
A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm": description, characters, analysis of the work. The composition "Characteristics of Boris in the play" Thunderstorm Life position of Boris from the play "The storm

Boris Grigorievich is one of the central characters, who is the nephew of the Diky merchant. Among the provincial public of the city of Kalinova, Boris stands out noticeably for his upbringing and education. Indeed, from the stories of Boris it becomes clear that he came here from Moscow, where he was born, grew up and lived until his parents died from a cholera epidemic. After that, in order to receive the inheritance, he had to move to Uncle Wild. According to the will, Boris will be able to receive the inheritance only if he treats his uncle with respect. Over time, Boris begins to understand that his uncle is a rude and cruel person. In addition, Dikoy is distinguished by greed, so Boris practically does not expect to receive an inheritance. According to Boris, his uncle often says: “I have my own children, why will I give money to strangers? Through this, I must offend my own! " Despite all this, Boris still lives with his uncle, not daring to take independent steps.

Boris notices Katerina and falls in love with her. He grieves at the inability to meet her, that is, he is deprived of the only joy in this city. As he himself admits: “And I, apparently, will ruin my youth in this slum ... Hunted, downtrodden, and then I foolishly decided to fall in love. Who? In a woman with whom you will never even be able to talk! " As it turns out, Katerina also loves him, since his appearance and manners differ in a positive way from the rude inhabitants of Kalinov. Of course, Boris is driven by a sincere feeling. But a person who is accustomed to submitting to circumstances is not capable of sacrificial acts. In fact, Boris is an egoist who, even in the most dramatic moments, continues to think about himself: "I will be exhausted by the road, thinking about you." He is not able to understand the full depth and tragedy of Katerina's personality. One can even say that Boris's cowardice becomes one of the reasons for Katerina's death.

Boris Grigorievich is a young man who came from Moscow to the city of Kalinov, described by Ostrovsky in his play "The Thunderstorm". He stands out very much among the residents of the town, as he dresses completely differently from them, and also communicates in a different way. The townspeople even call him a foreigner. He has completely different views on the world and its environment, and he also has an education, which is also his hallmark.

He came to the town of Kalinov only so that his uncle Dikiy would leave him an inheritance after his death, because money is an integral part of his life for Boris. And since, at his own request, Dikoy was not going to leave an inheritance to his nephew, he decided to come and improve relations with his uncle.

By the will of fate, Boris falls in love with Katerina Kabanova, who already has a loving husband Tikhon. But the state of mind of the girl does not bother Boris at all. He is afraid that everyone can find out about their secret dates and even asks Katerina not to tell anyone anything, however, Katerina, on the contrary, is ready to run away with her beloved or tell everyone about their feelings. Boris simply did not want to take responsibility for their relationship with Katerina and for their secret dates.

Boris's behavior shows all his negative character traits, because at the very first difficulties he wants to leave the city, and he refuses to take the girl with him, which suggests that his feelings were not as strong as it seemed at first. Boris's cowardice does not allow him to discern Katerina's difficult mental state during their last conversation, although he notices that something is wrong with the girl, he simply does not ask her about it and continues to think only of himself. After all, while everything was fine with him and Katerina, he was with her and everything suited him, but as soon as everything did not go according to his script and serious problems began, Boris left the girl in a difficult moment.

The author described this young man well, in whom commercialism and pettiness coexist with style and education, and love remained for Boris beyond his personal interests, although he perfectly understood that the girl would die without him. He simply did not fight for his love, succumbing to cowardice and his weakness.

Option 2

In the play "The Thunderstorm", written by A. N. Ostrovsky in 1859, the nephew of the merchant Diky Boris is one of the central characters. Pleasant manners, good manners and courtesy distinguish Boris, who came from Moscow, among the inhabitants of the provincial town of Kalinov.

Boris was born and lived in Moscow, tragic circumstances forced him to come to Kalinov - his parents died during a cholera epidemic. Left alone, Boris decides to go to Kalinov to his uncle, the rich merchant Diky, in order to receive an inheritance.

However, what belongs to Boris by birthright, Dikoy does not plan to give him back. Dikiy has his own children, and he wants everything to go to them. According to his parents' will, Boris can count on a fraction of the inheritance only if he treats his uncle with respect. But Dikiy does everything so that Boris does not get anything, because he is greedy and rather cruel to other people. Over time, Boris becomes discouraged and begins to lose hope of getting something, but due to his weakness of character, he does not have the heart to leave. He continues to live in the house of the Wild, and curry favor with a rude and cruel uncle.

