
Julian calendar. The calendar of the Romans? Development Calendar: Seventh Month

Remember that the following descriptions of personal months should be used as the most general guidelines for identifying possible scenarios. Use keywords to interpret potential trends that apply to your lifestyle. Each person is unique and each has a unique relationship with numbers. Also do not forget that the trends of the personal month are secondary to the directions of the personal year and should be considered together with the number of life paths and birthdays, as well as with the number of the personal year.

January (8th personal month): material achievements, business

The seventh personal year is introspective in nature, and this month is quite suitable for compiling a program for the whole year with the allocation of time for reflection in it. It’s very useful to add special personal time to your weekly schedule. Focus on planning and setting tasks for the next two to three years. This is a good month for all types of production activities. You have great ideas that can be translated into innovative projects in business or at work. You well understand which of the projects you can complete, because the current epicycle is approaching its peak. Self-confidence benefits you. You are boldly moving forward to achieve your material goals. However, you begin to worry about issues related to the meaning of life.

The projects that you must complete this month do not allow you to be alone, but you need it. If you do not want to push people away from you, you will have to be sensitive and attentive to the feelings of others. You are concerned about deep internal issues, which makes you feel some discomfort and anxiety. You may doubt the satisfaction that work, communication, lifestyle gives you. Over the past years, you have been steadily gaining momentum, working hard to achieve your goals, and now you suddenly have vague, disturbing doubts - this cannot but cause alarm. You are overwhelmed with emotions, you are easily annoyed by the claims of others. Give up secondary activities and stop communicating with people who no longer have an impact on your life. Spend some time doing community service. Wait until the next month before changing something important.

This month begins a new 9-month cycle and indicates the potential for internal growth and progress throughout the year. This is a great time to start learning, meditation or relaxing, thought-provoking activities - yoga, tai chi or even gardening and reading. If you postponed any research or educational project to a later date, now is the time to start. Be sure to start hard new projectwhich will interest you greatly or which will make you think, analyze, develop complex decisions. The first personal month of the seventh personal year is the time when you will be focused on yourself. Remember the tendency to selfishness so as not to hurt loved ones.

You may have to work closely with others this month, which may disappoint you, because this year you are determined to act on their own. It can be a busy month, during which you will have to work hard to solve complex problems, and you do not have to see immediate results. Be patient in everything, especially when working with others. Do not forget about the tendency to feel superior. Focus on your immediate tasks. Your intuition works in full force, the inner voice calls you to be guided by your interests. The inner voice is a serious force, it can prompt you with creative solutions to your problems. A fleeting remark from a friend or acquaintance will help you better know yourself. Let your mind remain open. Avoid hasty decisions.

Although the year of seclusion continues, this month you have a desire to talk - it's time to take a break in introspection and introspection. But even when communicating, you will tend to discuss serious issues that require deep reflection, rather than indulging in idle chatter. The seventh personal year has drawn your attention to the inner world; you often reflect on the meaning and purpose of life. It may not be easy for you to escape from deep thought and pay attention to everyday problems. Be careful: too deep digging and excessive criticality towards oneself is also bad. Engage in a calm, creative, enjoyable job. Perhaps you should join a book club or find another group that suits your interests. Use creative ways to explore your inner world.

You have nothing against hard work this month - for you it is a means to return to solitude, especially if you can do the work alone. There is nothing to be done: you will have to pay attention to the details of your daily life - both at home and at work. You may be annoyed by the banality of petty deeds and responsibilities, but be patient. This is a very productive month, so work tirelessly and you will achieve more than you expect. A good organization will help to move forward evenly. Engage in weekly planning and try to make good use of your time. Do not put off anything until tomorrow. You may enjoy working at home or in the garden. You are still busy with soda, but do not forget to pay attention to loved ones. Do something at home with your spouse and children.

The rhythm has changed. You can throw your schedule out the window - the next weeks will be unpredictable and not amenable to organization. Let your mind remain open; unexpected news or events can make you rethink your plans. You may feel anxious, thirsty for activity. Unforeseen circumstances may interfere with your privacy, but this is normal. You need to bring some fun into your life, and right now. Be flexible so you don’t get upset if your schedule is broken again. You can find a creative solution to a long overdue problem. Focus on original approaches.

