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The theme of a little man in the story of the copper rider. The tragedy of a little man in the poem "Copper Horseman. On whose side of Pushkin himself

The tragedy of "Little Man" in the poem A. Pushkin "Copper Horseman"

Theme "Little Man" Repeatedly rose in the works of Russian literature: "Peter-Burg's story" N. V. Gogol, "humiliated and OS-Corbal", "Poor People" F. M. Dostoevsky, stories A. P. Chekhov. The life of the "little human ka", reflected in connection with various events, is the life of the people as a whole. In the poem "Copper Horseman" by A. S. Pushkin reveals this image, faithfully throwing him two powerful forces: the greatness and power of the emperor and the violent, uncontrollable stubbornness of nature. Peter's first respondd to many writers and poets in different time periods. To this day, there is no clear me about the feasibility of Petrovsky transformations and the admissibility of the means used by the monarch to achieve the goal - Europeanization of Russia. In his Eme, A. S. Pushkin managed to very brightly display this contradiction. On the one hand, it is a great superchain - the conquest of the element, the creation of a brilliant go-kind, which opens up the prospects for the development of foreign policy, eclipsed by its beauty and significance to the capital:

And before the youngest capital

Earl old Moscow,

As before the new queen

Porphyron widow.

But on the other hand, what was the implementation of these ambitious ideas? First of all, pre-neglecting to the needs of your own people, because the Cher-underestimation of the "shelter of the wretched Chukhukhonian" - perceive the sovereign, as a picture, a dying gaze of his unsighteousness, and not as a separate life of a given person, to invade , breaking her usual move, was not allowed even to great states. But, the desperation of conventionality, inconsistent-paradise on protest of the people and nature, the powerful king achieved that "Young Hrad"

From the darkness of forests, from the molding lot

Ascended magnificent, gradiously;

Where before Finnish fisherman,

Sad stepsoko nature

One at low shores

Throw in unknown water

Your old nemid, now there

By busy shores,

Grounds slender crowd

Palaces and towers ...

The city is beautiful, the ruler's dreams were carried out: "... Crowd ships from all ends of the Earth to rich marins seek ..."

The poet figuratively describes the greatness of the Northern Region, giving it a tribute to her admiration. But immediately uses the contrast technique:

Roll out terrible time

About her fresh memories ...

About her, my friends, for you

I'll start my narrative.

Peacon will be my story.

And I introduces us with the main character of the work - the "little man" by Evgeny, whose fate helps us fully realize the results of Peter's acts who committed violence against nature. Peter We-Lick: "What a Duma on the brow! What power is hidden in it! " And the Dum is full of great, general scales. And what about Eugene?

What did he think about? About,

That he was poor to work

He had to deliver himself

And independence and honor;

What could God add to him

Mind and money. He dreamed:

Something like yourself

Humble and simple

And in him I will calm the packet.

"It will pass, perhaps, the year or another -

I'll get the place - Parasha

Restuch farm ours

And the upbringing of the guys ...

And become living, and so to the coffin

Hand with hand we do we both

And grandchildren will be buried ...

In several rows of Pushkin, the aspirations of the entire people, aspiring to a calm, measured life, surrounded by relatives of loved ones.

The poem does not show openly the royal arbitrariness, Lo-Merging Ludici. He manifests itself indirectly, through the uprising of natural forces, which cannot even be the imperial will: "Do not cope with the elements of God with God's elements." And the ambition of the sovereign is grieving for thousands of ordinary people, miserable in their helplessness. "To you! ..", "the unfortunate Evgeny threatens, but even Petr's poured out of Copper inspires him fear and continues to finish his fate, driving my mind. And the king, who was previously called the author of the "powerful authority-Len of Fate", turned into a proud iducane, cold and indifferent.

By describing the event that occurred at that time, the co-gda of Peter's first era has already become the property of history, the author sought to emphasize the importance of this historical figure, whose will will remain a fateful for a simple people for a long time.

Sections: Literature

Above the sea was founded ...

