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The place occupied by the hero in the work of Vasily Terkin. A.T. Tvardovsky, "Vasily Torkin": an analysis of the poem. Vasily Terkin: Analysis of the image

It occupies the most important place for the creative history of the work and his hero. The poem was created for a military years, appearing on the pages of front-line newspapers, and its disparate masters were addressed directly to those who fought for their homeland who had to learn and found out in Hero-Balagen Terkina herself, his comrades, fellow soldiers ... in other words, this is a poem People facing the people. And this people are embodied in the central figure of the "Books about the Fighter": Vasily Terkin becomes an epic character, the scale of generalization reaches a folklore scope.
At the same time, it is interesting which creative evolution undergoes this image from the newspaper feuilleons of the time of the war with Finland to the "Book of the Fighter": if initially it is a semi-suck character ("He is his own / unusual person / ... / Bogatyr, sagen in shoulders / ... / and enemies It takes on the bayonet, / like sheaves on the pitchfork "), then the intention of the Tvardovsky changes radically. He is thinking about the story about the Motherland and the people, and the former hero should be the personification of this nation. Therefore, a sharp turn to typical is made from the exclusivity: "Terkin - who is it? / Let's say frankly: / just the guy itself / he is ordinary. " He is from those that "in every company there is always / and in each platoon," no external exception noted, but "hero hero". The image of Terkina is simple, humane and at the same time unauthorized, because it is concentrated, with the essential qualities of the Russian people are concentrated, with the most characteristic of the TVard liveliness and brightness. The underlined typicality of this image encourages the reader not only to worship the people in the image of his hero, but also to see the heroic in every representative of this people, in each person with whom the side of the side meet harsh tests.
Terkin - Hero, Bogatyr. In the chapter "Fight", describing the hand-to-hand fight of Terkina with a German soldier, the author gives direct references to the epic times, to the legends on the battle on the Kulikov field:

As in the ancient battlefield,
Chest on the chest that shield on the shield, -
Instead of thousands beat two,
As if the fight will decide everything.

Terkin embodies in itself, as already mentioned, folk strength, the best folk quality. What is this quality? This, of course, courage, the ability does not fall in spirit in the hardest and terrible minutes. Lying in a swamp under fire, Terkin is able to preserve optimism and encourage his comrades: he reminds that they are on their land, which is:

Armored, guns, tanks.
You, brother, is a battalion.
Regiment. Division. Want -
Front. Russia! Finally,
I will tell you shorter
And clearer: You are a fighter.

This is a sense of humor, an invariably accompanying hero and helps in a difficult moment: "I would say that in the resort / we are now," the terkin jokes under the fire, lying in this cheese swamp, in battles for the observer "settlement of Borka." This is a sense of partnership, the willingness to help - the examples of this is not read throughout the poem. This is the spiritual depth, the ability to deep experiences - the feeling of grief, love and blood relationship with their land and their people is more than once in the soul of the hero. This is a moderation, skill - terkin, any work argues, as if joking; In the chapter "Two Soldiers", he appears the master for all hands - whether it is necessary to repair the clock or to put on the saw ... And finally, the main quality inherent in our hero and in his face to whole people is a striking vitality. In the chapter-parable "Death and Warrior" Terkin wins death with persistence, strength of the spirit, the power of love for life. And the roots of this love for life again - in love for the native land, to native people, to the native country. Death offers him "rest", but in return she wants to separate him with everything that he is expensive on earth - and he opposes death to the end.
By the end of the poem, Terkin "multiplies" - there is a funny and very symbolic episode of the meeting and the dispute of two terkins, Vasily and Ivan. The dispute, of course, ends with reconciliation: the better that Terkin is not one that it can be found "in every company", and even "in each platoon". This once again emphasizes the naturalness and typics of such a hero, his folk essence. As a result, Terkin becomes a peculiar myth, a symbol of the vitality, courage and the high moral qualities of the Russian people. Its fate no longer depends on the chances as the fate of a separate person, he is doomed to win, is doomed to stand in all the trials, because he himself is the people and the fate of him - the fate of the people.

And more than once in the way the usual
At the roads, in dust columns,
I was scattered in part,
And partially exterminated ...

Does terkin say here? About myself? In these humorous lines, he identifies himself with his squad, from the whole Russian army, with all the people.
Therefore, its image is even more folklorized, resembles a hero or a fabulous hero, who with honor is three tests and against which the noise of the enemies is powerless:

- can be seen, bomb or bullet
Not yet found for me.
Was in battle will be a fragment,
Healing - and so much sense.
I was surrounded three times
Three times - here it is! - came out.

The author does not hide the fact that he creates a myth, a semi-checked narration, and not just a story about the fate of an individual hero; But this myth becomes the highest truth about the Russian people, and the fictional hero is a symbol and the embodiment of the People's Spirit. And the fate of this hero is not entitled to manage at his own discretion: "Book without end," because "a sorry for a good one," he explains. The logic of the fate of the hero is now different: it is the fate of the people and the best in the people. In war, no one is "enchanted" from death, but Terkin - "Miracle Bogatyr" - must survive and defeat the laws of epic narration. In this

In the depths of native Russia
Against wind, chest forward,
On snow goes Vasily
Terkin. The German beat goes.

The most famous work of A.Ttvardovsky became a favorite Russian people since the time of the Went of the Poem "Vasily Terkin". This is already proved by the fact that in 1995, a monument was established in the homeland of the writer, in the center of Smolensk. As if alive, they are talking about cast from bronze Alexander Tifonovich and his famous hero with a harmonica in his hands. These sculptures are a symbol of memory of a strong Russian character, capable of going through the sake of salvation of the Motherland.

