
Physical education plan for the summer senior group. Physical education in our kindergarten

Consultation for educators:

"Organization of the third physical education lesson,

  held at the playground of the kindergarten. "

The most important task of introducing preschoolers to physical education   is the formation of their right motor skills. Properly performed movements provide a positive effect on the functioning of organs and systems, increase the physical load on the body, create the basis for mastering more complex physical exercises, and are accustomed to a certain voltage when performing motor actions. Mastering a new movement is faster if many of its elements are already familiarchildren   and they are repeatedly fixed. Therefore, the planning of physical education classes offered by educators at the sports ground of the kindergarten, proposed below, is made taking into account game exercises familiar to children, constructions and rearrangements, outdoor games, etc.

When conducting classes in the open air, children get the opportunity to be more active, independent and initiative in action. Repeated repetition of exercises and outdoor games in a large space in the warm and cold season contributes to a stronger consolidation of motor skills and the development of physical qualities (strength, endurance, flexibility, dexterity ...). Physical education in the open air provides one of the main tasks of physical education - improving functional systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, central nervous system) and hardening of the child's body (health promotion).

Physical education on the street is best done at the end of the walk, because it is carried out without a special sports uniform. It is important to correctly distribute the motor activity of children. In cold weather, a light, moderate run is given at the beginning of the session, which enhances blood circulation and warms children, without causing overheating and sweatingchildren. Great attention in winter time should be given to relay races: during relay races, children are animated, cheer on comrades, are in motion, bounce, clap their hands; Relay tasks are familiar to children (they study in classes held in the gym), they complete them quickly and do not wait long for their turn. In order to activate sedentary, listless children, the educator needs to appoint them leaders in outdoor games, to remind you to run, and not to stand during games and performing exercises. If a child comes after an illness, he is given less load ( different kinds   walking, games of less mobility ...) or he can help in the distribution of benefits, look after the correct execution of exercises and game rules, and at the end of classes give an assessment to hisclassmates   (older age).

When conducting physical education classes on the street, teachers need to exercise control of   signs of fatigue of children.

Observed symptoms

Degree of fatigue



Coloring the skin of the face, neck

Slight redness of the face, calm expression

Significant redness of the face, expression tense



Significant   (persons)


Somespeeded upflat

Sharply speeded up


Vigorous, tasks are carried out clearly

Unsure, fuzzy, extra appear. In some children, motor agitation, in others, inhibition

Feeling well

Goodno complaints

Complaints of fatigue, refusal to complete tasks

Benefits required for physical education classes on the sports ground:

Limiters (ropes, jump ropes, etc.)


Cones, acorns, leaves


Masks - hats (story)

Sports Equipment

Cards, badges or emblems (for relay races)

Younger age - 15 minutes.


Benefits:   cubes different colors, rope, cones of 2 each, an umbrella.

I   part: easy run - 20-30sec.

  vigorous walking - 1 circle

  easy run - 20-30 sec.

  walking on toes, hands to the sides, clench and unclench fists - 1 circle.

Game "All to the cube"

On opposite sides of the site different color   cubes. At the signal of the teacher “Run to the red cube”, the children run to the cube and are built one after another. Then the children disperse throughout the playground inloose   (you can add tasks for the hands). By the signal “Run to the blue cube”, the children run towards the blue cube and are built one after another.

II   part:

Game exercise "Who will throw next"

Throwing cones, acorns infar away.

Children stand near the limiter (a strip on the ground, a rope, a jump rope, etc.). in   hands in each bump or acorns. At the command of the teacher, the meta childrenute inthe distance of the bump, first with the right, then with the left hand. They run, pick up the cones and return to their place. 2 to 3 times.

The game "On a flat track"   (bounce)

A circle is drawn on the earth (d\u003d 5 m).

III   part:

The game "Sun and Rain"

(inwed gr. may betrap   - "rain")

The teacher has an umbrella in his hands, all the children are standing under the umbrella. The teacher "The rain is over, let's go for a walk." Children run inloose, jumping, spinning, etc. at the signal of the tutor "Rain!" all run under an umbrella.

  2-3 times.

Children go after the tutor, one after another around the sports field.

Senior age - 25-30 minutes.

Location:   sports ground, corner restraints (cubes, pins)

Benefits: leaves, hoops, "autumn bouquet"

I   part: walking in a circle with a wide step (stepping over fallen leaves)

  running (without stepping on leaves)

repeat 2 times with a change of direction.

