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Why Roman Turgenev is called the day before. Pirogov G. P.: Roman I. S. Turgenev "On the eve". History writing novel

Artistic understanding of the problem of the active principle in man Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev gave in the novel "On the eve". In the work, "the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for consciously actors" for the movement of society to progress is laid.
In the "On the eve", the author carried out what readers could expect a long time ago, a decisive and active man appeared next to the volitional woman. To this image, Turgenev was walking a long time, thinking of him at the time of the creation of Rudin. Then the figure of the main character clearly loomed in the imagination of the author, but there was no main character. For its creation, Turgenev needed a real life fact. Helped the case. One of the Oryol neighbors of the writer handed him a notebook with a story in which the "bright strokes" was scheduled for what was then the content of the novel "On the eve". So "conscious and heroic natura" was found in life. And for the first time in the work of Turgenev in one work, two people have appeared at once - Bulgarian Insarov and Elena Stakhov. In the novel "On the eve", there was an expression of the desire of a new generation to progress, thirst for active participation of life, affairs, and not words.
Critics noted that the advantage of the novel Ivan Sergeevich is "the creation of such a female nature, who did not give the reader a none Russian poem, no Russian novel." The image of Elena Stakhova is finished, typical, alive, quite Russian. In it, the type of "Turgenev Girl" received the most complete embodiment. The main features of her character are self-sacrifice. In contrast, Lisa Kalitina Elena does not have any contradictions between moral duty and the natural desire for happiness. They completely coincide. Natura and consciousness in Elena are one whole, so for her, at first there is no problem of renunciation from personal happiness. Active good - the ideal of Elena, associated with its understanding of happiness. "She has eased activities since childhood; Hungry, hungry, patients occupied it, worried, tormented; She saw them in a dream, asked them all his acquaintances about them; She squeezed alms carefully, with an invitory importance, almost with excitement. " However, in the most thirst for self-sacrifice, Elena Stakhova has another important difference from Lisa Kalitina. Lisa is repeated only from the egoistic need of happiness and carries the gravity of responsibility for the imperfection of the world. Elena sees happiness in renunciation from himself as a personality, from his own freedom and from responsibility: "Who surrendered to the whole thing ... the whole ... There is little grief, he is not responsible for anything. I don't want: it wants. " This important entry in the Elena Diary Onsites the essential line of her nature. The deepening of this feature would be detrimental for the person. Therefore, the limit is here, further than which Turgenev did not want to continue the development of his beloved literary type.
Insarov is towers over all the active persons of the novel (excluding Elena. He is in short). It is towers as a hero, whose whole life is covered by the thought of a feat. The most attractive feature of Insarov for the author is love for the Motherland - Bulgaria. Insarov - the embodiment of fiery love for debris. His soul is full with one sense: compassion for the native people located in the Turkish Kabal. "If you knew what our burning area! - says Insar Elena. - And meanwhile his trample, it is tormented ... We all took away, all: our churches, our rights, our lands; How the flock of the Turks drive us the flock, we cut us ... Do I love my homeland? - What else can you love on earth? That one is invariably, that above all doubts, what can not be believed after God? And when this homeland needs you ... "
All the work of I. S. Turgenev is imbued with the "greatness and holiness" of the ideas of the liberation of the terrible depreciation. Insarov is a kind of self-denial. Its highly characterizes self-limitation, imposition of "iron chains of debt". He smires all the other desires, subordinating his
Life service to Bulgaria. However, his self-denial differs from humility before the debt of Laurezza and Lisa Kalitina: it has not a religious-ethical, but ideological nature.
In accordance with the principle of objective mapping, the reality of Turgenev did not want and could not cover the quality (albeit not always attractive), which saw him into the hero - not an abstract image, but in a living person. Any character is too complicated to draw it only one paint - black or white. Insarov is no exception. Sometimes he is too disadvantaged in his behavior, even simplicity of it is deliberate and difficult, and he himself is too dependent on his own aspiration for independence. The writer in Insarov attracts Donoschottia. There are no other, capable of the heroes around it. "There is no one else, there are no people where you look," says Shubin. "Everything is either Milyuz-hectare, rodents, gamletters ... from empty to empty releasants Yes, drum sticks!" And then some other things are: to the shameful subtleties they themselves studied themselves, they are indifferent to each of his feeling, they are indisputable and reported to themselves: that's what I say, I feel, that's what I think. Useful little lesson! No, you were between us with respect to us, this girl would not leave us, this sensitive soul would not slip away, like fish in the water. " "Gamletics" ... The word is said! Do not hear in these words of Schubin and author's self-constructions?
In the "On the eve", the presence of the author himself, his pondal and doubt, is felt in other novels of Turgenev, the many characters, in their thoughts and interests. Turgenev expressed himself even in a quiet and bright envy to the love of the main characters. Rightly, leaning in front of this love, Bersenev tells himself the very words that are more than once in the author's letters. "What kind of hunting to be lying to the edge of someone else's nest?"
There is one hidden plot in the novel "On the eve", not related to socio-political borings in the pre-forming Russia. In actions, reflections, the statements of the heroes are gradually the development of the author's thought of happiness. "" The thirst for love, the thirst for happiness, nothing more, - Shubin praised ...- Happiness! Happiness! While life has not passed ... We will win our happiness! " Bersenev raised his eyes on him. "As if there is nothing higher than happiness?" - he said quietly ... "
No wonder these questions are set at the very beginning of the novel, they require a response. Further, each of the heroes will find their happiness.
Shubin - in art, Bersenev - in the classes of science. Insarov does not understand personal happiness if the Motherland is in grief. "How can this be satisfied and happy when your countrymen suffer?" - asked by Insarov, and Elena is ready to agree with him. For them, personal should be based on the happiness of others. Happiness and debt, thus coincide. And it is not at all that disconnecting the well-being, which speaks at the beginning of Roman Bersenev. But later, the heroes are aware that even their altruistic happiness of sinful. In front of the death of Insarov, Elena feels that for the earthly - whatever it is - the happiness person must bear the punishment. For her, this is the death of Insarov. The author reveals his understanding of the law of life: "... the happiness of each person is based on the unfortunate of the other." But if so, then the happiness is really "disconnecting the word", and therefore, it is unacceptable and unattainable for a person. There is only debt, and it is necessary to follow him. Here is one of the most important thoughts of the novel. But will there ever be disinterested finances in Russia? The author does not give a direct response to this question, although it hopes for his positive decision.
There is no answer and the question sounded in the title of the novel - "On the eve". On the eve of what? - The appearance of Russian insaroys? When will they appear? "When will the real day come?" - This question asks the Dobrolyubs in the article of the same name. What is it - how not a call to the revolution?
The brightness of the same Turgenev is that he managed to see actual problems of time and reflect in his novel that did not lose freshness for us. Strong, bold, purposeful individuals need Russia at all times.

