
Writing on the topic: Analysis of the work of childhood, Tolstoy. The main characters and their characteristics in the story "Childhood" (L. Tolstoy) l Tolstoy Childhood Analysis of the work

1) History of creating a story L.N. Tolstoy "childhood." Studying yourself and the surrounding world, L.N. Tolstoy decided to write a book about the formation of a person, about different milestones in human life and soon wrote a story "Childhood", which was published in the magazine "Contemporary" in 1852 and received an enthusiastic response from readers. Tale L.N. Tolstoy "Childhood" became the beginning of the trilogy, which continued to be "adolescence" and "Youth".

2) Features of the genre of the autobiographical story. Autobiography - narration of the writer about his own life, based on real biography facts. The autobiographical story is an artistic work based on personal impressions, thoughts, the feelings of the writer with the introduction of artistic fiction. Work L.N. Tolstoy "Childhood" refers to the genre of autobiographical story.

What is the autobiography different from the autobiographical story? (The autobiography is based on real facts of the writer's life; artistic fiction plays a special role in the autobiographical story, although personal feelings are also important, the impression of the writer.)

What are the main features of the autobiographical story? (Availability of artistic fiction, transmission of writing feelings, emotions, thoughts)

3) the characteristics of the narrative in the story "Childhood".
The story in the story is leading from the first person. Three tasty tale - not a consistent history of the upbringing and adults of the main character and narrator, Nikolenika Irtenyev. This is a description of a number of episodes of his life - children's games, the first hunting and first love in the Sonechka Valahin, the death of the mother, relationship with friends, balls and study. The fact that the surrounding seems small, unworthy attention is that for others is the actual events of the life of Nicholes, in the consciousness of the hero-child himself occupy an equal place. Human resentment on the teacher of Karl Ivanovich, who killed over the head of Nicholya Fly Fly Championship and woke it up, is experiencing a hero of no less acute than the first love or separation with relatives. Tolstoy describes the child's feelings in detail. The image of feelings in the "childhood", "adolescence" and "youth" reminds the analysis of its own experiences in the Diaries of Tolstoy.

4) characteristics of heroes of L.N. Tolstoy "childhood."

The image of the Nikoles of IRTENEV.
The image is largely autobiographical. From the first pages, Nikolet's story appears before the reader a thoughtful, impressive boy. Warm and touching memories of childhood were connected with Tolstoy with the elder brother Nicholy. Nicholyka taught little Loebo to unusual games, told him to other history brothers about universal human happiness. In the first autobiographical story of the Tolstoy "Childhood" of her hero, Nicholenka Irtenyev, in many respects, biographically and soul close to the author, talks about the early years of his life: "Happy, happy, irrevocable time of childhood! How not to love, do not cherish memories about her? These memories are refreshing, tower my soul and serve as a source of best pleasures for me. "

How does the incident with the tablecloth characterize the main character of the story? Why, when Natalia Savishna approached Nikolenka with the words of forgiveness, he became ashamed? (Nast-nasty became ashamed, because he before it was extremely thoughtless about her.)

How do medima about the father and Carla Ivanovich characterize the main character of the story - Nikolyku? (as a thoughtful person, aspiring to understand the essence of the act)

What person do the best memories of childhood are associated with the main character? (with Mother)

What feeling from childhood the main character will carry through his whole life? (merged together love for mother and to God)

Mother image.

What in the guise of the mother most of all remembered the main character - the little Nicholenka Irtenev? ("Her brown eyes, expressing always the same kindness and love", "Gentle dry hand, which so often caressed me")

At what point is the whole Mother completely transformed and her face became just wonderful? (when Mother smiled)

What is the atmosphere reign in the house of IRTENEV for breakfast? (Family, warm, friendly) Which home forms such an atmosphere? (mother)

The image of the father.

What does the protagonist characterizes his father? (Nikoleka characterizes his father as a person of the last century, which in many respects did not understand modern people; a major part of life spent in passions.)