A.S. Pushkin

Objectives lesson:


  • teach students to analyze the limit of the LarEpic work;
  • show two faces of St. Petersburg in the poem;
  • show how Pushkin reveals the theme of a "little man" and how Gogol, Nekrasov, Dostoevsky, are revealed in his work;


  • forming the skill among schoolchildren to lead a discussion, work in groups, develop the skills of comparative comparable analysis

work with educational concepts:

  • poems, theme "Little Man", image, metaphor, epithette, contrast; copyright position;

working with metroprotteless concepts:

  • mercy, protest against injustice, beauty, worldview.

Equipment: Computer, Interactive Board, Using Presentation (Appendix).

Type of lesson: lesson-formation.

Training Methods: Conversation, Teacher's Word, Research, Problem Statement.

Forms of work with students: individual message, independent work in groups, elements of the discussion.

Lesson plan.

1. Teacher's introductory word: setting problem issues.

2. An individual message on the topic: "The image of St. Petersburg in the work of N.V. Gogol. " The theme of a "little man" in the story F.M. Dostoevsky "White Nights" and in poetry A.N. Nekrasov.

3. Analysis of the entry of the poem, conversation, the elements of the discussion. Analysis of the main part of the poem. Research work in groups.

3. Reading and analyzing Openness of the poem: "A terrible day ...".

4. Independent work. Two faces of the city: a comparative comparable analysis. Work on the vocabulary of the poem. What is the author's position in relation to Peter I? Work with critical literature, formation of your own point of view. Petersburg today. Work with the epigraph.

During the classes

1st slide

1. The introductory word of the teacher.

The theme of a "little man" is inextricably linked with the image of Peter the Great. Historical figure. About him the poet wrote a lot ("Poltava", "Arap Peter the Great"). Pushkin first daring to reveal the theme of a "little man" in the context of historical events. Three epochs pass in front of us: the past (Peter I, the era of Alexander I, when the flood occurred) and the era of Nicholas I, that is, the modernity of Pushkin.

And the fate of a "little man" is designed to show the other consequences of the activities of the "Half Half", Peter I.

Analyzing the poem, will answer questions:

  1. Who is guilty of the tragedy of Evgeny?
  2. What did Petrovsky transformations led to?

2. Individual message.

To better and fully understand the image of the city "on the shore of the desert waves," refer to the image of St. Petersburg in later literature.

  1. N.V. Gogol has experienced many painful moments living in St. Petersburg. Recall the story "Shinel".
  2. How does Gogol draw a picture of St. Petersburg and the life of a "little man" in a big city?

2nd slide

Replies of students


A small official who occupies a certain position in society, everything experienced in his century: and humiliation, and insult. The author's position here is: not only a request for mercy to such as Akaki Akakievich, but at the same time the expression of protest against injustice, evil, the silent of those whom Gogol calls "a significant face." This is Petersburg 30-40s. Time when Pushkin works on the poem "Copper Horseman".

Student responses.

  1. What do we see Petersburg in the "White Nights" Dostoevsky?
  2. How do people live in the capital of Russia?
  3. What is general and different in the image of the city in the works of Gogol and Dostoevsky?

4th slide

Is it possible to say that loneliness, the privacy of the hero "White Nights" is the rejection of the surrounding world?

5th slide

Tragic paintings of a big city in poetry N.A. Nekrasov.

And Gogol, and Dostoevsky, and Nekrasov, based on the best traditions of Russian literature, after Pushkin, in its own way, reveals the theme of a "little man" in a big city - the capital of the Russian Empire.

3. Analysis of the poem "Copper Horseman".

  1. How does Pushkin reveal the topic of "little man"?
  2. Why does the disputes on the views of Pushkin, associated with the theme of the "little man", do not fade away today, with the magnitude of Peter I?
  3. Who is right: the one who believes that the wines of the tragedy lies on the elements, or the one who claims that the creator of the city is guilty of the tragedies of little people? Or an existing system that is not able to eliminate social injustice?

Discussion of students.

7th slide

Three historical epochs.

What is the meaning of the composition?

Analysis of entry.

