
A.T. Tvardovsky, "Vasily Torkin": an analysis of the poem. Working with a plan for the poem of the Twardovsky "Vasily Terkin Creating an image of the chief hero

Symbolism name. A real, neglence terkin, hero "Books about Fighter", appeared in the first two chapters of the book of Tvardovsky in September 1942. The front "biography" of Terkina is: it starts to fight during the Finnish campaign, again comes into operation in June 1941, together with the whole army retreats, it turns out to be surrounded several times, then goes into the offensive and completes its path in the depths of Germany.

Vasily Terkin is an image of an implanatory. He is a symbolic image, a people-people collective Russian type. It is not by chance that his personal biography does not say anything: they are as if average. He is "a big hunter live years before the ninety," a peaceful person, civilian, soldier, if necessary. The usual life in the collective farm is interrupted by war. War for him is a natural disaster, hot work. The whole poem is permeated with the dream of a peaceful life.

Already at the first mention, the surname Terkin clearly outlines the borders of the character: Terkin means a used, grated man, "grated Kalach", or, as stated in the poem, "Life are grated man." Wed, for example, with a Russian proverb: "Patience and work will be perfect", etc. This is the kernel of the name, the core of the image is repeatedly varied, he begun in the poem:

From the first days of Godina Gorky, the world heard through the Terrible Thunder, repeated Vasily Terkin: - I will pass me. Fresh ... Terkin - Who is he? Let's say frankly: just the guy itself is ordinary.

The image of terkina is a generalized image, with all its realism and usability. Tvardovsky gives his hero with the "communional" appearance, avoids portrait accepts (it would make it unnecessary individualized): "Beauty is endowed / was not excellent. / Not high, not so much, / but hero hero." Terkin - and bright, unique person, and at the same time, it includes the features of many people, it is repeated repeated in other 1. See, for example, the chapter "Terkin - Terkin": It turns out that there are two terkins in the book. This is the hero of the book of Vasily Ivanovich and his name-winning Ivan. Double emphasizes the generalizing character of the main character. But their dough is not absolutely: the second terkin turns out to be a red, does not smoke, and his front-line profession is an armor-woven. The situation is allowed to "strict elderly":

What you do not figure it out here, do not understand yourself? According to the statute of each company, the terkin will be attached.

Tvardovsky takes away the most common, typical episodes of war, rarely uses specific geographical names and accurate chronological designations (place and time of its actions of his book - field, forest, river, swamp, villages, road, winter, spring, summer, autumn). The same in relation to the military profession of Terkina: in different situations it turns out to be a connection, then the shooter, then the scout. The belonging of Terkina to the most massive family of troops - infantry is important. Hero - Infantryman. "In it - pathos infantry, troops, closest to Earth, to the cold, to fire and death," wrote Tvardovsky at the very beginning of his plan. Terkin - from among the blue-workers of the war, on which the country is held, which took the severity of war on their shoulders. The Hero of the Wardowsky's poem is a hero of a particular war with the Germans, and at the same time there is something that brings him with a Russian soldier of all time. The Tvardov very thought about the deep national roots of his hero always liked and in the handwritten options of the poem there are lines:

And in his mines, the mint, a thinning, bearded is most likely on the Russian soldier of all campaigns and times. 2.

Twardovsky draws life of the War as a whole, but the general picture of the war is made up of individual, very bright and accurate parts of war. The concreteness, the tangibility of the painted Tvardovsky paintings is extremely reinforced by numerous and accurate details of the front-line life: in the parking lot "in the smoky tank thundered from the bucket water with ice"; The telephonist "blew into the order for order"; The soldiers write letters "on the prival, with a fire, each other on his back, with teeth, removing the glove, in the wind in any frost, and the like. The pictures of the war in the poem are always dynamic, alive, visually noticeable.

The system of rhymes used in relation to the name and surname Hero contribute to the achievement of the generalization of the image of the chief hero. Tvardovsky uses rhymes that characterize the army life and the mood of the hero ("Terkin" - "bitter", "Machorkas", "sayings", "in the gymnaster", "in the Carts", etc.). The most responsible in the poem is Rhyme "Vasily - Russia", several times repeated in the text, that is, it is emphasized that the hero is the incarnation of the hero of the Russian people, presenting the whole of Russia, the whole people.

Poem "Vasily Terkin" dated 1941-1945 - complex, terrible and heroic years of struggle of the Soviet people with German-fascist invaders. In this work, Alexander Tvardovsky created the immortal image of a simple, Soviet fighter, the Defender of the Fatherland, who became a certain personification of deep patriotism and love for his homeland.

History of creation

The poem began to be written in 1941. Separate passages were printed in a newspaper version from 1942 to 1945. In the same 1942, another unfinished work was published separately.

