
What was Maria Troekurova from the novel Dubrovsky. The image and characteristics of Masha Troekurova in the novel Dubrovsky Pushkin (Maria Kirillovna) composition. Family relationships

Masha Troyekurova is the heroine of the novel "Dubrovsky", the beloved of the protagonist, the 17-year-old daughter of the tyrant landowner Troyekurov. She was raised by her father and spent a lot of time alone. Brother Sasha, the illegitimate son of Troyekurov from the governess, also grew up with Masha in the house. Masha's father was a noble and wealthy nobleman, known in the district for his willfulness and tyranny. He seemed to love his daughter, spoiled her, catered to the slightest whims, and on the other hand, he could intimidate with his severity and cruel treatment. That is why Masha grew up withdrawn and distrustful. She is used to hiding her thoughts and feelings.

Her only outlet is a huge library of French novels. With the advent of a French teacher in the house, the novel appeared in her life. He taught her music and was attentive to her, and this won the girl's heart. When Masha learned that the teacher Desforge and Vladimir Dubrovsky were one person, she was not at all frightened. She knew Vladimir only in childhood, they were even friends before the boy was sent to study in St. Petersburg. Knowing that Dubrovsky had a whole gang of robbers who kept the surrounding landowners in fear, Masha was not afraid to become the beloved of such a person.

However, fate does not always favor lovers. Soon the girl's father decided to marry her off to a fifty-year-old man - Prince Vereisky. Despite all Masha's protests, the wedding took place. When Vladimir tried to help his beloved escape, she refused, as she was already married. She resigned herself to her new fate, unable to break the vow made in the church.

Which is discussed in detail in the article, is the ideal of purity and fidelity.

main character

The novel by the talented Russian writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is truly a real "manual" for human relations. It reveals the most relevant topics to this day.

Mashenka appears before us only in the seventh chapter. Until that moment, we get to know the families of Troekurov and Dubrovsky. The main characters-fathers, having quarreled, became an obstacle to the love of their children.

The description of Masha Troekurova is rather short. We learn about her from the story. She is modest, but at the same time has a well-mannered, educated, speaks excellent French. Left without a mother early, she grows up with a domineering and proud father Kirilla Petrovich. Undoubtedly, he loves his daughter, but he has a completely different idea of \u200b\u200blife than Mashenka. She lives with her heart, feelings, while Troyekurov is looking for profit in everything.

Masha is a typical classic image of a gentleman's daughter, but she does not have a drop of arrogance. Due to the excessive care and willfulness of her father, she became very withdrawn, she got used to keeping everything to herself. Her only entertainment is the library, which contains 18th century novels.

This is how the main character appeared before us, whom the novel "Dubrovsky" gave us. Both Masha Troekurova and the rest of the characters in this work will be studied by us in more detail.

Noble and honest robber

Vladimir Dubrovsky, no doubt, can be called the main character of the novel. The boy, who had to grow up overnight, amazes with his strength of mind.

The story of Masha Troekurova and the story of Vladimir are similar: both of them were left without mothers early in the care of their fathers. Andrei Gavrilovich took care of the future of his son and his career: early he sent the boy to the cadet school, and then to the guards regiment. The father sent all the funds to his only child. But Vladimir did not particularly appreciate it: he spent his life in parties, playing cards, having considerable debts.

It would seem that in front of us is a spoiled young man who does not know difficulties. But as soon as the nanny wrote a letter to Vladimir about his father's illness, he, leaving everything, rushed to Kistenevka. It was here that his new life began. And the reason for this was Masha Troekurova. The characteristics of these heroes, the history of their acquaintance and further relationships are very touching.

After the death of his father, Dubrovsky the son decides to avenge his parent. And his main enemy is Troyekurov. But who would have thought that an elaborate plan of revenge would destroy the love for the daughter of an enemy!

The appearance of the French

Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troyekurova were friends in early childhood, but, having matured, they could not recognize each other, because they had not seen each other for a long time. And of course, in the guise of a French teacher, the girl did not try to make out a familiar face.

Deforge appeared at the Troekurov estate by order of Kirill Petrovich, who was waiting for a teacher for his youngest son. But no one suspected that the true French teacher never made it to Pokrovsky: he was bribed by Vladimir, who gave him money and took the documents in his name. Only in this way could Dubrovsky get into the enemy's house.

