
The influence of art on a person examples from literature. Essay on the topic: The influence of art on a person. Imposing your opinion on others

According to A.P. Chekhov. On Holy Week, the Laptevs were at the painting school at an art exhibition ... The problem of art perception

Original text

(1) On Holy Week, the Laptevs were at the painting school for an art exhibition.

(2) Laptev knew the names of everyone famous artists and did not miss a single exhibition. (3) Sometimes in the summer at the dacha he himself painted landscapes with paints, and it seemed to him that he had a wonderful taste and that if he studied, then he would probably make a good artist. (4) At home he had pictures of everything large sizes but bad; the good ones are badly hanged. (H) It happened to him more than once to pay dearly for things that later turned out to be a gross fake. (6) And it is remarkable that, being timid in general in life, he was extremely courageous and self-confident at art exhibitions. (7) Why?

(8) Yulia Sergeevna looked at the paintings, like a husband, through a fist or through binoculars, and was surprised that the people in the paintings were like living, and the trees were real; but she did not understand, it seemed to her that there were many pictures of the same at the exhibition and that the whole purpose of art was precisely to make people and objects stand out as real in the pictures, when you look at them with your fist.

(9) “This is Shishkin’s forest,” her husband explained to her. (10) - He always writes the same thing ... (11) But pay attention: there is never such purple snow ... (12) And this boy's left hand is shorter than his right.

(13) When everyone got tired and Laptev went to find Kostya to go home, Julia stopped in front of a small landscape and looked at him indifferently. (14) In the foreground there is a river, behind it a log bridge, on the other side a path disappearing into the dark grass, a field, then on the right a piece of forest, a fire near it: they must be guarding the night. (15) And in the distance the evening dawn burns out.

(1b) Yulia imagined how she herself was walking along the bridge, then along the path, further and further, and all around it was quiet, sleepy dergs screaming, a fire was blinking in the distance. (17) And for some reason she suddenly began to think that these very clouds that stretched across the red part of the sky, and the forest, and the field, she had seen for a long time and many times, she felt lonely, and she wanted to walk and walk along the path ; and where the evening dawn was, the reflection of something unearthly, eternal rested.

(18) - How well written! she said, surprised that the picture suddenly became clear to her. (19) - Look, Alyosha! (20) Do you notice how quiet it is?

(21) She tried to explain why she liked this landscape so much, but neither her husband nor Kostya understood her. (22) She kept looking at the landscape with a sad smile, and the fact that others did not find anything special in it worried her. (23) Then she again began to walk through the halls and examine the paintings, she wanted to understand them, and it no longer seemed to her that there were many identical pictures... (24) When she, returning home, for the first time in all the time drew attention to the large painting hanging in the hall above the piano, she felt enmity towards her and said:

(25) - I want to have such pictures!

(26) And after that, golden cornices, Venetian mirrors with flowers and pictures like the one that hung over the piano, as well as the discussions of her husband and Kostya about art, aroused in her a feeling of boredom, annoyance and sometimes even hatred.

(According to A.P. Chekhov)

Text information


You have noticed that it happens that one picture leaves you indifferent, and in front of another you freeze in reverent silence, some melody sounds, not at all touching your feelings, and the other makes you sad or happy. Why is this happening? How does a person perceive art? Why do some people immerse themselves in the world created by the artist, while others remain deaf to the world of beauty? An excerpt from AP Chekhov's story “Three Years” made me think about the problem of art perception.

A.P. Chekhov talks about how the Laptev family visits an art exhibition. The head knows the names of all famous artists, does not miss a single exhibition, sometimes he himself paints landscapes. At the beginning of the passage, his wife “looked at the pictures like a husband”, it seemed to her that the purpose of art was to “make people and objects stand out as real”. The husband notices in the pictures only the negative: sometimes "there is never such purple snow", then the painted boy's left hand is shorter than his right. And only once did Yulia Sergeevna open true essence art. Before her was the usual landscape with a river, a log bridge, a path, a forest and a fire, but suddenly she saw that "where the evening dawn was, there was a reflection of something unearthly, eternal." For a moment, the real purpose of art was revealed to her: to awaken in us special feelings, thoughts, experiences.

A. P. Chekhov is one of those writers who do not give us ready-made solutions, he makes us look for them. So I, reflecting on the passage, understood, it seems to me, his position on the problem of the purpose of art, its perception. Art can say a lot to a sensitive person, makes him think about the most mysterious and intimate, awakens the best feelings in him.

I agree with this interpretation of the impact of art on a person. Unfortunately, I haven’t had a chance to visit big museums, concerts classical music, so I will allow myself to refer to the opinion of writers, because there are many works in which authors try to unravel the mystery of human perception of art.

One of the chapters of DS Likhachev's book "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" is titled "Understanding Art". In it, the author speaks of the great role of art in human life, that art is “amazing magic”. In his opinion, art plays a great role in the life of all mankind. Likhachev argues that one must learn to understand art. Awarded with the gift of understanding art, a person becomes morally better, and therefore happier, because, through art, he is rewarded with the gift of a good understanding of the world, the people around him, the past and the distant, a person is easier to make friends with other people, with other cultures, with other nationalities, for him easier to live.

