
Face building for the artist. In connection with the preparation of a new project from Harmoniq, we are launching a new series of feature articles about the face

A face is not just an appearance. This is a reflection of genetic and national characteristics, character traits, the level of culture and education, as well as many other aspects. Nevertheless, the first thing that others are paying attention to is beauty. The golden ratio of the face allows you to determine whether the appearance matches the ideal parameters.

Bit of theory

People tend to worship beauty, especially when it comes to appearance. The parameters of beauty constantly changed until such a thing as the golden section of the face became known. This applies not only to appearance. characterizes proportionality and harmony. This refers to the division of a straight segment into unequal parts so that the total length correlates with the largest part as the latter refers to the smallest.

The discoverer of this theory was the ancient mathematician Pythagoras. He came to the conclusion that the ratio of 1: 1.618 is an ideal parameter of beauty. This discovery, as well as the work of Leonardo da Vinci, was once taken as a basis by the famous plastic surgeon Stephen Marquardt. He specialized in the correction of defects that are congenital or resulting from accidents.

"Mask" Marquardt

For many years, Marquardt studied persons who corresponded. Based on the results of his observations, as well as on the basis of the work of his predecessors, the doctor came to some conclusions. He conditionally divided his face into pentagons and triangles, the sides of which have a ratio of 1: 1.618. The result is a so-called beauty mask that defines the golden ratio of the face. If it matches your traits, then you can consider yourself beautiful. Interestingly, almost all celebrities of the last century almost perfectly match the given parameters.

Modern technologies

Modern plastic surgeons are unlikely to compare a person’s face and an ideal mask by eye. There is no room for approximation in this industry, but literally jewelry accuracy is needed. Fortunately, the famous plastic surgeon has created a computer program that allows you to simulate the perfect face in the golden ratio.

Just upload a face photo. It should be done according to certain rules (you need to keep your head straight, looking at your hands extended forward). The following is the processing procedure, which consists in applying an ideal mask to the image that defines the golden ratio of the face. The output program gives an adjusted photo, according to which the surgeon can determine the front of work. Well, the client will be able to evaluate the expected result of the operation and finally dispel all doubts about its necessity.

It is worth noting that “perfect” does not always mean “good”. Sometimes an improved face loses its zest. That is why many customers refuse the operation, evaluating the result that the program produced.

Golden ratio - face proportion

Many dream of an ideal appearance, but not all have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat proportions can be considered harmonious. The formula of the golden ratio of the face is inextricably linked with the number 1.618 and other ratios. So, the proportions of beauty can be described as follows:

  • the ratio of the height and width of the face should be equal to 1.618;
  • if you divide the length of the mouth and the width of the wings of the nose, you get 1.618;
  • when dividing the distances between the pupils and eyebrows, again, 1.618 is obtained;
  • the length of the eyes should match the distance between them, as well as the width of the nose;
  • areas of the face from the hairline to the eyebrows, from the nose to the tip of the nose, and the lower part to the chin should be equal;
  • if you draw vertical lines from the pupils to the corners of the lips, you get three equal sections in width.

It must be understood that in nature the coincidence of all parameters is quite rare. But there is nothing wrong with that. This does not mean at all that persons who do not correspond to ideal proportions can be called ugly or unkind. On the contrary, it is precisely “defects” that sometimes give the face an unforgettable charm.

Golden section of the face: how to measure?

Unfortunately, people are often insecure, and especially in their appearance. Even seeing a pretty face in the mirror, they do not believe in their attractiveness and try to find some flaws. To dispel all doubts, it is worth making the following measurements:

  • width and length of the nose;
  • the length of the eyebrow from beginning to end and the length of the bend;
  • the length of the lips, as well as the width of the wings of the nose.

These pairs of indicators need to be divided (find the ratio of larger to smaller). The closer the results are to the magic number 1.618, the closer your facial features to the ideal. If the results of your calculations are far from the coveted indicator, do not get upset. No one will follow you with a ruler and calculator. Trust the opinions of loved ones and your reflection in the mirror.