  1. What paints are Pushkin Peter's city paints?
  2. What vocabulary prevails?
  3. Students in the course of the analysis fill 1 part of the "Two Faceburg" table.
  4. How does the author belong to the city?

4. Analysis of the main part.

1) Checking homework. Research work in groups.

What was the transformation of Peter? It became better to live a person?

Why is the word "terrible" repeats in the 1st part 3 times?

Describe the fate of Eugene, his aspirations, reflections. How does the tone of the narrative in the story about the life and dreams of Eugene?

2) Working with text.

Flood description (reading): "Awful day ..."

  1. What details of the picture struck you?
  2. Who has suffered most?
  3. What means of expressive uses the poet to draw a picture of the terrible element? (Comparisons, epithets, metaphors, syntactic means of expressiveness)
  4. What role do the verbs play?

Independent work. Filling out the 2nd part of the table "Two Liquors of the City".


The poem constantly arises the image of a monument, rising above the ground, over the stream, over people: "In the unshakable embroidery", "in the dark embroidery", "at the height." Are these details or are related to the assessment of Peter I?

Reading passing.

How in this passage connected praise Peter and the censure?

  • What value does the author of the word "iron" use use?
  • What is the author's position?

5. Working with critical literature (different views of critics).

Whose assessment is closer to you?

Belinsky V.G. Overactions of Alexander Pushkin (passage).

Merezhkovsky D. Pushkin - 1986.

Mailah B.S. Alexander Pushkin's life - 1974.

Disputes about the complex work "Copper Horseman".

9th slide

Who is guilty of Eugene's troubles?

"Two truths on the scales of history - the solemn, the victorious Pravda of Peter I and the modest truth of Eugene" (B.S. Mailah Life Alexander Pushkin).

All these disputes only confirm the multivalousness and multiplicity of the Pushkin masterpiece. This allows you to put the Great Pushkin in one row with writers and poets of the world.

10th slide

Petersburg today.

Modernity and relevance of the work.

6. The result of the lesson.


7. Homework.

Write an essay on the topic: "A.S. Pushkin in my life. "

