
Recommendations (cribs) to prepare for the EE for literature. How to pass the exam in literature: Features, Requirements and recommendations of the task of part with literature. Examples

There are no changes in KIM EGE 2020 in literature.

The EGE on literature is chosen by graduates who have decided to flow into the humanitarian faculties. This is a difficult exam, for the successful passing of which you need to read the large volume of lyrical and prosaic works. Therefore, preparation should be started as early as possible, preferably since the beginning of the 10th grade.

Exam Structure

Examination on literature consists of two parts and includes 17 tasks.

Part 1 includes two sets of tasks.

  • First complexthe tasks refers to a fragment of an epic, or limier, or dramatic work: 7 tasks with a brief answer (1-7) and 2 tasks with an expanded response in volume 5-10 of proposals (8, 9).
  • Second complex The tasks refers to the analysis of the lyrical work: 5 tasks with a brief response (10-14) and 2 tasks with an expanded response in the amount of 5-10 sentences (15, 16). Answers to tasks 1-7 and 10-14 are recorded according to the samples below in the form of a word, or phrase, or a sequence of numbers. The answer is recorded in the response field in the text of work without spaces, commas and other additional characters, and then transfer to the response form No. 1.

Part 2 includes 4 tasks (17.1-17.4), from which you need to choose only one and give it a detailed argumental response in the composition of the composition on a literary topic with a volume of at least 200 words.

For the execution of examination work on literature, it is allocated for 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes).

Requirements for registration

  1. All the forms of the EE are filled with bright black ink.
  2. It is allowed to use gel or capillary handle.
  3. When performing tasks, you can use the draft.

Records in Chernovik, as well as in the text of control measuring materials are not taken into account when evaluating work.

Points for tasks on literature

  • 1 point - for 1-7, 10-14 tasks.
  • 6 points - 8, 15.
  • 10 points - 9, 16.
  • 14 points - 17.

Total: 58 points.

The points you received for completed tasks are summed up.

Try to perform as much tasks as possible and score the largest number of points.

How to start preparation for the exam in literature?

  1. View this subject. Highlight the works read by you and theoretical concepts you fully own.
  2. After that, proceed to the study of the rest of the material. Reading will be productive if you choose to consistently study the creativity of each author. In this case, you can trace the changes in the works dictated by historical variables.
  3. We also advise you to start the reading diary. The first will record definitions and terms. For example, what is refrain, allegory, personification, etc. In the diary, fix the plot, the names of the heroes, the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe book. These records will be useful to you in the future, when there will be very little time before the exam.
  4. Tables and schemes help well to absorb material. They include the difference in literary genres, a variety of poetic sizes and other training information.

Solving practical tasks

  • After the operation of the theoretical base, proceed to practice. Examples of tests you can take on our website. First respond to tasks with brief responses. Here you will use your knowledge of terminology, the ability to compare literary flows, genres.
  • Next, proceed to the questions you need a detailed answer. Answer them without distracts, only essentially, you can quote the authors.
  • After that, the writing of the essay. This task will require the skill to build a composition consisting of accession, main part and imprisonment. You can work it, regular training. The more you write in the process of preparation for the exam in literature, the more confident you will feel on the exam.

A few words about the essay

Creative tasks traditionally assesses the examination committee. Main criteria for evaluating compositions on literature 2020 such:

  • the ability to correctly state thoughts, the presence of a reasonable one's own opinion;
  • knowledge level of theory of literature;
  • depth of understanding of the problem;
  • sequence and logical of the narrative;
  • compliance with all Russian rules.

Maximum score for an essay - 14

What is important to prepare

Everyone individually forms a plan for preparing for the exam, but universal points remain:

  • reading fiction literature (works outside the program, including);
  • regular spelling of short training essays;

Pupils for passing exams at the end of the school. Now it is passed only about 5% of graduates. This is because the literature is needed for receipt for not the most popular specialty: philologist, linguist and teacher of Russian and literature.

Before the introduction of the exam, literature necessarily surrendered at the end of the school in the form of an essay and the assessment was exposed at once in two subjects: literature - for the quality of the text and the disclosure of the main idea, their opinion and knowledge of the opinions of critics and in the Russian language - for the lack of errors.