Oddly enough, but the work on the poem was launched by Tvardovsky back in 1939. It was then that he already worked by the military correspondent and covered the course of the Finnish military campaign in the newspaper "guarding the Motherland". The name was invented in collaboration with the members of the editorial board of the newspaper. In 1940, a small brochure "Vasya Terkin on the front" was released, which among the fighters was considered a big award.

The image of the redarmese liked the readers of the newspaper from the very beginning. Understanding this, Tvardovsky decided that this topic is promising and began to develop it.

From the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, being at the front as a military correspondent, he falls into the hottest battles. Enters the environment together with the soldiers, it comes out of it, retreats and goes to the attack, experiencing everything that he would like to write on his own experience.

In the spring of 1942, the Tvardovsky arrives in Moscow, where he writes the first chapters "from the author" and "on the privala", and it is immediately printed in the "Krasnoarmeysian Pravda" newspaper.

Such an explosion of popularity Tvardovsky could not even present in the most bold dreams. The central editions of "True", "Izvestia", "Banner" reprint passages from the poem. On the radio, the texts read Orlov and Levitan. Artist Orest Veresky creates illustrations, finally formed image of a fighter. Tvardovsky holds creative evenings in hospitals, and also meets with labor collectives in the rear, raising the morale.

As always, what liked the simple people, did not receive the party support. Tvardovsky was criticized for pessimism, for the lack of references to the party leading all the accomplishments and achievements. In this regard, the author wanted to finish the poem in 1943, but the grateful readers did not give him to do this. Tvardovsky had to agree to the censorship directions, in return he was awarded the Stalin Prize for his incompetent work. The poem was completed in March 1945 - it was then that the author wrote the chapter "in the bath."

Description of the work

In the poem, 30 chapters that can be divided into 3 parts. In four chapters, Tvardovsky does not talk about the hero, but simply talks about the war, how much I had to go through the ordinary Soviet men, which became to protect their homeland, and hints at work on the book. The role of these retreats can not be diminished - this is the author's dialogue from readers, which he leads directly, even bypassing his hero.

During the narration there is no clear chronological sequence. Moreover, the author does not call specific battles and battles, however, individual battles and operations allocated in the history of the Great Patriotic War are guessed in the poem: the retreat of Soviet troops, so common in 1941 and 1942, the battle of Volga, and, of course, taking Berlin.

There is no strict plot in the poem - and the author did not have the task to pass the course of the war. Central Chapter - "Crossing". There is clearly traced the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work - a military road. It is over her terkin with his comrades walks to achieving the goal - a complete victory over German-fascist invaders, which means that a new, better and free life.

Hero of the work

The main character - Vasily Torkin. Fictional character, cheerful, cheerful, straightforward, despite the difficult circumstances in which he lives during the war.

We are watching Vasily in different situations - and everywhere we can note its positive qualities. Among the combat twigs, he is the soul of the company, the balagen, always finding the opportunity to joke and laugh the rest. When he goes into an attack - he is an example for the rest of the fighters, manifests such their qualities as resourcefulness, courage, excerpt. When he rests after a fight - he can sing, he plays the harmony, but at the same time it can answer quite rigidly and with humor. When the soldiers meet with the civilian population, Vasily is charming and modesty.

The courage and dignity, manifested in all, even the most hopeless situations, are the main features that distinguish the main character of the work and form its image.

All other heroes of poems are abstract - they do not even have names. War wit, general, old man and old woman - they are all played, helping to reveal the image of the main character - Vasily Terkina.

Analysis of the work

Since Vasily Terkina does not have a real prototype, you can say with all the courage that this is a certain collective image that was created by the author, based on its real observations for soldiers.

The work has one distinctive feature that highlights it among similar works of that time is the lack of an ideological start. In the poem there is no praise of the party and personally comrade Stalin. This, according to the author, "would destroy the idea and shaped system of the poem."

The work uses two poetic sizes: four-stranded and three-stranded kernels. The first size occurs much more often, the second is only in separate chapters. The poem has become a kind of Tvardovsky card. Some moments looking like sayings and rows of funny songs, which is called "gone to the people" and began to be used in everyday speech. For example, the phrase "no, guys, I'm not proud, I agree to the medal" or "the cities will hand over the soldiers, the generals are used" are used by many and now.

It is on such as the protagonist of this poem in verses, all the war was fell. And only their human qualities are the power of the Spirit, optimism, humor, the ability to laugh at others and on themselves, to discharge the situation stretched to the limit on time - they helped them not only to defeat, but also survive in this terrible and merciless war.

