
Learning English for children. English for kids - all the best in one place

English for preschoolers and its teaching require from parents, teachers a large amount of illustrative and video material. Without this, English lessons for children become boring, and it’s extremely difficult to engage modern children with learning a foreign language without “helpers”. We have to practice pronunciation, speaking, starting from scratch. However, picking up developmental material is not a problem: learning with interest and easy!

On our site, teachers, educators, tutors and just parents will find everything you need:

  • - cartoons, video games,
  • - poems, texts and songs for children in English,
  • - games,
  • - the alphabet, words and letters in pictures for beginners to learn a language with the image of animals, modes of transport and much more;
  • - coloring;
  • - prescriptions;
  • - exciting tasks;
  • - letters and numbers.

All the proposed materials allows you to download our site for free. The methodology of teaching English for the smallest from 3 years allows you to use them both in group and in individual lessons (the 1st grade of the school can also be involved) when studying basic vocabulary, for example, colors.

Quick English Teaching Methods

Why is the technique for a small child such, with the use of colorings to study the alphabet, many pictures and video materials?

Of course, coloring books, copybooks, the alphabet and numbers in pictures, video games, cartoons, rhymes take a lot of time, but such a teaching technique for young people allows you to get strong knowledge, fixed with the help of auditory, visual and kinetic memory. Thus, the technique involves all possible types of memorization.

  1. Poems, lyrics and songs let you memorize words using rhythm and rhyme,
  2.   , video games, pictures, coloring, connect visual memory,
  3. games for children, prescriptions involve tactile sensations.

Of course, coloring and the alphabet in pictures are not applicable for those who study english   at higher levels (a large number of words, complex texts, abstract notation do not allow the use of such methods of memorization), but for beginners from scratch this is ideal. They are suitable for children from 3 years old, as well as for those who went to grade 1.

So what do you find on our website?

Coloring pages

In this section, the English alphabet for children in pictures is presented in the form of blanks for coloring. The site allows you to download them, print and apply in the classroom, learning English letters. Such tasks make it easier to remember the letters and teach the child the alphabet, if the children themselves paint them in different colours   and speak out loud. Suitable from 2 years old or for children who go to 1-2 grades. You can download coloring pages.

Posters, cards, pictures.

In this section, templates for posters on which you are presented are waiting for you. Such posters can be hung on the blackboard or in the room where the lessons are held. After printing the template, enlarge it with a photocopy or, if you are comfortable with the scale, transfer it to a solid base. This is an excellent visualization in pictures, which will certainly allow you to quickly teach your child English.

There are also various series of cards:

  1. " in English",
  2. "Teach"
  3. "English for preschoolers", etc.

On all designations of objects you can find special cards. They will allow you to quickly teach your child to name colors, animals, plants, household items, etc., and also well develop spoken English for those who start from scratch. Suitable for 3 years and for children attending the 1-2 grade of the school.

Songs and Poems for Toddlers

English for children, as well as for beginners from scratch, can be presented in the form. It’s very easy to practice pronunciation with them. To hear even short texts   it’s still difficult for the guys to listen, but songs and poems for beginners from scratch become excellent helpers in this matter. Simple songs can be learned in the lesson, given as homework, and train spoken English. To perform them, it is not necessary to be a musician. The melody is simple and easy to remember and sing. The main thing is that the pronunciation of words in the right rhythm and with the correct intonation is practiced, which music helps a lot. Songs can be downloaded or listened online on a site.

Cartoons in English

- Another great help in learning a foreign language. Firstly, cartoons are interesting for children. Secondly, the plot can be familiar to the children, then the perception is simplified, and it is easier to remember unfamiliar words and expressions by linking them to the plot in memory. There are educational cartoons, that is, specially created for beginners from scratch. Here they speak slowly, phrases are repeated, the plot is subject to any topic, the spoken language and pronunciation are worked out. In the later stages of training, you can watch original cartoons, where the pronunciation is fully consistent with native speakers. Our site will help you find and download or watch some of them online.

