
The correct time is winter or summer. When will Russia switch to winter time

When will Russia switch to winter time?

   Editorial response

President of Russia Vladimir Putin  signed a law on return to winter time. In most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the clock will be transferred an hour ago on October 26, 2014 at 2:00, and in the future, there will be no seasonal transfer of hands.

The law establishes 11 time zones in the country.

Change of time for the winter - is it necessary?

The hours are set from 00 hours. Remember that many electronic devices change automatically, but on Sunday morning you should check to see if all the clocks show the current winter time. Opinions are divided on this issue - contrary to what may seem, a change in time before winter has no "justification" in astronomy and is not connected with the need to adapt to changes in nature. We change the time for the winter, because we invented it ourselves. His idea, however, did not correspond to understanding, and we had to wait a long time for such changes.

New subjects of the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the city of federal significance Sevastopol - will live according to Moscow time. The Udmurt Republic and Samara Region are included in the new time zone, which is one hour ahead of Moscow time. Since Moscow time is now in these subjects, the clock hands will not be translated there.

What are the advantages of switching to winter time?

Winter time is much closer to astronomical, natural for a person time. The fact is that it is it that is closest to the inner primordial rhythms that are in the human body. “Every person has a genetic memory, and our body remembers that we should go to bed at sunset and get up at dawn,” says Kholmogorova Galina, senior researcher, candidate of medical sciences, expert at the League of Health of the Nation. “Initially, when it was decided not to transfer time anymore, the most reasonable thing was to immediately choose winter time. But chose to install summer time, which is generally not physiological for humans, ”said the expert.

Why is winter changing?

Winter time changes occur in 70 countries of the world - mainly in Europe, but also in the United States, Australia, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand. So, if the change of time for the winter is not caused by nature, then why is it even done? One of the main motives was energy conservation. However, scientific studies conducted over the years have shown that changing time does not allow at all, and in many cases it causes a higher level of consumption. Professor Hendrick Wolf of the University of Washington, who conducted research on energy saving after changing the time for the winter, said that he was actually observed in the evening, but it increased significantly during the dark morning 1.

What are the cons of summer time?

Living all year round in the summertime, for six months people experience a lack of sunlight. The morning sun not only gives good mood, but also stimulates all body systems, increases working capacity and resistance to diseases. During awakening in the morning light, a person has a surge of vigor, energy, and working capacity.

The same applies to daylight saving time. An extended day makes you return home early, where the temperature still prevails, and fans and air conditioners must be used. Daylight saving time will take place last weekend in October, or rather on the night of October 28-29. So 00 on Sunday morning will be Sunday, October 29th, will be the longest day of the year with 25 hours. Every spring, more precisely, on the last Saturday evening until Sunday of March, we switch to summer.

Thus, natural light is used for a longer period of time during the day. Instead, with the fall setting, last Saturday night until Sunday October, it returns to normal. It will not be easy for us to adapt to winter time, and our biorhythm is distorted to some extent. It will be difficult for us to fall asleep, therefore, at least in the first days we will lose an hour of sleep. Although changing the time makes you feel more tired than usual, doctors say that one of the most effective quick adaptation measures at nine o’clock is to move.

Recent scientific studies have shown that if half an hour later to start classes in schools, then children have improved performance indicators, improved attention, they are easier to tolerate the morning hours.

When did you first switch to daylight saving time?

For the first time, clock hands were switched to daylight saving time in Europe during the First World War. With this measure, energy was saved. In Russia, the system of summer and winter time was introduced in 1917.

Physical activity activates and repels you. Another effect on the health of switching to winter time is an increase in depression, which becomes more aggravated in winter, because it directly correlates with a source of sunlight that can treat depression. and anxiety, also due to darkness and especially cold. Meticulous people become the most stressful because changing winter time enhances their daily lives. It starts later in the morning, and evening comes early, ”explains Dr. Denis Zakharia, a family doctor.

Specialists also warn that switching to winter time can affect our nutritional balance by putting our metabolism in the head. Thus, the main element that we should not forget in the winter is vitamin C, an excellent weapon against fatigue.