What two passions were throughout the father? (Cards and women)

Call the main features characterizing your father? (originality, practicality)

The image of Karl Ivanovich.
Some types derived in this work are written off from nature. For example, the German carl Ivanovich Mauer is no one else like Fedor Ivanovich Rossel, a valid teacher-German, who lived in the house of Tolstoy. He lion Nikolayevich himself speaks about him in his "first memories." This person should have undoubtedly influence the development of the child's soul, and it should be thought that the influence was good, since the author of "childhood" with special love speaks about him, depicting him honest, direct, good-natured and loving nature. No wonder Lion Nikolayevich begins the history of his childhood from the image of this person. Fyodor Ivanovich and died in a clear clearing, and buried in the cemetery of the parish church.

Who is Karl Ivanovich? (German boys teacher in the family of IRTENEV)

How does Karl Ivanovich behave at the morning tea in the chapter "Mashap"? (extremely respectful)

How does such behavior characterizes Karl Ivanovich? (as a man of a venerable, educated, fragrant)

What is changing in the behavior of Karl Ivanovich during one of the classes with boys? (Karl Ivanovich becomes more irritable, nervous.)

What does the reader know from the conversation of Karl Ivanovich with Nikolai? (that children rose and soon go to study in Moscow, and the services of Karl Ivanovich will no longer be needed)

What a defect considers Karl Ivanovich the greatest? How do you! Think why? (ungrateful, as people forget too quickly forgotten

The image of Natalia Savishns.
Natalia Savishna served in the house of Nicholes and made keys from the pantry. With her youth, she was different "meekness of the lava and diligence", so it was made by a nurse of the born girl, the mother of the chief hero. It is not just a life of a heroine: having decided to marry, she did not receive blessings from his Lords and was exiled to the barnyard. But the peripetics of fate did not donate a sensitive woman: she still warmed the whole house with his love. Natalia Savishna's character had a domineering, so the servants in the house was afraid of her. The decision of the Lord about free Natalia Savishna perceived as a desire to get rid of her: "... I have something opposed to you that you drive me from the courtyard." This rare woman never thought and did not talk about himself. Her disinterested, gentle love for people did their kind, humane. Natalia Savishns Chestware - a storeroom necessary for the life of things. Nikolyka recalls the incident with a tablecloth and his behavior in this episode, when mentally cutting the nanny: "How! - I spoke myself, taking care of the hall and chopping from the tears, - Natalia Savishna, just Natalia, tell me and still beats me on the face of the wet tablecloth as the yard boy. No, it's terrible! " This episode remained in the memory of the boy forever, because here Natalia Savishna, upset, looking at the tears of the boy, the first one decided to reconcile. The goodness of the heroine is infinite, and it was she who forced Nikolek to experience a real shame: "I lacked the strength to look in the face of a good old woman; I, turning away, took a gift, and tears flowed even more abundantly, but not from anger, but from love and shame. "

What did life come with Natalia Savishnaya? (harsh)

Describe Natalia Savishnu / (kind, sensitive, responsive woman)

Why Natalia Savishna did not accept free? (perceived free as the desire to get rid of it)

What are the main features, according to Nikoles, characterize the whole life of Natalia Savishns? (love and self-sacrifice)

Childhood is a happy time in the life of every person. After all, in childhood everything seems light and joyful, and any chagrins are quickly forgotten as short insults on relatives and loved ones. It is not by chance that many works of Russian writers are devoted to this topic: "Children's years of Bagrova-grandson" S. Aksakova, "Childhood of the topic" Garina-Mikhailovsky, "How the boys grew" by E. Morozov and many other works.

The hero of the trilogy "childhood. Defense. Youth "Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy - Nicholya Irtenyev. By the start of the narration

It turns ten years. It was from the ten years of noble children who were sent to learn in the lyceums, boarding houses and other educational institutions so that they, having received education, served to benefit the Fatherland. The same future is waiting for Nikolek. A few weeks later, along with his father and elder brother, he should learn to Moscow. In the meantime, surrounded by relatives and friends, it is experiencing happy and carefree moments of childhood.

