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Yuri Yakovlev "Heart of the Earth." The passage from the story reads Alexander Belov. Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev

One of the requirements of GEF - "To form skills to perceive, analyze, critically evaluate and interpret read, to realize the artistic picture of life, reflected in the literary work" .

"There are changes in the content of learning based on the principles of metaparemotency as the conditions for achieving high quality education. The modern teacher should be the creator of new tasks, pedagogical situations aimed at using generalized ways of activity, creating students of their own products in the development of knowledge "based on basic concepts. The link between all academic items is the text, work with which to achieve an optimal result.

In the process of working with artistic texts, methodological techniques of work with the works of small prose were revealed, a bank was collected by texts for students in grades 5-11.

The novelty of the material represented is that the artistic texts used in the lessons of extracurricular reading are the texts of works that do not have methodical support.

The relevance is determined by the fact that the proposed texts contribute to the spiritual and moral education of younger teenagers and high school students, solve the task of social adaptation of students, stimulate interest in the study of classical, local history literature through modern issues, search for answers to personal-meaningful issues for students. The relevance of experience is caused by the fact that every year the number of children choosing a literature exam in 9 and 11 classes increases; The ability to analyze the artistic text of the extensive opportunities to prepare students for exams, Olympiads, creative literary contests. Tasks in the format of the OGE and the EGE on literature associated with the analysis of the literary work for many students turns out to be the most difficult, because it requires the judgments of the student themselves based on the ability to analyze the artistic text.

Solve these tasks help learning lessons to analyze an epic work. For such lessons, works are collected, the interpretation of which can be carried out on one lesson of literature or the lesson of extracurricular reading.

A model of the literature lesson was developed in the 10th grade on the topic: "Teaching the analysis of the epic work. On the example of the story of Yuri Yakovleva "Heart of the Earth". (Appendix 1 "Model of the Literature Literature")

A small prose bank was assembled (a list of small prose products, recommended by students), texts are used by a teacher in classroom, taking into account the age of students, the degree of formation of literary competencies, some of the works were given for a holistic analysis of artistic prosaic text at the municipal stage of the Literature Olympiad in 2011-2016 G. (Appendix 2 "List of small prose products recommended by students").


  1. Approximate basic educational program of the educational institution. Basic School / [Cost. E. S. Savinov]. - M.: Enlightenment, 2011. - 342 p. - (second generation standards).
  2. Practices of humanitarian education: Design - Events - Text. Moscow - Kirov, 2016.-199c.
  3. Drozd B.D. Lessons for analyzing a literary work. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2008.- 248C.
  4. Development of a scientific and methodological resource of the school for the implementation of an integrated approach to assessing the achievement of the planned results of GEF ": / Avto-Cost. G.N. Karsakova.- Kirov.-2014 -207c

Model lesson literature

Didactic goal: to promote the development of a complex of skills to prepare students for the exam by means of problem learning technology.

Type of lesson: a lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills


  • to be able to analyze the artwork, features of the composition, figurative system, motifs and issues
  • be able to give a direct connected answer to the question, relying on the author's position
  • to be able to confirm your thoughts with the text.


  • development of figurative, logical, critical thinking
  • development of students' speech
  • development of creative and analytical abilities of students
  • development of skills to work with text in order to search for the necessary information


  • to form a civil position based on the adoption of traditional national and universal humanistic values
  • to form the readiness and ability to independently, creative and responsible
  • to form artistic taste, the ability to navigate the world of literature.
  • help to realize their strong and less severe parties in the analysis of the epic work (as an important part of the preparation for the USE)

Methods: problem learning.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity of students:

  • group
  • frontal.

Means of education:

Story Yu.Yakovlev "Heart of the Earth"

  1. Dictionary of literacted terms. Author-Sostor S.P. Belokurov (M.: Enlightenment, 1989).
  2. Notebook student in literature.
  3. Multimedia accompaniment lesson.

During the classes

Stages Teacher's activities Activities of students
1. Orgmoment Welcomes students.

Creates a positive attitude.

Offers check availability of jobs.

Greet teachers.

Check the readiness of the workplace

2. Goaling and motivation Reports students that the purpose of the lesson is to learn to write "reasoning on a given topic" (task in the format of the USE) on the material of the story of Yu.Yakovlev "Heart of the Earth".

Draws the attention of students on "criteria for checking and evaluating tasks with a detailed response."

Calls the topic of the lesson "Analysis of the Epic Work", invites students to remember the content of the student of the story "Heart of the Earth" and answer the question:

"What is the topic of work?"

What works on this topic are you familiar?

Leads students to the wording of the problem lesson

"Why did the story of Yuri Yakovlev" Requiem "for those who died in the Great Patriotic War"?

Listen to the teachers, comprehend the goal, the subject of the lesson.


"Criteria for checking and evaluating tasks with a detailed answer"

Remember the content of the story, answer the question.

Formulate the problem of the lesson with the help of a teacher.

3. Actualization of knowledge Offers to find in the dictionary Decision "Requiem"

Offers students to answer questions:

Determine how the name is connected with the theme, images in the story.

How do the title and the content of the text correlate?

What pretending tool underlies the title of the story?

Determine how "unfolded" title in the text, which artistic images of the work are associated with it.

