
The problem of childhood as a happy pore arguments. Problems and arguments for the exam in Russian on the topic: Childhood. Problem changes in Russian

In the text proposed for analysis, the problem of childhood rises. Childhood is an integral part of the life of every person, so the childhood will never lose its relevance.

To interest the reader, Russian writer Garin talks about his children's memories. He writes that childhood was "the happiest sometimes", without duties and senses of duty.

It was possible to dream, rejoice, even simple food there seemed extraordinary. The most valuable memories are memories of childhood.

- "An independent kingdom that does not depend on an adult future."

But I do not agree with the opinion of Gran. In my opinion, childhood imposes a significant mark on the further fate of man. After all, it is in childhood that the main values \u200b\u200band ideals are formed.

Proving his position, I would like to appeal to the novel of Goncharov "Oblomov". Ilya Ilyich Oblomov spends most of the time on the old sofa. The hero has no dream or goal. He does not strive to achieve some heights, whether it is a career or personal life. What caused such passive behavior of Oblomov? The answer becomes obvious when the reader comes

before the chapter "Sleep Oblomov". Ilya Ilyich dream of his carefree childhood, long family breakfasts and mandatory afternoon sleep. Parents strictly controlled so that the boy was not overwhelmed, and, becoming an adult, Ilya Ilyich could not replace the ideals laid down in childhood. It is children's habits that turned the life of Oblomov into an empty existence. I am convinced that childhood largely determines our adult life.

Another proof can serve the Roman Gogol "Dead Souls". Chichikov's father from an early age taught the Son "Bear and Kind a penny", please the heads and not working with comrades. By these instructions Pavel Ivanovich followed his whole life. But is it possible to call "life" eternal chase for money?

Other works on this topic:

  1. In the center of our attention, the text of Daniel Alexandrovich Gorbon, the Russian writer and a public figure, which describes the problem of childhood value in a person's life. Reflecting on this ...
  2. Above this problem is reflected by the author of the proposed text D. A. Granin. Reflecting on childhood role The author begins with an answer to the question "What is childhood?" and...
  3. Childhood is the brightest and joyful, magical and carefree it's time in the life of every person, during which the cognition of the world begins. At least it should ...
  4. Most of all the whole lifetime people remember childhood. The famous Soviet writer and public figure Daniel Alexandrovich Granin reveals the problem of childhood roles and children's memories in ...
  5. Mentally referring to the Russian classical literature, remember Roman I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov". The Mozfer Lena, idleness that reigned in the family of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, dismissed the soul of a little Ilya that ...
  6. In his text, the Russian Soviet writer and public figure Daniel Aleksandrovich Garin raises the problem of the values \u200b\u200bof children's memories in a person's life. We can not not worry ...
  7. My childhood I spent my childhood unforgettable! From an early age, we traveled to other countries, cities with the whole family. I had the most wonderful kindergarten in ...
  8. Well, something like that)) Tolstoy believed that childhood is the happiest period of human life when he is in harmony with nature, with himself, with ...

I have repeatedly thought about the fact that childhood goes irretrievably. Without this remarkable pore, there is no further future adult. In this text, the author analyzes the problem of the value of children's memories in a person's life. After all, everything that was in childhood is firmly remained in our memory.

YES. Garin argues over this problem, resorting to his life experience. He writes about what a trace left his childhood in his life, because he notices: "... childhood was different from the rest of the life in that then the world seemed to me for me." The Russian writer focuses on the fact that despite all the bad things that happened in childhood, it "it was completely forgotten, only the charm of life remained."

The famous domestic writer M.Yu.Termontov in his novel "Hero of our time" on the example of Pechorin shows that childhood is a mirror of the present. In his monologue, the Hero of Romana realizes that he is still able to experience the same good feelings, knows how to love, create the good deeds that he committed in childhood.

Another example of confirmation of the problem, affected D.A. Grank, is the story of M. Gorky "Childhood". The hero of this work of Alyosha since childhood has learned from his grandmother compassion, mercy and disinterested love. Remembering these moments in adulthood, Alyosha understands what is capable of much; He could with great joy to give love and affectionably, to help and empathize for people.

Thus, the text read by me helped make sure that children's memories form a person's personality. They help adults do not forget who they are and who can be.

Updated: 2017-04-25

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Useful material on the topic

  • Option 23. Tsybulko The value of children's memories (childhood rarely gives the opportunity to guess something about the future of the child)

(1) Happy, happy, irrevocable time of childhood! (2) How not to love, do not cherish memories about it? (3) these memories are refreshing, we tower my soul and serve for me the source of the best pleasures ...