This story is considered an autobiographical, because Lev Nikolayevich recreated the atmosphere of his childhood. After all, he himself grew up without Mother: she died when Lev was fulfilled a year and a half. In the story the same heavy

Loss is waiting for the main character, but this will happen to the Ten-year-old age, that is, he will have the opportunity to love and literally to immortalize his Maman, as was customary from the nobles to the French manner to call mom. The hero admits that when he tried to remember the Mother, he was only a brown eyes, "he always expressing the same kindness and love, but eluded the general expression." Obviously, a writer who does not remember his mother, embodied in the form of Maman a certain ideal of a female mother.

Immediately from the first chapters, together with Nicholenka, the reader is immersed in the atmosphere of the noble life of the end of the XIX century. The world of childhood Hero is connected with his governers and yard people. The teacher of the German origin of Karl Ivanovich is the closer to him, acquaintance with whom and opens the story. A minute resentment on this kindest man turns around for Nikole, a feeling of shame that torments him.

In fact, it was in the story "Childhood" Lev Nikolayevich for the first time used the reception, which critics later called the "soul dialectics". Describing the state of his hero, the author used an inner monologue, which testified to the change in the spiritual state of the hero: from joy to sorrow, from anger to the feeling of awkwardness and shame. It is such fast and sudden changes in the spiritual state of the hero - the dialectic of the soul - and will use Tolstoy in their famous works.

The same painful becomes for him and a quarrel with Natalia Savishnaya, who dedicated all his life to the upbringing of Maman, and then all her children. Having received free, she regarded it as a sign of disjitive, as an undesuned punishment for her and broke the document. Only Mother's assurance that everything will be as before, reconciled her with a further life in the family of IRTENEV. Natalia Savishna faithfully served this family and for all these years they copied only 25 rubles by the assignments, although "there was a scoop and shaking over all the cloth." By expressing her brother. She died a year after Maman's death, because it was firmly sure that "God briefly separated her with that, in which all the power of her love was concentrated." Losing two people for him, Nikolyak, immediately matured and the fourth, constantly thought that the providence had just connected it with these two creatures to make it all sorry for them.

Of course, the world of Russian Barchuk (namely called noble children) is associated with the world of adults: this is the hunt in which Nikolyak and his brothers take part; These are the balls where you need to not just be able to dance the Mazurka and all the rest relying on the etiquette of dancing, but also to lead secular conversations. In order to enjoy the Sonchke of the Valahina with Rusy Mila curls and tiny legs, Nikolai, in imitation of adults, wants to put on gloves, but finds only the old and dirty light glove, which causes a general laughter around the surrounding and shame and annoying the chief hero.

I know Nikolai and the first disappointment in friendship. When Seryozha Ivin, his undisputed idol, humiliated in the presence of other boys Illenka crap, the son of a poor foreigner, Nikolek experienced sympathy for the offended boy, but did not find the strength in himself to protect and console him. After love for the Sonechka, the feeling towards Serya was completely cooled, and the hero felt that the Serf's power over him is also lost.

So this ends this carefree is time in the life of Nicholenka Irtenyev. After the death of Maman, the hero's life will change that it will be reflected in another part of the trilogy - in "adolescence". Now it will be called Nikolas, and he will understand that the world can turn into a completely different side.

Works on topics:

  1. Nicholyka comes to Moscow and feels changes occurring inside it. He begins to experience not only his emotions, but also for ...
  2. Childhood is a golden time of life. An adult man who touched his cheek to the Core of Pine, closed his eyes and felt like a child. IN...
  3. In the Odessa estate in a large family of retired General Nikolai Semenovich Kartashev grows his eldest son theme. The character of the Nikolaev General is severe, ...
  4. The lyric tonality based on the patriarchal depth of national consciousness is characteristic of the prose I. Bunin. Always facing the past. As if picking up ...

Topics that affect L. N. Tolstoy in his work, truly eternal! At the lesson, you have to get acquainted with the work that all the skill of a thick-writer, a psychologist, philosopher manifested. It will be about the autobiographical story "Childhood". You will read and analyze the chapters "Classes", "Natalia Savishna", "Childhood".

Subject: from the literature of the XIX century

Lesson: L. N. Tolstoy. Tale "Childhood". Analysis of the elected chapters

Fig. 1. Cover books ()

Reading and analyzing the heads "Classes".

