
Physical education in kindergarten is a middle group. Physical education lesson in the middle group

Software Content:

  1. To teach children to maintain a stable balance when walking on an increased support; Exercise in vigorous pushing off the floor and soft landing on bent legs while jumping forward.
  2. To develop and improve motor skills. To form such physical qualities as leg strength (walking with a high knee lift, jumping forward); balance (walking on an increased area of \u200b\u200bsupport, walking on a limited area of \u200b\u200bsupport).
  3. To bring up expressiveness, beauty of movements; to cultivate the ability to carefully listen to the teacher’s explanations, to act on his signal.

Motivation: Today guys, we have two very difficult tasks. First: you need to walk along a very high bench and not fall. And only one with the most straight back, and whose eyes will look at the landmark (red circle), will be able to get through. And the second task, it is necessary to jump over this yellow strip. And only one who will try hard, who will have the most obedient knees can do this (I show a half-squat in a jump).

The course of the lesson.




Abstract physical education classes  in middle group  kindergarten.

Software Content:

  1. To teach children to maintain a stable balance when walking on an increased support; Exercise in vigorous pushing off the floor and soft landing on bent legs while jumping forward.
  2. To develop and improve motor skills. To form such physical qualities as leg strength (walking with a high knee lift, jumping forward); balance (walking on an increased area of \u200b\u200bsupport, walking on a limited area of \u200b\u200bsupport).
  3. To bring up expressiveness, beauty of movements; to cultivate the ability to carefully listen to the teacher’s explanations, to act on his signal.

Motivation : Today guys, we have two very difficult tasks. First: you need to walk along a very high bench and not fall. And only one with the most straight back, and whose eyes will look at the landmark (red circle), will be able to get through. And the second task, it is necessary to jump over this yellow strip. And only one who will try hard, who will have the most obedient knees can do this (I show a half-squat in a jump).

Course progress:

I part: Walking in a column one at a time, at the command of the educator, switching to walking with stepping over the cords (40 cm), easy running.

II part : construction in 2 columns.

  • General developmental exercises:
  1. I.p. feet shoulder width, cube in the right hand. Transfer the cube over the head to the left hand, and vice versa (4 times).
  2. I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, cube behind. Hands forward - sit down - stand up - hands behind your back (4 times).
  3. I.p. legs are widely spaced, a cube in the right hand. Tilt to the right, the right hand slides down, the left rises to the waist. Tilt to the left, the left hand slides down, the right rises to the waist (4 times).
  4. I.p. sitting on the floor, legs apart, we hold the cube with both hands behind our backs. Cube forward - lean forward, touch the floor, straighten as far as possible, cube forward - return to the starting position (4 times).
  5. I.p. lying on his stomach, hands under the chin, the cube lies in front of him. Swing legs, first slowly, then quickly (2 sets).
  6. I.p. legs together, cube firmly pressed to the chest. Jumping on two legs, alternating with walking (2 sets).
  7. Breathing exercise. Hands up, deep breath through the nose, tilt down - deep exhale through the mouth.
  • The main types of movements:
  1. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench. Hands on the belt, in the middle of the bench arms to the sides - to crouch - hands on the belt - reach the end of the bench, gently jump, legs are slightly bent at the knees. Draw the attention of children that the eyes are directed to a landmark. After the bench, walking along a limited area of \u200b\u200bthe support, with high hips, arms on the belt, back straight.
  2. Jumping on two legs, moving forward, you need to jump over the yellow strip (standard 60 cm), repeat 4 times. After jumping, the back is straight.
  • The mobile game "Cat and Mice"

There are 2 hoops on one side of the hall - this is the house of mice.

Vaska the cat is sitting in the corner,

Pretended to be asleep.

Mice crawl through hoops, run on toes all over the hall. A child in a cat mask sits on a stool with his eyes closed.


Here is the trouble

Run away from the cat!