Familiarize yourself with the general examination of the exam and proceed. Compared to last year, the KIM EGE 2019 has changed. Now in the task 17 you have to choose one topic of essay from four (it was - out of three). The maximum primary score for the entire test was greatly raised - from 42 to 57. The remaining changes are not very serious, you can familiarize yourself with them.

Evaluation of ege

Last year, in order to pass his ege on literature at least a triple, it was enough to gain 32 primary scores. They were given, for example, for correctly performed tasks No. 1-7, 10 and 11.

As will be in 2019, it is still unknown: it is necessary to wait for an official order from the Rosobrnadzor for the compliance of primary and test points. Most likely it will appear in December. Given that the maximum primary score increased greatly, it is very likely that a minimum point can change. We are focusing while these tables:

The structure of the test EGE

In 2019, the test exam in literature consists of two parts that include 17 tasks.

  • Part 1: consists of two task sets. The first refers to a fragment of an epic, or limier, or dramatic work: includes seven tasks (1-7) with a brief response and two tasks (8, 9) with a detailed answer in the amount of 5-10 proposals. The second refers to the analysis of the lyrical work: includes five tasks (10-14) with a brief response and two tasks (15, 16) with a detailed answer in the amount of 5-10 proposals.
  • Part 2: 4 Writing themes (17.1-17.4), from which you need to choose one and write text with a volume of 200 words or more.

Preparation for the USE

  • Pass the tests of the EGE online for free without registration and SMS. The presented tests in their complexity and structure are identical to the real exams carried out in the appropriate years.
  • Download demo options for the literature, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and pass it easier. All proposed tests are designed and approved to prepare for the EGE by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FII). In the same FIII, all official EGE official options are being developed.
    The tasks you will like will most likely meet the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demonstration, along the same subject or simply with other numbers.

Common digits of the EGE

Year Min. score Middle score Quantity Did not pass,% Number of
exam, min.
2009 30
2010 29 57,59 54 313 5 422 240
2011 32 57,15 39 317 5 355 240
2012 32 56,3 46 030 4,8 324 240
2013 32 58,4 44 420 5,6 457 240
2014 32 53,6 235
2015 40 56,9 235
2016 32 235
2017 32 235

Like students of the 11th grade, nor wanted the opposite, the exam is all approaching and approaching. Very soon graduates will sit down to write very important exams, on which further admission to the Higher Educational Institution. Those who have chosen literature for delivery can now begin to repeat the main works of the school program and actively write essays on a wide variety of topics. It is about the last and will be speech. A good essay in literature can bring a student a large number of points. Many of him are very afraid, but in vain. The most important thing is to make a clear plan and bring relevant literary examples. And the more writings will be written before the exam, the greater the likelihood of a high result!

  1. Before writing an essay, make sure that you know the material well and you can expand the proposed topic with the help of literary works.
  2. If you have decided on an essay theme, you can proceed to writing a plan. It may be simple or difficult. The main thing is that each item express proof of your point of view or revealed the main topic of essays.
  3. If necessary, after the plan, you can write the theses or key points of a particular book that will reveal the selected theme even wider.
  4. It is best to first write an essay on the draft. There you can safely correct errors or shortcomings and make the necessary edits into the material.
  5. After writing a rough essay version, re-read it and make sure that they fully revealed the topic, we took into account all the points of the plan and picked up loyal / accurate literary examples.
  6. You can then rewrite the writings to the cleanstik. But do not forget that the material needs to be rechecked in order to avoid mistakes and inaccuracies!

Templates and cliches

Part of the text structure Template or cliche
Introduction 1. This topic has long worried humanity;

2. Not one author was thinking over this problem. (the author's name) was also no exception;

4. This topic is interested in many writers.

Designation of the problem 1. (The name of the author) puts a very relevant problem with us ...;

2. (the name of the problem) is relevant to this day;

Comment Problems 1. This / this problem means ...

