
Comparative characteristics of Tikhon and Boris. Boris and Tikhon: Comparative characteristics of the heroes of the comparative table of Tikhon and Boris Thunderstorm

Piece "Thunderstorm" is one of the most famous works of Ostrovsky. The images shown in this drama are very bright and sometimes opposite. But, showing the opposite of heroes, the author sometimes reflects their similarity and reader often learns his features in Katerina, Varvar or Boris.

The play presents two male images that are "subalkal" in the dark kingdom. Tikhon and Boris are two completely opposite characters, but they link to Katerina. The reader can observe a love triangle. Tikhon is the main heroine husband, and Boris is only a fleeting passion. Let's look at these characters separately to better understand their similarities and differences. We can also understand the motives of Katerina: what does she feel about both heroes and why did the heroine change her husband?

Tikhon - Heroian husband from early childhood is influenced by his tyrate mother, he depends very much from it. Kabaniha was so strongly subordinated to his son to his will, which could influence him even after Tikhon has already created his own family. He cannot oppose the mother and sometimes disrupts the evil on Katerina, although it is not to blame for anything. All this leads Tikhon to drunkenness. In fact, he loves and regrets his wife, but it can not protect it, because he himself is a very weakweight person and can not tell Kabanchi so that she left him and his wife alone. To find the strength to say the mother all that he has in his heart, he is solved only after the death of his wife. Katerina her husband does not like, only regrets, probably, that is why she is looking for real love, which corresponds to her young dreams.

Boris Grigorievich turns out in Kalinov not at wisdom. He got a good education, but forced to come to Kalinov for the sake of great inheritance, submitting to the will of his uncle. He does not like the city and its orders. He would gladly quit everything and left somewhere in order not to depend on the wild and inheritance that he will leave him. He remains in Kalinov and obeys local orders of sake of his sister.

Why did Katerina love Boris from all men? Probably because he was a new face in Kalinov and in her vision appeared a man, absolutely not like her husband. At first, Boris is very affectionately with a girl, but realizing that Katerina loves him, he reveals and shows his cruel and selfish nature. Beautiful Prince Boris is not and protecting a young girl from the oppression of the "Dark Kingdom", as well as the husband, and maybe did not want. He refuses to take her with him, when he leaves, thereby actually condemned her to death.

The reader sees that Tikhon and Boris are in many ways similar. Even if they are capable of manifesting the feelings of love and tenderness, none of them could withstand the local orders, the system of the housework, they are not able to commit a decisive, even if a desperate act for the sake of another person. All their actions and inaction lead to the death of Katerina - and in the dark kingdom there is no light.

Option 2.

In his work, "Thunderstorm" A.N.ostrovsky showed the tragedy of a small town suffering from despotism the power of the property. The tragedy that occurred with Katerina did not change her life, but became the first step to change in society. Tikhon and Boris are the main characters, two men living in a patriarchal society. Both suffer from patriarchal defend, both love Katerina, but neither Bori neither Tikhon could save her life.

Tikhon grew under rigid pressure, in constant humiliation and infringement of own interests. Samodor's father, who keeps under the tight control of all, to whom the mother can reach, among other people who speak benefactor, and at home is not inferior to the father, they are very influenced by the Son. She persecuted Tikhon in that he had no mind, and he should live for a stranger. That is, male. Young, a married man is afraid to go against the will of his parents, justifies before his mother even if no guilt feels. Tikhon really wants to break free, he raises her and does not pay attention to the problems of Katerina. It can be argued that Tikhon loves his wife, he would have forgiven her betrayal, but he could not go open against his mother. This is a puppet, which from time to time is trying to break free, but it immediately put in place.

Boris brought up in more free conditions. But life circumstances made him tolerate uncle's homing. Externally, Boris differs from Tikhon conversations, education. He boldly risks his reputation, emotional, also loves Katerina. But at the same time Boris does nothing to save his beloved. Moreover, having achieved love of Katerina, Boris begins cruel to her. A distinctive feature of the character of Boris - egoism. He perfectly aware of the consequences of his act, but was not even going to worry about how Katerina would have to live on. The young man is also not interested in the inner world of Katerina, does not want to listen to her and help. It can be argued that Boris shifts responsibility for what happened on the shoulders of Katerina, and he sends himself. Having education, the ability to change your life, the young man is easily floating over the flow, calling himself a victim. It is safe to argue that over time he will become the same adherent of the housework, as well as his uncle.