Elena Nikolaevna, twenty-year-old Beauty, with youngsters, was distinguished by a good and dreamy soul. It is attracted to helping patients and hungry - both people and animals. At the same time, she has long been manifesting independence and lives with his mind, but has not yet found a satellite. Shubin does not attract it because of its variability and impermanence, and Bersenev is interested in her with his mind and modesty. But then Bersenev introduces her with his friend, Bulgarian Dmitry Nikanovich Insarov. Insarov lives the idea of \u200b\u200bliberating their homeland from Turkish rule and attracts alive Elena.

After the first meeting, Insar did not manage to please Elena, but everything turns over after the case in Tsaritsyn, when Insarov protects Elena from the bailiffs of a huge growth, herself into the pond. After that, Elena confesses himself in the diary, which loved Bulgarian, but soon it turns out that he intends to leave. At one time, he told her that he would leave, if fell in love, because she did not intend to abandon the debt for the sake of personal feelings. Elena goes to Dmitry and recognized him in love. To the question, whether she will follow him everywhere, the positive answer sounds.

After that, Elena and Dmitry are associated with Bersenev for some time, but in the meantime, with the Motherland Insarov, increasingly alarming letters come, and he is already seriously preparing for departure. In one of the days, Elena is releasing himself. After a long and roast conversation, they decide to get married. This news becomes for parents and friends Helen's blow, but she still leaves her husband.

