
Morning exercises (a set of exercises). Exercise in the morning - the key to health and good mood

You can teach your kids to perform morning exercises at the age of two. If together with the baby you will devote 10 minutes every day for gymnastic exercises, then by the time you reach school age you will develop a good habit for him to start the day on his own morning gymnastics.

What does the complex of exercises for morning gymnastics include?

The complex of morning exercises for preschoolers should include no more than a dozen exercises. The number of repetitions of each exercise is five times.

The complex of morning exercises for preschoolers usually includes three main stages: warm-up, developmental exercises, and finally strengthening and hardening exercises.

The main thing is not to forget that it is necessary to interest the baby in performing a set of morning exercises so that exercise does not become a routine for him. To do this, turn morning exercises into an exciting game - do exercises to the music, introduce game elements into the set of exercises, etc.

A set of exercises in the morning gymnastics: warm-up

The warm-up in the complex of exercises of morning gymnastics is focused on the development of the child's correct and easy gait, coordination of movements and skills to overcome obstacles. The warm-up lasts about three minutes and includes mainly different kinds  walk and run.

This part of the morning exercises complex is simple, and can have a lot of variations. To begin with, it is enough that the child simply walks along the walls of the room in a circle, alternating between normal walking, walking on toes, walking on heels, easy running. As options, you can add running with a change of direction, walking with added steps, zigzag walking around obstacles (for example, pins or stools), walking sideways.

The complex exercises of morning exercises: developmental exercises

This part of the morning exercises should be given about 5 minutes. Ideally, the set of developmental exercises for morning exercises should include one exercise for the development of each muscle group: the shoulder girdle and arms, the muscles of the abs and chest, legs, and the formation of posture.

When performing all exercises, it is necessary to ensure that the child breathes through the nose.

A set of morning exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms

Exercise "Ears":

  • Starting position: standing, feet shoulder width apart, arms on the belt, looking forward.
  • Execution: 1- tilt the head to the right shoulder without raising the shoulders. 2- return to the starting position. 3- tilt the head to the left shoulder without raising the shoulders. 4- return to starting position

Exercise "Birds":

  • Starting position: legs are slightly apart, arms are lowered, hanging along the body.
  • Fulfillment: to spread your arms to the sides and wave them, alternating wide swings (“like an eagle”) and small (“like a sparrow”). Give up.

Exercise "Train rides":

  • Starting position: legs are slightly apart, hands are freely lowered.
  • Fulfillment: flexion and extension of the arms at the elbows (we make circular movements, as if we were spinning the wheels of a locomotive when moving).

A set of morning exercises for the muscles of the body

Exercise “Birds sing”:

  • Starting position: legs spread wider than shoulders, arms down
  • Fulfillment: leaning forward, hands back, say “Carr”, straighten to the starting position.

Exercise “We look out the window”:

  • Starting position: sitting on a stool, legs parallel, hands on knees.
  • Fulfillment: leaning forward, bend your arms slightly at the elbows; turns the head left and right (as if looking out the window). At the end of the exercise, straighten up.

Exercise "Oh-sighs"

  • Starting position: standing, feet shoulder width apart, arms on the belt.
  • Fulfillment: 1-turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides, say: “Oh!”. 2- return to the starting position. Same to the left.

A set of morning exercises for leg muscles

Ball exercise

Arbitrary jumps in place, alternating with walking.

Hill-to-hill exercise:

Half squats, alternating with walking - as if the train was going from hill to hill.

Exercise "String":

  • Starting position: legs together, hands on the belt.
  • Fulfillment: rise on toes, stretch upwards (like a string), return to the starting position.

A set of exercises of morning exercises: general strengthening exercises

At this stage of morning exercises, children relax their muscles and restore their normal breathing rate. Exercises are done for 3-4 minutes.

A restorative set of exercises for morning gymnastics can include exercises to establish proper breathing, a warm-up for the eyes, fingers, and exercises for the prevention of flat feet. And even wiping with cold water!

Breathing exercises

"Balloon" (diaphragmatic breathing)

  • Starting position: standing, palm on the stomach.
  • Fulfillment: On inhalation, the stomach bulges forward. Breath holding. Exhaled through loose lips, making a sound [s]. Repeat 3 times.