It is impossible to argue with confidence who is more to blame for the death of Katerina - Tikhon or Boris. The first did not fight for his own happiness, Potacled the maternal caps. Even knowing that it is not very right. The second protested only in words, and did nothing to change the situation for the better or prevent tragedy. Both loved Katerina, both saw how she was suffering, but they were afraid to go against public defendant, sacrifice their comfort for his favorite person. Thus, it can be argued that Tikhon and Boris differ only externally.

In the comedy Fonvizin, there is not so many positive characters, but they all bear a certain idea. This role is performed by the Pravdin, the state official, settled in space-made in order to reveal their cruelty to peasants

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    Kazbich is a robber, jigit. He is not afraid of anything and, like any other Caucasian, chooses his honor and dignity

  • Tikhon and Boris. Comparative characteristic (according to Dram A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm")

    Piece "Thunderstorm" was admitted to the dramatic price-zura to the presentation in 1859. Censor I. Nordstrem, who was well believed to A. N. Ostrovsky, at the request of the friends of the playwright presented "thunderstorm" as a love, and not a socially accuratory, satirical, and in his report did not mention the boa, nor about the wilderness. But the love conflict pours out in general and unites everyone else: family, social. Kuligin conflicts with wild and ribs, curly with wild, Boris with Di Kim, Varvara and Cabinets, Tikhona, are joined to the conflict of Katerina and Boris.

    Two male images help us understand the characteristics of Katerina. Smrey, unrequited Tikhon, Katerina's husband, loving her, but not able to defend, and Boris, a wild niece, who came to Kalinov from Moscow.

    Boris Impaired to Kalinov: " Parents were brought up in Moscow well, nothing for us is not for us. I was given to the commercial academy, and Sest-ru in the boarding house, and both suddenly died in the cholere; We are signed by orphans and remained. Then we hear that the grandmother died here and left the testament so that uncle would pay us some, what should we come to the majority, only with the condition" Bo-rigs are uncomfortable in the city, it can not get used to the meal orders: " Eh, Kuligin, hurts it hard to me here without habit! Everyone at me somehow was watchingly Ryat, accurately I am supervised here, exactly prevent them. Customs I do not know here. I understand that all this is our Rus-Sky, native, but still I will not get used to

    Combines both heroes of subseeration, dependence: Tikhona - from the native mother, Boris - from the wild. Tikhon from the youngster is in the power of a still-ticious mother, in everything agree with it, does not dare to continue. She soely suppressed his will that, even marrying in Katerina, Tikhon continues to live on the maternal pointer:

    Kabanova: If you want a mother to listen, so you will come there, do the way I ordered you.

    Kabanov: Yes, how can I, mammy, disobey you!

    N. A. Dobrolyubov, considering the image of Tikhon, notes that he "loved his wife himself and would be ready to do for her; But the oppression, under which he grew up, so I was worn out that there was no strong feeling in it ... ".

    Tikhon does not know how to please the mother ("... only I do not know what I am for the unfortunate such person on the light of rye, that I can not please anything"), And even breaks-smiling for anything that is not a guy Katerina (" Here you see, you always go for you from Mama! Here is my life, what!"). And the rights were Kuligin, when he threatened about the fact that behind the locked gates in the families "times-gating dark and drunkenness!" Tikhon drinks from hopelessness, trying to brighten her life. He is waiting for the train to come out at least to break out from under the maternal tyranny. Varvara well understands the escape wishes of the brother:

    Varvara: Sit Mama, locked. She sharpening it now, like a rye iron.

    Katerina: For what?

    Varvara: For anything, so, the mind teaches. Two weeks on the road will be sworn business! Hedgehogs! She my heart is worn out that he walks on his will. Here it now gives him orders, one of the other is terrible, but then he will lead to the image, will force that everything is so accurate, as ordered.

    Katerina: And on the will, it is like connected.

    Varvara: Yes, how connected! He will leave, so stuff. He now listens, and he himself thinks, as if to snatch, I quarrel.