Who is dedicated to the story?

Find definitions in the dictionary, choose the correct option.

Answer teacher's questions using the contents of the story.

4. Systematization and generalization Organizes the work of students in groups.

Offers to answer problematic questions using text, materials entries in notebooks:

1 group "What is the role of a landscape as an element of the composition in the disclosure of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work?"

Group 2 "What is the role of a house of home in the disclosure of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work?"

3 group "What is the role of a time image in this text?" "Why is the spatial image and temporary meaning?"

4 Group "How the image of a storytellor helps to understand the author's intent"

The group 5 "How revealed in the text of the measurement of memory (emotional, olfactory, visual tactile, auditory)" ( Attachment 1)

It offers representatives of groups to make messages, and the rest of the students in the course of the speeches continue brief records in notebooks.

Work in groups, perform tasks.

Listen to messages.

Make brief records in working notebooks along the speeches of representatives of groups

5. Application of educational material in a familiar and new academic situation Suggested using the text, materials of speeches, recordings in the notebook, consider the conclusion-message on the problem of lesson "Why did the story of Yuri Yakovlev" Requiem "for those who died in the Great Patriotic War?"

Draws the attention of students on "Criteria for checking and evaluating tasks with a detailed answer"

Offers one student to make a message on the problem of lesson, the rest, if necessary, add the answer.

Each student is preparing a conclusion-message on the problem of lesson, taking into account the requirements for

deployed answer.

Make a conclusion on the problem of the lesson, focusing on

"Criteria for checking and evaluating tasks with a detailed answer."

6. Checking the level of training Invites students to appreciate the message of the student on the problem of lesson in accordance with the "criteria for checking and evaluating tasks with the deployed response" Evaluate the message in accordance with the "criteria for the evaluation of" tasks with the deployed response. "
7. Information about the homework Invites students homework:

Give a connected answer to questions in the amount of 5-10 sentences:

2. What artistic means show the tragedy of war?

Comprepict the task, write the task in the diary.
8.Feflexia. Compension of the lesson, analyzes students' responses.

Offers Continue:

In my memory, war lives in images ...

Together with the teacher summarize the lesson.

Appendix 1 (tasks to groups)

1 group.

The task.What is the role of a landscape as an element of the composition in the disclosure of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work?

1. Reply to questions

1) What words of one lexico-semantic group are repeated when describing the spring landscape?

2) What images are dominated at the beginning and in the story final?

3) Which one is passive? Why?

4) What functions perform these images in the text?

2. Read the passage from the story, which most brightly illustrates the condition of the hero in the story final.

2 group.

The task. "What is the role of the image of the house in the disclosure of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work?"

Multivalization of the image of the house in the story.

1. Reply to questions

  1. How did the name and composition of the name of the house?
  2. How through the story about him reveals the spiritual world of the child?
  3. How did the human, family relationships affected the house?
  4. What is characteristic of all inhabitants of the house?
  5. What is the attitude of the author to them and how is it expressed?
  6. What is the role of the image of the house in the disclosure of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work?
  7. How is the expansion of the borders of the house of the house?

2. Read the passage from the letter that the most brightly describes the longing of the house.

3 group.

The task. "What is the role of a time image in this text?" "Why is the spatial image and temporary meaning?"

1. Detach questions:

  1. What important events for the author or situations are allocated in the narration?
  2. Why are some events (which functions are important?
  3. What language means of expressions of spatial relations in the story perform an emotional and expressive function?

2. Read the passage from the story that the hero is most brightly described in wartime.

4 Group

The task. "As the image of a storytellor helps to understand the author's intent"

Answer the questions:

  1. How do you see a storyteller at the beginning of the story?
  2. How does the narrator characterizes his behavior in war, how do you see him in the episode of injury?
  3. How in the final of the story shows the growing narrator, what philosophical meaning is the final of the story?

5 Group

The task. "As revealed in the text of memory motive (emotional, olfactory, visual tactile, auditory)"

Answer the questions:

  1. How to create visual images reflecting the motive memory. What trails are used by the author?
  2. What lexical means is the author of the visual impressions of the hero, reveals the relationship of the nature of nature and the emotional state of the hero?
  3. Give examples used in the story of expressive tools that reveal the motive memory.

Appendix 2.

(to the lesson model)

What artistic means show the tragedy of war? (Answer to the question of the student of 10 B class Kudryavtseva Mary ")

Yuri Yakovlev's story "The Heart of the Earth" is a real Requiem for those who died in the Great Patriotic War, for the destroyed families and the broken fate of millions of people. All work is permeated with memories, bitter and heavy. This story reminds us of a terrible tragedy that fell on our homeland. And to immerse the reader into the atmosphere of wartime, the author uses many artistic techniques.

Memories of the main character about the mother and the hometown are intertwined with a detailed description, nature, the author paints the spring landscape before us, using comparisons and epithets: "On white snow, a red flexible Willow twist arises in which blood beats. Next to the red vest - blue. This spring sun melted the snow and caused the life of melt water to life. Red artery and blue spring "," the upper pinkish skin of Berestov burst and trembles in the wind, like cigarette paper. " In addition, Yakovlev shows us a cold and gloomy picture of a blockade city, for this he uses various metaphors: "In an ice city, where the stoves are dead," "he was shot in her hunger," the writer also uses applications: "Hunger - shelling, hunger - bombing , hunger - fire. "

Thus, the use of various paths shows us the tragedy of war.