"Pump" (muscle training)

  • Starting position: standing, hands in front of the chest, fingers clenched into fists.
  • Fulfillment: Lean down with straight legs, exhale, making a sound [w]. When straightening, inhale through the nose. Repeat 6 to 8 times.

Posture Exercises

Lying on his stomach, tear off his shoulders from the floor, arms spread apart. Then put a bag full of sand on your head and walk around with this shell (just like that, then on socks, on your heels), sit on the floor and stand up.

Exercises for the correct formation of the foot

Sitting, shift the ball from place to place, capturing it with the feet.

Toe the rope laid on the floor with your toes.

As a tightrope walker, walk (sideways and straight) on a stick lying on the floor.

Variety of morning exercises will also help.

To grow a healthy generation, you need to instill in children a love of sport from an early age. Ideal for accustoming to morning exercises is preschool age. Daily exercise in the morning will allow the child to develop a habit of a healthy lifestyle for life.

Principles of morning exercises for preschool children

When conducting morning exercises with preschoolers, it is important to observe the measure and not overwork them. In addition, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • In one lesson, perform no more than 10 exercises.
  • The number of repetitions of each element is 5.
  • It is necessary to carry out charging in 3 stages: warm-up, developing complex and strengthening exercises.
  • Preschool involves charging in a playful way.
  • The child must breathe through the nose.
  • In each lesson, there should be 1 for different parts of the body: shoulders and arms, back, chest, stomach, legs.

Warm-up takes only a couple of minutes. At first it was just walking in a circle, then walking on toes and heels, jumping, walking sideways and back, running. After that, you can proceed to the main set of exercises.

Developing exercises for kids are performed on different muscle groups. Within 5 minutes, you need to perform 1 element from the presented complexes.

A set of exercises for the arms and shoulders:

  • "Baiushki bye". To stand upright, hands on hips, legs slightly apart. Tilt your head to the left, then to the right shoulder, trying to reach them with your ear.
  • "Chicks." Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart, arms at the seams. Extend your arms to the sides and wave them up and down with different amplitudes. A wide wave is like a big bird, a small wave is like a chick.
  • "The engine." Take a position as in the previous exercise. Bend your elbows and rotate them forward, simulating the movement of the train.

A set of exercises for the upper body:

  • "Birdsong". Stand up straight, spread your legs a little, arms at the seams. Tilt the body forward while pulling straight arms behind your back. Say "chir-chirp" and take the original position.
  • “Look out the window.” Sit on a chair, legs bent, palms on his knees. Tilt the body forward, stretch your neck and turn your head to the side, as if looking out the window.
  • Ohi Ahi. Standing, slightly spread legs, arms at the waist. Turn the case to the right and, with arms spread, say “Ah.” Then take the starting position, turn left and say “Oh.”

Exercises for the legs:

  • Balls. Jumping in place alternates with walking.
  • "We ride through the mountains." Stand up straight and go forward, first bend your legs a little, gradually squatting, then unbend. It looks like a car is traveling from mountain to mountain.
  • "String". Stand straight, feet together, hands on the waist. Climb on toes and stretch your crown to the ceiling.

Strengthening exercises for children 2-4 years old

The morning exercises are completed by strengthening exercises, which are aimed at setting the right breathing and even posture.

Exercises for proper breathing:

  • "Inflatable ball". Stand straight, put one palm on your stomach. Gradually inhale the air with your nose, rounding your stomach, as if the ball was inflating. Then exhale by blowing off the stomach and uttering the sound of "sss".
  • "Snake". Standing straight, stretch your arms forward, and fold your hands into fists. Tilt the body forward and, while exhaling, utter the sound "shshsh". Returning to the starting position, take a breath.

Exercises for even posture:

  • "Flight of bird". Lie on your stomach, spread your arms to the sides and tear your chest off the floor. Hold for a couple of seconds and take the starting position.
  • "Africans." Prepare a small bag of sand in advance. To stand upright, place it in the center of the crown and walk in a circle, occasionally rising either on toes or on heels. Try to hold the bag without the help of hands.

Complex for the prevention of flat feet:

  • Sit on the floor, grab the rubber ball in your feet and shift it, then left or right.
  • Lay the rope on the floor. Grab it with your toes and shift it to another place.
  • Put a long stick on the floor. Walking on it barefoot straight and sideways, keeping balance.

The period when they learn everything new is effortless. For children over 4 years of age, gymnastics should be somewhat diversified by adding new exercises. In addition, the duration of the training can be 5 minutes longer.

A set of exercises for children 4-6 years old can look like this:

  • "We are reaching for the sun." Stand up straight, hands at the seams. Take a breath, extend your arms above your head and put your right foot back, lean on your toe. Then exhale and take a starting position. Perform the same with the left foot.
  • "Wide and high." From the same starting position, you need to stretch your arms out to the sides with an inhalation, then with an exhale, take the starting position. Then you need to take a deep breath and extend your arms up; exhale is the starting position.
  • "Propeller". Stand up straight, stretch out your arms to the sides. Perform circular motions with the brushes, first forward, then back.
  • "Fan". The exercise is similar to the previous one, only you need to make circular movements with your hands completely, and not just with brushes.
  • Scissors. Extend your arms in front of you and cross them alternately.
  • "Where is mom?" To stand upright, hands on hips, legs slightly apart. Perform head turns to the sides.
  • "Rocking chair." Stand straight, arms at the waist, legs slightly apart. Tilt the housing left - right through the starting position.
  • "Fan". It is necessary to walk in a circle, changing the position of the hands. First, spread them apart, then raise them above your head, then again to the sides and down. Walking with each hand position takes about 10 seconds.
  • "Sat down, got up." Stand up straight, hands on the waist. Sit down, stretch out your arms in front of you, then take the starting position. It is important that the back is flat, and the feet do not come off the floor.
  • "Harvesting." Sit on the floor and spread your legs wide. Alternately reach for one leg, then for the other, trying to grab hold of the foot.
  • "The doll on the ropes." Stand straight, arms outstretched in front of you. Raise one hand and lower the other at the same time. Then take the starting position and move your hands in the opposite direction.

In addition to performing morning exercises, preschool children will benefit from outdoor games with the ball, activities with a soft expander, swimming in the pool.

As a rule, the key to success and good mood is a cheerful start to the day. For this reason, many qualified specialists do not advise giving up exercise in the morning. Some make morning runs, while others spend this time in bed.

If you can’t get yourself to go outside and run, then a set of exercises for morning exercises is what you need. And besides, we offer you not only exercises for men and women, but also for children. Let's get started.

For almost all men and women, the issue of overweight comes first. Get rid of extra pounds, improve well-being, strengthen the immune system - all this is provided by daily morning exercises.

However, there are a number of requirements that must be taken into account without fail:

  • Exercises should not be performed abruptly (this is more true for men, because they are used to doing everything abruptly and quickly), movements should be smooth, measured, the amplitude is average and it doesn’t matter whether you exercise at home or for children in kindergarten  or for schoolchildren.
  • The complex of exercises should be performed before the first meal. If charging is carried out for children in kindergarten or for schoolchildren, then it should be done before lunch.
  • The basis of morning exercises should be a warm-up and stretch.
  • During the exercise, each muscle group should be involved, starting from the head and ending with the heels.
  • Strength exercises, like endurance exercises, should not be in the morning exercises.
  • The most important thing is regularity, but duration does not play a special role. Therefore, if you want to achieve good results, do exercises every morning, no more than 20 minutes.
  • After all exercises of charging are done, the effect should be fixed by taking a contrast shower. Naturally, this does not apply to children in kindergarten or schoolchildren.

Charging for lazy people

This exercise is great for men and women who find it very difficult to get up every morning and start charging, as it can be done right in bed.

So, the alarm clock rang, turned it off and, without getting up, we do the following gestures:

  1. We bring the handles together and fix them in the lock, after which we raise them above our heads and pull ourselves up.
  2. Remaining in this position, we extend the legs and stretch the toes of the feet at ourselves and away from ourselves - five times.
  3. We turn over to the barrel and bend the upper leg. We wrap it around the handle and try to pull it as close as possible to ourselves. Then we change the side and repeat the same thing.
  4. We lie back down and bend the legs in the knee joint. Grasp the legs with your hands and begin to roll from side to side.
  5. We bend the right leg and put it on the hip of the left. Now we raise, but not very high, the left leg at least five times. We swap the legs and repeat the movements.
  6. No matter how much you want, but you need to throw off the blanket and raise straight legs. Now alternately pull each leg to the forehead, lingering in this position for a couple of seconds.
  7. Take your handles back and rest your elbows on the mattress. We straighten the legs and begin to bend them alternately in the knee joint - at least five times each leg.