The poem is still alive and loved by the people. In 2015, the Russian Reporter magazine conducted sociological studies on the relatively hundreds of the most popular poems in Russia. Rows from Vasily Terkina took the 28th place, which indicates that the memory of the events of 70 years ago and the feat of those heroes is still alive in our memory.

"Book about the fighter" ("Vasily Terkin") Alexander Twardovsky became a folk book during the war, because her author managed to tell about the war of the soldier's mouth, which was always kept and holding the greatness of Russia and her freedom. Even such an ultra-born connoisseur, as I. A. Bunin, frankly hostile to Soviet literature, admired "terkin" and the talent of his author. Features of wartime determined the artistic peculiarity of the poem: it consists of individual chapters, plotically unnecessied among themselves ("there is no plot" in the war, "says the author), each of whom tells about some episode from the combat life of the main character. Such a composition of the work is also caused by the fact that it was printed in front-line newspapers, on separate leaflets, and the reader did not have the opportunity to follow the plot - who knows him, will the "continuation" of the story of Turkina fall, because the war is war, it's impossible ...

Analysis of the head "Cross"

In the chapter "Cross", Tvardovsky determines the difference between this war from all the previous ones: "The fight is holy and right. The death fight is not for the sake of fame, for the sake of life on Earth." In these words, the author's position is expressed, the author's assessment of what is happening, determining and its view of events and heroes, and his attitude towards them. The feat of the Törkin, described in this chapter, became an integral part of the general feat of the "Guys", who fulfilled their task of the price of losses: "This night lasted a bloody wave in the sea." "Cropped" to the right bank "The first platoon" was not left at the mercy of fate, he remembers and worried about him, feeling their guilt: "As if something was to blame for something, who is on the left bank." And in this dramatic moment, when the fate of the fighters remaining in someone else's coast of fighters is unknown, there appears to the winter river ("Yes, water .. Throwing scary. Even cold") In order to inform "The platoon on the right bank is alive, healthy enemy! ". After he reports the readiness of the first platoon to provide, Terkin returns to combat comrades, again exposing itself to the deadly danger, because comrades are waiting for him - and he must come back.

Analysis of the chapter "Two Soldiers"

The chapter "Two Soldiers" in the humorous spirit shows the connection of generations on which the army's martial spirit holds. Terkin, war soldiers of the current, and "grand master" whoaved his own, who gave his debt to Fatherland, quickly find a common language, and it happens not only because the turquin is easy and simply solves all the "economic problems", but because both They are the defenders of their homeland, and their conversation is "conversation ... Soldier." This half-way conversation, in which each of the interlocutors strives for a "pix" of the other, actually concerns a very important topic - the outcome of the current war, the most important issue, which can only worry any Russian person: "Answer: We will beat the German or maybe Will not beat? ". His question, this question, asks the old soldier, and the answer of Terkina, given to them when the soldier, getting ready to leave, was already "at the door itself," short and accurate: "Wheel, father ...". Here the author remarkably uses the punctuation signs: the Troetch at the end of the proposal deprives this answer of "official patriotism", it shows that Terkin knows how difficult will the path to victory will be, but also sure that the victory will definitely come that the Russian soldier will be able to achieve it. From such an intonation of the meditation and confidence at the same time, the words of the hero are of particular importance, become particularly weighty. The author finishes a clearly humorous chapter (one Schurdis of Trikina "to help" the old woman to fry something worth it!) Serious, the tremendous words of the hero, which reach the heart of the reader and become his own belief in victory.

Analysis of the chapter "Duel"

The chapter "Fight" has a special meaning in the poem "Vasily Terkin", because in it the author shows a hand-to-hand fight, the fights of the Törkina one on one with the German, which "was strong and deft, okay crouted, stitched firmly", but in this fight as In generalized, but individual images were agreed by Russia and Germany, their army: "As in an ancient field of battle, breasts on the chest that the shield on the shield, - instead of thousands be fighting two, as if the fight everything will decide." It turns out that from the outcome of this fight Vasily Turkin depends on the outcome of the entire war, and the hero understands it, he gives all his strength to this fight, he is ready to die, but only with the enemy. The description of the fight in some places as it were to be a subsession, in places - naturalistic, but the hero knows that his moral superiority over the enemy ("Do you've? Takskogo!", "Says Turkin about German and proves it, describing the" feats "of this guilt) It should help him, he feels the mighty support of the whole country, all the people: "Beats the guy brave to death. So the smoke stands raw, as if the whole country of Power sees Terkina: - Hero!" Twardowsky shows that the origins of the courage and the heroism of the Russian soldier lie precisely in this - in the sense and understanding of their unity with the people, in the awareness of themselves as part of the people, which makes it impossible to retreat in battle, no matter how difficult this fight is.