3. The essence of the problem is that ...

Copyright 1. The author's position is that ...;

2. This work is very clearly expressed by the author's main idea;

Personal opinion 1. I fully share the point of view of the author;

4. I am agreed with the aforementioned point of view.

Literary argumentation 1. The main idea is clearly expressed in the work (name);

2. This topic is displayed in (the name of the work);

3. This problem / the topic worried many writers;

4. This topic is found in many works.

Conclusion 1. Thus, the author's opinion is truthfully and accurately displays reality;

3. These works teach us; prove / show us ...;

4. Summarizing, we can say that ....;

5. As we see ...

Sample topics

  1. What is internally unites "fathers of the city" and landowners in the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls"?
  2. How in prose I. A. Bunin reveals the theme of earth and eternal?
  3. How in Drama A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" the topic of love and the topic of conscience are echoing?
  4. What is the originality of the sound of the patriotic topic in the lyrics of M. Yu. Lermontov?
  5. What role is the monologist of the hero play in the disclosure of the image of Chatsky? (By play by A.S. Griboyedov "Mount from the mind")
  6. Pages of Russian history in the latest domestic literature. (On the example of one or two works of the 1990-2000s)
  7. The theme of the native nature in lyrics S.A. Yesenin
  8. Who among the characters Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and World" you are most interesting and why? (With a support for the analysis of the work)
  9. What role in Romana I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" Play Nature Descriptions?
  10. What is the trouble and what is the wine owners of the garden? (By play by A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden".)
  11. What does a love feeling appear in the lyrics of F. I. Tyutchev?
  12. How is the opposed dream and reality in the play M. Gorky "at the bottom"?
  13. As in the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" reveals the topic of honor and dishonor?
  14. What role in the formation of the spiritual world Gregory played the family of Melekhov? (According to the novel M. A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don")
  15. Work plan

    The structure and composition composition is a memo needed in the work on the essay. It is desirable to learn that in order to safely work on a long-known plan. It is important to remember that it is not necessary to start with accession, you can pose the main part and repel from it so that all parts of the work are logically justified and are connected.

    1. Epigraph. This is not necessarily, but can add points. You need to choose an accurate quote from the work so that it is logically related to the content of the work. If you are not sure about the accuracy of the wording or in its semantic load, do not write the epigraph (it is drawn up without quotes, F. I. O. Writer without brackets. If you quote poetry, make them up in a column also without quotes).
    2. Introduction - At the very beginning of the essay, you can tell about the history of the creation of a book corresponding to the cultural era or about the author. It is also necessary to logically bring the thought to reasoning on the selected topic, formulate the question from which you will be repel in subsequent parts. It is important to indicate which problem is in the text, and what exactly the author himself is thinking. The most popular "entries" can be called a rhetorical question (what did Bulgakov wanted to say between the lines?) Or a quote from the reference work (the book you use as a source of arguments). However, the second option is more difficult, because the quote is easy to pull, and the jury may have doubts about your honesty (and did he write off the hour?).
    3. Main part. In this section of the text you indicate what place the problem takes in the text itself, its value in modern society. For solidity, you can specify the opinion of the writer about this or that problem. The most important thing is the exact transfer of his thoughts. Own opinion is also necessary, at least at the level of consent or disagreement with the point of view of the author. But remember that it is necessary to deny it, relying on something, and the criticism of the copyright position is much more complicated. If only because writers in such texts broadcast the basic truths that are taken to divide at least in words. It happens that a smart student gets smaller points than mediocre, only because he defended his beliefs, told the inspection wave of emotional attacks against the author and set up a teacher against himself. But the basis of this section is, of course, literary arguments. In an example, you only provide those works in which there is a similar problem. If necessary, you can briefly retell the content, but the most important thing is to logically as your argument is associated with the essay theme.
    4. Conclusion - Generalization of the foregoing. This is the same accession, but there you asked a question, now the time to give an answer. You must summarize your reasoning, setting out the same thoughts as first, but in other words.
    5. It is important to remember that in the composition of literature a lot of attention is paid to terminology. For high score, the text should have at least 5 terms (for example, a novel, author, hero / heroine, tie, epithette, comparison, etc.)!

      An example of writings

      How did the Final of the poems A. A. Blokok "Twelve" associated with its main content?

      (279 words) As you know, the poem "Twelve" quarreled the author with many friends. In particular, readers embarrassed the final scene, where the killer detachment was headed by Jesus Christ. She contrasted with the main content of the work and at the same time gave him an assessment. Until now, disputes do not subscribe that I wanted to say this block.