Genre features of the work

In the literature, it is customary to attribute "Vasily Terkina" to poems. However, the writer itself was not so categorical in this matter.

First, you need to pay attention to the subtitle "Book about the Fighter", made by the author. It already suggests the idea of \u200b\u200bsome non-traditional work. Indeed, there is no maintenance of the main plot of chapters, there is no climax, and the question of completion is quite controversial. The main reason is that the work of "Vasily Terkin" was written on the chapters that became instant response to the events on the front.

Secondly, the records of the TVardovsky were preserved, where he expresses relatively genre: "... the chronicle is not the chronicle, the chronicle is not a chronicle ...". This confirms the fact that the basis of the work was real events from the author.

Thus, this is a unique book, which is an encyclopedia of the life of the people in the war years terrible for him. And the main thing in it is that the writer managed to workshk to outlide the hero, which embodied the best traits of Russian.

Composition and plot

The poem "Vasily Terkin" had a special purpose: she was written in 1942-45 and was addressed, first of all, an ordinary soldier who fought in the trenches. This determined her composition: independent chapters (the author left 29 in the post-war edition, including 5 "copyright" chapters) with a separate plot. "Without start, without end, without a special plot" - so determined the features of the "Books about the fighter" Tvardovsky. This approach was explained quite simply: in conditions of wartime, there was no possibility to fully read the poem "Vasily Terkin". The chapters that united the image of the main character, always rendered in the center of events, told about some important moment of soldiers. This made a work valuable in terms of its scale and nationality.

Vasily Terkin: Analysis of the image

The first chapters appear in 1942. They arise the image of an ordinary soldier, who appears with a tailed and a merryman, then the master for all hands and a skillful harmonist, then a man of courageous and devoted homeland. Tvardovsky does not give a detailed hero: his features are most realistic and is characteristic of most people. There is no clear indication and the place of his residence, although on the author's retreats it can be understood that the Twardovsky and Terkin are countrymen. Such an approach deprives the Hero of Individuality and gives the image of a generalized character. That is why each reader found familiar features in Terkina and accepted him for his.

The hero, the former worker of the earth, perceives the war as important work. It is shown on a privala, then in the peasant hut, then the thrilling river, then what a well-deserved award, then playing the accordion ... It does not matter, in what situation it turned out to be a lot of others (the connection of the name with the word "grated" is obvious) for his life Vasily Terkin. An analysis of his actions and behaviors shows that even in such difficult conditions preserves life and the best sacred believes in victory and in comrades. Interesting and rhymes "Vasily-Russia", which is used in the text several times and emphasizes truly folk traits of the created image.

Image of war

A special approach was from the author and to the description of the place of action of the poem "Vasily Terkin". Analysis of text shows that it is practically no specific geographical names and accurate event chronology. Although it is definitely indicated by the genus of the troops - infantry, as it was that it was more likely to experience all the tights of the front life.

An important role is played by a description of the individual details and items of the soldier's life, which add up in one live and large-scale picture of the war with the fascists. At the same time, quite often the image of Terkin is associated with the warriors-hero of all "companies and times".

The image of the author

An important person in the poem is not only Vasily Terkin. Analysis of the heads "from the author" allows you to submit a narrator and at the same time an intermediary between the hero and readers.

This is a person who fell in full war of war (A.T. Tvardovsky from the first days went to the front as a correspondent). In his reflections, the characteristic of the hero (in the first place is the psychological aspect) and the folk assessment of terrible events. The latter is especially important, especially since the recipients of the poems and front-line soldiers (L. Ozerov described it as an assistant book in war), and those who remained in the rear. The appearance of new chapters was waiting with impatience, and their individual parts memorized by heart.

Language and style of the poem "Vasily Terkin"

The topic of the war is usually revealed through the use of sublime vocabulary. Twardovsky departs from this tradition and writes the poem about the usual soldier, a person from the people light, in simple language. This gives everything narrative and the image of the hero naturalness and warmth. The author skillfully combines the colloquial, sometimes even a spurant, and literary speech, resorts to turnover and oral creativity, paraphrases small, these are numerous sayings and booms ("Your current hut with the edge"), words with a decreasing value (son, sokolik), constant epithets ( "Godina Gorky"), the expressions of the "Clear Sokol" attracted "," to hive-chew ".

Another feature is an abundance of dialogues in which many shorts they easily recreate pictures of everyday soldiers' life and make heroes simple and close to the reader.

Monumental work about the fate of the people

The poem became a decisive event not only in the work of A.Ttvardovsky, but also in the entire literature of the military period. The author managed to show in her the heroic path of the ordinary fighter, which was Vasily Terkin. Analysis of combat events by their direct participant makes the story believable. Three parts of the poem talk about the decisive stages of the war: a retreat, a fracture and a victorious procession on Berlin.

The action of the work ends simultaneously with the victory, since the main task is to tell about the incredible courage of the Soviet people during the war with fascism - A.T. Tvardovsky fully performed.

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky - the most famous Soviet writer, journalist and poet. The image of Vasily Terkina, created by him in the most difficult years for our country, is familiar with everyone since childhood. Brave, nonsense and resourceful soldiers and today retains its attractiveness. Therefore, the poem of the Tvardovsky and its protagonist became the topic of this article.

Vasya Terkin and "Book about the fighter"

The hero named Vasya Terkin was created before the Great Patriotic War by the team of journalists, one of which was Tvardovsky. The character was an invincible fighter, lucky and strong, somewhat resembling the epic hero.

