
Tests for the development of children 5 years. Assessment of the level of mental development of the child

In assessing the normativity of a child, the level of his mental development takes a leading place. It is no coincidence that the species name of a person is homo sapiens, sapiens is a rational, rational person! A person is reasonable if he is moral, able to curb his difficult character, aggressive emotions, come to the right behavior and adapt normally. It is generally believed that one in four has high intelligence, two out of four have an average norm, the lower bound, i.e. what can still be assessed as more or less satisfactory, for about one in six, and an unsatisfactory level of intelligence - for every tenth (7% of children in terms of intelligence between the lower limit of the norm and mental retardation and 3% are mentally retarded). However, the school has no complaints about only one of the two children, and therefore, every second needs a focused and intensive mental education, so as not to be in the half of the class that is living on the “mark of mercy” - the C grade.

Assessing the level of mental development is a very difficult and controversial problem. It is determined by medical psychologists, doctors - neuropathologists and psychiatrists, teachers. However, the everyday, constant, lovingly interested observation of the parents over the formation of a son or daughter with knowledge of the standards of mental development can give no less than though professionally, but one-time “audit of the mind” by a medical psychologist. Indeed, on the day of the examination, the child may not be in the mood, feel tired, just not be interested in the task. From insecurity, from laziness, or simply trying to get rid of the “pester” unpleasant for him, the baby will not fulfill the proposed task, will not answer test questions, saying that he does not know or does not know how to do this, although in reality he knows and knows how in another situation he would easily have performed required. And as a result of a single examination, an erroneous conclusion may appear.

According to the requirements for a five-year-old, he must be able to distinguish between a triangle, a circle, an oval; be able to draw a person with a head, torso, limbs and all facial features, details of clothing. Well, what if he wasn’t taught this or is he just not interested, and he draws houses, planes, trees? So such a child is stupid? Or vice versa: a child can distinguish a triangle, a circle and an oval and depict a person in a naturalistic way. Is this really indisputable evidence of his mind? Therefore, categoricality in such a delicate, painful and delicate matter is unnecessarily dangerous. One should not rush into a “final sentence,” but everything possible must be done to help the child.

An unknown young man once came to a famous neuropathologist and silently put a diploma in front of him with honors from the country's leading technical university. The young man answered the professor’s surprised question: “20 years ago you gave your mother advice to take me to a special institution for mentally retarded children ... She rejected your advice and continued to work hard with me. Today I brought a diploma to my mother, she asked me to show it to you ... ".

Often, the school assessed as having a mediocre mind children who later became outstanding people. The history of science, art, literature is full of such examples. Dumb reputed to be D. Watt's school. Yes, the one that created the universal steam engine. The great French playwright Cornel was recognized at school as devoid of all talents. "Bad student", failed the final exam D. Swift is known throughout the world, but no one remembers his examiners. K. Linnaeus, D. Byron, W. Scott, G. Helmholtz, T. Edison, I. Newton, A. Herzen, V. Belinsky, N. Gogol were considered dysfunctional at school. Teachers never rated A. Chekhov higher than “satisfactory” for their compositions. All this to the fact that you should not rush with labels, assessments of the mind of the child. An understanding of the complexity and relativity of such an assessment is more important. After all, the brisk often seems smarter than Tikhoni, the tomboy is dumber than the pay-boy, the well-read one is smarter than the unread.

According to the marks in the diaries and in the opinion of teachers, especially women, girls of primary and secondary classes are mentally developed higher than boys, which is often not confirmed subsequently. Therefore, the school has one criterion for evaluating the mind, and life offers another? Which one to prepare for, which one is more important? Naturally, life evaluates more correctly, but we are preparing the children for school.

So far, one thing is clear. In the decisive, pre-school period, mental education, as well as education in general, is most carried out in the family. Therefore, parents should be objective, giving a holistic picture of the child and accessible to the understanding of non-specialists criteria of normativeness of mental development.   They will be discussed in this section. Non-compliance with these criteria qualify as a mental retardation. Suspecting a delay, you should immediately contact a neurologist or a psychiatrist.   If the doctor confirms the fears, the parents in alliance with him will work hard, trying to overcome it. Close attention to the mental development of the child in all cases is beneficial. Therefore, it is better to make a mistake by suspecting a delay where it does not exist, than not to reveal it in a timely manner.

So, we pass to the standards of mental development, in unity characterizing the intellect until the six most important years in its formation.