The main role in this chapter is playing teacher Karl Ivanovich, we have already met with him in the chapter "MAMAN". But, of course, a feature of the work is how little boy Nicholya IRTENEV, who is 10 years old, perceives life, adults and his teacher Karl Ivanovich. The chapter begins as:

"Karl Ivanovich was not very in spirit."

Let's watch the adult response in this chapter, for the reaction of the child, for his thoughts, for his understanding of life.

"It was noticeably on his shifted eyebrows and by how he threw his fruit into the chest of drawers, and as angrily was pregnant, and how much shouted the nail on the book of dialogues to mean the place to which we had to harden. Volodya studied decently; I was so upset that I could not do anything resolutely. "

Fig. 2. Illustration to the story L. N. Tolstoy "Childhood" ()

As we know, Nikoletka was upset from the news that they were now taken to Moscow, and the teacher Karl Ivanovich will no longer be.

"I thought for a long time I watched the book of dialogues, but from the tears who made me in the eye with the thought of the upcoming separation, I could not read ..." "When it came to a cleaning, I am from tears who have fallen on paper, made such a klex as As if wrote with water on wrapping paper. "

How acute the boy is the attitude towards himself?

"Karl Ivanich was angry, put me on his knees, stoled that it was a stubbornness, a puppet comedy (it was his favorite word), threatened the lineup and demanded that I ask for forgiveness, whereas I could not expand the words from tears; Finally, it should be feeling his injustice, he went to Nicholas's room and slammed the door. "

Despite the fact that Nikolek is still a child, he sees well and understands adult acts. Nicholya hears the conversation in the Nikolai room, where Karl Ivanovich complains of the injustice of the owner who takes the children to learn and deprive his work.

"" I live in twelve years in this house and I can say before God, Nikolai, "Karl Ivanich continued, raising his eyes and tobacco to the ceiling," that I loved them and dealt more than if it were my own children. " You remember, Nikolay, when Volodynka had a hot, remember how I was nine days, not a cleaning eye, I was sitting at his bed. Yes! Then I was kind, dear Karl Ivanovich, then I was needed; And now, - he added, ironically smiling, "now children have become big: they need to seriously learn. Exactly they do not learn here, Nikolay? "

And, of course, Nikolyka sympathized with the grief, who experienced Karl Ivanovich. Here, as Tolstoy writes about this:

"I sympathized with him grief, and it hurt me that my father and Karl Ivanch, who I almost liked almost the same, did not understand each other; I again went to the corner, got on the heels and reasoned how to restore consent among them. "

Such were the feelings of the child, but let's see how the insulsion of Charles Ivanovich is manifested during the lesson.

"Several times, with various intonations and with the expression of the greatest pleasure, he read this saying, expressing his sincere thought." And the saying was: "Of all the vices, the most serious is ungrateful."

How does Nicolin take the behavior of his teacher?

"His face was not sulpt, as before; It expressed his satisfaction with a man worthy of dismissed over his insult. "

Nikolyka understands the behavior of Karl Ivanovich and perceives him as a person, a little bit of sense at his feelings.

"It was a quarter to an hour; But Karl Ivanovich seemed to not think about letting go to let us: he also asked new lessons. Boredom and appetite increased to the same extent. I had a strong impatience with all the signs that prove the intimacy of the dinner. Here is a courtyard with a washcloth goes to wash the plates, here you can hear how no dishes are in a buffet ... "

But Karl Ivanovich was inexorable. So the head of "Karl Ivanovich" ends.

Reading and analyzing the chapter "Natalia Savishna".