Since the story "The Heart of the Earth" is autobiographical, then in many episodes we can trace the copyright position, but the final scene is key. Here Yakovlev leads us to the conclusion that the mother's heart never fade and does not elapse, it will always love her child, keep and protect. The mother's heart becomes the heart of the Earth.

5-6 class

  1. A.I.Kuprin "Wonderful Doctor"
  2. M.E.Saltykov - Shchedrin "Waveed Conscience"
  3. I.S. Turgenev "Sparrow"
  4. K. Pouustovsky "Ware Paws"
  5. M. Prishvin "Pautinca"
  6. V.Krupin "Reset Bag"

7-8 class

  1. I.A. Bunin "Lapti"
  2. A.Grin "Wild Mill"
  3. M.Shukshin "Microscope"
  4. Y.Yakovlev "Fence with a blue eye"
  5. L.Lulitskaya "Paper Victory"
  6. T.Kryukova "Creator"
  7. V.A.Solukhin "Avenger"
  8. E.Gabova "Do not let the red-haired lake"

9-11 class

  1. D.S.Likhachev "Pushkin"
  2. V.F. Odoevsky "Indian Fairy Tale of Four Deaf"
  3. A.P.chekhov "On the Holy
  4. Y.Yakovlev "Heart of the Earth"
  5. K.Simonov "Candle"
  6. Y.Buyda "more and more angels"
  7. L.Lulitskaya "People elected"
  8. Z. Prilepin "White Square"
  9. V.Nabokov "Beauty"

... A woman who hears the first sigh of his child, and a woman who hears his last sigh - two different people. Different - like happiness and grief, good and evil, life and death.But these two people merged in one great creature, whose name is a mother.

I never called my mother mother, mom. I had another word for her - mommy. Even becoming big, I could not change this word. I tried to call her "mother", but from the lips besides my will flew all the same affectionate, children's - "Mommy". I had a mustache, a bass appeared. I shonened this word and uttered it a little heard.

The last time I uttered it on the wet from the rain platform, in the Red Soldier Tavelushka, in a crush, under the sounds of alarming beeps of the locomotive, under the crew of the team "on cars!". I did not know what I say goodbye to my mother forever. I did not know that with my mother at all you can say goodbye forever.I whispered to her ear on her ear and, so that no one saw my male tears, wiped them out of her hair ... But when the heptus was touched - he could not stand. I forgot that I am a man, soldier, forgot that around people, many people, and through the roar of the wheels, through the wind hit the wind shouted:

- Mommy! Mommy ...

But she no longer heard.

On the White Snow, the Red Flexible Willow Protich arises a vest, in which blood beats. Next to the red vest - blue. This spring sun melted the snow and caused the life of melt water to life. Red artery and blue spring. Equilibrium of life.

A jet of melt water disappears under the challenge and again goes to the surface, making a cheerful bubble sound. Going away well to the Martov Spring and make a sip. They say who drinks thawa water becomes stronger and durable.

No one, like a mother, does not know how to hide their sufferings and flour so deeply. And no one, like children, can not be so cool not to notice what is happening with the mother. She does not complain - it means it is good. I never saw the tears of my mother. Never in my presence of her eyes were moistened, never as she complained about life, on pain. I did not know that it was a mercy that she provided to me.

I woke up in the cart, on Seine. I did not feel pain, the inhuman thirst tormented me. Drinks wanted lips, head, chest. All that was living in me, I wanted to drink. It was a thirst for a burning house. I burned from thirst.

And suddenly I thought that the only person who can gentle me is Mom. I was awakened by a forgotten baby feeling: when it should be bad, there should be mom. She quit thirst, take pain, will calm down, will save. And I began to call her.

I knew that she would respond and would come. And she appeared.And immediately Smalc crash, and cold life-giving water poured the fire: flowed on her lips, by chin, for the collar. Mom supported my head, carefully, fearing to cause pain. She poked me out of a cold bucket, he took death from me.

I felt a familiar touch of my hand, heard my native voice:

Son! Son, relatively ...

I could not open my eyes. But I saw my mother. I recognized her hand, her voice. I came to life from her mercy. The lips were broken, and I whispered:

Mom, mommy ...

Many words have accumulated in me. They cut my chest, knocking in the temple. They rush out, on the light, on paper. But they are green. They are early to tear off the branch. I suffer and wait when they ripe.

As a child, green apples are torn, because there is not enough patience to wait until they ripe. Rvut, and eat, and get acute pleasure. Now green apples ride the mouth.

But it is impossible to withstand words to the gentleness. Sometimes it is necessary to find naughty joy in green apples and in green words.

My mother was lying in a brotherly grave in a besieged Leningrad. In an unfamiliar village of the well, I accepted someone else's mother for my. Apparently, all mothers have great resemblance. And if one mother can not come to the wounded son, then his headboard becomes another.

Mum. Mommy ...

In childhood, we are easily accepted from my mother's victim. All the time we demand the victims. And the fact that it is cruel, learn later - from your children.

