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Romantic views on the life of Lena. The attitude of A.S. Pushkin to the main characters of the novel "Eugene Onegin". "My dear ignoramus"

Studying the works of A.S. Pushkin, we are increasingly imbued with respect for his literary activity. The constant interest in his works makes us dive deeper and deeper into the world of his creations. Everything that belongs to Pushkin's pen is capacious, beautiful, impressive. His immortal works will be studied by more than one generation of readers.

Eugene Onegin is a novel to which Pushkin devoted eight long years. The value of this novel for our cultural and spiritual life is undeniable. The novel is written according to the new canons - it is a novel in verse. The novel "Eugene Onegin" is a philosophical, historical novel.

Onegin and Lensky are two central figures in the novel. In order to understand what these heroes are, to understand the concept of the personality of these people, to penetrate deeper into the author's intention, we will give their comparative characteristics.

The comparative characteristics of the heroes are given according to the following criteria:
attitude to poetry,
attitude to love,
attitude to life.


Eugene Onegin. Onegin, by birthright, belongs to a noble family. Under the guidance of the French governor, Onegin, "fun and luxury child", was brought up in the spirit of aristocracy, far from truly Russian, national foundations.

“At first Madame followed him,
Then Monsieur changed her ...
Slightly scolded for pranks
And he took a walk to the Summer Garden "

Vladimir Lensky. Humanly attractive character. Handsome, "shoulder-length black curls," a rich man, youthful enthusiastic and ardent. On what ideals Lensky was brought up, the author is silent.


Eugene Onegin
“We all learned a little, something and somehow,” A.S. Pushkin wisely remarks. Onegin was taught in such a way "so that the child does not get exhausted."

Prince P.A. Vyazemsky, a friend of A.S. Pushkin, wrote at one time that, according to the canons of that time, insufficient knowledge of the Russian language was allowed, but ignorance of French was not allowed.

“He is in French perfectly
I could express myself and write "

What other knowledge did Eugene shine with? He was a little familiar with classical literature, Roman, Greek. He was interested in history ("from Romulus to the present day"). He had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe social sciences (“he knew how to judge how the state gets richer and how it lives”), political economy (“but he read Adam Smith”).

"A scholar, but a pedant:
He had a lucky talent
Without coercion in conversation
Touch everything lightly
With a learned air of an expert. "

In general, Onegin can be characterized as an intelligent person, critical of reality, able to weigh all the pros and cons.

Vladimir Lensky
"Half-Russian" student at the University of Göttingen. Quite smart, passionate about philosophy ("admirer of Kant") and poetry.

"He's from foggy Germany
Brought fruits of scholarship ... "

Perhaps he had a bright future, but, most likely,

“… Poet
The ordinary one was waiting for his fate. "


Eugene Onegin. In order to understand Onegin's ideals, it is necessary to understand the very concept of "ideal". The ideal is what we strive for. What was Onegin aiming for? To harmony. Which way did he go? Onegin's path is a struggle between the eternal (national) and the temporary (that which has settled in the hero's character thanks to society and the ideals of someone else's, introduced philosophy).

Vladimir Lensky. Lensky's ideal is eternal love and holy friendship to the grave.


Eugene Onegin... Onegin's character is contradictory, complex, as his time is complicated and contradictory.

What is Onegin like?
Onegin is lazy (“which took his yearning laziness all day”), proud, indifferent. He is a hypocrite and flatterer, an eager to slander and criticize. Likes to draw attention to himself, to philosophize. At the feast of life, Onegin is superfluous. He clearly stands out from the crowd around him, seeks to seek the meaning of life. He is sick of hard work. Boredom, blues, loss of landmarks in life, skepticism are the main signs of “extra people”, to which Onegin belongs.

Vladimir Lensky. Lensky is the complete opposite of Onegin. There is nothing rebellious in Lensky's character.

What is he like, Lensky?
Enthusiastic, free-loving, dreamy. He is a romantic, a sincere person, with a pure soul, not spoiled by the light, direct, honest. But Lensky is not ideal. The meaning of life for him is a mystery.

"The purpose of our life for him
It was a tempting riddle ... "

Lensky and Onegin are different. But at the same time, they are similar: both have no worthwhile cause, reliable prospects, they lack fortitude.