The poem "Copper Horseman" (1833) is one of the most prominent and perfect works of Pushkin. In it, the author convincingly shows the complexity and inconsistency of the turning point in the history of our country. It should be emphasized that the poem occupies a special place in the work of Pushkin. In this work, the poet tried to solve the problem of the relationship between the identity and the state, this problem was the essence of the spiritual quest of Pushkin. The poet saw the opportunity to achieve harmony, harmony between the person and the state, knew that a person could simultaneously aware of himself part of the Great State and the Bright Individuality, free from the oppression. According to which principle, the relationship between the personality and the state should be built so that private and public merged into one entire Pushkin Poem "Copper Horseman" was a kind of attempt to answer this question. By the time of the creation of the "Copper Rider" in Russian literature, there was a need for a verset story about a modern, not exotic and non-taper hero.
The plot of Pushkin Poem is quite traditional. In the exposition, the author represents us Eugene, a modest official, a "little man", the signs of life of which are minimized: "Sintel shook, undressed, lay down." Evgeny from impoverished nobles, about which Pushkin mentions a glimpse, saying that the ancestors of the hero were in the "Karamzin History". Today's life of Eugene is very modest: he "Somewhere" serves, loves Parasha and dreams of marrying the girlfriend. In the "copper rider" privacy and life, the state are presented as two closed world, each of which exists their laws. The world of Eugene is a dream about the quiet joys of family life. The world of the state, the origins of which was Petr, are great accomplishments and subordination of the whole world by their will, their order ("all flags to visit us"). The world of private person and the world of the state is not just separated from each other, they are hostile, each of them carries another evil and destruction. So, Peter his city lays out "called the arrogant neighbor" and destroys the fact that Good and Evato for the poor fisherman. Peter, who tries to subordinate, to tame the element, causes her evil revenge, that is, it becomes the culprit of the crash of all personal hopes of Eugene. Evgeny wants to take revenge, his threat ("To you!") Neverup, but full of desire to Bunt against the "idol". In response, he gets the evil revenge of Peter and Madness. Rising against the state was terribly punished.
Thus, the basis of personal relations and the state is the mutual desire of evil. And this conflict is not possible. But for the Pushkin itself, there was nothing tragic in this contradiction. As for itself, the author decides to the phalism of the person and the state, we can understand if we turn to the place of entry of the poem "Copper Horseman". Pushkin writes:
Love you, Peter Creativity. I love your strict, slim view, Neva Plumbing flow, coastal granite ...
According to Pushkin, the basis of relations between private and state should be loved, and therefore the life of the state and personality must enrich and complement each other. Pushkin permits the conflict of the personality and the state, overcoming one-sidedness and worldview of Eugene, and a look at the opposite hero side. The culmination of this collision is a "small" man's riot. Pushkin, raising the poor madman to the level of Peter, begins to use the elevated vocabulary. At the time of anger, Eugene is truly terrible, because he dared to threaten the copper rider! However, Evgeniya's bundled riot is a meaningless and punishable. Clamping idols become their victims. It is possible that the "riot" of Eugene contains a hidden parallel with the fate of the Decembrists. This confirms the tragic finals of the Copper Rider.
Analyzing the Pushkin Poem, we conclude that the poet showed himself in her as a true philosopher. "Little" people will rebel against the highest strength as much as the state will exist. This is the tragity and contradiction of the eternal struggle of weak and strong. Who still is to blame: a great state that has lost interest in a private person, or a "small person", which has ceased to be interested in the greatness of history, fell out of it? The reader's perception of the poem turns out to be extremely contradictory: according to Belinsky, Pushkin substantiated the tragic law of the empire with all its state power to dispose of the life of a private person; In the XX century, some critics assumed that Pushkin stands on the side of Eugene; There is also the opinion that the conflict depicted by Pushkin is tragically intractable. But it is obvious that for the poet itself in the "Copper Horseman", according to the Literary Russian formula, Y. Lotman, "the right way is not to move from one camp to another, but in order to" rise above the cruel age ", while keeping in Humanity, human dignity and respect for the life of other people. " Understanding and even hatred. He is aware that the readiness to sacrifice is a direct duty of the poet.
Poet! Not expensive love of folk. Enthusiastic praise will pass a minute noise; You hear the Court of Fools and Laugh Crowd Cold, but you will stay hard, calm and sullen.
Pushkin, throughout his life, confirmed his own ideals and aspirations expressed in verses. He was not afraid of the disgrace of the strengths of this world, he boldly spoke out against serfdom; He was defended by Decembrists. The life of the poet was difficult, he deliberately refused to calm and peacekeeping, considering the appointment of the poet - to open the world to the truth.
In the satire of the righteous vice, I will show the origin of the centuries.
The poet managed to convey to the offspring his thoughts. The name of Pushkin will always be expensive for those who love and understand Russian history and literature.

Some for some reason believe that the year when the poem "Copper Horseman" was written, - 1830. An analysis of biographical information allows one to unequivocally assert that Pushkin created it in 1833. This is one of the most advanced and bright works of Alexander Sergeevich. The author in this poem convincingly showed all the inconsistency and complexity of the turning point of domestic history. It should be emphasized that the poem occupies a special place in the work of Alexander Sergeevich. The poet in it tried to solve the relevance of the relationship between the state and personality at all times. This topic has always been in the center of spiritual quest for the author.

Features of the genre

According to the tradition, which has ceased for a long time, the poem is a work that has a lyrical or narrative. If it was originally more creation with historical, then for some time the poems began to acquire more and more romantic pain. It was associated with the tradition of popular in the Middle Ages. Even later, the moral-philosophical, personal problematics is highlighted on the fore. Lyric-dramatic aspects begin to strengthen. In the poem, at the same time, the central characters or one character are drawn (this is typical of the creativity of romantic writers) as independent personalities. They cease to be grateed by the author from the historical flow. Now it is not just blurry figures as before.

The image of a small man in Russian literature

A small person in the domestic literature is one of the cross-cutting topics. Many writers and poets of the 19th century appealed to it. A. S. Pushkin touched it one of the first in his story "Stationander". Gogol, Chekhov, Dostoevsky and many others became successors of this topic.