Fig. 3. Illustration to the story L. N. Tolstoy "Childhood" ()

"In half of the last century, the Khabarovy village ranked in a shabby dress barefoot, but funny, fat and redish girl Nataska. According to her father's merit and request, Savva Clarnetist, my grandfather took her up - to be among the women's grandmother's servants. Natasha's maid was distinguished in this position with the meekness of the gear and zeal. When the mother was born and needed a nanny, this duty was placed on Natasha. And on this new field, she earned praise and rewards for their activities, loyalty and affection for the young Mrs.. But frowning head and stockings with buckles of the young brisk waiter Foki, who had frequent intercourse with Natalia, captured her rude, but loving heart. She even decided to go to the grandfather to ask for the allowance to get out of marry. The grandfather accepted her desire for ungratefulness, he was squeaked and exiled poor Natalia for the punishment of the barnyard in the steppe village. After six months, however, since no one could replace Natalia, she was returned to the courtyard and in her old position. Returning to the shaving from the expulsion, she appeared to the grandfather, fell into his feet and asked to return her mercy, caress and forget that the fool, which was found on her and which, she swore, will no longer return. And indeed, she kept her word.

Since then, Natasha made Natalia Savishnaya and put on Cepec: the whole stock of love, which was kept in it, she moved his young lady. "

"When Maman married, wanting to thank Natalia Savishna to thank her twenty-year-old works and affection, she called her to himself and, expressing his appreciation and love in the most walking words, handed her a leaf of stamp paper on which was written Volnaya Natalia Savishna, and said that, despite whether it would be or not to continue to serve in our house, she would always receive an annual retirement in three hundred rubles. Natalia Savishna silently listened to all this, then, taking a document into his hands, glanced viciously on him, murmured something through his teeth and ran out of the room, slamming the door. Not understanding the reasons for such a strange act, Maman has entered the room of Natalia Savishna. She was sitting with crying eyes on the chest, sorting out the handkerchief with his fingers, and stared at the flush-free flush on the floor in front of her.

"Since I remember myself, I remember I and Natalia Savishna, her love and affection; But now I just know how to appreciate them ...

And again, this is the look of an adult man on the fact that he was in childhood, a look from the position of time, from the position of wisdom.

"... Then I did not occur to my head, what a rare, wonderful creation was this old woman. She not only never said, but did not think it seems about themselves: her whole life was love and self-sacrifice. I am so accustomed to her disinterested, tender love for us, which I didn't imagine so that it could be otherwise, I was not much grateful to her and never asked himself any questions: what is it happy? Are you satisfied? "

And an interesting case is found in the chapter "Natalia Savishna".

Think how in this scene the human character and the character of the main character will manifest.

"This is how it was. For lunch, pouring his kvaas, I dropped a decanter and poured a tablecloth.

Call-ka Natalia Savishna, so that she is pleased with his pet, "said Maman.

Natalia Savishna entered and, seeing the puddle, which I did, shook my head; Then Maman told her something in his ear, and she, wrapped around at me, came out.

After lunch, I, in the very cheerful arrangement of the Spirit, hiding, went to the hall, how suddenly, because of the door, Natalia Savishna jumped out with a tablecloth in his hand, caught me and, despite the desperate resistance on my part, began to rub my wet, sentenced me : "Do not pack the tablecloths, do not pack the tablecloths!" I was offended by me that I was spawned from anger. "

The first feeling that the hero arises, is a feeling of resentment and a feeling of anger.

"" How! "I said myself, taking care of the hall and chopping away from tears." "Natalia Savishna, just Natalia, you tell me, and still beats me on the face of a wet tablecloth, like a boyfriend. No, it's terrible!" "

In this scene, Nicholya perceives all the traditions that were characteristic of noble families, the level of understanding that they are not at the same level of social staircase, he is already understandable by Nikole.

However, this feeling of anger, a feeling of resentment is inferior to other more moral categories.

"When Natalia Savishna saw that I dismissed the saliva, she immediately ran away, and I, continuing to fade, reasoned how to repay the boldly Natalia for an insult to me."

See how feelings are developing: insult, anger and taped anger.

"In a few minutes, Natalia Savishna returned, timidly approached me and began to exhort:

Fullness, my father, do not cry ... Forgive me, Duru ... I am guilty ... You're sore me, my darling ... So you.