Relationship to poetry

Eugene Onegin. “Yawning, I took up my pen, I wanted to write ...” What literary material did Onegin decide to take? It is unlikely that he was going to write poetry. "He could not be iambic from a chorea, No matter how we fought, to distinguish ...". At the same time, it cannot be said that Onegin shunned poetry. He did not understand the true purpose of poetry, but he was engaged in poetry. He wrote epigrams. (An epigram is a small satirical poem that makes fun of a person or a public phenomenon).

"And to excite the smile of the ladies
By the fire of unexpected epigrams "

Vladimir Lensky. Lensky's attitude to poetry is the most favorable. Lensky is a poet, romantic, dreamer. And who is not a romantic at eighteen? Who does not secretly write poetry, does not awaken the lyre?

Attitude to love

Eugene Onegin. “In love, being considered disabled, Onegin listened with an air of importance ...” Onegin's attitude to love is skeptical, with a certain amount of irony and pragmatism.

Vladimir Lensky. Lensky is a singer of love.
“He sang love, love obedient,
And his song was clear ... "

Attitude to life

Eugene Onegin. Onegin's views on life: life is meaningless, empty. There is no worthy goal in life to strive for.

Vladimir Lensky. Romance, with an ardent spirit and enthusiastic speeches, is alien to a deep view of life.


A.S. Pushkin is the great son of the Russian land. It was given to him to open a new page in Russian literature.

Onegin and Lensky are antipodes. Onegin is a person in whom a good beginning is dormant, but his superficial "ideals" lead to constant conflicts, internal disharmony.

Lensky is freedom-loving, dreamy and enthusiastic, he firmly believes in his ideals. But it is cut off from its native soil, it has no inner core.

Anyone who has read Eugene Onegin at least once will surely admire the perfection of its content, the beauty of its language and ease of perception. But that's not all. This work traces the problems of Russian society at the beginning of the 19th century. After all, the freedom-loving and progressive youth of that time experienced great disappointment in what they saw and what awaited them in an empty social life. And Onegin is just one of those people.

The image of Lensky in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

An essay on this topic suggests an answer to the question: who, then, is Vladimir Lensky? This hero received an unusually vivid and vivid characterization from Pushkin. He amazes with his decency, sincerity and insecurity. The image of Lensky in the novel "Eugene Onegin" just personifies a kind of opposite to the sophisticated and spoiled little barcheon, brought up without strict morality and received a home education, - Onegin, who is already tired and disappointed with life and sees in it only deceit and aimlessness.

The author himself describes Lensky as a handsome man in full bloom, who for a long time lived and studied abroad and was far from Russia. Lensky was enveloped in the poetry of Schiller and Goethe, his soul was drawn to everything moral and pure. He had not yet had time to fade in the cold debauchery of the world, because he was nearly eighteen years old. For comparison: Onegin's age is 26 years old, he was not at all interested in poetry and did not write poetry.

The image of Lensky in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is a vivid type of an educated, cultured and still very young, dreamy and romantic person who tried to throw out all his emotions and feelings in his poems. He is a completely stranger in secular society, he did not like feasts and noisy stupid conversations. Therefore, it was difficult for him to find like-minded people and like-minded people.

The image of Lensky in the novel "Eugene Onegin": a summary of the relationship between the main characters

And now fate itself brings Lensky to Onegin's house. A friendship immediately arises between them, albeit so strange and unusual. Two opposites converged, very different from each other, like a wave and a stone, like ice and fire. And even though they constantly argued, these people still felt mutual sympathy for each other. Lensky treasured this friendship very much, it was of great importance to him, since he needed Onegin and wanted to share his experiences with him, and sometimes to philosophize on various topics. Lensky deeply believed that they would always come to the rescue and justly condemn the offender.

"My dear ignoramus"

Pushkin repeatedly draws his attention to the fact that Lensky lives in a world of dreams and unrealizable desires. He does not deeply delve into the essence of things and therefore literally immediately falls in love with Olga, as soon as he sees her smile, light curls and light waist. And as a very romantic person, Lensky for himself adds her image with perfections and virtues, feelings and thoughts that were absolutely absent in her. So madly he fell in love with Olga. But she was by no means perfect.

