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Memories of Oblomov about childhood passage. "We all come from childhood" (analysis of the chapter "Sleep Oblomov" on Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"). The value and relevance of the novel "Oblomov"

In the extensive chapter printed before the appearance of the entire novel - "Sleep Oblomov", over which Goncharov worked for a long time and lovingly, as an artist over the cherished picture, is depicted in the whole latitude of the sleepy kingdom of the grunce and the process of slow poisoning of the child Oblomov This poison.

Oblons in this dream sees their last life, in front of him are paintings of childhood, he worries from the influx of memories and cries in a dream. Before him, a quiet village of his parents is drawn, a circle of deserted plowed fields, in distance forest, an old landlord house, a garden where he wandered with a nannaya. Little Ilyusha, who woken up in his crib, dress, he is capricious, already understanding his childhood dying that he is "Barchuk" that people help him are his servants, his property, over which he can command. To its services are always ready different vanka, filters, steamed, which will be thrown through his instructions, will warn every wish, every step. He is liberated from all the efforts and movements necessary for the development of its children's body, from all the concerns and difficulties necessary for the development of will.

Goncharov. Bakes. Summary

The system of please and serving the Barchuk's courtyard artificially paralyzes his will, his strength, his activity. It grows, as in the greenhouse, guarded by the concerns of the masses, nanyushki and parents. He is always hung, protect, eaven, suppress all the explosions of children's cheerfulness and playliness in it. He is frightened by all sorts of dangers awaiting him out of parent care. The child gets used to thinking that it is safe and calmly only in the sleepy house of his parents, and around everything is full of unknown terrible forces and dangers. He's horror thinks about the ravine behind the village and about the forest, where the wolves run and hide the robbers. In a little Ilya, the fear of life is developing, the habit of looking for protection from others and not hope for yourself. They guard him and from mental worries, mourn the need to teach a boy, in every way persuading him not to bother himself and free from the lessons.

Parents' care is directed only to the physical side of the child's life. As if climbed by cotton, in this stuffy greenhouse, he grows sluggish, phlegmatic, lifeless boy, in which the habits of laziness and idleness developed eternal invincible fatigue and the need to lie and sell full peace. The created around in the house of parents and in the whole village, the vital atmosphere is still more detaly on the soul of the child. Around him - eternal sleep, blunt animal stagnation, with the only concerns about dinner.

Everything froze in laziness and dorm Oblomovka. In the morning there are only some signs of life, because they are preparing for dinner. But after lunch, the crushing is immersed in heavy and silent sleep. The impressions of the heat, silence, some kind of sleepy dress draw an impressionable boy into a labyrinth of some painful, strange performances and a doom. With extraordinary psychological subtlety recreates pots of these vague experiences of the children's soul. That's when the crushing seems a genuine kingdom of stupid sleep. Silence is interrupted only by nonsense sleeping. Suck, get up, cool at dusk, drink tea, dine and fall to bed.

And so day after day, the day after day the monotonous and sleepy tyagomotin of this life stretches. No worries, no interests, in addition to lunch and sleep. Occasionally having fun in the card or remember the funny episodes of last year's life. Quietly, epically, like Homer, depicts the gonchars this swamp and the life of people immersed in it, and the impression is enhanced by this calm tone of the narration.

"Sleep Oblomova", recreates the paintings of the hero's childhood, explains how this type of Russian reality has arisen.

MOU "Secondary school № 28"

Open Day

Literature lesson


"We all come from childhood" (analysis of the chapter "Sleep Oblomov" on Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov")

Date: 15.11.2014

Class: 10 b

Held teacher

russian language and literature:

Bescaeva E.A.

Saransk - 2014.

Type of lesson: Lesson studying a artistic work.

Type of lesson: Lesson of in-depth work on the text of the work.

Form of the lesson: Lesson - conversation (with elements of artistic reading, discussion).

The purpose of the lesson: analyze the "Sleep of Oblomov", revealing aspects of the life of Oblomovtsy, who influenced the formation of the nature of the principal hero; through the visual means to trace the formation of the character of the hero; understand the role of symbols; Master the ability to understand the character of a person in his connection with social and national features.


1. Cognitive:

Recall the function of sleep in the artistic work with students; Create examples of previously studied works in which a dream was attended.

To acquaint students with a composite feature of the use of "Sleep Oblomov".

To identify positive and negative features of the life of Oblomovtsy, who influenced the character of Ilya Ilyich.

Review the roles of symbols in the chapter.

Enrich the vocabulary of students and improve the skills of speech culture.

2. Developing:

Develop the ability to analytical work with the text of the artistic work.

3. Educational:

To bring up a sympathetic understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the personality.

Education of love for literature lessons.

Education of interest in Russian traditions, the peculiarities of the Russian national nature.


Text Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov", computer presentation, scheme, distribution material, the text of the beginning of a numeral numeration of proposals



Today we will visit the "wonderful edge, in a blessed corner," where the dream of Oblomov will suffer.

What are we discussing today in the lesson?

( follow the formation of Oblomov, where the roots of Lena and Apathia came from, reflecting about the Russian character, about Russia and its fate.)