TO tenth day   in life, the baby tries to raise its head while lying on its tummy, it lingers on a bright object or eyes of its mother; a two-week-old child already distinguishes between quiet and sharp sounds. Child month old   listens to the sound. One and a half month   holds the head, tries to focus on the subject, turn the head to keep the moving object in the field of view. From a month and a half, the child clearly prefers a position on his hands. Why? Because in this way he better satisfies the genetically embedded need in him to see and hear, because such a position gives him the opportunity to better orient himself in a still small space. Everything he sees surprises him. Surprise is the mother of knowledge, an indicator of normal mental development.   Widely opened eyes of the baby for the whole life capture good, but also bad, beautiful, but also ugly. And "wondering" is smart.

IN three months   the child stares intently into the face of an adult, sees an object from four to seven meters, i.e. sees everything that happens in the room. He hears sounds and searches for their source, looks closely at everything and listens. TO four months   of life, he finally distinguishes the mother from all those around him, knows her voice and, having heard him, looks for his mother with a look. He "walks", attracting the attention of his mother and echoing with her. The baby rejoices at her, smiling and splashing his arms, quickly moving his legs. He is already emotional. The development of emotionality should be closely monitored, since it is directly interconnected with the mind. Emotionality is the driving force of mental development at this age. The first effects awakening the mind are an emotional relationship in the mother-child system. IN the first six months of life, the emotional responsiveness and activity of the child is the leading criterion for the normativeness of his mental potencies.   But the same pattern is further observed: the richer the experience, the more mentally more complex and richer a person is, and the more emotionally something is experienced, the deeper it remains in memory as a life experience.

IN five months   a child up to 10-15 minutes inseparably follows an object or person. If earlier he looked only at what attracted his attention, now he himself chooses the object on which he fixes his attention. A spinning top is spinning in front of him, and he looks at the clockwork frog jumping to the side: it is more interesting to him. Since that time, we can confidently talk about visual focus (the beginning of visual focus is already observed in two months!). The kid does not just look, but looks around the object, as if feeling his eyes. Interest, attention, and, moreover, concentrated is obvious. Five-month, showing focused attention and interest in something, is mentally full.   By five months, the baby has matured the ability to see far and watch, listen for a long time. Therefore, at five months old, he can independently turn from the back to the tummy and, resting on his hands, raise his head high to see and hear more.

But this is not enough for him. To know, he must grab, feel, try, bring to his eyes. And in five and a half months the child grabs the object, feels it with two handles, drags it into his mouth, tastes it, considers it. This is already an arbitrary active cognitive act - an important milestone in mental development. Here the fundamental is outlined: he either engages in a captured object, or discards it in order to immediately grab another one and, in a second, discard him without being interested in him. The second is bad, because it indicates the beginning of superficiality and distraction, and, therefore, a possible delay in mental development.

IN six months the baby freely turns over from the tummy to the back to better see the captured object. He seeks to free the pens! Answering the question "Where is the grandmother?", He looks for her with a look. An adult approaches the baby, speaks with him. Sanguine smiles immediately; choleric and phlegmatic do not rush with a smile. They are peering intently, their faces are serious. And only appreciating who is in front of them (dangerous, not dangerous; pleasant, not pleasant), they either smile, or turn away, crying.

However, the subject cannot be reached, and in six months the baby crawled. Crawled because he was mentally ripe for this, crawled to become even smarter.   And the parents take care that it is so: he must crawl towards something and for something, he must crawl on time, because he "crawled behind the mind." The crawl rate on the tummy is small, and the need prompts to get on all fours at seven months. Now he is practically running, “running” and his mental development.

IN seven months old   the child babbles, repeating the syllables: “ma-ma-ma”, “boo-boo-boo”. It is important. He merges sounds, as he merges letters in due time. Answering the question “Where is dad?”, And even “Where is the kitty?”, The baby looks for them with his eyes and, if he doesn’t find them, points his finger at the place where they used to be (for example, the chair). The kid more and more understands the requirements of adults. They speak with the child, explaining everything that they do to him, that they demand from him, and do not bother him silently, like a doll. This is mental education.

IN eight months   the child sits confidently, leans toward the toy, takes it, transfers it from one handle to another. He has free handles. They should be occupied with business, for the beginning of everything is up to a year of life. And you put a new toy on the baby in time. Sitting, he taps her attention to something intently up to 30 times. We emphasize - with concentration. The incapable of concentration is already lagging behind in mental development, and the mother is interested in the distracted person, drawing his attention to the toy.