      There are two main versions of the final. The first lies in the fact that "in a white wedding from roses" is a Antichrist. Together with the Bolsheviks, he wins, Russia plunges into chaos. In favor of this version, ominous symbols say: the intellectual elite in the image of the peeling PSA is expelled from the country. The same gloomy notes, for example, sound in the "Scythians" poem (1918). The Russian people poet symbolist calls "Darkness" and says that he is "impaired treachery." That is, it negatively evaluates changes. All this is logical, but somehow artificially, and after all, the block wrote that he composed a work in the impression of inspiration.

      The second version says that it is Christ who goes at the head of the Red Guardian squad. This is also logical, because the Messiah himself proclaimed the truths that were revolutionary during Caesar. The same riot we see in the words of heroes. While they are not taken, but the future on their side. White crown of roses on the brow of Christ is a symbol of integrity, and also - the victims, because the spikes of roses are wounded. Copyright Coupling We can also see in the work "on the field of Kulikov." Speaking about the fate of the Fatherland, he mentions the upcoming "high and rebellious days." So he believes in the success of the revolution. Thus, I adhere to the opinion that the final explains the content of the poem: the block expresses the hope that in the revolutionary tribe, Russia will be reborn.

      In conclusion, I would like to tell that the author himself sincerely believed in the healing power of the coup, but later disappointed in him. However, the meaning of the finale from this does not change: the block welcomed the revolution and considered her all-living fire (murders, robbery, violence) saving for Russia.

      Criteria for evaluation

      The first criterion "meaningful aspect" is the most important thing. If the verifier poses 0 points for it, the essay is not further checked, and the student does not receive anything.

      1. Compliance with the work of the topic and its disclosure.If the essay is written on the specified topic, the author's position is true and the topic is correct, then the work is put 3 points. In case of incomplete disclosure of the topic, the essay receives on the first criterion of 2 points. The work is written on the topic, but the author's thought is distorted and the topic is not fully disclosed - 1 point. The essay is written not on the topic - 0 points.
      2. Attracting the text of the work for the argument.If the student brought two right and accurate literary works (in lyric topics, three examples needed), analyzed at the level of important fragments and did not allow a single actual error, 3 points put. When you assign one - two errors and / or analysis of two examples of poems, 2 points are placed. 1 point - if the examiner analyzed the works at a general level or at the level of the recovery, did not allow actual errors or made one - two and / or in lyrical themes indicated only one poem. Incorrectly selected texts and the presence of three or more errors allows you to put 0 points.
      3. Support on theoretical and literary concepts.2 points are placed on the use of literary terms when analyzing and no error. 1 point - if there are terms, but they are not used in the analysis and / or one error is allowed in the concept. With the complete absence of terms or the presence of more than one error is placed 0.
      4. Composite integrity and logicality.When the compositional integrity is maintained, there are 3 points on the absence of repeats and disruption of the sequence. The presence of a violation of the sequence and unjustified repetitions gives the right to put 2 points. 1 point - the design of the composition is present, but the connection of parts and / or the main thought is not evolving and repeated. 0 points - no composition, coarse errors are allowed, sequence is broken.
      5. Compliance with speech rules.In the absence of speech errors or if there are 3 points, there are 3 points. Two - three speech errors give the right to put 2 points. 1 point is placed for four speech errors. From five and above - 0 points.

      Recall that the maximum score for writing in literature - 14.

      Interesting? Save on your wall!

In 2017, I passed the EE for literature on 65 points. On appeals managed to knock out only one primary score, which when transferred to the secondary weighed as much. Therefore, as a result, my result was only 66 points that I was very upset.

This year I am pleased with the change in the evaluation criteria, and it seems to me that now it really happened more clearly what they are waiting for and want, because last year they could not say on appeals, because of what I was reduced by some points for the deployed Answers.

My failure

I think many have come across the stories of people who know the literature very well, but very poorly wrote the exam. Unfortunately, I also know a lot of such examples, one of which is my own. Therefore, now I will tell you on my own experience than it may be due.

I poured the exam in literature last year, passed on 66 points, which is very low for me, considering that I put myself a 90+ bar. I passed the entire list of literature, with the exception of several works that were not directly important, it all disassembled carefully, my table was littered with notebooks with written works and made by me with tables and abstracts all over, which is possible. I felt very confident and knew that I did not go with a blank head. I got an option with works that I knew well, the themes were also successful, but in the end everything ended with my tears and bad result. Why? Because I never wrote a full-fledged probe and could not keep track of time!

