
Germen de Stelle brief biography. Biography Germen de Stelle. Other Works Steel


Biography (A. R. Oshchenpkov)

Steel (STAEL), Anna-Louise Germen de (04/22/1766, Paris -14.07.1817, Ibid) - French writer, foundation of the theory of romanticism in France. Daughter J. Nekcher - a prominent statesman, finance minister in Louis XVI. From childhood, she is a permanent participant in the meetings of Parisian literary celebrities, which occurred in the salon of her mother. Gerrene was a sensitive and inquisitive girl. She developed, being under a great impression of the stories of the Father, the "Spirit of Laws" of Montcape, the writings of Richardson and Rousseau. Her first works of "Adelaide" ("ADELAIDE"), "Meline" ("Meline"), comedy "Sophie, or secret feelings" ("Sophie Ou Les Sentiments Secrets") and the tragedy "Jane Gray" ("Jane Gray") appeared in the 1780s under the influence of sentimentalism. Philosophy Rousseau, his cult of nature and views on the upbringing attracted the attention of De Stal, he will dedicate the enthusiastic essay "Letters about works and personality J. Zh. Rousseau" ("Lettres Sur Les Ecrits et Le Caractere de J. J. Rousseau", 1788).

The first marriage with the Swedish Messenger in Paris, the Baron de Stallestein, did not bring the twenty-year-old Germain of happiness. In the pre-revolutionary (1786-1788) and post-revolutionary years, Zh. de Stelle collects in its salon, which becomes the most brilliant in Paris, famous people. Among visitors to Siez, Talleyran, Gara, Foriel, Sissondi, B. Kontanstan.

During the French Revolution (1792), the steel was forced to emigrate to Switzerland and in England. Romantic relations with Benjalana Konstany and Count Louis De Narbonne had a noticeable impact on the life and creativity of the writer. For the first time in the life of German, the passion turned out to be mutual, and who made it on writing the "first romantic work in French literature" (Vl. A. Lukov) - Books "On the influence of passions for the happiness of people and peoples" ("De L'Influence Des Passions SUR LE BONHEUR DES INDIVIDUS ET DES NATIONS », 1796). The focus of J. de Stelle in this book is a feeling, passion, but not sentimentalist-harmonious and idyllic, but a spontaneous and tragic. Passion is considered as a natural force that stimulates human activity, but the fate of passionate natur is tragic. It contrasts them impassive, sluggish, apathetic, immersed in the present and all satisfied people. The sympathies of the author of the book on the side of passionate, independent characters. At the same time, while under the influence of the terror experienced by her, J. De Stal writes that excessive passions, fanaticism, ambulance can be easily affected by the well-being of both individual individuals and society as a whole.

At the end of 1795, J. De Stal returns to his homeland. Treatise "On Literature considered in connection with public institutions" ("De La Luitterare, Consideree Dans Ses Rapports Avec Les Institutions Sociales", 1800) - a sample of a polemical composition, in which the writer enters into a creative dispute with religious and romantic views F.- R. De Chastubriand, and at the same time the first attempt to systematize aesthetic views. This paper provides an overview of the development of world literature from antiquity to the 90s of the XVIII century. The writer is set to trace the mutual influence of religion, morals, laws with literature. It prefers to Christian culture (the culture of the new time), believing that each new era (not only an antique) puts forward his ideal. Studying the interaction of society and literature, observing the evolution of ideas and forms of life, it takes a crucial role in Christianity, by no means religious. In Christianity, she sees the necessary conditions for the development of civilization, thanks to him there was an alloy of the North and the South, forces with education and refinement. The art of "northern" peoples (England and especially Germany) is perceived by her as art that experienced the greatest influence of Christianity and as the most consonant in modernity. J. De Stal notes in the course of historical development continuous improvement, writes about the relationship of various forms and directions of literary works with a social medium. The thesis concludes a book that in modern republican society, literature should be an expression of new public ideals, to become a defender of political and moral freedom. The idea that the literature is guaranteed a decline, if political freedom disappears, it seemed dangerous to the reactionary government, and the J. de Stelle itself acquired the status of a "unreliable" writer.

Roman "Dolphin" ("Delphine", 1802) - served as a pretext to start repression against the writer. The novel is written in traditional for the XVIII century. Epistolar form. His story is the story of the love of a young secular woman Dolphins d'Elbemar to the nobleman Leons. The fate of a passionate, noble, high-pressure woman, which is characterized by the independence of the judgments, obeying only internal motivations and not wanting to suppress their feelings in favor of the abstract rules of secular morality, public opinion, is shown by the novelist as a tragedy. This novel added J. de Stelle of literary glory and at the same time made it a personal enemy of Napoleon Bonaparte.

J. De Stal was in opposition to Napoleonic regime. Liberael and Republicankan was prescribed to leave Paris. In 1802, along with B. Konstany, it turns out to be in Germany, where he gets acquainted with Goethe, Schiller, Fichte, V. Gumboldt, A. V. Schlegem.

In 1804, the father of the writer dies, at the same time the crisis undergo its relationship with B. Konstan. J. De Stal goes to Italy. The result of the journey was the Roman "Corinne, or Italy" ("Corinne Ou L'Italie", 1807). It tells about how the rich Englishman Oswald Nelville, running from the routine and the ordinaryness from the native country in Italy, is found there with a chorus, poetess and artist, halfliton, semi-manglychanka. Italy turns out to be the focus of steel as a country personifying strong feelings, passion. In the novel, many places are given to reflections on Italian culture, literature, about the historical destinies of Italy and Rome. The author "Corinna" sends his characters to this country, because it believes that the creative spirit of the Great People is preserved in Italy. The main theme in the novel is the topic of the artist in society. Showing complex dramatic peripetics in the relationship between Oswald and Cornery, the writer raises the problem of the tragic fate of a brilliant woman in a modern society, which due to the estate and family traditions is doomed to fad and death. In the image of the difficult relationship of Corinne and Lord Nelville, a hint of the actual relationship between J. De Stal and B. Konstany was concluded. In "Corinne", the romantic concept of de steel is presented more consistently, and the novel turned out to be more successful than Dolphin.

J. De Stal, exhausted in his homeland, in 1807 secretly settled not far from Paris. Napoleon Bonaparte, who is at this time in Prussian campaign, learned that she incognito happens in the French capital. Special prescription, the emperor commanded her to immediately remove from the country. Before the fall of Napoleon, she lived in Switzerland (Koppe), then traveled in Europe.

In 1807-1808 Mr. De Stal again leaves to Germany, where Weimar, Munich and Vienna visits. Impressions from two trips through this country, familiarity with the German culture was reflected in her book "On Germany" ("De L'Allemagne", 1810). This work became evidence of the design of the aesthetic views of the theorist of French romanticism into the completed system. The book "About Germany" becomes the apology of German culture. In it, J. De Steel managed to create a wide picture of German spiritual and public life. The French reader's audience has become an opportunity to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the national nature of the Germans, their mentality, life, literature, philosophy and religion. According to Madame De Stal, North (German) Country - a country of private, domestic life, is distinguished by spiritual independence, an introspective warehouse of the mind of its inhabitants. German art The author of the book calls genuinely romantic, while the "southern" (French) art is the art of "classic", where the laws of equipment and professionalism reign, where literature lives borrowed ideas in the ancients. Therefore, French literature is not national and is available only for educated minds. J. De Stal, comparing the French and German nation, is set to protect the right of any nationality for independence. It is passionately and convincingly proves that the nation is a historical phenomenon, due to mutual respect for different peoples, and not the raft of creating individuals.

On the orders of the French emperor, the book "On Germany" was confiscated and was predicted by burning, although censorship missed her. In France, it was published only in 1814.

In 1810, in Geneva, Mr. De Stel became acquainted with the young officer Albert de Roca. Despite the difference in age, they secretly married.

However, due to the persecution of the Swiss authorities, acting on the Napoleon pointer, in 1812. J. De Stal is again forced to go to emigration. Through Austria, Sweden and Russia, she runs to England. The result of its long and risky travel was the book "Ten years in Exile" ("Dix Annees d'Exil", 1821), in the second part of which the French writer spoke about his benevolent impressions from staying in Russia.

Anxiety for the fate of the revolution, the most severe reaction, which came to France after the restoration period, forced the J. de Stal. It has long been started, but the unfinished work "Reflections on the basic events of the French Revolution" ("Considerations Sur Les Principaux Evenements De La Revolution Francaise", 1818). The faithful covenants of encyclopedists, protecting the revolutionary spirit and ideas, is indulging in the ingenic invaders, opposes the arisers, religious intolerance, court aristocracy. An antithesis to the main parts of the composition was the Etude about the British Constitution and English society, which are perceived by the author of "reflections" as the desired ideal. On the last pages of the book, Mr. Steel with hope writes about the political reorganization of Europe, which will be accomplished by the peoples and in the name of nations. In his peculiar political will, she writes about the great future of the Russian people and on the leading role of the North American United States. Europeans (Germans and Italians) calls for unification in the Federation.

Creativity J. De Stal is the most strong link between educational and romantic artistic systems. Madame de Stelle laid the foundations of French romanticism. From enlighteners of the XVIII century, she inherited first of all the Sentimentalist-Russoist ideological complex. Madame de Stelle begins with understanding the "feeling", "passion", giving him a romantic substantive interpretation.

With all the controversivity of the worldview of J. de Stelle (first he was fond of materialism, and at the end of the life of spiritualism), she was always faithful to one - the principles of the Great French Revolution. Her place in French literature has long been determined. She first of the French writers of the XIX century proved that the appearance of romantic literature - a historical and natural phenomenon, the first developed the principles of romantic literature, pointed out its difference from the classicist, introduced new topics and techniques to artistic creativity, with which the new, non-classic perception of reality .

Op.: Oeuvres Completes. V. 1-17. P., 1820 -1821; in rus. per. - Corinne, or Italy. M., 1969; On the influence of passions on the happiness of people and peoples // Literary manifestes of Western European romantics / Ed. A. S. Dmitriev. M.: Publishing House of Moscow University, 1980. P. 363-374; On literature in its connection with public institutions // Literary manifestes of Western European romantics / ed. A. S. Dmitriev. M.: Publishing House of Moscow University, 1980. P. 374-383; About Germany // Literary Manifests of Western European Romantics / Ed. A. S. Dmitriev. M.: Publishing House of Moscow University, 1980. P. 383-391; On the literature considered in connection with public institutions / trans. V. A. Milchina. M.: Art, 1989; Ten years in exile / pre-class., Per. and comments. V. A. Milchina. M.: OGI, 2003.

Lit.: Soriet A. Ms. de Stal. St. Petersburg, 1892; Trachevsky A. Ms. S. in Russia // Historical Bulletin. 1894, No. 1; Roga V. F. Pushkin and Memoirs M-ME De Stael about Russia // Izv. Oyash. 1914. T. 19. KN. 2. P. 47-67; Durylin S. N. Ms. de Stelle and her Russian relations // LN. T. 33/34. Pp. 306-320; Oblomiyevsky D. French Romanticism. M., 1947; His own. French romanticism up to 1830 // History of French literature: in 4 tons. M., 1956. T. 2; Volpert L. I. Pushkin after the Decembrist rebellion and the book Madame de Stelle about the French Revolution // Pushkin Collection. Pskov, 1968. P. 114-131; Her. More about the "glorious joke" Mrs. de Stelle / / time. PC. 1973. P. 125-126; Her. "... meaningless and merciless": (Pushkin and Germen de Stelle about fanaticism) // History and historosophy in literary refraction. Tartu. 2002. P. 37-56; Lotman Yu. M. Several notes to the problem of "Pushkin and French Literature": more about the "glorious joke" Madame de Steel // Literature and art in the cultural system. M., 1988. P. 380-381; Tomashevsky B. V. Pushkin: Works of different years. M., 1990. P. 85-86, 97-98, 115; Kornilova E. N. Rousseism as a philosophical substantiation of a romantic mythologist and J. de Steel // Another XVIII century. Collection of scientific works. Ot. ed. N. T. Pakhsaryan. M., 2002; Lyubaretz S. N. Aesthetics Germaine de Stelle in the context of the Epoch of Enlightenment // Another XVIII century. Collection of scientific works. Ot. ed. N. T. Pakhsaryan. M., 2002; Pronin V. N. Steel // Foreign Writers. Part 2. M., 2003; Lukov Vl. A. History of literature: Foreign literature from the sources to the present day / 6th ed. M., 2009.

Biography (

Childhood. First literary experiences

Born on April 22, 1766 in Paris. In the salon of her mother there were literary celebrities in Paris. He was constantly present at these evenings from 11 years old and heedly listened to the guests to talk. In vain, a strict mother tried a system of education based on the principles of debt, to restrain and discipline its lively and impressionable daughter. The richly gifted and exalted girl, escape from the influence of the mother, especially hotly attached to his father, for the whole clock a talked about a wide variety of issues with his gently beloved daughter. Fifteen years old from the family of Germen wrote comments to the famous financial "report" of his father and made an extraction from the "Spirit of Laws" of Montcape, attaching his own reflections to them. At this time, Richardson and Rousseau were her favorite writers. The influence of Richardson affected its first works, characterized by a sentimental direction (for example, "Mirza", "Adelaide", "Meline").

