
Reception Grotesque in "Fairy Tales" M. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The fairy tale is not a lie. Reception Grotesque in one of the works of Russian literature of the XIX century. (M. E. "Fairy Tales".) Examples Hyperboles and Grotesque in Tales Shchedrin

Grotesque is a term meaning a type of artistic picture (image, style, genre), based on fiction, laughter, hyperbola, bizarre combination and contrast of something with something. In the genre of Grotesque, ideological and artistic features of the Shchedrian satire were most bright: her political acuity and purposefulness, the realism of her fiction, merciless and the depth of Grotesque, shook the sparkiness of humor.

"Tales" Shchedrin in miniature contains problems and images of the whole creativity of the great satirist. If, except for the "fairy tales", Shchedrin did not write anything, then they would give him the right to immortality. Of the thirty-two fairy tales, Shchedrin twenty-nine are written to them in the last decade of his life (most from 1882 to 1886) and only three fairy tales were created in 1869. Fairy tales as it were to sum up the total creative activity of the writer. To the fabulous genre Shchedrin resorted in his work often. The elements of fabulous fiction is in the "stories of one city", and in the satirical novel "Modern Idyllia" and the chronicle "Abroad" are included complete fairy tales.

And it is not by chance that the flourishing of the fabulous genre falls from Generin on the 80s. It was during this period that the political response rampant response in Russia had to look for the form, the most convenient for bypass censorship and at the same time the closest, understandable to the simple people. And the people understood the political severity of the Shchedrian generalized conclusions hidden behind Esopovsky speech and zoological masks. The writer created a new, original genre of a political fairy tale, which combines fiction with real, topical political reality.

In fairy tales, the two social forces are opposed, as well as in all his work, the labor people and its exploiters. The people act under masks of good and defenseless animals and birds (and often without a mask, under the name "man"), exploiters - in the images of predators. The symbol of the peasant Russia is the image of a convoy - from the fairy tale of the same name. Konya - a peasant, a worker, a source of life for everyone. Thanks to him, bread grows on the immense fields of Russia, but he himself has no right to eat this bread. His lot is an eternal hard labor. "No end of work! The work exhausts the whole meaning of its existence ... "- exclaims satiries. To the limit is tortured and clogged with a horse, but only he is able to free his native country. "From the century in the eyelid, the formidable fixed commander of the fields is chaining, as if the power of fabulous captive in his captivity. Who will free this power from captivity? Who will cause her to light? Two creatures dropped out this task: a peasant yes a conagament "... This fairy tale is the anthem of the labor people of Russia, and it was not by chance that she had such a big impact on modern generous democratic literature.

In the fairy tale, the "wild landowner", Shchedrin, as it were, summarized his thoughts on the reform of the "liberation" of the peasants contained in all his works of the 60s. He puts it unusually acutely to the problem of the colors of the two-referee and finally ruined the reform of the peasantry: "Cattle on the waterman will be released - the landowner screams: my water! Chicken for the Occolic will decide - the landowner shouts: My Earth! And the earth, and water, and the air - all it has become! Luchin was not a peasant in the lights to light, the rod did not become what the hut is suitable. So they prayed the peasants to the Lord to the Lord: - Lord! It is easier for us to disappear and with children with small, rather than life soas! "

This landowner, like generals from a fairy tale about two generals, had no idea about labor. Abandoned with his peasants, he immediately turns into a dirty and wild animal. He becomes a forest predator. And this life, in essence, is the continuation of its previous predatory existence. The external human appearance is a wild landowner, like the generals, acquires again only after his peasants return. The scolding of a wild landowner for nonsense, the fixer tells him that the state "cannot exist," without men ", that without men, everyone will die with hunger," in the bazaar, it's impossible to buy a piece of meat or a pound of bread. "Yes, and money Lord will not. The people are the creator of wealth, and the ruling classes are only consumers of this wealth.