Analysis of the chapter "Who shot?"

Chapter "Who shot?" It begins with the description of the landscape, the "evening evenings", which belongs not to the war, but a peaceful life, and this evening "ragged" the soldiers who were accustomed to war and now, as they who returned to that peaceful life, for which they fight. They seem to be transferred to this peaceful life, but "with a terrible roar" there is a German aircraft that carries with him death, and the paintings of peaceful life retreat before the fear of death: "Now you have a lid, here's already no." However, the author, understanding the reasons for this fear, still can not agree that the Russian soldier is to be afraid of death: "No, comrade, evil and proudly, as the law tells the fighter, death to face the face to face ...". And on his words, one of the soldiers is responded, which "beats from the knee from the rifle to the plane", and this "battle is unequal, the battle is" ends the fact that the German plug "Corkscrew" crashes into the ground! Gorgeous item: "The shooter himself looks with a fright: what did you make any discharge"! The chapter ends with the words of Terkina addressed to the sergeant who said that "the guy happiness, look - and the Order, like a bush": "- Do not burn, this German has not last ...", and the author humor helps to avoid unnecessary arguments about heroism, about a feat that Turkin really committed, and the author shows that the feat of the hero is not that he shot down the plane (it just could be an accident), but that he managed to overcome his fear, Challenge the death and defeat it.

Analysis of the head "Death and Warrior"

One of the most psychologically deep heads of the poem "Vasily Terkin" Tvardovsky - Chapter "Death and Warrior", in which the author shows the hero in hardly the most difficult moment of his life: Trikin is seriously injured, he has been racing, and death comes to him With which he talks and who convinces him, so that he himself refuses to live: "Need a sign one concerning that we are tired of protecting your life, that about the mortal praying an hour ...". Complete surrender of the hero - if he himself will ask for the death of "pick up" him, so she persuades him to abandon the struggle for life, explaining that it may be so that they will pick up, and "regret that he did not die here, in place, without hassle ... "The hero seemed to see and surrender to death (" "and with death a man became above forces"), but he wants to push her at least one day to "walk among the living", but she refuses him in this. This refusal is perceived by the hero as a sign that he must continue to fight for life: "So you went away, slamming, I am still alive." These words of the hero were not perceived by death seriously, she was sure that he was not going from her, she was even ready to go close to the funeral team who became sanitation and deliver the wounded in Sanbat. The conversations of the soldiers - the semi-bodied and those who save him ("caress, carry with the caution"), giving him his mittens and warmly their souls, forced the death of "for the first time" to think that she was not alone that her strength should retreat and retreat her strength Before the power of human souls, in front of the power of the soldiers' fraternity, so she has to "reluctant" to give "a delay" to the wounded, who from her hands, do the same ordinary soldiers, as he himself. In this chapter of the work of the Wasil Terkin, the analysis of which we conducted, the author managed to show the unshakable strength of a soldier who would never be alone and can always count on the help and support of comrades in arms, according to the overall struggle for the freedom of their homeland.

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky - the most famous Soviet writer, journalist and poet. The image of Vasily Terkina, created by him in the most difficult years for our country, is familiar with everyone since childhood. Brave, nonsense and resourceful soldiers and today retains its attractiveness. Therefore, the poem of the Tvardovsky and its protagonist became the topic of this article.

Vasya Terkin and "Book about the fighter"

The hero named Vasya Terkin was created before the Great Patriotic War by the team of journalists, one of which was Tvardovsky. The character was an invincible fighter, lucky and strong, somewhat resembling the epic hero.

On the journalist, which was Tvardovsky, the image of Vasily Terkina brings the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a full-fledged work in verses. Returning, the writer begins to work and suggests completing the book already in 1941 and call her "book about the fighter." However, the new war mixed plans, Tvardovsky goes to the front. In the difficult first months he simply does not have time to think about the work, together with the army he retreats, comes out of the environment.

Creating an image of the chief hero

In 1942, the writer returns to the intended poem. But now her hero is fighting not on the past, but at the current war. The image of Vasily Terkina itself is changing in the poem. Before that, he was a merry and balagen Vasya, now it is a completely different person. The fate of other people, the outcome of war depend on it. On June 22, 1942, Tvardovsky announces the new name of the future poem - "Vasily Terkin".

The work was written during the war, almost in parallel with her. The poet managed to quickly reflect the front-line changes and maintain the artistic and beauty of the language. The chapters of the poem were published in the newspaper, and the soldiers were looking forward to a new release. The success of the work is explained by the fact that Vasily Terkin is the image of a Russian soldier, that is, collective, and therefore, close to every fighter. Therefore, this character inspired and encouraged, attached to the strength to fight.