I started writing an essay about 35-40 minutes to the end of the work. And not to rewrite, but what to write! And since it was very in a hurry and worried, realizing that he had already poured him out, I made a bunch of mistakes: in three sentences I wrote the word "story" times 7-9, and in different meanings, the same words and speech turnover, structure The text was laid in my head, but in the end I did not have time to add the penalient paragraph and did not write a conclusion at all. When we postponed the handles, I began to reread my work and was horrified, but unfortunately, it was too late to correct anything.

My girlfriend poured the exam because I understood the evaluation criteria poorly, she also knew the material well, was engaged in a tutor. She passed the exam two years ago, and then the criteria were very blurred and evaluated the work much more subjectively than now. Ege 2018 criteria made more clear (on this link you can download the file containing the codifier, specification and demo version - literature), which I hope will go to the hand to those who will take this year.

In general, quite a large number of people reduce assessments for work due to the "actual shortcomings", "some inaccuracies" and the like, although this is not considered an error. Quite many people fall on this: they write good work without mistakes, and they begin to find fault for everything that you can, just to reduce points. That is why it is best to write work, using as common phrases as possible and the generally accepted opinion about works. Often, people begin to paint strongly, and they stumble on the same - they get a decline for speech, actual errors and on appeals hear only "it can be seen that you read and understand, but we cannot raise you, because it's not exactly what they are waiting for you From you in this answer. " One please - now the wording of the criteria has become much less blurred. Mini-conclusion: you need to write not very volume, without any special speech ornaments and as objectively as possible.

Time and mistakes because of the rush

As I have already mentioned, I apparent because I did not have time to write an essay. And I did not have time because too much time was given to drafts, and in the end I rewrite very long.

Do not use drafts in order to write a whole job on them. Write on them only the plan and keywords that you will use, because otherwise you just don't have anything to write, but you need not only write, but also check!


How many times did the school repeat about what is very useful to write a plan? But many still do not like to devote his time, but it can really speed up the writing process of expanded responses and the essay itself. Although with unfolded answers you can do it much easier - just throw keywords that you want to use and which help to reveal the topic - and following them to write work.

And about the writings, I think that it is most convenient to first divide it into parts, and also write keywords in them. Then during the writing, the likelihood of repeating the same phrases and words decreases, and the structured thought is to state quickly and easily.

How much and what

It is worth keeping the beacon in my head, reminding that time is not rubber. In our audience reminded about time only five minutes before the end of the exam, so it's better to watch it all.

At the detailed answers, I spent a lot of time, which led to a planning result. I advise you to spend to think over the answer (write down keywords / plan, as I wrote above) 5-7 minutes, and then 15-20 minutes for writing.

With the test, too, do not delay, but this, I think, and so understandable. Now when I do probes, first I work with the dough, and then, only before you begin the detailed answers, I read an excerpt from prose. Because most often in the dough there is nothing associated with a passage, only with the work as a whole or with definitions. And if you first read the text, then do the test, then, most likely, it will have to reread it for a detailed answer. With the lyrics, I also do so often, first I will pass around the numbers with terms, and only then, when you need to determine which techniques used the author, what kind of poem is written and when answering 15.16 questions, I read the poem itself.

The test goes on average 15-20 minutes. It seems to me that it is more convenient to check after, however, then you need to be guaranteed to leave time. I managed so that I just did not immediately transferred everything in the forms, and at the end of work, during the transfer, I just checked myself.

Thus, about 100-120 minutes remain on the writing and check. Just 10-15 minutes on the plan and you can safely write, giving yourself sometimes time to think. Because, again, returning to the time of my passing exam, I wrote almost without thinking because I was in a hurry: I just wrote without stopping, and it obviously turned around that I just did not have time to follow the lexical repetitions, actual Errors and the construction of a proposal as a whole.

It is best to finish with an essay of minutes 20 to the end to have time to re-read everything written. Because checking the detailed answers immediately is not the best idea. Instead, it will be preferable to switch thoughts to something else, and after you already re-read - it is better to see the error.

What can surprise on the exam?

When you stay in the audience and look at the form that you got, you might think that it is a little not what you expected. Let's deal with why.