Ostrovsky characterizes Boris as the most feeble character in the play. Boris does not like living, in his words, "in a slum." However, even after he realizes that he will not get anything from his tyrant uncle, he continues to live in his house and curry favor with him. He does not dare to leave and take away his beloved Katerina, which indirectly pushes her to death. He cannot protect either Katerina or himself, he is unable to do anything except to shake the air with vain and useless groans, in which he always regrets only himself, which speaks of Boris's egoism and the inability to truly love him.

Boris is unable, because of his own lack of will, selfishness and weak character, to understand the full depth of Katerina's personality. Katerina, in turn, singles out Boris unworthy of her love only because his manners are too distinguished by nobility and sophistication from the rude manners of the provincial men of the town in which she lives, familiar to her.

The faint-hearted Boris is a completely unsuitable couple for Katerina. And even the feelings that have appeared for Katerina are a reason for Boris to lament that he is unhappy and everything is not right for him - and his youth in the slum is ruined, and his beloved woman is not available to see as much as he wants. Love for Katerina became another reason for whining - how disgusting and selfish of Boris. At the end of the play, Katerina dies, in fact, because of the cowardice and lack of will of Boris, who did not dare to leave and take her with him.

Essay about Boris

A. N. Ostrovsky in the play "The Thunderstorm" places his characters in the fictional Volga city of Kalinov. Since a similar story could have happened in any Russian city. At that time, morals were the same everywhere. The characters themselves are of a collective nature.

Boris Grigorievich became one of the main characters in the drama. This is a young man who came to Kalinov from Moscow. The purpose of his stay in the provincial city was the legacy of his grandmother. But the conditions for obtaining it are not so simple. It is necessary to "respectfully treat" Uncle Dikoy, who is distinguished by his tough disposition and fierce greed. The young man in the depths of his soul understands that he will never see the money, but he continues to hope.

Boris is presented by the writer as a well-educated, well-read young man, distinguished by a fashionable style of clothing and a modern metropolitan character with shades of snobbery. Even in the footnote to the first act, the reader is informed that "everyone is dressed in Russian, except for Boris." Against the background of other residents of Kalinov, he looks like a foreign dandy. His parents were unable to live in a provincial town. Since the grandmother did not like the educated and intelligent daughter-in-law, who was brought into the house by her son. Mother and father paid due attention to the upbringing of their two children. Boris studied at the Commercial Academy, and his sister received boarding school education. Unfortunately, parents die in a cholera epidemic. And the children are left practically without a livelihood.

The metropolitan cavalier is bored and dreary in the Volga town. There is no one to talk to on equal terms. Education is not held in high esteem here. And his uncle constantly scolds him for something, such is his character. Boris takes everything down without a murmur. The young man's love for Katerina Kabanova is determined by her inaccessibility and the fact that she is sharply different from other girls in the city. She is smart, beautiful, interesting, gentle and devoted. She has a strong and strong-willed character. Boris himself cannot boast of this quality. A young man goes with the flow of life.

Boris Grigorievich can be accused of commercialism. After all, he fulfills the will of his uncle and leaves the city, leaving his beloved in trouble. But I think this accusation will not be correct. The young man is kind, he takes pity on Katerina, realizing how hard her fate is. And he hopes to relieve her if he stops seeing her. Even Tikhon says that Boris asked: "do whatever you want with me, just don't torture her." It is a pity for the hero and his sister, because he not only bears this burden for himself. We need to provide our sister with a dowry.

But the hero has no mental strength. He himself laments: "If only there were strength!" Boris finally ruins Katerina by not taking her with him. And only, understanding everything, wishes her a speedy death as deliverance from suffering.

The characters of "Thunderstorms" are divided into two parts: the dark kingdom and its victims. Kabanikha and Dikoy rule this kingdom. And I think that only Katerina can rightfully be considered a victim. Varvara and Kudryash are good opportunists. And Tikhon and Boris are just morally weak people who indulge tyranny and tyranny. Thus, feeding the dark kingdom, partly creating it themselves.

Responsiveness. What is this? Responsiveness is the ability to respond to a person's request, to provide him with help and moral support.