Appearing in the form of Desforges, he was not immediately able to gain credibility with the owners of the estate. He had to take the risk and end up in the same room with an angry bear. It was a kind of entertainment in Troyekurov's house, so he tested people for strength and enjoyed the fear that his victims experienced.

But Vladimir-Deforge was not taken aback. He shot the poor bear in the ear, which showed unprecedented courage. Troekurov was discouraged by such a bold act and from that day on he was very proud that his son was being taught by such a strong, fearless person. Masha, who until then had not noticed some teacher, now looked at him with different eyes.

Masha Troekurova and Vladimir Dubrovsky: a love story

Day after day, communicating with Deforge, our heroine treated him more and more favorably. He looked like the characters in her novels, which the girl read. Having good musical talent, she responded positively to the teacher's offer to study with her. And, without noticing it, she fell in love with him. But so far Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova cannot be together: the girl is not sure of the teacher's feelings and is looking forward to his recognition.

Deforge appoints the girl a date in the garden. He wants to tell her the whole truth about him and confess his love. However, Mashenka does not even suspect that in front of her is Dubrovsky himself, the enemy of her father. Excitedly, she goes on a date and introduces their conversation.

But what the teacher said shocked her: it turns out that it is not Deforge at all, but Vladimir himself! He tells the girl about his feelings and how he was going to take revenge on Troekurov for the death of his father. Masha cannot believe in his words.

Hope for a bright future

Masha Troekurova, whose characterization would be incomplete without describing the scene of Vladimir's confession in the garden, now knows the truth. But she cannot refuse a loved one and is ready to be with him, no matter what.

Dubrovsky told her that he had abandoned the plan of revenge, he would not hurt the father of his beloved girl. And now, if she agrees, Vladimir will marry her. But their life will not be easy, he is a robber, known throughout the district, he no longer has an estate and means of subsistence. Nevertheless, Masha is ready to accept these difficulties.

Vladimir is forced to leave the garden to remain unnoticed. He takes a promise from the girl that if she gets into trouble, she will definitely turn to him for help.

Unfulfilled dreams

Masha Troekurova and Vladimir Dubrovsky, whose love story will not leave anyone indifferent, continues. They live with hope for a joint future, but suddenly something happens that neither of them could have expected. Prince Vereisky appears in the Troekurovs' house. He lived abroad for a long time and has now come to visit his old friend Kirill Petrovich. This man is already in years, he is over fifty. Troekurov sees in the rich old man an excellent match for the husbands of his only daughter.

The description of Masha Troekurova at the moment when she learns about her father's desire to marry her to Vereisky, touches the soul: the girl begs her dad not to do this. But he is adamant in his decision.

Leaving a ring in the hollow of an oak as a sign of the misfortune that has happened, Masha is waiting for help from Vladimir, but he does not come to her.

And then came the wedding day. The girl is very worried and hopes that her beloved will save her from an unwanted marriage. But by chance, Vladimir fails to see this ring, so he learns too late about Masha's wedding to Vereisky. Dubrovsky is in a hurry to save the girl. Unfortunately, he is late: on his way, he meets a carriage with already married Mashenka. He invites her to go out and leave with him. Being a deeply religious person, the girl refuses him. Now she is the princess of Vereyskaya, she is married to the prince. Vladimir is in despair, but he cannot do anything.


Masha Troekurova is very upset. The characteristic of this girl is amazing: she turned out to be very strong and true to her word.

Unfortunately, Vladimir and Masha are not destined to be together. Who knows what would have happened if Dubrovsky had not been late. But now everything has happened ...

Female images in the works of A.S. Pushkin are presented practically in the same way. These are young girls with intelligence and attractiveness. They are dreamy and noble. This is exactly what Maria Troekurova appears in the novel "Dubrovsky".

Children's portrait of Masha

The girl spent her childhood on the family estate, surrounded by village silence and the beauty of nature. She was raised by a commoner who replaced her early deceased parent. A kind peasant woman tried to convey only the best to the girl.

Troyekurov's daughter grew up not at all like her father, an impressionable person, responsive to other people's troubles and misfortunes. Having become a little older, she is fond of novels. She lives in an imaginary world, dreams of a happy life. Passion for books only strengthened such qualities as sensitivity and meekness, dreaminess and kindness.
Her father loved her very much, but showed it in a very strange way. He, then indulged in the most insignificant of her whims, then extremely harshly scolded for any act. Such changes led to the fact that the girl did not find a friend in her father, she only read him.