"Golden Days" are not eternal. They come to change "harsh days" when we begin to feel independent and gradually remove from mom. And now there is no excellent lady and a small knight, and if he is, he has another beautiful lady - with pigtails, with capriciously inflated lips, with Klexo on a dress ...

In one of the "harsh days" I came from the school hungry and tired. Threw a briefcase. Undressed. And immediately at the table. A pink sausage circle was lying on the plate. I ate it instantly. He melted in the mouth. His, as it were, it was not. I said:

Few. I want more.

Mom silent. I repeated my request. She walked over to the window and, without looking around, said quietly:

No more ... sausages.

I got up because of the table, without saying thanks. Few! I noisciously went around the room, rumbled with chairs, and my mother stood up by the window. I thought she was looking at something, and also went to the window. But I saw nothing.

I slapped the door - little! - and left.

There is nothing more cruel than to ask a mother of bread when she does not have it. And there is no place to take. And she already gave you her piece ... Then you can get angry and slam the door. But years will pass, and shame will overtake you. And you will be painfully hurt from your cruel injustice.

  • Category: Texts for Works EGE


In childhood, we are easily accepted from my mother's victim. All the time we demand the victims. And the fact that it is cruel, learn later - from your children.

In one of the "harsh days" I came from the school hungry and tired. Threw a briefcase. Undressed. And immediately at the table. A pink sausage circle was lying on the plate. I ate it instantly. He melted in the mouth. His, as it were, it was not. I said:

Few. I want more.

Mom silent. I repeated my request. She walked over to the window and, without looking around, said quietly:

No more ... sausages.

I got up because of the table, without saying thanks. Few! I noisciously went around the room, rumbled with chairs, and my mother stood up by the window. I thought she was looking at something, and also went to the window. But I saw nothing.

I slapped the door - little! - and left.

There is nothing more cruel than to ask a mother of bread when she does not have it. And there is no place to take. And she already gave you her piece ... Then you can get angry and slam the door. But years will pass, and shame will overtake you. And you will be painfully hurt from your cruel injustice.

You will think about the bottom of your shame, even after the death of the mother, and this thought, as a non-healing wound, will sneak, then awaken. You will be under her hard power and, looking around, say: "Sorry!" No answer.

No one whisper the merciful word: "Fare of".

... On the border of March and April, the sky is poured by ocean blue, and the snow becomes crystalline and rustles under the legs of large coastal sand. The upper pinkish brassy skar burst and trembles in the wind, like cigarette paper. The sun blinds and when the wind subsides, gently shines on the cheek. But most importantly, everything around is filled with a strong living influence of the awakening land. This infusion is circling his head, and when you breathe it with all the breasts, bottled by the body, and the secret joy is given in the heart. You feel how young forces awaken you and return to better life.

And you remember your mother.

I remembered my mother gray and tired. Children never remember the mother young, beautiful, because the understanding of beauty comes later when maternal beauty has time to fade.

I remembered my mother gray and tired, but they say she was beautiful. Large thoughtful eyes, in which heaven light. Smooth dark eyebrows, long eyelashes. Smoky hair dropped onto the high forehead. Such I saw her on the faded photo of a young sister of mercy, a red cross on a white scarf.

Children never tell Mother about their love for her. They do not even know how the feeling is called, which more stronger binds them to the mother. In their understanding it is not a feeling at all, but something natural and mandatory, like breathing, thickening thirst.

But in the love of the child to the mother there are golden days. I survived them at an early age when I first realized that the most necessary person in the light of Mom. I did not move away from her. I was afraid to sleep: suddenly she will go away? And when I woke up, then my first thought was: Where is Mom? In those days I became a small knight, and my mother was my excellent lady. I swung on a wooden sword, ready for my mom ready for any minute. She felt it. She was happy.

Memory did not save almost no details of those distant days. I know about it my feeling, because it is still growing in me, did not disappear in the light. And I am the shore, because without love for Mother in the heart Cold emptiness.

A woman who hears the first sigh of her child, and a woman who hears his last sigh, two different people. Different as happiness and grief, good and evil, life and death. But these two people merged in one great creature, the name of which mother ...

In the autobiographical essay "A little about yourself" read: "Every day my childhood was connected with Mom. Occupational and joyful, calm and sad, she was always there. She led us with a sister through a difficult life, creating warmth, non-freezing current on our way. The last time I saw my mother on the spare paths of the Moscow railway station, at the Military Echelon. I was trimmed under the machine, but I have not received the form yet. It was in November 1940, six months before the start of the war. I was then eight

advanced years old. Six months, the war of mankind began in the history of mankind. The mother of the future writer died during the blockade in Leningrad. He himself, since 1940, he was an ordinary soldier for six years ... in the Soldier Schinelie came to the Literary Institute of the name of Gorky.