Reaching Venice, Dmitry and Elena are waiting for the arrival of the old Randich Sailor, who should send them to Serbia, from where their path lies in Bulgaria. However, Insarov is sick, he starts the heat. Exhausted Elena dream of a nightmare, and, waking up, she understands that Dmitry at death. Randich no longer finds him alive, but at the request of Helena helps her to deliver her husband's body on his homeland.

Three weeks later, Anna Stakhova receives a letter from his daughter: she heads to Bulgaria, which will become her new homeland, and will never return home. Further traces of Elena are lost; According to rumors, she was seen during the troops as a sister of mercy.

Roman motifs

The ideas and motives of the novel were analyzed in detail from the progressive position of N. A. Dobrolyubov in the magazine "Contemporary" in January 1860 (the article "When will this day come?"). Dobrolyubov notes the sensitivity of Turgenev as a writer to urgent public issues and stops how the author reveals some of these topics in his new novel.

Special attention was paid by Dobrolyubov, the issue of choosing the main character. Dobrolyubov sees in Elena by a stah allegory of young Russia on the eve of public shifts - the interpretation, with which Turgenev himself did not agree (see Criticism):

Elena learned from the Russian people a dream of the truth that needs to be sought in the distant lands, and the willingness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. An artist, a scientist, a successful official and revolutionary, and she eventually choose not a clean mind, not art and not civil service, as a result, is applying for Elena's love. Dobrolyubov emphasizes that from all candidates, the only worthy Insarov, who does not think of their happiness without happiness, who is all subordinate to the highest goal and whose word does not disperse with the case.

Another topic passing through the novel is the topic of the conflict of egoistic and altruistic aspirations in the human soul. For the first time, this question rises in the scene of the dispute of Bersenev and Shube about Happiness: Is the desire to happily with a selfish feeling, which is above - disconnecting people "love-pleasure" or uniting "love-sacrifice". At first, Elena and Insarow seems to be that this contradiction is not, but then they are convinced that this is not the case, and Elena bursts between Insarov and his family and homeland, and later Insarov asks her the question, is his illness in punishment their love. Turgenev emphasizes this inevitable tragedy of human existence on earth, when Insarov dies at the end of the book, and Elena disappears and its trace is lost. But this ending is still stronger thanks the beauty of the liberation gust, giving the idea of \u200b\u200bfinding social perfection of timeless, universal character.


Turgenev, who dreamed of the Union of Antiques and the Reconciliation of Liberals with Radical Democrats for the struggle for the common national idea, did not accept the position of Dobrolyubov, who had denied the consistency of the noble liberalism and the opposing Russian Insecarious Turks, which included not only obscurant reactionaries, but also Cute heart by the author of Liberals. He tried to persuade Nekrasov to abandon the publication of the Dobrolyubov article in the contemporary, and when he did not return him to the arguments, broke with the editors of the magazine. For its part, the dispensers of the "contemporary" also took a course for confrontation, and soon a crushing review of Rudin appeared in the journal, written by Chernyshevsky.

Significant was for Turgenev and criticism of the novel from more conservative circles. So, Countess Lambert refused Elena Stakhova in such qualities as femininity or charm, calling it immoral and shameless. The same position was taken by critic M. I. Daragan, who called the main character "empty, vulgar, cold girl who violates the decency of the light, the law of female shame" and even "Don Quixote in a skirt", and Insarov - dry and schematic. In the secular circles about the novel joked: "This is" on the eve "that will never have your own tomorrow." Once under the cross-fire of progressive and conservative critics, who ignored invested in the mouth of Insarov, the appeal to national reconciliation, Turgenev, according to their own words, began to experience the desire to resign from the literature. The serious state of the writer was aggravated by hints from I. A. Goncharov to the fact that in their last works, including in the "on the eve", Turgenev borrowed images and motives from the "cliff", by that time not yet finished.

As is well known from the memories of the writer, the prototype of Insarov was Bulgarian Katranes, a student of the Philological Faculty of Moscow University. Insarov truly heroic nature, he is deprived of selfishness, his whole life is completely subordinated to public interest. Nothing can make him retreat from the target goal, even the opportunity for personal revenge, he sacrifices a common cause. It gives the integrity and certainty of its nature.

