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Didactic games in kindergarten. Didactic games

Didactic games  in kindergarten  - This is perhaps one of the most important means of education. After all, playing, the child learns, and therefore develops. Children's didactic games are the main means of diversifying a child, the game helps to educate the basic qualities of the personality as a whole.

So, in the process of the game, children form the correct attitude to what surrounds them, to the phenomena of everyday life, nature, games lead to the system and deepens the knowledge of the child, which, of course, is mental education. Children's didactic games  develop sensory, because in order to fully understand the world around us, the child must feel and perceive it. Didactic games take care of the development of children's speech. In the game, the child enriches his vocabulary, both active and passive, learns to pronounce sounds and whole words correctly, build sentences, clearly express his thoughts.

The correct didactic game takes care of the moral education of the younger generation. Children learn to take care of toys as a result of adult labor, to surrounding objects, get an idea about the norms of social behavior, about relationships with peers and adults, about various personality traits.

Didactic games for preschoolers  perform the function of labor education. Indeed, by preparing material for the game on their own, children acquire elementary labor skills. Children of five to six years old pick up pictures, natural material for games, make cards, chips, packaging for games. If the child prepares the attributes for the game himself, then the attitude towards them will be more careful.

Didactic material should be hygienic, and if possible aesthetically designed. Indeed, bright, elegant toys will always attract the attention of children, cause a desire to play with them, which means that they perform the function of aesthetic education.

Physical education in a didactic game. The game almost always causes well-being, positive emotions. The most important are the games with the use of didactic toys, during which the fine motor skills of the hands are strengthened and developed. This has the most favorable effect on the mental development of children, helping to prepare hands for writing.

Most didactic games form cultural and hygienic skills. In the game, children express a wide variety of feelings, strive to do everything collectively, that is, together.

What are didactic games?

Didactic games fall into three categories:

Board games
  - games with objects (natural material, toys),
  - word games or word games.

Board and print games are an exciting pastime for children and for many adults. They are quite diverse in type: these are paired pictures, various lottos, and dominoes known to everyone ... So, having a collection of various pictures, you can organize a variety of games with your children: “Pick up a couple”, “What has grown in the forest (garden, garden)” ? ”,“ What picture was hidden? ”, Drawing up tasks and puzzles with pictures, stories from pictures. The main thing is that such games can be invented and made by yourself!

In games with objects, both toys and real objects are used. When playing, children study the properties of objects, learn to compare, and establish their similarities or differences. These games are valuable because in the course of the children they get acquainted with various properties of objects, their signs: color, shape, quality. The tasks are set for children: comparison, classification, establishment of a sequence. When the child has mastered the game enough, its rules are complicated. Natural material (plant seeds, leaves, flowers, pebbles, shells) can be used in games such as “Whose children are these?”, “From whom is the tree a leaf?”, “Patterns of pebbles” and so on.

Word games are built on the actions and words of the players. In these games, children deepen their knowledge of objects and phenomena. Children are given mental tasks that they have to solve, objects are described in the game or they need to be guessed by description, grouped by some signs and properties, find alogisms in judgments, and so on.

Didactic games

Word games can be grouped into 4 main groups:

1. Games that help to shape the ability to highlight the main signs of phenomena and objects: “Guess”, “Yes - No”, “Shop” ...
  2. Games that develop in children the ability to compare, contrast, notice absurdities, draw logical conclusions: “Similar - not similar”, “It happens - doesn’t happen” ...
  3. Games that teach the generalization and classification of objects according to various criteria: “Call me in one word”, “Who needs what?” ...
  4. Games for the development of quick wit, attention, endurance, quick thinking, sense of humor: “Deaf Phone”, “Paints”, “Gardener” and so on.

However, any games become didactic if their main components are: a didactic task, rules and game actions.

  svetlana tubasova
  Planning didactic games in kindergarten.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky:

“Without a game there is no, and there can be no full mental development.

The game is a huge bright window through which to the spiritual world

the child flows in the life-giving stream of ideas, concepts.