This is how the author conceived the novel "Eugene Onegin". The image of Lensky is presented there too pure and disinterested, because his main priorities in life were belief in freedom, friendship and, of course, love, which will destroy him.

Because of his such keen perception and ambition, he very painfully perceived the defiant behavior of the womanizer Onegin, who decided to spite him to flirt with his bride Olga. Now, it seemed to Lensky that he had been cruelly deceived, and he was unable to endure this shame and therefore had to challenge Onegin to a duel. The fatal duel took place, and Onegin killed poor Lensky.

Was it a coincidence or a pattern?

The death of a young man is even very symbolic and suggests that pure romantic and dreamy natures, far from reality, often perish due to collisions with the harsh realities of life. Probably, Pushkin sees the way out of the moral emptiness and immorality that reigns in this way.

The image of Lensky in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is a bright representative of the progressive young aristocracy who died at the hands of a comrade. Did it all happen by accident? After all, he was a man with excellent inclinations, a poet full of hopes and a dreamy romantic.


Lensky's misunderstanding of people leads to death. He was required to be restrained and include only common sense instead of maximalist principles and emotionality. But he could not reconcile, his ambition and ardor prevented him. And so he died, and precisely when it was necessary to show firmness and resilience of character. So Pushkin decided to end the fate of Lensky.

If he had stayed alive, then, most likely, he would have turned into an ordinary man in the street, disappointed in people, without the sentimentality that cynicism would replace. Pushkin, conceiving the image of Lensky in the novel "Eugene Onegin", understood that such people at that time had no future, because the fate of this hero is so sad.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Outline 3. The attitude of the author to the main characters of the novel 2. Introduction 3.1 The attitude of the author to Onegin 3.2 The attitude of the author to Tatiana 3.3 The attitude of the author to Lensky 3.4 The attitude of the author to Olga 4. Lyrical digressions in the novel 5. Dialogue with the reader 6. Conclusion 1. Purpose of the presentation

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The purpose of the presentation: To prove that the personality of Pushkin was reflected in the character of the narration, and in the statements of the author about the heroes, and in the lyrical digressions.

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The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" can rightfully be considered the "calling card" of Russian poetry of the 19th century. Pushkin himself was convinced that Onegin was his best work. The author was jealous of his work, extremely actively defending his creation from hostile reviews and attacks. Readers-contemporaries recognized in the huge and clear mirror of the novel living and burning modernity, themselves and their acquaintances, the entire environment, the capital, the village, neighbors-landowners and serfs. Introduction

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Pushkin's attitude to the main characters of his novel Pushkin treats all his characters condescendingly. He shrewdly draws attention to their mistakes and impartial actions, but also points to the nobility shown by them.

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Pushkin's attitude to Onegin The author describes in detail the hero's superficial education, his adherence to secular pleasures, balls and easy victories over women - qualities that, in the eyes of Pushkin's harsh friends in Kishinev, the Decembrists, who called Russian youth to fight and heroism, could only be assessed negatively. Pushkin understands such a harsh look at his hero, but does not fully share it: his attitude towards him in the first part of the first chapter rather resembles a slight mockery with which they talk about the shortcomings of a loved one. Onegin is portrayed as an intelligent person, disillusioned with life, pursued by fools. Onegin, an intelligent man who “lived and thought”, understood people and their society and was bitterly disappointed in them. A friend of Pushkin. The poet was at first frightened by Onegin's harsh language, but soon appreciated the bile of his "gloomy epigrams." Pushkin is close to Onegin's thoughtful, critical view of literature and life in general. The high demands made by the hero of the novel to everything and everyone are a sign of a deep, caring mind. This is what brings Onegin closer to Pushkin.

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Pushkin's attitude to Tatiana Tatiana, Pushkin's favorite heroine, it is no coincidence that he writes: "... I love my dear Tatiana so much." Tatiana is the ideal image of a Russian girl and woman, but the image is not fictional, but taken from real life. The mysterious image of Larina can be explained by the depth of her nature, the existence of a moral core in her image. The author pays great attention to the process of the formation of the personality of his heroine. It is thanks to this that you can fully characterize her image. Tatiana to some extent reflects the features of the provincial young ladies of that time: she loves fortune telling, believes in dreams and omens, but differs in many ways from the girls of her circle. Against the background of other girls, including her younger sister, she seems withdrawn, appreciates her loneliness: Alexander Sergeevich calls her friend the "thoughtfulness" that adorned the "flow of rural leisure" of the heroine. Alexander Sergeevich points to the "Russian soul" of Larina, this the trait gives her the strength to maintain her moral ideal, no matter what.