So, the subject of the lesson: "We all come from childhood" (analysis of the chapter "Sleep Oblomov"). For the subject of the lesson, I chose the statement of the French writer of the 19th century Antoine de Saint -expector.

Guys, what do you think: saying reveals the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe chapter 9? Justify your point of view.

And the epigraph to the lesson will serve the words of Oblomov himself "Who am I?Why am I so? " We will try to answer these questions, turning to the Childhood of Oblomov.


To disclose the nature of your hero, the author chooses a dream motive. Let's listen to what role the sleep motive plays in the artistic work.


The dreams have long been used in the artistic literature to create a mysterious atmosphere, the motivation of the actions of the characters, the transfer of their emotional state (psychologism). Since the time of ancient Russian literature, Dreams warned about the dangers, served as signs, assisted, instructed, gave holidays and at the same time sophisticated, tested, put in front of the choice. Dreams perform retrospective and prognostic function, participate in the creation of a chronotope of the work. They absorb all three time: they show the pictures of the past, present and future, thereby spreading the spatial-temporal boundaries of the text. Dreams can perform memory function. Thus, the dreams in the works of fiction polyfunctional.

Teacher :

Let's remember what our studied works were present at the same time?

(A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" - Son Tatiana; U: A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" - Sleep Petrushi Greeneva; from: "Ballades" V. Zhukovsky.

And what do you think the function of sleep in these works, why do they use the authors?

1. Sleep - as identifying the spiritual state of the hero, a means of psychological analysis.

2. Sleep - like idyll, dream.

3. Sleep - as foresight of the future.

What functions from the listed performs sleep in the work of I.A. Goncharova?

1. Sleep - identification of the spiritual state of the hero, while it acquires special symbolic importance: the dream is a symbol of the all life position of the hero, his spiritual sleep.

2. Sleep - shows the dream of the hero, but its paradoxism is that it is not directed to the future, but in the past.

Who tells us a dream?

(Sleep transmits a narrator. It seems to be outside the world of the crushing. It is guessing certain estimates and attitudes towards what he sees the hero.)

The hero dreams of a crushing, in his dream it is created to be emphaticallyidyllic form.


What is idyll?

(An image of a peaceful rural life against the background of beautiful nature. 3. Small, happy existence. (S.I.Ogov. Dictionary of the Russian Language).)

The genre of chapter is close to a folk magic fairy tale, in which the world is unshakable in good, and, of course,idylli. The genre of this chapter can be attributed to the genre of idyll.

What do you think what features of the idyllic world?

( The main features of the idyllic world:

-Ideal landscape

- union of man and nature

- Clear space

-Hend the time



- Conflict.

Teacher: What is the composition of the chapter?

All text can be divided into three main parts:

1) the first two paragraphs (wonderful corner);

2) from the 5th to the 17th sentence - a picture of wildlife;

3) The last paragraph (peaceful corner). Large middle part can also be divided into more small, related to the main ways of text: man, mo rem, Mountains and Propasters.

Text composition is based on opposition and gra dating. The wonderful edge is opposed to wildlife; She is the same the person is opposed. Wildlife based on gradation - Singing the impression of something bad nachic, terrible, hostile man. Condition of man before the face of wildlife is also transmitted with the help of graduation: first it is said that a person becomes sad at the form of the sea, and gradually comes to the statement that he is at all disappears on the background of a majestic picture, even the sky elk from people. This is the impression of loneliness, human self-helplessness in the face of wildlife.

The beginning and the end of the feedback as if clic around the circle, framing central part. This framing and carries the main idea: emphasize the blessedness of the world in which the region live movetsy.

plan 9 chapters.

1. Out of the crushing.

2. Description of the time of the year.

3. Road phenomena.

4. Finding a village.

5. Implements about the world.

6.What violates the usual course of life (death - rarity, Blacksmith Taras Ugorel, someone else's man in the ditch).

7. Morning Little Ilyushi.

8. Orag.

9. The child runs away from the nanny. Observations (dark - light, shadow).

10.Matural life.

11. Afternoon dream - the likeness of death.

12.Mets about the future of Ilyushi.


14. Prints.

15. Ilyushi's teachings.

16.Clides. Life rate. (Christening, name day, wedding)

17. "Labor" (gallery, woven).

18. Reception of guests.

19. Evening conversations. (Memories, interpretation of dreams, signs).

20. History with a letter.

21. Teaching, dreams about the certificate.

22. Snowball game.

Teacher: So, we fall into the "blessed corner" ... (reading the beginning of the head of the student)

"Where are we? What blessing corner of the earth moved us a dream of Oblomov? What a wonderful edge! No, however, there is sea, there are no high mountains, rocks and adoptions, nor dense forests - there is nothing grandiose, wild and sullen ...

The sky there seems to be closer to the ground, but not in order to throw the stronger the arrows, but not only to hug her stronger, with love: it spread so low above his head, like a parent reliable roof, to protect, it seems chosen Corner from any adversity.