All the work of the writer permeates the feeling of love: love to the homeland, to people, to the ground, to animals, to nature at all. Feeling love for mother. She dedicated to one of the early lyrical and journalistic works "Heart of Zem.lee. So called the book, published in 1967. In the preface to her, R. Fraerman writes: "I am pleased with the artist who opens the reader, sometimes an incredulous and, maybe even a boring, beautiful world - the sky, land, people and all living things and argues that every person keeps in himself, maybe , and not knowing about it, good and beauty. " True, paintings, people, events and cases that make up the meaning of the books of Yu.Yakovlev, "reveal the life that bustles around, and encourage to actively interfere with it, to fight for ensuring that good ... not only awakened, but it turned out, stump and became would be a great force. " R. Fraermann Yu.Yakovlev called the arroder who "translated the arrow in my life from the path of poetry to the path of prose ...". Naturally, this "shooter" - the lyrical poet itself in prose, analyzing essays, the stories of his friend, draws attention primarily to their ability to approve the power of a sense of love. His highest manifestation - love for mother. This great love Yuri Yakovlev identifies with love for the land - our all-life monastery.

"On the border of March and April, the sky is poured by ocean blue, and the snow becomes crystalline and rustles under the legs of large coastal sand." Note: The ocean blue pours sky blue sky, which means not just the relationship between the paints of the sky and the earth, but it is a special space ability and power of paints, the strength of life developing in the ground, on Earth ... We read on the beginning of the lyrical essay "Heart of the Earth":

"The top pink brassy skar burst and trembles in the wind as a cigarette paper. The sun blinds and when the wind subsides, gently takes up the cheek. But the main thing - everything around is filled with a strong living influence of the awakening land. This infusion is circling his head and, when you breathe it with all the breasts, bottled on the body and the secret joy is given in the heart. You feel how young forces awaken in the sky and return to the best lifetime.

"Yakovlev Yuri. Baguchik. - M., 1972. - p.393.

And you remember your mother. "

".. I remembered my mother gray and tired. Children never remember the mother young, beautiful, because the understanding of beauty comes later when maternal beauty has time to fade ... "

"... A woman who hears the first sigh of his child, and a woman who hears his last sigh - two different people. Different - like happiness and grief, good and evil, life and death. But these twothe person merged in one great creature, whose name is a mother.

I never called my mother - Mother, Mom. I had another word for her - Mommy ...

Nobody, like a mother, can not deeply hide their suffering andflour. And no one, like children, do not know how to cool it, not to notice what is happening with the mother ... "

I generously quoting a lyrical essay about my mother - the heart of the Earth, because I think: And suddenly, at my hands, my reader will not be the right book and then you, dear colleague, take for conversation with children quoted here ... And even in order to, reading these fugitive information about the work of Yu.Yakovlev, you felt his suffering - the suffering of a loving son, the last time I seen my mother at the station, leaving the house in the soldiers ... And then - after the war there was no one at home, in Leningrad, nor mother ...

Most stories Y.Yakovlev - live paintings to every familiar life. Usually realistic, as in life, plots. Not remembered by names, but the characters of boys acting in the most common, everyday situations. Molding the stories of Y.Yakovlev with children, it is important to orient reading so that in memory of the heart remains the commitment of the heroes of high knightly virtues. And then, when it manifests itself in an ordinary school situation - as in the story "collecting clouds". And then, when with a risk for life, it is necessary to climb on slippery a steep roof onto her comb, so that there is good to consider the form of the Flyugra, who are interested in a classmate. This is how a quiet, shy hero of the story "Horseman Introducing Over the City".

The permanent friendship of Yu.Yakovlev was predetermined by civilian patos of creativity with periodic printing: with the magazine "Ogonek", published his first story "Boys Station", newspaper Izvestia, where first was published in 1962 the story "Gathering clouds". For this and other works are characterized by penetration into sources and in the process of social adults of the personality of a teenager. Point

she is a person's personality in the years of early adolescence. This process is very complex, multifaceted, controversial, dialectic. The teenager is attentive to the world, to the life of adults, actively knows her, purposefully watching, analyzing all the surrounding: phenomena, facts, events, the relationship of adults among themselves and with him, with a teenager. Adults are far from always look at difficult conflict psychology. Often underestimate analytical, informative abilities ... The writer manifests the sincere interest to the fate of children. He sees our tomorrow's day in them and wants this day more beautiful, happier, better. The vast majority of the works of Y.Yakovlev about children and for children. But his work is extremely valuable for adults. First of all, it is for the knowledge of the peculiarity of age, to understand that the student of the first four classes has its own "psychology of life" (Ya. Korchak).

In the works of Y.Jakovlev, however, children do not live only by their own, torn off from adult life. True, the honor, the dignity of the growing young man, is always the truth of adults, the truth of fathers. This is another argument in approving the thought of the value of Creativity Y.Yakovlev for readers of different ages. This gives reason to say that they are interesting and useful to re-read: when you are the same as a boy with skates or by Malya-on, collecting clouds, you will find one in the history of their lives, and rereading these stories in a few years, with pleasure you will make new significant discoveries. After all, each of us begins in childhood and does not break with him, carries it in themselves: in its character, in hobbies, in the inclinations, in relation to life and people. "I am a children's writer," Y.Yakovlev says, "and proud of this title. I love your little heroes and your little readers. It seems to me that between them there is no border, and I think about others. In children, I always try to see the tomorrow's adult. But the adult man starts with childhood for me. I do not really like such people who cannot be imagined by children. In this person, the preserved reserve of childhood is preserved until the last days. And wisdom, mind, the depth of feelings, the loyalty of the debt and many other wonderful qualities of an adult will never conflict with its inviolable margin of childhood "1. Let's analyze the direct reaction of children