The game is a spark that kindles the light of inquisitiveness and curiosity. ”

The world enters the life of children gradually. First, the child learns what surrounds him at home, in kindergarten. Over time, his life experience is enriched. A significant role in this is played by the daily impressions of communicating with people, the child's worldview is also determined by the information that he receives on radio and television. Contemplation is not peculiar to a preschooler; he strives for active interaction with the environment. Direct contact of the child with objects available to him allows you to learn their distinguishing features. But this also raises a lot of questions for the child. To satisfy children's curiosity, to engage the child in the active development of the surrounding world, to help him master the methods of cognition of the connections between objects and phenomena will allow the game.

For learning through the game and created didactic games.

Didactic planning  games should occupy a significant place in planning  all educational work with children. Being an effective learning tool, they can be an integral part of the nodes, and in the group of an early age - the main form of organization of the educational process. In addition, during hours reserved for games, d / games are planned  and are organized both in joint and independent activities of children, where they can play as they wish by the whole team, in small groups, or individually. IN plan  should provide for the selection of games and material for them in accordance with the general plan  pedagogical work.

Observations of independent games of children make it possible to identify their knowledge, the level of their mental development, and behavior. This can tell the teacher what games are useful for children, in what they are strong, in what are behind.

1. Didactic  games are short (10-20min);

2. It is very important to maintain the child’s enthusiasm for the game task throughout the game, try to ensure that the mental activity of the players does not decrease at this time, and interest in the task is not impaired.

It is necessary to provide children with the opportunity to play at different times. of the day: in the morning before breakfast, between breakfast and nodes, in between notes, on a walk, in the afternoon. Games in the morning contribute to creating a cheerful, joyful mood for the whole day in children. Everyone can do their favorite games, if desired, unite with friends. It’s not uncommon for children to come to children’s  the garden with certain game intentions continues the game begun the day before. If breakfast interrupted the game, it is necessary to provide children with the opportunity to return to it again after breakfast, in the interval between directly educational activities. In this case, the nature of the activity should be taken into account. Before motor activity, calm games are preferable, and if the activity requires a uniform position, more active outdoor games or word games with a motor component are desirable. It is necessary that the time allotted for games is fully devoted to the game. Sometimes, due to the excessive workload of children with organized educational activities or due to the irrational use of time, the game time is reduced. This must not be allowed!

Didactic  games contain two principles - educational and game, they can be used both in a node and in free activity.

Planning didactic games, teachers need to take care of the complications of games, expanding their variability (perhaps inventing more complex rules).

The nodes use those d / games that can be played frontally with all children. They are used as a method of consolidation, systematization of children's knowledge.

At planning d / games is necessaryso that new games taken on a node, then passed into a block of joint activity with children and used in their independent activity, being at the same time the highest indicator of the ability to engage in activities that require mental effort.

D / games in most cases are held when the children have already gained certain knowledge and skills, otherwise it will be difficult to implement the game.

D / game is a practical activity with which you can check whether children have acquired knowledge in detail, or superficially and whether they know how to apply it when necessary.

Due to the fact that d / game is an indispensable means of overcoming various difficulties in the mental development of children, it is necessary to plan the use of d / games in individual work with children. How often and a lot? As necessary, very individually, depending on the needs and level of development of children. Individual work with children using d / games can to be planned  for all types and types of games. Individual d / games organized by the teacher create favorable conditions for direct contact with the child, help to more deeply find out the reasons for the child’s lag, and contribute to a more active exercise in the educational material.

D / games contribute to the development of all aspects of the human personality. If they are conducted lively, by a skilled teacher, the children react to them with great interest, explosions of joy, which, of course, increases their importance.

Game by the rules and without.

What can the plot-role play of the child tell the attentive and caring parents?

At the age of two to three years, your baby suddenly begins to play independently not only with toys, but also with different objects, imagining that they mean completely different things.

Situation 1.