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Pushkin's attitude to Lensky Vladimir Lensky, young, romantically enthusiastic, with a large reserve of unspent mental strength, an enthusiastic altruist. Describing his hero, Pushkin revealed the worldview of Vladimir Lensky. Moral purity, romantic dreaminess, freshness of feelings, freedom-loving moods are very attractive in him. We see a dreamy person who seeks to express his moods and dreams in poetry. He is alien to secular society and stands out sharply against its background. The author, like no one else, understands the subtle impulses of the soul of the young poet. But Pushkin's attitude to Vladimir Lensky is not so unambiguous. Recognizing all his positive traits, the traits of a young romantic idealist, the poet sees no future for such a character. Lensky dies at the hands of Onegin, thereby initiating dramatic changes in the fate of the protagonist.

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Pushkin's attitude to Olga One of the main heroines of the novel is Olga Larina. In the work of Pushkin, she is the embodiment of the so-called book type of "northern maiden" Her portrait is a typical portrait of the heroine of sentimental novels, so popular at the time: Eyes like the sky, blue, Smile, flaxen curls, Movements, voice, light stance ... Olga is sweet and charming, but the author himself notes that her portrait can be found in any novel. This is an image of a written beauty with all the traditional attributes, drawn without the slightest flaw. Her inner world is just as flawless and conflict-free as her outer appearance. However, Olga is not capable of a deep and strong feeling.

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Lyrical digressions of the author in the novel "Eugene Onegin" In "Eugene Onegin" we find large and small digressions 1. Autobiographical. For example, a big digression at the beginning of chapter eighth about the author's creative path, or a very brief remark in the first chapter: "I once walked there, But the north is harmful to me." The poet's recollections of the days "when in the gardens of the Lyceum" began to "appear to him", about the forced exile ("will the hour of my freedom come?") Come to life. 2. The digressions are literary and polemical. In them, the narrator is arguing about the literary language, about the use of foreign words in it, without which it is sometimes impossible to describe some things: To describe my business: But pantaloons, a tailcoat, a vest, All these words are not in Russian ... Such deviations include, for example, an ironic characterization of the sentimental elegy in chapter six; digression on the use of foreign words in chapter one; parodying classicism humorous "introduction at the end of the chapter. These polemical digressions clearly define the literary position of the author: the attitude towards classicism, sentimentalism and romanticism as obsolete trends, consistent defense of realism.

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In the novel, we find lyrical digressions. 3. On philosophical and moral and ethical topics Such is, for example, the XXXVIII stanza of chapter two, which expresses a deep thought about the natural change of generations in the course of life. These kinds of digressions include the discussion of friendship, relatives, and kinship in chapter four. 4. Quite a few lyrical digressions, present, contain a description of nature. Throughout the entire novel, we meet with pictures of Russian nature. There are all seasons here: and winter, "when the boys are joyful people" cuts the ice with skates; and spring is “the time of love”, and, of course, autumn, beloved by the author, does not go unnoticed. Descriptions of nature are inextricably linked with the heroes of the novel, they help to better understand their inner world. Repeatedly we notice in the novel the narrator's reflections on Tatiana's spiritual closeness to nature, with which he characterizes the moral qualities of the heroine. Often the landscape appears as Tatyana sees it: “... she loved to warn the dawn of the sunrise on the balcony” or “… through the window Tatyana saw the whitened courtyard in the morning”.

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5. In "Eugene Onegin" there are lyrical digressions on a historical theme. Famous lines about Moscow: Moscow ... how much of this sound has merged for the Russian heart! How much it echoed! And about the Patriotic War of 1812, which left its imprint on the Pushkin era, expand the historical framework of the novel. 6. It is impossible not to note the author's descriptions of life and customs of the society of that time. The reader will learn how the secular youth were brought up and spent their time, before us even the albums of the county young ladies are opened. The author's opinion about balls, fashion attracts attention with the sharpness of observation. What brilliant lines are dedicated to the theater! Playwrights, actors ... It is as if we ourselves find ourselves in “this magical land”, where “Fonvizin, the friend of freedom and the perceptive Princess, shone, we see Istomin flying like“ fluff from the lips of Aeolus ”.