Masha's love story

By the age of 17, Masha turned into a sweet sentimental girl who dreams of an ardent and beautiful love. Raised on novels, she did not see a suitable candidate among her father's guests. Hunting, profit, drunken revels - that's what interested them in the first place. The love of Masha Troekurova could not be like that. Therefore, when a young and noble teacher appeared in the house, she immediately realized that he was her hero. She was greatly impressed by the scene with the bear, when Deforges bravely and boldly defended himself. Talking with the teacher, the girl realizes that proud pride and courage are not the prerogative of the wealthy class alone.

Learning that the teacher is not who he claims to be, Masha gets scared. She heard about Dubrovsky and knows about his hatred of his father. However, the hero manages to convince her of his sincere feelings. The image of Masha Troekurova on a second secret date appears in a different light. Having learned about her father's desire to link her fate with a prince who is much older than her, she decides to hide with Dubrovsky. This speaks of her strong feeling and determination. But chance intervened and the escape did not take place.

Nobility and loyalty to the oath

Until the last moment, the girl was waiting for help from her lover. Before the wedding itself, she was pale, shuddered at the touch. Her gaze was meaningless and uncertain. She did not see or hear anything. Even during the wedding, until the moment the words of the oath were uttered, she was still waiting for Dubrovsky.
The characteristics of Masha Troekurova were really revealed at the moment when she refused the help that came late. True spiritual nobility, a sense of responsibility, a duty to her husband, albeit unloved - all this outweighed the feeling of love for Vladimir. She is not able to break the oath given to God, since for her, these are not only words. This is a great sacrament performed in heaven.
The love story of Masha Troekurova is quite typical for the life described in the work. From early childhood, the girl learned to be responsible for her actions. Her moral responsibility did not allow her to break her oath of allegiance. This is one of the main advantages of the heroine, which is at the same time her life drama.

He touches on the theme of friendship in his work, the author could not ignore the theme of love, depicting to us the love story of Dubrovsky and Masha Troyekurova.

Vladimir and Masha are the main characters of Dubrovsky's work. These are the children of the landowners Dubrovsky and Troekurov. Their fathers were friends and had similar fates. Both Dubrovsky Sr. and Troekurov married for love. However, fate took the lovers away very early, leaving the men alone with children in their arms. Dubrovsky had to raise his son Vladimir in poverty, whom he sent to study in St. Petersburg. Troekurov raised his daughter. He loved her very much, but at the same time he could not only pamper her, but also kept her strict. The fathers of Masha and Vladimir were friends and, perhaps, in the future, marriage relations would be concluded between the young people, but one incident at the kennel made their fathers enemies. Enmity and revenge leads to the fact that Vladimir's father dies, and Vladimir himself is left without an estate. And then we begin to get acquainted with the history of Dubovsky and Masha Troekurova.

So, Vladimir comes to his sick father, who soon dies. Vladimir is left without a home, because he, according to the court decision, was crossed by Troekurov. Vladimir decides to take revenge. He gets a job in the house of the Troyekurovs as a French teacher and develops a plan on how to burn down the house. But love changed everything.

Masha is a modest girl who loved to retire with books and dreamed of romantic love. It was this love that she met in the person of Deforzh-Dubrovsky. At first, the girl does not notice the teacher, but soon she saw in him a brave, courageous man. Masha was inflamed with love for him. Vladimir had reciprocal feelings. His love for the girl even overshadowed the feeling of revenge. Vladimir forgives her father. He admits that he is not a Frenchman, but Dubrovsky, but the girl did not turn away from her lover. Due to the circumstances, Vladimir had to temporarily hide. During this time, Vareikis appears, whom Masha is to marry. Vladimir wants to save his beloved by running away with her, but does not have time. Masha is given in marriage to the unloved. Why didn't Masha accept the release of Dubrovsky when he nevertheless came to save his beloved? And all because for a girl the church wedding ceremony is sacred. She could not neglect him. So Masha remains with the prince, and Vladimir, having disbanded the gang, goes into the forest and no one else has heard anything about him. So the romantic love story of Dubrovsky and Masha Troekrurova ended.


The easiest way to write an essay about the love of Vladimir Dubrovsky for Masha Troyekurova according to the developed plan. It is presented below.
1. Description of the friendship between the parents of Masha and Vladimir. Their quarrel
2. Acquaintance with Vladimir and Masha.
3. Feelings of young people.
4. Fates of ridicule or unhappy ending.