Youth and marriage

Rousseau attracted it with its cult of nature and its upbringing system. Later (1788) she devotes him an enthusiastic sketch: "Lettres Sur Les Ecrits et Le Caractere De J. J. Rousseau". In 17 years, the heart of Germains is experiencing first love, but in favor of her mother, she has to suppress her feeling. Footprints of the inner struggle can be opened in her comedy: "Sophie Ou Les Sentiments Secrets" (1786), in which the bright colors are described by tomorrows of hopeless feeling. Madame Necker was looking for his daughter a brilliant party; Her choice was stopped at the Swedish Messenger in Paris, Baron de Steel Holstein. In the device of this marriage, the courtyards of French and Swedish participated in the device. Landing the advice of their father, the 20-year-old Gerrene decided to give the hand of Baron de Stal, but in this marriage did not find happiness that dreamed of. Baron de Stal could not excite any sympathies in Germain: it was a poorly educated secular man and twice as older than his wife, who attracted him mainly to his rich dowry. When the revolution broke out and the necker was forced to flee from France, Madame de Stal first remained in Paris. At this time, her salon, replacing the salon Madame Necker, managed to become the most brilliant in Paris. Memoirs of contemporaries are full of stories about the indelible impression, which in this period of his life produced a young woman. Its brilliant mind, eloquence and enthusiasm made it a queen of the elected Paris society.

Revolution and first exile

When revolutionary unrest began, she, using his influence, saved many of the guillotine, often risking her life. The September killings made her flee from Paris. On the road, she was stopped and brought to the town hall, where only the intercession of Manuel saved her from furious ink. Having left Paris, she found shelter in England. Among other French emigrants there was a former military minister Count Louis De Narbonne, with which she began rapprochement still in Paris. It was her first, found reciprocity, passion, the influence of which was reflected in the book written by it at that time: "De L'Influence Des Passions Sur Le Bonheur Des Individus Et Des Nations" (published later, in 1796). Acting the goal, under the influence of terror experienced by her, to prove the harmful effect of fanaticism, ambition and other passions for the well-being of individual personalities and whole societies, the author, as soon as it comes to love (in the chapter "De L'Amour"), turns from a strict moralist in Enthusiastic strife. Soon, however, the distressed by the treason of Narbonne, the steel broke up with him. Before leaving England, the steel, outraged by the cruel appeal to the queen Maria Antoinetta, issued anonymously brochure: "Reflexion Sur Le Proces de La Reine, Par Une Femme" (1793), in which she tried to initiate compassion for the unfortunate queen.

In Copp, Steel met with Benjament Konstany. The strong impression that, with the first meeting, these diametrically opposite characters were made to each other, laid the beginning of a nomanic episode that stretched over ten years and had a huge impact on the life and literary activities of Madame de Stelle.

The beginning of literary glory. Opposition Napoleon

In 1796, the French Republic was recognized by Switzerland and steel could return to Paris. Here, her salon again became an influential literary and political center. Among the regular visitors, it was Cyes, Talleyran, Gara, Foriel, Sissondi, B. Kontanstan. Having achieved a secret divorce with her husband, but continuing to live with him in the same house, de Stelle found himself in a dual situation, which was not slowed down to take advantage of her secular and political opponents, making it the target of abusive conversations. The outcome of her feelings worried at that time, she gives the "Delphine" novel, who defeated her literary glory: the unfortunate fate of a high-flowered woman, who joined the unequal struggle with a public opinion despotism, is depicted here. At the same time, the steel works above the extensive essay: "De La Luitterare, Consideree Dans Ses Rapports Avec Les Institutions Sociales" (1796-99). The task of the book is to trace the influence of religion, morals, legislation on literature and back. Studying the interaction of society and literature, observing gradual changes in the ideas and forms of life, the steel states during the historical development of slow, but continuous improvement (Perfectibilite). In a massive comments, she discovers a subtle understanding of the relationship of various forms and directions of literary works with a social environment and finishes the book by the teaching on what the literature should be in the new Republican Society: it should serve as an expression of new public ideals and be a protector of political and moral freedom. The book "On Literature", coming out after the 18 Brother's coup, passed against the reaction. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe interaction of literature and the public building and the inevitability of the decline in literature with the disappearance of political freedom could not seem dangerous government of the first consul.

Germany and Italy. "Corinna"

When Madame de Stelle's salon became the center of the opposition, she was ordered to leave Paris. In 1802, she moved to Germany with Constan. Here she meets Götte, Schiller, Fichte, V. Gumboldt, A. Schlegem; The latter she instructs the upbringing of their children. The impressions she made out of his trip to Germany, went on the basis of the book: "De L'Allemagne", written five years later (see below). In 1804, the fatal disease of the Father calls her in Koppe. Since this time, cooling to her B. Konstan, to which she for many years feeds deep attachment, makesone it to suffer so much that she got a close death. To drown out their spiritual flour, she goes to Italy. In Milan, the Italian poet of Monti produces a strong impression. Although in his heart, her love for Constane has not yet been fond of Konstan, she fond of new feeling little and in his letters to Monti friendly tone is replaced by enthusiastic confessions. She calls him in Koppé and for a whole year lives the expectation of his arrival; But the slightly accrastful poet, afraid to bring the anger of Napoleon and lose his pension appointed to him, all postpones his arrival until the steel ceases to correspond with him. The fruit of Travel de Stelle in Italy was her novel: "Corinne Ou l'Italie". Italy attracted the attention of steel not by its nature, but as the Arena of the Great Historic Past. She believes that there is another spirit of the great people, and she strongly wishes the revival of this spirit. Steel takes a lot of places in reflections on the historical fate of Italy and Rome, about the Italian literature of art, gravestone monuments, etc. The story of the novel is the question of the fate of a brilliant woman, about the contradiction between love and glory. Corinne is steel itself, idealized and ascended to perfection; She strains all spiritual powers, consumes all his diving to reach the apogee of glory - and all this is just to be loved; But she remains unpleasant to those whom it puts above all. In the identity of the Lord Nelville, hints of Konstan are heard and treason. "Corinna" - the work is more sustained than "Dolphin" - there was a brilliant success in contemporaries. In 1807, using the lack of Napoleon, Steel, who gave birth to Paris, decided to settle in his surroundings. The rumor that she incognito appears in Paris itself, reached the emperor who found, among the concerns of the Prussian campaign, the time to prescribe to its immediate removal in Koppe.

"About Germany"

In 1807-1808 Steel again visited Weimar and visited Munich and Vienna. Returning from Germany, she learned in Geneva from Konstan about his secret marriage with Charlotte Gardenberg. This news first led her into rage, but then a religious peace went on her soul. To this era of her life belongs to her works above the book "On Germany", the most complete of its works. In the book "De L'Allemagne", steel is set to introduce French society with the nature of German nationality, with the life of the Germans, their literature, philosophy and religion. The author introduces the French reader into a foreign world of ideas, images and feelings for him and tries to explain the features of this world if possible, pointing to historical and local conditions and constantly conducting a parallel between the aspirations and the concepts of Nations by French and German. For the first time, in the era of the domination of cosmopolitan ideas, Steel nominates the issue of nationality. It puts its task with defense of nations, their rights to political and spiritual independence; She is trying to prove that the nation is not the creation of the arbitrariness of individuals, but the phenomenon is historical, and that the world of Europe is determined by mutual respect for the rights of peoples. When the book "About Germany" was printed (1810), Madame de Stalle sent her Napoleon, with a letter in which she asked him an audience. She believed that the strength of her belief that ended in many may affect the emperor.

Trip to Russia

Conscious of himself abandoned, she wrote: "It feels the proximity of the evening twilight, among whom no longer notice traces of the radiance of the morning dawn." But she was destined to even once everyday happiness. In 1810, the young officer Albert de Rocca returned to Geneva from the Spanish hike to treat from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Caring for him, Steel fascinated him and he is his passionate passion, despite a significant difference in age, infected and steel. After some oscillations, she secretly married him. In 1812, the persecution of the Swiss authorities who acted in the please of Napoleon, forced steel to flee from Koppe and she went through Austria to Russia. Here she was rendered the wider hospitality, L. V. Borovikovsky writes her portrait. K. N. Batyushkov characterizes de Stelle: "... Funny like the hell and clever as an angel."

She described his impressions in Russia in the second part of his book "DIX Annees d'Exil" (1821). Here, many labeled comments on the nature of the Russian people, about the public uklaya of the time, about the life and the businesses of different classes of society (see Art. A. Trachevsky, "Mrs. Steel in Russia", "Historical Bulletin", 1894, No. 10). From Russia, Steel left for Sweden, where Bernadot offered her asylum. From there she went to England and remained there until Napoleon was broken and concluded on the island of Elbe; Then she returned to Paris after 10 years of expulsion.

Restoration. Last years. Steel as a historian of revolution

The reaction was reacting after the restoration, opened its indignation. It was equally indignant as "humiliation" of France by Inomes, and intolerance and obscurantism of the party of aristocratic emigrants. In this mood, she began at the end of his "Considerations Sur Les Principaux evenements de la Revolution Francaise" (1818). The essay this consists of several parts, between which there is no complete unity. Initially, Madame de Stelle intended to limit itself to the presentation of the first phaseism of the revolution and write, by the way, the apology of his father; But then she expanded the content of his work, setting the goal to provide the defense of the French revolution and find out its main results. She joined the Etude on the British Constitution and Society, and then reasoning about the state of affairs in France in 1816. For 25 years (1789-1814), de Stelle not only observed all stages of development of the French Revolutionary Spirit, but responded with all its impressionable In kind of all the unrest of this turbulent era. Summing up the revolutionary period, Madame de Stelle sees the main goal of the revolution in the conquest of political and spiritual freedom. The revolution not only made France free, but also gave her welfare. If the crimes of individuals stained the revolution, he never appeared in France and so much sublime parties to the human spirit. Inspoping noble enthusiasm in many hearts, the revolution put forward great figures and testified the future of the Eternal Principles of Freedom. The reasons for the revolution lies in general historical conditions, and not in the actions and aspirations of individuals. In the chapter on the restoration of de Stelle gives a bright picture of the coming reaction mode: "Is it really," she writes, "it is possible to rule how three hundred years ago ?! ... them (new rulers) are needed by the power, religious intolerance, court aristocracy, not having For me, no merit besides a pedigree tree, the people were ignorant and dilapidated, the army, rendered to a simple mechanism, the stuening of the press, the lack of any civil liberties - and instead of its police spies and bought journalism, which would praise this darkness! " The final pages of the book represent a political will Madame de Stelle. The political reorganization of Europe will be accomplished by the peoples and in the name of nations. It foresees the great future of the Russian people and the primary role of the North American United States. She advises the Germans and Italians to rally in the federation.


In the moral character of Madame de Stelle, according to Professor Storozhenko, two main features: the passionate need of love, personal happiness - and no less passionate love for freedom. It should be noted another third line, which, together with the above, recreates not only moral, but also the mental look. "Germane Necker," writes A. Sorel, "thoughts thirst for happiness, like happiness. Her mind was distinguished by an unsatible greedy to know everything, the ability to hug everything ... He had the gift of penetration into other people's ideas and the gift of instigated inspiration with his own ideas; Both were not a consequence of long reflection, but was born during a conversation, in the form of inspired improvisation. " In the same way, both in their literary works in their hobbies, and in their literary works, with an argument, madame de the new ideas, flew in the air, Madame de Stelle often changed her views on certain issues [as, for example, she used to be fond of materialism, and at the end Life becomes a spiritualist, it rejects freedom of will, it allows it, etc.], but consistently remained faithful principles of civil liberties and the political ideals of the Constituent Assembly of 1789. The influence of deeble on the subsequent French literature is deep and multilateral. A. Sorel calls her a "muse" of a large mug of French scientists and writers. GIZO, according to Southell, was an interpreter of the political ideas of Madame de Stelle. The influence of it affected the works of many other French writers (Kina, Nodje, Lanfre). Her book "On Germany", according to Goethe, is a giant ram, which punched the boat in the Chinese wall of prejudices, separated by two people. In the field of French literature, she, along with Shatubre, is rightly considered the degree of the French romantic school. Madame de Steel did not possess a large fictional talent; The creation of characters did not succeed. In the face of his heroin, she describes only himself, experienced feelings; in other her faces a little life; They almost do not act, but only express the views that the writer is waging them in the mouth. But she first not only gave the exact definition of the nature of the new (romantic) literature, unlike the classic, but also pointed out the work on new techniques for reality reproduction, new poetic forms.