The crow-man draws in turn to all the highest authorities of his state, begging to improve the unbearable life of the crow's men, but in response he hears only the "cruel words" that they cannot do anything, because with an existing law on the side of strong. "Who will overcome, that's right," the hawk says. "Look at the circle - everywhere, the svara is everywhere," the Korsun ends him. Such is the "normal" state of the proprietary society. And although "Voronne lives by society as real men," it is powerless in this world of chaos and predatoryness. Guys defenseless. "From all sides they are pourable in them. Then the railway will shoot, then the car is new, then crumbs, then the new one. And they only know the knows. What kind of manner it happened that the road was getting the road, they had after the hryvnia in the woofer - isn't the dark person to understand this? .. "Korshun from the fairy tale" Crow-man "although he was a cruel predator, but he spoke to the truth * Laws of the world around them.

Crucian from the fairy tale "Karas-idealist" is not a hypocrite, he is on-standing noble, pure soul. His ideas of the Socialist deserve deep respect, but the methods of their implementation are naive and ridiculous. Shchedrin, being a socialist for conviction himself, did not accept the theory of utopian socialists, considered it the fruit of an idealistic view on social reality, on the historical process. "I do not believe ... that the struggle and svara will be a normal law, under the influence of which it is as if destined to develop everything living on Earth. I believe in bloodlessly succeeding, I believe in harmony ... "- a crucian coaled. It ended in that he was swallowed by a pike, and swallowed mechanically: she was struck by the absurdity and the oddity of this sermon.

In other variations, the theory of cruise idealist was reflected in the fairy tales "selfless hare" and "sensible bungery." Here, the heroes are not the noble idealists, but the man -ans-panties, hoping for the kindness of predators. Hares do not doubt the right of a wolf and fox to deprive their lives, they consider it quite natural that strong eats weak, but they hope to tighten the wolf's heart to their honesty and humility. "Or maybe a wolf me ... haha \u200b\u200b... and raises me!" Predators remain predators. Zaitsev does not save that they are "revolutions not poured, they did not go out with weapons."

The personification of the honest and vulgar household became the Shchedrian wovel of Pescar - the hero of the fairy tale of the same name. The meaning of this "enlightened, moderately liberal" cow was self-preservation, care from clashes, from the struggle. Therefore, Pescar lived to deep old age is unharmed. But what it was a humiliating life! She all consisted of a continuous jitter for her skin. "He lived and trembled - only and everything." This fairy tale, written in the years of political reaction in Russia, without missed the liberals, reptile with the government because of its own skins, on ordinary people who hollowed in their non-public struggle. For many years, the passionate words of the Great Democrat soul thinking of Russia are in the soul: "They are wrong, those who think that only those Pescari can be considered worthy citizens, koi, distracted from fear, sit in Norah and trembling. No, these are not citizens, but at least useless Pescari. " Such "Pescares" - the invators Shchedrin showed both the "Modern Idylli" novel.

Toptygins from the fairy tale "Bear on Voivodship" sent by Lvom to Voivodeship, the purpose of their board was put as much as possible "bloodshed". By this they called the anger of the people, and they were compiled "the fate of all furious animals" - they were killed by the rebels. The same death from the people accepted the wolf from the fairy tale "Poor Wolf", which, too, "day and night robbed". In the fairy tale "Eagle-Macenate" is given a destroying parody of the king and the ruling classes. Eagle - the enemy of science, art, defender of darkness and ignorance. He destroyed the nightingale for his free songs, the diploma of Dyatla "dressed up ... in the shackles and sharpened in the hollow forever," Raven's Mudle Raven. It ended in that the crows rebelled, "starred with all herds and flew," leaving the eagle to die with a hungry death. "Siema will serve Orlam lesson!" - Satirik fairy tale meaningfully.

All tales of Shchedrin were subjected to censorship and many alterations. Many of them were printed in illegal editions abroad. Masks of the animal world could not hide the political content of Tales Shchedrin. The transfer of human traits - and psychological and political, the animal world created a comic effect, clearly exposed the absurdity of the existing reality.

Fantasy of Shchedrian fairy tales is real, carries a generalized political content. Eagles "Prey, carnivorous ...". Live "in alienation, in impregnable places, do not engage in breadcrosses, but they are robbed" - this is said in a fairy tale about Eagle-Cerenate. And it immediately draws the typical circumstances of the life of the royal eagle and makes it clear that it is not at all about the birds. And further, combining the situation of the bird world with affairs by no means birds, generin reaches a high political pathos and irony. Also built a tale of Toptygin, who came to the forest of "internal supports to pacify." Do not darken the political meaning of the inspired and ending taken from the magic folk fairy tales, the image of Baba-Yaga, Leshgo. They only create a comic effect. The inconsistency of the form and content contributes to the sharp exposure of the properties of the type or circumstances.