AI Kuprin writes about how art can influence the human soul in “ Garnet bracelet". Princess Vera Sheina, returning after parting with Zheltkov, who committed suicide, so as not to disturb the one he loved so much, asks her pianist friend to play her something, not doubting that she will hear that Beethoven

a work that Zheltkov bequeathed to her to listen to. She listens to music and feels that her soul is rejoicing. She thought that a great love passed by her, which is repeated only once in a thousand years, words were composed in her mind, and they coincided in her thoughts with music. “Hallowed your name”, - the music seemed to tell her. The amazing melody seemed to obey her grief, but she also consoled, as Yolkov would comfort her.

Yes, the power of real art is great, the power of its impact. It can influence the human soul, ennoble it, elevate thoughts.

More arguments.

VP Astafiev's short story "A Distant and Close Fairy Tale" tells about how music is born, what influence it can have on a person. As a small boy, the narrator heard a violin. The violinist played a composition by Oginsky, and this music shocked the young listener. The violinist told him how the melody was born. The composer Oginsky wrote it, saying goodbye to his homeland, he managed to convey his sadness in sounds, and now she awakens the best feelings in people. There is no composer himself, the violinist died, who gave the listener wonderful moments of comprehension of beauty, a boy grew up ... Once at the front he heard the sounds of an organ. The same music sounded, the same Oginsky polonaise, but as a child he caused tears, shock, and now the melody sounded like an ancient battle cry, called somewhere, forced to do something to extinguish the fires of war, so that people would not cling to the burning ruins so that they would go into their house, under the roof, to their relatives and loved ones, so that the sky, our eternal sky, would not throw up explosions and would not burn with hell fire.

KG Paustovsky tells in the story "Basket with Fir Cones" about the composer Grieg and his chance meeting with the little girl Dagny. The sweet little girl surprised Grieg with her spontaneity. "I will give you one thing," the composer promises to the girl, "but it will be in ten years." These ten years have passed, Dagny grew up and one day at a concert symphonic music heard my name. Great composer kept his word: he dedicated a musical piece to the girl that became famous. After the concert, Dagny, overwhelmed by the music, exclaims: "Listen, life, I love you." But last words story: "... her life will not be in vain."

6. Gogol "Portrait". The artist Chartkov in his youth had a good talent, but he wanted to get everything from life at once. One day he comes across a portrait of an old man with surprisingly lively and terrible eyes. He has a dream in which he finds 1000 ducats. The next day, this dream comes true. But the money did not bring happiness to the artist: he bought himself a name, giving a bribe to the publisher, began to paint portraits the mighty of the world this, but he had nothing left of the spark of talent. Another artist, his friend, gave everything to art, he is constantly learning. Lives in Italy for a long time, idle for hours at the paintings of great artists, trying to comprehend the secret of creativity. The picture of this artist, seen by Chartkov at the exhibition, is beautiful, it shocked Chartkov. He tries to paint real pictures, but his talent is wasted. Now he is buying up masterpieces of painting and, in a fit of madness, destroys them. And only death stops this destructive madness.

According to I. Bunin. Based on the story Book. Lying on the threshing floor in a sweep, I read for a long time ... About the purpose of art

(1) Lying on the threshing floor in a dummy, I read for a long time - and suddenly I was outraged. (2) Again from early morning I read, again with a book in my hands! (3) And so from day to day, from childhood! (4) For half his life he lived in some non-existent world, among people who had never existed, invented, worried about their fate, their joys and sorrows, as if they were his own, to the grave he connected himself with Abraham and Isaac, with the Pelasgians and Etruscans, with Socrates and Julius Caesar, Hamlet and Dante, Gretchen and Chatsky, Sobakevich and Ophelia, Pechorin and Natasha Rostova! (5) And how now to understand among the real and fictitious satellites of my earthly existence? (6) How to separate them, how to determine the degree of their influence on me?

(7) I read, I lived by other people's inventions, and the field, the manor, the village, men, horses, flies, bumblebees, birds, clouds - everything lived on its own, real life... (8) And so I suddenly felt this and woke up from a book obsession, threw the book into the straw and with surprise and joy, with some new eyes I look around, sharply see, hear, smell, - the main thing, I feel something unusually simple and at the same time, unusually complex, that deep, wonderful, inexpressible, which is in life and in myself and which is never properly written about in books.

(9) While I was reading, there were intimate changes in nature. (10) It was sunny, festive; now everything is darkened, quiet. (11) In the sky, little by little, clouds and clouds gathered, in some places - especially to the south - still light, beautiful, and to the west, behind the village, behind its vines, rain, bluish, boring. (12) Warmth, softly smells like distant field rain. (13) One oriole is singing in the garden.

(14) A peasant returns from the graveyard along a dry purple road between the threshing floor and the garden. (15) On the shoulder is a white iron shovel with blue chernozem adhered to it. (16) The face is rejuvenated, clear. (17) Hat moved off sweaty forehead.

(18) - I planted a jasmine bush on my girl! he says cheerfully. - Good health. (19) Do you read everything, do you invent all the books?

(20) He is happy. (21) What? (22) Only by the fact that he lives in the world, that is, he does something most incomprehensible in the world.

(23) The oriole is singing in the garden. (24) Everything else was quiet, fell silent, even the roosters were not heard. (25) One she sings - slowly outputs playful trills. (26) Why, for whom? (27) Is it for myself, for the life that a garden has lived for a hundred years, an estate? (28) Maybe this estate lives for her flute singing?

