)
  • Toad (Skrubtudsen, 1866)
  • Bride and groom (Kjærestefolkene or Toppen Og Bolden, 1843)
  • Evil prince. Tradition (Den Onde Fyrste, 1840)
  • IB and Christine (IB OG Lille Christine, 1855)
  • True truth (Det Er Ganske Vist!, 1852)
  • History of the Year (Aarets Historie, 1852)
  • History of one mother (Historien OM EN MODER, 1847)
  • How good! (1859)
  • Happiness Kalosker (Lykkens Kalosker, 1838)
  • Water drop (Vanddraaben, 1847)
  • Bell (Klokken, 1845)
  • KlokKedybet, 1856)
  • Red Shoes (De Røde Skoe, 1845)
  • Forest Hill (1845)
  • Lucky (Hørren, 1848)
  • Little Claus and Big Claus (Lille Claus Og Store Claus, 1835)
  • Little Tuk (Lille Tuk, 1847)
  • Moth (1860)
  • On dunes (en Historie Fra Klitterne, 1859)
  • On the duck yard (1861)
  • Meal Book (Den Stumme Bog, 1851)
  • Bad boy
  • New Dress King (Keiserens Nye Klæder, 1837)
  • About how the storm moved the signboard (1865)
  • Ole Lukoye (Ole Lukøie, 1841)
  • Sibliya Paradise Plants (Et Blad Fra Himlen, 1853)
  • Couple (Kjæressefolkene, 1843)
  • Cowgirl and chipper ( Hyrdinden Og Skorsteensfeieren., 1845)
  • Peter, Peter and Per (Peiter, Peter Og Peer, 1868)
  • Feather and inkwell (Pen Og Blækhuus, 1859)
  • Cancer (Venskabs-Pagten, 1842)
  • Snowdrop (excerpt) (1862)
  • The last dream of an old oak ( DET GAMLE EGETRæES SIDSTE DRØM, 1858)
  • Last Pearl (Den Sidte Perle, 1853)
  • Princess on the pea (Prindsesen PAA æRTEN, 1835)
  • Disappearance ("HUN DUEDE IKKE", 1852)
  • Jumpers (Springfyrene, 1845)
  • Phoenix Bird (Fugl Phønix, 1850)
  • Five of one pod (fem fra en ærtebælg, 1852)
  • Paradise Garden (Paradisets Have, 1839)
  • Children's chatter (Børnesnak, 1859)
  • Rose with the grave of Homer (En Rose Fra Homers Grav, 1842)
  • Chamomile (Gaaseurten, 1838)
  • Mermaid (Den Lille Havfrue, 1837)
  • From a serf tree (et Billede Fra Castelsvolden, 1846)
  • The most incredible (Det Utroligste, 1870)
  • Svinedrengen,)
  • Snow Queen (Sneedronningen, 1844)
  • Nightingale (Nattergalen,)
  • Sleep (en Historie, 1851)
  • Neighbors (Nabofamilierne, 1847)
  • Old House (Det Gamle Huus, 1847)
  • Old street lamp (Den Gamle Gadeløgte, 1847)
  • Resistant Tin Soldier (Den Standhaftige Tinsoldat,)
  • Fate of Revik (1869)
  • Sundoo aircraft (1839)
  • Sausage Stick Soup (1858)
  • Happy family (Den Lykkelige Familie, 1847)
  • Shadow (Skyggen, 1847)
  • So what a hubby will do, then okay ( HVAD Fatter Gjør, Det Er Altid Det Rigtige, 1861)
  • Snail and roses (Sneglen Og Rosenhækken, 1861)
  • Little Flowers (Den Lille Idas Blomster, 1835)
  • Kettle (1863)
  • What will not come up with ... (1869)
  • In a thousand years (Om Aartusinder, 1852)
  • Skal Needle (StopPenaalen, 1845)
  • Elf Rose Busta (Rosen-Alfen, 1839)