After the excitement of last month, you will need to balance your daily life a little. Even if you want to be alone with yourself more than anything else, there will be nothing but benefit from communicating with relatives and friends. The support and love of your partner will do a miracle for your restless soul. Your relationship will become deeper and stronger - the result of time well spent together. The sixth personal month is the time to give and receive. Now for you priority has become household chores. Do everything so that harmony and peace reign in your home, and you will enjoy spending time there. A vacation with your family somewhere in a quiet place will give you and your loved ones a great pleasure. Listen to music, read, remember your hobby. Your creativity is on top.

This year you spend a lot of time thinking, and in the seventh personal month this trend will intensify. Resist the urge to deeply analyze everything without exception and ruthlessly criticize yourself and others. You doubt everything, but be patient: in due time you will receive the answers you need so much. Substantial personal growth is possible, but only if you allow the internal transformation to take place naturally. This is a tense time associated with the acquisition of new knowledge and the growth of self-confidence. This is a bad time for family vacations, important social or social events. If you feel the depression is approaching, take a walk in the forest, spend time in the garden, in general, stay alone with nature. Share your thoughts and feelings with your loved one. Read inspirational books.

The right moment has come to apply new knowledge about yourself, your life and your situation in practice. You are an adversary of a superficial attitude, take business and financial matters seriously. Great progress can be made in business this month. You have begun to know and understand yourself better, it is easier for you to make decisions that reflect your true life mission. It makes you rethink the goals set a few years ago. You are preparing for the eighth personal year, during which you will have the opportunity to put everything together and achieve your goals. You feel confident and want to reward yourself for your efforts.

Although you may have felt some anxiety and even confusion in recent months, your self-confidence has undoubtedly increased significantly. The year is drawing to a close, and with it the process of acquiring new knowledge. Soon you will feel the deepest relief. If you have paid enough attention to your inner world, your growth is obvious. If you ignored and resisted the inner call, most likely you are cautiously waiting for the coming year. The eighth personal year is the harvest time, you will reap what you sowed earlier. Your efforts in recent years will yield visible results. This can be intimidating if you ignored your responsibilities towards yourself and others. Complete the projects and relax. Wait for the renewal of energy that will bring the next first personal month.

Spend time and effort on community service. Concentrate on others, not yourself.

Based on what you learned this year, you may be ready to make some changes to your life. You thought a lot, and your faith in yourself has increased. Your energy level rises, you feel inspired and ready to cope with any obstacles that may be in your way. You can feel the peak year approaching your epicycle. You are mainly focused on yourself, so do not forget to pay attention to family and friends. Avoid hasty decisions - the time is not right for them. Always remember that you are approaching the end of the epicycle and any changes and additions that you will make now can accelerate the completion of ongoing projects. Focus on your immediate tasks.

By the end of this month, your child is likely to be sit without support  and maybe even sit down himself. Soon he will be better at maintaining balance and will begin to combine sitting with other activities, such as playing.

Your child may already be creeps  on the stomach or on all fours. At first, he can move backwards, but he will soon learn to crawl forward, reaching interesting goals. Some children develop their own ways of moving before, after, or instead of crawling, and some do not crawl at all, but immediately begin to walk.

When the child has learned to move independently, he wants to examine what is outside the room, but he is afraid to leave you. However, one fine day he will overcome his doubts and get out into another room, but he will immediately return to make sure that you are there.

Your child repeats the seen actions with his hands. Over the next two months, he is likely to give preference to his right or left hand. Be sure to stimulate the "lagging" hand - invest in it interesting toys, start finger games with it, because this will help the baby develop harmoniously. In the meantime, Lalik still grabs everything that she can reach, shifts objects from hand to hand, shakes them, thunders, knocks, rolls, squeezes, vomits, pulls herself and throws everything in a row.

Your child can express pleasure with a wide variety of sounds from croaking to quiet rumbling. He often tries to imitate the sounds of adults and begins to understand your emotional mood by the tone of your voice.