Other Works Steel

* "Reflexions Sur La Paix Adressees a M. Pitt Et Aux Francais" (1795)
* "Zulma et Trois Nouvelles" (1813)
* "Essais Dramatiques" (1821)
* "Oeuvres Completes" 17 t., (1820-21)

Lifetime translations into Russian

* "Melina", lane. Karamzina, 1795
* "Corinna", M., 1809
* "Dolphin", M., 1803
* "New Tale", M., 1815

Modern editions

* "On the influence of passions on the happiness of people and peoples" // Literary manifests of Western European romantics, ed. A. S. Dmitriev, M., Publishing House of Moscow University, 1980, p.363-374, per. E. P. Grechanaya;
* "On literature in its connection with public institutions" // Literary manifestes of Western European romantics, ed. A. S. Dmitrieva, M., Publishing House of Moscow University, 1980, p.374-383, per. E. P. Grechanaya;
* "On Germany" // Literary manifests of Western European romantics, ed. A. S. Dmitrieva, M., Publishing House of Moscow University, 1980, p.383-391, per. E. P. Grechanaya;
* "On literature reviewed in connection with public institutions", M., Art, 1989, Serie: History of aesthetics in monuments and documents, per. V. A. Milchina;
* "Ten years in exile", M., Ogi, 2003, preluded., Per. and comments. V. A. Milchina.

Work about Ne.

* Biography Madame de Stelle composed of Mrs. Necker de Sosurur (in "Oeuvr. Compl.") And Blennerhaset: "Frau Von S., Ihre Freunde und Ihre Bedeutung in Politik Und Litteratur" (1889).
* Gerando, "Lettres inedites de M-Me de Recamier and De M-Me de Stael" (1868);
* "Correspondence Diplomatique, 1783-99", Baron Steel-g. (1881); * * * * Norris, "Life and Times of M. De S." (1853);
* Amiel, "Etudes Sur M. De S." (1878)
* A. Stevens, M-ME De Stael (1881)
* A. Sorel, M-ME De Stael (1890; there is a Russian translation)

works of St. Beva and Brandez
* Storozhenko, "Mrs. De-Steel" ("Journal of Europe", 1879, № 7)
* Shakhov, "Essays of the literary movement in the first half of the XIX century. Lectures on the history of French literature "(1894)
* S. in Stein, Mrs. De-Steel ("Journal of Europe", 1900, No., 8-10)
* Lyubaretz S. N. Aesthetics Germains de Stelle in the context of the Epoch of Enlightenment // Another XVIII century. Collection of scientific works. Ot. ed. N. T. Pakhsaryan. M., 2002.


Steel, Germen (Stael, Germaine) (1766-1817), Madame de Steel, the full name - Baroness de Stalles-Holstein, one of the largest figures stood at the origins of French romanticism and modern literary criticism. Anna Louise Germain Necker (Anne Louise Germaine Necker) was born in the Franco-Swiss Protestant family on April 22, 1766 in Paris. Her father, banker Jacques Necker, became the Minister of Finance Louis XVI; Mother, Susanna Kursho Necker, was a shop of salon, where Anna Louise was talked with such famous thinkers, like D. Didro, J.D. "Alamber, E. Biebon and Count De Buffon. In 1786 she married Baron Eric Magnus De Stal-Holstein (1749-1802), the Swedish Messenger in France, but soon they broke up. With the beginning of the French revolution, 1789 her salon turned into an influential political center. She supported the moderately liberal reforms of his father. After the final resignation of Necker in 1790 came close to The party of "constitutionalists", and later, in 1791, made the appointment of Narbon's Military Minister of His Military Minister. A few days before the "September terror", 1792 she helped him run to England and followed him at the beginning of 1793. In May of the same year, Probably at the insistence of his father, moved to his estate Copp near Geneva, where she had to spend most of his life.

Its first significant work about the influence of passions for the happiness of people and peoples (DE L "Influence Des Passions Sur Le Bonheure Des Individus Et Des Nations, 1796) was written under the impression of the era of Terror in France, when she managed to save the lives from his friends. Fall Robespierre gave her the opportunity to return to 1795 to Paris along with a politician and publicist B. Konstan, a stormy connection with which was interrupted only in 1810. Being in a permanent opposition to all the political regimes of France, from the directory to the restored monarchy of Bourbon, the steel was repeatedly persecuted, And in 1803, it was finally expelled from Paris. Coppa, where she took the prominent representatives of the intellectual and socio-political elite of their time, attracted everyone who shared antibonapartist sentiment. She traveled to Germany (1803-1804), where he met Goethe, Schiller , Fichte and leaders of the romantic movement; in Italy (1805); in France (180 6-1807 and 1810); Then in Austria and again to Germany (1808). To a large extent, thanks to these trips, the two most famous books were born: Roman-self-portrait Corinne (Corinne, 1808; Rus. Translation 1809-1810) and a treatise on Germany (DE L "Allemagne), which reflected the impressions of this country. Last work The German literature and philosophy of the initial romantic pore for France was declared subversive and "French"; it was published only in 1813 in London. Madame de Stelle was able to return to Paris in 1814, after the fall of Napoleon.

Probably, its most significant work was made of reflections on the basic events of the French Revolution (Considerations Sur Les PrinciPaux Evenements de La Revolution Francaise, 1816): Its interpretation of events asked for all subsequent historians of liberal sense. The other essays include a largely autobiographical Roman Dolphin (Delphine, 1803; Rus. Translation 1803-1804) and a treatise on literature considered in connection with public institutions (De La La Litterare Consideree Dans Ses rapports Avec Les Institutions Sociales, 1800), Where an attempt is made to interpret the intellectual coup in sociological aspect and formulate a new theory of progress.

The most outstanding woman of their era, Madame de Stelle had a strong influence on friends, among whom historians A.The Barant and Zh. Sismondi, as well as the German critic, translator and poet A.V.Shlegel.

Biography ("France writers." Cost. E. Etkind, Publisher "Enlightenment", Moscow, 1964 G.Rabinovich.)

The eighteenth century, the witness of the agony of French feudalism, the stern judge of nerazumiya and the cheerful preacher of the mind, died, without surviving up to one hundred years. His death was undeniable witnessed by thousands of Parisians who stormed Bastilia on July 14, 1789. The French who survived the "Great Revolution" became citizens of the new century, not completely cease to be subjects to the old. This dual citizenship imposed a kind of imprint on many people of that era. In the appearance of Germothies, it can, perhaps, gives herself to feel particularly clear.

Enlightenment and enlighteners entered her life when she was still a child. Anna Luiza Germen Necker was a daughter of a famous political figure, banker and finance minister in Louis XVI Jeaca Necker, famous for its financial reform projects and a brilliant salon, who visited celebrities such as Didro, Daember, Buffon, Marmontel, Bernarden de Saint-Pierre. At eleven years, she listened to the talk of these people and responded to their joking questions; Fifteen read the "Spirit of Laws" Montesquieu and the well-known "financial report" of his father, expressing them quite mature judgments. The favorite books of her youth were "Clarissa Gallow" Richardson, Verter Goethe and, of course, Romanes Rousseau, and her first serious printed work - enthusiastic panegirik Great Enlightener: "Letters about works and about the character of Jean Jacques Russo" (1788). This choice is very indicative: unlike the other entities of the Enlightenment, Rousseau resolutely preferred to reason the feeling; In his footsteps, all romance will go and one of the first - the granome Necker.

A painful-impressionable girl admired the descriptions of the experiences of the heroes of "New Eloiza" or the history of the spiritual life of the Rousseau himself, tolded by him in the "confession." She dreamed of family happiness, about heart intimacy with a loved one. These dreams did not come true: twenty years later, Germain was married to the Swedish Messenger in Parison De Stala, who was over with seventeen years old. Dictated by calculations, not love, the marriage was extremely unsuccessful; A few years later, Madame de Stelle went with her husband, having time to glorify his name by that time.

The enthusiastic worship before the feeling and his ingenious apologist, Rousseau did not prevent, however, Madame de Stelle to inherit a purely Voltaire passion for analysis and reasoning; After a multicolver after the letters about Rousseau, she published - already in emigration in 1796 - the treatise "On the influence of passions on the happiness of individuals and peoples", in which it described in detail and analyzed all sorts of human passions - from the thirst of glory to love. But the main thing is, what Madame de Stelle was (and until the end of his life remained) the faithful daughter of the Education of Enlightenment, is her unstable faith in progress, in the triumph of reason, good and justice over ignorance, evil and violence. This faith could not shake either tragic public shocks, for many years closing the road to her home (suffice to say that Napoleon considered her his personal enemy) nor sorrows, failures and numerous disappointments, comprehended Madame de Stelle in family life.

Wide and finely educated, brilliantly owned by the art of a conversation and a dispute that had sharp bizarre, although often inclined to scatter with the mind, Germen de Stal on the eve of the revolution very quickly becomes one of the central figures of the cultural life of his time, and her salon - one of Famous in Paris.

The first steps of the revolution called her admiration, especially since they returned - the truth, for a while - the ministerial chair is her hot beloved father. Terror frightened it; She went to emigration, from where he returned after the fall of the Jacobin dictatorship. Directory, and then Napoleon again sent it into exile, where she remained almost until the end of life. She spent most of this time in Switzerland, in the castle of his father - Cogte, where they visited many outstanding cultural figures of those years, among them the Schlegel Brothers, Sissondi, Benjaen Constance; In recent years, she traveled a lot.

With Benjaen Konstany Madame de Stelle reached; Their novel, which lasted for several years, brought a lot of grief to the writer. The author of Adolf was a human selfish and narcissist; In proximity to the famous woman, he was looking for primarily satisfying his ambition. These relations ended with a painful gap, which Madame de Stelle, sincerely loved Konstan, worried very hard.

As the writer Germen de Stelle detects another characteristic feature that relates it from the XVIII century: a moralist and thinker often take the top of the artist in it, and it sometimes prefers ideas in the "pure" form by ideas embodied in the images. Both of her novel - "Dolphin" (1802) and "Corinne, or Italy" (1807) - can serve as a model of a novel of ideas or a journalistic novel.

They narrate about the tragic fate of a woman who dared to rise by the JaM prejudices and the ugly morality of a model society. In the first of them, the heroine - the young widow of Dolphin D "Albeemar - wants to arrange his life, not believing with public opinion; society will bete her hatred and slander; it loses his beloved, who does not know how and does not want to become the above opinion of the secular ordinary people. His novel Madame De Stal claimed the right of a woman to love for a free choice, not related to public prejudices; In addition, she loudly and very boldly protested against the non-absorption and imaginary "holiness" of church marriage. It is known that Napoleon considered this novel "immoral".

On the struggle of a talented and bold woman against social prejudices, against the hypocrisy of the dominant morality, the second Roman Madame de Stelle - "Corinna, or Italy" tells; It reflects the personal impressions of the writer from her trip to Italy. She devoted a lot of beautiful pages to the description of the nature and monuments of the art of this country.

The wonderful qualities of Madame de Stelle as a thinker with a lot of force act in its theoretical treatises that make up the most important part of the writer's literary inheritance.

In 1800, she published a treatise "On literature considered in connection with public institutions". Only a few contemporaries of Madame de Stelle and not all the descendants managed to appreciate this smart and significantly overwhelming his time. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe treatise is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe development of literature as a result of the political and cultural progress of society and on the role of the literature itself in this progress.

"I set a goal," Madame de Stelle writes, "consider what the influence of religion, morals and laws on the literature and what is the effect of literature on religion, morals and laws ... It seems to me that moral and political reasons that change the spirit of literature The studied not enough ... Considering the very demonstration differences that can be found between the writings of Italians, the British, Germans and the French, I was hoping to prove that political and religious establishments were strongly facilitated by the emergence of these permanent differences. "

Such an understanding of literature (and wider - art as a whole) overturned the main dogma of classicists - the dogma about the absolute ideal of the beautiful, unchanged at all times and mandatory for all peoples. Proclaimed the idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopment, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe historical and national originality of literature and art, Madame de Steel, the faithful daughter of the eighteenth century, widely opened the doors of the nineteenth, foreshadowed "Rasin and Shakespeare" standal and preface to the "Cromrevel" of Hugo, in short, he began the era of romanticism. In 1810, in Paris, another big treatise Madame de Stelle was printed - "On Germany"; This edition was destroyed by order of the Napoleonic Minister's Minister, which the book seemed "not enough French", probably because of those praise, which were held in the address of the German culture; The treatise saw the light in France only after the fall of Napoleon. The material for the treatise was observations made by the writer during a trip to Germany, personal meetings with many outstanding German writers and philosophers - among them were Goethe and Schiller. It will not be an exaggeration to say that this book has opened German literature and philosophy to French, previously not known to them.