On the journalist, which was Tvardovsky, the image of Vasily Terkina brings the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a full-fledged work in verses. Returning, the writer begins to work and suggests completing the book already in 1941 and call her "book about the fighter." However, the new war mixed plans, Tvardovsky goes to the front. In the difficult first months he simply does not have time to think about the work, together with the army he retreats, comes out of the environment.

Creating an image of the chief hero

In 1942, the writer returns to the intended poem. But now her hero is fighting not on the past, but at the current war. The image of Vasily Terkina itself is changing in the poem. Before that, he was a merry and balagen Vasya, now it is a completely different person. The fate of other people, the outcome of war depend on it. On June 22, 1942, Tvardovsky announces the new name of the future poem - "Vasily Terkin".

The work was written during the war, almost in parallel with her. The poet managed to quickly reflect the front-line changes and maintain the artistic and beauty of the language. The chapters of the poem were published in the newspaper, and the soldiers were looking forward to a new release. The success of the work is explained by the fact that Vasily Terkin is the image of a Russian soldier, that is, collective, and therefore, close to every fighter. Therefore, this character inspired and encouraged, attached to the strength to fight.

Poem theme

The main theme of the Poem Tvardovsky is the life of people at the front. As if fun and trigger, with humor and irony, the writer did not describe events and heroes, he at the same time did not let you forget that the war is a tragic and harsh test. And the image of Vasily Terkina helps to reveal this thought.

The poet describes both the joy of victory and the bitterness of the retreat, the soldiers life, everything that fell into the share of the people. And these tests took place for the sake of one: "The death fight is not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on earth!"

But Tvardovsky penetrates the problems not only he speaks of war at all. Raises philosophical questions about life and death, peaceful life and battles. Through the prism of the main human values \u200b\u200bis watching a writer to war.

Symbolism in the name of the main character

Noteworthy in terms of symbols, the image of Vasily Terkina. An essay dedicated to this hero can be started with this, and then move to the detailed characteristic of the hero, which will be presented below in detail. So, as noted above, the Hero of the Tvardovsky changed sharply, he is no longer the melagen vasya. His place occupies a real fighter, a Russian soldier with his biography. He participated in the Finnish campaign, then returned to the army in 1941, returned, got into the environment, after, together with the whole army, goes to the offensive and ends the way in Germany.

The image of Vasily Terkina is multidimensional, symbolic, embodying the people, Russian type of person. It is not by chance that there is not a single mention of his family, personal relationships. It is described as a civilian person, forced to become a soldier. Before the war, Vasily lived in the collective farm. Therefore, he perceives war as an ordinary peaceful resident: for him she is unimaginable grief, it is akin to a dream of a peaceful life. That is, Tvardovsky creates in Terkina the type of ordinary selinine.

The hero has a speaking surname - Terkin, that is, a grated life, a crazy man, in the poem it is said about him: "Life is grated."

The image of Vasily Terkina

Often becomes the theme of creative work the image of Vasily Terkina. An essay about this character should be complemented by a small certificate of creating the poem.

The fragmented composition of the work in one unit combines the main character, the participant of all the events described - Vasily Ivanovich Terkin. He himself from Smolensk peasants. Good-natured, easy to communicate, tries to support the morale, for which it often tells the soldiers of funny stories from their military life.

Terkin from the first days at the front was injured. But his fate, the fate of a simple man who was able to postpone all the adversity of the war, personifies the strength of the Russian people, the will of her spirit and thirst for the image of Terkina - what he does not stand out, he is either smarter, nor stronger, neither the talenter, he, how All: "Just the guy itself / he is ordinary ... the guy in this way / every company always has".

However, this ordinary person is endowed with such qualities as courage, courage, simplicity, this Tvardovsky emphasizes that all these qualities are inherent in all Russian people. And this is precisely the reason for our victory over the ruthless enemy.

But Terkin is not only a valid soldier, he is also a craftsman, master of all hands. Despite the severity of wartime, he repairs the clock, sharpens the saw, and in the interruptions between battles playing harmony.

To emphasize the collection of the image, Tvardovsky allows you to talk a hero about himself in a plural.

Relative to conversation terkina with death. The fighter lies the wounded, his life ends, and behind him is bony. But the hero agrees with her, only if she gives him a delay for one day, so that he could "hear the Salute victorious." Then death is surprised at this dedication and retreats.


So, the image of Vasily Terkina is a collective image, designed to emphasize the heroism and the courage of the Russian people. However, this is a hero and individual features: dexterity, cutter, wit, the ability not to lose heart even before death.

History of creating the work of the Tverdow "Vasily Torkin"

Since the autumn of 1939, Tvardovsky as a military correspondent participated in the Finnish campaign. "It seems to me - he wrote M.V. Isakovsky, - that the army will be the second my theme for life. " And the poet was not mistaken. In the editors of the Leningrad Military District "guarding the Motherland", the poets group had an idea to create a series of entertaining drawings about the exploits of a funny soldier-hero. "Someone," recalls the Tvardovsky, "suggested calling our hero to Terkin, namely Vasya, and not Vasily." In the creation of a collective work about the unscrewly lucky fighter, the Tvardovsky was charged with writing an entry: "... I had to give at least the most common" portrait "of Terkina and determine, so to speak, tone, Maneru of our further conversation with the reader."
This appeared in the newspaper the poem "Vasya Terkin" (1940. - January 5). The success of the Faken Hero came across the idea of \u200b\u200bcontinuing the story about the adventures of the invalid Vasi Terkina. In the end, the book "Vasya Terkin on the front" (1940) was released. In the Great Patriotic War, this image becomes the main thing in the work of the Tward. "Vasily Terkin" walked along with the Tward Roads of War. The first publication "Vasily Terkina" took place in the newspaper of the Western Front "Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda", where on September 4, 1942, the introductory head "from the author" and "on the privala" were printed. Since then, until the end of the war, the heads of the poems were published in this newspaper, in the magazines "Red Armenian" and "Banner", as well as in other printed bodies.
"... my work ends in coincidence with the end of the war. You need one more effort of the refreshing souls and body - and you can put the point, "wrote the poet on May 4, 1945. So the completed poem "Vasily Terkin appeared. Book about the fighter "(1941-1945). Tvardovsky wrote that the work on her gave him a "feeling" of the legality of the place of the artist in the great struggle of the people ... a sense of complete freedom of treatment with verse and the word.
In 1946, three complete editions of the book about the Fighter came almost one after another.