Attention game: "Get ready - go your separate ways"

Children stand in a column one after another. On the command "Go upstairs" scatter in the loose, on the command "Get together" fall into place. (mawfullyip. - in pairs). The teacher at the same time changes the place of position where you want to build.

II   part:

Obstacle course:

- climb through the anthem. fromsideways

- go through the boom

- jumping from hoop to hoop (or drawn on the ground)

  2 - 3 circles (you can speed up the pace)

The game “Above your feet from the ground”   2 - 3 times

III   part:

I.M.P. “Find the autumn bouquet”

The teacher hides the "autumn bouquet" in advance. Children are looking for him throughout the playground, whofinds   informs the ear of the teacher.

« Fruit - Vegetable "   with a ball

Children stand in a circle. The teacher says: “Vegetable” and throws the ball, the child “Pumpkin” and throws the ball back to the teacher.


Frolov V.G., Yurko G.P. "Physical education in the air" - M., 1983.

Thematic planning at DOW ,   under the editorship of M.A. Vasilyeva,V.G. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. - Volgograd, 2011

Poltavtseva   N.V.,Gordova   ON THE. “Physical education in preschool childhood” - M., 2005.

Adashkevich   HEY. "Sports games and exercises in kindergarten"- M .. 1992.

Physical education in our kindergarten

Physical education instructor

MBDOU "TsRR - D / S" Bell ", the city of Abakan

Anzhiganova T.M.

Issues of protecting and strengthening the health of children, physical preschool children are one of the important directions of our institution. The work is carried out through the observance of sanitary and hygienic norms and requirements, the organization of a balanced diet, a system for hardening children, conducting physical culture and health measures, creating a favorable climate in the pre-school educational institution.

Teachers of preschool educational institutions carry out various types of physical-health-improving work:

direct educational activities;

physical education minutes;

varieties of gymnastics (morning, respiratory, finger, articulatory, etc.);

various types of hardening;

Health days;

sports holidays, leisure

For all groups, a regimen of physical activity was compiled, where in addition to the organized types of physical education classes in the day mode of preschool children, a significant place is given to independent motor games, taking into account their age and individual characteristics.

The organization of direct educational activities in physical education in kindergarten.

As you know, regular physical education exercises strengthen the body and increase immunity. In addition, children, unlike adults, are very mobile and active, so they just need to periodically “let off steam”, and for this purpose, as well as to improve coordination of movements, physical education is suitable like nothing else.

Classes are held 3 times a week, 2 times in the gym (conducted by an instructor in physical education), 1 time on the street (conducted by a group teacher). Their duration, like the rest of the classes in kindergarten, is from 15 to 30 minutes. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to keep the child's attention longer than this time. Directly educational activities in physical education can be carried out with or without musical accompaniment.

In addition to the direct educational activities in physical education in the kindergarten, morning gymnastics is daily conducted, which consists of turns and tilts of the head, swinging arms, tilts of the body, and squats. The duration of morning exercises is 5-8 minutes. Between "sitting" classes and after a daytime sleep, so-called five-minute physical exercises are also carried out, which enable the child to stretch his body.

Physical education for kindergarten

The child must have a special form for physical education - this is, first of all, a matter of hygiene. Shorts and a T-shirt made of non-synthetic, breathable materials are perfect as a physical fitness form. On your feet you can wear Czechs or socks with rubberized (non-slip) soles. In many groups, the physical form of a particular color. This creates a team spirit among children during relay races and sports events.

physical education instructor
conducts physical education classes and during their conduct is fully responsible for the safety of students. Controls motor activity of children throughout the day. Together with the nurse, he controls the hygiene conditions for conducting classes. Like other teachers, the physical education instructor is guided by approved programs that take into account the age characteristics of children, and during classes takes into account the individual capabilities of each child.

Much attention in the process of directly educational activity is paid to the formation of proper posture, motor skills, as well as instilling cultural and hygienic skills and interest in physical exercises, which contributes to the formation of moral qualities, strong-willed personality traits, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Throughout the year, sports are held with children, leisure, entertainment, sports games in the fresh air.

In the summer improving period, classes are held in the fresh air with direct contact with natural factors of nature. Summer classes take place in a more playful form, saturated with sports and outdoor games, nurseries.

The physical development of children must continue beyond the kindergarten. Morning exercises on weekends at home and outdoor games for a walk will certainly benefit the baby.

