
Description of real historical events underlying the story “Taras Bulba. "Historical and folklore basis of N.V. Gogol's story Taras Bulba" methodological development in literature (grade 7) on the topic Gogol - a researcher of Ukrainian antiquity

NV Gogol Historical basis of the story “Taras Bulba” “Gogol does not write, but draws; his images breathe with living colors of reality. You see and hear them ... ”VG Belinsky Assignment: Ask a question to a passage of the text 1. Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was born in 1809 in the town of Velyki Sorochintsy, Poltava province. 2. His father, Vasily Afanasyevich, was an educated man, one of the first Ukrainian writers, the author of comedies from the life of the people. 3. In 1818 N. V. Gogol entered the Poltava district school, then the Nizhyn high school of higher sciences. 4. In the 30s, the writer met Pushkin, Zhukovsky, 5. The historical story "Taras Bulba", the comedies "Marriage", "The Inspector General" were events for the reading public. 6. In Taras Bulba, Gogol strives to maintain historical accuracy. 7. The performance of "The Inspector General" evoked an indignant response from reactionary circles. “Now I see,” Gogol writes at this time, “what it means to be a comic writer. The slightest sign of the truth - and against you are revolting, and not one person, but entire estates. ”8. In Paris, he learns about the death of Pushkin. “It was impossible to get any worse news from Russia,” he wrote. "All the pleasure of my life, all my highest pleasure disappeared with him." 9. "Dead Souls" by N. V. Gogol, published in 1842, according to Herzen, "shook Russia." A large place in the poem is occupied by the author's thoughts about the fate of the Motherland. 10. In 1852, in a fit of painful despair, he burns the manuscript of the second part of Dead Souls, and a few days after that he dies of exhaustion. 11. Gogol is a true master of the language. The vivid speech of his works is sometimes poetic and penetrating, when the writer draws Russian or Ukrainian nature ... sometimes convex, visual, 12. He is a wonderful master of detail, detail, so accurately and successfully found that he vividly conveys the features of a given person or setting. Checking. We estimate. 1. Where and when was NV Gogol born 2. What did his father do? 3. Where did Gogol study? 4. When did he meet Pushkin and Zhukovsky? 5. What works did he write? 6. Does Gogol strive to maintain historical accuracy in the story "Taras Bulba?" 7. What response did the play "The Inspector General" receive from the reactionary public? 8. Where does Gogol find out about the death of A.S. Pushkin? 9. What does NV Gogol think about in the poem "Dead Souls"? 10. When and after what events did Gogol die? 11-12. What are the features of N.V. Gogol? Zaporizhzhya Sich The first written mention from 1489 about the creation of a fortified Cossack camp (Sich) in the lower reaches of the Dnieper was left by the Polish chronicler Martin Belsky. According to him, the Cossacks in the summer were engaged in trades on the Dnieper rapids (fishing, hunting, beekeeping), and in the winter they dispersed to the nearest cities (Kiev, Cherkassy, \u200b\u200betc.), leaving several Cossacks armed with firearms and cannons in a safe place on the island in Kosha. Belsky's story about the Cossacks allows us to conclude that the unification of separate sections into the Zaporizhzhya Sich happened, probably, somewhere in the 1530s. Researcher VA Golobutsky also refers to the same period of time [Sѣch comes from the word “sѣkti”, “to knock out”, and is associated with the palisade surrounding the settlement, which had carved sharp edges. (Sometimes the word “palanka” was used to designate the Sich fortress.) Often the word “Kosh” was used with the word “Sich” (or instead of it) from the Tatar Kokhsh - a consolidated flock of sheep, a thousand in a herd. (This is where the South Russian and Polish surnames were obviously formed - Koshevoy, Kokhshansky, Koshirsky. Khortitskaya fortress - the prototype of the Zaporozhye Sich since it itself was formed later in 1569?) did not provide any assistance in the construction of the fortress, it was built at the personal funds of Vishnevetsky.Being a relative of Ivan the Terrible, Dmitry Vishnevetsky turned to the Moscow kingdom for help. Based on this outpost, in 1556 he organized the campaign of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, which was part of a large operation of the Moscow army, led by clerk Matvey Rzhevsky, against the Crimean Khanate.After an independent campaign was organized.As a result of the retaliatory actions of the Turkish and Crimean troops in 1557, the town of Vishnevetsky on Malaya Khortitsa was them after a long siege captured and destroyed.Vishnevetsky himself with his Cossacks in 1558 transferred to the service of Tsar Ivan IV Vasilievich; he was granted "in the patrimony" of the city of Belyov (now in the Tula region) and lands in the vicinity of Moscow. The prince "for all this swore by the life-giving cross to serve the king all his life and pay good to his state." After the death of DI Vishnevetsky, the fortress was forgotten, but the Cossacks remembered the idea of \u200b\u200brepelling the raids of the Crimeans in the lower reaches of the Dnieper. Soon, this idea was revived - well-fortified military camps of the Cossacks appeared - the Zaporozhye Sich. Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, Khortytsia Island, Modern reconstruction In 1572, the Polish king Sigismund II August took over 300 Cossacks into government service. This is how a new military unit “The Army of His Royal Grace Zaporozhye” was organized. In 1654 the Army of His Royal Grace Zaporozhye, having betrayed the oath to the king, passed, together with the lands under his control, to the service of the Moscow Tsar. A new state formation arose within the Moscow state - "Hetmanate". The Zaporozhian Nizovoy army also passed into citizenship to the Moscow tsar, who considered him an independent autonomous military force. The army of His Imperial Majesty Zaporozhye was disbanded in 1775 by the decree of Catherine the Great. Letter from Sultan Mohammed IV to the Zaporozhye Cossacks At the beginning of the summer of 1663, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Mohammed IV, addressed the Cossacks of the Zaporizhzhya Sich with a very pretentious letter. Outraged by the constant raids of the Cossacks on his possessions, the sultan nevertheless showed himself to be an intelligent person, having managed to maintain self-control and self-control. I, the sultan and lord of the Sublime Port, brother of the Sun and the Moon, the viceroy of Allah on Earth, the lord of the kingdoms - Macedonian, Babylonian, Jerusalem, Greater and Lesser Egypt, the king over the kings, the lord over the lords, the incomparable knight, the invincible warrior by no one, the lord of the tree of life , the persistent keeper of the tomb of Jesus Christ, the executor of the will of God himself, the hope and comforter of Muslims, the intimidator and great defender of Christians, I command you, Zaporozhye Cossacks, to surrender to me voluntarily and without any resistance and not to make me worry with your attacks. Painting by I. Repin "The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan", 1880-1891. A portrait of the clerk was painted with D.I. Yavoritsky, followed by ataman Ivan Sirko, with a pipe, The answer of the Cossacks to Mohammed IV Ti, sultan, Turkish devil, і damned devil brother і comrade, Ty, sultan, devil Turkish, і damned devil brother і comrade , the secretary of Luciper himself. What a hell of a face, if Luciper's own secretary is naked as hell. Yaky ti the devil's face, if the naked asshole Yizhaka Yizhaka is not vb'esh. The devil is hanging, and yours is being devoured. Don’t be, you bitch don’t vb’sh. The devil is hanging, and yours is being devoured. Do not be, you bitch, you are blue, you are blue, you are not blue, you’re not blue, you’re not afraid, you’re not afraid of you, we’re not afraid of the earth, we’re afraid of the earth and water, we will fight for you, the prosperity of your mother. and we will fight with you with water, forgive your mother. Vavіlonsky minute Kuhar, Makedonsky wheelwright, Ієrusalimsky Vavіlonsky minute Kuhar, Makedonsky wheelwright, Ієrusalimsky bravirnik, bravirnik, Oleksandrіysky Kozolup, Great i Small Єgipta Svinarev, Oleksandrіysky Kozolup, Great i Small Єgipta Svinarev, Vіrmenska Vіrmenska zlodiyuka, Tatarsky Sagaidak, Kamenetsky cat, y vsogo villain, Tatarsky sagaidak, Kamenetsky