The sun is bright and hot there shines around half a year and then it is removed from there not suddenly, accurately reluctantly, as if he turns back to look again or two for his favorite place and give him in the fall, among the bad weather, a clear, warm day.

Mountains there as if only the models of those terrible, somewhere erected mountains, which terrify the imagination. This is a number of sloping hills with which it is customary to ride, fighting on his back or, sitting on them, in thought on the setting sun.

River runs fun, shal and playing; it will burst into a wide pond, then quickly , Or will be submitted, as if thinking, and a little bit crawling around the pebbles, releasing the fat streams from you, under the murmur of which is sweetly dreamed.

The whole corner of the miles to fifteen or twenty around represented a number of picturesque etudes, funny, smiling landscapes. The sandy and detached shores of light rivers, selected from the hill to the water, a small shrub, twisted the rag with a stream on the bottom and the birch grove - everything was as if there was no one and the masterfully dictated.

Exhausted by unrest or not at all familiar with them, the heart asks to hide in this forgotten by all the corner and live with anyone who is not led happiness. Everything is promoting there is a calm, long-term life before the yellowness of the hair and imperceptible, sleep like a matter. "

Teacher: What means of expressiveness uses potters when describing the "wonderful edge"?(Blessed corner; Wonderful edge; Favorite place; Picturesque etudes; funny, smiling landscapes, everything is quiet and sleepy, etc.


Why potters for opposition to a peaceful corner (broom)selects the sea, mountains, abyss?

Sea, mountains and abyss are favorite images of romance. invarious literature related to romanticism with such concepts mi, like eternal avoidance, struggle, constant aspiration for freedom, to overcoming ordinaryness. Opposing these images of a peaceful corner, potters enhances the impression of 06 lomovka from both a closed, quiet, blessed world, where reigns peace and at the same time as it will emphasize his weatherproof position: Refusal of romanticism as a method, image something unusual, exceptional, distant from life.

Teacher: And here we are in a crushing ... Who is the "wonderful edge" in this description? (Peasants )

What details of the peasant life appeared in the text?(Spring, the preparation of the peasant to work, waiting and greeting the rain. In the fields and the village there are cows, chickens, sheep)

As shown the rootiness of the crushing from the rest of the world, the perception of the rest of the space by Oblomovtsy as someone else's and fantastic

Why did the Oblomovans deceased to the man in the ditch?

(Strying invaded their closed world, they feel fear.

someone else came, a letter,);

Determine the role of symbolic images in the description of the lifestyle of the Oblomovtsy

What is the magic force? (sleep)

What is the law in this world (badge);

Home Caring for Oblomovtsy? Find in the text.

(kitchen and food), concern for food, stocks)


What was the main occupation of the Oblomovtsy?

Find a description of the cake, the "ritual" of its manufacture and eating.

With what artistic means, the writer poets such a physiological state of a person.

Prove that the image of the cake has a symbolic value.

(Individual task "for bot about food was and the first and most important concern in the crushing. What calves were covered there for annual holidays! What a bird was brought up! How many subtle considerations, how many classes and care for man! Turkey and chickens, appointed to the names and other solemn days, refused nuts; Gusey was deprived of the municipality, forced to hang in a bag stationary a few days before the holiday, so that they were poured fat. What stocks there were jams, pickles, cookies! What kind of honey, what kids were cooked, which pies were baked in a crushing! "

On Sunday and on holidays, these hardworking ants were also not thrown: then the knock knives in the kitchen was frequent and stronger; Baba made a break from the barn to the kitchen with a double flour and eggs; There were more moans and bloodshed on the bird yard. Baked the Goligan Pie, which the Lord themselves ate another day; On the third and fourth day, the remains went to the maiden; The cake lived to Friday, so that one completely worn end, without any filling, got, in the form of a special grace, antipa, which, crossing, with a crackle, faintly destroyed this curious fossil, enjoying more consciousness that this is the Pie, than the most cake, As an archaeologist, with pleasure drinking stupid wine from a shard, some thousand-year dishes.


In the crushing reigns a real cake cult. Making a huge dies and saturation it reminds a certain sacral ceremony, executed strictly by calendar, from a week a week, from year to year.

Recall thatpie In the people's worldview - one of the most visiblesymbols Happy, abundant, thank life. Pie is "Pir Mountain", horn of abundance, the peak of universal fun and content. Around the cake is going to singing, festive people. From the cake proceeds heat and fragrance; Pie - Central andthe most archaic symbol of folk utopia. Oblomovka is everyone forgotten, a miraculously survived "Blessed Corner" - Chip Eden. By local inhabitantsobcious make an archaeological chip-piece of huge once of the cake.The word "pie" is consonant with the word "Pier." This is a holidaynEW PERSONAL DISH. And indeed, Pier - Centthe rally event of each day for the Oblomovtsy; They spendhis life is not in the writings, they consider labor to be punished, but in pirah, for their life - Garowhere inextricably mercy and bodily, and spiritual start.

Wordwork :

Eden -paradise


Note the features of the image of space and time in the episode "Sleep Oblomov"

Find a description of the course of time in the crushing.