The main goal of physical education in a preschool is to satisfy the natural biological need of children in movement, to achieve a good level of health and comprehensive physical development of children. And also ensure the mastery of preschool children with motor skills; to create conditions for the diverse (mental, moral, aesthetic) development of children and the education of their need for systematic physical exercises.

07/16/2015 Physical education in the summer.

  Instructor FC Simonenko A.E.

Summer is an amazing and fertile time when children can walk, run and jump in plenty. Children have the opportunity to receive a huge number of interesting and new experiences. At this time, they are not overloaded with educational activities and may devote more time. various games, sports, music events, etc. That is why the work of the kindergarten in the summer is built differently. Children are given no less attention, but they spend much more time in the fresh air. The main activities of children in the summer: collective games in the fresh air; active and regular physical activity; sport competitions; familiarization of children with the surrounding nature; reading children's literature; participation of children in holidays and entertainment. This type of activity is a game, and in this case, if we are talking about physical education, these are various outdoor, sports, relay games, water games, etc. morning work-outwhen all the children go out to the sports ground and, together with the FC instructor and tutors, perform exercises with cheerful fiery music, where they get a positive charge for the whole day.

Being engaged in physical education in the air, children develop motor skills. Children's sports are classified as mobile competitions. So in our kindergarten, in older groups, physical education classes based on relay games, outdoor games are regularly held. Children with great excitement compete in such games as: “Don’t drop it,” “Funny rings”, “Collect a flower”, “Relay stick”, “Rent a hoop”, etc., where they showed skill, quickness, quick wits, dexterity, accuracy and speed of reaction. The most interesting relay was “Cyclists” for speed, the children competed with great return and completed the task. At the end of the competition, the results and scoring were summed up, the winners received their awards. The competition turned out to be fun, everyone was satisfied, charged with positive energy and good mood   all day! Everyone was lively and joyful!

  Elena Tyukova
  The report of the instructor in physical education about summer recreational work in the preschool educational institution

Currently, much attention is paid to physical   the education of preschoolers, the protection and strengthening of their health. Based on this, the main goals that I have identified for myself, planning summer wellness work, became the following goals - improving the health of students, improving their physical qualities, the development of motor activity, the cultivation of a sense of mutual support, camaraderie, mutual assistance.

Forms of organization used by me fitness and fitness activities were diverse. This and athletic   leisure and entertainment, Health Days.

So in June, together with music director Sukhova N.I. and educators, I prepared and conducted summer   Musical and sports festival dedicated to Children's Day - "Hello summer!". The festival was actively attended by students of all groups of preschool institutions. There were a lot of surprises for the children. They met with fairy-tale characters, together with them took part in a number of sports contests, relay races, played outdoor games, and solved riddles. During the holiday, children were given the opportunity to show their creativity. The holiday was held in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. All participants of the event were awarded with sweet souvenirs.

Also in June, together with educators, was prepared and held physical leisureThe Call of the Junglein which children of groups took an active part "Chamomile"   and "Knapweed". Traveling through the jungle, children competed among themselves, took part in various contests and competitions aimed at attention, the accuracy of the teams. During the competition, various sports equipment and equipment were used. Girls were not inferior to boys in completing assignments. Children received a great charge of vivacity and joy. In the end physical education   according to tradition, sweet prizes awaited their leisure.

Such a form of organization as children is very popular "Fun Starts".

Tasks of these fitness   measures were to develop children's endurance, agility, speed, balance, eye; the ability to navigate in space, as well as instill a sense of collectivism, friendship, camaraderie. Support the desire of children to do physical education, lead a healthy lifestyle.

A rich competition program was prepared for them with fun relay races, games, sports exercises. The result of the competition is always Friendship won. All participants received a cheerful, joyful mood, positive emotions.

My summer work   The period was also aimed at learning various outdoor games with children of different ages. These are plot games (“The Chicken and the Chickens”, “Hares and the Wolf”, “The Mousetrap”, the plotless (“Bouncers”, “Crows and Sparrows”, “Who's Next”, round dance ( Bear Bear) etc.

T. about. an important indicator of its summer fitness work I think thatthat all the events I carried out found a lively emotional response in the souls of children, brought joy, pleasure and, most importantly, children's health.

I consider my done work satisfactory. In the future I will continue work   in the same direction, finding new forms of organization fitness work.

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