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Dialogues with the reader in the novel "Eugene Onegin" So the dialogue with the reader deepens in the novel the artistic vision of the event and the psychological essence of the characters. Dialogic contact with reality appears here as dialogical relations between the author and the reader. This compositionally designed dialogue permeates the entire plot of the novel with a multitude of dialogic gestures, sometimes laconic, sometimes deployed into spacious remarks. The address to the interlocutor frames the novel: "Eugene Onegin" opens with a dedication and ends with the author's farewell to the reader. The word of Pushkin's novel is wide open into the area of \u200b\u200blive dialogical contacts with the interlocutor and outside of these contacts is unthinkable. We said that, rushing to the interlocutor, Pushkin's artistic thought and his word rush outward.

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Conclusion: Thus, the composition of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is unusual, a similar second novel in Russian literature has not been created. Pushkin was an innovator not only in the genre of the first realistic novel in verse, but also in the field of language, because the author was the founder of the Russian literary language. From all that has been said, it follows that in the very nature of the narrative, and in the author's open statements about the heroes, and in lyrical digressions, "the poet's personality was reflected ... with such fullness, light and clear, as in no other work of Pushkin" (Belinsky) ... As a result, the image of the author in the novel appears very fully, with his views, likes and dislikes, his attitude to the most important issues of life.

Vladimir Lensky is a romantic hero, with all the features inherent in this type. He is shown outside of everyday life, he is detached from real life, not rooted in it. Lensky is a romantic poet, his past is vague. All that the reader knows about him is that Vladimir came from Germany - one of the centers of romanticism, highly respects the poetry of Friedrich Schiller and the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Pushkin describes the character of the hero as follows:

Handsome, in full bloom of years,

Kant's admirer and poet.

He is from foggy Germany. He brought fruits of scholarship:

Freedom dreams

The spirit is fiery and rather strange

Always a rapturous speech And curls black to the shoulders.

By the time work began on the image of Lensky, Pushkin had completely abandoned romanticism and even entered into an open polemic with Byron, but

Lensky was dear to the author even in spite of the professional polemics, since the ideals of Pushkin's youth were embodied in him. Therefore, the image of Lensky is written simultaneously with heartfelt sympathy, and with a rather biting irony, which is most often manifested in the description of the hero's poetic works:

He sang parting and sorrow

And something, and a hazy distance,

And romantic roses;

He sang those distant lands

Where long in the bosom of silence his living tears flowed;

He sang the faded color of life Almost at the age of eighteen.

Lensky's poems that we find in the novel certainly belong to the pen of Pushkin. In the process of working on them, Pushkin openly polemicized with romanticism and sought to ridicule the typical poetic works of romantics - empty, useless compositions filled with established poetic clichés so characteristic of this literary movement: "golden days", "maiden of beauty", "mysterious shade" and etc.

As befits a classic representative of the era of romanticism, Lensky believes in friendship as a brotherhood and even in spiritual kinship:

He believed that friends were ready For his honor to take the shackles

That there are chosen ones by destinies,

Human sacred friends<…>.

Soon after his arrival in the village, Lensky finds a warm welcome in the Larins' family, immediately falls in love with Olga, writes poetry in her honor and is going to marry her. But Lensky also understands love only through the prism of his romantic ideals, which are rooted in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ancient Greek philosopher Plato about the division of souls into two halves - female and male and that a person cannot be complete without his other half:

He believed that his soul was dear

Should connect with him<…>.

The death of Lensky is shown in the novel in the style of his own poetry - in a romantic vein. The author compares death to an empty house, which is completely atypical for Pushkin's poetry:

Now, as in the empty house,

Everything in it is quiet and dark;

It fell silent forever.