(29) "I planted a jasmine bush on my girl." (30) Does the girl know about this? (31) It seems to the peasant that he knows, and maybe he is right. (32) A man will forget about this bush in the evening - for whom will he bloom? (33) But it will bloom, and it will seem that it’s not in vain, but for someone and for something.

(34) "You read everything, you invent all the books." (35) Why invent? (36) Why heroines and heroes? (37) Why a novel, a story, with a plot and a denouement? (38) The eternal fear of appearing not enough bookish, not enough like those who are glorified! (39) And eternal torment is to be eternally silent, not to speak precisely about what is truly yours and the only present, which requires the most legitimate expression, that is, a trace, embodiment and preservation at least in a word!


What an amazing story A.P. Chekhov has! As always, with this writer, you will not immediately understand what he wanted to say with his work, what questions he proposes to think about.

Summer day. The lyric hero reads a book, which he suddenly rejects with indignation: “I have lived half my life in some non-existent world, among people who have never been, invented, worried about their fates, their joys and sorrows, as if they were his own ...” It seems to him that he woke up from a bookish obsession and with new eyes looks at the "deep, wonderful, inexpressible that is in life." Around the wonderful nature, constantly changing landscape. A new face appears: a man with a clear, rejuvenated face. “I planted a jasmine bush on my girl,” he says. We understand that he planted this bush on his daughter's grave. So why rejoice? We are perplexed together with the hero. And then an understanding comes: the girl will not know about this bush, but it will bloom "for good reason, but for someone and for something." And again, a return to old thoughts: why write novels, stories? And here comes the insight: the problem that worries both the hero of Chekhov and the writer himself is the problem of the purpose of art. Why does a person need to express himself in books, in poetry, in music, in a painting? This is how I would formulate the question arising from the thoughts of the lyric hero.

And the answer to it is in the last sentence of the text: “And eternal torment is to be eternally silent, not to speak exactly about what is truly yours and the only present, which requires the most legitimate expression, that is, a trace, embodiment and preservation at least in a word! " Author's position, to put it in other words, is as follows: the purpose of creativity, the purpose of art is to tell people what excites you, to express the feelings that you experience, to leave a "trail of embodiment" on earth.

The question of the purpose of art worried many writers. Let's remember

A.S. Pushkin. In the poem "The Prophet", "God's voice" called out to the poet:

"Rise, prophet, and see and heed,

Fulfill my will

And, bypassing the seas and lands,

Burn the hearts of people with a verb. "

"To burn the hearts of people with the verb" means to awaken thirst in them better life, fight. And in the poem "I have erected a monument to myself not made by hands ...", written shortly before his death, the poet affirms the greatness of the poetic monument in comparison with other ways of perpetuating merits.

A person to whom God has given the talent to say something of his own to people cannot remain silent. His soul demands to leave a mark on the earth, to embody and preserve his "I" in words, in sound, in a painting, in sculpture ...

Scientists and psychologists have long argued that music can have various effects on the nervous system, on the tone of a person. It is generally accepted that Bach's works increase and develop intelligence. Beethoven's music awakens compassion, cleans the thoughts and feelings of a person from negativity. Schumann helps to understand the soul of a child.

The Seventh Symphony by Dmitry Shostakovich has the subtitle "Leningradskaya". But the name "Legendary" suits her better. The fact is that when the Nazis besieged Leningrad, the inhabitants of the city were greatly influenced by the 7th symphony of Dmitry Shostakovich, which, as eyewitnesses testify, gave people new strength to fight the enemy.

15) The problem of anti-culture.

This problem is still relevant today. Nowadays there is a dominance of “soap operas” on television, which significantly reduce the level of our culture. Another example is literature. The topic of “de-culture” is well disclosed in the novel “The Master and Margarita”. Employees of MASSOLIT write bad works and at the same time dine in restaurants and have summer cottages. They are admired and their literature is revered.

16) The problem of modern television.

For a long time in Moscow, a gang operated, which was distinguished by its particular cruelty. When the criminals were arrested, they confessed that the American film Natural Born Killers, which they watched almost every day, had a huge impact on their behavior, on their attitude to the world. They tried to copy the habits of the heroes of this picture in real life.

Many modern athletes, when they were children, watched TV and wanted to be like the athletes of their time. Through TV broadcasts, they got to know the sport and its heroes. Of course, there are also reverse cases, when a person acquired an addiction to television, and he had to be treated in special clinics.

17) Russian language clogging problem.

I believe that using foreign words v native language only justified if there is no equivalent. Many of our writers fought against the clogging of the Russian language with borrowings. M. Gorky pointed out: “It makes it difficult for our reader to stick foreign words into the Russian phrase. There is no point in writing concentration when we have our own good word - condensation. "

Admiral A.S.Shishkov, who held the post of Minister of Education for some time, proposed replacing the word fountain with an awkward synonym he invented - a water cannon. Exercising in word-creation, he invented replacements for borrowed words: he suggested talking instead of an alley - a drawdown, billiards - a ball-roll, a cue was replaced with a ball, and he called the library a scribe. To replace the word galoshes that he did not like, he came up with another - wet shoes. Such concern for the purity of the language can cause nothing but laughter and irritation of contemporaries.