Such a “bed” warm-up will help you wake up faster, get up and move on to the main exercises of morning exercises.

Basic exercises for an invigorating morning exercise

We offer you a set of exercises that is suitable for both men and women. Each of the proposed exercises must be done at least seven and no more than ten times.

If for men this number of times will be few, you can increase it by another five repetitions, but no more.

We develop the neck muscles

This complex consists of three exercises:

  1. We make head tilts left and right, then back and forth, while the amplitude should be average, so as not to damage the muscles.
  2. We make circular head movements, first in a clockwise direction, then counterclockwise.
  3. Opening your mouth slightly, we begin to quickly (but not abruptly) shake your head left and right, so that your cheeks begin to shake.

Kneading the shoulder girdle and handles

We do the following:

  1. We bend the handles and touch the palms of the shoulders. Now we begin to make circular movements with the elbows, first forward and then back.
  2. We make the "Mill": rotate each hand back and forth, and then with both hands together.
  3. Now we make claps with straightened hands, first in front of ourselves, then behind our backs. The speed of the hands is average - not fast and not too slow.

We develop the upper half of the body

We do three exercises:

  1. We stand evenly and alternately raise each arm up. We try to stretch it as high as possible, imagining that you climb up the rope.
  2. We continue to stand straight, and put the handles on the belt. Now we lean left and right.
  3. Without changing the starting position, we perform tilts left and right, while stretching the opposite hand to the side, as if you were going to reach the other hand.

Kneading legs and buttocks

In order for this particular muscle group to start working, the following exercises should be done:

  1. We become even and begin to perform the simplest squats, during which the arms straighten forward.
  2. We stand near the wall and perform swinging legs from side to side. After which we become sideways and wave first with one foot, and then changing position - with the other.
  3. We get on all fours and perform swings with bent legs from side to side.
  4. From a standing position, we make inclinations downward, without bending the legs in the knees, trying to get our hands on the socks of the feet.
  5. At the end of this complex you need to jump a little, not more than one minute.

Developing abdominal muscles

The abdominal muscle group is developed as follows:

  1. From a supine position it lifts both legs.
  2. Without changing the starting position, we raise the upper part of the body and at the same time the legs bent at the knee joint.
  3. We make movements that simulate cycling.

Stretch out

And at the end of the entire morning exercise, we stretch all muscle groups:

  1. We sit on the floor and spread our legs as wide as possible, now bend one leg in the knee joint and fix the position for 15 seconds. We change the leg.
  2. Without changing the initial position, we first incline to one leg, then to another.
  3. Sitting on the floor, we bring our feet together and we bend to the toes of our feet, trying to touch our knees with our breasts.
  4. We rotate the brushes of the arms extended forward.

This set of exercises is great for men and women who for some reason cannot allocate time for basic training, as it contains all the necessary movements to strengthen and form all muscle groups.

A set of exercises for children's morning exercises

If you teach your child to do morning exercises, then your baby will grow up healthy, alert, active and happy. But in no case do not force children to engage in force, as this will only discourage the child from doing exercises.

We bring to your attention a set of exercises for children's morning exercises, which is perfect for both schoolchildren and children who go to kindergarten:

  1. Walking on the spot.
  2. We do head tilts left and right, and then down and up.
  3. We wave our hands alternately - right up, left down.
  4. We bring the handles in front of the chest, now we jerk them down and part them until they are completely straightened.
  5. We become even and try to reach our feet toes with our hands.
  6. We fix the hands in front of the chest and make turns of the cases to the right and left.
  7. Squat.
  8. Arms forward and do swings with each foot to the hand.
  9. Push up.
  10. Two-legged jumping.
  11. Walking on the spot.
  12. Raising your hands up, take a breath, and as you exhale, lower the handles.

Each exercise must be repeated five times.

We sincerely wish you good health and good luck in all your endeavors!