Children run into minks through an unclosed part (hoops are removed). Repeat 3 times.

III part : walking in a column one at a time, following the guides in a group.

Total:   Guys, think and tell, who really tried today and jumped over the yellow strip? Or maybe someone did not succeed? And who had the most direct back when walking on the bench? Maybe someone didn’t manage to walk the bench correctly? Guys, and if someone didn’t succeed, what can we do (train and the next time everything will work out)?

Lesson in the middle group educates the skills of a healthy lifestyle, teaches you to take care of your health, improves your ability to walk in small and wide strides, to run “snake” between placed in a row, strengthens the muscles of the foot and back, forms correct posture, teaches you to run in different directions  with dodging, answering a question, guessing riddles.

Software Content:

  • foster a healthy lifestyle habit;
  • learn to take care of your health;
  • to improve the ability to walk in small and wide steps, to run with a "snake" between objects placed in a row;
  • strengthen the muscles of the foot and back;
  • to form the correct posture;
  • continue to learn to run in different directions with dodging;
  • to form the ability to answer a question, to solve riddles.

Class progress

Educator: Guys, look what a wonderful day it is today! We have many guests and they all have a good mood. They are all peppy and healthy. And in our group the children are cheerful and healthy. And what helps us to be beautiful and healthy?

Children: Physical Education!

Educator: And also?

Children: Hardening, vitamins, purity.

Educator: Yes, right. If you follow all these rules you will always be healthy. We have to go to the country "Health". Become a column!

We walk one after another
   Right on the track
   Raise it well
   Above our legs.

High and Low Exercise- the team “tall” children go on toes, “low” - on the heels, 30 seconds.

Like legs, like neck!
   We have not seen longer
   Like a tower among herbs
   A giraffe rises. (high)

I'm all golden
   Soft and fluffy.
   I'm a baby in a chicken
   And my name is chicken. (low)

Exercise "giants and gnomes."  "Giants" - a wide step, "gnomes" - mincing, 30 sec.

Exercise "thread and needle."Running and walking between the pins, placed in one row, 30 seconds (a knock on the door and an adult girl enters the group).

Educator: What is your name, girl?

Girl: My name is neat.

Educator: What does it mean, “neat?”

Chistyulya: This is my name. (addresses children) what is your name? And you? And you? And me - Chistyulya!

Educator: Why do you have such an unusual name?

Chistyulya: Because I love cleanliness. I clean my hands and soap with soap, I brush my teeth in the morning and evening, I have a clean room. Do you know why I do this? I want to be healthy. Cleanliness is the key to health!

Educator: Chistyulya, and you know, to be healthy, purity alone is not enough, although this is also very important. Children, what else needs to be done to be healthy?

Children: Go in for physical education, run, move a lot.

Educator: Chistyulya, play with us.

Outdoor switchgear. Charging Moidodyr.

  1. “Reach for a towel” (stretch your arms forward, up, to the sides, etc.)
  2. “Wash with soap” (1-2 - sit down, grab your knees, 3-4 - etc.)
  3. “Legs love cleanliness” (sitting, legs apart. 1-2 - arms to the sides, bend to the right leg, touch the toe, 3-4-ip also to the other leg)
  4. “Wash my knees” (lying on my back, hands straight behind my head. 1-2 - raise straight legs, clap hands on my knees, 3-4 - etc.)
  5. “Shake off water droplets” (I. p. - legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. 1-8 - jumps on two legs - legs together, legs apart).

Educator: Well, we’ve done a warm-up, and now we’ll play. Heron game. It will help strengthen our foot muscles. (Hoops are placed around the perimeter of the group — these are heron houses. Ribbons are scattered in the center — these are “frogs.” Herons run to the ribbons upon a signal, grab them with the fingers of their left foot and carry them into the house, jumping on the right. Chistyulya plays with the children.)