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  • The well-known critic Apollo Grigoriev believed that the main artistic flaw of The Storm is “Boris's impersonality ... What was there to fall in love with? - Everyone involuntarily asked himself, but, probably, none of the conscientious-minded people doubted that Katerina should, by the fatal necessity of her situation, fall in love with someone. "

    Yes, there was something of a fatal necessity in Katerina's love, but she should have fallen in love not with someone, but with Boris. There were a lot of young guys in Kalinov - but at least you can remember the same Kudryash or his comrade Shapkin. And yet we understand that Katerina, as the heroine of a tragic plan, needed another chosen one, not like any of the Kalinovites and - according to her instinctive insight - somewhat similar to her. Than? Yes, with the same strangeness, unusualness, that loneliness, even restlessness that might not have caught Katerina's eyes.

    In the city, Boris is a stranger to everyone, and Ostrovsky underlines this from the very beginning in the author's premonition: "All faces, except for Boris, are dressed in Russian." He walks alone in a European costume unusual for Kalinov. The manners, customs of a provincial town are completely unfamiliar to him: something frightens him, but something seems poetic and wonderful. He admires the beauty of the night, the joy of dating. "This is so new to me, so good, so fun!"

    But did you notice that during the first meeting with Katerina, Boris, despite the most oaths of assurances (“I love you more than anything in the world, more than myself!”), Thinks first of all about the pleasures that promise him chi with a young and beautiful woman? At first, he does not even want to think about what these dates can lead to, how they threaten the one he, in his own words, loves so ardently.

    “... I'm not sad,” he turns to Katerina, who tells him about her tragic premonitions. - ... Well, what to think about it, blessing we are now good! " And upon learning that Tikhon left for two weeks, Boris shouts with undisguised satisfaction: “Oh, so we'll take a walk! Time is enough. "

    This is how the theme once again appears in the play time. Boris simply does not want to look beyond two weeks. For him and this time is quite enough. But in this small time interval (in fact, Tikhon returned even earlier), the fate of both Katerina and himself was decided. But he (like Tikhon) realized this only when he lost Katerina.

    Does it not seem strange to you that Tikhon, who has already gone through a painful internal crisis, sees in Boris not only an enemy (which is quite understandable), but also a deeply suffering person, and even experiences, to a certain extent, sympathy and pity for him? Remember or reread the beginning of the fifth act, the conversation between Tikhon and Kuligin. This scene gives a lot for understanding young Kabanov, his new way of thinking. But she also makes you look differently at Boris, about whom Kuligin asks with participation: "Well, what is he, sir?" Tikhon replies: “He rushes too; crying. We pounced on him just now with my uncle, we scolded, scolded - he is silent. Exactly what a wild one has done. With me, she says what you want to do, just don't torture her! And he has pity for her too. " Fair Kuligin concludes: "He is a good man, sir."

    You must always be attentive to the text. Why, when characterizing Boris, do we often diligently bypass this conversation? Because it does not correspond to the established point of view? Meanwhile, the scenes from the fifth act indicate that Boris has also changed - and changed for the better. Now he is no longer thinking about himself, but about Katerina, not about his pleasures, but about her fate. One might not believe him himself, but Tikhon speaks about this, the objectivity of which is beyond doubt. Material from the site

    The first and last dates of Boris and Katerina are very different. Pay attention, in particular, to the tone of Boris's speeches. Now his words are imbued with sadness and pain: "Well, here we cried together, God brought." And his remark: “They wouldn't have found us here,” - which is often quoted in reproach to Boris, must be considered in the general context of the conversation. He is not about himself, but worries about her. And in a moment of the sharpest emotional excitement such folk, almost village words break through from him: "I will be exhausted dear, thinking about you."

    Boris is not so impersonal as it once seemed to A. Grigoriev. At the end of the play, glimpses of sincere feelings, the ability to deep feelings become noticeable in him. In this he is to some extent similar to Tikhon, although, as it seems to us, Tikhon nevertheless to a greater extent manifests in the most difficult psychological situation mental tact, nobility and humanity.

    And yet Boris should not be a “free bird,” as he calls himself. Alas, he sits in a cramped cage, from where he can never escape. Apparently, Tikhon will not escape either. In the play, only Katerina succeeded - but at the cost of her life.

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    On this page material on topics:

    • why Boris from the drama Thunderstorm is not dressed in Russian
    • boris Grigorievich in the play Thunderstorm
    • the image of boris in the play by A.N. Ostrovsky thunderstorm
    • a brief description of Boris in a thunderstorm
    • the first date of katerina and boris

    One of the main characters of the play by the famous Russian playwright A. N. Ostrovsky is the nephew of the Diky merchant, Boris. The Thunderstorm is a famous play and tragedy that embodied in its plot all the originality and unbending spirit of the people of that time, made an invaluable contribution to the history of literature, contributing to the understanding of the life of that era.