Rod, genre, creative method of analyzed work

In the spring of 1941, the poet hardly worked on the heads of the future poem, but the beginning of the war changed these plans. The revival of the idea and the resumption of work on "Terkin" refers to mid-1942. From this time, a new stage of working on the work begins: "The whole character of the poem has changed, all its content, her philosophy, her hero, its form - composition, genre, plot. The character of the poetic narration about the war - the homeland and the people, the people in the war were the main themes. " Although, starting to work on it, the poet was not too worried about this on this expense, as evidenced by his own words: "I would not be long ago by doubts and fears regarding the uncertainty of the genre, the lack of the initial plan, hugging all the work in advance, the weak storylice of the chases among themselves. Not a poem - Well, let yourself not a poem, I decided; There is no single plot - let yourself no, do not; There is no very beginning of things - I once invent it; The climax and the completion of the whole story is not planned - let it be necessary to write about what is burning, does not wait, and there will be visible, we will see. "
In connection with the question of the genre of the work of Tvardovsky, the following judgments of the author are important: "The genre designation" Book about the fighter ", on which I stopped, was not the result of the desire to simply avoid the designation of the" poem ", the story, etc. This coincided with the decision to write is not a poem, not a story or a novel in verses, that is, not what has its own legalized and to a certain extent obligatory plot, composite and other signs. I did not have these signs, and something still went out, and this something I designated the book about the fighter. "
This, as her poet himself called, "the book about the fighter" recreates a reliable picture of front-line reality, reveals the thoughts, feelings, the experiences of a person in war. It stands out among other then the poems of the special completeness and depth of the realistic image of the people's liberation struggle, disasters and suffering, feats and military life.
The poem of Tvardovsky is a heroic epic, with an objectivity that responds with an epic genre, but permeated by a lively copyrighted feeling, is peculiar in all respects, a unique book, at the same time developing the traditions of realistic literature and genetic creativity. And at the same time, this is a free story - a chronicle ("The book about the fighter, without beginning, without end ..."), which covers the entire history of the war.


The topic of the Great Patriotic War forever entered the creativity of A.T. Tvardovsky. And the poem "Vasily Terkin" became one of the brightest pages. The poem is dedicated to the life of the people in war, it is rightfully the encyclopedia of front-line life. In the center of the poem, the image of Terkina, an ordinary infantry from Smolensk peasants, which unites the composition of the work into a single whole. Vasily Terkin actually personifies the whole people. It found the artistic embodiment of Russian national character. An ordinary man, ordinary soldiers, became a symbol of the winning people in the poem.
In the "book about the fighter" the war is depicted as it is - on weekdays and heroic, interlacing ordinary, sometimes even comic (chapter "on the privala", "in the bath") with an elevated and tragedy. The poem is strong primarily for the truth about the war as harsh and tragic - at the limit of opportunities - testing the vitality of the people, the country, every person.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work

The artistic literature of the period of the Great Patriotic War has a number of characteristic features. Its main features - patriotic pathos and installation for universal availability. The intended example of such a artistic work is considered to be the poem Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin". The feat of the soldier in the war is shown by Tvardovsky as everyday and grave work and battle, and the transition to new positions, and overnight in the tag or right on Earth, "shielding from death black only his own back ...". And the hero, which makes this feat - ordinary, simple soldier.
It is in the protection of the Motherland, life on Earth is the justice of the People's Patriotic War: "The fight is holy and right, the death fight is not for the sake of glory - for the sake of life on earth." Poem A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" became truly folk.