Sometimes generin, taking traditional fabulous images, even does not try to enter them into a fabulous environment or use fabulous techniques. The mouth of the heroes of the fairy tale, he directly outlines his idea of \u200b\u200bsocial reality. Such is, for example, the fairy tale "Neighbors".

The language of Shchedrian fairy tales is deeply peoples, close to Russian folklore. Satirik uses not only traditional fabulous techniques, images, but also proverbs, sayings, promsories ("Without giving words - a firm, and giving - hold on!", "Two deaths will not be, one not to power," "ears above the forehead are not growing." , "My hut with the edge", "simplicity worse than theft"). The dialogue of the acting persons is colorful, it draws a specific social type: a powerful, coarse eagle, a beautiful crucian-idealist, an evil reactionager in the Bloch, the Khanty Top, a robust canary, a cowardly hare, etc.

The images of fairy tales entered the source, became nominable and live for many decades, and the universal types of Satiykova-Shchedrin objects and today are found in our lives, it is enough just to look in the surrounding reality and reflect.

Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin - the creator of a special literary genre is a satirical fairy tale. In small stories, the Russian writer was hyclocked bureaucracy, autocracy, liberalism. This article discusses such works of Saltykov-Shchedrin, as the "wild landowner", "Eagle-Macenate", "Wheel Pescar", "Carace-idealist".

Features of Saltykov-Shchedrin fairy tales

In the fairy tales of this writer you can go and allegory, and grotesque, and hyperbola. There are features characteristic of Esopovsky narration. In communication between characters reflected relations that prevailed in the Society of the XIX century. What satirical techniques used a writer? In order to answer this question, you should briefly tell about the author's life, so ruthlessly implaced the oblique world of the landowners.

about the author

Saltykov-Shchedrin combined literary activities with civil service. A future writer was born in Tver province, but after graduation, Lyceum went to St. Petersburg, where he received a position in the military ministry. Already in the first years of work in the capital, a young official began languishing by bureaucracy, a lie, boredom who reigned in institutions. With great pleasure, Saltykov-Shchedrin visited various literary evenings, which were prevailed by anti-descendants. He noticed the Petersburgers about his views on the "confusing business" standards, "contradiction". For which I was exiled in Vyatka.

Life in the province made it possible to observe the writer in all details the official world, the life of landowners and the peasants oppressed. This experience has become a material for written works later, as well as the formation of special satirical techniques. One of the contemporaries of Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin once said about him: "He knows Russia, like no other."

Satyric Takes Saltykov-Shchedrin

His creativity is quite diverse. But there are exactly the most popular among the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin, they are fairy tales. Several singular satirical techniques can be isolated, with the help of which the writer tried to convey to the readers, the sideways and deceit of the landlord world. And first of all, in the veiled form, the author reveals deep political and social problems, expresses his own point of view.

Another reception is to use fantastic motifs. For example, in the "Tale of how one man's two generals Pin" they serve as a means of expressing discontent to the landowners. Finally, calling satirical techniques of generous, it is impossible not to mention symbolism. After all, the heroes of fairy tales often indicate one of the public phenomena of the XIX century. So, in the main character of the work of "Konya" the whole pain of the Russian people oppressed by centuries is reflected. Below is the analysis of individual works of Saltykov-Shchedrin. What satirical techniques are used in them?

"Karas idealist"

In this fairy tale, representatives of the intelligentsia expresses Saltykov-Shchedrin. Satyric techniques that can be found in the work of "Carace-idealist" are symbolism, the use of folk sayings and proverbs. Each of the heroes is a collective image of representatives of one or another social class.

In the center of the plot, fairy tales - the discussion of the crucian and hesh. The first, which is already understood from the name of the work, to the idealistic worldview, faith in the best. He is, on the contrary, a skeptic, ironizing the theories of his opponent. There is in the tales and the third character - Pike. This unsafe fish symbolizes in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrian of the strong world of this. Pikes, as you know, feed on a handy. The latter driven by the best feelings is sent to the predator. In the brutal law of nature (or centuries established hierarchy in society) Karas does not believe. He hopes to form pike with stories about possible equality, universal happiness, virtue. And therefore dies. Pike, as the author notes, the word "virtue" is not familiar.