Video materials

Viewing is extremely useful for beginners to learn the language from scratch. Why? Video lessons and video games allow you to not only listen to texts and rhymes, but also to see the current situation, read subtitles. This makes perception easier. If even some words are unknown, the meaning of the dialogue or story can be guessed from the video plot. Such a situation is closest to real life, where one can guess the meaning of words by actions, gestures, facial expressions of the speaker.

Video lessons and video games for children from 3 years old are often found under such names:

  1. “Funny English for children”,
  2. "Entertaining English for children",
  3. "English for beginners from scratch",
  4. “Learning to speak English”, etc.

The technique allows you to give similar tasks to children attending grade 1 of the school. Such video tutorials and video games are found in large numbers on the Internet. Our site allows you to download or watch online some of them.

Children's poems

You can learn English as soon as possible by encouraging your child to memorize or short rhyming texts. The fact is that most words are quickly remembered in context. In addition, poems are based on rhythm and rhyme. In addition to improving the conditions of memorization, they give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe correct intonation and train pronunciation and spoken language. And children love poems so much!

English words for babies

In this section you will find which are necessary for beginners from scratch. Sometimes it’s not easy for teachers to choose the volume of words that they need to remember at first for language learners. The selection that our site offers to download will help you navigate and use the proposed materials for their intended purpose.

Alphabet Cards

The English alphabet for children is best represented. So you can focus on the necessary letter, ask the children to compare the first letter in the word and the letter in the alphabet. Games with cards can be invented, any, to teach the little guys the language! ABCs and engaging tasks that develop conversational English will surely interest them.

Cards with english words

In this section you will find. In addition to the words written on separate cards, you get images that allow you to visually quickly remember the meaning of the word by comparing it with the subject. You can also make cards yourself using coloring books.

Months, days of the week, weather, seasons

Perhaps this is also one of the most difficult topics for beginners to learn a language.

Hello to everyone and everyone! My dear, I continue to generate useful information and materials in such an important area for many as English for children. And a lot has already accumulated ... Therefore, I decided to put everything together in an organized warehouse! (Or maybe a treasure :-)) so that everyone can look in there and find what they need for themselves and their children.

This page of my site is the location address of this warehouse. On it are collected (and continue to collect) all necessary materials   in English, which will be useful to the smallest representatives of the human race)) (2-7 years old, and even older), their parents or teachers. Here are my materials, but there are those that I found on the Internet, chose the best and present to you here. English can be interesting, free and accessible for every child!

By the way, be sure to voice your questions or suggestions on the materials in the comments. We will improve the treasure together!


Remember that the basic principles of teaching “young students” are brightness, interest and only a game form! So here everything is just like that - catchy and fascinating English video tutorials, vivid educational cartoons, game ideas, cards and pictures, songs and rhymes - all that will allow you to plunge into the world of English with your baby!

By the way, many materials are suitable not only for those who begin to plunge into the world of the language from scratch, but also for those who are older! Such kids can use the materials even on their own, listening, looking and repeating.

Always seek emotional involvement on your part, and then the child’s enthusiasm for the subject will not take long.

Once a very serious mother asked me a question: “Tell me, how to teach English to my 3-year-old son?” What is the best way to build a lesson ... and in general, where to start? "I answered her:" Start with this - forget the word "teach", "lesson" and the like! And remember the words “Games, fun and vivid pictures”!

  Books and textbooks

There are some parents who believe that in the age of modern technology a book can be replaced with various convenient devices. And I say no! A book is something that will never go out of style and will forever remain any child’s best friend! Especially when it comes to learning a new language.

If your child is 4 years old and you want him to learn English not only with the help of songs and cartoons, it's time to get a good book, which will be for him the best assistant and guide to the world of language . About good options for books and textbooks for kids, I say here:

  Numbers and numbers (1-10, 11-20)

One spoon ... two spoon ... three spoon! How familiar to our children! After all, they hear numbers almost from birth. This is probably why this topic is especially easy for kids!