    Tikhon can not, yes, it is simply simply and does not come to his head, to contradict the mother, can not be able to shield from the attacks of Katerina, although it regrets her. In the scene, we see how Tikhon suffers, Pony-May, that offends his wife, giving punishes under the pressure of the mother:

    Kabanova: what are you standing, don't you know about order? Order a wife, how to live without you.

    Kabanov: Yes, she, tea, herself knows.

    Kabanova: Talking more! Well, well, order! So that I heard that you order her! And then, we ask, ask if everything performed.

    Kabanov: Listen to Mama, Katya!

    Kabanova: Tell me, so as not to bless the mother-in-law.

    Kabanov: Not Ground!

    Kabanova: so that I read the mother-in-law, like a native mother!

    Kabanov: Read, Katya, Mama, like a native mother!

    Kabanova: So that the handles are not sitting like a lady!

    Kabanov: Work something without me! Etc.

    Tikhon prefers "non-resistance", in its own way adapting to home tyranny. He comforts Katerina, trying to upline his guilt: " Everyone to the heart is tsu, so you will soon come to a consume. What to listen to her! After all, something needs to talk! Well, let her say, and you pass by your ears ... "

    Boris is also in a dependent position, because the main condition for obtaining the inheritance is the manifestation of respect for the uncle, wilderness. He confess that they would throw " everyone went. And then sister sorry».

    Boris is a new face in the city, but also begins under the influence of "cruel morals" Kalina. What did he deserve the love of Katerina? Perhaps Katerina draws attention to Boris because he arrives, not local; Or, as N. Dobrolyubov wrote, "I am not one thing that he likes it that he looks like and does not like the rest in the speeches ...; She entails her and the need of love, not finding a review of her husband, and an offended feeling of his wife and wife, and the deadly longing of her monotonous life, and the desire of will, expanses, hot, busy bodies. "

    Katerina claims that he loves her husband, under-changing the concept of "love" for pity. According to Barbara, "if it is a pity, you don't love. And not for what, you need to tell the truth! "

    I believe that Boris love too much for what. He knew that this forbidden, sinful communication could have very difficult consequences for him, and especially for Katerina. And Kudryash warns: " Only you look, do not make a hassle, and do not enter her in trouble! Put, even though she has a husband and a fool, yes Svet-levels, it hurts Luta" But Boris is not even trying to convert to her feeling or form Katerina. But this is not the worst. The behavior of Bori-Ca is striking after Katerina admitted to the treason of Svek-Rove and her husband. Boris is also not able to protect Ka-Terine. But she offers a way out of this situation - asks to pick it up in Siberia, ready to go with his beloved even on the edge of the world. But Boris is unimportantly open: " It is impossible to me, Katya. I don't care about the will of food: uncle sends, and horses are ready... ". Boris did not go to the open riot, namely, the Votinovtsy act would be regarded, to which the hero did not decide. It turns out that the inheritance is still more expensive. He is ready only to cry together with Katerina over his own and its accidents. And after all, he understands that she is cut to the beloved woman to die (" Only one and you need to ask God, so that she died as soon as possible, she would not suffer long!"). It is impossible to disagree with the point of view N. A. Dobrolyubova that "Boris is not a ge-swarm, he is far from Katerina, she loved him more on a fascinarian ... He represents one of the standards doing the necessary fatal co-nez ... "plays.

    But Tikhon, on the contrary, turned out to be humane, above and stronger Boris! Despite the fact that Katerina I change the Nile and disgraced him, he was capable of composing to her and his opponent: " Takes up too; crying We pounced at him with uncle, already Rou-Gali, scolded - silent. Exactly wild what happened. With me, says what you want to do, just do not torment her! And he also has pity for her too».

    Tikhon's love to Katerina fully exhibits after her death:

    « Mama, let my death! I pull it out, otherwise it is myself ... what I feel without her!"And at this point, Tikhon turned out to be able to tell Mother to the truth, accusing it in the death of his wife:" Mama, you wanted her! You, you, you...»

    These words and suggest that there are new times, where the despoty, sambyness, sacredness, and the tests.

    The comedy "Thunderstorm" is one of the most famous works of Russian playwright A. N. Ostrovsky. The idea, character characters can be explored forever. Images of the characters "Thunderstorm" are very notable.