Facilities of Nature I. Reliefs are drawn when compared with other characteristics of the novel - a young scientist-historian Bersenev and a talented artist Shubin, who are not able to bring their homeland practical benefits: one is engaged in the history of German law, and the other sculpts the Wakhanok and dreams of Italy.

The stubborn and focused I. with honor passes the test of love, which no longer under the power of the Turgenev Hero turned out to be unable to him: he boldly responds to the feelings of Elena Stakhova, not afraid of responsibility for her life and any other obstacles. In their union, he owns a leading role: it is with the advent of I. in the life of Elena a goal appears.

At the same time, Insarov is the only central heroes of Turgenev, who connected with his beloved and whose happiness is deserved. Natura I. Such is that it causes sympathy and hot attachment even in those people who could hate him. So, Bersenev, who loving Elena and who knows about her love for I., remains entirely devoted to him, cares for him during his illness.

The unexpected death of I. makes a motive of fees for happiness, the tragedy of human life. Although he dies not in a fight with the Turks, but in his hands at his wife in an Italian hotel, the influence of I. on Elena so much significantly that after the death of her husband she went to Bulgaria to continue his business.

"On the eve" - Roman Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, published in 1860.

History writing novel

In the second half of the 1850s, Turgenev, on the views of Liberal Democrat, who rejected the ideas of revolutionary configured differences, began to think about the possibility of creating a hero, whose position would not fit into conflict with his own, more moderate, aspirations, but which would be rather revolutionary, so as not to cause ridicule from more radical colleagues in the "contemporary". Understanding the inevitable change of generations in progressive Russian circles, cleansing in the epilogue of the "noble nest", came to Turgenev even on the days of work on "Rudin":

In 1855, the neighbor Turgenev for the Mtsensky district, the landowner Vasily Karateev, sent to the Crimea as an officer of the noble militia, left the writer the manuscript of the autobiographical story, allowing it to manage it at his own discretion. The story told about the love of the author to the girl, who chose Bulgarian - a student of Moscow University. Later, scientists of several countries established the personality of the prototype of this character. This man was Nikolai Katranov. He arrived in Russia in 1848 and entered Moscow University. After in 1853, the Russian-Turkish war begins, and among the Bulgarian youth, the revolutionary spirit comes to life, the cathranes with the Russian wife Larisa returns to the native city of Svistov. His plans, however, prevented the outbreak of a speed car, and he died during treatment in Venice in May of the same year.

Karateev, who anticipated his death when he handed the manuscript to Turgenev, did not return from the war, died from typhus in the Crimea. Turgenev's attempt to publish a weak on artistic attitude, the work of Karateeva was not crowned with success, and until 1859, the manuscript was forgotten, although, on the memories of the writer himself, first familiarized with her, he was impressed so much that exclaimed: "Here is the hero I exclaimed! " Before Turgenev returned to the notebook Karateeva, he managed to finish Rudine and work on the "noble nest".

Returning home in Spasskoy-Lutovinovo in the winter of 1858-1859, Turgenev returned to the ideas that occupied him a year of acquaintance with Karateev, and remembered the manuscript. Taking the plot suggested by the late neighbor, he took up his artistic recycling. Only one scene from the original work, the description of the trip to Tsaritsyno, according to Turgenev itself, was preserved in general in the final text of the novel. In the work on the actual material, he helped a friend, writer and traveler E. P. Kovalevsky, well acquainted with the details of the Bulgarian liberation movement and the essays himself about his trip to the Balkans at the height of this movement in 1853. The work on the novel "On the eve" continued in Spassky-Lutovinov, and abroad, in London and Vichy, until the autumn of 1859, when the author dismissed the manuscript to Moscow, to the editorial office of the Russian Bulletin.


The novel begins with a dispute about nature and about the place of man in it between the two young people by scientist Andrei Bersenev and the sculptor Pavel Shubin. In the future, the reader meets the family in which Shubin lives. The spouse of his rosulidic aunt Anna Vasilyevna Stakhova, Nikolai Artemyevich, once married her because of money, does not love her and drives acquaintance with a widow-German Augustine Christian, which is inhabit him. Shubin lives in this family of five years, from the moment of the death of the mother, and is engaged in its art, but they are subject to attacks, it works and does not intend to learn skill. He is in love with the daughter of the olena, although he does not miss sight of her seventeen-year-old companion Zoya.