Poem theme

The main theme of the Poem Tvardovsky is the life of people at the front. As if fun and trigger, with humor and irony, the writer did not describe events and heroes, he at the same time did not let you forget that the war is a tragic and harsh test. And the image of Vasily Terkina helps to reveal this thought.

The poet describes both the joy of victory and the bitterness of the retreat, the soldiers life, everything that fell into the share of the people. And these tests took place for the sake of one: "The death fight is not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on earth!"

But Tvardovsky penetrates the problems not only he speaks of war at all. Raises philosophical questions about life and death, peaceful life and battles. Through the prism of the main human values \u200b\u200bis watching a writer to war.

Symbolism in the name of the main character

Noteworthy in terms of symbols, the image of Vasily Terkina. An essay dedicated to this hero can be started with this, and then move to the detailed characteristic of the hero, which will be presented below in detail. So, as noted above, the Hero of the Tvardovsky changed sharply, he is no longer the melagen vasya. His place occupies a real fighter, a Russian soldier with his biography. He participated in the Finnish campaign, then returned to the army in 1941, returned, got into the environment, after, together with the whole army, goes to the offensive and ends the way in Germany.

The image of Vasily Terkina is multidimensional, symbolic, embodying the people, Russian type of person. It is not by chance that there is not a single mention of his family, personal relationships. It is described as a civilian person, forced to become a soldier. Before the war, Vasily lived in the collective farm. Therefore, he perceives war as an ordinary peaceful resident: for him she is unimaginable grief, it is akin to a dream of a peaceful life. That is, Tvardovsky creates in Terkina the type of ordinary selinine.

The hero has a speaking surname - Terkin, that is, a grated life, a crazy man, in the poem it is said about him: "Life is grated."

The image of Vasily Terkina

Often becomes the theme of creative work the image of Vasily Terkina. An essay about this character should be complemented by a small certificate of creating the poem.

The fragmented composition of the work in one unit combines the main character, the participant of all the events described - Vasily Ivanovich Terkin. He himself from Smolensk peasants. Good-natured, easy to communicate, tries to support the morale, for which it often tells the soldiers of funny stories from their military life.

Terkin from the first days at the front was injured. But his fate, the fate of a simple man who was able to postpone all the adversity of the war, personifies the strength of the Russian people, the will of her spirit and thirst for the image of Terkina - what he does not stand out, he is either smarter, nor stronger, neither the talenter, he, how All: "Just the guy itself / he is ordinary ... the guy in this way / every company always has."

However, this ordinary person is endowed with such qualities as courage, courage, simplicity, this Tvardovsky emphasizes that all these qualities are inherent in all Russian people. And this is precisely the reason for our victory over the ruthless enemy.

But Terkin is not only a valid soldier, he is also a craftsman, master of all hands. Despite the severity of wartime, he repairs the clock, sharpens the saw, and in the interruptions between battles playing harmony.

To emphasize the collection of the image, Tvardovsky allows you to talk a hero about himself in a plural.

Relative to conversation terkina with death. The fighter lies the wounded, his life ends, and behind him is bony. But the hero agrees with her, only if she gives him a delay for one day, so that he could "hear the Salute victorious." Then death is surprised at this dedication and retreats.


So, the image of Vasily Terkina is a collective image, designed to emphasize the heroism and the courage of the Russian people. However, this is a hero and individual features: dexterity, cutter, wit, the ability not to lose heart even before death.

History of creation

Since the autumn of 1939, Tvardovsky as a military correspondent participated in the Finnish campaign. "It seems to me - he wrote M.V. Isakovsky, - that the army will be the second my theme for life. " And the poet was not mistaken. In the editors of the Leningrad Military District "On guard of the Motherland", the poets group had an idea to create a series of entertaining drawings on the exploits of a funny soldier - heroic. "Someone," recalls the Tvardovsky, "suggested calling our hero to Terkin, namely Vasya, and not Vasily."

In the creation of a collective work about the unscrewly lucky fighter, the Tvardovsky was charged with writing an entry: "... I had to give at least the most common" portrait "of Terkina and determine, so to speak, tone, Maneru of our further conversation with the reader."

This appeared in the newspaper the poem "Vasya Terkin" (1940. - January 5). The success of the Faken Hero came across the idea of \u200b\u200bcontinuing the story about the adventures of the invalid Vasi Terkina. In the end, the book "Vasya Terkin on the front" (1940) was released. In the Great Patriotic War, this image becomes the main thing in the work of the Tward. "Vasily Terkin" walked along with the Tward Roads of War. The first publication "Vasily Terkina" took place in the newspaper of the Western Front "Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda", where on September 4, 1942, the introductory head "from the author" and "on the privala" were printed. Since then, until the end of the war, the heads of the poems were published in this newspaper, in the magazines "Red Armenian" and "Banner", as well as in other printed bodies.