18) The problem of destruction of natural resources.

If the press began to write about the disaster threatening humanity only in the last ten to fifteen years, then Ch. Aitmatov, back in the 70s, in his story "After the Fairy Tale" ("The White Steamer") started talking about this problem. He showed the destructiveness, hopelessness of the path, if a person destroys nature. She takes revenge by degeneration, lack of spirituality. The writer continues the same theme in his subsequent works: "And the day lasts longer than a century" ("Storm stop"), "Ploha", "Brand of Cassandra".
The novel "Plakha" produces a particularly strong feeling. Using the example of a wolf family, the author showed the death of wild nature from human economic activities. And how scary it becomes when you see that when compared with humans, the predators look more humane and "human" than the "crown of creation." So for what good in the future does a person bring his children to the chopping block?

Imposing your opinion on others.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov. “Lake, cloud, tower ...” The main character - Vasily Ivanovich - a modest employee who won a pleasure trip to nature.

The theme of war in literature.

Very often, when congratulating our friends or relatives, we wish them a peaceful sky over their heads. We do not want their families to undergo the ordeal of war. War! These five letters bring with them a sea of ​​blood, tears, suffering, and most importantly, the death of people dear to our hearts. There have always been wars on our planet. Always the hearts of people were overwhelmed with the pain of loss. Wherever there is a war, we can hear the groans of mothers, the cry of children and deafening explosions that tear our souls and hearts. To our great happiness, we know about the war only from feature films and literary works.
A lot of war trials befell our country. At the beginning of the 19th century, Russia was shocked by the Patriotic War of 1812. Leo Tolstoy showed the patriotic spirit of the Russian people in his epic novel War and Peace. Guerrilla warfare battle of Borodino- all this and much more appears before us with our own eyes. We are witnessing the terrible everyday life of the war. Tolstoy narrates that for many, the war has become the most common thing. They (for example, Tushin) perform heroic deeds on the battlefields, but they themselves do not notice it. For them, war is a job that they must do in good faith. But war can become commonplace not only on the battlefield. An entire city can get used to the idea of ​​war and continue to live, resigned to it. Sevastopol was such a city in 1855. Leo Tolstoy tells about the difficult months of the defense of Sevastopol in his "Sevastopol Tales". The events taking place are especially reliably described here, since Tolstoy is an eyewitness to them. And after what he saw and heard in a city full of blood and pain, he set himself a definite goal - to tell his reader only the truth - and nothing but the truth. The bombardment of the city did not stop. New and new fortifications were required. Sailors, soldiers worked in the snow, rain, half-starved, half-naked, but they still worked. And here everyone is simply amazed at the courage of their spirit, willpower, tremendous patriotism. Their wives, mothers and children lived with them in this city. They became so accustomed to the situation in the city that they no longer paid attention to either the shots or the explosions. Very often they brought meals to their husbands directly to the bastions, and one shell could often destroy an entire family. Tolstoy shows us that the worst thing in war happens in the hospital: “You will see doctors there with their hands bloody to the elbows ... occupied by the bed, on which, with open eyes and saying, as if in delirium, meaningless, sometimes simple and touching words , lies wounded under the influence of chloroform ”. For Tolstoy, war is dirt, pain, violence, no matter what goals it pursues: its real expression - in blood, in suffering, in death ... ”The heroic defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855 once again shows everyone how much the Russian people love their Motherland and how boldly it is to defend it. Sparing no effort, using any means, he (the Russian people) does not allow the enemy to seize their native land.
In 1941-1942, the defense of Sevastopol will be repeated. But this will be another Great Patriotic War - 1941-1945. In this war against fascism, the Soviet people will perform an extraordinary feat, which we will always remember. M. Sholokhov, K. Simonov, B. Vasiliev and many other writers dedicated their works to the events of the Great Patriotic War. This hard times It is also characteristic that in the ranks of the Red Army women fought on an equal basis with men. And even the fact that they are the fairer sex did not stop them. They fought with fear within themselves and performed such heroic deeds, which, it seemed, were completely unusual for women. It is about such women that we learn from the pages of B. Vasiliev's story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet ...”. Five girls and their military commander F. Baskov find themselves on the Sinyukhina ridge with sixteen fascists, who are heading for the railway, absolutely sure that no one knows about the course of their operation. Our soldiers found themselves in a difficult situation: you cannot retreat, but stay, so the Germans serve them like seeds. But there is no way out! Behind the Motherland! And now these girls perform a fearless feat. At the cost of their lives, they stop the enemy and prevent him from carrying out his terrible plans. And how carefree was the life of these girls before the war ?! They studied, worked, enjoyed life. And suddenly! Airplanes, tanks, cannons, shots, shouts, groans ... But they did not break down and gave up the most precious thing they had for victory - life. They gave their lives for their homeland.

But on earth there is a civil war in which a person can give his life without knowing why. The year is 1918. Russia. A brother kills a brother, a father kills a son, a son kills a father. Everything is mixed up in the fire of anger, everything is devalued: love, kinship, human life. M. Tsvetaeva writes: Brothers, this is the extreme rate! For the third year already Abel fights with Cain ...
People become weapons in the hands of the authorities. Breaking into two camps, friends become enemies, relatives - forever strangers. I. Babel, A. Fadeev and many others tell about this difficult time.
I. Babel served in the First Cavalry Army of Budyonny. There he kept his diary, which later turned into the now famous work "Cavalry". The stories of the Cavalry tell about a man who found himself in the fire of the Civil War. The main character Lyutov tells us about individual episodes of the campaign of the First Cavalry Army of Budyonny, which was famous for its victories. But on the pages of stories, we do not feel the victorious spirit. We see the cruelty of the Red Army, their cold-bloodedness and indifference. They can kill an old Jew without the slightest hesitation, but, more horribly, they can finish off their wounded comrade without a moment's hesitation. But what is all this for? I. Babel did not give an answer to this question. He reserves the right to speculate for his reader.
The theme of war in Russian literature has been and remains relevant. Writers try to convey to readers the whole truth, whatever it may be.

From the pages of their works, we learn that war is not only the joy of victories and the bitterness of defeat, but war is harsh everyday life, filled with blood, pain, and violence. The memory of these days will live in our memory forever. Maybe the day will come when the groans and cries of mothers, volleys and shots will subside on the earth, when our land will meet a day without war!

The turning point in the Great Patriotic War occurred during Battle of Stalingrad when “a Russian soldier was ready to rip a bone from a skeleton and go with it against a fascist” (A. Platonov). The unity of the people in the "time of grief", their steadfastness, courage, daily heroism - that's true reason victory. In the novel Yu. Bondareva "Hot Snow" reflects the most tragic moments of the war, when the brutal tanks of Manstein rush to the grouping surrounded in Stalingrad. Young artillerymen, yesterday's boys, with inhuman efforts are holding back the onslaught of the fascists. The sky was blood-smoked, the snow melted from bullets, the ground burned underfoot, but the Russian soldier held out - did not let the tanks break through. For this feat, General Bessonov, disregarding all conventions, without award papers, presents orders and medals to the remaining soldiers. “What I can, what I can…” - he says bitterly, going up to the next soldier. The general could, but the power? Why does the state remember the people only in tragic moments in history?

In this collection, we have described the main problems encountered in the texts for preparing for the exam in the Russian language. The arguments under the headings with the wording of the problem are taken from famous works and demonstrate every problematic aspect. You can download all these examples from the literature in table format (link at the end of the article).

  1. In his play "Woe from Wit" by A.S. Griboyedov showed a spiritless world, mired in material values ​​and empty entertainment. This is the world Famus society... Its representatives oppose education, books and sciences. Famusov himself says: "I would like to take all the books and burn them." In this stuffy swamp, turned away from culture and truth, it is impossible for an enlightened person, Chatsky, who cares for the fate of Russia, for its future.
  2. M. bitter in his play " At the bottom”Showed a world devoid of spirituality. Quarrels, misunderstandings, disputes reign in the shelter. The heroes are really at the bottom of their lives. There is no place for culture in their everyday life: they are not interested in books, paintings, theaters and museums. In the flop, only a young girl Nastya reads, and she reads romance novels, which artistically lose a lot. The actor often quotes lines from famous plays, since he himself performed on stage before, and this more strongly emphasizes the gap between the Actor himself and real art. The heroes of the play are divorced from culture, so their life is like a series of gray days successively replacing each other.
  3. In D. Fonvizin's play "The Minor" the landlords are ignorant philistines, obsessed with greed and gluttony. Mrs. Prostakova is rude to her husband and servants, is rude and oppresses everyone who is below her in social status... This noble woman shuns culture, but tries to impose it on her son in time with fashion trends. However, nothing comes of it, because by her example she teaches Mitrofan to be a stupid, limited and ill-mannered person who costs nothing to humiliate people. In the finale, the hero openly tells his mother to leave him alone, refusing to console her.
  4. In the poem " Dead Souls"N. V. Gogol the landowners, the mainstay of Russia, appear before the readers as vile and vicious people without a hint of spirituality and enlightenment. For example, Manilov only pretends that he is a cultured person, but the book on his desk is covered with dust. Korobochka is not at all shy of his narrow horizons, openly demonstrating utter stupidity. Sobakevich focuses only on material values, spiritual values ​​are not important to him. And the same Chichikov does not care about his enlightenment, he only cares about enrichment. This is how the writer portrayed the world of high society, the world of people who, by right of estate, were given power. This is the tragedy of the work.

The influence of art on humans

  1. One of the brightest books where a work of art occupies a significant place is the novel Oscar Wilde "Portrait of Dorian Gray". The portrait painted by Basil Hallward truly changes the life of not only the artist himself, who falls in love with his creation, but also the life of a young sitter, Dorian Gray himself. The picture becomes a reflection of the hero's soul: all the actions that Dorian performs immediately distort the image in the portrait. In the finale, when the hero clearly sees what his inner essence has become, he can no longer continue to live peacefully. In this work, art becomes a magical force that reveals to a person his own inner world answering eternal questions.
  2. In the sketch "Straightened" G.I. Uspensky touches upon the theme of the influence of art on a person. The first part of the story in the work is associated with Venus de Milo, the second is associated with Tyapushkin, a modest rural teacher, the ups and downs of his life and the radical change that took place in him after the memory of Venus. The central image is the image of Venus de Milo, a stone riddle. The meaning of this image is the personification of the spiritual beauty of a person. It is the embodiment of the eternal value of art that shakes the personality and straightens it. The memory of her allows the hero to find the strength to stay in the village and do a lot for ignorant people.
  3. In the work of I. S. Turgenev "Faust" the heroine never read fiction, although she was already in adulthood. Upon learning of this, her friend decided to read aloud to her the famous play by Goethe about how a medieval doctor was looking for the meaning of life. Under the influence of what she heard, the woman changed a lot. She realized that she was living wrong, found love and gave herself up to feelings that she did not understand before. This is how a work of art can awaken a person from sleep.
  4. In the novel "Poor People" by F. M. Dostoevsky main character all his life he languished in ignorance, until he met Varenka Dobroselova, who began to develop him by sending books. Prior to that, Makar read only low-quality works without deep meaning, so his personality did not develop. He put up with the insignificant and empty routine of his existence. But the literature of Pushkin and Gogol changed him: he became an actively thinking person who even learned to write letters better under the influence of such masters of the word.
  5. True and False Art

    1. Richard Aldington in the novel "Death of a Hero" in the images of Shobb, Bobb and Tobb, the legislators of fashionable literary theories of modernism, he showed the problem of false culture. These people are busy only with empty talk, and not with real art. Each of them speaks with his own point of view, considers himself unique, but, in essence, all their theories are one and the same idle talk. It is no coincidence that the names of these characters are similar, like twin brothers.
    2. In the novel " The Master and Margarita "M.A. Bulgakov showed the life of literary Moscow in the 30s. The editor-in-chief of MASSOLITA Berlioz is a chameleon man, he adapts to any external conditions, any power, system. His literary house works by order of the rulers, there are no muses for a long time and there is no art, real and sincere. Therefore, a truly talented novel is rejected by editors and not recognized by readers. The authorities said that there is no God, which means that literature says the same thing. However, the culture that is stamped on order is just propaganda, which has nothing to do with art.
    3. In the story "Portrait" by N. V. Gogol the artist traded true skill for the recognition of the crowd. Chartkov found the money hidden in the painting he bought, but they only inflated his ambition and greed, and over time his needs only grew. He began to work only to order, became a fashionable painter, but he had to forget about true art, there was no more room for inspiration in his soul. He realized his squalor only when he saw the work of a master of his craft, what he once could have become. Since then, he bought and destroyed genuine masterpieces, finally losing his mind and ability to create. Unfortunately, the line between true and false art very thin and easy to miss.
    4. The role of culture in society

      1. He showed the problem of removal from spiritual culture in post-war times in his novel "Three comrades" E.M. Remarque. This topic is not given a central place, but one episode reveals the problem of a society that is mired in material concerns and has forgotten about spirituality. So, when Robert and Patricia walk the streets of the city, they run into an art gallery. And the author, through the mouth of Robert, tells us that people long ago stopped coming here in order to enjoy art. Here are those who are hiding from the rain or heat. Spiritual culture has faded into the background in a world where hunger, unemployment, and death reign. People in the post-war period are trying to survive, and in their world culture has lost its value, like human life. Having lost the value of the spiritual aspects of being, they went berserk. In particular, a friend of the protagonist, Lenz, dies from the antics of a rabid crowd. In a society without moral and cultural guidelines, there is no place for peace, so war easily breaks out in it.
      2. Ray Bradbury in the novel "451 degrees Fahrenheit" showed the world of people who refused books. Anyone who tries to preserve these most valuable storehouses of human culture is severely punished. And in this world of the future, there are many people who have resigned themselves or even support the general trend of destroying books. Thus, they themselves alienated themselves from culture. The author shows his characters as empty, meaningless philistines, fixated on the TV screen. They talk about nothing, do nothing. They simply exist without even feeling or thinking. That is why the role of art and culture is very important in modern world... Without them, he will become impoverished and lose everything that we value so much: individuality, freedom, love and other intangible values ​​of a person.
      3. Culture of behavior

        1. In the comedy " The undersized "D.I. Fonvizin shows the world of ignorant nobles. This is Prostakova, and her brother Skotinin, and the main undergrowth of the Mitrofan family. These people in their every move, word show lack of culture. The vocabulary of Prostakova and Skotinin is rude. Mitrofan is a real lazy person, accustomed to the fact that everyone is running after him and fulfilling his every whim. People who are trying to teach Mitrofan something, neither Prostakova, nor the ignoramus himself are not needed. However, such an approach to life does not lead the heroes to anything good: in the person of Starodum, retribution comes to them, putting everything in its place. So sooner or later ignorance will still fall under its own weight.
        2. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in a fairy tale « Wild landowner» showed the highest degree of lack of culture, when a person can no longer be distinguished from a beast. Previously, the landowner lived on everything that was ready thanks to the peasants. He himself did not bother himself with work or education. But time has passed. Reform. The peasants left. Thus, the outer veneer of the nobleman was removed. His true animal essence begins to appear. He grows hair, begins to walk on all fours, stops talking articulately. So, without labor, culture and enlightenment, a person turned into a beast-like creature.

Everyone realizes that medicine and education have a profound effect on us. We are directly dependent on these areas of life. But few will admit the idea that art has an equally important influence. Nevertheless, it is so. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of art in our life.

What is art?
There are many definitions in various dictionaries. Somewhere they write that art is an image (or the process of its creation) that expresses the artist's view of the world. Sometimes a person cannot express in words what he can draw.

In another interpretation, this is the process of creativity, creating something. Realization of the need to make the world a little more beautiful.

Also, art is a way of knowing the world. For example, for a child who, by drawing or singing songs, memorizes new words.

On the other hand, it is a social process of human interaction with society and with oneself. This concept is so multifaceted that it is impossible to say in which part of our life it is present and in which it is not. Consider the arguments: the influence of art on a person is noticeable in the spiritual sphere of our life. After all, it is under his influence that what we call morality and education is formed.

Types of art and its impact on human life
What's the first thing that comes to mind? Painting? Music? Ballet? All this is art, such as photography, circus, arts and crafts, sculpture, architecture, stage and theater. The list can still be replenished. With each decade, genres develop and new ones are added, since humanity does not stand still.
Here is one of the arguments: the influence of art on human life is expressed in the love of fairy tales. One of the most influential species is literature. Reading has been around us since childhood. When we are completely crumbs, my mother reads us fairy tales. Girls and boys are taught the rules of behavior and the type of thinking by example fairytale heroines and heroes. In fairy tales we learn what is good and what is bad. At the end of such works, there is a moral that teaches us how to act.

At school and university, we read the obligatory works of classical authors, which already contain more complex thoughts. Here the heroes make us think and ask ourselves questions. Each direction in art pursues its own goals, they are very diverse.

Art functions: additional arguments
The influence of art on a person is extensive, it has various functions and goals. One of the main goals is educational. The same morality at the end of the tale. The aesthetic function is obvious: works of art are beautiful and develop taste. Close to this hedonic function- gives pleasure. Some literary works often have a predictive function, remember the Strugatsky brothers and their science fiction novels. Another very important function is compensatory. From the word "compensation", when artistic reality replaces the main one for us. It often refers to trauma or life difficulties. When we turn on our favorite music to forget, or go to the cinema to escape from unpleasant thoughts.

Or another argument is the influence of art on a person through music. Hearing a song that is symbolic for oneself, someone may decide on an important act. If we move away from the academic meaning, then the influence of art on human life is very great. It gives inspiration. When the person at the exhibition saw a beautiful picture, he came home and began to paint.

Let's consider another argument: the influence of art on a person can be seen in how actively hand-made is developing. People are not only imbued with a sense of beauty, but are also ready to create masterpieces with their own hands. Various destinations body art and tattoo - the desire to create a work of art on your skin.

Art around us
Has anyone thought, decorating his apartment and thinking over the design, that at the moment you can notice the influence of art on you? Making furniture or accessories is part of arts and crafts. The selection of colors, harmonious shapes and ergonomics of space are exactly what designers study. Or another example: when you are in a store, choosing a dress, you preferred the one that is correctly cut and thought out by the designer. At the same time, fashion houses will not be modest, trying to influence your choice with bright commercials. Video is also part of art. That is, when we watch ads, we are also under its influence. This is also an argument, the influence of genuine art on a person is nevertheless revealed in higher spheres. Let's consider them as well.

The influence of art on a person: arguments from literature
Literature influences us infinitely. Let us remember how Natasha Rostova sang for her brother in Leo Tolstoy's brilliant work "War and Peace" and healed him from despair.

Another elegant example of how painting can save lives was described by O. Henry in the story "The Last Leaf". The sick girl decided she would die when she fell last page ivy outside the window. She did not wait for her last day, as the sheet was painted for her on the wall by the artist.

Another example of the influence of art on a person (arguments from literature are very revealing) is the protagonist of Ray Bradbury's "Smile", who saves the painting with La Gioconda, believing in its great significance. Bradbury wrote a lot about the power of creativity, he argued that only by reading books, a person will become educated.

The image of a child with a book in his hands haunts many artists, in particular, there are several wonderful paintings under the same title "Boy with a Book".

Correct influence
Like any impact, art can also be negative and positive. Some contemporary works they lead to melancholy, do not carry great aestheticism. Not all films teach good things. We should be especially careful to monitor the content that affects our children. The correct selection of things around us, music, movies and even clothes will provide us good mood and instills the right taste.

It is difficult to formulate an unambiguous definition. As there are dictionaries, so many definitions of art are known to man. For an artist, this is expressed in painting - he shows his art to the world, since it is often impossible to express anything in words. For a writer - in work on a fiction book.
Important! It can also be called the process of cognition of the surrounding world or the desire of a person to influence the world. the best way as a result of the creative process. It is a gift where one looks beyond the horizon.
On the other hand, it becomes involved in social processes. Here a person interacts both with the people around him and with himself. Art is present in both Everyday life a person, and in some professional areas of life. It unites many generations, attracting with its authenticity.