Basic heroes

The analysis of the work shows that the poem is based on the image of the main character - ordinary Vasily Terkina. It does not have a real prototype. This is a collective image that connects typical features of the spiritual appearance and the nature of an ordinary Russian soldier. Dozens of people wrote about the typical of Terkina, making the "guy in this way in every company in every company always, and in each platoon" the conclusion is that it is a collective image, generalized that it should not look for any individual qualities, so everything Typically for the Soviet soldier. And since "he was scattered, he was partially and partially exquisies," it means that it is not a person at all, but a certain symbol of the entire Soviet army.
Terkin - Who is he? Let's say frankly: just the guy itself is ordinary.
However, the guy at least where, the guy in this way
Each company is always, and in each platoon.
The image of Terkina has folk roots, it is "Bogatyr, a sage in the shoulders", "Veschak", "Man's" man. " Behind the illusion of rusting, balarage, mischiefs are hiding moral sensitivity and a sense of sown debt in front of the homeland, ability without phrase and posture to make a feat at any time.
The image of Vasily Terkina really absorbs what is typical for many: "The guy in this way / in each company is always, / and in each platoon." However, in it inherent in many people features and properties were embodied brighter, sharper, distinctive. Folk wisdom and optimism, durability, endurance, patience and dedication, the everyday savings and skill of the Russian man - the worker and the warrior, finally, inexhaustible humor, followed by something more in-depth and serious, - all this is melted in a living and holistic human character. The main feature of his character is love for their native country. The hero constantly remembers the native places, which are so miles and the road to His heart. It cannot but attract in Terkina also with mercy, the greatness of the soul, in war, it turns out not because of the military instinct, but for the sake of life on earth, the enemy causes only a sense of pity in it. He is modest, although he can sometimes take asleep, saying to the friends that he does not need an order, he agrees to the medal. But most of all attracts his life in this man, everyday savings, mockery over the enemy and over any difficulties.
Being an embodiment of the Russian national nature, Vasily Terkin inseparable from the people - the soldier's mass and a number of episodic characters (grandfathers and grandmother, tankers in battle and march, a nurse girl in the hospital, a soldier mother, returning from enemy captivity, etc.) , It is inseparable from Mother Motherland. And the whole "book about the fighter" is a poetic statement of national unity.
Along with the images of Terkina and the people, an important place in the general structure of the work occupies the image of the author-narrator, or, more precisely, the lyrical hero, especially tangible in the chapters "Ohself", "On War", "On Love", in the fourkers "from the author " So, in the chapter "About myself", the poet directly declares, turning to the reader: "And I will tell you: I will not hide, / - in this book, whether there, Sym, / what would be to be a hero, I personally say."
The author in the poem is an intermediary between the hero and the reader. A confidential conversation is constantly underway with the reader, the author respects the reader's friend, and therefore seeks to convey to him the truth about the war. The author feels his responsibility to readers, he understands how important it was not only to tell about the war, but also to instill faith in the readers in the disadvantage of the spirit of the Russian soldier, optimism. Sometimes the author as it would invite readers to check the truth of its judgments and observations. Such direct contact with the reader quite contributes to the fact that the poem becomes a clear large circle of people.
The poem constantly serves a subtle author humor. The poem's text is filled with additives, promscripts, sayings, and determine who is their author - the author of the poem, the hero of the Poem Terkin or the people, is generally impossible. At the very beginning of the poem, the author calls the joke as the most necessary in the soldier's life "thing":
You can live without food, you can more, it is possible, but sometimes in the war one minute can not live without booms, the jokes of the Noomudo itself.

The plot and composition of the analyzed work

The originality of the plot-composite construction of the book is determined by the most military reality. "There is no plot at war," the author noted in one of the chapters. And in the poem, in general, there are no such traditional components as the tie, culmination, an omission. But inside the chapters with a narrative basis, as a rule, there is a story, between these chapters there are separate plot ligaments. Finally, the general development of events, the disclosure of the character of the hero, with all the independence of individual chapters, is clearly determined by the course of the war itself, a natural change of its stages: from the bitter days of retreat and the hardest defensive fights - to the stunned and conquered victory. Here's how Tvardovsky wrote about the compositional construction of his poem:
"And the first thing that I accepted for the principle of composition and style is the desire for the well-known completeness of each individual part, chapter, and inside the chapter - each period and even stanza. I had to keep in mind the reader, who, at least and unfamiliar, was with the previous chapters, would find something integer in this chapter today, rounded. In addition, this reader could not wait for my next chapter: he was where the hero, - in the war. This approximate completion of each chapter I was most concerned. I did not keep anything to myself as another time, seeking to speak out in each case - the next chapter - to the end, to fully express my mood, pass the freshly impression, the thought, the motive, image. True, this principle was not determined immediately - after the first chapters of "Terkina" were printed in a row one after another, and the new ones were already appeared as they wrote. "
The poem consists of thirty independent and at the same time closely related chapters. The poem is built as a chain of episodes from the military life of the chief hero, which do not always have a direct event between themselves. Terkin with humor tells young fighters of the war; He said that he was fighting from the very beginning of the war, he was surrounded three times, was wounded. The fate of the ordinary soldier, one of those who carried the whole severity of the war on their shoulders, becomes the personification of the National Power of Spirit, will to life.
Poam's story can be difficult to trace, each chapter tells about a separate event from the life of the fighter, for example: Terkin twice tweats the ice river to restore communication with the upcoming units; Terkin alone occupies a German blonde, but falls under the shelling of his own artillery; On the way to Front, Terkin turns out to be in the house of old peasants, helps them by housework; Terkin comes into hand-to-hand combat with German and, with difficulty defeating, takes him captive. Or unexpectedly for himself terkin from the rifle knocks down a German attack aircraft. Terkin takes command of a platoon to himself when they kill the commander, and the first breaks into the village; However, the hero is quickly wounded. Lying wounded in the field, Terkin talks with death, persuading him not to cling to life; In the end, the fighters are found, and he tells them: "Remove this woman, I still have a live soldier."
It is not by chance that the work of the Tvardovsky begins and ends with lyrical deviations. An open conversation with the reader brings to the inner world of the work, creates an atmosphere of general involvement in the events. The poem ends the dedication to the fallen.
The poem "Vasily Terkin" is distinguished by peculiar historicism. It can be divided into three parts, coinciding with the beginning, middle and end of war. The poetic understanding of the steps of the war creates the lyrical chronicle of events from the chronicle. The feeling of bitterness and grief fills the first part, faith in victory - the second, the joy of liberation of the Fatherland becomes the leitmotif of the third part of the poem. This is explained by the fact that A.T. Tvardovsky created the poem gradually, throughout the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945.

