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Nepal - analysis of the work. "Half": Analysis of the works of phonvizin, images of heroes Positive and negative heroes

History of creation

DI. Fonvizin is one of the most vivid figures of the educational movement in Russia of the XVIII century. He perceived the ideas of educational humanism especially acutely, lived in the authorities of the highest moral duties of the nobleman. Therefore, the writer especially griefly disadvantaged the failure of the nobles of his debt to society: "I happened on my land to ride. I saw what the most part of the name of the nobleman believes its love. I have seen a lot of those who serve, or, in more than one, take place in the service for the only thing that is riding a pair. I saw many others who went to resign immediately, as soon as they had achieved the right to catch the fourth. I saw from the most ancestral ancestors of contemptuous descendants. In a word, I saw the nobles serving. I am a nobleman, and that's what my heart ripped out. " So I wrote Fonvizin in 1783 in a letter to the writer "Pleg and Nesbyitsa", whose authorship belonged to the Empress Ekaterina II.

The name of Fonvizin became aware of the general public after the creation of a Comedy "Brigadier". Then more than ten years the writer was engaged in state affairs. And only in 1781 they completed a new comedy - "inexpensive." Fonvizin did not leave evidence of the creation of "inexpressible". The only story dedicated to the creation of a comedy was recorded much later Vyazemsky. We are talking about the scene in which Eremeevna protects Mitrofanushka from Natilin. "They are retelling from the words of the author himself that, starting to the mentioned phenomenon, he went to walk to think about him in a walk. The meat gate came to a fight two women. He stopped and started watching nature. Returning home with the extraction of observations, he drawn his phenomenon and accommodated the word of the hook, overheard them on the battlefield "(Vyazemsky 1848).

The government of Catherine, frightened by the first comedy of Fonvizin, has long resisted to the production of a new comedy writer. Only in 1782 to a friend and the patron of Fonvizin N.I. Panina through the heir to the throne, the future of Paul I, with great difficulty still managed to achieve the production of "cheap". The comedy was played in the Wooden Theater at the Tsaritsyn Meadow by the actors of the court theater. Fonvizin himself took part in learning the roles of roles, was part of all the details of the production. The role of Starodam Phonvizin was created on the best actor of the Russian Theater I.A. Dmitrevsky. Possessing a noble, exquisite appearance, the actor constantly held the first Hero-lover in the Amplua Theater. And although the success of the performance was complete, shortly after the premiere of the theater, on the stage of which was for the first time "inexpensive," closed and disbanded. The attitude of the empress and the ruling circles to the Fonvisin has changed dramatically: until the end of his life, the author "inexpressible" felt himself from this pore of the latter, a persecuted writer.

As for the name of the comedy, the word "inexpensive" itself is perceived today not as conceived by the author of the comedy. In the times of Phonwan, it was a completely defined concept: the so-called nobles that did not receive due education, which is therefore prohibited was to join and marry. So it could be inexpressible to be twenty more than twenty years, Mitrofanushka in the comedy of Fonvizin - sixteen years. With the advent of this character, the term "inexpensive" acquired a new meaning - "Balbes, a stupid, a teenager with limited vicious inclinations."

Rod, genre, creative method

The second half of the 18th century - The heyday of theatrical classicism in Russia. It is the comedy genre that becomes the most important and common in scenic and dramatic art. The best comedies of this time are part of social and literary life, are associated with satire and often have a political orientation. The popularity of the comedy was directly connected with life. "Cheap" was created as part of the rules of classicism: the division of characters on positive and negative, schematism in their image, the rule of three unity in the composition, "talking names". However, realistic features are visible in the comedy: the accuracy of the images, the image of the noble life and social relations.

Famous researcher of creativity D.I. Fonvizina G.A. Gukovsky believed that "in" inexpressible ", two literary styles are fighting among themselves, and classicism turns out to be defeated. Classical rules forbade confusion and sad, fun and serious motives. "In the comedy Fonvizin there are elements of drama, there are motives that were to die, tamper the viewer. In the "inexpensive" Fonvizin not only laughs at vices, but also glorifies virtue. "Lady" - semi-comedy, extract. In this regard, Fonvizin, violating the tradition of classicism, took advantage of the lessons of the new bourgeois dramatic of the West. " (Gukovsky. Russian literature of the XVIII century. M., 1939).

Having made vital and negative and positive characters, Fonvizin managed to create a new type of realistic comedy. Gogol wrote that the plot of "cheap" helped the playwright deeply and to unleash the most important parties to social existence of Russia, "wounds and illness of our society, severe abuses internal, which are obvious to the merciless force of irony" (N.V. Gogol, full. Cons . cit. T. VIII).

The accusatory pathos of the content of "inexpressible" is powered by two powerful sources, equally dissolved in the structure of dramatic action. Such are satire and journalism. The destroying and merciless satire fills all the scenes depicting the lifeguards of the family of space. The final replica of the Starodam, who ends "inexpensive": "Here is the grievance of decent fruits!" - gives the whole play a special sound.


The basis of the comedy "Lady" is two problems that especially worried the writer. This is the problem of moral decomposition of the nobility and the problem of upbringing. Its understood quite widely, education in the minds of thinkers of the XVIII century was considered as a priority factor that determines the moral appearance of a person. In the representations of Fonvizin, the problem of education acquired state importance, since the proper education could save the noble society from degradation.