kat, in all the light and in the light and in the blazen, the gaspid himself is the grandson of our horseradish hook. blazen, the very gaspid grandson of our fucking hook. Pig's muzzle, Pig's muzzle, kobilyach asshole, small dog, non-christening forehead, kobilyach asshole, versatile dog, non-christening forehead, your mother ... From so toby your mother ... Do not be, and the Zaporozhtsy were mischievous, pushover. Do not be thou graze the Christian pigs. christian pigs pasture. Now it’s over, because the number is not known and now it’s over, because the number is not known and the calendar is not maєmo, - the month is in the sky, the calendar is not maєmo, - the month is in the sky, the year is at the bottom, but we have such a day, like the year at the bottom, and such a day is with us, like you, for a price kiss us in the ass! at you, for a price kiss us in the ass! They wrote: koshovy otaman Ivan Sirko with all koshy Zaporizhskiy received them Signed: koshovy otaman Ivan Sirko with all kos Zaporizhskiy Bravirnik - braggart Kozolup - boned goat Kolesnik - chatterbox for Saguyom fulfillment of the following conditions:. he had to be free and unmarried; . had to speak well the "Cossack language"; (in the 17th century, the language of the Dnieper Cossacks was called Rus or Cossack); . had to confess the Orthodox faith, know the symbols of faith and prayer; . had to undergo full training upon arrival in the Sich - to study the military order (to learn the "Sich knighthood"), and only after that enroll in the "tried comrades", which could happen not earlier than seven years later. From the end of the 15th century. for three centuries, lands hundreds of kilometers north of the Black Sea were sparsely populated, the so-called Wild Field. They were controlled (large area) by the Crimean Khanate, subject to the Ottoman Empire; and the territory-areas (described above) were inhabited by a motley runaway people, which in the historical literature are usually called Zaporozhye Cossacks (in the broad sense of this definition) That is, the possession of the Sich Zaporozhskaya covered the lands of modern Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions, partially  Kirovograd, Odessa, Nikolaev, Donetsk regions. The uprising led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky. In 1648 the Cossacks of the Nikitinskaya Sich revolt. Leader Bohdan Khmelnitsky,. The victorious campaign was completed on December 23, 1648 with the solemn entry of the Cossacks into Kiev. ... However, in 1651, the rebels suffer a tangible defeat at the hands of the Polish army in the Battle of Berestetskaya. ... In 1654, the Pereyaslavskaya Rada was convened, which announced the transfer of territories controlled by the rebels under the protectorate of Russia. Commemorative sign to commemorate the first victories of Bohdan Khmelnitsky over the troops of the Commonwealth. Museum of the Zaporozhye Cossacks on the island of Khortytsya. The struggle for the Zaporozhye Sich during the Northern War from 1700 to 1721. During the Great Northern War, after Hetman Mazepa went over to the side of Karl XII, letters from Peter I and Mazepa began to arrive in Zaporozhye. On October 30, 1708, the tsar wrote a letter to the chieftain Konstantin Gordienko, in which he asked the Zaporozhian people to be faithful to the oath of allegiance to the Russian tsar and the Orthodox faith, for which he promised to "multiply" his mercy to them, which they had previously been deprived of because of Mazepa's slander about them. Mazepa was also busy. He sent a "noble person" to the Sich with a station wagon and a letter to the grassroots army. In the station wagon, Mazepa announced he was going over to the side of the Swedish king in order to protect Ukraine from the tyranny of the Moscow tsar, who had repeatedly told Mazepa about his desire to exterminate the Zaporozhye Cossacks. The hetman wrote, he knows for sure that the Muscovites, retreating before the Swedes, lured him to the Ukraine, but the king has no bad intentions regarding the Zaporozhye army; The Cossacks should take advantage of such a happy opportunity, overthrow the "yoke of Moscow" and become a free people forever. Tsar Peter I lost the diplomatic war. On March 27 (April 7), 1709, the Koshevoy Ataman Kost Gordienko and