What is the image of a small person in Russian literature? This man is small in social terms. It is located on one of the lower steps of the public hierarchy. In addition, the world of his claims and spiritual life to the extreme is poor, narrow, filled with a variety of prohibitions. Philosophical and historical problems do not exist for this hero. It is located in a closed and narrow world of his life interests.

Eugene - a little man

Now consider the image of a small person in the poem "Copper Horseman". Evgeny, her hero, is the source of the so-called St. Petersburg period of domestic history. It can be called a little man, since the meaning of the life of Eugene is in the acquisition of the Meshchansky well-being: families, a good place, at home. The circle of family worries is limited to the existence of this hero. It is not profitable for him to his past, as he does not whine about the forgotten old NEF, not about honoring him. These features of Eugene for Pushkin are unacceptable. It is thanks to them that this character is an image of a small man in the poem "Copper Horseman". Alexander Sergeevich intentionally does not give a detailed description of this hero. He does not even have a surname, which indicates that in his place you can put any other person. In Figure, Evgenia reflected the fate of many such people whose lives fell at the St. Petersburg period of history. However, the image of a small man in the poem "Copper Horseman" is not statical, it is transformed along the narration. We will tell about it just below.

View of Peter and Eugene

Eugene in the flood stage sits, squeezing his hand with a cross (which seems parallel with Napoleon), but without a hat. Behind his back is a copper rider. These two figures are looking in one direction. Nevertheless, Petra's view is different from Eugene's glance. At the king, he was aimed at the depths of centuries. Peter does not care about the fate of ordinary people, since it solves mainly historical tasks. Evgeny, representing the image of a small man in the poem "Copper Horseman," looks at his favorite house.

The main difference between Peter and Eugene

You can reveal the following main difference, comparing Bronze Peter with this hero. The image of Eugene in the poem A. S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" is characterized by the fact that this character has a heart and soul, he has the ability to feel, knows how to worry about the fate of the man he loves. It can be called Antipode Peter, this idol on the bronze horse. Eugene is able to suffer, dream, sadness. That is, despite the fact that Peter reflects on the fate of the whole state, that is, it is concerned about the improvement of life of all people, in an abstract sense (including Eugene, who in the future should be a resident of St. Petersburg), in the eyes of the reader Eugene, and not the king becomes more attractive . It is he who awakens in us a living participation.

Flood in the fate of Evgenia

For Eugene Tragedia, flooding occurred in St. Petersburg. It makes from this unpreharny man of the present hero. Evgeny, it certainly brings him closer with the characters of romantic works, because the madness - the popular Eugene wanders through the streets of the city hostile to him, but the winds and the Neva, a rebellious sound of the winds and the Neva. It is this noise, together with the noise in his own soul, awakens in Evgenia what was the main sign of a person for Pushkin - memory. The hero leads to the Senate Square it is the memory of flooding. Here he meets with bronze Peter a second time. Pushkin perfectly described what was a tragically a great moment in the life of a humble poor official. He suddenly clarified thoughts. The hero understood what the reason for both his own misfortunes and all the diseases of the city was consistent. Eugene recognized the culprit of their, man, in the fatal will of which the city was founded. It suddenly was born hatred for this Halloon. Evgenia passionately wanted to take revenge. The hero raises the riot. He threatens Peter, coming to him: "To you!" We will conduct a brief analysis of the Bunt scene in the poem "Copper Horseman", which will allow us to open new features in the image of Eugene.


The inevitability and naturalness of the protest is born due to the spiritual evolution of the hero. The transformation of it is shown by the author artically convincing. The protest raises Eugene to the new life, tragic, high, which is in them in an inevitable close death. He faces the king to the future retribution. This threat is terribly terrible, as he is aware of a huge force, hidden in this little man who protesters who raised the rebellion.