The comedy "inexpensive" (1782) became a rapid event in the development of the Russian comedy. It represents a complex structure, a well-thought-out system in which every replica, each character, each word is subject to the identification of copyright. Starting a play as a household comedy of the morals, Fonvizin does not stop on this, and boldly goes on, to the root cause of "worship", the fruits of which are known and the author are strictly convicted. The reason for the vicious upbringing of the nobility in serfaceous and autocratic Russia is the established state system, generating arbitrariness and lawlessness. Thus, the problem of education is inextricably linked with all the vital and political affairs of the state in which people live and operate from the bottom to the bottom. Cattleins and spaces, ignorant, limited to mind, but not limited to their authority, can even educate like themselves. Their characters are drawn by the author especially thoroughly and full, with all the vitality. The framework of the requirements of classicism to the genre of Comedy Fonvizin here significantly expanded. The author fully overcomes the schematics inherent in earlier heroes, and the characters "inexpensive" become not only real faces, but also by the nucleating figures.


Protecting his cruelty, crime and self-smuggling, prostakova says: "Is I not authorized in my own people?". It objects to her noble, but naive truthful: "No, madam, nobody is pronounced." And then it suddenly refers to the law: "Not waven! Nobleman, when he wants, and the servants do not wave; Yes, what would we give us a decree about the liberty of the nobility? " Amazed to beginners and, together with him, the author exclaims only: "Master to interpret the decrees!"

Subsequently, the historian V.O. Klyuchevsky said true: "The whole thing in the last words of Mrs. Prostaya; They all the meaning of the drama and the whole drama in them ... She wanted to say that the law justifies her lawlessness. " Prostakova does not want to recognize any duties of the nobility, and the law of Peter the Great about the obligatory education of the nobles and the law of Peter's mandatory formation of the nobles, knows only his rights. In her face, a certain part of the nobles refuses to fulfill the laws of their country, their duty and duties. About any noble honor, personal dignity, faith and loyalty, mutual respect, the ministry of state interests here and speak. Fonvizin saw what it led to what was in fact: to state collapse, immorality, lies and sales, the ruthless oppression of fortress peasants, universal stealing and Pugachev's uprising. Therefore, I wrote about Ekaterininskaya Russia: "The state, in which the most marked out of all states, to defend the Fatherland, a member of the sovereign and the corps to submit to its nation, guided by the same sex, the nobility, the name only exists and is sold to anybody who robbed the fatherland."

So, the idea of \u200b\u200bcomedy: the condemnation of ignorant and cruel landowners who consider themselves the full owners of life, do not comply with the laws of state and moral, approval of the ideals of humanity and enlightenment.

Character conflict

Comedy conflict is a collision of two opposing views on the role of the nobility in the country's social life. Mrs. Prostakova states that the Decree "On the Validity of the Noblest" (who freed the nobleman from the obligatory service established by Peter I) made it "free" primarily in relation to the serf, freeing the Human and moral responsibilities for him to society. A different view of the role and responsibilities of the nobleman Fonvizin is investing in the mouth of an elder - the face of the closest to the author. Elders on political and moral ideals are a man of Petrovskaya era, which is opposed to the comedy Epoch of Catherine.

All comedy heroes are drawn to the conflict, the action seems to be taken out of the landlord, families and acquires socio-political in nature: the arbitrarian of landlords, supported by the authorities, and the impact of peasants.

Basic heroes

The audience in the comedy "Lady" was attracted, first of all, positive heroes. With great enthusiasm, serious scenes were perceived, in which Stariodes and Pravdin were performed. Performances thanks to the Starodua turned into a kind of public demonstrations. "At the end of the play," recalls one of the contemporaries, "the audience threw on the stage of Dmitrevsky wallet, filled with gold and silver ... Dmitrevsky, raising him, spoke to the audience and rushed with her" ("Art Gazeta", 1840, №5.).

One of the main heroes of the Piesen Fonvizin is the beginnings. He is in his worldview - the carrier of the ideas of the Russian nobility of enlightenment. Stokers served in the army, bravely fought, was injured, but overwhelmed. She received his former buddy, the graph, who refused to go to the army. Coming into resignation, the beginners trying to serve at the court. Disappointed, he leaves for Siberia, but remains faithful to his ideals. He is an ideological inspirer of the fight against the prostata. Really acts in the estate of the pro-eracked not on behalf of the government, but "from the eavenist of the heart" the like-mindedness of the senior official Official Pravdin. The success of the Starodua determined the decision of Fonvizin to publish in 1788 the satirical magazine "Friend of honest people, or olders".

Positive characters are outlined by the playwright several pale and schematically. Studies and his like-minded people throughout the play passion from the scene. But these were the laws of then dramaturgy: classicism assumed the image of the heroes that uttered monologues "from the author". Behind the elder, Pravdina, Sofia and Milon, is, of course, Fononovin himself with his rich experience of the state and court service and the unsuccessful struggle for their noble educational ideas.

The negative characters are presented with amazing realism: Mrs. Prostakova, her husband and son Mitrofan, the evil and greedy brother of Prostaya Taras Skol Tinin. All of them are enemies of enlightenment and law, win only before the authorities and wealth, they are afraid of material strength and all the time heitryat, all means are achieved their benefits, guided by the practical mind and their interest. Morality, ideas, ideals, they simply do not have any moral obscures, not to mention knowledge and respect for laws.

The central figure of this group, one of the meaningful characters of the Fonvizin's play is Mrs. Prostakov. It immediately becomes the main spring, moving stage action, because in this provincial nobility there is some powerful life force, which is not enough not only positive characters, but also by her lazy egoist son and the guinea brother. "This face in a comedy is unusually well conceived psychologically and superbly weathered dramatically," said a space-standing connoisseur of the era of the historian V.O. Klyuchevsky. Yes, this character in the full sense is negative. But the whole point of the comedy of Fonvizin is that his Mrs. Prostakova - the face of the living, purely Russian type and that all the audience this type knew personally and understood that, having come out of the theater, they will inevitably meet in real life and Will be defenseless.