« Everything is promoting the late, long-term life to the yellowness of the hair and the invisible, sleep like death.

Right and calmly performed there an annual circle.

According to the calendar in March, spring will come. Winter will endure the character to the specified pore heat. In November, snow and frost begins. Summer is especially expensive in that edge. Then it's time for rites, pirms, finally, the wedding; On this, the entire pathos of life focused.

Then the repetition began: the birth of children, rites, feuds, while the funeral will not change the scenery; But for a while: some people are inferior to others, children become young people and, together with those grooms, marry, produce themselves like that - and so life for this program stretches to the continuous monotonous cloth, imperceptibly breaking at the grave. "


CmeRT B.Oblomovka is perceived as a natural transitionone kind of sleep in another - eternal dream.

The sleepy kingdom of the crushing was depicted in the form of a closed circle, the life of Oblomov in St. Petersburg was presented with a closed circle in St. Petersburg. This has a certain pattern.

What words are repeated more often? Why?

Most often the words "silence, sleep, peace". A picture of a slow, leisurely, lazy life is created. Time, however slows down your current. The author transmits joy from the measured life, enjoying it. In the atmosphere, a little smiling grows in the atmosphere.


What can be concluded?

(Conclusion: No one seeks to get out of this world, for there is someone else, hostile. They are quite satisfied with their lives - to be. Love, birth, marriage, death This life circle is unchanged, as the seasons. Calendar, ritual cycle - Century old traditional traditions) .


This chapter has a lot of image characters. Decipher the symbolic value of the ravine.

(When Ilyusha ran away from the nanny, he wanted to "get into the birch and dull", and watch insects. Here appears inquisitive inherent inherent in the child.

"I want to run away in the ravine; The child resorted to the edge, climbed his eyes, wanted to look like in the crater of the volcano ... But suddenly all the senses and legends about this ravine were rebelled: His horror was unaware, and he knew either dead, trembling out of fear, rushes to Nyan .


The ravine is unfamiliar, dangerous. The story of the mound in the ravine ("there, they say, both the debt, and robbers. And terrible animals") transferred to the author comic. Comparison "How to Crater Volcano scares Ilyusha, for him this is an unknown world, and he recalls all superstitions heard from adults.


Part of the chapter looks like a fairy tale.

Why does the fairy tale play such an important role in the crushing?

(Fairy tales: Golden Mountains are stolen, talk about an unknown country, where the rivers flow from honey and milk, where no one does anything. A good wizard elects a pet - a quiet and harmless (lazy), whom everyone is offended, and shook him good.).

What are the favorite characters of fairy tales at Oblomov?

What is the point of being revealed when converging the image of Oblomov with folk images of Emela and Ilya Muromet?


What are the customs, rites of rucks. Find in the text.

Pretty ancestors were pretext, they were naive for everything. The death of them had happened from the head made before the home of the dead man, and not legs from the gate; Fire - from the fact that the dog has taken out three nights under the window. Believed both the restraints and dead men. They will tell them that the Cocks of the Sena walked under the window, "they will not think and believe. Strong faith in wonderful in the crushing. "


Conclusion: The whole life consists of ritual holidays. This indicates the mythological consciousness of people. The fact that for other naturally here is mysteriously, holy. Special attitude to the time of day - also mythological: evening is dangerous, afternoon has a powerful force. The sky is hugged to the ground - reproduction of the myth about the marriage of the Earth and the sky.)


What image is in the chapter "Sleep Oblomov" by the central, uniting all of his fragments?

(The image of the mother (as women and mother nature) combines all elements of the chapter and creates the image of a native space, where everything was warm with maternal love, care where everything lives under the laws of following the traditions of fathers. "The norm of life was ready and pretended to break the parents, And they accepted it, too, ready, from grandfather, and grandfather from the great-grandfather. So flowed the river of life, in Lena, Apathia.

What are the parents of Ilya Ilyich? (reading school)

How do parents relate to Ilya? And others? Clean.


Another important moment in the life of Oblomovtsy. What is the relationship of Oblomovtsy to Enlighten, books?

Oblomovtsy - people were ignorant, superstitious.

Nobody drove his mental work. They looked at the book as a thing intended for entertainment. ". So « Oblomov understood the benefit of enlightenment, but only external . On the internal need of teachings, they had another vague and remote concept. They dreamed of bypassing the secret of stones scattered along the path of enlightenment and obstacles, not working to jump through them, that is, to learn slightly, not until the soul and body is existed. "

Goncharov resorted to K. perphs So that the reader comprehends the heard and understood the author's attitude to what was said.


Do adult workers understand the need to enlighten?

(Old men - yes, but only an external side. They had very vague ideas about the internal need for training. They need only some brilliant advantages for Ilyushi).


Who and how opposes the influence of a crushing for a teenager Ilya?

(Gallez, who received labor practical education).

Has a new impact of success?

(No. "Today I will not go - on Thursday a holiday, whether it is worth going back and forth." "Today is not to the teachings, the parent week." "Something your eyes are not fresh today. Singing this week at home."

Is there any fabulous feature in this passage?