"... my work ends in coincidence with the end of the war. You need one more effort of the refreshing souls and body - and you can put the point, "wrote the poet on May 4, 1945. So the completed poem "Vasily Terkin appeared. About the fighter "(1941-1945). Tvardovsky wrote that the work on her gave him a "feeling" of the legality of the place of the artist in the great struggle of the people ... a sense of complete freedom of treatment with verse and the word.

In 1946, three complete editions of the book about the Fighter came almost one after another.

Rod, genre, creative method

In the spring of 1941, the poet hardly worked on the heads of the future poem, but the beginning of the war changed these plans. The revival of the idea and the resumption of work on "Terkin" refers to mid-1942. From this time, a new stage of working on the work begins: "The whole character of the poem has changed, all its content, her philosophy, her hero, its form - composition, genre, plot. The character of the poetic narration about the war - and the people, the people in the war were the main themes. " Although, starting to work on it, the poet was not too worried about this on this expense, as evidenced by his own words: "I would not be long ago by doubts and fears regarding the uncertainty of the genre, the lack of the initial plan, hugging all the work in advance, the weak storylice of the chases among themselves. Not a poem - Well, let yourself not a poem, I decided; There is no single plot - let yourself no, do not; There is no very beginning of things - I once invent it; The climax and the completion of the whole story is not planned - let it be necessary to write about what is burning, does not wait, and there will be visible, we will see. "

In connection with the question of the genre of the work of Tvardovsky, the following judgments of the author are important: "The genre designation" Book about the fighter ", on which I stopped, was not the result of the desire to simply avoid the designation of the" poem ", the story, etc. This coincided with the decision to write is not a poem, not a story or a novel in verses, that is, not what has its own legalized and to a certain extent obligatory plot, composite and other signs. I did not have these signs, and something still went out, and this something I designated the book about the fighter. "

This, as her poet himself called, "the book about the fighter" recreates a reliable picture of front-line reality, reveals the thoughts, feelings, the experiences of a person in war. It stands out among other then the poems of the special completeness and depth of the realistic image of the people's liberation struggle, disasters and suffering, feats and military life.

The poem of Tvardovsky is a heroic epic, with an objectivity that responds with an epic genre, but permeated by a lively copyrighted feeling, is peculiar in all respects, a unique book, at the same time developing the traditions of realistic literature and genetic creativity. And at the same time, this is a free story - a chronicle ("The book about the fighter, without beginning, without end ..."), which covers the entire history of the war.


The topic of the Great Patriotic War forever entered the creativity of A.T. Tvardovsky. And the poem "Vasily Terkin" became one of the brightest pages. The poem is dedicated to the life of the people in war, it is rightfully the encyclopedia of front-line life. In the center of the poem, the image of Terkina, an ordinary infantry from Smolensk peasants, which unites the composition of the work into a single whole. Vasily Terkin actually personifies the whole people. It found the artistic embodiment of Russian national character. An ordinary man, ordinary soldiers, became a symbol of the winning people in the poem.

In the "book about the fighter" the war is depicted as it is - on weekdays and heroic, interlacing ordinary, sometimes even comic (chapter "on the privala", "in the bath") with an elevated and tragedy. The poem is strong primarily for the truth about the war as harsh and tragic - at the limit of opportunities - testing the vitality of the people, the country, every person.


The artistic literature of the period of the Great Patriotic War has a number of characteristic features. Its main features - patriotic pathos and installation for universal availability. The intended example of such a artistic work is considered to be the poem Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin". The feat of the soldier in the war is shown by Tvardovsky as a cascading and hard work and battle, and the transition to new positions, and overnight in the tag or right on Earth, "shielding from death black only his own back ...". And the hero, which makes this feat - ordinary, simple soldier.

It is in the protection of the Motherland, life on Earth is the justice of the People's Patriotic War: "The fight is holy and right, the death fight is not for the sake of glory - for the sake of life on earth." Poem A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" became truly folk.

Basic heroes

At the heart of the poem - the image of the main character - ordinary Vasily Terkina. It does not have a real prototype. This is a collective image that connects typical features of the spiritual appearance and the nature of an ordinary Russian soldier. Dozens of people wrote about the typical of Terkina, making the "guy in this way in every company in every company always, and in each platoon" the conclusion is that it is a collective image, generalized that it should not look for any individual qualities, so everything Typically for the Soviet soldier. And since "he was scattered, he was partially and partially exquisies," it means that it is not a person at all, but a certain symbol of the entire Soviet army.

Terkin - Who is he? Let's say frankly: just the guy itself is ordinary.