Hetman Mazepa signed an alliance agreement with King Charles XII. In this treaty, Zaporozhye joined the Hetman-Swedish alliance against Tsar Peter I. Mazepa Kost Gordienko After Kost Gordienko and Hetman Mazepa signed an allied treaty with Karl XII, Tsar Peter I ordered Prince Menshikov to move three Russian regiments from Kiev to the Zaporozhye Sich troops under the command of Colonel Yakovlev in order to "destroy the entire nest of rebels to the ground." Colonel Yakovlev, who approached the Sich, in order to avoid bloodshed, tried to negotiate with the Cossacks in a "good way", but knowing that Sorochinsky Koshevoy with the Tatars could come to the aid of the besieged from Crimea, he began to storm the Sich. The Cossacks managed to repulse the first assault, while Yakovlev lost up to three hundred soldiers and officers. The Cossacks even managed to capture a certain number of prisoners, whom they "shamelessly and tyrannically" killed. Pyotr Ivanovich Yakovlev On May 11, 1709, with the help of the Cossack colonel Ignat Galagan, who knew the system of the Sich defensive fortifications, the fortress was taken, burned and completely destroyed. From the report to the Tsar: Elders and Cossacks were taken alive with 300 people, cannons, and amunitsia were taken in that cityѣ a lot ... And I ordered to keep the noblest thieves remembered alive, and to execute those who are worthy and execute the previous decree over the previous order, so also all their place is to destroy, in order to root out this perverted nest. In order to weaken the impression made on the people by the extermination of the Sich Cossacks, the tsar issued a letter on May 26 in which he said that the reason for the destruction of the Sich was the betrayal of the Cossacks themselves, because they were getting along with the enemies of Russia, the Swedes. Immediately Peter ordered to seize, throw in prison and execute the Cossacks who did not abandon their weapons. Tsar Peter I, until his death, did not allow the restoration of the Sich, although there were such attempts. On the territory controlled by the Ottoman Empire, the Cossacks tried to found the Kamenskaya Sich (1709-1711). However, in 1711, the Moscow troops and regiments of Hetman I. I. Skoropadsky attacked the fortress and destroyed it. After that, Alyoshkovskaya Sich (1711−1734) was founded, this time under the protectorate of the Crimean Khan, but it did not last long Ivan Ilyich Skoropadsky Only in 1733, when the war between Russia and Turkey began and the Crimean Khan ordered the Cossacks to move to the Russian border, General Weisbakh, who arranged the Ukrainian line of fortresses, handed them in the Krasny Kut tract, 4 versts from the old Chertomlytskaya Sich, a letter from Empress Anna Ioannovna of pardon and acceptance into Russian citizenship; here the Cossacks lived until 1775. During the Russian-Turkish war of 1768−1774. 10 thousand Cossacks were assigned to the army of Rumyantsev. The Cossacks not only distinguished themselves in reconnaissance and raids, but also played an important role in the battles at Larga and Cahul. Pyotr Alexandrovich Rumyantsev Stefano Torelli. "Allegory for the victory of Catherine II over the Turks and Tatars." 1772. In January 1771, Catherine II awarded P. Kalnishevsky, the chieftain of the Zaporozhye army, with a gold medal, "sprinkled with diamonds". Gold medals were awarded to 16 more people from the highest ranks of the Zaporozhye army. Finally, the fate of the Zaporozhians was decided on August 3, 1775, by the signing of the Russian Empress Catherine II of the manifesto "On the destruction of the Zaporizhzhya Sich and its reckoning with the Novorossiysk province" We wanted to announce to the general knowledge of Our all vurnopoddannym that Sach Zaporozhye in the end has already been destroyed, with the extermination for the future and the very name of the Zaporozhian Kozakovs ... We considered ourselves now obligated to God, to present to Our Empire, and by the very name of all humanity to destroy borrowed. In the aftermath of that on June 4, Our General-Lieutenant Tekellem with the troops introduced to him from us occupied Such Zaporizhzhya in perfect order and complete silence, without any resistance from Kozakov ... but now it is more similar to Kozak's name and the