( Not. Changed the narrative syllable.This part is more suitable for the glance of the gallery, which, according to the author, must confront the Oblomovsky Snah, discharge the fabulous consciousness of Ilya, make it modern).

(Why does the scene end with a fun game in snowballs?

(Oblomov subconsciously craves activities).


What is the meaning of the name Hero?

Pay attention to the semantic load named after the Hero: Ilya Ilyich - the sign of the repetition of the Father, his life. The surname also helps to disclose the character. It has a common root with an old-term word "Obla" - a circle, wheel (hence, "cloud", "region"). It is the circle that is associated with Ilyai Ilyich. His life goes on a closed cycle, that is, in a circle, without a noticeable translational movement.

This meaning is quite consistent with a soft-chicken man in Oblomov and his rounded, peacefully blessed victim. Although in the literature on Goncharov, there are other opinions about the origin of the name of the chief hero of the novel "Oblomov" - from another archaic word "Oblon", which means sleep. But even more inflicted in the names of Ilya Ilyich, the value of the debris appears. According to the researchers of Creativity Goncharov, Oblomovskoe existence is a fragment of once full and inclusive life, this is a debrid of Eden as symbol Happy, abundant, thank life. This is a fragment of the old, patriarchal text of Russian life, opoethized Goncharov. In the surname of the main character of Roman and the value of the debris of serfdom is also present, because the novel was created in the flag era and appeared to her bright, ingenious embodiment.


Thus, the crushing in the consciousness of the hero acquires the features of the absolute ideal, the crushing is a dream-utopia.

So, the moral ideal of Oblomov is a whole harmonious personality, a social ideal - patriarchal unnecessary Russia. This explains the poetry of the patriarchal lifestyle.


Let's return to the topic of the lesson "We all come from childhood." The relevance of the sound of the novel. « In each of us sitting a significant part of the Oblomov. " Is it true?


Individual task

View of the modern reader on the novel in general and, in particular, on the episode

It only seems that only in a blessed angle ke land where the dream of Oblomov suffered, "happy people lived, thinking that otherwise should not and could not be, confident that and all others live in the same way and that live otherwise sin. "In reality, such happiness is a dream kingdom ("exactly com dough, curled and lie") - the secret dream is not one broom and not prerogative only diligent XIX. century.

If you look around, then without much difficult can be seen next to me not one, no hundred, not a thousand people who have a fairy tale mixed with life and they unconsciously sadness: "Why is a fairy tale not life, but life not a fairy tale "; who has through the century and generation in the consciousness sword that walk, "where there is no concerns and peasants"; who remains location to lie down on the furnace, be in the finished, unrequited dress and eat at the expense of a good sorceress; who does not have in a dream, and in reality the idle imagination it is an unknown side, "where there is no night, no cold, where everyone is committed by miracles, where the rivers flow the Mödu and Milk, where no one is doing anything all year round, and the day-day only know that they walk ... "

"And today is a Russian man among his surrounding goy, deprived of the fiction of reality loves to believe seductive legends of antiquity, and long, maybe being not to renounce him from this faith "- This goncharov writes in "Oblomov", it is necessary to believe, about your time, and we only repeat after him tea is the same in your own XXI century.

No, who is not talking, but a life position in which the ideal of life is alone and inaction, not yesterday roved, not tomorrow will die. And the best confirmation of this thoughts in the Roman Goncharov serves an episode with the collapse of the part of the gallery. Born by writer two century on ass, he is still almost every day almost in unchanged noma is present in television news re dachas. And we like genuine brooms tsy, watching and aham, Divo give, horrify and reproach each other, and sometimes it's even angry. Well, exactly as in a dream, Oblomov, only we still have it.

Comparable: Oblomovtsy from Roman Goncharov "Other life and did not want, and did not love. They would be a pity if the circumstances have made changes to their life, anywhere. They would block the longing, if tomorrow it would not be like today, and the day after tomorrow. "

Now let's look around yourself and see how already the Council i sincerely puzzled: "Why are they eagerness, change, chance for which are others? Let others and break this bowl, and they, Oblomovtsam, there are no business. Let others live as they want. "Roman Goncharova makes think about the active life position of a person, his citizenship.

This is the talent of the True Reader: in abilities today hear in the classic work, written quite at another time, about other people things, thoughts not only about the past, but directly related to you and your life.

Otherwise what's the point in the current disputes about the nature and essence of the reform of Ivan the Terrible, Peter I. , Stolypin, Gorbacheva, etc. These reformers moved the idea of \u200b\u200bviolating the eternal holiday of the crushing, in which "sales of work from the shoulders as Igo," to change the belief that the main advantage of the Russian national character is soft, delicacy, condescens that allow you to break the custom, do not obey Charter.

Today's readers and first of all it parts themselves will have to answer many questions: "To ak must live to get at least a drop of love joy?

Long life lying on the sofa, without doing anything? Or proceed from the fact that a person is created for business, and not for lying in the native Russian oven?

Exhaust your own benefit above all? Or proceed from the fact that there are other values \u200b\u200bin the world?