Satirical techniques are used here not only to replace the rigidity of representatives of individual sectors of society. With the help of them, the author is trying to convey the inferctness of moralistic disputes, which were common among the intelligentsia XIX century.

"Wild landowner"

The topic of serfdom is given a lot of space in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin. He was what to tell readers to this account. However, writing a journalistic article on the relations of landowners to peasants or the publication of the artistic work in the genre of realism on this topic was fraught with unpleasant consequences. And therefore had to resort to allegoryrs, easy humorous stories. In the "wild landowner" we are talking about a typical Russian usurper, not distinguished by education and everyday wisdom.

He hates the "men" and dreams of their lime. At the same time, the stupid landowner does not understand that without the peasant he will die. After all, it does not want anything, and I can not. You might think that the prototype of the hero of the fairy tale is a landowner who, perhaps, the writer met in real life. But no. This is not about some specific Barine. And about the social layer as a whole.

Fully, without allegory, this topic Saltykov-Shchedrin revealed into the "granny gentlemen." The heroes of the novel - representatives of the provincial landlord - dying one after another. The reason for their death is nonsense, ignorance, laziness. The character of the fairy tale "Wild landowner" expects the same fate. After all, he got rid of the peasants, and she was glad, but she was not ready for life without them.


The heroes of this fairy tales are eagles and crows. The first symbolize landowners. Second - peasants. The writer again resorts to the acceptance of allegory, with the help of which raises the vices of the strengths of this. A nightingale, forty, owl and woodpecker are also present in the fairy tale. Each of the birds is an allegory on the type of people or social class. The characters in the "Orle-Metsente" are more framed than, for example, the heroes of the fairy tale "Carace-idealist". So, the woodpecker who comes to reason, at the end of the bird history does not become a victim of a predator, but falls behind the bars.

"Wheel Pescar"

As in the works described above, in this fairy tale, the author raises questions relevant to that time. And here it becomes clear from the first lines. But Saltykov-Shchedrin satirical techniques - the use of artistic means for the critical image of the defects not only public, but also universal. The narration in the "Promudro Pescara" author leads in a typical fairy style: "lived-was ...". The hero of its author is characterized in this way: "Enlightened, moderately liberal."

Cowardice and passivity ridicules in this fairy tale the great master satire. After all, these vices were peculiar to most of the representatives of the intelligentsia in the eighties of the XIX century. Pescar does not leave his asylum. He lives a long life, avoiding meetings with dangerous inhabitants of the Water World. But only before death, he understands how much missed his long and worthless life.