She took out from under the handkerchief, the cornet made of red paper, in which there were two caramels and one wine berry, and a trembling hand served it to me. I lacked the strength to look at the face of a good old woman: I, turning away, took a gift, and tears flowed even more abundantly, but not from anger, but from love and shame. "

Reading and analyzing the head "Childhood"

Fig. 4. Illustration for the story L. N. Tolstoy "Childhood" ()

The head of "Childhood" begins with wonderful words that could be an epigraph to the whole story:

"Happy, happy, irrevocable time of childhood! How not to love, do not cherish memories about her? These memories are refreshing, tower my soul and serve as a source of best pleasures for me. "

Pay attention to the vocabulary used in the chapter. How many good, warm words! Try to see the most important of them, keywords.

"... sit and listen. And how not to listen? Maman speaks with someone, and the sounds of her voice so sweet, so friendly. Some sounds telling my heart so much! ".

"Drawn indifferent eyes are not constrained by her: she is not afraid to pour all his tenderness and love on me. I do not move, but even stronger my hand. "

"Tears of love and delight."

"... love for her and love for God somehow strangely merged into one sense.

After prayer, we will come, it happened, in a blanket; On the soul easily, light and gratis; Some dreams drive others, but what are they talking about? They are elusive, but filled with clean love and hopes for bright happiness. "

How many warm words we saw: heart, tenderness, love. Word "love" Repeated during chapter several times. Love, love, love, tears of love and delight, bright happiness, love and hope, easily, easily, light, gratis - these are the sensations of childhood who have carried by Nicole.

"Will it ever come back the freshness, carelessness, the need of love and the power of faith that you have in childhood? What time can it be better when two best virtues are innocent fun and the unlimited need of love - were the only motives in life? " "Are there any memories left?"

This question ends the head of "Childhood". And Tolstoy puts this question in front of the reader, will it ever come back that freshness and carelessness? What time may be better than the time of childhood? Probably you need to love, appreciate your childhood, with love to relate to mom, and to dad.


The peculiarity of the hero of the story "Childhood" is that he constantly manifests his feelings and is often merciless to himself, often cares himself for some acts, for which he also becomes ashamed.

Nicholya recalls a happy time spent in the village. He recalls people who were rejected by their family, he recalls his childhood.

A great place in the story is a description of the sense of love for people, the ability to love himself. These are the feelings that admire the very thick. But at the same time, Tolstoy shows how very often the world of adults can destroy the child's understanding of life.

The story "Childhood" ends with the death of the mother. And another comes, completely different time, which Nicholya never calls a happy, irrevocable sometimes childhood.


  1. Korovina V.Ya. Didactic materials in literature. 7th grade. - 2008.
  2. Tishchenko O.A. Homework on literature for grade 7 (to the textbook V.Ya. Korovina). - 2012.
  3. Kuteyankova N.E. Literature lessons in grade 7. - 2009.
  4. Korovina V.Ya. Textbook on literature. 7th grade. Part 1. - 2012.
  5. Korovina V.Ya. Textbook on literature. 7th grade. Part 2. - 2009.
  6. Ladygin M.B., Zaitseva O.N. Textbook-Reader in literature. 7th grade. - 2012.
  7. A source).


  1. What episode of the story made on you the strongest impression? Why?
  2. What does the story of Tolstoy "Childhood" teach? What makes think about?
  3. What do you think useful this story to read not only for children, but also adults? Why?
  4. Remember the bright episode of your childhood. Try to tell about it or describe in a tolstoy manner. Try not only to present the course of the event, but also to pass the feelings, experiences, thoughts about people and events.

The story "Childhood" was written by L. N. Tolstoy on the basis of his own memories of childhood, with the only difference that the author's mother died when he was not two years old, and in the story, Nikoleka Irtenyev faced this terrible loss, being Already a ten-year-old boy. In my opinion, creating such a work, the author strongly sought to extend his childhood, to stay in it longer and surround himself with the most close and favorite people. This is one of the best and most interesting tops of Tolstoy, where kindness and love occupy a paramount place.