To stay in a happy state "I don't know anything" and "... our name is Legion"? Or be susceptible to all mu, what do the world and people surround you and people? "

These questions are read in the Roman Iva on the gonchard "Oblomov", written in 1858 - Paul torah century ago.

And each of us should make the right conclusion, reading the novel.


Summarizing the chapter "Sleep Oblomov" and return to the epigraph of the lesson. Make a conclusion. What is a crushing?

Oblomovka - microworld of Russian life in general. This is a world in which people with a pure children's soul, similar to Ilya Ilyich, are raised. But the other side of this phenomenon is a man until the end of his days remains a child ( infantilism*) . Eden becomes the beginning of the death of man.


infantilism - guys, underdevelopment, childhood, childhood


What features of the character developed from Ilya Ilyich under the influence of the lifeguard of the crushing? (Answers)

Positive features





Soft Court

"columbine simplicity

Ability to feel the beauty


Ability to self-priority

Unwillingness to humiliate the bustle (career, money glory)

The desire for harmony in the shower

Negative traits


Inability to overcome difficulties




Bar Speed

Hope on "Avos"



Empty dreaminess


What is the character of the character of the hero proposed by the author? The features of a person are formed in childhood. Pure, gentle soul Oblomov, his "pigeon" meekness take the origins in the crushing. But laziness and helplessness - too, from there. That is why this key head of the novel is so important for us. Through the image of Oblomov is shown Russian. Through the crushing is shown Russia. And Gorky aware that the fate of Russia.

What is Russian laziness? Each of you will answer this question in my own way.

Satirical or nostalgic is the image of Oblomov, his native village? Both. I.a Goncharov in the sketch "in his homeland" admitted: "I wrote my life."

Today we committed a virtual trip to his childhood with a broken one, considered the hero to understand, "why he is." There is a lot of attractive in it: he is charming, kind, soft, poetic, who knows how to think. But he was not ready for life: he was not taught to work, act independently, live fantasy and curiousness did not encourage. And as a result, a decent, the unlumous man turned into a parody of a person, and his name became nominative.

And today's conversation is valuable for you and for future parents. Oblomov is an example of how not to educate. Goncharov wrote:"And the child watched everything and I watched my childish, nothingnot skipping" Remember: "It would not be necessary for another sample when the sample of the father is in the eyes." Everything begins with childhood.


1. In responded to the question: "What is the meaning of the name of the main character?" By proving one of the selected points of view:

a) Obloman - rounded (when you are lying-)

b) Oblomov- man broken by life

c) from the "debris" - a piece of the deceased patriarchal lifestyle).

2. Select the material on the topic "Olga Ilinskaya and Oblomov"

  1. Introduction
  2. Oblomov and Stolts.
  3. Why didn't bile be able to get out of the world of illusions?


Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is the main character of the novel "Oblomov", an apathetic and lazy man of thirty years old, all his time spent lying on the couch and building uncomfortable plans for his future. Having spent the days in the idleness, the hero does not begin to do anything, since it is not capable of carrying out a volitional effort and proceed to the implementation of its own plans. The reasons for hopeless laziness and passivity of the hero The author discloses in the chapter "Sleep Oblomov", where through the memories of the child, the reader meets the Childhood of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov".

Little Ilya appears a very alive and inquisitive child. He is fascinated by the picturesque landscapes of the crushing, it is interesting for him to watch animals and communicate with peers.
The boy wanted to run, jump, climb on the hanging gallery, where you could only be "people", I wanted to know as much as possible about the world around us, and he sought to know this in every way. However, excessive parent care, constant control and guardianship became an insurmountable wall between the active child and interesting, fascinating the world. The hero gradually got used to prohibitions and adopted outdated family values: the cult of food and idleness, the fear of labor and the misunderstanding of the importance of training, gradually plunging into the "Oblomovshchina" swamp.

Negative influence of "Oblomovshchina" on Oblomov

In the family of broken beds for several generations, the landowners developed its own special way, who determined the life of not only the Bark family, but also the whole village, the predetermining course of life even peasants and servants. In the Oblomovka, the time flowed slowly, no one followed him, no one was in a hurry anywhere, and the village was separated from the outside world: even when they had a letter from the neighboring estate, he did not want to read it for several days, because they feared bad news, which I would have violated the peaceful calm of the "Oblomovskaya" life. The overall picture complemented the mild climate of the terrain: there were no strong frosts or heat, there were no high mountains or the wayward sea.

All this could not do not influence another young, who was not formed by the Personality of Oblomov, fell apart from all sorts of tests and stress: as soon as Ilya tried to accomplish a prank or go for a walk in forbidden places, a nanny appeared, who also looked after him carefully, or led back to chambers.
All this brought up a complete inappropriateness and submission of someone else, more competent and important opinion, so in the adult age of brooms could do something only from under the stick, not wanting to learn at the university, nor work, nor enter the light while It will not make it.