The answer was left the guest

The main problem of generous fairy tales is the relationship between the exploiters and exploited. The writer created Satira at Tsarist Russia. In front of the reader are the images of the rulers ("Bear on Voivodestern", "Eagle-Macenate"), OPERATORS AND OPERATED ("Wild landowner", "The story of how one man's two generals proceeded"), inhabitants ("Wheat Pescar", " Dried vobla ").
The fairy tale "Wild landowner" is directed against the entire social system based on exploitation, anti-people in its essence. Keeping the spirit and style of a folk fairy tale, satirik speaks about the real events of the modern life. The work begins as an ordinary fairy tale: "In some kingdom, in some state there was a landowner ..." But immediately an element of modern life appears: "And the landowner was stupid, read the newspaper" Mest "." "Mest" - the newspaper is reactive, so the stupidity of the landowner is determined by its worldview. The landowner considers himself the true representative of the Russian state, supporting him, is proud that he is a hereditary Russian nobleman, Prince Urus-Kuchum Kildibaev. The whole point of its existence comes down to losing his body, "soft, white and crumbly". He lives at the expense of his men but hates them and is afraid, does not endure the "Hopper Spirit." He rejoices when some fantastic swirl was taken unknown to where all the men, and the air became pure-repurable in his possessions. But men disappeared, and hunger came such that it is impossible to buy anything in the bazaar. And the landower himself completely wild: "He's all, from head to the legs, around his hair ... And his nails have become iron. It has long ceased to blow herdoor, walked more and more on all fours. Even the ability to pronounce self-searched sounds ... " In order not to die with the hunger, when the last gingerbread was eaten, the Russian nobleman began to hunt: notice the hare - "like an arrow jumps off the tree, it clings to his prey, tear her with her nails, so with all the insides, even with the skin, eat." The wilderness indicates that he does not live without the help of a man. After all, it is no wonder as soon as the "Roy Manyakov" was caught and cast into place, "meat, and meat, and all sorts of livestock appeared in the bazaar.
The stupidity of the landowner is constantly emphasized by the writer. The first to be the landlords are stupid to the peasants themselves, they call the landowner stupid (taking a triple repetition) Representatives of other classes: actor Sadovsky ("however, brother, stupid you are a landowner! Who are you stupid, wash it out?") Generally, whom he instead of "beef -You "I treated with printed gingerbread and lollipops (" however, brother, the stupid you are a landowner! ") And finally, Captitip-Fauxer (" Stupid you, Mr. Penic! "). The stupidity of the landowner is visible to everyone, and he is indulcated to unreserved dreams that the farm will achieve without the help of the peasants, reflects on English machines that will be replaced by serfs. His dreams are ridiculous, because he cannot do anything independently. And only once the landowner thought: "Is it really a fool? Surely, the inflexibility that he had so cherished in his soul, translated into an ordinary language means only nonsense and madness? "If we compare the famous folk tales about Barina and a man with fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin, for example, with a" wild landowner ", we will see that the image of the landowner in Shchedrian fairy tales is very close to folklore, and men, on the contrary, differ from fabulous. In folk fairy tales, a manifold man, deft, resourceful, wins the stupid Barin. And in the "wild landowner" arises a collective image of a worker

Mikhail Evgrafovich Salttykov-Shchedrin

(1826 - 1889)

The fairy tale "The story about how one man's two generals punished" (1889)

The book "Tales" consists of 32 works written mainly for some exceptions, from 1883 to 1886. Fairy tales are written "for children of a fair age."

"The story of how one man's two generals Pinommil" was published in the journal "Patrican Notes" for 1869.

Satyrian felt fairy tales has a ring composition.


"By whining omen", according to the author's "want", two generals who served earlier "in some kind of registration", and now pensions are on a desert island. Since they did not learn anything in any life, they can not get meals. Having found "Moscow Vedomosti", they begin to read about dishes, do not stand, they are attacked from hunger each other. Folding, decide to find a man, since "a man everywhere is, you just have to look for him."

Having found a man, the generals make him find it off and cook food. Spring from abundant nutrition and carefree life, they help that they missed their lives on the attic, begin to worry about pensions. The man is building a boat for generals and delivers them to St. Petersburg, for which he gets a "glass of vodka da Pyat Silver".



Accustomed to get everything in the finished form: "Who would have thought, your Excellency that human food, in the original form, flies, floats and grows on trees?"

Being in critical conditions, they are not able to feed themselves and ready to eat each other: "Suddenly, both generals looked at each other: in the eyes of them glowing the sinister fire, the teeth were knocked out, a deaf growl was flying out of the chest. They began to slowly address each other and in one block of an eye walked. "

Care only about our own well-being: "Here they live here on everything, and in St. Petersburg, meanwhile, their pensions are accumulated, everything is accumulated."

Not able to appreciate someone else's work; Men "Divided the fire and soared so much of different provisions that the generals came even to the thought:" Doesn't give a tunewader? ""

Guy (people)

Admiration, sympathy

A man is strong, smart, hardworking, skillful, can do everything, can survive everywhere.

It, "Master Men",before the arrival of the generals, managed with the economy, "The cheapening way shied away from work."

The man for the Lord was able to pour apples, catching fish, extract the fire, land the potatoes, let's lend many provisions, even learned to cook the soup in a hassle. Then the man managed to make a boat and deliver the generals to Petersburg.


Strong "Mudy" Few and stupid generals are confronted. Narvava with its enslavers "Ten of the most ripe apples",he himself takes "One, sour".

The man tends his appeal to himself as a slave, Tune Tell, he is not capable of a defendant riot, on the contrary, he is ready to challenge himself in shackles: "She scored a man's wild hemp, smoked in the water, hanged, remembered - and in the evening the rope was ready. The generals tied the generals to the tree to the tree, so as not to be killed. "

Meser fee for his work is fair.