The main character of the work of the boy Kolya, who was barely turned ten. He conveys his feelings from communicating with all the surrounding people and nature. Childhood in the village seems rainbow and carefree. Quietly and happily pass his days surrounded by loving parents, the elder brother Volodya, Teachers of Charles Ivanich and the caring maid Natalia Savishna. From the first chapters the author dedicates the reader in the subtleties of the noble life. In the family of IRTENEV, except for them are governers and yard people who help them in the household. Most of the time, boys are spent with the teacher Karl Ivanovich, the kindness of which was limitless.

The work describes several events, clearly influenced the formation of the character of the main character. The author shows how Nicholyka was offended by Charles Ivanch, and then he felt the feelings of awkwardness and shame for anger on this kind of good soul. The second time the same situation repeatedly repeatedly with the tender and loving the old-governess who had a chance to bring up not one generation in this family. Natalia Savishna was hired by the Lords in his youth to the position of nanny for the mother of the boy - Natalia Nikolaevna. Therefore, a quarrel with her for him is especially painful.

In the village of the village, the main character will know his first disappointment in friendship, first love in a neighbor girl. In order to enjoy the rules of the Sonia Walachina, he wants to seem older that it looks pretty funny from the side. The undoubted hero of Nicholya, Seryozha Ivin, falls in his eyes, after he humiliates a boy from a poor family. Thus, all memories associated with childhood, one way or another, influenced the nature of the main character and the formation of his personality. With the onset of the ten years, all the Barsky children in tradition, went to the capital to learn in lyceums, guesthouses or other educational institutions.

Did not pass this fate and Nikolek. The father took them to their elder brother in Moscow, brought to the mother and the spiritual atmosphere for a long time in which they spent their childhood. From now on, they lived with her grandmother, they were taught new teachers, new people came to visit. Everything in Moscow was different. In about six months later, Nicholenka's mother was cruelly cold and died, and Natalia Savishna left after her death, and Natalia Savishna left. On such a sad note, the first of the leader L. N. Tolstoy, included in the trilogy "childhood. Defense. Youth".

"Childhood" is one of the first works of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, from which his long creative path began. This story has an autobiographical character.

Lev Nikolayevich was always interested in the life and soul of a simple Russian man, and in 1851, being in the Caucasus with his brother, Tolstoy thoroughly took up the writing of the story "Childhood" - the first part of the trilogy, which was supposed to show all the stages of development and formation of the person. Many stories and facts from the book are taken from the life of the author himself. He also had a brother, too, lost her mother and was looking for himself from birth.

Genre and direction

Genre of the book - the autobiographical story. The direction is realism, because all the basic events are based on the facts from the life of the writer. All that is what is told in the work, it shows the life and morals of Russian nobles of the 19th century.

The story is part of the trilogy, as you know, after the "childhood" follow the "adolescence" and "Youth" of Nikolyki.


The basis of the story is the events from the life of Nicholya Irtenyev, the main character. The narration is conducted from the face of the very same, the boy talks about life in the noble house, hunting, teacher, first love, personal experiences and heavy times. We see the world through the eyes of a boy of 10 years, which only begins to understand the essence of things, feelings and behavior of people.

Nikolay faces the most different phenomena. He dies with his mother, and he is forced to leave the house and go to study in a big and someone else's city. There he begins a new life, complete adventures, discoveries and reflections. The plot of the books we described briefly and exactly in

main characters

The image and characteristics of each character are in this. Here we give only the most basic information about the life and character of the hero.

  1. Nicholya Hirtienev - The main character, a boy from the noble family. It feels very thinly the world, the smart is not over the years, but the process of study is boring for him. Nicholyka is trying to find the essence in everything, meaning, but often mistaken due to exacerbated sensitivity and quick-temperedness. He is kind, but led: it is easy to knock down from the way, because he often imites older or stronger peers.
  2. Mum - In the very story, the author is not shown the character of a woman directly, but we can trace her influence on the son. Thanks to the good Motherland, the boy became so sensitive and compassionate.
  3. Dad - reasonable and strict man. The hero loves him no less, the father retains the authority before the son in any situation.
  4. Natalia Savishna - Housekeeper, former nanny Mom Nicholya. By nature, a very altruistic woman is ready to give all of himself for the sake of a family that serves.
  5. Karl Ivanovich - Teacher Nicholya, a very kind and caring person who wants for the boy only the best.
  6. Topics