The treatise contains an interesting definition of romanticism, which is in contact with the development of society: "Often the word" classic "consider the synonym for" perfect ". I use it here in another meaning, considering the classical poetry as the art of ancient, and romantic poetry as art, to a certain extent as rising to the Knight's traditions. This difference is also associated with two eras in the history of the world: Era, preceding the establishment of Christianity, and the one that followed this event. "

The faithful such principle, Madame de Stal, was looking for an explanation for the peculiarities of the German literature, which was considered the advantage of the romantic, in the life of the German society of those years. True, she strongly idealized this society, for which he later criticized Henry Heine, who wrote in the "Romantic School": "Where Madame de Stelle remains, where, with her inherent latitude of feelings, she speaks directly in all his heart, In all the brilliance of his mental fireworks and sparkling solarness, there is a book excellent and useful there. But when she begins to give in to someone's chipping, when she is famous for school, the creature of which she is completely alien and it is not clear ... Then the book becomes miserable and tasteless. This is also joined by the fact that it is biased not only unconsciously, but also consciously that praise in honor of the mental life and idealism of Germany, in essence, the goal to hurt the then realism of the French, the material magnificence of the imperial era. "

But the historical role of the treatise is undoubted; Bridging two national cultures, he promoted the approach of both nations. He spoke about this with deep sympathy, evaluating the treatise, Goethe: "The Book of Madame de Stelle was a taranus who pierced the wide scum in the Chinese wall from the old prejudices, towering between France and us. Thanks to this book, an interest in us was awakened both on the other side of the Rhine, and on the other side of La Mansha. "

Germen de Stelle had a precious and rare in France, those years with the ability to understand and respect the national peculiarity of other peoples. Traveling in Russia, she looked closely with a deep interest and sympathy to this "mysterious" country and its people. "The people who preserve such advantages is able to surprise the world," she wrote in his book memories - and was not mistaken. Her turnout was not an accident: the writer believed in the future and in a person, although his many modern contemporaries fought in that and in the other. A. S. Pushkin, expressing the opinion of the advanced critics of the Russian society, highly appreciated the identity of Madame de Stal, which "honored the Napoleon of the persecution, the monarchs of the power of attorney, Bayron of his friendship, Europe of its respect," and her literary creativity. "A look fast and insightful, comments strolling in their news and truth, gratitude and goodwill, who drove the feather of writing - everything brings the mind and feelings of an extraordinary woman" - so in 1825, Pushkin about the book "Ten-year expulsion", many pages of which are dedicated to The fair and intelligent characteristic of Russia, which granted shelter by this non-gas opponent's Napoleonic dictatorship, the insurgent, which Heinrich Heine is somewhat ironically, but with sincere sympathy called "Robespierre in a skirt".

Biography ("Evening")

Before Germaine de Steel, no woman played such a role in the story, which fell to her. She was not a queen, an empress who ruled over people due to hereditary right. She achieved a higher honor - became the ruler of the spirit of a whole generation, who survived the Great French Revolution. Germen de Stelle prepared the ground for a romantic rebellion in France, its writings marked a transitional step from enlightenment to romanticism. It is difficult to find a woman who at the beginning of the XIX century would be so famous in Europe and whose works would consider their duty to study the most worthy men. Highly appreciated the graduation of de Steel Goethe, Schiller, Shamisso, the brothers smiled. Byron, skeptically believed to "scientists", for her did an exception. "This is an outstanding woman," he wrote in his diary, "she made more in the mental region more than all the other women taken together, she would be born a man." Well, Onegin, tormented by Brutal Handrea and re-reading everything that stood on a book regiment of an educated person of his time, of course, could not miss the works of the French writer.

He read Gibbon, Rousseau,
Manzoni, Gerder, Shamfora,
Madame De Stael, Bisha, Tisso,
Read skeptic white,
I read the creativity of the phongrounde ...

Agree that one already one "Star" neighborhood on the bookshelf speaks about our heroine more than any panechnik. However, speaking of de steel as a writer, often forget that she was rather endowed with literary dating, but brilliant education and lively versatile mind. She composed the plays, novels, but a more successful method of its activities were political pamphlets, theoretical work on aesthetics, in which German de Stelle expressed the thought of thought. She left one of the first historical work on his time - "consideration of the main events of the French revolution," published posthumously in 1818.

But the talent of Germenes manifested itself and in one, now completely disappeared. Swiss banker Necker, her father, was considered a great sentence of finance. Louis XVI three times urged him to post the minister to save the economy of France from the collapse. According to his public situation, the spouses did not have to live openly, to keep, as they said, the salon, where local celebrities were going. At the beginning of the eighties, when the Swiss settled in Paris for the first time, the salon regulars paid attention to the adolescent girl who was constantly present at the meetings, with an unusually rolling face and wipe, smart eyes - the daughter of the owner. And if later the granome became famous for its salon techniques, then there is nothing surprising in this - from the young age she hurried in the evenings to occupy a "legitimate" place on a stool near the mother's chair and, barely began, - all turned into a rumor. She, of course, was not yet allowed to "disclose" the mouth, but no one could ban the Germain to listen, opening his mouth. It seemed that it was equally interested in any issues discussed in the salon - politics, religion, literature. But a real bliss for Germains became conversations alone with her father. When in 1781, Minister Necker issued his famous financial report, a fifteen-year-old daughter wrote him an anonymous letter in which he made her comments on this work.

As many educated young people of that time, Germain was fond of Rousseau. It is now difficult to imagine, why so many unrest experienced readers "Yulia, or New Eloiza", so much tears shed over the history of the Love of the Intelligent Plebea Saint-Prev to Married Yulia, whose spouse Volmir graciously allowed them to communicate, confident in the virtues of his wife. Germale also fell into the number of ribbed veneers Rousseau. However, she did not belong to those who simply sympathize with the experiences of heroes. "Public Agreement", preached Rousseau, became a political Bible for Germains. The girl had too powerful analytical mind to see only a love story in "New Eloise". Rousseau stimulated the thought of young german. At twenty-two years, she wrote "reasoning on the writings and character of J.-zh. Rousseau," showing the amazing independence of judgments.

However, one should not think that our heroine, who owns the logic, perfectly in masculine to clothe his thoughts into clear phrases, was the type of dry, rational woman. On the contrary, many contemporaries noted the excessive passion of her nature, incontinence and, if it would be allowed to say, even an uncompatory. Special, having trouble making a marriage of the Swedish Messenger Eric Magnus de Steel Golstaine with the rich heiress of the Swiss banker - the girl Necker, wrote after the engagement of the young king Gustavu III: "I wish from the heart to be happy, but, in truth, I feel bad in This. True, his wife is brought up in the rules of honor and virtue, but she is completely unfamiliar with the light and his decenings, and moreover, such a high opinion of her mind, that it will be difficult to convince her shortcomings. She is powerful and decisive in their judgments; she So I am confident in yourself, like a single woman at her age and position. She judges around everything and there, and although she cannot be refused about the mind, but nevertheless, of the twenty-five judgments expressed by it, just one thing happens quite relevant. Messenger is not Dares to make it any remark from fear to push it from herself at first. " Well, if the marriage of Mr. de Stale was misarily tactless and negligently, his wife, who did not attach great importance to secular decenings, then marriage made Germain to truly unhappy.

Burdened by debts, a pretty battered secular veil, married the sake of the dowry, Eric de Stelle in all respects "did not reach" until his second half. The poetic dreams of a young girl who she preached in his treatises - about the merger in the marriage of two lives in one - crumbled into dust. The only child of their union, Gustavina, did not live up to two years. Wanting to hide from disappointments, Germen with even greater zeal indulged in literary classes and, according to his parents, opened the salon, in which the former guests of her mother were going to inherit. According to the stories of contemporaries, the young hostess fascinated the interlocutors brilliant eloquence, the ability to improvise and awesome for a wonder. "If I were the Queen," he said one of her verses, "I would have forced her to always talk to me."

Revolution of 1789 de Stelle met with enthusiasm. An opposition to Louis XVI Salon enthusiastically welcomed the fall of Bastille. In addition, the father of Germain, whom she still guarded, twice fired by the king, a new government was called for state activities. German initially took an active part in revolutionary events, but an unlimited terror made it move from the "offensive" to the "protracted defense". Only the position of the wife of the Swedish Messenger helped de steel to save many of their friends from the guillotine. One day, Germain met with the Military Minister of the Yard Louis Count Narbonnaya - a brilliant cavalier and a noble knight, a word, a man of her dreams. Romantic escape abroad, in which de Stelle took an active part, gave Narbonne in her eyes a halo of martyr. In the end, a woman followed in England, where she found her lover her beloved, and, not very believed to be the opinion of the world, did not hide close friendship with the graph. Narbonic relations continued for long, soon a letter of her husband, in which he called on the wrong wife to a family hearth, awakened the Germain from romantic dreams. True, German gave birth from the chart of Narbonne two sons, which she prudently left the last name de Stelle.

It is difficult to say now, as the graf survived the loss of the beloved, but it is known for certain that the time healed the heart wound Germenes, and two years later they met in Paris as good acquaintances, experiencing only light injections of pride from mutual indifference. Changing the political situation allowed the family to return to France. The first victories of the young general Bonaparte admired Germain. She wrote him enthusiastic letters. Dee steel One of the first noticed that Napoleon rapidly walked to dictatorship, and did not consider it necessary to hide his own observations. Free-thinking nature of the writer took over the female passion. And the vengeful Bonaparte never forgave her. To Germain Napoleon experienced a pathological hatred straight!

"He could not stand the famous Mr. de Stelle even before he was angry at her opposition political mindset, and he hated her for excess, in his opinion, for a woman political interest, for her claims for erudition and deep offense. Unquestioned obedience and Subordination of his will - this is the necessary quality, without which the woman did not exist for him, "- wrote E.V. Tarla in his book "Napoleon".

However, men were found, who saw ideal in it. In 1794, Germen got acquainted with Benjan Konstany, a very noticeable political and literary figure of that time. At that time she was about thirty. She was not beautiful; The features of her were too large. The main charm, according to the reviews of contemporaries, was large black eyes, which became unusually expressive when Germen was inspired by the conversation. With his matte-bronze face, she looked at Turkhanka with his own eyes, as he apparently knew, and therefore it was striving to strengthen the similarity with their headdress, similar to the eastern Turban. Constance was a striking handsome. With his piercing blue eyes, with his scattered rusiars and her fantastic cloak, he represented the type of a romantic man who was then in fashion, especially since the melancholic, faded, a tired view of the surrounding painted a picture of the missing, a few demonic young men who worked on her stamp tragedy. In fact, everything was quite the opposite - the Germen became a real "devil" in their union. Volva, energetic, powerful woman conquered Konstan. In the diary he wrote: "I never saw the best woman, more graceful, more devoted, but I also had also seen a woman who would prevent such persistent demands, not noticing it, which would absorb all the lives of all others and which All the advantages would have a more despotic personality; all the existence of another person, minutes, hours, years must be at her disposal. And when she is given to their passion, there is a catastrophe like a throat and earthquakes. She is a spoiled child, this is all said "

Well, German knew himself and did not intend to adapt to someone. Of course, the love of De Stelle and Benjan of Konstan is worthy of description in a serious psychological novel, but in the life of lovers a lot "drank each other." Germen insisted on the actual divorce with her old husband, leaving himself only the name de Stelle, gave birth to a daughter, but a passionate feeling that lasted a whole decade, resulted in endless nervous scenes. Even when they parted, the granome managed to confuse peace of the benglae \u200b\u200bletters. In the diary, Constance specifically celebrated rare days not marked by clarifying relationships. What kind of complex the relationship should be, not having to stop them, in the end exclaim: "God! Free from each other!".

Probably, the reader guessed the finals of the novel of our heroine. "On such as ghermen, do not get married." Indeed, Konsen finally, satisfied with passions, wrapped with pretty, simple German Charlotte. And ... immediately began to miss an abandoned mistress. As an idol Donan, he tormented the hearts of both women - the talented and intelligent de steel and a colorless, obscure hat.

Meanwhile, the conflict of Germenes with Napoleon reached apogee. In January 1800, Constance spoke about born tyranny. Napoleon came to rabies, he did not consider the inspirator of this speech without reason. The writer was invited to leave Paris. In April 1800, she answered this order by publishing a book "On literature", in which Bonaparte saw a direct drop against his power.

The full name of this work "On the literature considered in connection with public institutions" accurately determined its basic idea. Solid studies, Germen tried to make an overview of European writing from Homer to the French Revolution, explaining the nature of the literature of every people with the terms of his public and political life. This global work de Stelle marked the beginning of a cultural and historical method in the history of literature.

The first artistic novel who brought Germame fame was the work inspired by the plots of his own struggle for loose love. The image of the heroine of Dolphins, the unfortunate, darisy of a woman, echoes the characteristics of the character of the writer itself. De Stelle rely on fantasy at all and preferred to transfer the most burning problems of time on the pages of his creations. Therefore, her novels most often resembled political or sociological treatises, manifestos against the abrasion of human rights. They were pompous and tightened, but they pulsed such a tense thought in them that they were not familiar with the new works of Madame de Stelle was considered indecent in Educated Europe.

Loud glory waited for the most significant novel of the writer "Corinne, or Italy". The recognizable peripetics of her love drama with Constan echoes in a book with serious generalizations.

In 1811, the charter from the persecution, Germen decided to leave to America. However, new love prevented the new plans. Being traveling to Switzerland, de Stelle met a young and beautiful French officer who he heal there wounds received in the Spanish War. Germen took a hot part in the fate of the sufferer, and, as expected, by the time of recovery, the officer was no longer thought of his future without our heroine. True, German did not want to "mix the people" and marry a man who was younger than twenty years, so she ... agreed to a secret marriage.

After the fall of Napoleon de Stelle with Triumph returned to Paris, where she was expected intense political life. The writer understood that the return of Burbones on the throne was unacceptable for France, so she herself chose a challenger to the power herself. However, the winners of Napoleon restored the dynasty of the former kings. And yet fifteen years later, in 1830, a challenger who was supported by Germen became King Louis Philipp. But it happened after the death of de steel.