An incredible intellectual leap: the little man has already learned that objects exist, even if he does not see them. He searches for a fallen object and recognizes his toys. Soon he will realize that if he cannot reach the toy, he can reach the blanket on which it lies and, pulling it to himself, get to the desired toy.

Perhaps your baby will erupt this month first tooth. This is usually the front lower tooth. Excessive salivation and sucking of the lower lip are common signs of teething. Of course, the teeth can cause a slight temperature and diarrhea, but do not blame everything on the teeth, because it can be a real disease.

You are still the main person in the life of your baby. Until now, when a child pronounced the words “mom” or “dad”, he most likely did it unknowingly. But within a few weeks, he will understand that mom is only one, the most beloved person.

Physical development of this month’s baby:

    Swinging back and forth, standing on all fours or crawling;

    Can move on his back, raising and lowering the ass, stands on a sort of half-bridge;

    Holds an object in each hand and loves to beat them together

    Likes to examine his body with the hands and mouth;

    Takes objects with his fingers.

Intellectual development:

  • He teases, imitates, understands when they fool around with him;
  • Stroking his reflection in the mirror;
  • Better concentrates, shows interest in details;
  • He understands that an object does not disappear if he does not see it;
  • Imitates various sounds. As a rule, it makes sounds like "ma, mu, yes, di ...".
  • It can take a picture of a child for itself and make appropriate sounds.
  • He knows who is mom and that mom is only one.
  • Find out your name.

From the book of William and Martha Sears, “Your Baby: From Birth to Two Years.”  “Fear of strangers. This "disease" usually occurs between the 6th and 12th months. More recently, the baby willingly passed from hand to hand, and suddenly this "sociable butterfly" turned into an "incredulous caterpillar." Now the child recognizes only your hands and can repel even close relatives, whom he recently readily recognized. This behavior is normal, this incredulity will pass quickly, so do not make any changes to your parenting style, and do not assume that the child is unwell. Even the most healthy and sociable children can go through this period of fear of strangers.

The child, as it were, measures the world with your standards and evaluates other people - according to your reaction to them. The behavior of your baby depends on how you behave. To overcome the isolation of the child, it is necessary to encourage him to social openness. Here's how we recommend it.

Communication needs to be taught. Greet the person approaching you with a smile and start a lively dialogue, while maintaining a certain distance. Give your child time and opportunity to look at the stranger and read the happy expression on your face. Based on your reaction, the baby will form his own idea of \u200b\u200bthis person. If a stranger is pleasant for you, he will be good for a child. Then take the initiative in communication. Make an introductory remark: “Look at Aunt Nancy, she’s so cute.” However, Aunt Nancy is better off not approaching you. Start yourself to gradually reduce the distance.

When you get close enough, grab the baby’s pen and stroke Aunt Nancy’s face. All this time, do not forget to follow the expression on the face of the child and the language of his body movements, in order to understand in time when to approach and when to wait. Explain your strategy to Aunt Nancy so that she does not pounce on the baby in ecstasy. The same detailed explanation (how important a correct approach to a child is during this period) should be given to grandparents in a timely manner. This will allow them to maintain kindred feelings, and you - to avoid a long lecture on how you spoiled your own child. This approach helps the child in communicating with the doctor.

What to do in more difficult cases. If your baby is very afraid of strangers, make the preparatory stage for meeting them longer and more skillful. Warn your friends about the features of your child’s behavior, and remember that this is an element of the normal development of children and do not try to smooth out the baby’s first unpleasant impression (“In fact, he is a very good boy”). Arrange that your guest first comes to you to pay attention to one of your child’s favorite toys, such as a rattle. Carry this toy with you and take it out when you meet, then the baby will be delighted with it, and at the same time with the approaching person.

If the baby continues to stay aloof and still wraps around you like ivy, put him on your lap and talk with the visitor, without involving the child in the conversation and giving him the opportunity to get comfortable sitting in his usual place. ”

Increase - 600 grams, growth is plus two centimeters.

Development Diary: our babies are 7 months old!

The first tooth got out, right below. Marik can hide behind a canopy curtain. He likes labels on toys, in my opinion, more than the games themselves. Recognizes the melodies at the children's piano, one of them is sooo happy. