
The topic "Friendship with our smaller brothers" in the story "Mummy. I.S. Turgenev "Mumu": description, heroes, analysis of works Love triangle: Gerasim, Tatyana and Capiton

With great pleasure and literally in one breath read the work of Turgenev "Mumu". The story is very easy to read and quickly captures the essence of the text. It reveals the topic of the milestones of peasants and illness to them. The main character is a deaf-and-dark teen Gerasim.

The story tells about the serf peasant and his difficult life and how the surrounding people belong to him. It seems to me that Gerasim is a very kind and gentle person, at least at first glance it has a form of a Grozny man. He was very attached to Tatiana, who served with him, and was ready for a lot for her. After the lady was married to the alcoholic poor young lady and evicted from the courtyard.

Gerasim found a poor, long-standing dog and saw in her angel after surviving parting with his beloved. But then the lady has decided that Mumm must be drown. She was still on his trembling and gentle nature and on the torment that she subjected to his orders. If she wanted something or hurt, she did, as she was pleased, not believing with the feelings of the peasants who worked for her. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is directed against serfdom. Gerasim personifies the whole Russian people with his person.

It is necessary to act on the conscience, even if the circumstances are against you.

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How should we treat our pets? Are we obliged to take responsibility for their lives? I thought about these questions, reading the text B. MEELYANOV "How I bought a dog." The work rises an important problem of relations between people and animals.

The author, arguing on this topic, gives an example from the life of the main character. A man who considered dogs faithful friends, decided to buy an adult and trained PSA. The writer turns our attention to the concerned state of the dog, who lost the old friend: "All day Tomka lay motionless near the table," thus Emelyanov admires the love of Tomka to her friend. After receiving the telegrams, the owner of the dog, without hesitation, immediately went to take it. The publicist notes the importance of awareness of the hero of that "that friends do not sell," thereby prose the prose illustrates us the devotion of not only pets to a person, but the opposite. The author leads us to the idea that friendship and devotion between man and animals need to be preserved.

From the point of view, B.Emelyanov can not disagree.

Indeed, there are no obstacles for friendship between man and animals.

A bright proof is the story of I.S. Turgenev "Moumu". The main character took care of his pet, faithful, gave him all his tenderness and affection. Mumova became the best friend for Gerasim, the closest being he could trust. The forced killing of his dog broke the hero, caused severe mental pain.

Confirmation of this problem can be found in the story of L.N. Andreev "Kusaka". The writer shows the irresponsible attitude of people to the dog. The unfortunate animal lost confidence in the surrounding, stamped and wild, since the previous owners left her in the country and repeatedly offended. This example shows us inhuman attitude towards animals.

Thus, the problem raised by the prozaik makes each of us think about the importance of a good relationship of people to homemade pets, because there is no wonder there is such a statement: "We are responsible for those who have tamed."

Updated: 2017-06-09

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Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was a bold author, whose works often fell under a thorough review of censorship bodies. The story "Mumu", known today, every student, was banned for a long time for publication. And if it were not for the diplomatic abilities of the author, the world would never have learned about this touching and tragic history.

History of creation

In the mid-50s of the XIX century. Turgenev was under house arrest, and then he was sent to a reference to a necrologist for the death of Gogol. Being under the supervision of private attachments, in the spring of 1855, Turgenev writes the story to "Mummy". This thing he shares with the family of Publisher Aksakov, who reacts positively to the work, but cannot publish it because of the protest censorship. A year later, in the magazine "Contemporary" "Mumu" still appears, which becomes the cause of the report of the official and the official reviewer of the magazine. Representatives of censorship bodies are unhappy that the audience may make compassion for characters, and therefore does not allow to distribute the story to other publications. And only in the spring of 1956, in the main department of censorship, after numerous petitions of the friends of Turgenev, it was decided to include the decision to include "Mumu" in the collection of writings of Ivan Sergeevich.

Analysis of the work

Story line

The story is based on real events that took place in the home of Turgenev's mother in Moscow. The author tells about the life of Baryni, in the ministry of which is the deaf-and-dumb janitor Gerasim. The servant begins to care for the laundry of Tatiana, but the lady makes it decision to marry her on his shoe. To resolve the situation, the butler Baryni offers Tatiana to appear in front of Gerasim Drunk to turn him away from himself. And this trick is triggered.