From morning to evening, this woman fights, presses on everyone, inhibits, orders, follows, chittitis, lies, swears, robs, hits, even rich and influential early beginners, state official, Pravdin and Officer Milone with the military team can not. At the heart of this living, strong, quite folk nature - monstrous self-confidentiality, bestless arrogance, greed to material life benefits, the desire to make everything on her and will. But this is a malicious cunning creature - mother, she loves his Mitrofancy heartlessness and makes it all sake of his son, inflicting terrible moral harm. "This crazy love for your brainching is our strong Russian love, which in a person who lost their dignity, put it in such a perverted form, in such a wonderful connection with trirant, so, the more she loves her child, the more hating everything that everything he hates everything Not her child, "- wrote about Prostaya N.V. Gogol. For the sake of the material well-being of his son, she rushes with fists on the brother, ready to clutch with the armed sword of Milon and even in a hopeless situation wants to win the time to change the official judicial sentence to the care of its estate, announced by the truth. Prostakova wants her, her family, her peasants lived on her practical mind and will, and not for some kind of laws and rules of education: "What I wanted, put on my".

Place of secondary characters

Other characters are operating on the stage: the scored and intimidated husband is simple, and her brother Taras Skalinin, most of all in the world loving his pigs, and noble "adolescent" - Mother's favorite, who does not want to learn the son of prostacular Mitrofan, spoiled and depraved by maternal education. Next to them are derived: yard spaced - tailor triska, fortress nannik, former feeder Mitrofan Eremeevna, his teacher - rural decesed Kuteyukin, retired soldier Tsifirkin, cunning passer German Chercher Malman. In addition, the replica and speeches of the prostata, cattle and other characters are positive and negative - all the time remind the viewer about invisibly present behind the scene, given to Catherine II in the full and uncontrolled power of the cattle and prostacle peasants of the Russian fortress village. They, while staying behind the scene, become actually the main persistent face of the comedy, their fate throws a formidable, tragic defill on the fate of her noble characters. The names of the spacecraft, Mitrofan, Catnin, Kuteukin, the briefs became nominal.

Plot and composition

The plot of the comedy Fonvizin is easy. In the family of provincial landowners, their far relative lives - the remaining orphan Sophia. Mrs. Prostaya - Taras Skalinin and the Son of Prostakiy - Mitrofan would like to marry Sofje. In a critical moment for the girl, when she was desperately divided by an uncle and nephew, another uncle appears - incense. He is convinced of the bad essence of the family of space-made with the help of a progressive official of Praddu. Sofya marries a person who loves - for Milon's officer. The estate of spaces take to the state custody for the ill-treatment of serfs. Mitrofan is given to military service.

The regulations of the comedy Fonvizin put the conflict of the epoch, the socio-political life of the 70s and the beginning of the 80s of the 18th century. This is a struggle against a steady-like, deprivation of its rights of ownership by its estate. At the same time, other storylines are traced in the comedy: the struggle for Sophia Prostaya, Natilin and Milon, the history of the connection of Sophia and Milon who loving each other. Although they do not constitute the main plot.

"Half" is a comedy in five actions. Events unfold in the estate of spacen. A significant part of the dramatic action in the "inexpensive" is devoted to solving the problem of education. This is a scene of the teachings of Mitrofan, the overwhelming part of the morals of the senior. The culmination point in the development of this topic is undoubtedly the scene of the Mitrofan exam in the 4th Action Comedy. This murderous at the strength of the satirical picture of it in it serves as a sentence of the education and cattle education system.

Artistic peculiarity

Fascinating, rapidly developing plot, sharp replicas, bold comic positions, individualized spoken speech, evil satire to the Russian nobility, mockery over the fruits of French enlightenment - all this was new and attractive. Young Fonvizin attacked the noble society and his flavors, the fruits of the semisimation, for the striking human minds and the soul of the ulcer of ignorance and serf slavery. He showed this dark kingdom as a stronghold of heavy nominations, everyday household cruelty, immorality and bloodlessness. The theater as a means of social public satire demanded that the characters and language, acute actual problems recognizable by the collision. All this is in the famous Comedy of Fonvizin "Lady", which is placed today.

Fonvizin created the language of the domestic drama, correctly understanding it as the art of the word and the mirror of society and man. He did not consider this language ideal and final, and his heroes positive characters. Being a member of the Russian Academy, the writer seriously was studying and improving the modern language. Fonvizin masterfully builds the language characteristics of its heroes: it is coarse, offensive words in the unwitting speeches of the spaceac; Characteristic for the military life of the Soldier of Soldier Tsy-Firkina; Church-Slavic words and quotes from the spiritual books of the Kuteyquin seminarist; The broken Russian speech is the spin and speech of the noble heroes of the play - Starodama, Sofia and Praddina. Separate words and phrases from the Fonvizin comedy became covered. So in the life of the playwright, the name of Mitrofan became nominative and marked lazy and ignorant. Phraseologisms acquired wide fame: "Trishkin Kaftan", "I do not want to learn, but I want to marry" etc.

The value of the work

"People" (according to Pushkin), the comedy "Nepodli" reflected the acute problems of Russian life. Spectators, seeing her in the theater, first from. He laughed, but then terrible, they experienced deep sadness and called the funny play of Fonvizin of the modern Russian tragedy. Pushkin left for us the most valuable testimony about the then spectators: "My grandmother has told me that in the presentation of a newer in the theater there was a crush - sons of simple and cattle, who came to the service from the steppe villages, were present here - and, in effect, seen in front of their loved ones and acquaintances , your family. " Fonvizinskaya comedy was a faithful satirical mirror for which there was nothing to join. "The impression is that it is made up of two opposite elements: Laughter in the theater is replaced by severe thinking at the exit of it," the historian V.O. wrote about "inexpensive Klyuchevsky.