The writing

Childhood is one of the periods of human life, which, one way or another, responds in the soul of each memories, habits and impressions. The difference is only in what color they can have and what feelings can inspire their host. In the text proposed for analysis, L. N. Tolstoy, the author affects the problem of childhood perception and offers the reader to paint over it.

The question of what role the memories of childhood in the life of each of us are playing and how they can affect a person in the future, cannot leave anyone indifferent - after all, we all come from childhood. That is why the writer raised by the writer retains its relevance today. Arguing over her, the narrator immerses the reader into the world of his own fresh and sweet memories, where he is an innumerable and full of love to the whole thing outside the boy, and the world around is a carefree fairy tale. The writer emphasizes our attention that in the perception of the chief hero childhood is a warm pelerine of sweet memories, lovely and familiar sounds, gentle touchs and kisses Moms, comfort and sweet dreams on a wheelchair. The author draws our attention to the fact that the thoughts of mom and the past pore warmed, tower and soothe the soul of the already matured hero.

The position of the author is that childhood is the most important time in human life, because the perception of these years in the future plays an important role in the life of a matured personality. What was the childhood, there will be more memories of him. And if these years, in their essence, consisted of "innocent functions" and "the infinite need for love" - \u200b\u200bthen the memories of them will refresh, rise, warming the soul for many years and serve as a source of "best pleasures."

I'm close to L.N. Thick what I also believe that childhood is a house, this is a family and parents, it is they who in most cases create an atmosphere of tenderness and love. In maturity, these years should be perceived as a passage of carelessness and greasibility, as well as at the same time, an indispensable experience. This is happening in the event that childhood, for example, fell on a difficult number and had a negative color - in the perception of a matured person, it will still remain small passages of gentle memories, which are given to us close people, pleasant trifles, overlapping all the bad and gady, What could happen.

For example, in the story A.A. Likhanov "Good Intent" The writer introduces us with the perception of childhood by children, who for the most part there were no family and at home. The main characters of the story are orphans, in which there was a huge number of negative situations and very little love and good. However, Little Anya Nevzorova still loves his mother, devoid of parental rights immensely, and contrary to all terrible circumstances retains this love within himself. With a high probability, this girl will sweat this feeling through his youth to maturity in the form of warm memories, which later will become her childhood perception. And in the memoirs of the rest of the heroes, I am sure, the image of Hope Georgievna - a dedicated teacher who tried to fill every child with his feelings. "I kept my love, tenderness, to these children," she says, and it seems to me that these feelings will remain in the heroes to be the main in their perception of childhood.

The "traditional" form reflects childhood in the memoirs of the main character of Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Ilya Ilyich sees a native, warm heart of landscapes in his dream, remembers the care of parents and long, delicious breakfasts, lunches and dinners, as well as sweet afternoon sleep and abundance of caress, tenderness and love, which was messed every day. It is thus that the main character of Roman recalls the wonderful, who has gone, and these memories, having formed the perception of Oblomov, became the outstanding Ilya Ilyich in the most difficult periods of his life.

After reading the text L.N. Tolstoy, I realized that emotions, feelings, memories that it gives us a childhood, are an invaluable gift that can brighten our lives in any adversity.

Essay in the format of the exam in the text from the allowance I.TSibulko

(2017, option 27)

"Frustration, resentment, injustice" ... how not to harm the heart, stand out, staying humane, "despite all the blows" of fate that can be found in life?

Maybe in bright memories of childhood "stored ... Stocks ... kindness, joy, faith in the future?" Having threw over this question, it invites us to reflect on the problem of the role of childhood memories in a person's life.

The author writes that he was "pushed" the words of one of the main heroes of the novel "Brothers Karamazov", expressing his eyes to this problem. According to Alesh Karamazova, no matter how much life is, a person will not be evil and cruel if the moments of childhood remained in his memory, when he "felt good." The memory of how beautiful you were, "can protect against the commitment of a bad act.

Alyosha believes that the "Holy Memories" may be better than any education. Noting that "some minds" can "make fun ... Confidence" of the Hero of the Roman, the author of the text calls his instructions "Great from the point of view of pedagogy." D. Granan, "Checking" this "discovery" on himself and the lives of other people, began to think that, in him, in all likelihood, the truth confirmed by the lives of many worthy of people.

Having read the autobiographical story "Childhood", we learned how difficult for the childhood of M. Gorky. Life in the house, where the female, cruelty, envy. Nishchenskoe existence after the ruin of the grandfather, who from an early age forced Alya Peshkov to go "into people", earning a piece of bread. But no "abuse of life" could not displace the writer from the memory of those people who decorated it for childhood years, taught to be kind and patient, feel and understand the wonderful.