What is maternity time?

Due to the change of time in the 1930s and 1981s, the USSR began to outstrip the standard time by two hours in the summer, and by an hour in the winter. The established time acquired the name "maternity", as it was introduced by decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.

Attempts to cancel the “maternity” time were made in 1991, but this initiative caused discontent among the population, as well as an increase in electricity consumption. The fact is that in the morning I had to get up long before sunrise, and in the evening, when people returned home from work, it was already dark. By 2009, when ex-president of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev initiated another reform of the time, about 60% of Russians lived this way.

So, on the last Sunday of October, the summer schedule ends, starting from the last Sunday of March, and returns to Romanian legal time, when the difference from universal time is again two hours. Changes do not occur in all countries where there is a time difference. Representing summer time, it was intended as much as possible for the natural light of the Sun and reduce the use of artificial light. Years passed when the introduction of daylight saving time was offered several times, but was rejected.

Sprays and medicines were not helpful to me. From the information they possess, it would be good to have a 10-day physiological treatment for 6 to 6 months, 4 hours a day, at least two years. Helps revitalize and remineralize your body. During treatment and after treatment, you should not use a synthetic sweetener. Blackcurrant wine is strictly forbidden to people suffering from high blood pressure or when treated with antibiotics. It is also recommended to consume mamaligis, which helps to correct calcium, as well as a lot of fruits and vegetables in raw form, milk and dairy products.

What time is it in Russia now?

Now in Russia there is a constant summer time, which is 1-2 hours ahead of standard time. Winter time was canceled in 2011 by a decree of former President Dmitry Medvedev. However, not everyone liked this initiative. In Moscow, the central regions of the European part of Russia, Western Siberia, in the east of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Kamchatka, time is used that is one hour ahead of standard time. In other regions, administrative time began to be ahead of the standard time by two hours.

If possible, rudeness should be given in stamps or cut very well and consumed in the form of salads. You can also consume several teaspoons of honey per day. Treatment may occur as needed. If you need more information about blackcurrant wine, you can write to me. The bitter salt bag is dissolved in approximately 200 ml of warm water and taken on an empty stomach. Then eat the fruit because it tastes bad. You can also try an enema with hot water and oil made with an irrigator.

Lubricate the head of the irrigator and the anus with cream to avoid pain. To regulate intestinal transit, about 200 ml of milk is drunk daily on an empty stomach, possibly with bread. He will have at least one stool between 5 minutes and 2 hours after administration. Good results and lettuce baked with butter. For pain: Prepare mackerel not made from wheat bran, onions and 100 ml of hot water. Place 3 nights between the shoulders covered with a clean cloth, then with a thick scarf. Quick recovery from God!

How does the translation of arrows affect the human body?

Doctors have a negative attitude towards translating arrows, since this leads to desynchronosis, which, in turn, causes an exacerbation of diseases, including cardiovascular and mental ones. The change of regime is very difficult for some people to tolerate, sometimes a person needs a whole month to enter a new rhythm. “The best thing about the new initiative of the deputies is that they will no longer drive back and forth,” Galina Kholmogorova explained.

Sincerely, Assistant to Peter Nikuta - Suceava. The effect can occur after 2-3 injections and consists in a superficial sleep and toning of the sphincters by vegetative regulation. The advantage of classical therapy is the faster installation of sphincter control and the absence of side effects.

About 20 years ago, I had the same problem with my younger boy, born from a more difficult birth. The diagnosis was cleft of the spine, and it was recommended to take it for several years at sea and expose it to the naked sun, and if healing did not occur before puberty, the operation will go away that it was not necessary.

In addition, the mismatch of rhythms leads to various pathological phenomena in the body. A person can increase irritability, insomnia, work capacity, attention span, he feels overwhelmed, lethargic, weak, various diseases can worsen.

To always know the exact time is not enough to have a good watch. We also need a standard by which this watch will be checked. For many years, such a standard served as a day - the period of the Earth's rotation around its axis - and a second - 1/86400 a fraction of the day. The period of the Earth’s rotation is constant up to one thousandth of a second, however, with the development of science and technology, even such a high accuracy has been insufficient.