Perfect face

Traditionally, famous personalities are considered a model of beauty. People tend to imitate them in everything and even turn to plastic surgeons with a request to make themselves look like their favorite singer or actor. However, the golden ratio of the face is not typical for all celebrities. If we talk about ideal parameters, then this is rather a prefabricated image:

  • kate Moss's forehead is almost 99% golden-ratio;
  • scarlett Johansson boasts perfect eyes, but Kim Kardashian's eyebrows should frame them;
  • completely coincide with the ideas about the beauty of the nose and chin Amber Heard;
  • emily Ratakovsky's puffy lips can also be considered ideal;
  • most closely matches the golden section of Rihanna.

Do not seriously take such studies, because they do not have any scientific justification. Combining the ideal from different people, you can get nothing more than the right face in terms of proportions. Nevertheless, it is unlikely to seem pretty to you. And even more so, do not redraw your appearance under idols.

How to achieve perfect proportions without plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is not only expensive pleasure, but also a very risky procedure. However, this is not the only way to apply the golden ratio. It’s quite possible to correct a person’s face with less radical methods.

A fairly widespread practice is such as permanent makeup. By introducing pigment under the skin, the shape of the eyebrows or lips can be changed, as well as corrected. Real professionals can even make adjustments to the perception of the shape of the nose. However, finding a good master is not so easy. That is why, if you are haunted by fear, you should start with a visage.

The main weapon of the makeup artist is a palette of tonal means, thanks to which you can radically change the proportions of the face. You are unlikely to be able to do it yourself, unless you are a professional artist. The rules of the golden section of the face must know every self-respecting specialist in the field of makeup. If it is impossible to determine the necessary changes "by eye", then the ideal option would be to use the Marquorth program.

Golden ratio in nature

The rules of the golden section of the face did not arise from scratch. Studying nature in detail, scientists came to the conclusion that many of her creations obey this law. Even the scripture says that everything in nature obeys a certain law. Scientists can only find confirmation. Like a shell, the horns of animals and their tusks are arranged, but if we talk about a person, the ear can be considered the most striking example (it is not for nothing that it is called the auricle).

Through centuries of research, it was possible to establish that the golden ratio is visible in sunflower seeds, pine cones, cacti, flower petals. The spiral form and Fibonacci series obviously appear in them. And perhaps the most striking example is the sea shell. This is a perfect geometric shape, it is considered the standard of the golden ratio.


For many centuries, scientists have studied the laws of the structure of various natural objects. They came to the conclusion that the golden ratio rule is true for them. And since man is the same integral part of nature as a flower, shell or sunflower seed, the proportions of his face and body must obey certain laws. The Golden Ratio has found its application here.

Theoretical research is always replaced by practical experiments. It is only natural that scientists wanted to derive a formula for an ideal face, which could be considered a standard of beauty. This is how humanity learned about the magic proportion 1: 1,618, and also got an idea about the golden section mask. Since then, people of all sexes and ages have set about trying to bring their appearance to the ideal.

At the moment, the golden ratio is actively used both in plastic surgery and in visage. Fundamental knowledge of the proportions of the human appearance allows specialists to correct serious defects that are both innate and acquired in nature. In addition, using the rules of the golden section, everyone can compare their appearance with ideal parameters.

Perfect face - what is it?Today this is not a matter of taste, but of mathematical calculation. The secret of perfect beauty lies in certain proportions of facial features. How close are you to the ideal of beauty? Let's try to find out!

American scientist Dr. Stefan Markworth(Stephen Marquardt), who for 30 years studied the differences between beautiful (universally beautiful - models, actresses) and average female faces, knows a lot about the laws of an ideal face.

We perceive the female face as perfect and beautiful,  if all its features are located at a certain distance from each other, that is, they are subject to the rule of the "golden section", which was also derived by the thinkers of ancient Greece.