Relations between generals and a peasant are relations between the authorities and the people.


"It was even in a hassle cooking soup", "the bells in the form of them like their in the morning to have coffee."


"There were two generals, there were two generals, and since both were frivolous, then in a short time, at a prominent class, in my desire, found themselves on the uninhabited island."


"And he started to breed a man on the beans, as if his generals would please him for the fact that they, Tune Tempel, they pledged him and the Menietic work was not beaten!"


"Flying shreds, scattered screech and the fucking; The general who was a teacher of calligraphy, bit off his comrade Order and immediately swallowed. "

Fairy Tales Saltykov-Shchedrin and Folk Tales

The form of the work does not correspond to the content: the form is fabulous, and the content is social and political.

FROM shatter "Wild landowner" (1869)


The landowner, living in prosperity, dreamed of one thing: so that the peasant in possession was smaller. "But God knew that the landowner was stupid, and he did not return it,"however, heard the request of the people: "It is easier for us to disappear and with small children, rather than life so much!"and "There was no man on the entire space of the owners of the stupid landlord."

Without a man's care, the landowner gradually began to turn into a beast. Not washed, he fed only with gingerbread. Invited the Urus-Kuchum Kildibaev to himself an actor of the Sadovsky, neighbors-generals, however, guests, without receiving proper care and dinner, got angry and left, calling the landlord stupid.

A landowner decides "Stay solid to the end"and "Do not lick."

In a dream, he sees the perfect garden, dreams of reforms, and in reality only plays with him to the card.

Captain-Favornik carries to him and agrees to take measures if the men are not returning and will not pay the Casta.

In the houseshop's house, mice are hardened, the trail in the garden will overgrow the cakes, snakes will be treated, and a bear wanders under the windows.

The owner himself was wild, around his hair, began to move on all fours, learned to speak.

The provincial authorities remains concerned: "Who now will contribute? Who will drink wine on the kabaks? Who will be innocent practicing? "

"As fornacarly, at that time, by the provincial city flew by the swarm of the peasants and silence the entire marketplace. Now I turned this grace, put in the film and sent to the county. "

The landowner was found, washed away, led in order, and he still lives.

Image of landlord

The author repeatedly focuses on the stupidity of the landowner: "Attended this time the landowner is not a joke. That's the third person honors his fool, the third person will look, look at him, plit and move away. "

It seems a landowner "Russian nobleman, prince Urus-Kuchum Kildibaev." The non-Russian surname strengthens the grotesqueness of what is happening, hints at the fact that only the enemy can think about the extermination of the native of the breadwinner.

After the disappearance of the peasants, the supports of the nobility and the state, the landowner degrades, turns into a wild beast: "He, from head to the legs, around his hair, as if the ancient Isau, and his nails became like iron. It has long ceased to be blowing around, it walked more and more on all fours and was even wondering how he had not noticed that such a walk was the most decent and most convenient. Even the ability to pronounce the self-searched sounds and learned some kind of special victorious click, the average between the whistle, hissing and rivecan. But the tail has not yet purchased. "

The landowner is a hazelnaya and stupid creature, nor not capable of peasant support. Him to return to decent life caught "Crashing, now Almorskali, washed and crocked the nails. Then Captitipa Corps made him a proper suggestion, took away the newspaper "Message" and, entrusted to his supervision of Senka, left. "

"He is alive and donne. Encloses Granpazyanns, longing in the oldest life in the forests, washed only for coercion and at times of mice. "Even after the whole that happened, he remains a reckless beast in human guise.

Distinctive features of fairy tales

Tools of artistic expressiveness in a fairy tale

The fairy tale is entirely based on hyperbola, grotesque and absurdity. The author deliberately brings hyperbole to Grotesque to show the absurd reality that generates such heroes and such circumstances.


"They see men: although they have a stupid landowner, and the mind is given a big one."

"Many of whether it took a little time, just sees the landowner that in the garden to him the paths with a ruin frightened, in the bushes of the snake da shy, all sorts of silence are sishet, and in the park beasts are wild. One day, a bear came up to the manor itself, squatted, glancing in the windows on the landowner and licks. "

"And he got strong terribly, before Silly, that even the expense of himself is entitled to enter friendly intercourse with the very bear who once looked at him in the window.