At nine months old, the child knows his name and turns to call.

FROM nine to eleven months in the look of the baby - an inquiring interest in everything that surrounds him.   His eyes ask. It is worth noting this interest, not extinguishing it, affectionately answering a look-question, and thereby prompting one to turn the questioning gaze to something else. Lingering in development, too, looks, but passively, listlessly. All the more, he should talk about what is in his field of vision, name objects on which his gaze glances blankly. The child is already happy that they are talking to him, and he will understand something, remember the word denoting the object. The child’s interrogative look, curiosity in the look is the stage to the period of questions that will be asked as soon as he speaks. At ten months old, in response to a “give” request, the child finds and gives familiar objects.

TO year   the child uses 7-14 words in speech, concentrates on one thing for up to a quarter of an hour, and has learned the meaning of the word "not." In the year he went. I went not only because my legs got stronger, but mainly because my mind was ripe, there was a need to get to the interesting one, to get around with free hands.   A girl will go a month or two earlier than a boy; sanguine earlier than choleric. The last will be a phlegmatic. The beginning of walking is a milestone not just in motor, but in psychomotor development.   All this is the deployment of a genetic program subordinated to a person's mental development. The main thing in it is interest, focused attention, phasing, when one ripens, preparing the ripening of the other, complexity, when interconnected possibilities ripen at the same time. Hence an important recommendation: one should not strive to master the subsequent one, even if the time has come without mastering the previous one; everything needs to be developed comprehensively, remembering that the head controls the movement of the handles and legs, but the development of the function of the handles and legs is the development of the head. After all, a baby with dexterous fingers, as a rule, has a good psycho-speech development.

Second year life is predominantly psycho-speech.   For a child who has not yet reached the age of one and a half years old, objects, people and animals in the picture are shown, calling them, to accumulate a vocabulary. The one and a half year old uses 30-40 words, and the two year old already has 300-400. In a year and a half, the child asks questions “What?”, “Who?”,   to two years - “What is this?”, “Who is it?”. To say something, a child must know not only the names of objects, but also their signs, and must be able to express with words how the object acts. And the baby masters nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs.

By the age of one and a half years in girls and by the age of two in boys, phrasal speech occurs. Initially, these are sentences of two or three words. Obviously, phrasal speech arises and is used primarily for questions. The phrases “I want to go for a walk”, “I want a BBC” are an expression of simple needs, requests, desires, but the question “what is this?” Pleases us. And the better the child develops mentally, the more the cognitive side dominates, the more he asks questions and listens. If the phrasal speech arose in a girl by one and a half, in a boy by two years, they are smart.

So, by the age of two, a miracle happens: the child begins to speak. You show a two-year-old picture, at the same time telling what is shown on it, and encourage him to speak. Continuing to develop psychomotor skills, you seat the two-year-old at the table, give a pencil and paper. Holding a pencil in his fist, he fills the sheets lying in front of him with tangles of lines. The two-year-old also stacks a tower of five cubes. At this age, he is concentrated on one thing for up to a third of an hour.

Third year.   A qualitative leap in mental development. A child of this age types 100 words a month and by the age of three has already used 1,500 words. According to L.S. Vygotsky, a domestic psychologist whose works are recognized throughout the world, a child who does not know the name of a thing, no matter how he sees it. Thus, the more words a child knows, the more he understands the environment.   And here the question arises about the role of the family in psycho-speech, and therefore in mental development at this stage. The child more readily and more firmly learns those words that are more often and emotionally pronounced in the family. Therefore, the richer the vocabulary of the parents, the richer the vocabulary of the child will be, the deeper, fuller and more natural he will begin to know the environment. According to the baby, you can judge what interests him and how purposeful he is.

Mental retardation is often expressed in speech retardation.   Mental development is always psycho-speech development and proceeds according to the law of quantitative accumulation and qualitative leap. A child can gain vocabulary for a long time; and then in two or three days go to phrasal speech. Often children with a potentially deep mind begin to speak later. Like the sages, they are silent until they have nothing to say. But if a child wants to express a thought and cannot, it is bad. Then he becomes annoyed, nervous, falls into anger or becomes touchy, which can be fixed as a character trait. Trying to calm the baby, you show him that you understand him, while continuing to stimulate the appearance of phrasal speech. Suspecting speech delay, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist to exclude a hearing defect, and begin to fight with a delay if it is confirmed.   In the event that the child’s speech is slurred, many sounds are pronounced incorrectly, from three years old it is necessary to work with a speech therapist. These are statements of correct speech, but also mental development, and the prevention of nervousness or difficulty.