I hope it’s not too late to fix the situation of your girlfriend. In the American medical literature, the disease is called burning mouth syndrome. This seems to be a neurological condition, although this is not entirely clear. The treatment with carbamazepine, a drug that blocks transmission of nerve inflows, has shown good results. You should consult a very good neurologist, preferably a university professor in Bucharest. Adi Coman.

It is necessary to adapt the body to different temperatures, humidity or current conditions, especially when it comes to cold. It would be a very useful program for life that would cover a daily exercise of medium intensity, even just walking through a busy pace or light, at least 30 minutes a day. Try to go outside, first at a comfortable temperature, adding less “exposure” to lower temperatures. However, you can remain sensitive to current, and you should keep it as far as possible.

In the 1950s, physicists proposed using the duration of a certain number of electromagnetic waves emitted and absorbed by atoms as a reference unit of time during the transition from one energy state to another. So there was a reference atomic clock, the second stability of which is now almost a million times higher than the stability of the Earth's rotation. The era of atomic time has begun.

Try to have a healthy and balanced diet, with fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, wheat germ, honey, brewer's yeast; over ocean fat, a lot of greens, yogurt, kefir. Take your Scottish shower daily. Try to make you sleep.

If you have any mental discomfort or psychological conflict, you want to solve it faster and faster. Treatment takes three weeks and then three weeks of rest. Phimosis can be congenital or acquired as a result of balanitis. Inflammatory phimosis can often be resolved by treatment with antibiotics and corticosteroids. For congenital fossils, circumcision is mandatory, which prevents the prevention of other diseases of the mucous membrane of the gland and foreskin. Unfortunately, your age can only intervene surgically.

The duration of the atomic second can be chosen arbitrarily, but of course, it should be close to the second specified by the rotation of the Earth. After all, we live on Earth, our life depends on its rotation in many respects, and therefore astronomical and atomic time should not noticeably diverge. If this discrepancy reaches a few fractions of a second, the atomic clock from which the known signals of the exact time are transmitted are transferred forward or backward a second to combine atomic time with astronomical time. Such transfers are allowed only twice a year - on June 30 or December 31 and they are made all over the world.

The operation is not heavy and should not scare you. German doctor Dirk Arnzen from Berlin copes well with children under 10 years old. Results are already visible after 4 bathrooms. Many boys escaped such an operation. At the same time, add 3-4 liters of mud maceration.

In fact, the only solution is surgery, so do not delay, any missed moment will mean more recovery, and it will be much more difficult. The greatness of my homeopathic doctor Florescu Daniela gave me health and confidence in life. You can use the following herbs: arnica, spruce, cat, wormwood, celandine, oak. Place a teaspoon of tincture in 100 ml of boiled and pre-chilled water. Rinse the wound with a cotton swab moistened with this solution. Compressible compresses can also be produced when the fluid dries.

Atomic time coordinated with astronomical has received the name of universal coordinate time; at this time we live.

So far, we have been talking about time tracking systems within a day. Now we will get acquainted with the account systems of the day itself, which are called calendars.

The calendar year in which we live consists of 365 days; every fourth year is one day longer. Such a year is called a leap year.

It is an antiseptic that helps in the formation of new cells while also activating local blood circulation. Fir: 2 teaspoons of spruce pepper or kidney is placed in 250 ml of cold water and boiled for 15 minutes, then squeezed. Detergents, shampoos or compresses for purulent wounds to destroy staphylococcus. Katina - Cat oil is especially used, which lubricates the wound locally several times a day. It can also be used as an on-site powder under a dressing. It is anti-infectious, anti-tumor.

Sea buckthorn oil is a very good scar starch. Place a teaspoon of crushed plants in 250 ml of boiling water. Cover for 15 minutes, then sneeze. It is used to disinfect wounds, destroying pathogenic microbes. In the case of wet wounds, dust can be applied directly to the wound. Very good cataplasmas with a boiled plant, and then put on tissue that is applied to the affected area. Rostopaska - has a very strong antitumor, anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious effects, including fungal infections or viral infections.