"Yakovlev Yuri. Baguchik. - M., 1972. - p.397.

when reading stories out loud. She convinces: readers conquer realistic stories with a poetic statement of an elevated, pure human feeling, without melting in each of the people. The main character of the works - the pain and joy of the writer. The pain when he sees how the black cloud rises into the skies tons of paper waste paper, inspired by Kolya Malyavkin and his classmates. Anxiety and pain, when the writer tells about the difficult experiences of Sasha-Cebor, the story hero "He killed my dog." The writer hurts due to the fact that a stale adult man killed the beloved dog. His pain is sincere, great, so she captures us, readers. ANDno need to drown this compassion. The story and was created so that we are not indifferent to the sorrow of another person so that we are consistent and heard not only the soul-taking soul of the Fire Siren, but also a bitter silence of a small offended person.

No pain of the human soul, like the truth, is not small. True - always big. It is impossible to change it. ANDthe complicity in someone else's misfortune is not small, even if you were able to help just one person, as it happened in the wonderful story Y.Yakovlev "Boy with skates."

For the first time, the story was published in 1961 by the magazine "Sponak". Subsequently included almost all collections Y.Yakovlev. This is one of the most beloved readers and popular stories - a very Yakovlevsky work, expressively conveys his life credo - be able to see a person in need of your help, and certainly come to the rescue. Help. The story is poetic, although it tells about the fact, it would seem, ordinary - a boy on the way to skate met with a sick person. Usually, the fact that he asked for help ... naturally and the fact that the boy had help, helped the patient to reach the house and caused urgent. That could be all exhausted. But then the boy with skates would not become a hero of a truly artistic work. It would not have acquired the strength and degree of expressiveness that are characteristic of an artistic image. The writer brings to a logical end, to the final conclusion the actively participation of the boy in the fate of the patient. The hero of the story without a name, which makes it possible to see in it generalized to the symbol the image in which the writer's ideas are expressed about the moral norm of behavior.

In Sunny March Day, a regular boy walked on a rink. There it was waiting for him (he believed in it) desirable happy


meeting ... Remembering her, about the one that awaits him, the boy no longer walked, and flew towards the city rink. Towards your joy. But the case ... Although, if you think about it, - nothing special: in the alley, the boy met a man whose eyes "were full of pain and anxiety." He barely kept on his feet. Of course, it was possible to run by, towards your joy ... But the boy stopped. Substitute his fragile shoulder under the religious hand of a patient of a cargo person. Helped him get to the house. And there? He could again be free from someone else's trouble. The patient did not hold the boy with skates. Moreover, he said: "You go. Now I'm managed ... And thanks for the help ... "However, the boy did not leave. And as well, that I did not go: after all I had to cause an urgent ... The boy saved the life of the former front-line ...

What kept the boy next to his unknown man? Voice of conscience? Yes. Sincere responsiveness? Yes. The ability to compassion the pain of another person? Yes. How did the boy who fueling himself, not running towards his joy on a cheerful rink? Not. Enriched. Moved the mind and heart. Understanding, surviving, dividing someone else's pain, someone else's danger, he felt the beneficial power of human debt, human duty. And became stronger. Smoke, risking himself, stop the raced "ambulance", send a patient Bakhtyukov to the hospital, wait for the end of the operation that lasted almost two hours, and support the former soldier with his "Silem" greetings ...

About Yu.Yakovlev is often talking to the full basis as a protector of dogs. He has a special human attachment to dogs. I remember the case. The Bulgarian poet of Asen Bosov was invited to Yuri Yakovlevich to give a cottage. To the question of how to find the dacha Yakovleva in the village "Red Pahra", they answered: "We are looking for a plot where there is not one, and two smart hands of a shepherd". Indeed, we were met huge, it seemed that all understanding dogs, living obviously in the position of the equal "family members" of the writer. Love for animals, to the dog, above all, is one of the main themes in the works of Yu.Yakovlev: in the literary work, and in oral publicistic speeches. Attitude towards animals, the dog is considered as a criterion of human good, heartiness. A person who protects animals, not offending the dog, cat, has a great potential of good. Through the attitude towards a dog manifests itself and quiet Kostya - the hero of the story of the "Bugger". For the first time, it was published in Izvestia in 1968. In 1972, the collection of Rass

call Yu.Yakovlev, which indicates the recognition of this work software in the work of the writer: the book was published in the Golden Library series.

Pay attention to such an important feature of the plot. It was Kostya, this incomprehensible silencer seemed not just closed, but frank, with anyone who was not considered an individualist, brought the flowers of the Big. He shores them, changed the water in the bank, patiently, every day, although all others laughed and over the ripples of the richness, and above the bones. We laughed and the teacher. But once "the twigs were covered with small light lilac flowers similar to violets. From the swollen kidneys-nodules cut the leaves, light green, spoon. And the crystals of the outgoing last snow flashed outside the window. ... Everyone was happy. Fun crowded near the window, where the bouquet stood. Only Kostya was, as always, silent ... Later it turns out that Kostya carries out of other people's dogs (feeds them strolling): one owners, having left, closed on the balcony; The owners of the other were sick and therefore could not go out with a dog for a walk, the third suffered in a dog devotee, waiting for the owners who left her ... Therefore, Kostya tired comes to school. And always wants to sleep. He clearly has no strength to conversations. And there is no time for the pellery. The writer helps us, therefore, open, see, understand and, of course, love a big kind heart of a boy, a rich soul of a man, apparently closed and boring. And it's not by chance that he, Kostya, the Savior of Dogs, turns out to be so wise connoisseur of beauty: After all, it was he who brought the coast of the branch of the risk, when they were not bloomed.