Lensky, personifying at the same time the romanticism that was previously loved by Pushkin, and the ideals of the author's youth, and the whole era, did not fit into the new picture of the world at all. He dies at the first encounter with real life, and at the hands of a friend in a duel, which, of course, is not a coincidence, but a deep metaphor. But it is still very difficult for the author to part with Lensky: he describes in detail the grave of the young poet and even gives two guesses about how the fate of Vladimir could have turned out, had he passed this sad fate. The first option - Lensky becomes the greatest poet of our time, and his name remains for centuries:

Perhaps on the steps of light

A high step was waiting.

And the second option - Lensky marries Olga, remains to live in the village and gradually turns into an ordinary landowner who does not even remember when his muse last came to him:

Or maybe that: a poet

The ordinary one was waiting for his fate.

Used to part with the muses, get married,

In the village, happy and horned,

Would wear a quilted robe;

I would really know life,

I had gout at forty,

Drank, ate, missed, got fat, tired,

And finally in his bed I died among the children,

Crying women and doctors.

And in the drafts of the novel, a record was found that Lensky could have been hanged like the Decembrist Kondraty Ryleev, which suggests that Vladimir was undoubtedly a very important hero for the author.

\u003e Friendship of Onegin and Lensky happened, in the words of Pushkin himself, "there is nothing to do." Indeed, they were completely opposite in character, with different life experiences, with different aspirations. But they were united by a situation in the countryside. Both of them were burdened by the imposed communication from their neighbors, both were smart enough (in relation to Lensky, it would be more correct to say that he was educated). Regardless of beliefs, each person seeks to communicate with their own kind. Only a mentally abnormal person can, in principle, run not from any particular social group, but from people in general. A holy hermit may retire, but he communicates with the whole world, praying for him. Onegin's solitude was painful for him, and he was glad that he found at least one person with whom he was not disgusted to communicate.

Moreover, such communication was necessary for Vladimir Lensky. Onegin was the perfect listener. He was mostly silent, without interrupting the poet, and if he objected, then reasonably, and was interested in the subject of the conversation. Lensky was in love, and like any person in love, he needed a person to whom he could pour out his love, especially if at the same time poetry was written, they had to be read to someone.

Thus, it is clear that under different conditions Onegin and Lensky would hardly have begun to communicate so closely, but human relationships are special because different situations bring people together and separate people sometimes in a completely paradoxical way.

The difference between Lensky and Onegin was not as fundamental as their difference with the neighboring landowners, who considered Lensky to be semi-Russian, and Onegin to be a dangerous eccentric and a freemason. Generally speaking, Onegin and Lensky were opposites within the same system, and their neighbors generally went beyond the system. That is why Vladimir and Evgeny instinctively found each other and united.

Their duel proves that their friendship was superficial and in many respects formal. What kind of friend will shoot with a friend, and in addition, without any explanation ?! In reality, they were connected by very little, and it was quite easy to break this little.

Olga and Tatiana Larins: similarities and differences

Speaking about the similarities and differences of the Larin sisters, we can actually only talk about the differences. They had one surname, and nothing more. Lively, cheerful, superficial, narrow-minded Olga - and deep, dreamy, languid and melancholic Tatiana. One quickly forgets about the death of the groom and jumps out to marry some lancer, captivated by "love flattery", the other loves the chosen one selflessly, despite the refusal, is struggling to understand him. Tatiana became a secular queen as a result, and Olga ... Olga sunk into obscurity.

Pushkin treats all his heroes condescendingly. He shrewdly draws attention to their mistakes and impartial actions, but also points to the nobility shown by them. He is more indifferent to Olga than to others, and pays less attention to her due to her typical character. He loves Lensky, although he makes fun of him a little. Onegin, which occupies the main author's attention, is subject to close scrutiny in its various manifestations. The same can be said about Tatiana. Probably, the author's attitude is most reverent to Tatyana, who appeared to be the most integral and developing nature.

Herzen's relation to Lensky

Herzen's opinion that Vladimir Lensky was a gratifying phenomenon, but was killed for the cause, otherwise he could not have remained a noble, beautiful phenomenon, is deep enough. The poet himself, trying to outline the possible future fate of Lensky, indicates a possible variant of his development - turning into a kind patriarchal master with a kind, hospitable and stupid wife (Olga). Lensky was too detached from life and understood people too poorly to be a real talent, all his ebullient emotions were poorly consistent with what was happening around him. Therefore, there is a great reason in Herzen's words.

2 years ago