Numbers and numbers ... What a vast topic! But very young students do not need to know all the numbers - they only need to learn 10 numbers! It’s so easy - you have 10 fingers on your hands! On my feet too! And in general, you can consider anything around you - toys, books, adults and even seconds ...

But if you want more, then you can reach 20!


Some believe that teaching a child English should be done exclusively from the alphabet. This is a big mistake when it comes to children 3-4-5 years old! Children learn a foreign language without any problems, without even knowing the letters. After all, they understand Russian somehow already in 1-2 years!))

Nevertheless, one day there comes a time when to get acquainted with in English letters   already standing. For example, in front of the school - to be fully armed, as they say. Or if the baby himself shows interest in them.

My daughter knew all the Russian letters (in appearance and corresponding sound) at 2 years old. We were ready to get acquainted with English letters in 4!

And here come to the rescue different ways   approach to this insidious English alphabet)). I talk about these methods in my article:

There using songs, videos, cards, sounds, games and rhymes   You can learn the alphabet very quickly.

  Words for children by topic

It is with words that each child's acquaintance with the English language begins! He must hear and see them! And this - the foundation in the initial stages. But to see does not mean to look at the written word! Each new word heard should form an image and a picture in the child’s head. That's how he begins to see him! And only then the child will try to pronounce the learned words.

I have prepared for you a selection of the most common words for children , and small thematic collections . Each word is voiced, translated and has a picture. Other than that, you can download cards   with words to print, cut them out and work. It is very convenient and practical.

Words on the theme of family

Words about animals

Words on the subject of fruits and vegetables

Words about the house

Words about food

Words on clothing

Words on the topic of the profession

  Colors in English

Pink color became even more beloved by my daughter when she met him in the context of the English language. After that, “pink” was heard from her mouth wherever she met pink objects))

The colors in English are kids favorite themewhich is given to them very easily. The child is able to remember even 10 colors for 2-3 days. For this you need to present these bright words "on a silver platter with a blue border")). And to do this, just go here:


Needless to say, cartoons today are one of the favorite entertainments of all children and adolescents. Some children manage to watch them all day, and some parents manage to allow it!

I find this kind of entertainment for a child must be strictly limited. And of course, if you look at the cartoons, then they are useful and with meaning. Do you agree? And this is especially true if we talk about cartoons in english . They can become completely unobtrusive but at the same time super effective English lessons that the child will perceive as fun! He may not even realize that he is thereby teaching a foreign language!

I have selected the best, in my opinion, cartoons for children. Please note that such cartoons are divided into those with Russian comments and those that are only in English! I recommend children under 4 years old watch exclusively English cartoons without a single Russian word . They will understand everything. Watch, learn and enjoy!

  Educational video tutorials

Here you also need to understand that very young children (up to 3-4 years old) do not need to listen to explanations in Russian - just watch English-language videos with vivid pictures - they can all understand! The main thing is that the video should be liked and aroused interest. Choose:

  Songs and Video Songs

Beautiful combination of rhyme and melody   always gives a wonderful effect in the process of learning and remembering something!

In addition to cartoons and instructional videos (where there were also a lot of songs) I offer you 2 more of my notes with materials for children. In the first - video songs, in the second - just songs with an attached translation into Russian:


Play and learn   essentially two identical words, because nothing gives such results in studies as the game form of any occupation and any activity.

I often talked about games in English for kids on the pages of my blog. And this topic is far from closed. IN the preparation process is still a large amount of materialswhich parents and teachers will soon be able to use for their very young wards.

And now you can familiarize yourself with these:

  Fairy tales

A fairy tale is magic! And to open the door to this country, you need create vivid images   in the baby’s head.

Those kids who are just starting to get acquainted with the language (up to 4 years old) can just listen to audio tales in English. It can be a background, or it can be a focused listening with your comments and pictures.


English poems really help the child remember new words and whole phrases. And this is very important on the way to spoken English.