The famous and talented writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is a classic of Russian literature. He is known not only as a writer, but also as a poet, publicist, translator, playwright. His realistic works are still the great property of Russian literature. Ivan Sergeevich made a huge contribution to ensuring that Russian literature in the nineteenth century could develop.

It is known that this wonderful writer succeeded not only in writing activities, but also became a corresponding member of the famous and prestigious Academy of Sciences, where he received a discharge in Russian and literature. In addition, he was awarded the title of Honorary Dr. Dr. Oxford, as well as an honorary member of the Metropolitan University. But its main achievements are works, among which six novels are distinguished. They brought him fame and popularity. One of them is "on the eve", which was published in 1860.

The history of the creation of the Turgenev novel

Ivan Turgenev, in the memoirs of contemporaries, in the second half of 1850 began to think about creating a completely new hero in one of his works, which was not yet in Russian literature. Such a decision came to the writer not easy, but because the author of remarkable landscape works had the influence of liberal democrats.

According to Ivan Turgenev, his hero was supposed to reflect the views of the author himself, but be more moderate. This understanding of the creation of a new hero came from a writer much earlier when he was just beginning to work on the first novel. And even female images in his work for modern literature became new. For example, Elena, about whom the author himself said:

"A strong desire for freedom could have to go."

About the history of the creation of this novel is known exactly that the manuscript of his autobiography left the writer himself, who at that time lived in the neighboring, Mtsensky, the county. This event happened to the author approximately in 1855. And by the landover, the neighbor was a certain Vasily Karataev. This officer, passing the service in the noble militia, decided not only to leave his manuscript writer, but also consent to Ivan Sergeyevich to dispose of it as he would like him.

Of course, Ivan Turgenev read it, and he was interested in the history of love, which was told in this handwritten notebook. So the plot of his novel was born: the young man loves a beautiful and charming girl who chooses another - Bulgarian. That is just in Moscow, studying at the university.

The main heroes of the novel:

✔ Anna Vasilyevna Stakhova.
✔ Nikolay Artemyevich Stakhov.

✔ Dmitry Insarov.
✔ Andrei Bersenev.
✔ Pavel Shubin.

As is known, a prototype of this Bulgarian became a certain Nikolai Katra Roganov, who lived in the capital, and then, together with Russian wife, he tries to return to his homeland, as the Russian-Turkish war began. But soon he dies from Chakhotka, never coming to his hometown.

It is known that the neighbor, who gave his manuscript to the writer, did not return from the war, as he died of a typhus. Ivan Turgenev tried to publish this manuscript, but, from the point of view of literature, she was too weak, so after many years he reread this notebook again and realizes that he found a new hero, which just at that time thought.

In 1858, he is taken for the artistic processing of the plot, which a neighbor suggested to him. But, as the writer himself explained himself, only one scene remained in the same form, everything else was recycled and changed. Ivan Turgenev and assistant - a famous writer, Turgenev friend and traveler E. Kovalevsky. He was needed by the author of the novel, as it was beautifully understood in all the details of the liberation movement, which happened in Bulgaria.

It is known that the writer wrote his novel not only in the genital estate, but also abroad, for example, in London and in other cities. And only only returning to Moscow, he himself delivers a manuscript in the publication of the magazine "Russian Bulletin" known at the time.

The plot of the new novel

The plot of the Turgenev Roman begins with a dispute. The scientist Andrei Bersenev and Sculptor Pavel Shubin participates in it. The theme of their dispute is the nature and place of a person in the surrounding world. Gradually, the author introduces the reader and with the whole family of sculptor. For example, with a detailed relative, aunt Anna Vasilyevna, who does not like her husband at all, as, however, he is her. Anna Vasilyevna's husband met by chance with a widow, and therefore he spends most of the time. And it is easy to explain: after all, on Anna Vasilyevna, he once married the sake of money, and the only thing that unites them is their adult daughter Elena.