The composition "Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troyekurova"

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The image of Dubrovsky the main character in Pushkin's novel A.S. Pushkin. Dubrovsky. Tell us about the friendship between the elder Dubrovsky and Troyekurov. What gave birth to it? Why did it end so tragically? An essay on the topic: Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky and Kirila Petrovich Troekurov in the story of A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

The main character of the novel "Dubrovsky" Masha grew up in the family of a tough, callous and completely ignoble person, her father, Kirill Petrovich Troekurov. She lost her mother at an early age and grew up among books and servants. Her father was always surrounded by such pitiful, greedy and mean people.

Masha is the daughter of her father only biologically, she is not at all like him, she does not need material values, cynical entertainment and the wealth of her father, she sees happiness in spiritual values. She respects Kirill Petrovich, but does not consider him her friend or a person close to her spirit. The novels she read made her a real dreamer and a noble girl, for whom honor is above all, which will affect the outcome of the novel.

As soon as Deforge, aka Dubrovsky, begins to teach her younger half-brother, she pays attention to him, because he does not look like anyone from her father's entourage. And when he begins to teach music to her, she begins to admire him and very soon falls in love. This feeling arises largely due to the fact that Dubrovsky was noble, honest, purposeful, brave and indifferent to material values. According to Masha, Dubrovsky bore all the features of a real knight. At the moment when Dubrovsky defeated the bear, her feelings for Vladimir reached their climax, it was after this situation that she fell in love with the hero, whom she considered a native of her favorite novels.

After Masha learns that Deforge is a fugitive robber Dubrovsky, she does not renounce her love for him and even decides to escape, which was crowned with defeat for her. Her father wants to marry her to a rich man, for whom Masha herself feels nothing but disgust, so she hopes in every possible way that on the wedding day, right before the wedding, Dubrovsky will save her from this marriage, and they will be together until the end of her life. Until the wedding, she hopes to see Dubrovsky, but he is not there. She is getting married, thereby crossing out all hopes for the future next to Vladimir.

Only after her wedding Dubrovsky appears to her and asks to run with him, but Masha refuses: not because she stopped loving him, but because honor for her is higher than love. If by law she is someone's wife, then she simply has no right to run away from this person, it's over. The image of Masha evokes an incredible feeling of sympathy and respect: with her actions, thoughts and words, she delights the reader.

Option 2

Being an unsurpassed master of the pen, Alexander Pushkin was able to show very realistic and vivid images that remained in the memory of readers for a long time. He tried to show the characters as they could be in real life, because he believed that only in this way it was possible to achieve similarity and similarity in general. One of such vivid images was presented in the work "Dubrovsky", where the characters were depicted as really interesting and realistic. It is worth noting that not only the most important characters were displayed in detail, but the author paid attention to other characters as well. One of these heroes is Maria Troekurova, whose image will be discussed below.

Outwardly, Masha was described as a very attractive person of seventeen, who was smart and slender. She was liked by the opposite sex, and was interesting as a good conversationalist who could support almost any conversation. In addition, it is worth saying that she was a little naive and kind, which speaks of the purity of her soul. And yet, sometimes a certain inconsistency slipped through her character. On the one hand, she has a good education and knowledge of the French language, she dresses in fashion and looks after herself. On the other hand, she is very freedom-loving, and does not like to be in close confines for a long period of time. With practically no real friends, she finds something to her liking, namely reading. Books for her become a real hobby that draws her in and makes her rethink her existence.

Masha, however, is not a completely positive character. Despite her kindness and naivety, she is often dismissive of people outside her social circle, and believes that wealth can only be deserved. Masha was really able to fall in love with the main character - Dubrovsky, who saw in her a kind and beautiful girl who would completely change his worldview in the future. When Masha is offered a marriage not for love, she hopes that together with Dubrovsky they will be able to escape, and Vladimir will definitely come up with something. However, after the wedding ceremony is performed, the girl decides that she cannot break it, and remains to live with an unloved person. Thus, the author shows that despite her strong feelings for Dubrovsky, she acts according to her life principles, which she cannot overstep. She is shown as unhappy, and partly not understood by anyone, an intelligent girl who dreamed of finding happiness with Dubrovsky, however, followed her oath and could not give up her principles.

Composition by Maria Kirillovna Troekurova

Pushkin in his works sang the gentle image of a woman - all his heroines, such as Masha Troekurova in "Dubrovsky", Tatiana in "Eugene Onegin" and Masha Mironova in "The Captain's Daughter" were the owners of such lovely feminine traits as vulnerability, romance, innate nobility and daydreaming.