political - Dan to Moscow, from the Nativity of Christ one thousand seventy hundred seventy-fifth year, August of the third day, and Our statehood is ten years old. [The reasons for the liquidation of the Sich. By the end of the 18th century, after numerous political and military victories of the Russian Empire over Turkey, the Kuchuk-Kainardzhiysky Peace Treaty (1774) was concluded, according to which the Russian Empire received access to the Black Sea, the Dnieper defensive line was created. The Crimean Khanate, which for several centuries terrorized the outskirts of Russia, was annexed, the Catholic Rzeczpospolita was on the verge of partition. ... Between the grassroots Cossacks and the tsarist government, which by this time began to actively develop the lands of Novorossiya, conflicts arose from time to time. So, the Cossacks repeatedly smashed the colonies of Serb settlers in Tavria because of land disputes. ... After the Pugachev uprising, in which the Zaporozhye Cossacks participated, the Russian government, fearing that the uprising would spread to Zaporozhye, decided to liquidate the Zaporozhye Sich Ultimatum of General Tekeli on June 5, 1775, for the Trinity week, the troops of Lieutenant General Petr Tekeli, along with the Wallachian and Hungarian regiments of Major General Fyodor Chobra, consisting of fifty regiments of cavalry-pikemen, hussars, Donets and ten thousand infantry approached Zaporozhye at night. The Zaporozhians celebrated the green Christmastide, the sentries slept, the Oryol infantry regiment with a squadron of cavalry passed unnoticed through the entire suburb and took the Novosechensky retrenchment without firing shots. The suddenness of the action of the Russian troops demoralized the Cossacks. Tekeli read out an ultimatum, and koshevoy Pyotr Kalnyshevsky received two hours for reflection. The foremen with the participation of the clergy, after a lengthy discussion, decided to surrender the Sich After the liquidation of the Sich, the Cossacks were left to their fate, the former foremen were given nobility. For the bloodless operation Tekeli was awarded the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky (Order of St. Alexander Nevsky) - a state award of the Russian Empire from 1725 to 1917. Established by Catherine II and became the third Russian order after the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called and the Order of Women of St. Catherine the Great Martyr. But Catherine did not forgive the three Cossacks for their previous offenses. ... Petr Kalnyshevsky,. Pavel Golovaty. Ivan Globa (clerk) for treason and going over to the side of Turkey were exiled to different monasteries. Kalnyshevsky lived on Solovki until the age of 112, and even after the amnesty of Alexander I, he preferred to stay there. Globa also lived to a ripe old age in the Belozersky Monastery. Solovetsky Monastery. By order of Empress Catherine II, Alexander Suvorov organized army units in southern Russia, began to form a new army from the Cossacks of the former Sich and their descendants. This is how the “Army of the Loyal Zaporozhians” appeared. On February 27, 1788, in a solemn atmosphere, Suvorov personally handed to the foremen Sidor Bely, Anton Golovaty and Zakhary Chepiga a white military banner presented by Empress Catherine Anton Golovaty Sidor White Zakhary Chepiga The Army of the Loyal Zaporozhians, renamed in 1790 Cossack army, participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1787−1792. In 1828, the Trans-Danube Cossacks, led by Koshev Yosip (Osip) Gladky, went over to the side of Russia and were pardoned personally by Emperor Nicholas I. From them the Azov Cossack army was formed (1828-1860) 1860 The Black Sea army was united with two left regiments (Khopersky and Kuban) of the Caucasian line troops in the Kuban Cossack army, which has survived to the present time (descendants of the Cossacks; recovered after the abolition and long-term Soviet ban; some units and subdivisions of the Cossacks also operated during the Second World War). K.V. (security question) Why do you think N.V. Gogol turned to the history of the Zaporizhzhya Sich?  (Or formulate your question on the topic "The history of the Zaporizhzhya Sich and the present") Write down the answer in a notebook and get an estimate.