    1. The main topic of the story is the formation of a person. A person acquires individuality, starting from childhood. Early events in the future affect the fate of people, determine it in many ways. Tolstoy shows the dialect of the hero's soul - the process of its development. Each feature, every gesture there is an explanation, and it is necessary to search for it in childhood.
    2. Another important topic - education. The hero surrounds care and attention from the young age, he feels necessary. Therefore, good qualities often interfere with him to do bad. This is not a merit of genetics, he is simply well brought up, and, absorbing manners in the urban environment, he gradually becomes more and more judicial and far-sighted.
    3. Mother's love - also the central topic in the story. It was my mother who taught sons to finely feel the world around them, awarded the children with an exacerbid sense of justice and sympathy. Getting caressing and the warmth of maternal participation, they themselves became merciful, attentive and not indifferent people who were able to recognize mistakes and to block the guilt.
    4. Theme of the family - Also a very important aspect. The relationship between relatives largely determine the future of children. Seeing the thriving house and well-being, they seek to build their lives in the image and likeness of their relatives.
    5. The role of the teacher. Tolstoy understands the importance of the teacher for the pupil. Karl Ivanovich disrupts students, manifests hardness, but at the same time he is sincerely located to them. The old man loves and respects children, not allowing himself rursing against them.
    6. Problems

      In this story, Tolstoy affects many problems actual to this day. We will list only the main.

  • Loss of a loved one. Children are especially close to heart loss. Especially in the family. The writer showed how sons jeep in mothers how they hurt her to lose. They just do not know how to live on. This problem has no universal solution, but relatives must do everything possible so that the children do not feel orphans. This is the only way out of the situation, and Tolstoy shows how it is necessary to behave in such a situation.
  • Bad influence. The child is very affected by the outside. It is easy to knock off the way true, especially if it was brought up gently, without much demanding. Nikolay succumbed to harmful sentiments and began to behave badly in relation to another boy, obeying herd feeling. He sulfilled Serya and Ivin and wanted he liked him. Unfortunately, adults do not always notice the source of bad influence in time, and this connivance can lead to the fact that the proper education will not give their fruits.
  • Negligence and inconsistency of adults. Parents themselves often make mistakes in education. For example, Tolstoy showed it at the reception at the grandmother, where relatives strongly pressed on a small Nicollenka. Grandmother in all resistant assured people that her grandson carries for a little guest, he was very embarrassed and confident in himself. The impressiveness of the child must be taken into account and not frighten it with their disclosures, especially since strangers.
  • The problem of choosing a life path. The hero is moving between good and evil, between the calls, between the girls who like him. He has not yet decided on what it represents.
  • the main idea

    In his work, Tolstoy wanted to show the influence of the surrounding world and people on the formation of a person. As each event is built in a clear picture and is reflected in the formation of a person's consciousness. Every little, it would seem, an episode can become a motive for a fateful act in the future. Such is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story, from which morality can be removed: in the education of the younger generation, it is impossible to neglect anything. Everything that is done with the child is very important, because the foundations of the human worldview are formed from childhood.

    The meaning of the story is that the role of the family in society is impossible to overestimate. In this social institution, a person acquires moral guidelines, there he gains himself. And what it will depend, above all, from his parents, relatives who must choose the right and healthy environment for the younger generation.

    Conclusion: what does teaches?

    This story teaches to appreciate your family, your home and be attentive to everything that surrounds us. To be close to the people we love, learn mistakes to make the life of our loved ones better every day.

    Also, the author teaches the reader of responsibility. The birth of a child is a very important and responsible step that makes the whole family, and not only one mother. Every relative, each family friend should take part in the raising of children, be attentive to their needs, because this is our common future.

    Children themselves should extract moral lessons: to love and respect their relatives, think their heads, and not repeat other people's mistakes. You need to appreciate yourself without humiliating before other children and not trying to conquer their friendship if they themselves apply to you. Also, the child must learn to objectively assess the world around and people, not allowing the first and incorrect impressions to eclipse the arguments of the mind.

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