The absence of stresses, situations where need to be defended, excessive and constant care, total control and many prohibitions, in fact, broke the natural personality of Oblomov - he became the ideal of his parents, but ceased to be himself. Moreover, all this was supported by the opinion of labor as a sentence that cannot bear pleasure, but is a kind of sentence. That is why already in the mature age Ilya Ilyich avoids any activity, waiting for Zakhar and will do everything for him - let it be bad from the hands, but the hero itself will not need to get up from his bed, taking off from his illusions.

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The period of childhood and events that happened to us during this period of development significantly affect the formation of a person's personality, the life of literary characters, in particular, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, does not become an exception.

Native village Oblomova

All the childhood Ilya Ilyich Oblomov spent in his native village - a crushing. The charm of this village was that it was far from all settlements, and, most importantly, very far from major cities. Such a privacy contributed to the fact that all residents of the crushing lived as it were in conservation - they rarely went away and nobody came to them.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the characteristic of Andrei Stolz in the Roman Ivan Potcharov "Oblomov"

In the old days, the crushing could be fully referred to as a promising settlement - the canvas were made in the crushing, cooked delicious beer. However, after Ilya Ilyich became the owner, all this came to be launched, and over time, the crushing became a backward village, from which people periodically ran out, since the living conditions were terrible there. The reason for such a decline was the laziness of its owners and the unwillingness to conduct even minimal changes in the life of the village: "An old man of brooms as he accepted the estate from his father, so conveyed him and son."

However, in the memoirs of Oblomov, his native settlement remained a paradise on earth - after his county to the city never came to his native settlement more.

In the memoirs of Oblomov, the village remained as if frozen out of time. "Silence and calm calm are reigning in the nrules of people in the very edge. Not robberies, no murders, no terrible accidents were there; Neither strong passions nor courageous enterprises worry them. "

Parents Oblomova

Memories of childhood of any person are not unremitted with the images of parents or educators.
Ilya Ivanovich Oblomov was the father of the main hero of the novel. He was in itself a good man - kind and sincere, but absolutely lazy and inactive. Ilya Ivanovich did not like to engage in any case - his whole life was actually devoted to the contemplation of reality.

All the necessary affairs were postponed to them until the very last moment, as a result, in a short time, all the arrangements of the estates began to collapse and were similar to the ruins. Such a fate has not passed the Lord's house, which has doubled, but nobody in a hurry to fix it. Ilya Ivanovich did not upgrade his farm, he had no idea about factories and their devices. Father Ilya Ilyich loved to sleep for a long time, and then looking out a window for a long time, even if the window did not happen at the window.

Ilya Ivanovich did not strive for anything, he was not interested in earnings and an increase in his income, he also did not strive for the development of the person - from time to time the Father could be found for reading a book, but it was done for a tick or from boredom - Ilya Ivanovich was all - It's something to read, sometimes he didn't even understand the text.

The name of the mother of Oblomov is unknown - she died much earlier than his father. Despite the fact that actually the bugs knew the mother less than the father, he still loved her hot.

Oblomov's mother was to be her husband - she also lazily created the visibility of the management of the economy and indulged in this case only in case of extreme necessity.

Education of Oblomov

Since Ilya Ilyich was the only child in the family, then he was not deprived of attention. Parents pumped the boy from childhood - they are overlooking him.

A lot of servants were fixed behind him - so much that the little bugs did not need any actions in any actions - everything that was necessary, he was brought, was filed and even dressed: "Whether Ilya Ilyich will want, he should only blink - three -Thar servants are thrown to fulfill his desire. "

As a result, Ilya Ilyich was not even dressed independently - without the help of his servant Zakhar, he was absolutely helpless.

As a child, Ilya was not allowed to play with the guys, he forbidden all active and moving games. At first, Ilya Ilyich escaped without permission from the house to fierce and run away, but then he began to look more intensely, and the shoots became difficult for him, and then it was impossible at all, so in a short time his natural curiosity and activity that inherent in all Children, fade, her place was taken by laziness and apathy.

Oblomov's parents tried to protect him from any difficulties and troubles - they wanted the baby's life is light and carefree. They managed to completely commit it, however, such a state of affairs was destructive for Oblomov. The childhood period quickly passed, and Ilya Ilyich did not even acquire elementary skills that allow themselves to adapt to real life.

Education Oblomov

The issue of education is also non-taxable with childhood. It was during this period that children acquire elementary skills and knowledge of the world around, which allows them to deepen their knowledge in one or another industry and become a successful specialist in their business.

Parents Oblomov, so strengthened it all the time, did not attach importance to education - they considered him more torment than a useful occupation.

Oblomov was given to training only because the receipt of at least elementary education was a necessary requirement in their society.

The quality of knowledge of their son also did not worry - the main thing was to get a certificate. For the highlighted Ilya Ilyich training in the boarding house, and then the university was a cortica, it was "punishment sent by the sky for our sins", which, however, periodically facilitated the parents themselves, leaving the Son at home at a time when the learning process was in full swing.

1. The image of the crushing.
2. Progue reality and fabulous dreams of Oblomov.
3. The consequences of Oblomovo Education.