Rice. 1. "The Last Supper". ... 1498 year

Influence of art. Arguments

When people talk about art, the first thing that comes to mind is painting, theater, cinema, handicrafts, music, architecture, that is, the ability to do something beautiful. Humanity, as you know, does not stand still, it is rapidly growing and developing. Consequently, new types of art appear. Art affects people's lives in various ways. This is accompanied by certain arguments:
  • First, love for fairy tales is expressed... Literature plays an important role here. Many were read in childhood fairy tales in which you can see good and bad heroes. The denouement of these stories teaches good morality. As a child grows up, his interest in books changes. At school or university, more than complex works that make the student think more deeply, asking himself questions about morality, honor, correct life path... Reading makes humanity more sociable. However, in different types arts have different goals.
  • Secondly, art is able to pushman for admirable feats. For example, listening to the words of your favorite song. Soulful music inspires sensitive individuals.
  • Third, the impact can be seenv active development hand-made. God has put in man the desire to create. It is impossible to meet a person who would not like to do something with his own hands. For example: needlewomen embroider, wives arrange a cozy flower bed, husbands make bedside tables, engineers create, builders build, etc.Children are ready to do all of the above and at once.Love for beauty is in every personality and it can only be drowned out by the person himself.

Rice. 2. "Algerian women". Pablo Picasso. 1955 year

Unified State Exam (USE): arguments

In the literature, there are arguments according to which one can see a colossal impact on society. Here are some of the arguments for the exam:
  1. Fromwe know the story of Nikolai Rostov, who lost a significant amount of money playing cards. Because of this, he was very upset. He must confess to his parents, but it is very difficult for him to do it. However, under the influence of Natasha's beautiful singing, Rostova's hero is overwhelmed with bright emotions and decides to tell the whole truth to his father.
  2. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov “Rothschild's Violin”.Here literary hero Yakov Matveyevich does not seem to be a very friendly person. People perceive him as gloomy and rude. Such was Yakov Matveyevich until the moment when a melody that accidentally came to him touched his ears. Hearing the captivating notes, Yakov rethought his actions and regretted that he was so rude to people. As a result, he realized that the world is much better if there is no hatred and anger in it.
  3. ... The creativity of the protagonist Petrus, namely music, is the meaning of his life. Petrus has been blind since birth. However, this did not stop him from becoming a musician. Later he became a very famous pianist. And it all started with the fact that as a child he heard the melody of a pipe.
  4. Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky "Old Chef"... The work tells about an old cook who was about to die. He asks his daughter to call the first person he meets to confess her sins, since the cook did not like priests. The daughter meets a young musician on the street and conveys the last request of her dying father. The musician is now known to everyone. He enters the house and starts playing the harpsichord. Music enchants the old man, brings him happiness and relieves his suffering.

The influence of art on creative people

It should be noted Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who with early childhood was surrounded by the care of his nanny Arina Rodionovna, who read him fairy tales, proverbs and sayings. This radically affected his work. Subsequently, art played a significant role in fate. This influenced the genres he chose, for example: ode, elegy, epigram, lyric poems. In the poetry of Yu. V. Bondarev it is said about a young age, where the formation of a worldview takes place.The poet is convinced that the most terrible thing for a person is his spiritual emptiness.With this statement, Bondarev encourages a person to think about the most important thing. In the novel "A Date with Nefertiti" VF Tendryakov discusses how art affects the community. According to the author, it helps to educate the soul. A person should learn and strive to do good deeds for free.

Rice. 3. "Freedom leading the people." Eugene Delacroix. 1830 year

Art and intelligence

Neuroscientists have determined that art has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, ready to engage in the exact sciences the next moment. Most of the influence comes from performance on stage. When looking at pictures, regardless of the genre, a part in the back of the head is activated in the human brain. Another influence on humans is listening to music when the temporal lobes are stimulated. If a person owns an instrument, while still singing himself, holds the attention of the public, then his brain activity covers a number of important processes.When reading, there is an opportunity to stretch the networks of the frontal lobes. When a person not only respects creativity, but does it himself, be it the piano or writing poetry, the work of the brain produces even more actions. Scientists have determined that if a person performs, composes, or just listens to music, then all cognitive mechanisms are involved in the brain. All kinds of art, especially those intended for work on stage, stimulate cognitive attention. Art and exact sciences undoubtedly go together. This is evidenced by the following personalities:
  • Leonardo da Vinci, who throughout his life not only drew beautifully, but also coped well with mathematics, mechanics, anatomy.
  • Famous American theoretical physicist Richard Phillips Feynmanis one of the founders of quantum electrodynamics. Despite his love for exact science, he loved to play the drum and was also fond of painting.
  • Microbiologist Koprovskyknown for becoming the founder of the polio vaccine, was engaged in the art of music.
  • Becoming one of the founders of physicsbegan at the age of four, when he was studying the violin. Albert also played the piano. Music was an assistant in his theories. From time to time he went to play, and then returned to science.

Rice. 4. "Mona Lisa". Leonardo da Vinci. 1503-1519 year

Choosing the right art

Art is an integral part of man. It helps to comprehend the peaks, if only its purpose is correct. It opens another world or shows it as whole. The power of art can change a person.
Important! Despite all the advantages, art can hurt a person if you approach the choice rashly. For example, almost all modern films are saturated with violence, wars, stress, which leads to a person's spiritual problem. Cartoons, during which the child's subconscious often sees something that the consciousness is not able to see, does not fall under the exception.
Art is a controversial subject for discussion. A person should carefully approach the choice of this or that art, because the most important thing is how it will favorably influence our spiritual development as a person. We also invite you to watch a cognitive video, which provides arguments, arguments and facts about how art affects the subconscious.