Baby I. does not like to comb her hair. Mom every day persuades her daughter to comb her hair, but the girl cries and does not let herself comb.

The game of the child according to the situation.

The girl took her doll, a plastic knife from a set of dolls and “combes” the doll’s hair with a knife. A plastic knife from a set of dollware plays the role of a comb, and the girl herself plays the role of a mother, who persuades her daughter to comb her hair. The girl repeats the words that her mother says to her in real life, so that I. agrees to comb her hair without tears. The doll resists and, like the girl herself, does not want to comb her hair.

Conclusions for mom.

Baby I. understands that it is necessary to comb her hair, but she is afraid. Why was fear born in such a seemingly simple situation? Maybe mother only once accidentally painfully pulled her hair at the time of combing. But this one only time was very remembered by the impressionable girl. Or maybe the baby has some physiological problems that only a doctor can determine.

Situation 2.

Mom gave birth to a second child. And, of course, she devotes maximum of her time to a newborn who requires constant attention and care. The eldest daughter N., she is 2.5 years old, oversees all the actions of her mother. The mother tries to pay attention to the older one, but the girl feels that the time she spends with her newborn sister is many times greater than the time spent with her.

The game of the child according to the situation.

N. shakes, hugs the doll, tells her some gentle and affectionate words. Then the girl enters the plastic house and plays for some time inside the house, but suddenly she drops her doll on the floor of the house and shouts angrily: “You stay here alone, but I go to work!” Then she leaves the door of the plastic house, turns around and listens to what is happening in the house. Apparently, N. seems that the punishment is too little for the doll, so she again enters the house and angrily shouts: “You will be here alone!” After that, the girl leaves, calmly takes board game, plays, completely forgetting about the doll left in a plastic house.

Conclusions for mom.

Of course, mom loves both of her daughters. Of course, a newborn baby requires a lot of attention. But mother should not forget to show her love for the eldest daughter. It is necessary to allocate time in the daily routine, which mother will give only to the eldest daughter N. And N. will know that even if the younger sister cries at this time, then dad will come up to her, and only N. will be the mother’s attention.

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  Part 1 - Game by the rules and without.

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Didactic games in kindergarten


Didactic task.To consolidate ideas about the main elements of any painting, to teach to distinguish and compare them among themselves, to correctly name them using names invented by the craftsmen, to develop observation, attention, speed of reaction, and arouse interest in painting.

Material.Rectangular cards divided into two parts. Each of them shows an element of the pattern .; Options differ in color, details.

Gaming instillation.  Players lay out cards so that the image of an element exactly matches the same image of another card. The one who pays all his cards first wins

The course of the game. Take part from two or more children. All cards are laid out in the center of the table with the pictures down - this is the "bazaar". Each player collects a certain number of cards, as agreed upon before the start of the game. The one who has the double card is the first to make a move. The next player finds a card with the same element and puts it to the first. If not needed, the player uses the "bazaar". If the "bazaar" is empty - skips the move. The winner is the one who is freed from the cards before others.

Option.The player makes a move and calls the mural element. If the name is not correct, the move is skipped.


Didactic task.The same as in Domino,

Materials  Large cards with the image of objects decorated with any painting. On the edges of the cards up to six cells with the image of the elements of the bottom painting. Cards with options for pattern elements that differ in color, details.

Game rules.  Players select cards according to the pattern on large cards. They carefully monitor the progress of the game, without missing elements on their map.

The course of the game.  Take part from two or more children. The host gives each one a large card, mixes small ones. Then, taking out one card, the facilitator asks what kind of element is shown on it and who needs such a card.

Option.  The game can be held in the form of competition teams. In this case, each team is given several cards at once for simultaneous filling.

"Find a couple."

Didactic task.The same as in Domino.

Material. Rectangular cards, divided into two cells: one with elements of the pattern, the other is empty. Cards with options for pattern elements forming pairs of stripe patterns.

Game rules.  Players select cards according to the pattern on large cards. The one who first picks up the pairs of all the elements on their cards wins.