However, the guy at least where, the guy in this way in every company is always there, and in each platoon.

The image of Terkina has folk roots, it is "Bogatyr, a sage in the shoulders", "Veschak", "Man's" man. " Behind the illusion of rusting, balarage, mischiefs are hiding moral sensitivity and a sense of sown debt in front of the homeland, ability without phrase and posture to make a feat at any time.

The image of Vasily Terkina really absorbs what is typical for many: "The guy in this way / in each company is always, / and in each platoon." However, in it inherent in many people features and properties were embodied brighter, sharper, distinctive. Folk wisdom and optimism, durability, endurance, patience and dedication, the everyday savings and skill of the Russian man - the worker and the warrior, finally, inexhaustible humor, followed by something more in-depth and serious, - all this is melted in a living and holistic human character. The main feature of his character is to their native country. The hero constantly remembers the native places, which are so miles and the road to His heart. It cannot but attract in Terkina also with mercy, the greatness of the soul, in war, it turns out not because of the military instinct, but for the sake of life on earth, the enemy causes only a sense of pity in it. He is modest, although he can sometimes take asleep, saying to the friends that he does not need an order, he agrees to the medal. But most of all attracts his life in this man, everyday savings, mockery over the enemy and over any difficulties.

Being an embodiment of the Russian national nature, Vasily Terkin inseparable from the people - the soldier's mass and a number of episodic characters (grandfathers and grandmother, tankers in battle and march, a nurse girl in the hospital, a soldier mother, returning from enemy captivity, etc.) , It is inseparable from the motherland. And the whole "book about the fighter" is a poetic statement of national unity.

Along with the images of Terkina and the people, an important place in the general structure of the work occupies the image of the author-narrator, or, more precisely, the lyrical hero, especially tangible in the chapters "Ohself", "On War", "On Love", in the fourkers "from the author " So, in the chapter "About myself", the poet directly declares, turning to the reader: "And I will tell you: I will not hide, / - in this book, whether there, Sym, / what would be to be a hero, I personally say."

The author in the poem is an intermediary between the hero and the reader. A confidential conversation is constantly underway with the reader, the author respects the reader's friend, and therefore seeks to convey to him the truth about the war. The author feels his responsibility to readers, he understands how important it was not only to tell about the war, but also to instill faith in the readers in the disadvantage of the spirit of the Russian soldier, optimism. Sometimes the author as it would invite readers to check the truth of its judgments and observations. Such direct contact with the reader quite contributes to the fact that the poem becomes a clear large circle of people.

The poem constantly serves a subtle author humor. The poem's text is filled with additives, promscripts, sayings, and determine who is their author - the author of the poem, the hero of the Poem Terkin or the people, is generally impossible. At the very beginning of the poem, the author calls the joke as the most necessary in the soldier's life "thing":

You can live without food, you can more, it is possible, but sometimes in the war one minute can not live without booms, the jokes of the Noomudo itself.

Plot and composition

The originality of the plot-composite construction of the book is determined by the most military reality. "There is no plot at war," the author noted in one of the chapters. And in the poem, in general, there are no such traditional components as the tie, culmination, an omission. But inside the chapters with a narrative basis, as a rule, there is a story, between these chapters there are separate plot ligaments. Finally, the general development of events, the disclosure of the character of the hero, with all the independence of individual chapters, is clearly determined by the course of the war itself, a natural change of its stages: from the bitter days of retreat and the hardest defensive fights - to the stunned and conquered victory. Here's how Tvardovsky wrote about the compositional construction of his poem:

"And the first thing that I accepted for the principle of composition and style is the desire for the well-known completeness of each individual part, chapter, and inside the chapter - each period and even stanza. I had to keep in mind the reader, who, at least and unfamiliar, was with the previous chapters, would find something integer in this chapter today, rounded. In addition, this reader could not wait for my next chapter: he was where the hero, - in the war. This approximate completion of each chapter I was most concerned. I did not keep anything to myself as another time, seeking to speak out in each case - the next chapter - to the end, to fully express my mood, pass the freshly impression, the thought, the motive, image. True, this principle was not determined immediately - after the first chapters of "Terkina" were printed in a row one after another, and the new ones were already appeared as they wrote. "

The poem consists of thirty independent and at the same time closely related chapters. The poem is built as a chain of episodes from the military life of the chief hero, which do not always have a direct event between themselves. Terkin with humor tells young fighters of the war; He said that he was fighting from the very beginning of the war, he was surrounded three times, was wounded. The fate of the ordinary soldier, one of those who carried the whole severity of the war on their shoulders, becomes the personification of the National Power of Spirit, will to life.