In the first half of the third year of life, the child asks indicative questions “Where?”, “Where?”, “Where?”   In the second half he asks a question of questions "why?".   Until now, the child was learning horizontally and the question arose of "what is this?" Now cognition develops in depth, vertically, and the question “why?” Arises. Previously, he simply got acquainted with the world, now he wants to understand it. The earlier the child asked the question “why?”, The more fully his mental development, the later - the more pronounced the delay.   The question “why?” Is a fundamental norm! If the child is delayed with the question “why?”, The parents themselves ask him to the baby and answer him themselves, prompting the baby to ask the mentioned question, i.e. to reflect on the essence of objects and phenomena. Before the question “why?” A child “crawled” in mental development. Now - "went." From the second half of the third year, gnawing at the point, he begins to ask: “And how did you do it?”, “And what will happen?”, “And what is inside?”

The three-year-old retells what he heard and talks about what he saw and experienced, especially if adults help him with leading questions. He uses already complex and even complex sentences, which indicates the complexity of his thinking, the normativity of his mental development. According to L.S. Vygotsky, the three-year-old should basically master native language, and this is the miracle of the third year of life. From two to three years old, the child needs constant speech contact with adults. Talk to him, speak smartly, seriously, and he will be smart.

At three years old, the baby understands what is one, few and many, distinguishes between the right and left sides. The three-year-old is already so smart that by one characteristic detail he recognizes the whole: by the ears - a hare, by the tusks - an elephant.

In the second half of the amazing third year, he begins to master the constructive game, building with invention, mastering the first elements of planning. The child also enters into a role-playing game, but for now he plays mainly with objects: here he is a doctor for a doll, here is a driver, and the machine is an inverted stool. However, he gradually switches to a game with peers. The three-year-old is concentrated on one thing for up to 30 minutes.

Three-year-old, if he is smart, perceives mockery, is proud, takes offense, rejoices, sadness, yearns, loves, feels goodwill, hostility and envy, is capable of sympathy. Emotions are innate, but, like all innate potencies, they need development. Emotional development is closely related to intellectual,   and in this aspect it is appropriate to talk about emotional and mental education, as well as about the emotional and mental level of development of a child. With a delay in mental formation, a delay in emotional development is possible, and then the three-year-old will experience only primitive emotions - pleasure and displeasure - and roughly express them. Subtle emotionality develops inextricably with the subtle mind.

The decisive condition for raising the emotionality of the child is the multicolor and rich emotionality of the mother. No matter how much the baby is told about love, it will not be known to him if he did not experience it in mutual love with his mother. No matter how much they say to him about tenderness, sadness, benevolence and sympathy, if this is not inherent in the mother, the child will be cruel. What a mother bestowed, the child owns.

The child develops the mind, but if the mother has not endowed with emotionality, then the child’s mind is cold, one-sided, moreover, flawed. Indeed, emotionality is crazy - and it is not subtle, often ridiculous. She is divorced from orientation and understanding. The kid is happy, the code is sad for others, and sad when joy is appropriate. His mind is not warmed by emotionality, and emotionality is not ennobled by the mind. In two lines of the poem “Wishing friends” S. Marshak said this:

May your mind be kind.

And the heart will be smart.

The second facet of raising emotionality, no less important, is the culture of emotional expression. A well-bred child is restrained in the expression of negative emotions. He does not suppress them, but he is not hysterical. With displeasure, he is angry, but not mad. His anger is in his eyes, he can even stomp in his hearts, cry and say how offended he is, but this is not aggression and not a motor storm. Such a child expresses joy with a smile, excited by a speech, by hugging and kissing his mother. If he is dissatisfied, he mocks, eloquently silent, and does not yell heart-rendingly and does not gesticulate vehemently. This is taught and required. Then we have an intelligent, cultured child. And of course he is smart.

At three years old, the baby is already a thinking person, but he should be brought to the ability to think. Having missed the third year of life for education, we have missed a lot. Three years ago, a baby was born with potential. Now they are largely implemented. The eternal female business of those nine months, from conception to childbirth, is accessible to all healthy; feat of mental, emotional, moral “bearing”, upbringing - the parental feat of mother and father. And it is available only to truly loving, only personalities - Mother and Father.