A year later, the bag and the shoeman go to the village by order of Baryni. Gerasim brings with him a puppy caught from the water and gives him a nickname to Mum. Baryna learns about the presence of a dog in the courtyard of one of the most latter and can not establish relationships with animals. Having received the order to get rid of the dog, the butler is trying to secretly sell the Muma, but she runs back to Gerasim. When the information is reached to the janitor that the lady is unhappy, he goes to the pond, where he drove a dog, and he decides to return to his village, and not in the metropolitan house of Baryni.

main characters

The real prototype of the character served the servant of Varvara Turgeneva Andrei Smey. The author draws an image of a closed man who is unusually hardworking and quite positively tuned to people. This village peasant was capable of real feelings. Despite the external power and sullenness, Gerasim retained the ability to love and keep his word.


This portrait of a young maid includes all the features of a typical woman from the Russian estate of the XIX century. The scored, unfortunate, having one own opinion, this heroine receives protection only during the Love Gerasim. Without moral law and the real opportunity to move their mistress, Tatyana's own hands ruffles his chances of happy fate.


(Butler Gavril on the right in the illustration)

The butler in the story appears as a rustic and stupid peasant, who seeks to stay in a plus at the expense of the enlightenment and find benefits. It cannot be said that Turgenev draws the character of Gavrila evil, but his immediate role in the death of the dog and the destruction of the life of Tatiana and Gerasim imposes a significant negative imprint to his perception as a person.


(Lackey Capital on the illustration stands on the left next to the sitting gaburila)

The image of the shoe can be described as a portrait of the educated lacquer. This person considers himself smart, but at the same time does not have the proper power of will and high life aspirations. Ultimately, it turns into a rosy and a loaf, which even the marriage is not able to change.

Of all the characters "Mumu" Elderly Baryn - the main negative character. It is its actions and solutions lead to a series of suffering and irreversible tragedies. Turgenev describes this heroine as a capricious and hot-tempered woman, who is stubborn and the wayward in his desire to finish the fate of other people. The only positive features of the Baryn can consider its business and the ability to dispose of the house.


The story of "Mumu" Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev cannot be considered a simple work of the severity of peasant life. This is a philosophical text that helps the reader understand the issues of good and evil, hatred and love, unity and separation. The writer pays great attention to the issue of human attachment and the importance of the presence of close people, both in the life of the rich and in the life of the poor.

This article is devoted to creativity by I.S. Turgenev. It will thoroughly analyzed the motives of the behavior of the main character of the story "Mummu" - the janitor of Gerasima. Probably those who read, but did not have sufficient psychological insight, from school tormented the question of why Gerasim drowned Mum. During the "investigation", the answer to it will be given.

Person Gerasima

Mighty Smey Gerasim was an emergency from his native hut in the village and transplanted into alien for himself for himself in Moscow. He was height for two meters. It was with an excess of natural power. He looked at himself one Moscow lady and ordered to transport from the village to his house. She defined his janitor, because he was notable for the employee.

No matter how this information seemed to the reader far from the answer to the question of why Gerasim was drowned by Moumus, it is very important and has a direct attitude towards him. This is a foundation for understanding the inner world of the hero.

Love triangle: Gerasim, Tatyana and Kapitail

Barynie served one simple girl - Tatiana (she worked with a laundry). The young woman liked Gerasim, although other servants, and the hostess herself understood that such a marriage is hardly possible for obvious reasons. Nevertheless, Gerasim gently cherished with a timid hope, firstly, to reciprocity, and secondly, that the lady would give consent to marriage.

But, unfortunately, the hopes of the main character were not destined to come true. Divorced and the egocentric lady decided in his own way: who defeated his boom-drunk boom was assigned to the husband of Tatiana. He himself is not against, but he was afraid of the reaction of Gerasim on this news. Then the Barskie jelly went to the trick: knowing that a mute janitor would not carry drunks, the servants made Tatiana go around Gerasim drunk. The trick managed - the janitor himself pushed his gaznob in the arms of the capitone. True, the experiment of the Baryni did not end with nothing good. Her shoe spriek even in the hands of hardworking and, we can say, with meek to slavery. Days of unfortunate couple flowed insanely in a deaf village.

The love triangle is important in the context of the answer to the question of why Gerasim drowned Mum, as he reveals the "chemistry" of the future attachment of the janitor to his dog.

Gerasim and Mumu.

When Gerasim suffered from untrained love, he found a dog. She was only three weeks from the genus. The janitor saved his peeling out of the water, brought him to his camork, organized a dog (it turns out that it is a girl) there is a fantastic, she called it with milk.