The course of the game.  Take part from two or more children. The host gives everyone the same number of double cards, the small ones are mixed in the center of the table. At the host’s command, the players pick up a pair of elements on their cards.


1. After completing the task, the player names all the elements of the painting. If the name is not given correctly, the card does not count.

2. Players take turns taking cards from the pile. If the card does not fit, the player puts it down the deck and skips the move.

3. "Trickle" - of the number of players are two teams; one gets double cards, the other gets paired pictures. On command, a player in one group must find a member from another group with the same card to form a pair. In pairs, players approach the caregiver, who checks the correctness of the choice. Forms a trickle.

4. “Pass in a circle” - the players have three large cards, small ones are mixed and laid down on the table. Taking a small card, the player closes the free cell with it; if the item is suitable - the pair is found. In addition, he gets the right to take the next card from the deck; if the card does not fit, passes it on, i.e. skips a move.

Lesson number 1

Subject:  "Didactic game in the pedagogical process of kindergarten"

Purpose:  To systematize and deepen the knowledge of teachers about the basic functions, types, structure of the didactic game.


1. The main functions of the didactic game.

2. Types of didactic games.

3. The structure of the didactic game.

Lesson number 2

"Methods of organization and management of didactic games"

Purpose: To improve the knowledge and skills of teachers in the methodology of organizing and managing didactic games.


1. The educational value of didactic games.

2. Methods of organizing didactic games.

3. Management of didactic games.

"The game must be present in the children's team. The children's team that does not play will not be the children's team ... Imagination develops only in the team that must play."

Makarenko A.S.

2. Methods of organizing didactic games.

The organization of didactic games by the teacher is carried out in three main areas: preparation for the didactic game, its conduct and analysis. (Task for microgroups: write the main components of each stage of the didactic game).

The preparations for the didactic game include:

· Selection of the game in accordance with the tasks of education and training: deepening and generalization of knowledge, development of sensory abilities, activation of mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, speech), etc .;

· Establishing compliance of the selected game with the program requirements for the education and training of children of a certain age group;

· Determination of the most convenient time for the didactic game (in the process of organized training in the classroom or in free time from classes and other regime processes);

· The choice of a place for the game, where children can play calmly without disturbing others;

· Determination of the number of players (the whole group, small subgroups, individually);

· Preparation of the necessary did-go material for the selected game (toys, various objects, pictures ...);

· Preparation for the game of the educator himself: he must study and comprehend the entire course of the game, his place in the game, methods of managing the game;

· Preparation for the game of children: enriching them with knowledge, ideas about objects and phenomena of life that are necessary for solving a game problem.

Holding didbuttactical games include:

· Familiarization of children with the content of the game, with did-it material that will be used in the game (showing objects, pictures, a short conversation, during which the knowledge and ideas of children about them are clarified);

· Explanation of the course and rules of the game. In this case, the teacher draws attention to the behavior of children in accordance with the rules of the game, to the strict implementation of the rules;

· Showing play actions, during which the teacher teaches the children to perform the action correctly, proving that otherwise the game will not lead to the desired result (for example, if one of the guys is peeping when you need to close your eyes);

· Determination of the role of the educator in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee. The measure of the teacher’s direct participation in the game is determined by the age of the children, their level of preparation, the complexity of the didactic task, and game rules. Participating in the game, the teacher directs the actions of the players (advice, question, reminder);

· Summarizing the game - this is a crucial moment in the management of it, because according to the results that children achieve in the game, one can judge its effectiveness, whether it will be used with interest in the independent play activities of the children. In summing up the results, the educator emphasizes that the path to victory is possible only through overcoming difficulties, attention and discipline.

At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children if they liked the game and promises that the next time you can play a new game, it will also be interesting. Children usually wait for this day. Analysis of the gameit is aimed at identifying the methods of its preparation and conduct: what methods were effective in achieving the set goal, what did not work and why. This will help to improve both the preparation and the process of the game itself, to avoid subsequently mistakes. In addition, the analysis will reveal individual characteristics in behavior and character of children and, therefore, the right to organize individual work with them. A self-critical analysis of the use of the game in accordance with the goal helps to vary the game, enrich it with a new mat series in subsequent work.