On February 21, 1817, Germen went to the reception, arranged by the chief Minister of Louis XVIII. She fell when she climbed down the steps. There was hemorrhage to the brain. Germen de Stelle died in a significant day of the beginning of the Great French Revolution - July 14.

Biography ( M. A. Goldman.)

Steel (Stael; According to her husband Steel-Holstein; Stael-Holstein) Anna Louise Germen de (16 or 22.4.1766, Paris, - 14.7.1817, Ibid), French writer, theorist of literature, publicist. Daughter J. Necker. Received a versatile home education. There was a wife Swede. Messenger. The first essays: "Letters about works and personality J. Rousseau" (1788) and the tragedy of "Jane Gray" (publ. 1790). S. enthusiastically met the Great French Revolution, but he rejected the idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy carried out in 1793-94 by the Jacobins. Publicistic and other works of these years, close to her friend B. Konstan, show the moderation of political views S., nevertheless hostile despotism and royalism. In 1800, her book was published "On literature considered in connection with public institutions." The innovative judgments of the author marked the beginning of a historical and cultural and comparative study of literatures, and faith in progress and mind, attention to the peculiarities of the arts of all nations and epochs, a high assessment of the Middle Ages and W. Shakespeare undermined the foundations of classicism. First Roman S. - "Dolphin" (1802, Rus. Per. 1803-04). His romantic heroine rebuilded in the name of a free feeling against public standards. The preaching of the Freedom of Personality, the opposition of Napoleon's dictatorship led to the expulsion of S. from Paris (1803), then from until 1814 she lived in Switzerland (Copp Castle), traveled in Europe, met with F. Schiller, I. V. Guete, J.G . Byron, V. Humboldt. Roman "Corinne, or Italy" (1807, Rus. Per. 1809-10, 1969) reflected the Italian impressions of S., and his heroine - poetess and the artist - became a symbol of romantic freedom. The book S. "O (1810) was confiscated by Napoleon (published in 1813 in the UK). Despite the inconsistency of the author's positions, she first acquainted with philosophy, culture and literature of him. People and proclaimed the theory of romanticism. Our ideals of encyclopedists and versatile interests S. They are reflected in its unfinished memoirs "Ten-year expulsion" (publ. 1821). C. Highly appreciated A. S. Pushkin: in Roslavlev's novel, he described her appearance in Russian society in 1812.

Oh.: Ceuvres Completes, t. 1-17,., 1820-21.

Lit.: Pushkin A. S., full. Cathedral cit., vol. 6, 7, 10, M. - L., 1949; Roga V. F., Pushkin and Memoirs M-ME De Stael About Russia, P., 1914; The history of French literature, t. 2, M., 1956; Tomashevsky B., Pushkin and L., 1960; Repaments B., Poetic Mystery of Germame de Stelle, "Izv. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Series of Literature and Language", 1966, vol. 25, c. five; Volpert L. I., A. S. Pushkin and Mrs. de Stelle, in the book: French yearbook. 1972, M., 1974; Henning 1; A., L "ALLEMAGNE DE M-ME DE STAEL ET LA POLEMIQUE ROMANTIQUE ,., 1929; Andlau., Jeunesse de M-Me de Stael, Gen., 1970: M-Me De Stael et L" Europe (1766-1966 ),., 1970.


Born on April 22, 1766 in Paris. In the salon of her mother there were literary celebrities in Paris. He was constantly present at these evenings from 11 years old and heedly listened to the guests to talk. In vain, a strict mother tried a system of education based on the principles of debt, to restrain and discipline its lively and impressionable daughter.

The richly gifted and exalted girl, escape from the influence of the mother, especially hotly attached to his father, for the whole clock a talked about a wide variety of issues with his gently beloved daughter. Fifteen years old from the family of Germen wrote comments to the famous financial "report" of his father and made an extraction from the "Spirit of Laws" of Montcape, attaching his own reflections to them.

At this time, Richardson and Rousseau were her favorite writers. The influence of Richardson affected its first works, characterized by a sentimental direction.

Rousseau attracted it with its cult of nature and its upbringing system. Later (1788) she devotes him an enthusiastic sketch: "Lettres Sur Les Ecrits et Le Caractere De J. J. Rousseau". In 17 years, the heart of Germains is experiencing first love, but in favor of her mother, she has to suppress her feeling. Footprints of the inner struggle can be opened in her comedy: "Sophie Ou Les Sentiments Secrets" (1786), in which the bright colors are described by tomorrows of hopeless feeling. Madame Necker was looking for his daughter a brilliant party; Her choice was stopped at the Swedish Messenger in Paris, Baron de Steel Holstein.

In the device of this marriage, the courtyards of French and Swedish participated in the device. Landing the advice of their father, the 20-year-old Gerrene decided to give the hand of Baron de Stal, but in this marriage did not find happiness that dreamed of. Baron de Stal could not excite any sympathies in Germain: it was a poorly educated secular man and twice as older than his wife, who attracted him mainly to his rich dowry. When the revolution broke out and the necker was forced to flee from France, Madame de Stal first remained in Paris.

At this time, her salon, replacing the salon M-me Necker, managed to become the most brilliant in Paris. Memoirs of contemporaries are full of stories about the indelible impression, which in this period of his life produced a young woman. Its brilliant mind, eloquence and enthusiasm made it a queen of the elected Paris society.

When revolutionary unrest began, she, using his influence, saved many of the guillotine, often risking her life. The September killings made her flee from Paris. On the road, she was stopped and brought to the town hall, where only the intercession of Manuel saved her from furious ink. Having left Paris, she found shelter in England. Among other French emigrants there was a former military minister Count Louis De Narbonne, with which she began rapprochement still in Paris.

It was her first, found reciprocity, passion, the influence of which was reflected in the book written by it at that time: "De L'Influence Des Passions Sur Le Bonheur Des Individus Et Des Nations" (published later, in 1796). Acting the goal, under the influence of terror experienced by her, to prove the harmful effect of fanaticism, ambition and other passions for the well-being of individual personalities and whole societies, the author, as soon as it comes to love (in the chapter "De L'Amour"), turns from a strict moralist in Enthusiastic strife.

Soon, however, the distressed by the treason of Narbonne, the steel broke up with him. Before leaving England, the steel, outraged by the cruel appeal to the queen Maria Antoinetta, issued anonymously brochure: "Reflexion Sur Le Proces de La Reine, Par Une Femme" (1793), in which she tried to initiate compassion for the unfortunate queen.

In 1793, the steel moved to Switzerland (in Copp) and, buried the mother here, spent two years in the society of a hot beloved father, before the mind and character of which she bowed to the end of his life (in 1804 she published Vie Privee de Mr. Necker ).

At this time, she is among her a variety of art figures in her house. The writer Frederic Brun lives for several years.

In Copp, Steel met with Benjament Konstany. The strong impression that, during the first meeting, these diametrically opposite characters made each other, marked the beginning of a novelnomatic episode that stretched more than ten years and had a huge impact on life and literary activities M-me steel.

In 1796, the French Republic was recognized by Switzerland and steel could return to Paris. Here, her salon again became an influential literary and political center. Among the regular visitors, it was Cyes, Talleyran, Gara, Foriel, Sissondi, B. Kontanstan. Having achieved a tight divorce with her husband, but continuing to live with him in the same house, M-me Steel found himself in a dual position, which were not slowed down to take advantage of her secular and political opponents, making it a target of abusive conversations. The outcome of her feelings worried at that time, she gives the "Delphine" novel, who defeated her literary glory: the unfortunate fate of a high-flowered woman, who joined the unequal struggle with a public opinion despotism, is depicted here.

At the same time, the steel works above the extensive essay: "De La Luitterare, Consideree Dans Ses Rapports Avec Les Institutions Sociales" (1796-99). The task of the book is to trace the influence of religion, morals, legislation on literature and back. Studying the interaction of society and literature, observing gradual changes in the ideas and forms of life, the steel states during the historical development of slow, but continuous improvement (Perfectibilite). In a massive comments, she discovers a subtle understanding of the relationship of various forms and directions of literary works with a social environment and finishes the book by the teaching on what the literature should be in the new Republican Society: it should serve as an expression of new public ideals and be a protector of political and moral freedom.

The book "On Literature", coming out after the 18 Brother's coup, passed against the reaction. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe interaction of literature and the public building and the inevitability of the decline in literature with the disappearance of political freedom could not seem dangerous government of the first consul.

When the M-me Salon Steel became the center of the opposition, M-ME S. ordinen was to leave Paris. In 1802, she moved to Germany with Constan. Here she meets Götte, Schiller, Fichte, V. Gumboldt, A. Schlegem; The latter she instructs the upbringing of their children. The impressions she made out of his trip to Germany, went on the basis of the book: "De L'Allemagne", written five years later (see below). In 1804, the fatal disease of the Father calls her in Koppe. Since this time, cooling to her B. Konstan, to which she for many years feeds deep attachment, makesone it to suffer so much that she got a close death. To drown out their spiritual flour, she goes to Italy.

In Milan, the Italian poet of Monti produces a strong impression. Although in his heart, her love for Constane has not yet been fond of Konstan, she fond of new feeling little and in his letters to Monti friendly tone is replaced by enthusiastic confessions. She calls him in Koppé and for a whole year lives the expectation of his arrival; But the slightly accrastful poet, afraid to bring the anger of Napoleon and lose his pension appointed to him, all postpones his arrival until the steel ceases to correspond with him.

The fruit of Travel S. in Italy was her novel: "Corinne Ou L'Italie". Italy attracted the attention of steel not by its nature, but as the Arena of the Great Historic Past. She believes that there is another spirit of the great people, and she strongly wishes the revival of this spirit. Steel takes a lot of places in reflections on the historical fate of Italy and Rome, about the Italian literature of art, gravestone monuments, etc. The story of the novel is the question of the fate of a brilliant woman, about the contradiction between love and glory. Corinne is steel itself, idealized and ascended to perfection; She strains all spiritual powers, consumes all his diving to reach the apogee of glory - and all this is just to be loved; But she remains unpleasant to those whom it puts above all.

In the identity of the Lord Nelville, hints of Konstan are heard and treason. "Corinna" - the work is more sustained than "Dolphin" - there was a brilliant success in contemporaries. In 1807, using the lack of Napoleon, Steel, who gave birth to Paris, decided to settle in his surroundings. The rumor that she incognito appears in Paris itself, reached the emperor who found, among the concerns of the Prussian campaign, the time to prescribe to its immediate removal in Koppe.

In 1807-1808 Steel again visited Weimar and visited Munich and Vienna. Returning from Germany, she learned in Geneva from Konstan about his secret marriage with Charlotte Gardenberg. This news first led her into rage, but then a religious peace went on her soul. To this era of her life belongs to her works above the book "On Germany", the most complete of its works.

In the book "De L'Allemagne", steel is set to introduce French society with the nature of German nationality, with the life of the Germans, their literature, philosophy and religion. The author introduces the French reader into a foreign world of ideas, images and feelings for him and tries to explain the features of this world if possible, pointing to historical and local conditions and constantly conducting a parallel between the aspirations and the concepts of Nations by French and German. For the first time, in the era of the domination of cosmopolitan ideas, Steel nominates the issue of nationality.

It puts its task with defense of nations, their rights to political and spiritual independence; She is trying to prove that the nation is not the creation of the arbitrariness of individuals, but the phenomenon is historical, and that the world of Europe is determined by mutual respect for the rights of peoples. When the book "About Germany" was printed (1810), M-me Steel sent it to Napoleon, with a letter in which she asked him an audience. She believed that the strength of her belief that ended in many may affect the emperor.

Napoleon remained adamant. By ordering to burn her book, although I missed the censorship, he ordered her to stay in Koppé, where he was surrounded by her spies and where she forbade her to ride her.

Conscious of himself abandoned, she wrote: "It feels the proximity of the evening twilight, among whom no longer notice traces of the radiance of the morning dawn." But she was destined to even once everyday happiness. In 1810, the young officer Albert de Rocca returned to Geneva from the Spanish hike to treat from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Caring for him, Steel fascinated him and he is his passionate passion, despite a significant difference in age, infected and steel.

After some oscillations, she secretly married him. In 1812, the persecution of the Swiss authorities who acted in the please of Napoleon, forced steel to flee from Koppe and she went through Austria to Russia. Here she was rendered the wider hospitality; She described his impressions in Russia in the second part of his book "DIX Annees d'Exil" (1821).

There are many lots of comments on the nature of the Russian people, about the social text of the time, about the life and the nrules of different classes of society (see Art. A. Trachevsky, "Ms. S. in Russia", "Historical Bulletin", 1894, № 10). From Russia, Steel left for Sweden, where Bernadot offered her asylum. From there she went to England and remained there until Napoleon was broken and concluded on the island of Elbe; Then she returned to Paris after 10 years of expulsion.

The reaction was reacting after the restoration, opened its indignation. It was equally indignant as "humiliation" of France by Inomes, and intolerance and obscurantism of the party of aristocratic emigrants. In this mood, she began at the end of his "Considerations Sur Les Principaux evenements de la Revolution Francaise" (1818). The essay this consists of several parts, between which there is no complete unity.