Shielding works

  • - "Hans Christian Andersen. Fairy Tales "- Collector's Cartoon Edition:
    • Wild Swans
    • Dung-beetle
    • Jumper
    • Flint
    • the little Mermaid
    • That the husband will do it, then well
    • Ole Lukee
    • Sunduk-plane
    • The Steadfast Tin Soldier
    • Baby flowers idiot
    • Golden treasure
    • Professor and Blokha
    • Princess on the Pea
    • Swineherd
    • Kalosh Happiness
    • New dress king
    • Bride and groom
    • Old street lamp
    • Bottleneck
    • Gardener and family
    • ugly duck
    • True truth
    • Sausage
    • Satellite
    • Snow Queen (in two parts)
    • Snowman
    • Inch
    • Nightingale
    • Hans Churban.

Operas for fairy tales Andersen

  • Opera Presentation "Nasty Dock", op. 1996, - the free opera version of Lev Konov on the music of Sergei Prokofiev (OR.18 and OP.22) for soprano-solo, children's choir and piano. 1 Act: 2 epigraphs and 38 mounted pictures, duration - 28 min.
  • "The UGLY Duckling" Opera-Parable by Andersen for Mezzo-Soprano (Soprano), Three-Part Childrens Choir and The Piano *

1 Act: 2 Epigraphs, 38 Theatrical Pictures * Length: ApproxiMately 28 Minutes * The Opera Version (Free Transcription) Written by Lev Konov (1996) on Music of Sergei Prokofiev: The Ugly Duckling, Op. 18 (1914) And Visions Fugitives, Op. 22 (1915-1917) * (Vocal Score Language: Russian, English, German, FRENCH)

Photo Gallery


  • Complete essay of Andersen. Fairy tales in 7 languages \u200b\u200bwith illustrations, stories, novels, poems, letters, autobiography, photos, paintings. (Rus.) (Ukr.) (Belor.) (Mong.) (Eng.) (Fr.) (AP.)

Hans Christian Andersen is an outstanding Danish writer and poet, as well as the author of world famous fairy tales for children and adults.

His Peru belongs to such brilliant works as "nasty dot", "New Dress of the King", "Thumbelina", "Resistant Tin Soldier", "Princess on the Pea", "Ole Lukee", "Snow Queen" and many others.

For the works of Andersen, many animated and artistic films were shot.

So, in front of you short biography Gansa Andersen.

Andersen Biography

Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in the Danish city of Odense. Hans was named after his father, who was a shoemaker.

His mother, Anna Marie Andersdatter, was a poorly educated girl, and all his life worked as a launch. The family lived very poorly and barely reduced the ends with the ends.

Interesting the fact that the father of Andersen sincerely believed that he belongs to the knowledgeable genus, because his mother told him about it. In fact, everything was completely the opposite.

To date, biographers accurately found that the Andersen family came from the lowest class.

However, that's social status Not prevented Hans Andersen to become a great writer. Love for the boy instilled his father who often read the fairy tales of different authors.

In addition, he periodically walked with his son to theater, catching him to high art.

Childhood and youth

When the young man was 11 years old, the trouble happened in his biography: his father died. Andersen was very hard for his loss, and for a long time was depressive.

Education at school also has become a real test for him. His, as well as, and other students, teachers often beat the rods for the slightest violations. For this reason, he became a very nervous and wounded child.

Soon Hans persuaded the mother to quit school. After that, he began to attend a charitable school in which children from poor families studied.

Having received the initial knowledge, the young man got up to work aside with weak. After that, Hans Andersen sewed clothes, and later she worked at the factory producing tobacco products.

Interesting the fact that during the work at the factory he has almost no friends. His colleagues mocked him every way, giving sarcastic jokes in his direction.

Once with Andersen, at all, the pants were lowered to allegedly learn what he floor is. And all because he had a tall and a ringing voice similar to female.

After this incident in the Biographies of Andersen, there were difficult days: he finally went to himself and stopped communicating with anyone. At that time, wooden dolls were the only friends of Hans, who had once made him a father.