Educator:And now we strengthen the muscles of the back. The game "hares in the garden" - the area is divided in half by a lace, 50 cm high. On one side are "hares in the houses", on the other - "carrots in the garden" (scattered pins). Hares make their way into the garden, crawling under the cord, arching their backs. Carrots can be carried only one at a time.

Chistyulya: I know too interesting game. This is a game of "clean". For her, I brought you something interesting, and what it is - you will learn by guessing riddles:

    As many as 25 teeth
       For curls and crests.
       And under each tooth
       Lay hair in a row.

    Smooth, fragrant, washes cleanly.
       Everyone needs it.
       What is it? (soap)

    Fidget Akulina
       I went for a walk on the back
       And while she walked
       The back has become pink.

Relay game "clean".Children are divided into two teams, in front of them on the floor in hoops are objects (books, felt-tip pens, scissors, toothbrushes, soap dish, soap, washcloth, combs, towels, etc.) Children select objects that help to be clean and neat.

Chistyulya: Well done, children, I see that you know how to be healthy. I have to go. (leaves)

Prince Apchi enters: How many people are here! That's where I am expanse. Now I will infect everyone with germs!

Educator: And who are you?

Apchi:  I am the prince of Apchi, and here are my germs. Now I’m scattering them here and your health is bye-bye, you will get sick!

Educator: Well, we'll see it!

The game "microbes".  Prince Apchi throws "germs" (lumps) into children. Whoever gets into should start sneezing and drop out of the game. The teacher praises the children for being clever and courageous.

A doctor comes in: I hear that microbes wanted to settle here?

Children and caregiver: Yes, Prince Apchi decided to infect everyone with the flu. But we did not give in.


Microbes so dream of seeping into the gap
   Penetrate us over the stone walls,
   Get into the plates, and then into bed
   And to settle in ourselves gradually.
   But we will not let them on the threshold ?!
   On the neck we hang everything garlic.

(children put on the neck Kinder containers with garlic).

I’ll also teach you how to massage:

  1. warm our hands (three palms against each other)
  2. thin nose (slightly pull the tip of the nose)
  3. sculpt ears (from bottom to top massage with index and thumb)
  4. draw eyebrows (with index fingers)
  5. swan neck (stroke the neck from the chest to the chin)
  6. nose, breathe! (inhale through the right nostril, the left is closed with the index finger, exhale through the left and vice versa)

The doctor says goodbye and leaves.

Educator: Infrom and ended our lesson. Health is an invaluable gift of nature, it must be protected and strengthened. I hope everyone got a boost of vigor. I wish everyone to play outdoor games more often, to run and jump. Then you will all grow agile, strong, healthy. Lesson on the development of the grammatical structure of speech in children of the preparatory group "Grammar scholar-quartet"
| occupation | class notes | physical education | physical education lesson | middle | average | the group | song groups | physical education | to engage | how to have sex | us | lena | laziness | Her | are friends | let's be friends | everyday | everyone’s business | denu | happy Birthday | children’s | kindergarten | Educator page  | Physical education in the middle group Physical education we do not laziness with her we are friends every day Kindergarten

Physical education lesson

with children of the middle group

A type.   Fitness and fitness.

View.   Physical development.

Form holding.   Journey to a fairy tale.

Topic.   Securing the skills of crawling on his stomach on the bench, somersault forward, jumping from hoop to hoop.

Tasks :

Improve the skills of the main types of movements: the ability to crawl on the stomach on a bench, perform somersault over the head, jump from hoop to hoop, and teach children to control and self-control.

Continue to form the orientation skill in space, using different options for motor actions of children.

To form the correct posture, the culture of movements, pantomimic abilities.

To develop strength, endurance, flexibility, speed, agility, coordination abilities in children.

To promote the development of a sense of rhythm, ear for music, attention, the ability to coordinate movements with music.

To instill a desire in a child to pay attention to himself, to his body and body. Contribute to the creation of a stable, cheerful, active mood.