Here I selected the most simple and memorable children’s favorite topics:

  Tongue Twisters

Correct pronunciation english words   easiest to put in children! After all, it is important to imitate and imitate here - and this is what our children just love to do!

Online tongue twisters with scoring for practicing different sounds of the English language can be used by both children and adults. To them I also added a couple of funny videos. Train and have fun:


My daughter and I still love to play rhymes - that's just the supply of rhymes is running out)). But I'm working hard on it, and that's what I already have.

Modern parents who care about the bright future of their children, more and more often come up with the following question: when, how and where to start learning English with a child?

And not without reason, because knowledge of a foreign language, especially English, makes dreams of such a future closer.

English: when to start?

You can start learning the language at any age, but the most favorable period is the age from 1.5 to 9-10 years. In this rather wide time period, the involuntary memory of the child is best developed. He is able to memorize everything “on the fly”, as they say, on an intuitive level, without any special effort.

There are techniques that allow you to start learning from the cradle, even when the baby does not know his native language. It has been proven that any early learning of foreign languages \u200b\u200bbears fruit. Psychologists believe that such a child is really ahead of their peers in their mental development. But not emotional, therefore, in an effort to grow a genius, do not forget that every baby needs a carefree and joyful childhood, and he needs lively communication and a smile than perfect knowledge english alphabet   at 2 years old.

Language skills of children

Does the child have the ability to learn languages? Won't time and effort be wasted? Imagine: the baby already draws a little pencils. Can he paint with a brush and paints? Naturally! After all, he is already drawing. So with the language. The kid is already starting to talk on mother tongue, then there is the ability to languages! Of course, for perfect mastery of foreign speech, specific talents are needed, as in any other areas of science and art. But if we are talking about learning a language to expand our general horizons in order to have a solid foundation for the further development of language skills, this is possible for any child.

What skills should a child have to start learning English?

To learn foreign languages, every kid should be able to listen, see, repeat (at least in his own way), draw, run, crawl, jump, etc. A foreign language with small children is always a game. And any child knows how to play. Important: he must know in his native language what he has to learn in English! You should not study colors in English if the kid does not understand them yet.

How and where to learn English

The language can be studied at home, with parents, or in a children's studio, or you can invite a nanny-tutor who speaks a foreign language. Sending a child to a children's studio makes sense if he is 4-5 years old or more. At this age, learning in a team will be beneficial. Young children under 3 years old, as a rule, have not yet acquired the skills of playing together, fully interacting with their peers, so it is better to study with them at home.

If at least one of the parents has a conversational level of language proficiency, the best option would be to communicate with the baby from birth in two languages. For example, an English-speaking dad and a Russian-speaking mom. Being brought up in a linguistic environment, the child quickly adopts communication skills in a foreign language. In this case, both languages \u200b\u200bwill be native for the baby.

Mom and dad remember only a few words and phrases from the school English course, or have you studied another language before? Not scary. There are textbooks for babies and their parents with detailed teaching tips and pronunciation instructions. There are many Internet sites where you can absolutely free download audio recordings in English and texts to them. And parents are given a wonderful opportunity to learn English themselves and teach a child.

English from scratch for children: where do we start?

To start learning the language from the alphabet for little children is pointless. Especially if they have not yet mastered the technique of reading in their native language. The main goal for parents should be: instill in the child an interest and love for foreign languageand then wait for the grandiose results.

Based on this goal, you need to start with what arouses interest in the baby. The theme "Animals" "Toys", "Housewares" will be a great start. It is convenient to use visual aids - cards for teaching children the language. They can be bought or made with your own hands in accordance with the level of knowledge and interests of the child.

It’s nice to look at books, even in Russian. The main thing is to call the picture in English. In addition to nouns denoting objects and animals, you need to teach the child during ordinary communication the most common verbs and verbal phrases such as give me, take, come to me, look at, etc. Cartoons, songs, poems in English will develop the child’s linguistic hearing .