Fourth year   based on success and level achieved by three years. And only so. In upbringing, one cannot jump over something, ignore something - “let him pamper, let him grow up, and teach him later.” The three-year-old understands what he saw, experienced. In the fourth year of life, the child goes further. He is able to understand what he himself has not seen and what he still does not know, if he is sensibly told about it.   By the age of four from the picture, he composes a more or less detailed story, blooming with his adventures. He meaningfully ends the sentence begun by adults. The four-year-old generalizes: a chair, a table, a wardrobe, a sofa - furniture, and a pot, plate, cup - dishes.

By four years of life, the baby asks up to 400-500 questions per day and masters the information received in the answers. Among the questions dominated by the corrosive “why?” The nature of the answers decides a lot. He asked: “Why does this grandfather walk with a wand?”, And the superficial answered: “All grandfathers walk with a wand.” But a similar answer doesn’t explain anything. Satisfied with meaningless answers, the child will begin to think superficially. Then he will cease to listen to the answers at all, and asking one question and not even waiting for an answer, he will immediately ask the next one. And so without end. As a result, a windbag grows, a chatterbox.

By the nature of the questions a child is judged about his mind, about the orientation of thinking, about interests, culture and much more. As you grow older, the most important criterion for a child’s level of mind is not the quantity, but the depth of the questions.   Countless, but not deep, questions of talkative and lightweight. A truly smart one will ask one question - and an adult is puzzled. Avicenna with restrained pride said the only thing about her school childhood, but characterizing his mind more than anything: "And I was the best of those who asked questions."

The above question about grandfather with a wand was answered superficially. The kid needed a deep answer, like a hungry one in a piece of bread, but in return received a dummy. And one could answer, for example, like this: “Grandfather is many years old, and his legs hurt. Without a wand, it could fall. It’s hard for him to go without a wand. A wand for him is like a good granddaughter - she helps him, supports him. ” The figurative answer is remembered, the thought wakes up, gives rise to deeper questions. Complicated issues, deepened thinking.   And the first, simple questions - the path; becoming more complex, deeper - access to the broad road of cognition and development of the mind.

On the other hand, the father - a physicist, engineer or mathematician - answering the question of his four-year-old son about thunder and lightning, will give him a whole lecture on electricity, resorting to special terminology. This is unnecessary - not by age and not by mind. If this happens often, the child may become “abstruse”. The most difficult should be explained simply and at the same time deeply, figuratively.

A child with a mental retardation, as indicated, is most late with questions, especially with the leading in the opening of cause-effect relationships, the deeper “why?”   And then the parents themselves ask him questions in the normative terms and answer them themselves. He must ask 400 questions, he is asked 40 to answer in more detail and more clearly, giving time for the assimilation of information. Perhaps this will last a long time, but the hour will come, and he will go into the taste of knowledge, ask the question “why?” Himself. Without such stimulation, the baby may never reach the “why?”, Confining itself to the questions “what?”, “Where?”, “Where?”

A four-year-old does one thing for 40-50 minutes (40 - sanguine, 50 minutes - choleric and phlegmatic). At four years old, the child is finally ready for a role-playing game with peers. In it, he sets a goal, plans. And in the second half of the fourth year he asks the question “why?”. The developing one will normally tell what and how he intends to do, in contrast to the delayed one, which acts at random, goes through trial and error.

The four-year-old has a lot to do with toys. At first they give him one but interesting toy and introduce him to its full development. Only after a complete familiarization with one is the other issued. Not understanding the essence of the toy, being attracted only by its color and shape, the child will not be interested in it and will quickly leave it. The essence of the toy should be revealed as fully as possible and show it in action, from all sides, causing interest in it. The toy is started, launched, included in the role-playing game. Naturally, if a game requires several toys related to its plot, the child receives them at the same time.

Fifth year.   Once again a qualitative leap. He recognized, knew, and suddenly thought about the underlying causes. Where did the arrogance of a dunno go? If earlier he had learned that it was good, but it’s bad, taking everything on faith, then now he was faced with the question of why it’s good, or bad. The five-year-old is also worried about more general categories. He seeks to understand what justice, fidelity, untruth are. He thinks about what life and death are. S. Marshak wrote:

Four years I was immortal

Four years I was careless

For I did not know about future death,

For I did not know that my age was not eternal.

The five-year-old plays completely freely with children, knows the rules of the game well. He competes, argues, proving his innocence, looks for the causes of failure, commands, organizes and obeys.