Lesson topic : Historical and folklore basis of N. V. Gogol's work "Taras Bulba".

Lesson type : combined

The purpose of the lesson :

  • to deepen the knowledge of students about the biography and work of N.V. Gogol;
  • to identify the students' perception of the story "Taras Bulba";
  • to acquaint with the historical basis of the work of N.V. Gogol.

During the classes

  1. Homework survey - biography of Nikolai Gogol.
  2. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Epigraph: Ukrayna was quietly worried.

For a long time a spark flared up in her.

Friends of folk antiquity

People's hopes for war ...

A. Pushkin "Poltava"

Let's turn to the epigraph "For a long time a spark flared up in her ..." Fire -that's the key word of that era... The life of people passed in the fire of battles, the Cossacks very often played with fire, they had to be between two fires: on the one hand, the Tatars, on the other, the Poles. With fire and sword, the Cossack army passed through the cities and villages.

The Mongol invasion in the 13th century led to the final disintegration of the old Kievan Rus. The lands in the west came under the rule of Lithuanian princes, and partly became part of the Kingdom of Poland. In 1569 Lithuania and Poland united into the state of the Commonwealth.

In 1596, in the city of Brest-Litovsk, a union (i.e., unification) of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches was concluded, according to which the Orthodox population of the Commonwealth was to recognize the supreme power of the Roman Pope. However, most of the population did not want to do this. In Ukraine, one after another, uprisings began to break out. The main force in them was the Ukrainian Cossacks.

Zaporozhye Cossacks

The action takes place in the 15th century.

The Cossacks considered themselves defenders of the Christian faith and the Orthodox Church, but during the wars with the Poles they were engaged in robberies and brutal murders.

Cossacks call themselves Russians, because at that time, the Ukrainians called themselves that way.

The history of the creation of the story

The story was written in 1835 - a difficult period in Polish-Russian relations. By that time, the Polish state had lost most of its lands.

In 1830, the Poles revolted in an effort to regain their independence. Russian society reacted to the rebels with hostility. The uprising was condemned by Pushkin, Gogol and many other cultural figures.

Gogol got acquainted with historical writings with great interest, but there is not a single definite historical fact in the work, even the siege of Dubno is correlated not with history, but with legend. The writer created an ideal picture of the Cossack freemen, and the imagination painted battles, free and wild steppes, powerful characters, strong natures.

3. Conversation.

What epic genre have we already met? with mighty heroes, selfless in the fight against the enemies of the homeland and selflessly loving their homeland? Of course, in epics. Gogol and Taras Bulba calls the old Cossack, as in the epic of Ilya Muromets. The writer relied on folklore, especially folk songs.

What is the main theme of Nikolai Gogol's work? A poem about love for the homeland. Although the author touches on many topics, in the text we also encounter love for a woman, love of a father, mother. But the writer put the main emphasis on the description of the protection of his native land.

  1. Writing in notebooks.


"Be patient, Cossack, - you will be ataman ..."

"There are no bonds holier than partnership ..."

"There is no strength stronger than faith ..."

"Taras Bulba" is a marvelous epic, written with a bold and broad brush, this sharp sketch of the heroic life of an infant people, this is a huge picture in a tight framework, worthy of Homer. V.G.Belinsky

“All was created for abusive alarm and was distinguished by the rude directness of its disposition. He loved the simple life of Kozakov and quarreled with those of his comrades who were inclined to the Warsaw side, calling them the servants of the Polish lords. Always restless, he considered himself a legitimate defender of Orthodoxy ... "- Taras Bulba

“Ahead of the friends, the hero of all the rich, the most beautiful of all, swept past. And so black hair flew from under his copper cap; an expensive scarf knitted on the arm was twisted, sewn by the hands of the first beauty ... and meanwhile, enveloped in the ardor and heat of the battle ... rushed like a young greyhound dog, the most beautiful and youngest of all in the pack ... "-Andriy Bulba.

It seemed to him that the battle path and the difficult call to carry out military affairs were written by his family ... His movements were now signified with already tested confidence, and in them the inclinations of the future leader could not be noticeable. His body breathed strength, and his knightly qualities had already acquired the broad strength of a lion ”Ostap Bulba.