"Big" is close andthe story "He killed my dog." And here is a big heart of a boy, his ability andbe in love anddo not forgive evil learned through the attitude towards the animal. The story hero is amazing by courage, readiness to transfer big tests for good purpose.

As often, we are mistaken in the evaluation of a person, if we judge it only on its external manifestations, according to actions, not attacked in the essence, in the meaning of motives that prompted, predetermined this or that action. Special value of fiction andit is its almost magical opportunity to open the hidden secrets of the human soul. BUTif a person owns the art of reading, the discovery is particularly joyful andlarge - there is no self-displays the truth in all its deep complexity: in the artistic work it is important not only, and sometimes andnot so much facts, actions of heroes, how much research


psychological conditionality, predestination of a particular action.

Story Yu.Yakovlev "Awakened by nightingians"it helps to penetrate the deep inner world of the selevir, discover what is the essence of his personality. If the sleeping boy awakens the singing of the nightingale; If, fascinated by the nightingale song, he freezes in the dark darkness under the tree, forgetting about fear; If, having heard, he experiences the need to cut an imaginary bird and gives her educator who insisted on the exclusion of him from the camp, means there is a big and pure voice in his soul. So, there is something good in it, high, that has not yet been awakened ...

The feeling of beauty is always adjacent to the need of good. Recall, this is exactly what Kostya was distinguished, the main character of the Bagulnik. Therefore, we can talk about the internal essential and significant proximity of the seituil and Malyavkin from the story "Collecting clouds."Above Malyavkin like andabove the colevoil, long laughed in the class, because they did not know him really. The teacher puts near his name minus - a sign of hopelessness. And other adults did not perceive Malyavkin seriously. Even parents did not expect anything good from him. Such an attitude was caused by all the behavior of the boy. And in him, in the meantime, there lived an elevated need for a feat, to a large, good, useful for surrounding actions. Recall how inspired he collected the waste paper. And not at all on gratitude. His actions were led by noble motives. Therefore, it was so hard to learn that the paper was burned - they burned his hope. Note, as stated about this: "He walked down the street, looking at his feet. It seemed to him that if he would raise his eyes, he would see how there, in the blue April sky, black, charred clouds float. He even felt the bitter smell of Gary. " What a capacious metaphor. It is necessary to be emotional, have a rich imagination to feel what happened: to feel a non-existent bitter smell of Gary, you are ashamed to look into the eyes of old people and old women because of someone else's guilt ... It is as for the meanness, perfect by others, only a good, reliable person, only a person with Pure conscience.

This thought about the readiness of the child to take responsibility for the actions of another is developing a writer and in the story "Knight Vasya."The story saw the light in 1964 year - was published by Izvestia. The fact of the publication of a children's story in an adult newspaper says that his first edition

teli recognized the conversation for the work not only to children, but also adults. In this work, perhaps even more distinctly than in the previous two, the drama of the inner spiritual conflict is shown. This is a conflict of a person with himself: a complete disagreement of what a person is externally in his daily behavior, with whom he sees myself ideally and how can it be in action if a critical situation is created. Why did such a conflict arose? For a simple reason: Vasya is a snap. He is clumsy and thick. Because of his constant non-radiation, the indecisionally accustomed to consider it with the mattress and a loser. Vasya got used to this.

But nature has invested the proud heart of Don Quixote into the clumsy shell. This heart does not give the boy rest, constantly gives rise to discontent with himself. It is. This is the key to the wedding force: dissatisfaction with itself, the ability of a self-critical relationship - the properties of strong and beautiful, not lazy soul. It should see, understand and feel our children. Many must have the strength to suffer a constant ridicule of friends and even moms. And not offended by them, do not get out. But even more it was necessary to have the powers of the Spirit, courage and, of course, good noble dedication, so as not to indignant when another person assigned yours, you are deserved laurels and gratitude. And Vasya did not indignant when Dimka Kovalev declared himself the Savior of the first grader. Vasya saved the immentant not for his own glory. He was a knight.

But here is the question: did the knight have not to be indignant, seeing the brazen lies? The story makes thinking. Suppress in this way our readers. And should not be good and nobility with fists in a relationship to such as Dimka Kovalev? To multiplied well, it is necessary to constantly, always, in each case actively oppose the evil. Of course, not for the sake of glory and gratitude. But for the sake of justice.