    Problems of the Piez "Thunderstorm"

    All characters can be divided into 2 groups: representatives of senior and younger generations. Senior represents kabaniha and wild. They are representatives of the patriarchal world, where egoism and poverty rule. Other characters suffer from the tyrancy of Kabani and Wild. This is primarily Barbara, Katerina, Boris and Tikhon. The comparative characteristic of the characters shows that all heroes have matured with their fate, and only Katerina is not able to go against conscience and their desires.

    All the work of "Thunderstorm" is devoted to the history of the main character of Katerina. She is one of the participants, Katerina has to choose between two men, and these men are Boris and Tikhon. These characters will help in detail in the behavior of the heroes of the play.

    Fate Boris.

    Before disassembled the nature of Boris, you need to get acquainted with his story.

    Boris is not Kalinov. He falls there by the will of his parents. Boris had to get inheritance, which until time he was heading wild. For good behavior and obedience, Wildly is obliged to give the inheritance Boris, but readers understand that due to the greed of the wild it will never happen. Therefore, Boris have to stay in Kalinov and live there according to the rules set by wild and ribbies.

    Tikhon's fate

    Among all the characters allocate two heroes, two men are Boris and Tikhon. The comparative characteristics of these heroes can say much.

    Tikhon depends on the Kabani - his mother. He has to obey in her all. Kabaniha is not shy to bring her son's personal life, dictation, as he should handle his wife. Katerina Kabaniha literally literally literally literally literally. Katerina Kabani is constantly quenched.

    One day, Tikhon is forced to leave to another city for a few days. The reader clearly sees how he gladly appeared to be alone and show his independence.

    Common between Boris and Tikhon

    So, we have two characters - this is Boris and Tikhon. The comparative characteristic of these heroes is impossible without analyzing their lifestyle. So, both characters live with tyrants, both heroes are forced to obey someone else's will. Both heroes lack independence. Both heroes love Katerina.

    At the end of the play both are very suffering after the death of Katerina. Tikhon remains alone, with his mother, and Boris Wildly orders to leave Kalinov. Of course, the inheritance after the case with Katerina does not see exactly.

    Boris and Tikhon: Differences

    Differences between Boris and Tikhon are more than in common. So, Boris and Tikhon is a comparative characteristic. The table applied below will help systematize knowledge about these heroes.

    Attitude towards KaterinaBoris is ready for everything. He risks his reputation, the reputation of Katerina - a married woman. His love is fervent, open and emotional.Tikhon loves Katerina, but the reader sometimes puts it into question: if he loves her, why does not protect Kabani from attacks? Why does not feel her suffering?
    Relationships with other characters playBoris acts under the cover of the barbar. Night Kalinov is the time when all young people go outside with songs and romantic sentiments.Tikhon is good, but there is little about his relationship with other characters. The only thing that is noteworthy is his relationship with his mother. He loves her to some extent and tries to respect, but on the other hand he feels her wrong.

    These are Boris and Tikhon. The comparative characteristic of the characters, shown above in the table, is quite brief and capacious. It is worth noting that mostly readers are sympathetic to Boris than Tikhon.

    The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe play "Thunderstorm"

    The characteristic of Boris and Tikhon says that two men love Katerina. However, none nor the other could save it. Katerina rushed with a cliff to the river, no one stopped her. It was Boris and Tikhon, the comparative characteristics of which was given above, should be saved, they should have rebel to the power of Kalinovsky self-masses. However, they did not succeed, and the lifeless body of Katerina carried out of the river.

    Kalinov is a town who lives according to its rules. Dobrolyubov called Katerina "Light Light in the Dark Kingdom", and this is true. Katerina could not change his fate, but perhaps she is a whole city. Her death is the first catastrophe that violated the patriarchal family. Kabaniha and wild feel that young people come out of their power, and therefore changes are coming.

    Thus, A. Ostrovsky was able to show not just a family tragedy. Before us, the tragedy of a whole city dying in the despotism of wild and kabani. Kalinov is not a fictional city, but such "kalinov" is very much in the territory of all Russia.

    What are Boris and Tikhon? Open your position.