Artistic peculiarity

Analysis of the work shows that the poem "Vasily Terkin" is distinguished by the extraordinary latitude and freedom of use of the means of oral-spoken, literary and peopetic speech. This is a truly popular language. In it, proverbs and sayings are naturally used ("I'm boredom for all hands"; "The case is time - an hour of fun"; "On which the river is saved, - that alone is to create ..."), folk songs (about Sineli, O River ). The Tvardovsky perfectly owns the art of saying simply, but poetic. He himself creates considerations that included in the rights of sayings ("Do not look at the chest, and look, what ahead"; "The war has a short way, in love - distant"; "guns to battle are ride" and others) .
Freedom - the main moral and artistic principle of the work is also implemented in the very construction of a verse. And this is a find - the relatively decade, eight, and five-, and six-, and the quatrain - in a word, the rhymers will be as much as the Tvardovsky needed in this minute in order to speak in full. The main size of "Vasily Terkina" is four-stranded kernels.
On the originality of the verse of Twardovsky wrote S.Ya. Marshak: "See how one of the best chapters" Vasily Terkina "is built -" Crossing ". In this truth, and as if a rampant story about the authentic, who observed by the author of the events, you will nevertheless find a rigorous form, a clear construction. You will find a recurring leitmotif here, which sounds in the most responsible places of narration, and every time in a new way, is sad and anxious, it is solemnly and even terrible:
Cross, crossing! Coast left, shore right. Snow rough. The edge of ice ... to whom the memory, whom Glory, whom the dark water.
You will find here and lively, concise, flawlessly acknowledged and built on all laws of ballads dialogue. This also affects the real poetic culture, which gives us funds for the image of events from the most modern cycling life. "

The value of the work

Poem "Vasily Terkin" - a central work in the works of A.T. Tvardovsky, "The best of all written about war in war" (K. Simonov), one of the tops of Russian epic poetry at all. It can be considered one of the truly folk works. Many lines from this work moved to orally popular speech or became popular poetic aphorisms: "The death fight is not for the sake of glory - for the sake of life on earth," "Forty shower one soul", "Cross, crossing, shore left, right" and many Others.
The recognition of the "book about the fighter" was not only nationwide, but also nationwide: "... this is a truly rare book: what freedom, what a wonderful delete, what is the accuracy, accuracy in everything and what extraordinary People's Soldier's Language is neither a bitch no zadorinka nor Single fake, ready, that is, literary-vulgar words! " - wrote I.A. Bunin.
The poem "Vasily Terkin" was repeatedly illustrated. The first were the illustrations of O.G. Veresky, who were created directly following the text of the poem. The works of artists B. Dehteherheva, I. Bruni, Yu Nakutsev, are also known. In 1961 in the Moscow Theater. Mosovet K. Voronkov staged "Vasily Terkina". Known literary compositions of the chapters of the poem performed by D.N. Zhuravleva and D.N. Orlova. Excerpts from the poem are put on the music of V.G. Zakharov. Composer N.V. The Godlovsky was written by a symphonic story "Vasily Terkin".
In 1995, a monument to Terkin was opened in Smolensk (the author is the national artist of the Russian Federation Sculptor A.G. Sergeev). The monument is a two-profic composition depicting the conversation of Vasily Terkina with A.T. Tvardovsky. Monument is installed on the money of the money.