Poam's story can be difficult to trace, each chapter tells about a separate event from the life of the fighter, for example: Terkin twice tweats the ice river to restore communication with the upcoming units; Terkin alone occupies a German blonde, but falls under the shelling of his own artillery; On the way to Front, Terkin turns out to be in the house of old peasants, helps them by housework; Terkin comes into hand-to-hand combat with German and, with difficulty defeating, takes him captive. Or unexpectedly for himself terkin from the rifle knocks down a German attack aircraft. Terkin takes command of a platoon to himself when they kill the commander, and the first breaks into the village; However, the hero is quickly wounded. Lying wounded in the field, Terkin talks with death, persuading him not to cling to life; In the end, the fighters are found, and he tells them: "Remove this woman, I still have a live soldier."

It is not by chance that the work of the Tvardovsky begins and ends with lyrical deviations. An open conversation with the reader brings to the inner world of the work, creates an atmosphere of general involvement in the events. The poem ends the dedication to the fallen.

The poem "Vasily Terkin" is distinguished by peculiar historicism. It can be divided into three parts, coinciding with the beginning, middle and end of war. The poetic understanding of the steps of the war creates the lyrical chronicle of events from the chronicle. The feeling of bitterness and grief fills the first part, faith in victory - the second, the joy of liberation of the Fatherland becomes the leitmotif of the third part of the poem. This is explained by the fact that A.T. Tvardovsky created the poem gradually, throughout the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945.

Artistic peculiarity

The poem "Vasily Terkin" is distinguished by the extraordinary latter and freedom of use of the means of oral-spoken, literary and peopetic speech. This is a truly popular language. In it, proverbs and sayings are naturally used ("I'm boredom for all hands"; "The case is time - an hour of fun"; "On which the river is saved, - that alone is to create ..."), folk songs (about Sineli, O River ). The Tvardovsky perfectly owns the art of saying simply, but poetic. He himself creates considerations that included in the rights of sayings ("Do not look at the chest, and look, what ahead"; "The war has a short way, in love - distant"; "guns to battle are ride" and others) .

Freedom - the main moral and artistic principle of the work is also implemented in the very construction of a verse. And this is a find - the relatively decade, eight, and five-, and six-, and the quatrain - in a word, the rhymers will be as much as the Tvardovsky needed in this minute in order to speak in full. The main size of "Vasily Terkina" is four-stranded kernels.

On the originality of the verse of Twardovsky wrote S.Ya. Marshak: "See how one of the best chapters" Vasily Terkina "is built -" Crossing ". In this truth, and as if a rampant story about the authentic, who observed by the author of the events, you will nevertheless find a rigorous form, a clear construction. You will find a recurring leitmotif here, which sounds in the most responsible places of narration, and every time in a new way, is sad and anxious, it is solemnly and even terrible:

Cross, crossing!

Coast left, shore right.

Snow rough. Ice edge ...

To whom Glory,

To whom the dark water.

You will find here and lively, concise, flawlessly acknowledged and built on all laws of ballads dialogue. This is the real poetic, which gives us funds for the image of events from the most modern cycling life. "

The value of the work

Poem "Vasily Terkin" - a central work in the works of A.T. Tvardovsky, "The best of all written about war in war" (K. Simonov), one of the tops of Russian epic poetry at all. It can be considered one of the truly folk works. Many lines from this work moved to oral popular speech or became popular poetic aphorism: "The mortal fight is not for the sake of glory - for the sake of life on Earth," "Forty shower one", "Cross, crossing, shore left, shore right" and many others .

The recognition of the "book about the fighter" was not only nationwide, but also nationwide: "... this is a truly rare book: what freedom, what a wonderful delete, what is the accuracy, accuracy in everything and what extraordinary People's Soldier's Language is neither a bitch no zadorinka nor Single fake, ready, that is, literary-vulgar words! " - wrote I.A. Bunin.

The poem "Vasily Terkin" was repeatedly illustrated. The first were the illustrations of O.G. Veresky, who were created directly following the text of the poem. The works of artists B. Dehteherheva, I. Bruni, Yu Nakutsev, are also known. In 1961 in the Moscow Theater. Mosovet K. Voronkov staged "Vasily Terkina". Known literary compositions of the chapters of the poem performed by D.N. Zhuravleva and D.N. Orlova. Excerpts from the poem are put on the music of V.G. Zakharov. Composer N.V. The Godlovsky was written by a symphonic story "Vasily Terkin".

In 1995, a monument to Terkin was opened in Smolensk (the author is the national artist of the Russian Federation Sculptor A.G. Sergeev). The monument is a two-profic composition depicting the conversation of Vasily Terkina with A.T. Tvardovsky. Monument is installed on the money of the money.