    Story line

    The plot is built on feelings and emotions, on and off her. In those distant times, the people of a small town lived like one big family, the tragedy of one person touched everyone and was discussed by everyone.

    So it happened with the family of Tikhon. The reason was - the situation in which the characteristic of Boris manifested itself in the best possible way. The Thunderstorm is a play, the main meaning of which is the tragic consequences of betrayal, but betrayal in the name of love. How will this event affect each family member, how will the true essence of the human soul be revealed and revealed? For example, the main character Boris, whose moral foundations were contrary to the current situation, decided to abandon his beloved, stop communicating with Katerina, thereby wounded her in the very heart. Did you act like a coward or ... a hero? What is the real characteristic of Boris? A thunderstorm is a natural phenomenon that can reveal and convey the torments of all the main characters. Experiences and doubts, the correctness of actions and the correctness of choice in the face of fear and death ...

    Characteristic of the hero: Boris. "Thunderstorm" - a great tragedy of a small human soul

    From the very first scene of the play, it is clear that Boris, who came from Moscow, stands out from the crowd for his noble behavior, respectful attitude and good manners. He himself says that he was "taught to read and write and languages," studied diligently and strived for the best. After the death of his parents, who tragically died from the cholera epidemic that was raging at that time, he had to come to his only relative - his uncle - to receive an inheritance. According to the terms of the will, he will receive it only in the case of respectful attitude to the merchant Wild. Well-mannered and meek, courteous and cultured - such is the characteristic of Boris. The Thunderstorm is a work that reveals the inner world of such people in the best way possible. He was ready to harbor a resentment and understanding that he would not receive an inheritance, while continuing to play the role of a loving nephew, staying in this town and enduring a rude and impudent uncle, not wishing him evil and treating him with understanding. This characterizes him as a person with a big and bright soul, open and kind, but at the same time he becomes more and more depressed and gloomy, his feelings are written on his face.

    Fateful decision

    Fate cannot be fooled - it is this popular wisdom that characterizes the behavior and actions of the main characters. Boris fell in love with Katerina, a woman with whom, as he himself said, he was not even destined to talk, because his love is already married. This circumstance greatly influenced the main character, he confessed that he was crushed and killed by the mere thought of an impossible intimacy with a loved one, but “the ways of the Lord are inscrutable,” and fate brought two loving hearts together, giving both of them a spark of hope, because Katerina answers the young man reciprocity. At this moment, the whole characteristics of Boris changed radically. Thunderstorm - which the author used in this play. It displays and conveys the emotions of all the main characters, their torments and doubts, an impending tragedy. Katerina's husband had to leave the city. And after the departure of her husband, she completely surrenders to emotions.

    This happened because Katerina never loved Tikhon and was offended by his entire family for humiliation. She cannot resist the surging feelings and is cheating on her husband with Boris, who also could not control himself and threw himself “into the pool with his head”, indulging in sin with a married woman. This moment can describe him as a frivolous person, but this is far from the case. After Tikhon's return, he refused to communicate with Katerina in the hope that her husband would forgive her, did not begin to destroy the family, thereby causing irreparable trauma to his beloved. It was much harder for him at that moment, but he agrees to hide his feelings for the sake of the woman's happiness. In order not to defame her name, he asked not to confess, but she decided otherwise ... We can say that the characteristic of Boris ("The Thunderstorm") manifested itself in cowardice and remorse, but this is the second side of the coin.

    Quotation characteristics of Boris. "Thunderstorm" - a tragedy of feelings

    The most famous quote, which Boris described himself: "Hunted, downtrodden, and then I foolishly decided to fall in love." From the very beginning he did not like the bourgeois life in a small town, he was bored; Having left the big city and not finding support here, he began to yearn, and the very first phrase shows his moral state: “I understand that all this is ours, Russian, dear, but still I will not get used to it”. Such a life was alien to him, he did not want to put up with it, at the same time, pride and selfishness manifested themselves more and more often. He pushed his beloved away, did not communicate and talk with her, and his cowardice led to a tragedy - Katerina committed suicide. This is the best characteristic of Boris. "The Thunderstorm" is a play that shows what indifference and playing with the feelings of another person, indecision and cowardice, untimely decisions and bitterness of resentment bring to.