Equipment.   Gym bench, hoops, mat.

The course of the lesson.

Children enter the hall one at a time. Build in a row.

Gym teacher.   Hello guys!


You physical education cheers, cheers!

We are a healthy family.

Morning - open your eyes

And shoe shoes.

Step, run and jump

Gathered in kindergarten with you,

We are friends with physical education,

You gip-gip, cheers, cheers!

Gym teacher.   Today I offer you an unusual lesson, a trip to the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", it is familiar to you. And who can name the heroes of a fairy tale (children call the heroes of a fairy tale), Well done! So Kolobok himself sent us a telegram. Listen to what's in it. (reading a telegram)


“Hello to everyone from the bun, a cheerful friend!

Today he himself wanted to come, but now on the road again!

I am fond of physical education, I do swimming,

To be healthy like me, and plastic - like a snake.

Very dexterous - like a monkey

And girls and boys need to do sports!

In gratitude, you friends!

Kolobok family will cook a treat

All guests are surprised.

And now it's time for everyone to go, see you in a fairy tale .... children "!

Gingerbread Man.

Gym teacher.   Well, guys agree to travel. That's great! Now let's check the muscles of our legs and arms, what are they? (children's answers). Correct they are soft, weak, I propose to start training, Ready, then go!

Introductory part.

Gym teacher.


    walking in a circle

Gym teacher. ( Walking in a circle)

We walk along the path, and strengthen our health, maintain posture

Gym teacher.

Exercise  The Cockerel with a high rise of the knee, arms to the sides.

Here comes the cockerel, proudly raised the scallop.

Gym teacher.

Exercise  "Hen" on toes, hands on the belt

A chicken came out for a walk to pluck fresh grass.

Gym teacher.

Exercise  Duck walking on the outside of the foot, arms behind the back.

Duck is waddling, leads its children.

Gym teacher.

Exercise "Goose" walking in a squat, hands on your knees

And our goose does not lag behind and follows the duck

Gander, gander thin legs lead the kids along the path

Gym teacher.

Exercise  "Dog" walking on all fours

And now the dog walked with us along the road

Gym teacher.

Exercise  "Crocodile" (straight arms point forward, trunk parallel to the floor, straight legs drag along the floor.)

A crocodile is swimming in the river with him, I will be on an equal footing.

Gym teacher.

Exercise  "Frog" jumping forward.

Frogs live in the swamp, they are like girlfriends to me.

Gym teacher.

Exercise"Deer" walking in a circle, arms straight up.

Here is a handsome deer, slender, noble and calm

Gym teacher.

( Endurance run, with a stop).

. And now we run around in a circle we are catching up with each other

Gym teacher.

Guys!On our way we met charming women, these are our educators, greet them.(children greet, wave their hands)

Gym teacher. Running march.

(Stop by signal. Inhale, exhale.)

Guys! Nurse Roza Alexandrovna went on a trip with us, greet her.(Wishes have a good mood  children nurse)

Gym teacher. Running march.

(Stop by signal. Inhale, exhale.)

Gym teacher. Guys! look out the window! The sun went on a journey with us, and it rejoices, looking at you, how healthy, slender, resilient you are, greet the sun("Hello Sunshine".)

Gym teacher. step march.

Step march slowly, as the weather is good.

Guys! how are you, aren't you tired? Well done! We continue the journey.

Walking with circular movements of the hands to restore breathing.

Circle building

Smile at each other.

Guys, check your leg muscles, they are tense, they got a load, but not only they, our whole body works, our body warmed up, I propose to continue our journey.

Outdoor switchgear

    exercises for the eyes (10 times).

On 1 - close your eyes

At 2 - open your eyes

    Exercises for the cervical vertebra (10 times):

"Tilts of the head"

i.P. (the same, hands on the belt) - tilts the head to the right, left

3. “Look out the window” (6 times).

i.P. (same, hands up the "ring")

1 - head forward

At 2 - and.p.

2. Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle

1. Exercise "Surprise" (10 times)

I.p. - legs shoulder width apart, arms down along the torso

At 1 - raise your shoulders up, turn right.

On 2 - lower the shoulders, turn the body to the left.

2. “Show your palms” (10 times)

ip - legs shoulder-width apart, arms in front of the chest, a semicircle in the "castle".

On 1 - the arms are straight, the hands are turned with the back side

At 2 - and.p.


1. “Slopes” (10 times)

I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms on the belt

Tilts right, left

2. “Get out” (6 times)

I.p. - legs together, hands on the belt

On 1 - crouch, touch with your fingertips the floor,

At 2 - stand to straighten arms and legs,

On 3 - to sit down, touch with your fingertips the floor,

At 4 - and.p.

4. Exercises from sitting and lying down.

1. "Pinocchio" (5 times)

i.P. - sed, legs to the sides, straight

Alternating inclinations to the right, left leg

2. “Bicycle” (10 times)

i.P. - lying on your back, hands along the torso, palms lower

Circular motion of the legs

3. “Scissors” (7 times)

i.P. - lying on his back, hands behind his head.

Raising legs alternately, parallel to the floor (or cross)

4. Vanka-vstanka (6 times)

i.P. - Turkish style, hands on the floor, palms down

On 1 - bend over, touch the floor with your forehead

At 2 - and.p.

5.Jumps (10 times)

I.p. - legs together, hands on the belt.

On 2 legs

On one

Right left

Back and forth

6. Bee exercise

I.p. - standing, left hand on the chest, right on the stomach.

At 1 - inhalation through the nose

On 2 - exhale through the mouth with the sound of ffm.

(with the head tilted left and right).

Creative gymnastics. (A creative game aimed at the development of fiction, children's creative initiative).

Gym teacher.   Guys, let’s remember and show with movements, like a grandmother a bun baked. (children perform imitation movements under the text)

    First you need to pour flour on the table

    took a jug, poured milk

    salt, sugar, egg, vanilla

    knead the dough and make the bun

    put in the oven

Igroplastika. ( express your emotions, openness and inner freedom.)

Gym teacher. While the bun in the oven. We will do the exercises for the soul.


Leo - gray hair spilling out his tongue.




    crawling on the bench

    hoop to hoop

    flip over head

building in a circle.

Gym teacher.   Guys, now touch the muscles of your arms and legs. They are tense. And this means that you got a load on the whole body and become stronger and healthier.

Gym teacher.   While we were engaged, our bun was baked. We get the bun from the oven, what good is it.

Psycho-gymnastics (study "Hot Kolobok")

Gym teacher.   So we got into the fairy tale "Kolobok", and he prepared the game "soap bubbles" for us, they are friends with the sky, the sun, the breeze. Catch the bubbles, jump higher, you have to catch them all.


You look at the sky

There you will see the balls

Jump and grab higher

Get the health ball!

(music sounds, children should jump and pick balls that are suspended from the ceiling by strings)

Gym teacher. Get on the carpet. You are satisfied? Did you like the game? Are you tired? But even if someone is tired, the fatigue is pleasant. Touch your body; it is warm and moist. Drops of labor sweat gathered on his forehead. So, you were engaged from the heart with love and diligence. What exercises do you remember? Which exercise was easier and which was harder? Which of the guys performed the exercise better? Who will praise a friend? And what kind of exercise would you like our guests to perform? That ended our fabulous journey. But that is not all. From grandmother and Kolobok you have a good present. For your successes today.

(basket with gifts, read out a letter)

Letter from Grandma: “I baked you pies, not small, not big, soft, ruddy, just from the heat of the day, treat your kids, I treat you from the heart, I wish you all good health, I invite you to visit a fairy tale.”

Grandma and the Gingerbread Man. "

Gym teacher.   Thanks guys for the lesson, Goodbye, see you soon.