RU teaching didactic games

Successful management of dido games primarily involves selecting and thinking over their program content, clearly defining tasks, determining the place and role in the holistic educational process, interacting with other games and forms of learning. It should be aimed at developing and promoting cognitive activity, independence and children's initiatives, their application different ways  solving gaming problems should ensure friendly relations between the participants, the willingness to come to the aid of comrades.

Small children in the process of playing with toys, objects, materials should be able to knock, rearrange, shift them, disassemble them into their component parts (collapsible toys), re-compose, etc. But since they can repeatedly repeat the same actions, the teacher needs to gradually transfer the game of children to a higher level.

For example, the didactic task “to teach children to distinguish rings in size” is realized through the game task “assemble the turret correctly.” Children have a desire to find out how to correctly. The demonstration of the method of action includes both the development of the game action and a new game rule. Choosing a little ring after a ring and putting it on a rod, the teacher gives a clear example of the game action. He runs his hand over the put on rings and draws the attention of the children that the turret becomes beautiful, even, that it is assembled correctly. Thus, the teacher clearly shows a new game action — to check the correctness of the collection of the turrets — invites the children to do this themselves.

The development of interest in didactic games, the formation of game activity in older children (4-6 years old) is achieved by the fact that the teacher sets complicated tasks for them, is in no hurry to prompt game actions. The game activity of preschoolers is becoming more conscious, it is more aimed at achieving a result, and not at the process itself. But for older preschoolers, the leadership of the game should be such that the children maintain a corresponding emotional mood, ease, so that they experience the joy of participating in it and a sense of satisfaction from solving the tasks.

The teacher outlines a sequence of games that are complicated in content, did-it tasks, game actions and rules. Separate isolated games can be very interesting, but using them outside the system, it is impossible to achieve a common teaching and developing result. Therefore, the interaction of training in the classroom and in the didactic game should be clearly defined.

For young children, did.game is the most suitable form of education. However, already in the second, and especially in the third year of life, babies are attracted to many objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, an intensive assimilation of their native language takes place. Satisfying the cognitive interests of children of the third year of life, developing their speech requires a combination of didactic games with focused instruction in the classes, carried out in accordance with with a certain program of knowledge, skills. In classes, more successfully than in the game, learning methods are formed: voluntary attention, the ability to observe, watch and see, listen and hear the instructions of the educator and follow them.

Please note that in did. the game needs the right combination of visibility, the words of the educator and the actions of the children themselves with toys, game aids, objects, etc. For clarity, include: 1) objects that children play and which make up the material center of the game; 2) pictures depicting objects and actions with them, clearly highlighting the purpose, main features of objects, properties of materials; 3) visual display, explanation of the words of game actions and the implementation of game rules.

Special dido types created. games: with paired pictures, such as picture lotto, dominoes with thematic series  pictures, etc. Initial display of game actions by the educator, test run incentive control badges, chips - all this is also included in the visual aids fund, which are used to organize games and manage them.

With the help of verbal explanations, instructions, the teacher directs the attention of children, organizes, refines their ideas, expands the experience. His speech contributes to the enrichment of the vocabulary of preschoolers, mastery of various forms of learning, contributes to the improvement of game actions.

Leading games, the teacher uses a variety of means of influence on preschoolers. For example, acting as a participant in the game, he stealthily directs the game for them, supports their initiative, and empathizes with them the joy of the game. Sometimes the teacher talks about an event, creates the appropriate gaming mood and supports it during the game. He may not be included in the game, but as a skillful and sensitive director, preserving and preserving her amateur character, she directs the development of game actions, the implementation of the rules and leads them inconspicuously for children to a certain result. By supporting and awakening children's activities, the teacher most often does this not directly, but indirectly: expresses surprise, jokes, uses various kinds of game surprises, etc.