  1. Home work.

Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy in a notebook, in writing.

Gogol's work on Taras Bulba was preceded by a thorough, in-depth study of historical sources. Among them should be called "Description of Ukraine" by Boplan, "History of the Zaporozhye Cossacks" by Myshetsky, handwritten lists of Ukrainian chronicles - Samovidts, Velichko, Grabyanka, etc.

But these sources did not completely satisfy Gogol. He lacked a lot in them: first of all, characteristic everyday details, living signs of the times, a true understanding of a bygone era. Special historical research and chronicles seemed to the writer too dry, sluggish and, in fact, did not help the artist to comprehend the spirit of folk life, characters, and psychology of people. In 1834, in a letter to I. Sreznevsky, he wittily noted that these chronicles, which were not created on the hot trail of events, but "when memory gave way to oblivion," remind him "of the owner who nailed the castle to his stable, when the horses were already stolen "(X, 299).

Among the sources that helped Gogol in the work on "Taras Bulba" was another, the most important one: Ukrainian folk songs, especially historical songs and thoughts.

Gogol considered the Ukrainian folk song a precious treasure for the historian and poet who want to "pry out the spirit of the past century" and comprehend "the history of the people." From chronicles and scientific sources, Gogol drew historical information, the factual details he needed concerning specific events in the Duma, and the songs gave him something much more significant. They helped the writer understand the soul of the people, its national character, the living signs of its life. He extracts plot motives from a folk song, sometimes even whole episodes. For example, the dramatic story about Mosiya Shil, who was captured by the Turks and then deceived them and rescued all his comrades from enemy captivity, was inspired by Gogol's famous Ukrainian thought about Samoyl Kishka. And the image of Andriy was created under the undoubted influence of Ukrainian thoughts about the apostate Teterenko and the traitor Savva Chal.

Gogol takes a lot in folk poetry, but he takes it as a writer, sensitive and receptive to its artistic structure, with his own attitude to reality, to material. The poetics of the folk song had a tremendous influence on the entire artistic and pictorial system of "Taras Bulba", on the language of the story.

A vivid pictorial epithet, a colorful comparison, a characteristic rhythmic repetition - all these techniques reinforced the herring sound of the story's style. “Am I not worthy of eternal complaints? Is not the mother who gave birth to me unhappy? Is it not a bitter lot that fell on my part? Are you not my fierce executioner, my fierce destiny?” (II, 105). Or: "Curls, curls he saw, long, long curls, and a chest like a river swan, and a snowy neck, and shoulders, and everything that is created for crazy kisses" (II, 143). The unusually emotional, lyrical coloring of the phrase, as well as all its other artistic features, creates a feeling of the organic closeness of the manner of Gogol's narration to the style of folk song.

"Taras Bulba" has. a large and complex creative story. It was first published in 1835 in the collection "Mirgorod". In 1842, in the second volume of his "Works", Gogol placed "Taras Bulba" in a new, radically altered edition. Work on this work lasted nine years with interruptions: from 1833 to 1842. Between the first and second editions of Taras Bulba, a number of intermediate editions of some chapters were written.

The story tells about the struggle of the Ukrainian people for their independence. In those early days, Ukraine was under the yoke of Polish landowners - the lords. They turned peasants into serfs, imposed heavy taxes, subjected them to severe punishments, and even executed them.

N. Gogol with interest got acquainted with the historical compositions, chronicles, folk songs and legends, which reflected these events. A vivid, vivid history of the people stood before him, and his imagination drew free steppes, powerful characters, strong natures.

The plot of the painting by I. Repin is based on a genuine historical event. In 1676, the Turkish Sultan Mahmud 4 sent the Cossacks a "formidable letter" in which he ordered them to surrender voluntarily and without resistance. The Cossacks sent an answer to the Sultan. Repin depicts them at the moment when they are composing their famous letter.

One by one, the Cossacks release sharp and sarcastic remarks about the Sultan, laugh at the arrogant enemy, at the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibility of their enslavement.