Gogol, the student and the heir of Fononvizin, the metotea called the "cheerful" genuinely public comedy: "The comedy of Phononvizin is striking the coarse brotherhood of a person who has occurred from a long inequate, unquelted stagnation in remote corners and the outfits of Russia ... There is nothing in her caricature: everything is taken alive with Nature and checked knowledge of the soul. " Realism and satire help the author of the comedy to speak about the fate of the Enlightenment in Russia. Fonvizin's mouth of the foreigner called the upbringing of the "pledge of state welfare". And all the comic and tragic circumstances described by them and the most characteristics of negative characters can safely be called the fruits of ignorance and worship.

In the comedy of Fonvizin there is both grotesque, and satirical comicity, and a farcian start, and a lot of serious, such that forces the viewer to think. All this "inexpensive" had a strongest impact on the development of Russian national drama, as well as the whole "most magnificent and, maybe the most socially fruitful line of Russian literature - the line of the property-realistic" (M. Gorky).

Schedule comedy "Nepal" Denis Phononovin originated in 1778, and four years later he presented a play to his friends. But the path of the work on the scene was thorny. In St. Petersburg and Moscow comedy immediately refused. Czensors were afraid of some bold replicas.

In September 1782, the play risked to put a free Russian theater on the Tsaritsyn meadow. Success was staggering. True, this courage was worth the closing theater, but it was already late - the comedy of Fonvizin has gained enormous popularity. Since then, the play does not go off from stage sites.

"Lady" caused serious discontent of Catherine II. Fonvizin did not allow any more work more, even transfer to Russian works by the Roman historian of Tacitis.

The name of the comedy is associated with the Decree of Peter I, according to which the children of nobles who did not receive education are not allowed to serve and marry. Such young people and called "inexpensive". It was believed that they were not ready for an adult conscious life.

Main problemsThat raises in comedies Author: vicious upbringing and decomposition of the nobility in the conditions of serfs. Education, according to Fonvizin, determines the moral appearance of the younger generation. Trusting his children with illiterate fortress nanny, who has no need to dedication and dubious foreigners, the noble estate is immersed in the Puchin of ignorance, dullness, stying and immorality. Cattleins and spaces are capable of raising only Mitrofanishek.

Fonvizin on simple examples shows that the landowners for the most part forgot not only about noble honor, but even human dignity. Instead of serving the interests of the country, they do not comply with either moral nor state laws.

The random victory of the goodness of the goodness of the Comedy gives a special sharpness of the comedy. If Pravdin did not receive the prescription to take the property of spaced under the custody, and from Siberia would not return to the beginnings in time, everything could not end so well.

The comedy "inexpensive" is built according to the laws classicism. Here are only one storyline, one place of action and all events occur during the day. But some features appear in the play realism: A reliable image of life, far from schematics characters, separate elements of drama. Fonvizin created new genre - Social and political comedy. In the center of the plot, contrary to the canons of classicism, there is not a love intrigue, but a sharp social conflict.

The play consists of five actions. In the first, the author introduces us with the main characters, the plot tape takes place - a letter from the Starodam, in which Sofya is called the rich heir. Culmination occurs in the fifth action, when Pravdin reads a letter about the transition of the estate of space-made under its care. The interchange becomes the last words of the senior: "Here is the worship of decent fruits!"

In the "cheap" show almost all the estates of the Russian state. There is a fortress triska, Palash and Eremeevna, landowners of spacers and cattle, officer Milon and a retired Sergeant Tsyfirkin, an official of Pravdin, clergy cubbler. According to the traditions of classicism, all actors are clearly divided into negative and positive, and their names indicate the main features of nature. Pravdin emphasizes justice, the stories - wisdom and morality, and the names of Ultrans and Cattlenin are understandable even to the child.

Negative and positive characters of the comedy create vapor antagonists: "Children" - Mitrofan and Sophia, "Grooms" - Cattlein and Milon, "The main" - Prostakova and the Starods, "Assistants of the main" - Prostaki and Pravdin, "Teachers" - disinterested Tsyfirkin and Greedy couch.

Mrs. Prostakova is the most bright comedy image. An evil, tricky, baking and extremely active landowner constantly swears and beats servants. Prostakakova seeks to take everything to hand, it is unanimously disposed of not only serfs, but also relatives. Her husband is a powerless creature that does not dare and steppot without an order of his wife. Prostakova spreads its power at all, who does not have enough strength to give her back: Sophia, Natilinina, teachers. The main motto of the landowner: "What I wanted, put on my".

The heroine blindly loves the sole son and everything is ready for his good. Prostakova rushes with his fists on his brother, protecting Mitrofanushka, cares for "Dietyatko" felt well and did not bother with sciences. She takes all the decisions for her son, protects him from the slightest troubles, the clutch of the fate of the young man.

With this upbringing, it is completely not surprising that the son grows a coward, a slacker, an incinerator and Ham. Ignorance and the stupidity of Mitrofan makes it hard to terrify: what is the future of the country where such a generation is growing up? At the same time, "inexpressible" enough of the mind to manipulate his despotic mother and cause the death of his father. He, like the mother, understands only the power of strong, can assume the courtesy, brought up, loving, grateful. But only prostakov loses its power, the beloved son is rudely pushing it.

Against the background of bright images of negative characters, positive beginners, Pravdin, Milon, Sophia look pale and inexpressively. But they are necessary for the development of the plot, the dynamics of events. At the same time, these actors speak on behalf of the author himself. Their instructive conversations show the right path of honest person, explain the true duties of the nobleman and the rules of the family morality.

The opposition of the world of spacecraft and the older is most clearly seen in their attitude to education. The landowner herself does not know how to read and his son speaks: "Do not learn this stupid science!" Stokers received a wonderful education and calls upbringing "Pledge of state welfare".