Initially, S. intends to restrict itself with the presentation of the first phase of the revolution and write, by the way, the apology of his father; But then she expanded the content of his work, setting the goal to provide the defense of the French revolution and find out its main results. To this, she joined the Etude about the British Constitution and Society, and then reasoning about the state of affairs in France in 1816. For 25 years (1789-1814), S. not only observed all stages of development of the French revolutionary spirit, but responded with all his impressionable In kind of all the unrest of this turbulent era.

Summing up the revolutionary period, S. seizes the main goal of the revolution in the conquest by the people of political and spiritual freedom. The revolution not only made France free, but also gave her welfare. If the crimes of individuals stained the revolution, he never appeared in France and so much sublime parties to the human spirit. Inspoping noble enthusiasm in many hearts, the revolution put forward great figures and testified the future of the Eternal Principles of Freedom.

The reasons for the revolution lies in general historical conditions, and not in the actions and aspirations of individuals. In the chapter on the restoration of S. gives a bright picture of the coming reaction mode: "Is it really," she writes, "it is possible to rule how three hundred years ago?! ... them (new rulers) are needed by the authorities, religious intolerance, court aristocracy, not having For me, no merit besides a pedigree tree, the people were ignorant and dilapidated, the army, rendered to a simple mechanism, the stuening of the press, the lack of any civil liberties - and instead of its police spies and bought journalism, which would praise this darkness! " Final Pages of the book represent a political will M-ME S.

The political reorganization of Europe will be accomplished by the peoples and in the name of nations. It foresees the great future of the Russian people and the primary role of the North American United States. She advises the Germans and Italians to rally in the federation.

  1. Women
  2. The Queen of Great Britain since 1837, the last of the Hannover dynasty. It is difficult to find in the history of the ruler, which would hold out the power longer than Alexandrina Victoria (the first her name is given in honor of the Russian emperor - Alexander I). As many as 64 years from 82 years of life! ...

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  4. The American film actress of the 1950s is the popularity of which is still preserved. The most famous films with her participation: "Some love joining" ("in jazz only girls"), "how to marry a millionaire" and "robust", as well as others. Marilyn's name has long been a numerous word in determining ...

  5. Nefertiti, the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (or Ehnaton), who lived at the end of the XV century to our era. The ancient Master of Lesmes created elegant sculptural portraits of Nefertiti, which are stored in Egypt's museums and Germany. Only in the past century, scientists were able to understand when they could decipher the set ...

  6. (1907-2002) Swedish writer. The author of the age matters for children "Peppi is a long stocking" (1945-1952), "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof" (1955-1968), "Rasmus-Tragging" (1956), "Brothers Lion Heart" (1979), "Ronia, daughter of the robber" (1981) and others Remember how the story begins about the baby and Carlsone, which ...

  7. Valentina Vladimirovna greatly protects his personal life and her loved ones, so it is difficult for biographers and journalists to write about it. Considering that in recent years it does not meet with journalists and does not participate in the literary works dedicated to her. Apparently, so attitude to ...

  8. British Prime Minister in 1979-1990. The leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990. In 1970-1974, the Minister of Enlightenment and Science. Years will be held, and the image of the "iron lady" will gain new colors, the outlines of the legend will appear, the details will disappear. Margaret Thatcher will remain in the history of the XX century ...

  9. Wife leader Bolshevikov V.I. Lenin. Member "Union of the struggle for the liberation of the working class" since 1898. Secretary of the editorial office of the newspaper "Spark", "Forward", "Proletary", "Social Democrat". The participant of the revolutions of 1905-1907 and the October Revolution. Since 1917, a member of the board, since 1929, Deputy Commissar of Enlightenment of the RSFSR. ...

  10. (1889-1966) Real Surname Gorenko. Russian poetess. The author of many poetic collections: "Cleans", "Running Time"; The tragic cycle of poems "Requiem" about the victims of the repression of the 1930s. He wrote a lot about Pushkin. Someone from the Russian witty, having passed through the burned wars of the 20th century, Stalin's camps, jicely noticed in ...

  11. (1896-1984) Soviet actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1961). The theater served since 1915. In 1949-1955 and since 1963 he played the theater to them. Mossovet. Her heroines - Vassa ("Vassa Zagronnova" M. Gorky), Berdy ("Fox" L. Helman), Lucy Cooper ("Further" ...

  12. (1871-1919) The leader of the German, Polish and international labor movement. One of the organizers of the "Union Spartak" and the founders of the Communist Party of Germany (1918). During the First World War, an internationalist position occupied. Her way to politics began in Warsaw, where revolutionary sentiments were particularly strong. Poland…

  13. (1647-1717) German artist, naturalist, engraver and publisher. Making a trip to Suriname (1699-1701). The title of the world of insects of South America ("Metamorphosis of Suriname Insects", 1705). The most valuable part of publications, collections and watercolors Merian acquired Peter I for museums and libraries of Russia. From the XVII century to contemporaries reached ...

  14. Anna Frank was born on June 12, 1929 in a Jewish family, became known for his eyewitness diary of the Jewish genocide, which died in Bergen-Belzen one of the controversial camps of the death of Auschwitz. In 1933, when Nazis came to power in Germany and the oppression of the Jewish ...

  15. (1917-1984) India Prime Minister in 1966-1977 and since 1980, Foreign Minister in 1984. Daughter Jawaharlal Nehru. Member of the National Liberation Movement. One of the leaders of the Party is the Indian National Congress, and after it split in 1978 - Chairman of the party of supporters of Gandhi. Killed ...

  16. The Scottish Queen in 1542 (in fact from 1561) - 1567, also claimed the English throne. The uprising of the Scottish Calvinist nobility forced her to renounce the throne and flee into England. By order of the British Queen Elizabeth I was imprisoned. Successful in ...

  17. (69 BC - 30 BC.) The last Queen of Egypt from the Ptolemyev dynasty. Smart and formed Cleopatra was the mistress of Julia Caesar, after 41 to AD. - His wife. After the defeat in the war with Rome and joining the Roman Army to Egypt ...

Anna Louise Germen de Stal

"Anna Louise Germen
de Stelle "

Before Germaine de Steel, no woman played such a role in the story, which fell to her. She was not a queen, an empress who ruled over people due to hereditary right. She achieved a higher employee - became the ruler of the spirit of a whole generation, who survived the Great French Revolution. Germen de Stelle prepared the ground for a romantic rebellion in France, its compositions marvel a transitional step from enlightenment to romanticism. It is difficult to find a woman who at the beginning of the XIX century would be so famous in Europe and whose works would consider their duty to study the most worthy men. Highly appreciated the gradation of de steel Goethe, Schiller, Shamisso, the brothers smiled. Byron, skeptically believed to "scientists", for her did an exception. "This is an outstanding woman," he wrote in his diary, "she made more in the mental region more than all the other women taken together, she would be born a man." Well, Onegin, tormented by Brutal Handrea and re-reading everything that stood on a book regiment of an educated person of his time, of course, could not miss the works of the French writer.

Agree that already one "star" neighborhood on the bookshelf speaks about our heroin more than any panechnik. However, speaking of de steel as a writer, often forget that she was rather endowed with literary dating, but brilliant education and lively versatile mind. She composed the plays, novels, but a more successful method of its activities were political pamphlets, theoretical work on aesthetics, in which Germen de Stelle expressed the indignant public of thought. She left one of the first historical works about his time - "consideration of the main events of the French revolution," published posthumously in 1818.

But the talent of Germenes manifested itself and in one, now a completely disappeared sphere. Swiss banker Necker, her father, was considered a great sentence of finance. Louis XVI three times urged him to post the minister to save the economy of France from the collapse. According to his public situation, the spouses did not have to live openly, to keep, as they said, the salon, where local celebrities were going. At the beginning of the eighties, when the Swiss settled in Paris for the first time, the salon regulars paid attention to the adolescent girl who was constantly present at the meetings, with an unusually rolling face and wipe, smart eyes - the daughter of the owner. And if later the ghermen became famous for his salon techniques, then there is nothing surprising - from the young age she hurried in the evenings to occupy a "legitimate" place on the stool near the chair of the mother and, barely began, - all the debates began. She, of course, was not yet allowed to "disclose" the mouth, but no one could have banned the Germain, opening his mouth. It seemed that it was equally interested in any issues discussed in the salon - politics, religion, literature. But a real bliss for Germains became conversations alone with her father. When in 1781, Minister Necker issued his famous financial report, a fifteen-year-old daughter wrote him an anonymous letter in which he made her comments on this work.

As many educated young people of that time, Germain was fond of Rousseau. It is now difficult to imagine, why so many unrest experienced readers "Yulia, or New Eloiza", so much tears shed over the history of the Love of the Intelligent Plebea Saint-Prev to Married Yulia, whose spouse Volmir graciously allowed them to communicate, confident in the virtues of his wife. Germale also fell into the number of ribbed veneers Rousseau. However, she did not belong to those who simply sympathize with the experiences of heroes. "Public Agreement", preached Rousseau, became a political Bible for Germains. The girl had too powerful analytical mind to see only a love story in "New Eloise". Rousseau stimulated the thought of young german. At twenty-two years, she wrote "reasoning on the writings and character of J.-zh. Rousseau," showing the amazing independence of judgments.

However, it should not be thought that our heroine, who owns the logic, perfectly in masculine to clothe his thoughts into clear phrases, was a type of dry, rational woman. On the contrary, many contemporaries noted the excessive passion of her nature, incontinence and, if it was allowed to say, even an uncompatory. Special, having trouble making a marriage of the Swedish Messenger Eric Magnus de Steel Golstaine with the rich heiress of the Swiss banker - the girl Necker, wrote after the engagement of the young king Gustavu III: "I wish from the heart to be happy, but, in truth, I feel bad in This. True, his wife is raised in the rules of honor and virtue, but she is completely unfamiliar with the light and his decenings, and moreover such a high opinion about her mind that it will be difficult to convince her shortcomings.

"Anna Louise Germen
de Stelle "

She is powerful and decisive in their judgments; She is so confident in herself, as no woman at her age and position. She judges around and there, and although it cannot be refused in the mind, but nevertheless, of the twenty-five judgments expressed by it, just one thing is quite appropriate. The messenger does not dare to make it any remark from fear to push it away from herself at first. "Well, if the marriage of Mr. De Stalie was misarily tactless and negligently, his wife, who did not attach great importance to secular propriety, then marriage made Germain - Independent unhappy.

Burdened by debts, a fairly guarded secular veil, married the sake of dowry, Eric de Stelle in all respects "did not reach" before his second half. The poetic dreams of a young girl who she preached in his treatises - about the merger in the marriage of two lives in one - crumbled into dust. The only child of their union, Gustavina, did not live up to two years. Wanting to hide from disappointments, Germen with even greater zeal indulged in literary classes and, according to his parents, opened the salon, which, as if transferred by inheritance, gathered former guests of her mother. According to the stories of contemporaries, the young hostess fascinated the interlocutors brilliant eloquence, the ability to improvise and awesome for a wonder. "If I were the Queen," he said one of her veneers, "I would have forced her to always talk to me."

Revolution of 1789 de Stelle met with enthusiasm. An opposition to Louis XVI Salon enthusiastically welcomed the fall of Bastille. In addition, the father of Germains, whom she still guarded, twice fired by the king of resignation, the new government was called up to state activities. German initially took an active part in revolutionary events, but an unlimited terror made it move from the "offensive" to the "protracted defense". Only the position of the wife of the Swedish Messenger helped de steel to save many of their friends from the guillotine. One day, Germere met with the Military Minister of the Yard Louis Count Narbonnaya - a brilliant cavalier and a noble knight, in a word, a man's dream. Romantic escape abroad, in which de Stelle took an active part, gave Narbonne in her eyes a halo of martyr. In the end, the woman followed in England, where she found her beloved her beloved, and not very believed with the opinion of the world, did not hide close friendship with the graph. The relationship with Narbonon continued for a long time, soon a letter of her husband, in which he called on the wrong wife for a family hearth, awakened the Germain from the romantic fence. True, German gave birth from the chart of Narbonne two sons, which she prudently left the last name de Stelle.

It is difficult to say now, as a loss of beloved survived the graph, but it is known that the time healed the cordial wound of Germenes, and two years later they met in Paris as good acquaintances, experiencing only lung injections of pride from mutual indifference. Changing the political situation allowed the family to return to France. The first victories of the young general Bonaparte admired Germain. She wrote him enthusiastic letters. De Stelle One of the first noticed that Napoleon rapidly went to the dictatorship, and did not consider it necessary to hide their own observations. Free-sisted nature of the writer took the top over the female passion. And the vengeful Bonaparte never forgave her. To Germain Napoleon experienced a pathological hatred straight!

"He tolerated could not stand the famous Mr. de Stelle even before he was angry at her for opposition political mindside, and he hated her for excess, in his opinion, for a woman political interest, for her claims for erudition and deep offense. Unquestioned obedience and Subordination of his will - this is the necessary quality, without which the woman did not exist for him, "- wrote E.V. Tarla in his book "Napoleon".