In other words, now a unwillingly woman's love of a simple Russian silent man is completely inserted into an unexpected creature in his life. He comes the dog to Mum.

Final story

The problems of the main character arose when the lady, who had not seen a dog, suddenly found it. Mumu lived at Gerasima as Christ for the sinus for more than a year. The hostess was delighted with the dog. She asked to immediately bring her to the Barsquets. When the dog was delivered, then in an unfamiliar atmosphere she behaved wary and aggressively. Master's milk did not drink, but began to bark on the lady.

Of course, mistress could not bear such a relationship and ordered the dog to remove from her possessions. So done. Gerasim was looking for her, but I did not find it. But Moumu returned to the owner one day with a false leash around the neck. Gerasim realized that the dog did not run away from him herself, and began to hide her from prying eyes in his camork, but he took her street only at night. But in one such pleasure night, the fear of the master's estate was arrogant. Moumu did not love drunks, like her owner, and began to be tightly and shyly to bark on a drink. She shifted the whole house, including a lady.

As a result, the dog was ordered to get rid of. The servants understood it too literally and decided to deprive the um. Gerasim volunteered to relocate his favorite pet in the best world personally. Then, without causing peaceful flour, the janitor returned (actually escaped) to his native land - in the village, again becoming a conventional man. At first he was looking for, and when they found, the lady said that "such an ungrateful worker is not needed for her."

Thus, if someone (most likely, the schoolboy) will think of writing an essay "Why Gerasim Umepel Muma", he should give an answer to this question in the context of the whole story so that the narration of the author acquired a depth and saturation.

Moral history

Turgenev specifically draws Gerasim so mighty so that in contrast to show along with the spiritual indecision and timidity, we can say slavery. The janitor drowned his dog is not because he regretted her: he imagined how she would be worse against stranger in search of food. He killed her, because he could not resist the boring punishment and the pressure of other servants. And when the reader understands all the essence of the inner world of Gerasim, he is shocking two things: the mastery of the writer and the deep tragity of the narration. Herasima because no one interfered to escape along with the dog, in general, so to speak, prepare escape in advance when he realized that it was bad. But he did not do it, but all because of the Halop psychology.

Thus, the question of why Gerasim drowned Moumus, the answers do not imply diversity. The key to understanding the work of I.S. Turgenev - in the slave psychology of the Russian man, which the classic is virtuoso embodied in the form of a wonderful janitor.

(370 words)

It's no secret that society has a strong influence on the identity. Such a tendency, for example, is at the basis of fashion, when a person sees, what others are dressed, and repeats behind them. We see the same situation when everyone votes "for", and they repeat those who do not want to remain in the minority. The same mechanisms of impact apply marketers, showing huge clusters of people where they need to lure the public. Thus, society affects a person through the rapid instinct, laid deep in the subconscious: if everyone goes, then I am with them. How it is that this impact on a particular individual is an open question. The answer to it can be searched in artistic literature.

In the Roman-Epopea of \u200b\u200bTolstoy "War and Peace", Pierre Duhov is influenced by secular youth. He just returned to his homeland, got a huge inheritance, but feels lonely and stranger in the world of higher world. Therefore, he becomes easy prey for those who have long revolve in society and knows how to use the infestability of Pierre. He, good and highly moral young man, under the influence of tricks participates in disgusting events. Then his own circle of communication pounds him in marriage with Helen Kuragin. So, the court elite almost spoiled the bright and virtuous personality of the hero.

In the novel, Turgenev "fathers and children" society, on the contrary, cannot affect the hero. Bazarov goes against him, recognizing all its values \u200b\u200binsignificant, and sometimes frankly contrived. He himself tries to move him forward with his discoveries, seeing conservatism and ignorance of Russian society. Thanks to its activities, the stagnant society is enriched with new progressive elements like feminists and nihilists, albeit caricature characters, but still carriers of new ideas. They are their own deliberate until the fruitless protest attract people to the problem of female cure and social inequality, and do not exacerbate these social cataclysms like idle and persistent on their personal life. Thus, if society affects the slave citizens, then bright, distinctive personalities can affect society themselves.

So, society is in many respects forms a person, but someone stops on this and only complements the inert mass of people repeating from the century the same thing, and someone takes the brazers of the board in their hands and affects society himself. So, the inevitable influence of society in humans is reflected in different ways: someone teaches only to obey, someone motivates to act independently. Thus, the result in any case depends on ourselves.

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