Fonvizin is a big Word Wizard. Each hero has its own language characteristic. Prostakova Syft with rude and common expressions. Free and beautifully talk to the beginners, Sophia, Pravdin. Speech Mitrofan and Natilin, as well as seruate, is poor, primitive. Kuteykin vocabulary is rich in church Slavic words, and the retired Sergeant Zyfirkin flashes a military jargon. The illiteracy of the German brief is transmitted by its characteristic obliqueness.

Menu Articles:

"Cheap" - play in five actions belonging to Peru Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin. The cult dramatic work of the XVIII century and one of the most vivid samples of classicism. It entered the school curriculum, repeatedly put on theatrical layouts, received a screen embodiment, and his lines disassembled the quotes, which today live autonomously from the original source, becoming the aphorisms of the Russian language.

Plot: Summary of the Piece "Lady"

The plot "cheap" is well-known to everyone since school years, but we will still remind the brief content of the play to restore the sequence of events in memory.

The action unfolds in the village of space-made. His owners - Mrs. and Mr. Prostaki and their son Mitrofanushka - live a relaxing life of provincial nobles. Also in the estate dwells the sofya, which Mrs. sheltered in his house, but, as it turns out, not from compassion, but because of the inheritance, which she regards the rights of the self-proclaimed guardian. In the near future, Sophia is planning to give for the brother of the Prostaya Taras Catynin.

Mrs. plans swear when Sophia receives a letter from his uncle Storas, who still considered the dead. Study is alive and live well and goes on a date with a niece, and he also informs about the state of 10 thousand incomes, which is inherited by a hot beloved relative. After such news, the prostakkova is accepted to catch the sophia, which I still had little complained, because now she wants to suck her for his beloved Mitrofan, and the cattle is left with anything.

Fortunately, the stories turned out to be a noble and honest person who wanted a niece of good. Moreover, Sofia has already been a narrowed - officer Milon, who just stopped with his regiment in the village of spacen. Starodub knew Milon and gave a young blessing.

In desperation, Prostakova is trying to organize the abduction of Sofia and forcibly marrying her with her son. However, and here the treacherous mistress suffers Fiasco - Milon saves the beloved in the night of the abduction.

Preluchno generously forgively forgiveness and do not go under the trial, however, her estate that has long aroused suspicions, transmit a state guardian. Everyone is traveling and even Mitrofanushka throws mamma, because he does not like her, as in general and anyone in the world.

Characteristics of heroes: Positive and negative characters

As in any classic work, the characters in the "cheap" are clearly divided into positive and negative.

Negative heroes:

  • mrs. Prostakova - Mistress of the village;
  • mr. Prostakov - her husband;
  • Mitrofanushka - Son of spacen, inexpensive;
  • Taras Skodinin - Brother of spacen.

Positive characters:

  • Sophia - orphan, lives in spacen;
  • Starods - uncle her;
  • Milon - officer, beloved Sophia;
  • Pravdin is a state official who came to control cases in the village of Prostakov.

Secondary characters:

  • Tsyfirkin - Teacher of Arithmetic;
  • Kuteikin - Teacher, a former seminarian;
  • Malman - the former Kucher, gives himself to the teacher;
  • Eremevna - Nanny Mitrofan.

Mrs. Prostakova

Prostakova is the brightest negative character, and indeed the most outstanding acting face of the play. She is the hostess of the village of space-made and it is Mrs., fully suppressing the willed spouse, establishes the Bar region and makes decisions.

At the same time, she is absolutely ignorant, devoid of manner, often rude. Prostakova, like other members of the family, can not read and despise science. The formation of Mitrofanushki mother is engaged only because it is supposed to be in the Novosvetsky society, but the true value of knowledge does not understand.

In addition to ignorance, prostakova is distinguished by cruelty, falsehood, hypocrisy, envy.

The only creature she loves is her son Mitrofanushka. However, the blind suggestive love of the mother only spoils Chado, turning it into a copy of himself in a male dress.

Mr. Prostakov

The figurative owner of the estate estate. In fact, everyone leads his own wife, whom he is madly afraid and does not dare to pray the word. Prostaks have long lost its own opinion and dignity. He can not even say, good or bad caftan, stitched by a tailor trichka for Mitrofan, because it is afraid to say not what the Madam expects.


Son of spacen, inexpensive. In the family it is lovingly called Mitrofanushka. And, meanwhile, this young man is time to go in adulthood, but he absolutely has no idea about it. Mitrofan is spoiled by maternal love, he is capricious, cruel towards serving and teachers, pompous, lazy. Despite the many years of classes with teachers, young Barin is extremely stupid, he does not show the slightest desire for study and knowledge.

And the most terrible, that Mitrofanushka is a terrible egoist, nothing really matters for him, except for his own interests. At the end of the play he easily throws Mama, so unrequitedly loved him. Even she is empty place for him.


Mrs. Brother. Narcissist, limited, ignorant, cruel and greed. Taras Skalinin nourishes a huge passion for pigs, the rest is little interested in this nearby person. He has no idea about related links, cardiac attachment and love. Having painted how well his future wife healed well, the cattle says only that he will highlight her better beelock. In its coordinate system, this is this concludes marital happiness.


Positive female image of the work. Very raised, kind, meek and compassionate girl. Sophia received a good education, it has an inquisitive mind and thirst for knowledge. Even in the poison atmosphere of the house of the prostacle, the girl is not likened to the owners, but continues to lead the way of life that she likes - she reads a lot, reflects, with all the friend and polite.


Uncle and guardian Sophia. Stoys - the author's voice in the play. His speeches are very aphoristic, he argues a lot about life, virtues, mind, law, government, modern society, marriage, love and other urgent issues. Streets are incredibly wise and noble. Despite the fact that he obviously negatively applies to the space-like and similar, the beginners do not allow himself to descend to the rustic and unbridled criticism, and that to the light sarcasm - it cannot be recognized by his nearby "relatives".