What is a leap year for? It turns out that it is necessary to coordinate the calendar year with the solar one, which makes up the time of one revolution of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun. The duration of the solar, or "tropical" year, as astronomers call it, is 365.2422 days, or 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds.

Thus, the solar year is longer than the calendar year by about 6 hours and over 4 years this difference is almost a whole day. If this is not taken into account, the beginning of the calendar year will slowly move through the seasons and in the end it will fall from winter to summer. To prevent this from happening, a leap year is introduced.

Depending on local sensitivity, fresh juice can be applied two to three times a day, cataplasma with chopped fresh or boiled plants or compressed tea with concentrated tea made from 2 teaspoons of the chopped plant in 250 ml of boiling water. Cover for 15 minutes, then squeeze and squeeze. You can gently grind a dry plant, mix with warm water and then apply to the affected area with a bandage. Oak - a teaspoon of crushed plants is placed in 250 ml of water and boiled for 15 minutes, then squeezed.

It is used for compresses and rinses, or lends itself to dressing, especially on wet wounds, which helps to reduce discharge. Due to the tannin that it contains, it has an astringent effect, superficial hemostasis, anti-inflammatory, deodorizing. It can also be used in various ointments mixed with the propolis fat mass used in any form. It is an exceptional antibiotic, anesthetic and therapeutic agent. Red wine - 200 ml of a mixture with 100 g of honey, then a smear with this wound solution several times a day.

For the first time, a 365-day calendar with one leap year was adopted in ancient Rome in 46 BC under Julius Caesar. This calendar came to be called Julian or old style.

For a long time, the Julian calendar was considered ideally accurate, but in fact this is not entirely true. Even with leap years, the Julian calendar year is 11 minutes 14 seconds shorter than the sun. It is easy to understand that in 128 years the difference between the calendar and astronomical time accounts will be a whole day.

Such an insignificant difference naturally could not play an important role for most people, but the clergy, which required the punctual execution of church holidays, were concerned about the divergence of the calendar with nature.

One of the most important religious holidays is Easter, which should be celebrated on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon. The full moon was considered to be the spring full moon, coming soon after the day of the vernal equinox, i.e. March 21. But over the centuries, the vernal equinox began to slide gradually from March 21 due to the discrepancy between the calendar and the astronomical time counter. The definition of Easter day has become very complicated, confused, sometimes simply incorrect. To avoid this, the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Gregory XIII, issued a special decree on calendar reform.

According to this decree, after October 4, 1582, it was necessary to count not October 5, but 15. This eliminated the error of the Julian calendar that had accumulated over the previous 12 centuries.

So that in the future this kind of error does not accumulate, it was decided from the years that end with two zeros, for example, 1600, 1700, 1800, to consider as leap years only those in which the number of hundreds is divided by 4 (1600, 2000, 2400). The rest of the centuries should be simple, while julian calendar  they were considered leap. With a new account, a calendar error in one day will accumulate in only 3300 years, which, of course, has no practical value. The new calendar system became known as the Gregorian calendar or the new style.

In fairness, I must say that our calendar is still not very convenient for life. So, if you need to determine which day of the week will be such and such a date in the current year, you must definitely look at the calendar or make calculations; for other years, this task becomes even more difficult. Months are divided into different numbers of days (30, 31, 28/29), the length of all quarters is different.

Why do we use such an inconvenient calendar, is it possible to change it? Of course you can.

A special commission has been organized at the UN to reform our calendar. Several hundred proposals on the construction of a new calendar were sent to this commission. The most interesting of them are the following two proposals:

1. A calendar year consists of 13 months of 28 days each, so that each month has exactly 4 weeks. The same dates of all months fall on the same day of the week, for example, the first day of any month will always be Monday, the second - Tuesday, etc.

Since such a year will last 364 days instead of the usual 365, after the last day of the year a special day is introduced without a number and a name - it is proposed to consider it as New Year's Day. In leap years there will be two days without a number.

Such a thirteen-month calendar has one significant drawback - the number of months that is different from our usual one. It is necessary to come up with a name for the thirteenth month and build a lifetime based on an extra month.