In a numerical expression, it can be written as the ratio of numbers 1:1,618 . This means, for example, that an ideal mouth should be 1.618 times wider than the nose, and each of the front first incisors should be 1.618 times wider than the adjacent (second) incisor and so on.

Perfect face mask

Marcworth combined ideally proportional features into a certain mask scheme.

Use it to determine how close your face is to perfection. Of course, the mask varies depending on the race, we consider the European type of face.

Marilyn Monroe

Stephen Markworth  There are five types of faces: beautiful, attractive, average, non-repulsive and repulsive. The photo shows the first three.

He also invented a mask with a smile to determine the perfect smile.

Experiment - face before and after

Dr. Markworth, with the help of his mask program, was able to significantly bring the faces of women closer to the ideal.

Generally, I am satisfied with my appearance

"It seems to me that I look good, although if I could change something, I would probably change my eyebrows ... Because they are one above the other and because of this the face looks comical."

Stephen's opinion:  "She has beautiful eyes - they fit perfectly into the mask, but she is absolutely right about the eyebrows. I had to correct one of them according to the mask. Besides, I softened the shape of the lower jaw and narrowed my nose a little."

Opinions of people:

"New lips do not suit her. But the face as a whole looks prettier, it seems to me."

"She began to look better and somehow ... younger. Yes! Younger than her age."

"These are two completely different faces! In the first photo, everything is proportional, but the lower part of the face does not look very good - is there a second chin?"


"Probably, my eyes are my best feature. I don’t like my nose - it is very wide. If I decided to have plastic surgery, I would change it."

Stephen's opinion:  “She has beautiful cheeks, but her lower jaw had to be tweaked: I reduced her. Close-set eyes I parted so that they fit more precisely into the borders of the mask. I had to narrow the tip of the nose a little and make my upper lip more puffy.”

Opinions of people:

“She comes with a new oval face and almond-shaped eyes. I like the second option, very attractive.”

"Yes, of course, she became better than she was!"

"In the first photo - a living woman, and in the second - like a doll."


"I was always told that I have big and expressive eyes - that's why they suit me. But I would add volume to my lips. And you know, once I seriously worried about a nose, it seemed to me that it is very big."

Stephen's opinion:  “She looks charming, but I still changed something. I made my lips more puffy and raised their corners - it turned out, in my opinion, more attractive. I corrected the shape of my chin and made my cheekbones a little wider - as a result, the contour of my face became more defined” .

Opinions of people:

"I'm more interested in the first option. The second person, although it looks better, doesn’t look like Carrie at all. It's just a different person."

"The girl began to look older, which is not very good, and her eyes became less expressive. The first photo is better."

"The second option is actually better. The cheekbones are more elegant, and the face has become more friendly, because the corners of the lips have lifted."


"I would really like my eyes to be larger. The longer I look at them in the mirror, the more I am convinced that they are really of different sizes."

Stephen's opinion:  This is an attractive woman, she has a good face shape that almost matches the mask. Nevertheless, I softened the contour of the lower jaw so that the oval of the face became more streamlined. There were a few small changes: I slightly enlarged my upper lip and eyes and narrowed my nose a little. "

Opinions of people:

"Wow, how cool they remade it! Everything has improved!"

"The eyes have become larger, and the lips are now just super. In general, I like her more than all the girls - she has become a directly sultry beauty."

"Although the girl looks more affable in the second photo, I have a feeling that something was not done to her: the oval of the face, probably, could have been corrected."

I LIKE MY Puffy Lips

"I am very calm about my appearance. For example, I have no illusions about the eyes. They are too small to be considered beautiful, and I am sure that it is beautiful eyes that are the main sign of a beautiful face."

Stephen's opinion:  "One side of the face was wider than the other, so I straightened them. I reduced the lower lip and made my nose smoother and slightly longer."

Opinions of people:

"The upper part of the face did not need to be changed, it seems to me. But the lips and cheekbones corrected well."

“In my opinion, after the changes, the girl became masculine. In the“ before ”photo she is much prettier.”