Officer, beloved Sophia. The image of the defender hero, the perfect young man, her husband. He is very fair, not tolerate with meanness and lies. Mylon was bold, and not only in battle, but also in his speeches. It is deprived of vanity and low-cost calculation. All the "grooms" of Sofia spoke only about her state, Milon never mentioned that his narrowed was rich. He sincerely loved Sophia before her had an inheritance, and therefore in his choice a young man was not guided by the size of the annual income of the bride.

"I don't want to learn, but I want to marry": the problem of upbringing in the story

The key problem of the work is the topic of provincial nobility education and education. The main hero of Mitrofanushka is obtained only because it is fashionable and "so instituted." In fact, neither he nor his ignorant Mother understands the true purpose of knowledge. They must make a man smarter, better, serve him throughout life and benefit society. Knowledge is mined by difficulty and can never be forcibly placed in someone's head.

Mitrofan's home education is a dummy, fiction, provincial theater. For several years, the maternity student did not make a reading or writing. A comic test that suits Pravdin, Mitrofan fell up with a crash, but because of his stupidity cannot even understand this. He calls the word the door is adjective, because they say to the mind, the science is confused with the stories who tells him in abundance, and the word "geography" Mitrofanushka cannot even speak out ... too wisdom.

To show the grotescia of the formation of Mitrofan, Fonvizin introduces the image of the briefman, which teaches "French and all sciences." In fact, the torchman (surname is talking!) No teacher, but a former coachman of the senior. He easily deceives the unfolding simpler and even becomes her pet, because he professes his own teaching technique - not to force the student to do anything through force. With such a zeal, like Mitrofan, a teacher with a student simply loomed.

Hand in hand with the receipt of knowledge and skills is upbringing. For him, mostly answers Mrs. Prostakov. She methodically imposes his rotten moral Mitrofan, who (here he is diligent!) Excellently absorbs Mother's advice. So, during the solution of the task of dividing prostakov, he advises his son to not share with anyone, but to pick up everything. Arguing about marriage, Mother speaks only about the prosperity of the bride, never mentioning mental attachment and love. The concept of both courage, courage, the valor will not be familiar with Mitrofan. Despite the fact that he is no longer a kid, he is still flowing in everything. The boy can not even stand up for himself during the skirmish with uncle, he immediately takes to call Mama, and the old nurse of Eremeevna rushes on the offender.

The meaning of the name: two sides of the medal

The name of the play has a straight and figurative meaning.

Direct name
The adolescents, young men who have not achieved adulthood, who have not achieved adulthood have not been checked in Starin.

Portable meaning of name
He also informed the fool, ignorant, near and uneducated person, regardless of his age. With the light hand of Fonvizin, it is this negative connotation and consolidated for the word in modern Russian.

Anyone is reborn from a minor Yunz in an adult man. This is a growing, the law of nature. However, not everyone turns out of the dark inexpressible-fertility into an educated self-sufficient personality. For such a transformation, efforts and perseverance should be applied.

Place in literature: Russian literature of the XVIII century → Russian drama of the XVIII century → Creativity Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin → 1782 → Piez "Nephalophal".

The initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe Comedy of Fonvizin "Nepodel" is the disclosure of the topic of education, very relevant in the Epoch of Enlightenment, a little later, socio-political issues have been added to the work.

The name of the play is directly related to the decree of Peter the Great, who put under the ban on the possibility of serve and marry young uneducated nobles-inexpensive.

History of creation

The first manuscripts of the sketches of "inexpressible" date back to the 1770s year. To write a play, Fonvizin had to recycle many works with appropriate idea - the works of Russian and foreign modern writers (Voltaire, Rousseau, Lukina, Chulkov, etc.), articles from satirical magazines and even comedies written by Empress Ekaterina's second. Work on the text was fully completed in 1781. A year later, after some obstacles from censorship, the first stage of the play took place, and Fonanovin himself was the director, and the first publication of the play took place in 1773.

Description of the work

Action 1.

The scene begins with a stormy discussion of the caftan coil for Mitrofanushka. Mrs. Prostakova scolds his tailor Crush and Preluchi supports it in the desire to punish a negligible servant. The situation is saved by the appearance of cattle, it justifies the grief-tailor. Further, a comical scene with Mitrofanushka - he manifest itself a infantile young man, besides, very loving to eat tightly.

Cattlenin discusses with a clear prostacle prospects for his marriage with a sofya. The only relative of the Girl of the Stools unexpectedly sends the news about the acquisition of Sofia of an impressive inheritance. Now, the young young lady from the grooms there is no postboy - now "inexpensive" mitrofan appears in the list of candidates for husbands.

Action 2.

Among the soldiers who stopped in the village, the will of the chance turns out to be the fiance of a sofya - officer Milon. He turns out to be a good acquaintance of Praddina, an official who came to deal with lawlessness worked in the estate of spacen. At a random meeting with the beloved Milon, he learns about the plans to arrange the fate of her son by marriage to now a wealthy girl. Next follows a quarrel of cattle and mitrofan due to the future bride. Teachers appear - Kuteukin and Zyfirkin, they are divided with the truthful details of their appearance in the space of spaces.

Action 3.

The arrival of the old man. Pravdin first meets a relative of Sofia and reports him about the desires, creating in the house of space-made in relation to the girl. The entire master family and cattle with hypocritical joy greet a senior. Uncle's plans to take the softeushka to Moscow and to marry her. The girl conquers the will of his relative, not knowing that he chose her to Milon's husband. Prostakakova begins to praise Mitrofanck as a diligent student. After everyone diverged, the remaining teachers of Zyfirkin and Kuteukin discuss the taciousness and the aspiration of their inexpressure. In parallel, they accuse the rifleman, the former Konya of the Storagan, the briefness is that he is his dormant ignorance prevents the process of learning and without that stupid Mitrofanushka.