If we talk about more particular things, then by the age of five the child knows not only his name, but also his middle name, last name, age, address, transport going to his house. He knows how to use the designer, assembling the car according to the attached scheme. He draws a man with his head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair, torso, arms and legs from the torso, with fingers on his hands and draws feet to his feet. And all this he must know and be able to.

Sixth year. By the end, his child uses 4,000 words. He can express almost all shades of thought and understands adult speech in almost all nuances. At this age, the meaning of simple proverbs and sayings is accessible to a mentally developed child, he more and more resourcefully and quickly supplements unfinished sentences, sees the plot connection of three pictures and composes a story based on them. It already solves simple arithmetic problems. He freely, without difficulty generalizes, isolates. You ask a six-year-old question: “They brought a cow, a sheep, a bear, and a horse into one barn. Which of them should be removed as soon as possible, who is superfluous? ”And the smart child answers:“ Bear! ”There is a question:“ Why? ”The answer is immediate:“ He is a predator, he is wild, he is from the forest. ” The six-year-old understands the task assigned to him, his role in interacting with others; he must know many games and be able to invent a plot for them. He counts to one hundred, adds and subtracts to ten. Memorizes and recites simple verses. Such a child will not have problems with studying at school.

The six-year-old is confidently oriented on the street and knows the purpose of the buildings (residential building, pharmacy, store); he is guided in the present, past and future tenses; navigates among children (good and bad, knows how and does not know how, strong and weak, understands and does not understand); in family relationships and among adults; in dangerous and safe; in the rules of the children's game and in the norms of behavior. Portraying a man, he draws a neck between his head and body; on a man a hat, clothes, shoes.

In the sixth year of life, we end the presentation of age-related standards for mental development, since five and a half years is the key age by which the child either matches them or is unconditionally retarded. He is already ready for school or not ready.   From this age, all types of training are available to him ( foreign language, music on notes, classes in a chess circle, etc.). The foundation of intelligence is laid.

Diagnosis of the development of thinking in children aged 3 to 6 years. Tasks

In preschool age, visual-figurative thinking (operating with images) prevails in children, therefore, tasks for diagnosing the level of development of thinking should be appropriate. Suggested activities can also be used as developmental exercises.

This article will help parents determine the level of knowledge and skills of the child at the age of 5-6. Some indicators of the degree of maturity of the child’s mental processes will be given.

After reading the article, you can determine the potential of the child in various directions.

You will also learn in which specific knowledge the child is successful, and in which it is necessary to “catch up”.

What should a child aged 5-6 years be able to

Everyday life

  • Pass the thread into the eye of the needle and sew the button;
  • Know what the correct behavior at the table is (do not play with food and cutlery);
  • Rinse your mouth after each meal and brush your teeth yourself;
  • Understand what a neat appearance is - to monitor the condition of clothing, cut your nails yourself, comb your hair;
  • Know what current month and day of the week;
  • Be able to make a phone call;
  • Know traffic signals and places of pedestrian crossings;
  • To fasten a zipper, buttons, belts and to tie laces.

The world

  • Know the names of furniture and appliances;
  • Know the name of the products and prepared dishes;
  • Know what natural phenomena are characteristic of a particular time of the year;
  • Know the country, city and home address.
  • This topic includes the names of cartoons, holidays, the names of relatives, the names of wild and domestic animals, and so on.

Speech development

  • Know your surname, name and patronymic. To be able to tell a brief biography about yourself - when was born, where does he live, what institutions does he visit, what games are his favorite;
  • Know by heart several poems (more than 10 quatrains), periodically reciting them with expression;
  • Be able to distinguish interrogative sentence   from exclamatory, and narrative from incentive;
  • To be able to reason on any topics, participate in disputes and make logical arguments;
  • To be able to distinguish a monologue from a dialogue;
  • Be able to apply intonation, showing their feelings and emotions;
  • Speech should be clean.

Logical thinking

  • To be able to perform various tasks in which it is necessary to remove the excess from the proposed items (for example, a pan, ladle, glass, sieve, hair dryer, refrigerator. An excess object is a hair dryer);
  • To be able to come up with a story for pictures or come up with an end to any article;
  • To be able to lay out objects or pictures with objects according to common features (for example, cat, crane, bear, dog, hawk, fox. Divided into three groups - domestic animals, wild animals and birds).