However, men were found, who saw ideal in it. In 1794, Germen got acquainted with Benjan Konstany, a very noticeable political and literary figure of that time. At that time she was about thirty. She was not beautiful; The features of her were too large. The main charm, according to the reviews of contemporaries, was large black eyes, which became unusually expressive when Germen was inspired by the conversation. With his matte-bronze face face, she looked at Turkhanka with his own eyes, as he apparently knew, and therefore it was striving to strengthen the similarity with their headdress, like something on the eastern turban. Constance was a striking handsome. With his piercing blue eyes, with his scattered rusiars and her fantastic cloak, he represented the type of a romantic man who was then in fashion, especially since the melancholic, faded, a tired view of the surrounding painted a picture of the missing, a few demonic young men who worked on her stamp tragedy.

In fact, everything was quite the opposite - the Germen became a real "devilly" in their union. Volva, energetic, powerful woman conquered Konstan. In the diary he wrote: "I never saw the best woman, more graceful, more devoted, but I also had also seen a woman who would prevent such persistent demands, not noticing it, which would absorb all the lives of all others and which All the advantages would have a more despotic personality; all the existence of another person, minutes, hours, years must be at her disposal. And when she is given to their passion, there is a catastrophe like a throat and earthquakes. She is a spoiled child, that says it all "

Well, German knew himself and did not intend to adapt to someone. Of course, Love de Stelle and Benjan Konstan is worthy of descriptions in a serious psychological novel, but in the life of lovers a lot "drank each other." Germen insisted on the actual divorce with her old husband, leaving himself only the name de Stelle, gave birth to a daughter, but a passionate feeling that lasted a whole decade, resulted in endless nervous scenes. Even when they parted, the granome managed to confuse peace of the benglae \u200b\u200bletters. In the diary, Constance specifically celebrated rare days not marked by clarifying relationships. What kind of complex the relationship should be, not having to stop them, in the end exclaim: "God! Free from each other!".

Probably, the reader guessed the finals of the novel of our heroine. "On such as ghermen, do not get married." Indeed, Konsen finally, satisfied with passions, wrapped with pretty, simple German Charlotte. And ... immediately began to miss an abandoned mistress. As an idol Donan, he tormented the hearts of both women - the talented and intelligent de steel and a colorless, obscure hat.

Meanwhile, the conflict of Germenes with Napoleon reached apogee. In January 1800, Constance said about born tyranny. Napoleon came to rabies, he did not consider the inspirator of this speech without reason. The writer was invited to leave Paris. In April 1800, she answered this order by publishing a book "On literature", in which Bonaparte saw a direct drop against his power.

The full name of this work "On the literature considered in connection with public institutions" accurately determined its basic idea. Solid studies, Germen tried to make an overview of European writing from Homer to the French Revolution, explaining the nature of the literature of every people with the terms of his public and political life. This global work de Stelle marked the beginning of a cultural and historical method in the history of literature.

The first artistic novel, who brought a fame, became a work inspired by the plots of his own struggle for loose love. The image of the heroine of Dolphins, the unfortunate, darisy of a woman, echoes the characteristics of the character of the writer itself. De Stelle rely on fantasy at all and preferred to transfer the most burning problems of time on the pages of his creations. Therefore, her novels most often resembled political or sociological treatises, manifestos against the breakdown of human rights. They were pompous and tightened, but they pulsed such a tense thought in them that they were not familiar with the new works of Madame de Stelle was considered indecent in the enlightened Europe.

Loud glory waited for the most significant novel of the writer "Corinne, or Italy". The recognizable peripetics of her love drama with Constan echoes the book with serious generalizations.

In 1811, the charter from the persecution, Germen decided to leave to America. However, new love prevented the new plans. Being traveling to Switzerland, de Stelle met a young and beautiful French officer who he heal there wounds received in the Spanish War. Germen took a hot part in the fate of the sufferer, and, as expected, by the time of recovery, the officer was no longer thought of his future without our heroine. True, German did not want to "mix the people" and marry a man who was younger than twenty years, so she ... agreed to a secret marriage.

After the fall of Napoleon, de Stelle with the Triumph returned to Paris, where she was expected intense political life. The writer understood that the return of Bourbon on the throne was unacceptable for France, so she herself chose a challenger to the power herself. However, the winners of Napoleon restored the dynasty of the former kings. And yet fifteen years later, in 1830, a challenger who was supported by Germen became King Louis Philipp. But it happened after the death of de steel.

On February 21, 1817, Germere went to the reception, arranged by the chief Minister of Louis XVIII. She fell when she climbed down the steps. There was hemorrhage to the brain. Germen de Stelle died in a significant day of the beginning of the Great French Revolution - July 14.

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French writer, daughter of the prominent statesman Jacques Necker.
Born on April 22, 1766 in Paris. In the salon of her mother there were literary celebrities in Paris. From 11 years old, Germain was constantly attended at these evenings and eagerly listened to the conversations of the guests. Fifteen years from the genus Germain wrote comments to the famous financial "report" of his father and made an extraction from the "Spirit of Laws" of Montcape, attaching his own reflections to them. At this time, Richardson and Rousseau were her favorite writers. The influence of Richardson affected its first works, characterized by a sentimental direction (for example, "Mirza", "Adelaide", "Méline").
Rousseau attracted it with its cult of nature and its upbringing system. Later (1788) she devotes him an enthusiastic essay "Letters about works and personality J. Rousseau." In 17 years, the heart of Germain is experiencing first love, but in favor of her mother she has to suppress his feeling. Madame Necker was looking for his daughter a brilliant party; Her choice was stopped at the Swedish Messenger in Paris, Baron Erich Magnus Steel Background Holstein. In the device of this marriage, the courtyards of French and Swedish participated in the device. Landing the advice of her father, 20-year-old Germain decided to give the hand of Baron de Stal, but in this marriage did not find happiness that dreamed of. Baron de Stelle could not excite any sympathies into Germain: it was a poorly educated secular man and twice as older than his wife, who attracted him mainly to his rich dowry. When the revolution broke out and the necker was forced to flee from France, Madame de Stal first remained in Paris. At this time, her salon, replacing the salon Madame Necker, managed to become the most brilliant in Paris. Memoirs of contemporaries are full of stories about the indelible impression, which in this period of his life produced a young woman. Its brilliant mind, eloquence and enthusiasm made it a queen of the elected Paris society.
When revolutionary unrest began, she, using his influence, saved many of the guillotine, often risking her life. The September killings made her flee from Paris. Having left Paris, she found shelter in England. Among other French emigrants there was a former military minister Count Louis De Narbonne, with which she began rapprochement still in Paris. It was her first, found reciprocity, passion, the influence of which was reflected in the book written by it at that time "On the influence of passions for the happiness of people and peoples" (ed. Later, in 1796). Soon, however, the distressed by the treason of Narbonne, the steel broke up with him. Before leaving England, the steel, outraged by the cruel treatment of the queen Maria Antoinetta, published anonymously brochure: "Refléxion Sur Le Procès de La Reine, Par Une Femme" (1793), in which she tried to initiate compassion for the unfortunate queen.
In 1793, the steel moved to Switzerland (in Copp) and, buried the mother here, spent two years in the society of a hot beloved father, before the mind and character of which she bowed to the end of his life (in 1804 she published Vie Privée de Mr. Necker ).
At this time, she is among her a variety of art figures in her house. The writer Frederic Brun lives for several years.
In Copp, Steel met with Benjament Konstany. The strong impression that, with the first meeting, these diametrically opposite characters were made to each other, laid the beginning of a nomanic episode that stretched over ten years and had a huge impact on the life and literary activities of Madame de Stelle.
In 1796, the French Republic was recognized by Switzerland and steel could return to Paris. Here, her salon again became an influential literary and political center. Among the permanent visitors, it was Sieses, Talleyran, Gara, Philologist Claude Foreel, economist J. S. Sissondi, B. Konstan. Having achieved a secret divorce with her husband, but continuing to live with him in the same house, de Stelle found himself in a dual situation, which was not slowed down to take advantage of her secular and political opponents, making it the target of abusive conversations. The outcome of the feelings worried about this time at this time in the novel "Dolphin", who defeated her literary glory: the unfortunate fate of a highly flowed woman, who joined the unequal struggle with a public opinion despotism, is depicted here. At the same time, steel works on an extensive essay "On literature considered in connection with public institutions" (1796-99). The task of the book is to trace the influence of religion, morals, legislation on literature and back.
When Madame de Stelle's salon became the center of the opposition, she was ordered to leave Paris. In 1802, she moved to Germany with Constan. Here she meets Götte, Schiller, Fichte, V. Gumboldt, A. Schlegem; The latter she instructs the upbringing of their children. The impressions that she made out of his trip to Germany, went on the basis of the book: "On Germany", written five years later (see below). In 1804, the fatal disease of the Father calls her in Koppe. Since this time, cooling to her B. Konstan, to which she for many years feeds deep attachment, makesone it to suffer so much that she got a close death. To drown out their spiritual flour, she goes to Italy. In Milan, the Italian poet Vincenzo Monti produces to her. The fruit of the Travel de Stelle in Italy was her novel "Corinne Ou L'Italie". The plot of the novel is the question of the fate of a brilliant woman, about the contradiction between love and glory. Corinne is steel itself, idealized and ascended to perfection; She strains all spiritual powers, consumes all his diving to reach the apogee of glory - and all this is just to be loved; But she remains unpleasant to those whom it puts above all. In the identity of the Lord Nelville, hints of Konstan are heard and treason. "Corinna" - the work is more sustained than "Dolphin" - there was a brilliant success in contemporaries. In 1807, using the lack of Napoleon, Steel, who gave birth to Paris, decided to settle in his surroundings. The rumor that she incognito appears in Paris itself, reached the emperor who found, among the concerns of the Prussian campaign, the time to prescribe to its immediate removal in Koppe.
In 1807-1808 Steel again visited Weimar and visited Munich and Vienna. Returning from Germany, she learned in Geneva from Konstan about his secret marriage with Charlotte Gardenberg. This news first led her into rage, but then a religious peace went on her soul. This era of her life includes her works above the book "On Germany", the most complete of its works in which steel is asked to introduce French society with the nature of German nationality, with the life of the Germans, their literature, philosophy and religion.
In 1810, the young officer Albert de Rocca returned to Geneva from the Spanish hike to treat from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Caring for him, Steel fascinated him and he is his passionate passion, despite a significant difference in age, infected and steel. After some oscillations, she secretly married him. In 1812, the persecution of the Swiss authorities who acted in the please of Napoleon, forced steel to flee from Koppe and she went through Austria to Russia. Here she was rendered the wider hospitality. August 5 was represented by their majesty. V. L. Borovikovsky writes her portrait.
She described his impressions in Russia in the second part of his book "DIX Années d'Exil" (1821). Here a lot of meticible comments are scattered about the nature of the Russian people, about the public uklade of the time, about the life and the nrav of different classes of society. From Russia, Steel left for Sweden, where Bernadot offered her asylum. From there she went to England and remained there until Napoleon was broken and concluded on the island of Elbe; Then she returned to Paris after 10 years of expulsion.
The reaction was reacting after the restoration, opened its indignation. It was equally indignant as "humiliation" of France by Inomes, and intolerance and obscurantism of the party of aristocratic emigrants. In this mood, she began at the end of his "Considérations Sur Les Principaux Événements de la Révolution Française" (1818). The essay this consists of several parts, between which there is no complete unity. Initially, Madame de Stelle intended to limit itself to the presentation of the first phaseism of the revolution and write, by the way, the apology of his father; But then she expanded the content of his work, setting the goal to provide the defense of the French revolution and find out its main results. To this, she joined the Etude about the British Constitution and Society, and then reasoning about the state of affairs in France in 1816
On February 21, 1817, Germen de Stelle went to the reception, arranged by the chief Minister of Louis XVIII. She fell when she climbed down the steps. There was hemorrhage to the brain. Several months de Stelle sick and died in 1817 in a significant day of the beginning of the Great French Revolution - July 14.

Steel, Germen(STAëL, GERMAINE) (1766-1817), Madame de Stelle, the full name - Baroness de Stelle-Holstein, one of the largest figures standing at the origins of French romanticism and modern literary criticism. Anna Louise Germain Necker (Anne Louise Germaine Necker) was born in the Franco-Swiss Protestant family on April 22, 1766 in Paris. Her father, banker Jacques Necker, became the Minister of Finance Louis XVI; Mother, Suzanna Kursho Necker, was the hostess of the salon, where Anna Louise was talked with such famous thinkers as D. Didro, J.D. "Alamber, E. Biebon and Count de Buffon.

In 1786, she married Baron Eric Magnus de Steel-Holstein (1749-1802), the Swedish Messenger in France, but soon they broke up. With the beginning of the French revolution, 1789 her salon turned into an influential political center. She supported the moderately liberal reforms of her father. After the final resignation of Necker in 1790, it became close to the "Constitutionalist" party, and later, in 1791, he achieved appointment to the post of military minister of Narbon's Military Minister. A few days before the "September terror" 1792, she helped him to flee into England and followed him at the beginning of 1793. In May of the same year, probably at the insistence of his father, he moved into his estate Koppe near Geneva, where she had to spend most of his life.