Action 4.

Stariodes and Softube are talking about high moral principles and on family values \u200b\u200b- genuine love between spouses. After conversation with Milon, making sure in the high moral qualities of a young man, Uncle blesses the niece to marriage with the beloved. The comical scene follows, in which the unfortunate grooms Mitrofanushka and Cattlenin are exhibited in a very unfavorable light. Having learned about the departure of a happy couple, the simpler family decides to intercept the sophia on the road.

Action 5.

Stariodes and Pravdin lead pious conversations, having heard noise, they interrupt the conversation and soon learn about an attempt to abduct the bride. Pravdin accuses space-made in this atrocity and threatens them with punishment. Prostakova on his lap defense of Sofia, but as soon as he receives him, immediately accuses servants in a non-historical ability to abduct the girl. Government paper comes, stating about the transition under the custody of PRESINT Total Prostaki property. The debt payment scene is completed with fair decoupling - opens a hoard of a brief, generously gifted by a modest working of the Tsyfirkin, and Nveza Kuteyukin remains with anything. Happy young and senils are preparing for departure. Mitrofanushka hesitates the Council of Praddina to go to the service in the soldiers.

main characters

Considering the images of the main heroes it is worth noting that the speaking names of the characters of the play express the one-centers of their nature and keep no doubt about the moral assessment by the author of the comedy's acting persons.

Full-awake mistress of estates, a despotic and ignorant woman, who believes that all cases without exception can be solved with the help of power, money or deception.

His image is the foolishness and uneducation. It has amazing inappropriateness and reluctance to make decisions. Ignorable Mitrofanushka was not only charged by age, but also because of its total ignorance and low level of moral and civil education.

A kind, responsive girl who has gained a good education with a high level of inner culture. Lives in spacen after the death of parents. With all my heart, he was predicted to his fiance - officer Milon.

A person who personifies the vitality of the truth and the word of the law. Being a government official, he is in the estate of space-made in order to understand the lawlessness worked there, in particular unfairly ill-treatment of servants.

The only relative of Sophia, her uncle and guardian. A succeeding person who managed to realize his highly oral principles.

Beloved and long-awaited fiance of Sofia. Brave and honest, distinguished by a high virtue of a young officer.

Nearby, greedy, uneducated person who does not be bent than the sake of profit and distinguished by falsehood and hypocrust.

Analysis of the comedy

Fonvizin's "cheap" is a classic comedy in 5 actions, all three unities are strictly complied with the unity of time, place and actions.

Solving the problem of upbringing is the central moment of the dramatic act of this satirical play. The accusatory sarcastic scene of the Mitrofanushki exam is genuine culmination in the development of an educational and educational topic. In the comedy of Fonvizin, there are colliding of two worlds - each of them with different ideals and needs, with different lifestyles and speech dialects.

The author of the innovation shows the preventive life of the time, the relationship between the owners and the simple peasant people. The complex psychological characteristic of the heroes gave impetus to the first development of the Russian household comedy as theatrical and literary genre of the era of classicism.

Quotes of heroes

Mitrofanushka - "I do not want to learn, I want to marry";

"Direct dignity in man has a soul" and many others.

Prostakova« Without science, people live and lived "

Final output

The comedy of Fonvizin has become for contemporaries a unique iconic product. The play takes a bright oppression of high moral principles, real education and laziness, ignorance and dealerships. In the socio-political comedy "inexpensive" three topics rise to the surface:

  • the theme of education and education;
  • theme of serfdom;
  • the topic of condemnation of despotic autocratic power.

The purpose of writing this brilliant work is clear - the eradication of ignorance, the upbringing of virtues, the struggle against the vices that struck Russian society and the state.

Consider the peculiarities of the comedy, which Fonvizin created ("inexpensive"). Analysis of this work is the topic of this article. This play is a masterpiece of domestic literature 18 centuries. This work is included today in the Fund of Russian Classical Literature. It affects a number of "eternal problems". And the beauty of a high syllable and today attracts many readers. The name of this play is associated with published by Peter I decree, according to which "inexpensive" (young nobles) is prohibited without education to enter the service and marry.

History of creating a play

Back in 1778, it was the idea of \u200b\u200bthis comedy from her author, who is Fonvizin. "Lady", whose analysis is interested, was written in 1782 and in the same year submitted to the public. It is necessary to briefly highlight the time of creating the plays you are interested in.

During the Board, Catherine II wrote Fonvizin "Nepali". The analysis of the heroes, presented below, proves that they were the heroes of their time. The period in the development of our country is associated with the domination of ideas they were borrowed by Russians from French enlighteners. The dissemination of these ideas, their great popularity in the environment of the educated meshness and the nobility contributed in many ways to the Empress itself. She, as you know, rewritten with Didro, Voltaire, D'Alber. In addition, Ekaterina II opened libraries and schools, supported various means of developing art and culture in Russia.

Continuing to describe the comedy, which D. I. Fonvizin ("cheap") created, analyzing its features, it should be noted that, as a representative of his era, the author, of course, shared the ideas that prevail at the time in the noble society. He tried to reflect them in his work, before readers and viewers, exposing not only positive moments, but also indicating misconceptions and shortcomings.