Math knowledge

  • Be able to solve some puzzles and simple examples with numbers up to 10;
  • Be able to count to 10 and count back;
  • Determine which number is greater and which is less;
  • To be able to distinguish geometric objects: square, rectangle, triangle, oval, circle, rhombus, trapezoid;
  • To be able to divide a circle, a square and a rectangle into 2, 3 and 4 identical parts;
  • Know the names of the directions: forward, backward, up, down, left, right.

Psychologists call the age of 5 years the oldest preschool age and advise parents, first of all, to pay attention to the intellectual development of a five-year-old child, his cognitive abilities and communication skills, because very soon the baby will face one of the most important tests in life - going to school.

Physical development

Five-year-old preschoolers - both boys and girls - are actively growing, almost not recovering. The age-appropriate physical development of a five-year-old child can be judged by growth and weight. Normally, five-year-old boys weigh between 16.4 and 19.7 kg and girls weigh between 15.4 and 19 kg. The growth of five-year-old babies should be: from 106 to 116 cm (for boys) and from 102 to 111 cm (for girls). The circumference of the chest varies for five-year-old boys in sizes from 52 to 57 cm, for girls from 51.6 to 56.6 cm.

Equally important for normal physical development and motor skills of the baby.

So, normally a child at the age of five should be able to:

  • run fast 40-60 m;
  • run without stopping for 60-90 seconds;
  • stand on one leg freely;
  • vigorously bounce in place on one or two legs;
  • jump forward
  • jump over 4-6 parallel lines located at a distance of 40-50 cm;
  • to jump from a height of 20-30 cm;
  • deftly jump from foot to foot;
  • climb the gymnastic wall;
  • to pass, keeping balance, on a gymnastic bench;
  • step over obstacles located at a height of 20-35 cm from the floor (for example, through the rails of the stairs);
  • confidently climb and descend the stairs, possibly with objects in their hands;
  • toss and catch the ball and small objects;
  • throw the ball at a distance of 2-2.5 m, aiming at a horizontal target;
  • throw the ball into the distance to a distance of 3 to 6 m alternately with the right and left hand;
  • start exploring a two-wheeled bicycle.

At this age, the child is sufficiently developed to learn new physical exercises and new sports. This is the best time to learn bicycling, cross-country and skiing, swimming and even horseback riding. At the same time, it is necessary to devote enough time and energy to the development of fine motor skills of the baby.

So, for the development of fine motor skills, a five-year-old child must be able to:

  • handle pen, pencil and brush freely;
  • adjust the pressure on the pen, pencil and brush, change the direction of movement of your hand, depending on the shape of the object;
  • carefully cut out the shapes of different shapes with scissors;
  • draw simple objects and figures from nature;
  • to place your drawing on the entire sheet or on a specific section of paper;
  • to shade or paint over the drawings carefully, without going beyond the boundaries of their contours;
  • navigate in notebooks in a ruler or in a cage.

Mental development

At five, the child makes a major breakthrough in his mental development. This is an important period of preparation for school and for the requirements that it makes for a child. The intellectual development of five-year-old children comes to the fore and requires constant studies and improvement of knowledge in various fields.


At the age of five, the child must:

  • know the numbers up to 10;
  • use in speech numerals (ordinal and quantitative);
  • compare within 10 adjacent numbers;
  • navigate through a sheet of paper;
  • describe in words the location of a certain object in relation to other objects and to itself;
  • know all the basic geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle, oval, rhombus, rectangle);
  • know arithmetic signs and how to use them.

Speech development

Normally, a child of five years should:

  • articulate and correctly pronounce all sounds;
  • speak expressively and slowly;
  • make a story based on your own memories and experience;
  • draw a story from 5-6 sentences according to the drawing;
  • memorize counters;
  • recognize at least half the letters of the alphabet;
  • use the past, present and future tenses.

The world

At this age, the child should:

  • know your own name and surname, first names, surnames and patronymic of parents and close people from your environment;
  • know what gender he is;
  • know the name of your country, city and your personal home address;
  • know your age;
  • know the age of the parents;
  • know the names of all the main professions and their distinguishing features;
  • know what parents work with
  • know the main rules of the road;
  • name a group of objects with one generalizing word;
  • know and name the sequence of seasons;
  • know and name the months;
  • know and name the sequence of time of day;
  • know and name the sequence of days of the week;
  • understand what animate and inanimate nature means.