That instant, when Eugene suddenly twisters, he turns into a person in his connection with the genus. It should be noted that in this passage hero is never named after. This makes it to a certain degree faceless, one of many. Pushkin describes the confrontation of the personification of the autocratic power of the Terrible Tsar and the person who is endowed with the heart. The promise of retaliation and direct threat is heard in the whisper of the twisted hero. For them, the statue revived, "marking" anger, punishes this "madman poor."

Madness Eugene

It is clear to the reader that the protest of Eugene unit, besides, he pronounces it in a whisper. Nevertheless, the hero should be punished. It is also symbolic that Eugene is defined as madman. According to Pushkin, madness is an unequal dispute. From the standpoint of common sense, the performance of one person against powerful state power is the most real madness. But it is "holy", since silent humility carries death.

"Copper rider" - the poem is philosophical, social. Pushkin shows that only protest can save the personality from the moral fall in conditions of violence. Alexander Sergeevich emphasizes that resistance, an attempt to indignant, to file a voice will always be the best way out than humble foulness.

general characteristics

A. S. Pushkin One of the first in Russian literature introduced the image of the T. N. "Little Man." In the poem "Copper Horseman", this image is embodied in the poor official of Evgenia, which represents the complete opposite of "proud toastor".

Pushkin does not accidentally introduce his "insignificant hero" after the entry, describing the "glorious cases" of Peter the Great. Thus, a sharp contrast is achieved between the two plot lines, between the great monarch and nothing at the meaningful Eugene.

Eugene - the personifies of mediocreness and humiliation itself. He refers to the ancient noble family, whose name was once known to all of Russia ("under the pen of Karamzin in his relatives sounded"). It is logical to assume that the decline of this kind began during the years of the great transformations of Peter I, when the main values \u200b\u200bof the person were not the knowledge and origin, but personal qualities. The ancestors of Eugene were "not deed." The gradual degeneracy led to the fact that Yevgeny already "does not felt either about the honor of his relatives or forgotten old."

"Little hero" is a representative of the gray and faceless mass of St. Petersburg officials. It does not have any significant individual qualities. Exhaustive characteristics of Eugene - "lives in Kolomna; Somewhere serves. "

Fully correspond to the "insignificant" provision of Eugene His limited dreams. They do not extend further receipt of the "place", the long-awaited wedding with the Meshchansky girl of a pairs and a modest family life. The acquisition of the "shelter of humble and simple" is the top of the desires of Eugene. This once again emphasizes an insurmountable abyss between the ideals of the ordinary average and the scale of transformations of Peter the Great.

Spiritual rebirth of "Little Man"

During the unprecedented flood, Eugene, looking at the raging waves, appears in the new capacity. No noticeable official is afraid of "not for himself." All his spiritual forces are aimed at the "Old House", where a packet lives with a mother. The "insignificant hero" in the humanistic sense rises over the "idol on the bronze horse", which with cold indifference looks at a terrible folk disaster.

Eugene for the first time there is a tragic thought: "And the life of nothing like sleep is empty." While still unconsciously, he binds the flood with a figure of a copper rider.

Tragedy of "Little Man"

After the retreat of the aquatic element, Eugene, risk his own life, hurries to the modest dwelling of his beloved. Here it is waiting for something that does not fit in the consciousness of a simple man in the consciousness: "Where is the house?". Evgeny is just shocked by what happened. The poor official overnight lost the most strong foundation connecting it with real life. It collapsed not only his connection with the present, but also all plans and hopes for the future.

As a result, "suprachnaya care" reduces Eugene crazy. The madman loses the human appearance and turns into a pitiful being: "None neither, nor a resident of light, nor the ghost of the dead."

Riot "Little Man"

After many insane wanderings, Eugene randomly returns to the place with which the terrible memories are connected. His second meeting takes place with the one, "who is motionlessly tumped up" in the midst of the folk misfortune. At the sight of a "idol with a simple hand", the consciousness of the "insignificant hero" is temporarily clarified. His peculiar uprising is the culmination of the entire work.

The practical result is not so important (or rather, his absence) Bunta Eugene. In the most terrible appeal to the "Half Half" ("Good, the builder, the miracle! So you!") The huge spiritual power of a "little man" is concluded, the highest point of his self-awareness.