You can safely get a poem not from the codifier, as I had, for example. Not that it is more difficult for, just tormented me for a long time, why then do you need a codifier and selected authors, if you can get a poem not related to them, and for comparison you can bring works not only from the codifier, but in principle Russian literature of a certain time.

I caught the poem, which I saw for the first time, and for comparison, I led the Bunin "I remember a long winter evening," and everything was fine with me. However, it was a shame for the fact that I taught a lot of poems, and in the end I used that I knew by heart from the fifth grade.

Deployed answers

Also, the formulation of issues for deployed answers can be completely out of those that were in probes. After all, when training, questions tend to repeat quite often, but in the work it can already be caught by anything. But the essence of the question does not depend on the wording! In essence, all of them are very monotonous, they simply succumb to some "chasing", just to confuse the passing exam. So do not panic, just need to think about what it is most like.

For example, a question may be asked about the conflict of heroes, but the wording will be "socio-philosophical disputes", or "confrontation of noble and sublegate heroes." Or in the question about nature there can be something like "how does the hero compare himself with the cedar?"

It's all very simple, but clarifications can sometimes be confused. As a result, it is best to reduce everything to the general definition, whether it is a conflict, spiritual experiences, human and nature relationship, and so on.

Test part

I personally still shocked the task with quotes. Excerpts replicas from the story "Ionch" A.P. Chekhov, and it was necessary to compare them with the characters that they uttered them. Of course, it was necessary to focus on the characteristics of the characters, but since one quote was still unnecessary, and not everywhere it was possible to allocate key phrases / peculiarities of speech, I did not cope with this task.

Structure of deployed answers

It is very important to pay attention to speech and on the material that is used in the work.

If there is no one hundred percent confidence that the quote is used correctly and accurately, it is better not to write it.

If there is no one hundred percent confidence that it was this hero that made this action, then again it is better not to mention.

If the name of the hero badly remembered, it is better to call it the "main character" or simply give it a characteristic (whose relative he looks like he is by profession, status and so on).

You also need to monitor repetitions, tautology, speech errors. For example, I accidentally used the word "story" in three different values \u200b\u200band because of this wrote it six times in three or four sentences. And noticed, unfortunately, when the time of the exam ended.

Be sure to pay attention to how often you use the names of the heroes. This will help you using synonyms: not just bazaars, but a friend Arkady Kirsanova, a nihylist; Not just Natasha Rostov, and sister, daughter, sweetheart, beloved Tolstoy heroine (one of) and so on.

You need to diversify the work of synonyms even in the case of verbs. You should not use only "the author described" and "the author showed", there are so many words that can be replaced by such wording, and somewhere in general it is better to build an offer otherwise, otherwise it turns out very monotonous and ugly.

Your opinion

This, of course, is very sad, but it is impossible to write its opinion. As I wrote several times, it is best to reduce everything to objectivity.

On the exam, no one is interested in what you think for certain topics. Checking you need to see your knowledge of theory and material. Therefore, no "I think" cannot be used, "I think", "in my opinion," and so on, what we are on the contrary to teach, preparing for the exam in Russian. Therefore, undergoing such an intermediate result, I advise you to refresh the structure from time to time. Writing and criteria for deployed answers.

I hope my tips will help you avoid my mistakes and write an exam on literature on a good score. The main thing is to always remember the time and that anyone from the inspection is not interesting to look at your fine letters. There are criteria - you need to fit. It is not necessary to think that to pass the exam is good - the goal is translated and impossible, you just need to know from which side it is better to approach him. Do not hurry, learn the cliché and do not be scared, if you suddenly get a blank in which the analysis of the works you see for the first time are asked.

Currently, the exam in literature is not included in the list of mandatory tests at the end of the school. However, the results of this state examination are necessary in order to enroll in various specialties of Russian higher educational institutions. It may be philology or journalism, television, as well as vocal and acting. Our article will tell you in detail what you need to know to pass the literature (EGE).

Exam Features

In 2017, rumors were actively walking that the structure of the graduation test on literature would be significantly transformed. But in September of the same year, it became known that this test was undergoing the minimum number of changes. Nevertheless, in one of his interviews, Olga Vasilyeva, Minister of Education, stated that the next year another, a more promising model of the State Speaker, which was developed by the leading specialists of the Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. Thus, test tasks were excluded from the kim. Now in literature? Let's deal with together.