Mental development

By the age of five, the baby is growing up before your eyes. Now he is increasingly controlling his own behavior, in accordance with the adopted rules and regulations. He can independently distinguish a good deed from a bad deed, shows a sense of justice and compassion. At this age, he asks quite adult, serious questions. For example, about death. The child begins to worry about everything alive that surrounds him, pities lonely people and abandoned animals. Very often, five-year-olds bring homeless kittens and puppies home. They are afraid of any manifestation of death and try to help those they can. That is how five-year-olds, as psychologists say, show a feeling of loneliness and fear of the end of their own life and the lives of others.

The basic mental functions of the child continue to develop.


At 5 years old, the child must:

  • to keep at least 6-7 objects simultaneously in the field of view;
  • to independently carry out the task according to the example proposed by adults;
  • independently find 4-5 pairs of identical objects;
  • perform, without being distracted, certain tasks within 10-12 minutes;
  • find at least 7-8 differences between the proposed subjects;
  • independently stack pictures, puzzles or postcards, cut into at least 9 parts;
  • to collect from the constructor any design or figure.


At 5 years old, the child should be able to:

  • independently determine the sequence of events;
  • find among the proposed four subjects one superfluous and explain your choice;
  • select synonyms and antonyms;
  • find and explain inconsistencies in the pictures;
  • find and explain the differences between phenomena and objects;
  • solve proposed logical problems and answer complicated questions.


At 5 years old, the child should be able to:

  • remember 6-8 drawings for a certain amount of time (from 1 to 2 minutes);
  • retell a short story close to the content;
  • know and memorize several verses;
  • compare from memory two different images.

Self-Service Skills

A five-year-old child is a fairly independent little person, able to dress and shoe independently, comb, brush his teeth and wash. In addition, he must be accustomed to discipline and the implementation of simple assignments for the maintenance in the order of his belongings and room.

So, at the age of five, a child can independently clean his bed, keep his toys in order - put them after the game and even wipe the dust on the shelves where they stand. A five-year-old baby is able to provide all possible help around the house: water the flowers, wash the coasters from under the flower pots, wipe the dust in the apartment and even vacuum or sweep the floor. With special pleasure, five-year-olds help adults to set the table, prepare dishes and decorate the house for the holiday.

Verification Method:

Select the item that matches your child’s age. In addition, if your baby is 4 years old and five months old, see the description for 4 year old children. For questions that are answered positively (for example, Yes, my child can), put a plus sign. For questions with a negative answer, put a minus.

4 years

General knowledge.Give your name, surname, gender. The question regarding the attitude of the child to a certain gender is asked as follows: "Are you a boy or a girl?" (plus, if the child answered all the questions correctly).

General understanding. Name the objects that were shown to the child and summarize them in one word. Plus, in case the child even finds generalizing words (shoes, clothes, dishes, transport, etc.)

The ability to concentrate.   It is necessary to name three numbers and ask the child to repeat. Plus, if the baby called all three numbers.

It is necessary to count 4 objects (for example, cubes). Plus, if the child calculated everything correctly.

Inductive thinking.   Know and be able to name the simplest geometric shapes (circle and square). What shape is the ball? What shape is the window? Plus, if at least three questions the child twice answered correctly.

Comparison Experience.Have the child compare the length of the different lines (prepare three different length pencils or pieces of paper).

5 years

General knowledge.   What season is it now, what time of day? Plus, if the child called everything correctly.

Common understanding.Understanding of causes and effects. For example, ask why does mom wash clothes? Plus, if the baby answered correctly.

The ability to concentrate.The ability to use knowledge of abstract, geometric shapes (look around and say which objects are square around us and which are round. If at least two objects are correctly named - plus.

Practical, mathematical thinking.Count any items that are more than 10 (for example, 15).

Inductive thinking.Name the quality of objects, value or necessity (why do we need a table, chair, pillow, pan?). Immediately show three objects or pictures. Plus, if the baby described at least two correctly.

The ability to compare.   The difference of colors. Show at least three different colors. Plus, if the child has never made a mistake.

Interpretation of results:

If you have not put a single minus, then the psychological development of your child is normal and corresponds to his age.

If there are two or more minuses, the child’s development takes place in a peculiar way and is slightly different from the development of his peers. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with a child psychologist who will give specific advice on raising and educating the child.

If you have some disadvantages, do an additional task!

additional verification

The child is tested on points characteristic of the previous age period: if the child is less than 4, then minus six months; if more than 4 - minus a year. The verification procedure is the same, only, for example, where it was asked to give three correct answers, there will be two correct or even one. That’s enough.

P.S. Do not forget that if your child has recently turned 4 years old and, for example, he does not know how to count, do not worry. He still has a lot of time to learn everything!