It is known to all that the new acquaintance of Nikolai Artemyevich is quite inhabit of her. And now the sculptor lives in this family for five years, as he can only do the art here, but most of the time he is lazy. He cares for the companion of the Master's Daughter - Joy, but he is in love with Elena. But who is she, Elena? This is a young girl, twenty years old, dreamy and kind. It helps those who need help: hungry, sick people and animals. But at the same time she herself is very alone. She lives alone, her young man does not have yet. Shubin is not interesting to her, and his friend is interested only only for conversation.

Once Bersenev introduces Elena with his acquaintances, Dmitry Insarov, who lives in Russia, but dreams of liberating his homeland. Bulgarian interested Elena, but not at the first meeting. He begins to like when she protects her from a drunkard who sticks to the girl right on the street. And when the girl falls in love with himself, he learns that Dmitry leaves. Andrei tells the girl about the fact that he is afraid that his personal fervent feelings for Elena will be able to deprive His will fight for their country. Then the girl herself goes to the young man, admits in his feelings and is now ready to help him in everything and everywhere follow him.

Elena and Dmitry for some time modestly communicate, but Insarov, receiving anxious and sad letters from their relatives and friends, begins to prepare for departure. And then Elena comes home to him in order to talk seriously about their collaborative future. After the hot explanation it was decided to get married. Parents were shocked by her message about their marriage. For them, a big blow was the news that she was sent in other people's edges with her husband.

In Venice they have to stay a little, as they expect a ship going to Serbia, and only later they will be able to get to Bulgaria. But here Dmitry is ill: he has heat and temperatures. Once Elena dream of a terrible and terrible dream, and when she wakes up, he sees that her husband died. Therefore, only his body is delivered to their homeland. After that, there was another letter to parents, where Elena wrote that she was going to Bulgaria and wishes to consider this country to be his new homeland. After that, it disappears, and only rumors of the denunciation that she acts as a sister of mercy.

The motives of Turgenevsky plot

All motives, as well as Turgenev ideas in the novel, were analyzed by criticism of Nikolai Dobrolyubov, who approached the plot from progressive positions. Critic notes in the author special writing sensitivity. This is perfectly manifested in how Ivan Sergeevich depicts the main heroine. The critic saw in Elena, the stachic image of Russia, which is still young and beautiful.

Elena in the Turgenev presentation addressed to the people, it takes a dream from him, looking for the truth. She is also ready to sacrifice the sake of someone. Elena is a wonderful heroine, she likes to men. The army of her fans is great: it is an artist, and an official, a scientist and even a revolutionary. The girl chooses Insarov's revolutionary, trying to commit a civil feat. Her chosen one has a high goal that he subordinates all his life. He dreams of happiness for his homeland.

There is in Turgenev's work and another topic is a conflict of personal interests and senses. For example, Barsenhev and Shubin argue about what happiness is what love is, and that can stand above. The more the reader watches the main characters, it becomes clear that they must bring the victim of their love. The author is trying to emphasize that any life on Earth ends tragic. And according to the story of the novel, it is known that Insarows unexpectedly dies from the disease. And Elena dissolves in the crowd of people and no one else knows about her.

Criticism and reviews on the novel Ivan Turgenev "On the eve"

The writer did not accept the position of Criticism Nikolai Dobrolyubov on his novel, his interpretation of the general plot and a look at the main characters. At the time when the critical article was supposed to go out, Turgenev appealed to Nekrasov with a request to stop the review. The point is not that the author was afraid of publication. Ivan Sergeevich was upset by the very circumstance that the novel was misunderstood. Therefore, as soon as the Nekrasovsky magazine "Contemporary" came out, the writer decides forever to break with him, since he was not listened to his requests. But on this criticism of the novel "On the eve" did not stop. Soon another article appeared on the pages of the same Nekrasov magazine, which had a negative romance review, but already written by Chernyshevsky. No less negative reaction to the content of the novel and its heroes was both conservatively confined writers and nobles.

That just did not write contemporaries about the novel. The most rugged heroine considering that she at all there are no female qualities that she is immoral and empty. He also got the main character, most often it called dry and schematic.

It greatly grieved the author. But time passed into its place. Forecasts drawn up by the first readers that the "On the eve" will never be tomorrow, did not justify. The novel, added more than 150 years ago, one of the brightest creations of Russian classics is known as a bright and deep work to any contemporary.