It must be remembered, on the one hand, about the danger, overly reinforcing learning moments, weaken the game beginning, give a dido. the game is the nature of the lesson, and, on the other, carried away by amusement, get away from the task of learning.

The development of the game is largely determined by the rate of mental activity of the children, the greater or lesser success of playing the game, the level of assimilation of the rules, their emotional experiences, the degree of enthusiasm. During the period of assimilation of new content, new game actions, rules and the beginning of the game, its pace, of course, is slower. In the future, when the game unfolds and the children are addicted, its pace accelerates. By the end of the game, the emotional upsurge seems to decrease and its pace slows down again. Excessive slowness and unnecessary acceleration of the pace of the game should not be allowed: the accelerated pace sometimes causes confusion of children, insecurity, untimely performance of game actions, violation of the rules. Preschoolers do not have time to get involved in the game, are overexcited. The slowed down pace of the game arises when too detailed explanations are given, and many small remarks are made. This leads to the fact that the game actions seem to be moving away, the rules are not introduced in a timely manner, and children cannot be guided by them, allow violations, make mistakes. They get tired faster, monotony reduces the emotional upsurge.

In did.game there is always the possibility of unexpected expansion and enrichment of its concept in connection with the initiative shown by children, questions, suggestions. The ability to keep the game within the set time is a great art. The teacher condenses time primarily by reducing his explanations. Clarity, brevity of descriptions, stories, remarks is a condition for the successful development of the game and the execution of tasks.

Finishing the game, the teacher should arouse the interest of children in its continuation, create a joyful perspective. Usually he says: " New game  will be even more interesting. "The teacher develops options for games familiar to children and creates new ones - useful and exciting.

I would like to end my speech with the words of N.K. Krupskaya: "For children of preschool age, games are of exceptional importance: the game for them is learning, the game for them is work, the game for them is a serious form of education."

Pedagogic the value of didactic games

· In didactic games, children are assigned certain tasks, the solution of which requires concentration, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, the sequence of actions, to overcome difficulties.

· They contribute to the development of sensations and perceptions among preschoolers, the formation of ideas, the assimilation of knowledge. These games make it possible to educate children in various economical and rational ways of solving certain mental and practical problems. This is their developing role.

· It is necessary to ensure that the didactic game is not only a form of assimilation of certain knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the overall development of the child, serves to form his abilities.

· Didactic game helps to solve the problems of moral education, develop sociability among children. The educator puts children in conditions that require them to play together, to regulate their behavior, to be fair and honest, compliant and demanding.

Lesson number 3

Planning didactic games in the educational process

2. Draw up a cyclogram of various types of didactic games for planning in working with children.


· The results of the thematic audit: "Didactic game in the pedagogical process."

· Creating a cyclogram on the use of didactic games in working with children in the educational process.

1. The results of the thematic check: "Didactic game in the pedagogical process d / s":

· Do not always use didactic games in accordance with the age of children;

· There is no system in the planning of didactic games;

· The time allotted for gaming activities is not fully used;

· Insufficiently used in educational work with children desktop-printed, musical and didactic games, verbal and didactic games.

2. When planning, you must:

· Create the necessary conditions for organizing games indoors and on the site; equip the pedagogical process with games and play material in accordance with the age, development and interests of children.

· Observe the time allotted for day-time games; help ensure that their organization provides children with an interesting, meaningful life.

· In the process of joint game activity, to cultivate perseverance, endurance, form positive relationships between children: friendliness, mutual assistance, the ability to follow the rules.

· Systematically formulate children's playing skills in children, contribute to turning the game into their independent activity, and encourage initiative.

The planning of didactic games should occupy a significant place in the planning of all upbringing and educational work with children. Being an effective means of learning, they can be an integral part of the lesson, and in the group of young children the main form of organization of the educational process. In addition, during the hours allocated for games , d / games are planned and organized both in joint and in independent activities of children, where they can play as they wish as a whole team, in small groups or individually. The plan should provide for the selection of games and material for them in accordance with the general plan of pedagogical work.