“I didn't have to change my lips. And my eyes became more expressive after the changes.”

After treatment, all five girls became very similar: the right eyes, the right eyebrows, the right noses. If the girls’s lives were so correct, we would all die of longing, honestly!

The perfect face of a star

Look at portraits of stars whose faces are perfect and those whose are not perfect, but are still considered beautiful.

Perfect beauties

Elizabeth Hurley, Jennifer Lopez, Charlize Theron, Beyonce, Jessica Simpson, Oksana Fedorova, Reese Witherspoon, Monica Bellucci, Carmen Electra, Ekaterina Strizhenova, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Zhanna Friske ...

Just beauties

Celine Dion, Scarlett Johansson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Vera Brezhneva, Alina Kabaeva, Natalya Vodyanova, Adriana Lima, Megan Fox, Uma Thurman, Anne Hathaway, Chloe Sauvigne, Kim Kardyashyan ...

In connection with the preparation of a new project from Harmoniq, we are starting a new series of feature articles about the face.

A person’s face has always been and will be a key part of appearance. It is on the face that we pay attention, select things to the face, attract attention and decorate - the face.
The shape of the face, its proportions, lines, features affect the impression of a person, on his image as a whole. Therefore, it is very important to consider the features of your face when creating an image and your style.
In this series of articles, we will consider different types and shapes of the face, talk about the features of the selection of accessories, jewelry, makeup, taking into account the features of the face, consider the effect of certain facial features on the perception of appearance.

And we will start ... with the ideal :)
In order to definitely talk about “big eyes”, “round face”, “small nose”, you first need to decide what to consider as a reference point.
Of course, there can be no talk of "how much to hang in grams," or rather, what size the parts of the face should be in centimeters.
Usually, when talking about the characteristics of facial features, they mean proportions, the ratio of the sizes of different parts of the face to each other and their relationship to the face as a whole.
So what proportions are considered ideal?

1. The ratio of the length of the face (from the line through the lower point of the chin to the hairline) to the width of the face at the widest point is approximately 1.61 - the so-called "golden ratio". This ratio of the lengths of two segments to each other was used by ancient mathematicians, but it was widely used by Leonardo da Vinci in mathematics, and in painting, in architecture, and in many other areas.

2. The width of the face along the line of the eyes is equal to the length of the eye from the outer corner to the inner (excluding eyelashes), multiplied by five. In this case, the ideal distance between the inner corners of the eyes is equal to one eye length. The distance from the outer corner of the eye to the ear is also equal to one eye length or slightly less. Here, opinions differ: some sources speak of the distance between the outer corner of the eye and the edge of the face, and some speak of the distance between the eye and the ear.

3. The eyes are on a line dividing the head horizontally in half. This is not about the face, but about the head as a whole - from the line along the lower point of the chin to the crown. The eye line divides it into two equal parts.

4. The distance from the upper hairline to the eyebrow line is equal to the distance from the eyebrow line to the nose line and equal to the distance from the nose line to the chin line.

5. The width of the nose is equal to the distance between the inner corners of the eyes:

6. The width of the mouth is equal to the distance between the irises of the eyes. Some sources suggest the distance between the pupils of the eyes, but in fact the error here is small:

If you connect the points of the points of the outer corners of the eyes (excluding eyelashes) and the point of the middle of the edge of the lower lip, you get an equilateral triangle:

7. Eyebrows. The eyebrow begins on a line that runs vertically through the inner corner of the eye and the line of the wing of the nose, and ends at the point of intersection with the line drawn from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye:

8. The ears are located between the line of the eyes and the line of the nose, their size corresponds to the distance between these lines:

9. The height of the chin is equal to the length of the eye:

These are the basic proportions of the face. It is a significant deviation from them in one direction or another that determines the value of the characteristics "large", "small", "low", "high" and so on.

Next time we’ll talk about ways to determine the proportions of your face, and also consider various options for the shape of the face.