The historical basis of N. V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba".
The story of N. V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" reflects the main events of the 16th century: in Ukraine at that time the Polish gentry - "pans", who introduced Polish laws on their lands and imposed "their faith" - Catholicism, became large landowners.
The bulk of the population of Ukraine professed Orthodoxy and did not want to convert to Catholicism: apostasy has always been considered by the Russian people a terrible sin. In addition, the arrival of Polish lords to the Ukrainian lands was accompanied by a deterioration in the life of the people: the best land plots that had belonged to their families from time immemorial were taken away from the peasants, many were simply driven from their land or moved to unsuitable for agriculture, barren lands. Large taxes were imposed on free peasants in order to force them to sell their land to a large landowner.
A "quiet" expansion of foreign territory began: everything Ukrainian, everything national was persecuted, the language, way of life and customs of the Polish people were implanted. Some Ukrainian landowners adopted the customs and way of life of the Poles, but the people resisted as desperately as they could against Polonization (Poland in Latin sounds like Polonia) and, if possible, led an open struggle against the new owners and the new faith.

Expansion (lat. Expansio) - expansion, spread of boundaries or influence beyond the original limits, for example. trade expansion - capturing new markets. - (Newest
dictionary of foreign words and expressions. - M .: AST; Minsk: Harvest, 2002. - S. 933.)

In order to somehow "win over" the Ukrainian people to their side, the Polish and Ukrainian landowners under the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church invented a "union" - an "agreement" between Orthodox and Catholics, in fact a new version of the Christian religion - Uniatism. Many church rituals in Uniate outwardly resembled the ritual side of Orthodoxy, but in fact, Uniate was and remains an offshoot of the Roman Catholic Church with its dogmas and ideas about how a Christian should live.
Ukrainians opposed encroachment on the faith and moral foundations of their people in
XVI-XVII centuries, against the same the fictional hero Taras Bulba is fighting against the "damned pans", "lyakhams".
The story of N.V. Gogol describes Zaporizhzhya Sich is a real historical object,originated in Ukraine in the Middle Ages: often the peasants of the western and middle regions of Ukraine, fleeing Polish oppression, went to the east, many settled in the lower reaches of the Dnieper. Here, at the Dnieper rapids, on the island of Khortitsa, a large fortified camp of Cossacks and fugitive peasants from Great Russia arose. (After the construction of the Dneproges in the 1940s, the island of Khortitsa, like part of the rapids, went under the water.) They began to be called the Zaporozhye Cossacks.
Zaporozhye Cossacks usually surrounded their camps with serifs - fences made of felled trees, pointed upwards. The largest camp on Khortytsya got its name from Zaporizhzhya Sich from the Ukrainian word “sich” (in Russian - zaseka).
Zaporozhians - the name is conditional, since there was no permanent population in the Zaporozhye Sich: as a rule, in the spring the bulk of the Cossacks gathered in the Sich, united in kurens - a kind of detachment that lived in one hut (kuren - hut), elected its own kuren ataman. For better management of such a combined population, the kurens united in camps, or koshas, \u200b\u200bwhich were headed by koshev chieftains. All the affairs of the Sich were decided at a general meeting - Rada.
Many Cossacks were engaged in cattle breeding, hunting or various crafts, less often - in agriculture. More often they went on long campaigns to Poland or the Crimea, to Turkish cities or Tatar settlements on the Black Sea coast. It is not worth idealizing the Cossacks: their campaigns were predatory, in the spirit of the Middle Ages.
However, by the end of the 16th century, the oppression of Poland became unbearable for the population of all Ukraine, so the Zaporozhye Cossacks, fugitive peasants and the population of the enslaved regions actively opposed the expansion of the Poles: they attacked Polish lands, burned crops and cities, drove the Polish landowners away and "put in their place" their landlords.
This went on for almost a hundred years. In the second half of the 17th century, Ukraine voluntarily joined the Moscow State (1654). Now a strong Orthodox state defended the interests of its citizens, most of whom were
Ukrainians - a kindred Russian people.