The idea of \u200b\u200bknighthood - true nobility, humanity permeates and story "Horseman, gone over the city."In this work, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe internal readiness of a young man to a noble and even the sublime act is manifested in a lyrical aspect. Kiru's in love is ready to get even a star from the sky, just to pay attention to Aina. The sublime sense of love, of course, brings a lot of chagrins. But at the same time, it illuminates the lives of young heroes with a special lively light. Gives them extraordinary strength, awakensity. In the approval of the creation

a writer reaches persuasive for sure. At the same time, sincere respect for the reader, believing in his external mind. Expressive in the story. Making memorable parts. But the main thing is the intonation of the narration. If the children readers feel it, they will experience joy for the weak view of the boy Kiru: he will overcome the feeling of fear, exposed himself to the trials for courage. It is myself, without witnesses, not at the bottom. At the bottom of what you will do ...

Kiri was climbed onto a high cool roof to consider the Flywerman, who was interested in the classmate Aina, whose opinion for Kiru was about him very unfair. The motive for the boy is serious. Nevertheless, it is important that he climbed the roof when there was no one near anyone. He experienced himself deliberately without bravada.

"Here he is a mysterious vane, which no one could see from the ground. No it is cock! This is a horse and rider. From the Earth, Flywer seemed small and volatile. Near it was great and heavy ... Dulged a strong wind, and the horse with a piercing creak shagged to the left, then right. Maybe he wanted to lose his saddle, and maybe he wanted to jump from the pin and hurt with heavy hooves of the bold boy.

Horse finely shoved. Kiru thought that now the horse will make a desperate jump and he will seek with his rider along the tiled roofs of the city. Here's great! .. His heart sang ... Kiru felt like a rider, gone over the city along with rebeling the weatherproof. He hurried in the distance to make a feat in the name of Aina. "

The feat is always associated with risk. And Kiru risked. The wind became stronger. The boy barely held the equilibrium. He could fall out every moment ... But he did not feel repentance. It was kept, put the power of power over himself. Awareness of accomplished debt before its feeling. Therefore, the next day, having met Ain, the boy talked to her without the same awkwardness: "... Kiru himself was surprised that he could feel so boldly with Aina. ... Kiru felt something kneading and got burned in his chest. " Kiru felt strong and beautiful. Yes, beautiful, although externally, he still remained such as always: prudent on appearance, unatterates because of the big glasses ...

The last years of the life of Yu.Ya.Yakovlev was painted by work aimed at rapprochement of our children with their American peers. The writer closely became acquainted with the girl-diplomat, Samantha Smith, who came to our

country at the invitation of Y.andropov. An interesting documentary story "Samantha" was published. Her author headed the movement of folk diplomacy: children-diplomats ... This work was close to the publicistic talent Yuri Yakovlevich. He believed in its effectiveness. He fascinated her friends ... At one of the evenings, which was organized in the State Children's Library of Russia and is devoted to the development of cultural cooperation of our country with the Republic of Sri Lanka, Yu.Yakovlev said: "We all adults should understand: the future belongs to children . They will be worthy of dreams of the best future only if now, in childhood, they themselves will participate in the realization of this dream. If today the children of the earth will take hands and will be friendly, recognize each other, the best future will become a reality ... "Perhaps there is a certain exaggeration of the historical transforming role of childhood. But it is unlikely that you can not recognize the value of the active socially significant activities of children for their own civil, moral and spiritual formation.

Increased polemical soul of the writer in recent years exacerbating journalism. I wanted to write a book of essays about the civil, state symbols: about the coat of arms of the country, about the history of the banners ... there were a lot of plans ... to the question: why does he load himself with this difficult and so unstable in the current days of the problem? - The writer responded: "This is my duty before the mother, in front of her and my land ... I wrote to the sketch dedicated to my mother, that truly the Earth opened to me in war ... I smell the trenches, trenches, dugouts, moves of the message, The graves ... I shed the earth and lived in the ground. I knew the saving property of the Earth ... Now in her mother ... In childhood, we do not notice in my youth, which is easily accepting victims from the mother, but also we demand the victims. What it is cruel, we will learn only from your children ... For me, it's time to remember my duty to my mom. Put the homeland as an eternal symbol of life - like the Mother of God, man-eyed, mother ... "

Yu.Yu. Yakovlev left for somehow unexpectedly, quiet, although he and his friends knew about his illness.

Please reflect, please

1. Read the book Yu.Yakovlev "Samantha". Think if it did not lose the relevance in the modern situation? What are the possibilities of modern children, if you look at them as an up-to-date diplomatic force?


2. How would you build a conversation with children if you wanted to reveal the approach of Yu.Yakovlev to the problem of becoming an active life position? What works would you contact? What would you tell about children readers?

3. How, what artistic means does Y.Yakovlev's attractiveness affirmation of self-education?

4. Read the story of Yu.Yakovlev "Gone on the Reds". Try yourself to imagine in the position of her heroes. Does the writer convincingly argue their behavior?

Yakovlev Yuri. Where the sky begins: Favorites. - M.: Children. lit., 1982.

Yakovlev Yuri. Inspected stock: Favorites. - M.: Children. lit., 1983.

Yakovlev Yuri. Where the battery stood: stories. - M.: Children. lit., 1971.

Motoshov I. Happy Labor Soul: Conversations with councils about children's literature. - M.: Young Guard, 1974.

Fomenko Lydia. Yuri Yakovlev: Sketch of creativity. - M.: Children. lit., 1974.