Why removed tests?

In the view of the developers, tasks with a choice of response for students do not represent any complexity. They are just an excess element for evaluation. In such tasks, there is a huge share of the likelihood of guess the correct answer, and experts of the Institute of Pedagogical Measurements are not in the root.

In addition, it became known that on the literature exam, graduates will no longer see questions and tasks of an open nature, where they must give an answer in the form of one word or sequence from numbers. Thus, graduates lose the ability to score points for knowledge of literary terms. Therefore, the troeses will not be able to get rid of "low blood" by passing one part of the exam. In 2018, graduates are waiting for the demonstration of the ability to beautifully and clear their own thoughts.

Test requirements. Works

It is known that on the examination of the literature it is necessary to write several works. The developers of control and measuring materials increased the minimum volume of the "main" essay. In previous years, this volume was at least 200 words, but in 2018 the graduate will be obliged to make text on 50 words more than in previous years.

Institute's specialists concretized the requirements for mini-essays for the next year. Their volume should be the minimum of 50 words. This requirement since 2018 refers not only to the issue of text analysis, but also to comparative tasks. The future graduates have a natural question: "What is needed to pass literature (EGE)?" Therefore, we smoothly go to recommendations.

How to pass the exam in literature?

In order for testing to get the most first, it is necessary to read all the literature that is required for passing the exam. Note that you will need a lot of time and effort. And what literature you need to read to pass the exam, we will tell a little later.

Secondly, in the bookstores on sale there are a huge number of benefits that guarantee the delivery of the USE without special knowledge and effort. You can purchase all these collections, but not worth waiting for the fact of real success. However, if you solve tasks in these books, then on the exam you will be much easier to answer questions.

Thirdly, there is an opinion that interested and competent teacher in the power to teach their ward everything you need to pass the exam. By visiting the question of how to pass the exam in literature, students hire tutors.

Fourth, among schoolchildren and students there are a huge number of rituals and will adopt that allegedly help to take exams. In fact, nothing to do with the real world of these rites. But, making them, perhaps you will feel confident on the exam.

Experience graduates

We present to your attention the experience of students of the Philological Faculty, which give recommendations and explain how to pass the exam in literature. As a rule, on September 1, eleventh graders go to the bookstore and buy a huge number of collections on this subject. Current students advise to buy collections of past years, since the structure of control and measurement materials does not actually change, and their price is much less. Many perform tasks with such a frequency as some solve the scanwords. There are schoolchildren who have no theoretical base required for writing writings. But they make up plans where theses write out. Over time, this is a habit that a person uses today by learning at the Institute.

Note that in many universities there is often a set of preparation courses for the exam in various subjects. Many advise visit these classes. As a rule, you need to go to lectures once a week, which last about two hours. Works before the exam is a lot: you need to constantly write and read to come to classes already prepared. In addition, school teachers in literature often come to the rescue. With graduates, teachers are divided with theoretical materials, as well as experienced experts who verify examination work. Thus, many students take a hundred points exam.

A few words about the list of fiction

As mentioned above, the list of references to pass the exam in literature, rather big. Publish this list is meaningless, as it is in every compilation for passing the exam. In any case, you need to know the ancient Russian literature, as well as texts written in the XVIII, XIX and XX centuries. Need to know and understand the school works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Feta, Nekrasov, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Ostrovsky, Tyutchev, Chekhov, Bunin, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Gorky, Yesenina, Pasternak, Mandelstam, Mayakovsky, Blok, Sholokhov, Bulgakova, Tvardovsky, Solzhenitsyn and other writers whose texts are included in the list of fiction literature studied in lessons from 5 to grade 11.


At the beginning of this article, the question of the complexity of the exam was sounded. It is not easy to answer it, since the concept of complexity is relative. For some guys, it is hard to write work, for others it is difficult to analyze the artistic text. In any case, the exam is a test to which you need to prepare conscientiously to get the desired result.

Thanks to our article now you know how to pass the exam in literature and what you need to do to get a good result. Remember that teachers checking the writings are waiting for the graduates of a conscious understanding of the problem and a clear vision of the position of the author. Also, the certificate must navigate in genres and literary terms. We wish you success!