"Nepal" - a sample of classicism

Analysis of the comedy "inexpensive" Fonvizin demands to consider this play as part of the cultural era and literary tradition. This product is considered one of the best samples of classicism. There is a unity of action in the play (it does not find secondary storylines in it, only the struggle for the hand of Sofia and its property), places (characters for long distances do not move, all events occur either near the house of space-made or inside it), and time ( No more than a day occupy all events). In addition, used the "speaking" surnames, which are traditional for the play of classic, Fonvizin ("inexpensive"). The analysis shows that following the tradition, he divided his characters on positive and negative. Positive is Pravdin, Stoys, Milon, Sophia. They are opposed to prostacle, Mitrofan, Natilinina D. I. Fonvizin (Piez "Lady"). Analysis of their names shows that they give the reader to understand what features in the image of a particular character are prevalent. For example, the personification of morality and the truth in the work is true.

New comedy genre, his features

"Lady" at the time of creation became an important step forward in the development of the literature of our country, in particular, dramaturgy. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin created a new socio-political. It is harmoniously combined by a number of skelling, irony, laughter of realistic scenes from the life of some ordinary representatives of the highest society (nobility) with preaching about morality, virtue, the need to upbringing human qualities that were characteristic of enlighteners. The instructive monologues at the same time the play perception is not aggravated. They complement this work, as a result of which it becomes deeper.

First action

On 5 actions, the play, the author of which - Fonvizin ("inexpensive"). Analysis of the work involves a description of the organization of the text. In the first action, we get acquainted with spacen, croup, sofia, mitrofan, cattle. Characters characteristics are identified immediately, and the reader understands that cattle and spaces - and Sophia and Pravdin are positive. In the first action, the exposition and the tie of this work occurs. In the exposition, we get acquainted with the heroes, find out that the Sophia lives in the care of the simpleachary, which is going to give out for Natilin. Reading a letter from the Starodam is a platform of the play. Sophia is now rich in heiress. From day to day, her uncle returns in order to pick up a girl to himself.

The development of events in the play, which Fonvizin has created ("inexpensive")

Analysis of the work will continue to describe how events developed. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th actions are their development. We get acquainted with the older and Milon. Prostakova and Natilin are trying to like the senior, but their flattery, fake, uneducation and huge thirst for profit is just repelled. They look silly and funny. The most funny scene of this work is a survey of Mitrofan, during which the stupidity of not only this young man is exposed, but also his mother.

Culmination and junction

5th action - climax and junction. It should be noted that the opinions of researchers about what point should be considered to be considered by the climax. There are 3 most popular versions. According to the first, this is the abduction of the prostata Sophia, according to the second - reading of the truthful letter, which states that under his guardianship, the estate of space-like, and, finally, the third version - the rage is simple after she understands his own impotence and is trying to "recoup "On your servants. Each of these versions is valid, since it considers the work of interest to us from different points of view. The first, for example, highlights a storyline dedicated to the marriage of Sofia. An analysis of the episode of the Comedy of Fonvizin "Nepali", associated with marriage, indeed, allows you to consider it key in the work. The second version considers the play from a socio-political point of view, highlighting the moment when justice triumphs in the estate. The third attention focuses on the historical, according to which Prostakova is the personification of the oldest nobility who has gone into the past, which, however, do not believe in their own defeat. This nobility, according to the author, is based on no indispensability, uneducation, as well as low moral implications. During the junction, everyone leaves simpler. She did not have anything left. Pointing to her, the stories says that these are "worst fruits" "worship".

Negative characters

As we have already noted, the main characters are clearly divided into negative and positive. Mitrofan, Catignin and Prostaki - negative heroes. Prostakova - a woman looking for profit, uneducated, rude, powerful. She knows how to break the benefits. However, Prostakova loves his son. "Shadow" of his wife appears simple. This is a beless character. His word means little. Catignin is a brother of Mrs. Prostaya. It is as uneducated and a stupid man, pretty cruel, like his sister falls for money. For him, walk to the pigs on the barnyard - the best occupation. Mitrofan is a typical son of his mother. This is the spoiled young man for 16 years, inherited from uncle Love for pigs.

Questions and heredity

In the play, it should be noted, an important place will assign the question of related links and the heredity of Fonvizin ("inexpensive"). Analyzing this question, let's say, for example, that Prostakova is only married to his spouse ("simple" man who does not want much). However, she is actually a cattle, akin to your brother. The son of it absorbed the quality of both of his parents - "animals" of qualities and stupidity from mother and selflessness from the Father.

Similar related links can be traced between Sofia and the Street. Both are honest, virtuous, formed. The girl listens to the uncle carefully, respects him, "absorbs" science. Couples of opposites create negative and positive heroes. Children - spoiled stupid Mitrofan and meek smart Sophia. Parents love children, however, to their upbringing are suitable in different ways - Starodub talks on the topics of truth, honor, morality, and Prostakova only pampers Mitrofan and says that he is not useful to education. A pair of grooms - Milon, a seeing ideal and his friend in Sofier, loving her, and cattle, counting the state he gets after marriage on this girl. Sophia at the same time as a person is not interested in him. Catignin is not even trying to equip its bride comfortable accommodation. Prostaki and Pravdin are actually a "voice of truth", peculiar "auditors". But in the face of the official we find active strength, help and real action, and spaces - a passive character. The only thing that could say this hero is to reproach Mitrofan at the end of the play.

The problems that the author raises

Analyzing becomes clear that in each of the above-described pairs of characters, a separate problem is reflected, which is disclosed in the work. This is the problem of education (which is complemented by an example of Kuteykin's laundry teachers, as well as impostors, such as Motherman), upbringing, fathers and children, family life, relationship between spouses, the relationship of the nobles to the servants. Through the prism of educational ideas is considered every of these problems. Fonvizin, exacerbating its attention on the disadvantages of the epoch by using comic techniques, emphasis makes it necessary to change outdated, traditional, which have become irrelevant. They are tightened in a swamp of nonsense, catchy, like people to animals.

As we showed the analysis of the Piesen Fonvizin "Nepali", the main idea and the topic of the work is the need to upbringing the nobility in accordance with the educational ideals, the basics of which are relevant today.