It is interesting

The greatest fame acquired the picture Yu.M. Nontsev "rest after fight" (1951).
In the winter of 1942 in the frontal dugout, barely illuminated by a homemade lamp, the artist Yuri Mikhailovich Neumbens first met with the poem A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin". One of the fighters read the poem out loud, and the unansitsa saw the light focused faces of the soldiers, as, forgetting about fatigue, they laughed, listening to this wonderful work. What is the enormous force of the poem? Why is it so close and the road to the heart of each warrior the image of Vasily Terkina? An artist thought about it. Nonununners reread the poem several times and is convinced that her hero is not at all some exceptional nature, but an ordinary guy, in the form of which the author expressed all the best, clean and bright, which is inherent in Soviet people.
Messenchak and Bougureur, who knows how to raise the mood of comrades in a difficult moment, to cheer themselves with a joke, a sharp word, terkin and in battle shows resources and courage. Such live terkins on the roads of war could be found everywhere.
In the great vitality of the image created by the poet, and the secret of his charm. That is why Vasily Terkin immediately became one of his favorite folk heroes. Captured by this wonderful, deeply truthful way, unanswered for many years could not part with him. "He lived in my mind," the artist later wrote, "accumulating new features enriched with new details in order to become the main character of the picture." But the idea of \u200b\u200bthe picture was not immediately born. A long, full of work and a thoughtful way was the artist before starting writing a painting "Rest after the fight." "I wanted," the artist wrote, "to portray the warriors of the Soviet Army at the time of the overthrow of any heroic actions, when all the spiritual forces of a person are tense to the limit, show them not in the battle smoke, but in a simple everyday situation, per minute of a short rest." .
So the thought is born about the picture. Memories of the military years help determine its plot: a group of fighters in a short break between the battles is located on a snow-covered glade and listens to a cheerful story. In the first sketches, the overall nature of the future picture was already scheduled. The group was located in a semicircuit deployed to the viewer, and consisted of only 12-13 people. The figure of terkina was placed in the center of the composition and is highlighted in color. The figures located on the sides formally bated the composition. In this decision it was a lot of contrived, conditional. The small number of the group attached the whole stage the nature of the accident and did not create the impression of a strong, friendly team of people. Therefore, in subsequent sketches, the nearsy increases the number of people and most naturally has them. The main hero of Terkin moves by the artist from the center to the right, the group is based on the diagonal from left to right. Due to this, the space increases, its depth is scheduled. The viewer ceases to be only a witness to this scene, he becomes like its member, is involved in the steep of fighters, listening to Terkina. To give even more accuracy and vitality of the whole picture,
The unanswered abandoned solar lighting, since the spectacular contrasts of light and shadow could enter the elements of the theater convention, which the artist avoided. The soft scattered light of the winter day gave the opportunity to fully and brighter to identify the variety of people and their expressions. A lot of and long worked as an artist over the figures of fighters, over their poses, changing the last few times. So, the figure of the pretty foreman in the serve only after long searches turned into a sitting fighter, and an elderly soldier with a bowler in his hands only in the last sketches came to replace the girl-a nurse, bandaging the fighter. But the most important thing for the artist was to work on the image of the inner world of heroes. "I wanted," the nonununters wrote, "so that the viewer would love my heroes, he felt their alive and close people so that he would find and recognize in the picture of his own front-day friends." The artist understood that only then he would be able to create convincing and truthful images of heroes when they were extremely clear for him. The unanswered began to carefully study the characters of the fighters, their manner to speak, laugh, separate gestures, habits, in other words, began to "fit" in the images of his heroes. In this, he helped the impressions of military years, combat meetings, memories of his front-line comrades. The invaluable service was given to him his front sketches, portrait images of combat friends.
A lot was done by etudes from nature, but they were not transferred to the picture directly, without preliminary refinement. The artist was looking for, allocated the brightest features of a person or another and, on the contrary, removed the entire secondary, accidental, preventing the identification of the main one. Every image he sought to make a purely individual and typical. "In my picture, I wanted to give a collective portrait of Soviet people, a soldier of the Great Liberator. The authentic hero of my painting is the Russian people. " Each hero in the representation of the artist has its interesting biography. He can be fascinating about them for hours, transmitting the smallest details of their life and fate.
So, for example, the unanswered tells that a fighter sitting on the right of Terkina, he imagined Taya guy recently came to the army from the collective farm, is still inexperienced, maybe for the first time he participated in battle, and it is natural, scary. But now, listening to the stories of the experienced soldier, he forgot about his fear. For terkins standing a young handsome guy in a whharian shifted crop hat. "He," the artist wrote, "shears Terkina somewhat condescendingly. He himself could tell no worse. Before the war, he was a qualified working large plant, a harmonist, a participant in amateur activities, a favorite of girls \u003e\u003e. A lot could tell the artist about the Usat Starshine, who laughs in all the throat, and about the elderly soldier with a kotelet, and about a hallery soldier, sitting on the left of the narrator, and about all other characters ... The most difficult task was the search for the appearance of Vasily Terkina. The artist wanted to convey the image that had developed in the people, I wanted terkina to find out right away. Terkin must be generalized, it must be combined by the features of many people. His image is like the synthesis of all the best, light, clean, which is inherent to the Soviet man. Long worked the artist over the appearance of Terkina, above the expression of his face, hand gesture. In the first drawings, Terkin was depicted by a young soldier with a good-natured sly face. It did not feel dexterity, acute smelting. In another sketch, terkin was too serious, balanced, in the third - he lass everyday experience, life school. From the drawing to the drawing, the seals were seen, the gestures were specified, the posture was determined. According to the artist's thoughts, the gesture of the right hand terkina had to emphasize some sharp strong joke at the address of the enemy. Countless drawings have been preserved, in which the most different turns of the shape, head slopes, hands movement, individual gestures - while the artist found what was satisfied. The image of Terkina in the picture has become a significant, convincing and quite natural center. A lot of time was given a search artist for the painting. He represented that the action takes place in a roofing forest with the glades and armor. Early spring, snow does not melt, but only slightly frills. He wanted to transfer the National Russian Landscape.
The painting "Holiday after the fight" is the result of the tense, serious work of the artist, excited love for his heroes, great respect for them. Each image in the picture is a whole biography. And in front of the look of the curious viewer passes a number of bright individually unique images. Deep vitality of the idea led to clarity and integrity of the composition, simplicity and naturalness of a picturesque solution. The painting of Nakutsev resurrects difficult, complete heroes and severity, deprivation and adversity and, together with the joy of victory, the Days of the Great Patriotic War. That is why it will always be the road to the heart of the Soviet man, loved by the wide masses of the Soviet people.

(According to the book V.I. Gapeeva, E.V. Kuznetsova. "Conversations about Soviet artists." - M.-L.: Education, 1964)

Gapeeva V.I. Kuznetsova V.E. "Conversations about Soviet artists. - M.-L.: Enlightenment, 1964.
Grishunzh al. "Vasily Terkin" Alexander Tvardovsky. - M., 1987.
Kondratovich A. Alexander Tvardovsky: Poetry and Personality. - M., 1978.
Romanov R.M. Alexander Tvardovsky: Pages of Life and Creativity: Book for high school students. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989-
Tvardovsky A. Vasily Terkin. Book about the fighter. Terkin on the light. Moscow: Rariet, 2000.

1. Features of military literature.
2. Image of war in the poem "Vasily Terkin".
a) "Vasily Terkin" as a bible of a front-line person.
b) The features of the character of terkina in Russian fighters.
c) the role of the hero in the upbringing of the patriotic spirit of soldiers.
3. Evaluation of the poem critics and the people.

For a long four years, in which the war continued between the USSR and the fascist Germany, a lot of literary works were written, on the right of Russian literature that became in the treasury. Among them, the poem of the Poem of the Basydovsky "Vasily Terkin" occupies a special place. Ivan Bunin wrote about her that "This is a truly rare book." A question may arise: what is the difference between this book from others?