With heart warmth, Gorky Good Grandmother Acoune Ivanovna, who loved people, sorry for poor and beggars. He kept a feeling of gratitude to the seemingly evil grandfather, because he taught the grandson to steadily overcome difficulties.

I think that on thinking of the writer D. Granina should pay attention to many modern teenagers. After all, it is no secret that among them there are many people who do not feel about their studies, do not listen to the good advice of adults. Maybe someone from such guys will help to change on the best side of the memory of what a diligent and interested student was he in the younger school classes, treated the opinion of the parents wishing to her child only good?

D. Garin believes that it is not worth "to sort out in the past ... Bans, shame, repentance." And the kind and positive memories of childhood never and anyone "will not go to harm" - and with this position of the author of the text can not disagree.

There are good words that we all come from childhood. And this is true, because over the years our past does not let us go, filling the heart with warm memories. Although life shows that childhood is not all rainbow, moreover, many, having matured, they want to forget about it. It is quite natural that the problem of childhood memories arose of these contradictions. The arguments in favor of their influence on a person in different periods of his life are in the writers of writers, teachers, psychologists.

The significance of children's memories

Now we are increasingly facing the fact that the topic of school works, discussions on lectures on psychology and pedagogy, the subject of scientific dissertations becomes the problem of children's memories. The arguments in favor of their value lead in their writings of high school students, analyzing those positive emotions that such memories are caused in the soul of each person. Teachers spend on this topic with interesting discussions. Psychologists believe that all events that occurred in childhood, each person keeps his memory on the shelves, and at any moment they can radically change his life.

Memory problem

Memory is valuable in that at any time it can return us to childhood, such a distant and so native.

We remember what young and beautiful then our parents were.

Of course, we remember our friends in the yard games.

We remember our first matinees in kindergarten.

A separate place in the corner of our memory is given to our classmates and teachers. Even if we swore for a poorly learned lesson or did a remark, over the years it only causes a warm nostalgic smile.

However, the problem of memory lies in the fact that it is impossible to erase the memories of childhood. But many of them, unfortunately, left in the heart not the brightest mark:

someone teased at school;

someone was deprived by the attention of parents;

someone stayed orphan and lived in an orphanage.

Such moments, of course, should not darken the childhood, but once it happened, each person still in his past should be a bright spot, the memories of which will give him strength in his adult life.

The problem of childhood perception

Most consider childhood the most beautiful sometimes in their lives. Remembering distant happy times, they mentally represent themselves small and carefree. Add brightness perception help old photos. Childhood, such people are identified with fairy tales, children's books, New Year's gifts. However, as mentioned above, not everyone has a childhood perceived as a holiday. There is a problem of children's memories. Arguments can be both for and against. What to do?

On the one hand, if a person perceives the memories of his childhood in a negative key, it may not be worth it once again to remind him and injure his psyche.

On the other hand, the memories of childhood such a person are needed so that he can give his children what he hated in his time.

Meaning of memories of childhood in the work of different writers

A number of writers at different times have created unforgettable works, in which the life of heroes is described, starting with their childhood and until the time they became adults and firmly stood on their feet. And through the entire canvas of the plot refined the topic of children's memories.

One of their brightest literary examples can be called the book of Veniamine Cavery "Two Captains". Her heroes were happy in their own in their, perhaps, difficult childhood. But it gave them a strong friendship for life. And whatever tests did not prevent fate, childhood memories helped them to become stronger and more confident to go to new victories.

The hero of the story of Maxim Gorky "Childhood", being a child, learned a lot from his grandmother. And already in his adult life, recalling childhood, he understands that only thanks to her he became a good and responsive man who can empathize and help people, give them their love and affection.

Effect of children's memories for man's life

Psychologists argue that the events taking place in childhood may seriously affect the further fate of the child, from the Small years forming its character. In the actions of an adult, it is often possible to reflect his children's memories.

If parents suppressed any signs of the child's independence, it developed such a line as stubbornness. And over the years this quality is preserved.

If parents since childhood teach a child to be open and sociable, such children grow up society and easily find a common language with others.

If the parents considered the rule of the punishment of their children for any, even a small provinity, such a child will grow secretive and vengeful.

If the parents excessively guarded the child and did everything for him themselves, he grows as a bright man who constantly needs someone's advice.

Parents must trust their children to see future adults in them, and then it will be less likely to have children's memories. The arguments of psychologists in their studies are pronounced by that proof.