In Roman I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" Children's Chief Hero is fully described in the ninth chapter. Already the reception itself, which was used by the author to give readers the opportunity to make a virtual journey in time and take a look at what atmosphere has grown and a person developed, in the novel, which is already adults and quite formed. Not just memories of the hero, not the narrative from the author's face about his children's years, but sleep. This concluded a special meaning.

What is sleep? It often intertwined images of everyday reality and fantastic images that belong to something other than the events - the unconsciously, parallel to the world ... In the subconscious of the misfortune, the tale takes a lot of space. No wonder the dream of his goncharov describes in such a way that they soon forget that this is a dream, and not to give.

Attention should be paid to how Goncharov describes the native edge of Oblomov. The author does not begin with a direct description. At first, it is about what is not there, and even after what it is: "No, however, there is the sea, there are no high mountains, rocks and the abuses, no dense forests - there is nothing grand, wild and sullen."

It would seem that everything is simple - the author describes a typical mid-Russian landscape, which is really deprived of sharp romantic contrasts. However, the sea, forest, mountains are not only characteristics of the relief of one or another terrain, but also symbolic images that are often used in relation to the human life path. Of course, all these objects, both in their particular embodiment, and in symbolic reflection, carry a certain threat to a person. However, the risk, the need to overcome serious obstacles at the same time is the impetus for the development of the person.

In the crushing, this natural tendency to spiritual growth, to movement, is not completely completely. For the external wins, manifested in a soft climate, a measured course of life, the absence of serious crimes among the local population is somehow not immediately striking. But the trim, which rises in the village, when a stranger noticed a stranger was not far away: "How much to know what: IS, not a Baiet; Maybe some kind ... " And about this argues a crowd of adult men armed with axes and forks! In this episode, at first glance, the insignificant, one of the important distinguishing features of Oblomovtsev was shown - they unconsciously seek to avoid everything that the other is different. The owner with the hostess is demonstrated similar to the same reaction when they receive a letter: "... who knows it, what is it there, the letter? Maybe even more terrible, some kind of trouble. You mite because the people now it became! "

In "Dream", as in the whole novel, then it sounds the motive of opposing the crushing, a broken lifestyle. Oblomovka "almost non-surprise" "corner" who lives his life. Everything that happens in the rest of the world is practically not affecting the interests of the Oblomovtsy. And their main interests are a delicious dinner, which is previously discussed by the whole family, the whole house, and a strong "Bogatyr" dream. Oblomovtsy not only do not think about what you can live somehow differently than they do not, they have and shadow doubts do not arise that they live correctly, but "live differently - sin."

It seems to be monotonous and uncomfortable existence in the crushing - where did the habit of Oblomov come from a half-time for hours? Fantastic images of fairy tales, once told by mother and nanny, made a strong impression on the soul of little Ilya. But not the feats of the heroes most capture his imagination. Ilya with delight listens to the fairy tales on how a kind wizard nor for anything generously giving "some lazy." And at the Obloma himself, even when he grew up and became more skeptical to belong to fairy tales, "the location remains to lie down forever, to be in a ready-made unrequited dress and eat at the expense of a good wizard."

Why are the ideas of such fairy tales, and not those in which fearless, active heroes are bravely sent in search of "Togo, I don't know what" or on a battle with a terrible snake, firmly sat down in the subconscious of Ilya? Probably because the lifestyle of the loss of Emelie's furnaces almost fully complied with those standards of behavior that broke out from the parent family. After all, Father Ilya Ilyich never took care of how things are going in his possessions: to correct the bridge, raise your woven for a long time, and it is about to correct the collapsed gallery, lazy meditation of the Barin and are stretched at all for an indefinite time.

And the little Ilya was a boy observant: looking like a father day after day measuring the room with the steps, not delight into household worries, but angry, if the handkerchief did not soon serve, and the mother sick mainly about abundant food, the child naturally made a conclusion that you need to live. Yes, and why do Ilya think differently - after all, children consider parents as an authority as a sample of behavior that should be copied in their adult life.

The movement of life in the crushing was perceived not as something, what a person is obliged to take part, but like the flow of water running by, it remains only to observe what is happening around, and, if possible, shy away from personal participation in this vanity: "Good people understood her (Life) Not otherwise, as an ideal of peace and inaction, violated at times of different unpleasant chance, as something: diseases, losses, quarrels, and, by the other, labor. "

Labor in the crushing was regarded as a painful service, which is not sin and donate if such an opportunity is present. Meanwhile, in many respects, it is due to the work of personality, its spiritual formation and social adaptation. Oblomov, due to the ideals filmed since childhood, avoiding active activities, refuses personality growth, from the development of the abilities and forces that were laid in it. Paradoxically, but obcomments that in childhood were cherished and guarded, it does not become confident, successful person in his adult life. What is the case? Ozlomov had a happy childhood, he had all the prerequisites for the future life to be successfully developed, and he had all released the term of earthly existence on the sofa!

The key to understanding the problem is concluded in an inconspicuous fact of the fact: the upbringing in the crushing was directed only to the bodily prosperity of the child, but did not give the directions of spiritual development, goals. And without this little, alas, bugs, with all their advantages, became the fact that the gonchars described.