At the age of 14, the young man went to Copenhagen, since he dreamed of glory and recognition. It is worth noting that he did not possess an attractive appearance.

Hans Andersen was a thin teenager with long limbs and the same long nose. However, despite this, he was taken to the Royal Theater, in which he played on the second roles. Interestingly, in this period, he began writing his first works.

When his game on the stage saw the financier Jonas Colleen, he penetrates Andersen Love.

As a result, Collin convinced King Frederick VI to pay the training of a promising actor and writer at the expense of the state treasury. After that, Hans was able to learn from elite schools of Slagels and Elsinor.

It is curious that undersen's fellow students were pupils, his younger in age for 6 years. Most. complex subject For the future writer turned out to be grammar.

Andersen did a lot of spelling mistakes, for which he constantly heard reproaches from teachers.

Creative Biography Andersen

Hans Christian Andersen got fame, first of all, as children's writer. From under his pen, more than 150 fairy tales came out, many of which were classic world importance. In addition to the fairy tales, Andersen wrote poems, plays, stories and even novels.

He did not like when he was called a children's writer. Andersen repeatedly stated that he writes not only for kids, but also for adults. He even ordered that there was not a single child on his monument, although he originally had to surround the defortion.

Monument to Hans Christian Andersen in Copenhagen

It is worth noting that serious works, like novels and plays, were given to Andersen, difficult enough, but the fairy tales wrote surprisingly easily and simply. At the same time, it was inspired by any items that were around him.

Works of Andersen

Over the years of his biography, Andersen wrote a lot of fairy tales in which it was traced. Among such fairy tales you can allocate "Fire", "Sveyngs", "Wild Swans" and others.

In 1837 (when in was killed), Andersen published a collection of "Tales, told by children". The collection immediately got great popularity in society.

Interestingly, despite the simplicity of Andersen's fairy tales, each of them laid a deep meaning with philosophical subtext. After reading them, the child can independently understand the morality and make the right conclusions.

Soon, Andersen was written fairy tales "Thumbs", "Mermaid" and "Ugly Duckling", which still love children around the world.

Later, Hans writes novels "two baroness" and "be or not to be", designed for an adult audience. However, these works remained unnoticed, since Andersen perceived, first of all, as a children's writer.

The most popular fairy tales of Andersen is the "New Dress of the King", "Ugly Down", "Resistant Tin Soldier", "Thumbelina", "Princess on the Pea", "Ole Lukee" and "Snow Queen".

Personal life

Some Andersen's biographers suggest that the great storyteller was not indifferent to the male sex. Such conclusions are made on the basis of the surviving romantic letters, which he wrote to men.

It is worth noting that officially he never was married and had no children. In his diaries, he later admitted that he decided to abandon intimate relations with women, since they did not meet him reciprocity.

Hans Christian Andersen reads the book to children

In the biography of Hans Andersen there was a minimum of 3 girls to whom he experienced sympathy. On a young age, he fell in love with the riborg of the twigs, but never dare to admit to her in his feelings.

The next beloved writer was Louise Colleen. She rejected Andersen's Offer and married a rich lawyer.

In 1846, in the biography of Andersen there was another passion: he loved the opera singer to feminine Lind, who fascinated him with his voice.

After her speeches, Hans gave her flowers and read poems, trying to achieve reciprocity. However, this time he could not conquer the female heart.

Soon the singer married the British composer, as a result of which the unfortunate Andersen fell into depression. Interesting the fact that later Zhenya Lind will be the prototype of the famous snow queen.


At the age of 67, Andersen fell from bed and received many serious bruises. Over the next 3 years he suffered from injuries, however, he could not recover from them.

Hans Christian Andersen died on August 4, 1875 at the age of 70. The great storyteller was buried on the Copenhagen Copenhagen Cemetery.

Photo Andersen

At the end you can see the most famous Andersen. I must say that Hans Christians did not differ attractive outdoor. However, under his clumsy and even funny appearance hid an incredibly refined, deep, wise and loving person.