    Read the text fragment below and perform the V1-B7 tasks; C1-C2.

    Boris. (without seeing Katerina). Oh my God! After all, this is her voice! Where is she? (Looking around.)

    Katerina (runs up to it and falls on the neck). I saw you! (Crying on his chest from him.)


    Boris. Well, so we sworn together, God led.

    Katerina. You did not forget me?

    Boris. How to forget that you!

    Katerina. Oh, no, not that, not that! Are you angry at me?

    Boris. Why am I angry?

    Katerina, well, forgive me! I did not want to do you evil; Yes, it was not free. What he said that she did, he did not remember himself.

    Boris. Full that you! What are you!

    Katerina. Well, how are you? Now, how are you?

    Boris. Food.

    Katerina. Where are you going?

    vBoris. Far, Katya, to Siberia.

    Katerina. Take me from here!

    Boris. It is impossible to me, Katya. I don't care about the will of food: Uncle sends, and horses are ready; I just took over the uncle for a minute, I wanted to say goodbye to you, where we saw you.

    Katerina. Go with God! Do not tillage about me. At first it will be boring to you, poor, and there they will take a visit.

    Boris. What about me to interpret! I am a free bird. How are you? What kind of mother-in-law?

    Katerina. Tormented me, locks. He says to everyone and the husband says: "Do not believe her, she is tricky." Everything goes for me all day and laugh in my eyes straight. On each word they will try you all.

    Boris. And husband?

    Katerina. That afford, it is angry, but drinks everything. Yes, he pushed me, pushed, caressing his worse me worse.

    Boris. Hard to you, Katya?

    Katerina. It's so hard, it's hard to die easier!

    Boris. Who knew that that we were for the love of our way to suffer with you! Better to run to me then!

    Katerina. I saw you on trouble. Joy saw little, and go, hot, so! Yes, in front of how much! Well, yes what to think about what will happen! Now I saw you, that they do not take me; And I don't need anything else. Only after all I needed to see you. So now it was much easier for me; Exactly the mountain from the shoulders fell. And I thought I was angry with me, curse me ...

    Boris. What are you, what are you!

    Katerina. Yes no, everything is not what I say; Not that I wanted to say! I was boring for you, that's what, well, here I saw you ...

    Boris. Did not come here!

    Katerina. Wait, wait! Something I wanted to tell you ... So forgot!

    Something needed to say! In the head, everything is confused, I will not remember anything.

    Boris. Time me, Katya!

    Katerina. Wait, wait the day!

    Boris. Well, what did you say that I wanted?

    Katerina. Now I will say. (Thinking.) Yes! You will go expensive, none of you are so missing so much, everyone will give yes the orders, so that I pray for my sinful soul.

    Boris. Oh, kaba knew these people, what can I say goodbye to you! Oh my God! God forbid, so that they sometime have been as sweet, as I now. Goodbye, Katya! (Hugs and wants to leave.) Villains you! Monsters! Eh, kaba strength!

    A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

    Indicate the literary race to which the work belongs.


    This product belongs to the family of literature, which is called drama. Let's give a definition.

    Drama - literary (dramatic), stage and cinematic genre. I received a special distribution in the literature of the XVIII-XXI centuries, gradually pushing out another genre of drama - tragedy, opposing it mostly by the household plot and more close to everyday reality.

    Answer: Drama.

    Answer: Drama

    What act of Katerina will follow immediately with the events?


    Immediately behind the events will follow Katerina's suicide.

    Answer: Suicide.

    Answer: Suicide

    Set the correspondence between the three characters that appear (referred to) in this fragment, and inherent in the qualities of the personality.



    A-2: Wild - ignorance, rudeness, greed. Wild Savel Prokofich is a rich merchant, one of the most respected people of the city of Kalinov. D. - Typical Samodor. He feels his power over people and complete impunity, and therefore creates that he wants.

    B-4: Boris - Education, Non-Profitability, Sensitivity. Wildly distinguished by increased aggression, the desire to humiliate, offend, insult the interlocutor. It is not by chance that his speech consists of rude words and curses. Boris Grigorievich - Wild nephew. He is one of the most relaxed heroes of the play. B. - Good, well-educated person. It stands out sharply against the background of the merchant medium. But he is a weak man in his nature. B. It is forced to humiliate in front of his uncle, wild, for the sake of hope for the inheritance that he will leave him. Although the hero himself knows that it will never be, he, nevertheless, looks in front of Samodur, suffering his antics. B. Unable to protect neither Himself nor his favorite Katerina.