Her first significant work On the influence of passions on the happiness of people and peoples (DE L "INFLUENCE DES PASSIONS SUR LE BONHEURE DES INDIVIDUS ET DES NATIONS1796) was written under the impression of the terror era in France, when she managed to save the lives of many of his friends. Robespierre's fall gave her the opportunity to return to 1795 to Paris along with a politician and publicist B. Konstan, a stormy connection with which was interrupted only in 1810. Being in a permanent opposition to all political regimes of France, from the directory to the restored monarchy of the Bourbon, the steel has repeatedly exposed to persecution. And in 1803 was completely expelled from Paris. Koppu, where she took the most prominent representatives of the intellectual and socio-political elite of their time, attracted everyone who shared antibonapartist sentiment. She traveled to Germany (1803-1804), where she met Goethe, Schiller, Fichte and Romantic Leaders; in Italy (1805); to France (1806-1807 and 1810); Then in Austria and again to Germany (1808). To a large extent, thanks to these trips, the two most famous books were born: Roman-self-portrait Corinna(Corinne., 1808; Rus. 1809-1810 translation) and treatise About Germany (De L "Allemagne), who reflected the impressions of this country. The last work that discovered German literature for France and the philosophy of the initial romantic pore was declared subversive and "French"; It was published only in 1813 in London. Madame de Stelle was able to return to Paris in 1814, after the fall of Napoleon.

Probably the most significant work of her work Reflections on the basic events of the French revolution (Considérations Sur Les Principaux Événéments De La Révolution Française, 1816): Its interpretation of events asked the tone to all subsequent historians of liberal sense. The number of its other essays are largely autobiographical novel Dolphin (Delphine., 1803; Rus. 1803-1804 translation) and treatise On literature considered in connection with public institutions (De La Littérature Considérée Dans Ses Rapports Avec Les Institutions Sociales, 1800), where an attempt is made to interpret the intellectual coup in a sociological aspect and formulate a new theory of progress.

The most outstanding woman of their era, Madame de Stelle had a strong influence on friends, among whom historians A.The Barant and Zh. Sismondi, as well as the German critic, translator and poet A.V.Shlegel.

Steel Louise Germen de

(born in 1766 - mind. In 1817)

Outstanding French Writer and Thunder.

Once the sage asked: "What is love?" He replied: "This is silence, when words can hurt; This is patience when your neighbor; This is a deafness when a quarrel is brewing ... "and not because smart, strong women are often unhappy in heart matters? Pride, thin, sharp mind do not allow them to tolerate resentment, not to notice injustice in relations; Silence when the right thing is on their side. "Love us is not nature teaches us, but Steel or Shatubin," Pushkin wrote about one of the most enlightened women in the late XVIII - early XIX century Louise Germain de Stelle. However, being a kind of mentor for all European youth, she is unlikely to find happiness in love.

Anna Louise Germen Necker was born in the family of the famous Swiss banker, but her youth was destined to hold in the brilliant capital of France. The fact is that King Louis XVI invited her father, financial genius, to the post of minister. Because Germain was about fifteen years old, her family moved to Paris. The destructive storm of the revolution has not yet passed through his chic palaces, expensive shops, Versailles, did not destroy the color of the nation on guillotines. A carefree careless couples were still spinning in the golden ballrooms ... The alarming gusts of the wind felt perhaps that on dirty streets, among the simple people and in some progressive aristocratic salons. The young ghermen often had both the nobility meeting, because one of the most brilliant Parisian salons "held" her mother.

What is a French salon? Imagine a meeting of a higher society, where everyone is impressed - by origin or on the mind, where they discuss the royal policies and novelties of literature, listen to music, they fly love intrigues, show new chic outfits, finally. Get here is a great honor for everyone. After all, this is a vicious circle, a special world in which everything rotates around the queen of the cabin, that is, the hostess. To collect this society and hold it in his home for a long time, you need a non-odd talent. Mother Germains, apparently possessed and tried to teach this art to the daughter. It was still early to join a secular conversation, I didn't grow up. But he did not have to listen. And she gladly listened to freedom and despotism, about the need to grant the nation of the legislature, about Rousseau and about the "high" literature. There were all the Paris celebrities of that time. Most likely, the first love fell on her heart here, in the maternal living room. How was not to fall in love with a sixteen-year-old girl in one of these men - knowledgeable and understand everything! However, all this is only guesses.

Germal was not beautiful. According to French standards, she was too dark, and the features of her face did not differ in particular subtlety. But the huge shiny black eyes of the girl remained forever in the heart of the one who looked at them at least once. After all, he saw not an empty look of a secular coquette, which only thinks about outfits and cavaliers, and an insightful, almost male mind. Already in the youth of the thrust of Germens to the knowledge, the ability to make bold, but quite loyal conclusions hit others. At the age of 15, she made a comment on the famous work of Montesquiece "Spirit of Laws", and in sixteen - sent the father an anonymous letter, which pointed out the shortcomings of his financial report. At the twenty-two years, German wrote "reasoning about the writings and character of J. Zh. Rousseau." She drove his books, was delighted with his "public contract." Reasonable, the humane heroes of Romanov Romorically despised the estate prejudices ... Alas, the Germain itself failed to avoid them.

On January 14, 1788, she had to make a "favorable party", marry the Swedish messenger of Baron Eric Magnus Steel-Holstene. This marriage was unsuccessful. The husband gave Germain name, under which she became famous, and ... Sea of \u200b\u200bdisappointment. Erica hit the inconsistency of the young wife. So, one of the contemporaries wrote: "I wish from the heart to be happy, but, in truth, I feel bad in it. True, his wife is raised in the rules of honor and virtue, but she is completely unfamiliar with the light and his decencies, and with such a high opinion of his mind, that it will be difficult to convince her shortcomings. She is powerful and decisive in their judgments; She is so confident in herself, as no woman at her age and position. She judges around everything and so, and although it can not be refused in the mind, but nevertheless, of the twenty-five judgments expressed, only one thing is quite appropriate. The messenger does not dare to make any remark from fear to push it away from herself at first. " In the understanding of Germenes, the marriage had to be based not on the "class compatibility", but on the relationship of souls, common interests, limitless devotion to each other. At least, it was about it that she once dreamed of reading "Julia, or a new Eloise" Rousseau. And what could be interested in Germain Transzhir and Ladies? Their family happiness could strengthen the children, but the daughter of Gustavina did not live two years old. In the eyes of light, marriage between the daughter of the Royal Minister and the Messenger, the Baron seemed impeccable. But happiness, even if there is a short one, the ghermen found in the extramarital relationship. And this new love she brought a revolution.

Count Narbonne at the king was a military minister. The fall of Bastille destroyed the usual way, and those who used to "shoot the cream of life" were in disgraces of the new government. Narbonna expected a sharp blade of guillotine. But the ghermen who saw his ideal in this man - the mind, nobility, courage, helped him run to England. As a wife of the Messenger, and hence the inviolable special, she could help many. The question arises: how it happened that such a progressive woman brought up on the ideas of the inevitability of the revolution turned out to be in her opposition? The fact is that at first Germen, her father and friends with all his heart supported the revolution. But when the feast of freedom turned into a mass terror, de Stelle was in the camp of her opponents. The execution of the king and terror of the Jacobinians, she called "National Shame". After all, de steel represented post-revolutionary France as a constitutional monarchy of English-type with the separation of the authorities, a two-bearet system, in compliance with freedom of conscience and words. In a few years, she will write the work of "reasoning about the basic events of the French revolution," which will try to analyze the causes and consequences of the revolution.

Well, soon the woman went away from the "damned revolution" and closer to his beloved - on the shores of Misty Albion. The life of Germains in England is the most undeniable proof of the amazing power of its character. Not every Woman of the XVIII century could afford, neglecting the opinion of others, to live, no matter how they put it, in a civil marriage with the close heart of a man, give birth to children and not to hide it. Unfortunately, only ashes only remain from the brightest fires. It so happened with the feelings of Narbonne and de Steel. A legitimate husband sent a letter in which he asked his wife to return home. Germen, whoever thought, he took the sons who, by the way, prudently left Eric's surname, and went to France. However, it was not long sitting at the family hearth.

In 1794 de Stelle met Benjan Konstan. They were associated not only feelings, but also similar socio-political views. Germen de Stelle and Benjalamen Constant are considered the creators of the bourgeois liberal party in France. "I have never seen the best woman, more graceful, more devoteed, but I also didn't see a woman who would prevent such persistent demands, without noticing it, which would absorb all the lives of everyone who surrounding and which, with all the advantages he would have more a despotic person; All the existence of another person, moments, hours, years must be at her disposal. And when she is given to their passion, there is a catastrophe like a thunderstorm and earthquakes. She is a spoiled child, that says it all, "wrote Constance in the diary. But in spite of everything, he loved this politician in the skirt. Their relationship was long and durable - permanent quarrels and constant reconciliation. No one wanted to come down with his freedom. As a result, Constant married a certain Charlotte, a simple woman with whom he could not have such problems. However, Roman with Germain continued after this wedding, which brought a lot of pain three hearts. The history of his relationship with Constan de Stelle reflected in the novel "Corinne, or Italy", having endowed one of the heroes, Lord Nevel, many features of his beloved. But, unlike Corinne, Germain did not die because of his unhappy love fed. She was expected long, full of new dating the journey, in which she "sent" himself ... Napoleon.

As it happened with an impressionable german, first the charismatic identity of the emperor struck her. It would seem that he, worthy of France ruler!

De Stal even wrote him enthusiastic letters. But she was again disappointed: everything indicated that the country is approaching dictatorship. Germen de Stelle boldly spoke about it in his salon. Thanks to her gift, the beliefs of those who came to her, soon began to think the same way. "She had a talent ... The pathogen of the random and new feelings seeking imprint in bold thought and beautiful form," said one of her creativity researchers. It is not surprising that Napoleon hated this woman. E. V. Tarl in the book "Napoleon" wrote: "He could not tolerate the famous Mr. de Stelle even before he was angry at her opposition political mindset, and he hated her for excessive, in his opinion, for a woman political interest , for her claims for erudition and deepness. Unquestioned obedience and subordination of his will - this is the necessary quality, without which the woman did not exist for him. " German did not remain in debt and tried to prick emperor more. In the preface to Dolphin, she applied the epithet "silent" to France, indicating the lack of freedom of speech in the country. After one of the fiery speeches, with which Constance spoke against Tiragia and the inspirational of which was clearly the thrill, she was offered to leave Paris. There were years of walkers ahead. But they did not coordinate the ardor heart of this woman.

In 1805, Germen de Stelle visited Rome. Here she met the son of the Portuguese ambassador, Don Pedro. However, his name sounded somewhat longer: Don Pedro de Susa and Olstein, Duke Palmell. When they met, Pedro was twenty-five, Germain ... However, to talk about the age of a woman - a bad tone. She was struck by this highly educated young man, not deprived of a poetic gift. They wandered through the ancient city, listened to Italian musicians, read poems to each other. This novel lasted for about two months, but the granome could not forget him for a long time.

In Switzerland, Germere met a French officer who conquered her heart. In his choice, she seems to be as usual, guided by some romantic motivations: her new chosen one was injured in the Spanish War and was now treated. In addition, he was young, beautiful and crazy himself from this amazing woman. Given the difference in position and age (de steel was older than twenty years old), they married secretly.

Germain de Stelle managed to flirt even with the strong world of this world. For a long time in the noble circles of Russia in fashion was the next historical anecdote. Once during his stay in this country, de Stelle made the emperor Alexander compliment: "Your character, sovereign, is the constitution of your empire, and your conscience is its guarantee." "If it was so, then I would only be a happy chance," this was the answer to the reigning person. The Russian emperor has repeatedly been in the Paris Salon of Germens when she was able to return to Paris. It is worth noting that in the "salon art" the gherry surpassed his mother. At different times, she managed to "lure" in his salon of celebrities such as Lafayette, Cayes, Talley, Joseph and Lucien Bonaparte, August Schlegel, Sissondi, Wellington, Russian Decembrist Volkonsky.

Germen de Stelle made a lot on a literary field. Her artistic works are not just narrative of love. These are peculiar manifests of a free personality in the fixed world. Heroine of her novels, talented, honest in love and friendship, faced with betrayal from loved ones, misunderstanding in the family, the inability to express themselves in this life.

Possessing impulsive, fiery character, having fun in novels by passionate nature, Germen de Stelle, however, wrote quite logical literary and political work. His treatise "On Germany", Germere proclaimed a new era in literature. She tried to find a compromise between the classical and nascent romantic literature in Germany. Poet, the writer must be free from any canons, even if ancient, ideal, she believed. The culture of each people is peculiar and should be defended its individuality.

February 21, 1817, climbing the stairs, Germen de Stal fell. Diagnosis of drugs was disappointing - hemorrhage into the brain. She died only in the summer, holding out until July 14, the day began the Great French Revolution. Having having a complete struggle of life, did she find in love what he was always looking for - immortality?

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But the soul is immortal as well as love. "

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