Observations of independent games of children make it possible to reveal their knowledge, level of their mental development, behavior patterns. This can tell the teacher what games are useful for children, what are they strong, what are behind.

· Didactic games are short-term (10-20min);

· It is very important to maintain the child’s enthusiasm for the game task throughout the game, try to ensure that the mental activity of the players does not decrease at this time, and the interest in the task is not lost.

It is necessary to provide children with the opportunity to play at different times of the day: in the morning before breakfast, between breakfast and lesson, in between classes, for a walk, in the afternoon. Games in the morning can help children to have a cheerful, joyful mood for the whole day. Everyone can to do their favorite games, if desired, to unite with friends. It is not uncommon for children to go to kindergarten with certain game intentions, continue the game that was started the day before. If breakfast interrupted the game, you must give the children the opportunity to return again to her after breakfast, in between classes. At the same time, the nature of the upcoming class should be taken into account. physical activity  calm games are preferable, and if the occupation requires a uniform position, more active outdoor games or verbal games with a motor component are desirable. It is necessary that the time allotted for games should be fully devoted to the game. Sometimes because of the overload of children with organized educational activities or because of irrational time use - game time is reduced. This must not be allowed!

When planning didactic games, teachers need to take care of the complexity of games, expanding their variability (it is possible to come up with more complex rules).

The lessons use those d / games that can be played frontally with all the children. They are used as a method of consolidating and systematizing children's knowledge.

When planning d / games in the educational process, it is necessary that the new games taken in the lesson are then held in the unit of joint activity with the children and used by the children in their independent activities, while being the highest indicator of the ability to engage in activities that require mental effort.

D / games in most cases are conducted when the children have already acquired certain knowledge and skills in the classroom, otherwise it will be difficult to implement the game.

For example, a child, only on the basis of knowledge, can touch an object in a “magic bag” by touch and name it or find similar or different qualities of objects depicted in pictures. These games are based on the children's ability to consciously remember and reproduce what they perceived. It is necessary that in children’s games certain results be achieved by all children, and not just those who are most active.

D / games can also be used to test the knowledge and skills of children. An important indicator of learning outcomes is the assimilation of the lessons learned by all children. Most often, this is checked by a d / game, during which the teacher determines how correctly and not only capable, but middle and weak children understand and understand the content of the occupation. Having identified the level of knowledge and skills of children, it is necessary to outline further work to address the shortcomings.

D / game is a practical activity, with the help of which you can check whether children have acquired knowledge in detail, or superficially and whether they can apply it when necessary. Children learn the more fully the wider they can be applied in practice in various conditions. Quite often it happens when a child learns certain knowledge in a lesson, but does not know how to use it in altered conditions.

Due to the fact that d / game is an indispensable means of overcoming various difficulties in the mental development of children, it is necessary to plan the use of d / games in individual work with children. How often and a lot? As necessary, very individually, depending on the needs and level of development of children. Individual work with children using d / games can be planned for all types and types of games. Individual d / games organized by the teacher create favorable conditions for direct contact with the child, help to more deeply find out the reasons for the child’s lag, and contribute to a more active exercise in the educational material.

In the d / game, the knowledge gained in the lesson is applied, the information obtained through personal experience is generalized, cognitive processes are activated, and the level of mental development of the lagging children is increased.

D / games contribute to the development of all aspects of the human personality. If they are conducted lively, by a skilled teacher, the children react to them with great interest, explosions of joy, which certainly increases their value.

A.M. Gorky, defending the child’s right to play, wrote: “A child up to the age of 10 requires games, fun, and his requirement is biologically justified and legal. He wants to play, he plays for everyone and learns the world around him first of all, and is easiest in the game, game. "

Education should be such that it causes an effort of thought, but does not require tension, does not cause fatigue, fear and unwillingness to learn before the child comes to school.


didactic game pedagogical child

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