    B-3: Tikhon is weakness, maternal dependence, humility. Tikhon is kindly, but a weak man, he is moving between fear of mother and compassion to his wife. The hero loves Katerina, but not the case, asking Kabaniha - Surovo, "Male." He does not want to prove his wife his power, he needs warmth and caress.

    Answer: 243.

    Answer: 243.

    Set the correspondence between the three characters that appear (referred to) in this fragment, and their further fate.

    Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:



    A-3: Wilden sends a nephew from Kalinov.

    B-1: Boris leaves for Siberia.

    B-4: Tikhon throws the mothers reproach.

    Only over the body of a dead wife, Tikhon is solved on the riot against the mother, publicly accusing it in the death of Katerina and precisely this public attitude to the Kabanchi.

    From the water, Katerina pulls Kuligin.

    Answer: 314.

    Answer: 314.

    In response, write down the phrase, which for the play was the poetic leitmotif of the image of Katerina, and by Boris spoken in this scene exposes his insincerity (a fragment from the words "Go with God!").


    The poetic leitmotif of the image of Katerina during the play was the phrase "Free Bird".

    Answer: Free Bird.

    Answer: Volkaptitsa

    The answer of Katerina to the replica of Boris ("Who knew that that we were for the love of our love to suffer with you! ..") is a complete deployed statement. What is the name of a similar type of statement in the dramatic product?


    A similar type of statement in a dramatic product is called a monologue. Let's give a definition.

    The monologue is a speech of the acting person, mainly in the dramatic work, turned off from the conversational communication of characters and not involving the direct response, in contrast to the dialog; Speech facing listeners or to yourself.

    Answer: Monologue.

    Answer: Monologue

    The last words of Boris contain exclamations that have the goal to attract the attention of the listeners. What are such exclamations?


    Such exclamations are called rhetorical. Let's give a definition.

    Rhetorical is a stylistic figure: an appeal that is conditional. In it, the main role is not played by the text, but the intonation of the appeal. Rhetorical appeal is often found in monologues. The main task of rhetorical appeal is the desire to express the attitude towards one or another person or subject to give it a characteristic, strengthen the expressiveness of speech. Rhetorical appeal never requires a response and does not carry a question.

    Bunter can be called Bazarov, Hero Roman I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children." He is his way of life, with his views and convictions hesitated the world of nobles-Liberalov, the well-being of Kirsanov, the welfare of Kirsanov, is collapsed.

    Buntar by nature and Pechorin, who quoted the "Water Society" challenge, upgraded his calm and caused a flurry of indignation and hatred.

    In general, Russian literature of the XIX century deeply and comprehensively showed the increasing contradictions between the forces who wanted or demanding the indigenous transformations, and forces, in every way trying to preserve the former order.


    Tikhon and Boris - Men's images "Thunderstorms", which help us to better understand the essence of Katerina. Tikhon is her husband, and Boris-Beloved. Tikhon, and Boris weak beings, they are not able to appreciate or love Katerina as it deserves it. Both are victims of the "Dark Kingdom", they experience the oppression from its representatives: Boris is under the oppression of uncle, and Tikhon suffers from the mother. His power of self-director: Wild and Kabanov - inhibit all the human in others. Tikhon, despite the requests of his wife stay, runs out of the parental house, so that at least to break out from under the Mamaenician negle, he only thinks about himself, he doesn't need Katerina. For the sake of fairness, it is necessary to say that Tikhon is still sometimes entitled to his wife in front of his mother, but this protest is so timid that does not bring anything other than extra irritation of the Kabani. It is Tikhon who makes an attempt to challenge the patriarchal world, accusing the mother in the death of his wife: "Mama, you took it up!"

    Boris is even more weak. In the scene, he shows this weakness when when meeting with the beloved is afraid even after exposing: "They didn't find it here!" Everything that he is capable is to obey Wheel Wild and finally exclaim: "Eh, kaba strength!"