The main difference is to dislike for the literature of the military years. Where else can you meet the poem, permeated by humor, in which there is not a single missesmism? War is a tear, grief, mental pain. Simple workers, fighters, and there was difficult. If the poem had revealed only fear and horror of what was happening, she would not make such a bright impression. The Tvardovsky set as a goal that his poem revived the Soviet people in difficult times.

"Vasily Terkin" - the work is very original. The image of the fighter-merryman was so liked by Soviet soldiers, that even the newspapers in which the poem was printed on the chapters, they were kept, burned as Zenitsa Oka, and not used on self-workers. It was a kind of frontal bible. What happiness for the soldiers were parcels from the rear and letters from their relatives, the new chapter of the poem was the same joy. The poem was a road, because the history of the main character is the biography of them themselves, the whole army, millions of Soviet soldiers. Everyone could see in Terkina some trait of character and exclaim: "So this poem is written about me!". Many sought to be like him.

"Vasily Terkin" is an interesting, exciting work. Truthfulness, simplicity, people's speech conquer the reader. The humorous stories of the terkina soldier serve as a means of maintaining a combat spirit. The main character never leaves optimism. He raises the mood of the infantrymen and relieves fatigue, playing harmony. Probably the author does not accidentally use this tool, because the harmonica is a symbol of happiness, well-being, harmony. This Russian miracle will play a simple melody - immediately ends with something relative, it will be warm in the soul, and faith will light up with bright fire in the victory. As Vasily Terkin raised his stories, the game on the harmony was set to desperate comrades, and the poem herself raised the martial spirit from the soldier, gave the strength to fight further. Perhaps this is precisely the main value of the poem.

Vasily Terkin is a really rare book. It does not have a glorification to Stalin, which was the usual phenomenon of works of military years. The Tvardovsky himself noted that the mention of the leadership role of the party would not allow the poem of People. "The book about the fighter" was quite highly appreciated, and the Twardovsky was awarded the Stalin Prize for his work, although she had never mentioned the leader of the people in the poem. Not every work is awarded such award and high evaluation of critics. Even this fact confirms the significance of this work in Russian literature. "Vasily Terkin" is a national work that loved millions.

Characteristics of the characters: The relationship between Vasily Terkina with front-line comrades

"Terkin, Terkin, kind small ..." - the author to his hero in the poem of the same name appears. Tvardovsky very loved the image of this removed fighter, a magnificent comrade, a wonderful man. But not only one Tvardovsky penetrate sympathy to the hero invented by him: all Soviet soldiers loved him very much, they tried to be like him.

Back in the first chapter, all soldiers notice in their company a new friend who "guy at least where". This characteristic is already enough so that in the future it was clear how well the relationship is being collapsed.

This kind and cheerful man was trusted. So, tankers gladly lent terkin the harmonica of their deceased commander. Vasily immediately begins to fulfill the perky song, for which even more begins to like combat comrades. Tankists decided to give the harmony to their new acquaintance - he is the most worthy owner.

Terkin finds a common language not only with his own peers, but also with the people of the older generation. He can't pass by the hut, in which they live not familiar an old man with an old woman. He reaches an old man all that they are faulty: saw, clock. He is pleased to be in the company with these cute people, but the military debt obliges to go further. On the threshold, the grandfather asks Terkina, whether the Russians will be able to win over the fascists, to which Terkin confidently answers what they can. The same old terkin meets a little later, being an officer. Having learned that the clock, which he pissed himself, stole the German, he promises to bring new ones.

In the hospital, Terkin meets the Tambov boy, who, despite his young age, has already managed to become a hero and demonstrated his order to Vasily. But Terkina has more modest desires: "Why should I order? I agree to the medal. " However, it hurts the predetermined tone of the boy, and he tries to prove in fact that heroes can be in Smolensk.

The most mysterious interlocutor in the poem at Terkina is oblique, or death. The wounded fighter lies in the snow and loses its strength, but it was worth the oblique to declare his parish, Terkin drives her, saying that he would not surrender under any circumstances, even in a frosty night, crying from pain and powerlessness.

That was the glorious fighter Vasily Terkin. He always helped his comrades, helped the old and poor, in the war they led an honest battle, and on the "citizen" was an ordinary perky man. During the war, there were few such "terkins" in the country, but every soldier had at least one of the features of this wonderful hero, so it can be argued that this character, though the Wardowski is invented, but his prototype, "Russian miracle," you can probably find and now.

Mini essay

The victory in the Great Patriotic War is the main achievement of the Soviet people in the 20th century. It would seem how much adversity the inhabitants of this big state carried out, but they are all nipple! The key role in the victory approximation was played not only by the skilled fighters, bravely standing for their birthplace, but also persons who worked in their rear in their own way. Writers and poets made a lot to the victory, as they raised the military spirit of the soldiers, creating ideal images to which everyone sought. The war is the tragic event, but the life-affirming pathos of the military songs and the poems set the soldiers to the optimistic way.

The main work of the War Years of Alexander Tvardovsky - "Vasily Terkin". I was looking forward to the publications of the new chapter in the newspaper, they gladly read and thereby raised their military spirit. Everyone wanted to be like the main character of Vasily Terkina, who adopted the features of the heroes from the Russian epic. No one is insured by a crazy bullet in the war years, but not everyone finds the strength to fight for life. Heavyly wounded terkin does not fear death and drives her when she comes to him: "I didn't call you, Kosy, I am still alive," says Vasily and wins the fight with death.

Such an optimistic, life-affirming pathos is imbued with each chapter in the poem. Soldiers, reading such works, could not but beat after that, because even after the end of the war they had a stimulus - to strive to become like their favorite hero, Vasily Terkina.

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