- Want, Mikhail Ivanovich, campaigns together for hares? He said to the bear.

- Want - why not want! - Bear answered, - Only, brother, you are in vain, the peasant destroyed it!

- And why?

- And because the man is not the example of this, no more than your brother nobleman. And therefore I will tell you right: you are stupid landowner, although I and a friend! "

Fantastic and real in a fairy tale



Instant fulfillment by God of all desires;

Friendship and conversation of a landowner with a bear;

Hare hunting;

Terrible single landowner;

Flying and driving men

Oppressing the landfill of the peasants, the desire of the latter escape;

Landowner classes: game card, reading "Westa", invitations to visit;

Taxes, grants, fines from peasants

In the work, the degree of fantasticity, unreality and absurdity of what is happening

Fantastic helps to open all the vices of reality, demonstrate the absurdity of the reality itself

Fairy Tale "Will Pischar" (1883)


"There was a piscar",grew in " smart " Family. Father bequeathed his son, dying: "If you want to scream, so look at both!".Pescar was wise, remembered the story of the Father on how the parent did not fall into the ear, so I decided to obey the Council, and, since in the river danger at every step (fish, crayfish, water flea, "Equity, and the network, and tops, and a norota", and the uda), put it a rule "Do not stick out" and live like that "So that no one noticed."He suffered a lot of deprivation, hungry, tormented from fear, undelivered, trembled, and so lived to a hundred years. Dreamed of a major win. And only before his death, I realized that he was alone, without a family, without relatives, in his entire lives did not do good. And for the fact that he lived for so long, his even no one wishes.

The image of the "Promroid Piskary"

  • Piskary - An image of an intimidated alone who lives only for himself, and how it turns out, does not live, but only unknown for what exists.
  • For a hundred years, Piskar not only did nothing, but she never even felt joy.
  • There is an interpretation of the image of Pescar as a conformist, which during the reaction takes an expectant position.
  • The author also affects the philosophical problem of the meaning of life ("I lived - trembled and dyed - trembled").
  • "He was a piscal of enlightened, moderately liberal."
  • He lived under the motto: "We must live so much so that no one noticed."
  • I thought every day: "It seems that I am alive?" Oh, something will be tomorrow? "
  • Fearing to get into the mouth of a big fish, Pescar decided for himself: "At night, when people, animals, birds and fish are sleeping - it will be a motion to do, and in the afternoon - it will be in the hole to sit and tremble." "And if there is no fishery, so hungry in the hole freezes, and will tremble again. For it is better not, not to drink, rather than with the full stomach life to lose. "
  • "He did not marry and did not have children, although his father had a big family." "So here is not to the family, but as it were, just to live yourself!" "And he lived the wisdom of Piskary so much like a hundred years. Everything was trembling, everything was trembling "
  • Only at the end of life, thinking about the question, which was, if all Pescari lived, he understood: "After all, therefore, perhaps, the whole piscal of the genus would have turned!"
  • Before death, realizing that life went in vain, Pescar decided: "" I will get out of the hole yes Gogol over the entire river sailing! ". But hardly he thought about it, as was afraid again. And started, trembling, remove. He lived - trembled, and died - trembled. "
  • Pescar, hauntingly living more than a hundred years, even respect did not deserve: "And that just a shame: not to hear even that someone wisely called him. They simply say: "You heard about the isola, who does not eat, does not drink, no one does not see anyone, does not drive a salt with whom, but everything will take off his life?" And many even just fool and sacdles are called and surprised, as such idols will suffer. "
  • It is not clear whether Pescrier died himself or he still ate someone. "Most likely - he himself died, because what is the satelli pike to swallow the aft-dying piscory, and also also" wisdom "?"

Allegory in fairy tale

  • The main reception is an allegory. In an allequorative form, the author expresses thoughts about "Piskary" - cowardly and miserable people.
  • The author's voice sounds in the "morality" of the story: "They believe those who think that only those piscaries can be considered worthy citizens, koi, distracted from fear, sit in Norah and tremble. No, it is not citizens, but at least useless piscaries "(The game with the names "Man - Pescar").

Combining spaces