Masha Troekurova appears as a romantic and cute creature. She is young and beautiful, the hallmarks of her character are softness and sentimentality. Her character is the complete opposite of the character of her father, the vengeful and cruel landowner Kirila Petrovich Troekurov. The father, although he loves his daughter to madness, is distinguished by a frequent change of mood - he is rude and cruel to her, then, under the influence of a momentary impulse, he agrees to fulfill all the whims of his daughter.

Masha's mother died when the girl was still a baby. A kind and gentle nanny replaced Masha's mother and taught the girl to be kind to others, opened her soul, putting compassion for other people in her - that wonderful human character trait that was completely absent from Marya Kirilovna's father.

The girl is distinguished by an inquiring mind and her friends are replaced by books. Sensitive to rudeness and vulgarity, Masha did not find worthy companions either among her family or around her father. Human communication began to replace her with reading novels. Masha read sentimental novels, which added romantic moods to her gentle character. The languor in anticipation of great and bright love gave an impetus to Masha's rapprochement with a young teacher, the Frenchman Desforge. The educated and well-mannered Frenchman, who introduced himself to Masha as the son of a neighbor who was offended and ruined by her father, liked the girl and over time, she began to feel by no means friendly feelings towards him. Masha fell in love with Vladimir Dubrovsky, who, under the assumed name Deforge, began to frequent the Troekurovs' house.

When it turned out that Vladimir was none other than a local robber and troublemaker, who was wanted to be arrested, Masha was frightened, but did not renounce her lover. After a conversation with Dubrovsky, she decides to run away with him, trampling on the framework of morality and realizing that life with a fugitive will be difficult and dangerous. But the escape did not take place.

In the next conversation with Dubrovsky on a secret date, confused and heartbroken Masha tells Vladimir about the upcoming wedding. Her father decided to marry her off as an elderly but very rich prince of Vereisky.

And this wedding still took place. Masha looks depressed and unhappy during her wedding with the prince. However, a sense of duty does not allow her to betray her legitimate, even unloved, husband. She refuses to run with Dubrovsky, because she spoke the holy words of the oath in front of the altar and is unable to break the oath of allegiance. Honor and a sense of duty do not allow her to trample on her principles. Masha is forced to sacrifice love in order to maintain her dignity.

Sample 4

Masha Troyekurova is the main character of the story "Dubrovsky". A very young, pampered girl who dreams, like all her peers, of great and pure love. She imagines that a handsome prince will definitely appear, with whom she will be happy in the hut. But she is far from the realities of life. The father, a rich landowner, created all the conditions for her excellent upbringing, and so that the girl would not need anything. Masha doesn't even know how cruel life can be.

In general, Pushkin liked to write about young girls, about how they enter adulthood. It didn't always end well, according to readers. Let's say you start to worry about Masha Troekurova that she was married to an old man. And only after gaining life experience, you understand that for her it was a good choice. Accustomed to luxury, albeit a rustic one, she simply could not live even a little of herself, infringing on something. She could not, and disobey her father

Although Troyekurov himself is a tyrant, he brings up his children in the spirit of modernity, hires teachers for them. Masha's nature is not only refined, but also romantic, therefore, a handsome Frenchman who can not only teach literacy, but also give music lessons and singing to her liking. The biggest impression he made on the girl was when he was able to stand up for himself in a fight with a bear. After that, even Kirila Petrovich respected him.

Learning that the teacher is a robber, she was at first confused and frightened. But then she even liked it, romance, thrill. She already imagined herself as the heroine of the novel, in love with a fierce robber and sharing with him all the hardships of a wandering life. It is not known how it would have ended, but Prince Vereisky intervened with his matchmaking. And the father could not resist, so as not to become related with the rich prince. Find a better daughter and it doesn't matter that the groom is old, the main thing is rich and he likes Masha.

In addition, circumstances developed, so that Dubrovsky was late, and Masha was already married. At that moment, when the savior invited her to run, she refused. Whether she changed her mind and realized that she could not live without luxury, or she was afraid of her father's anger, or did not want to break the sacred oath of marriage, no one knows. Having read novels where the lover is in time everywhere, she simply did not expect Dubrovsky to be late. It was a shock for her. Only Masha remains with the prince.

No one can say whether Masha will be happy, and what should have been done, it remains to hope that it will work out for her in the best way.

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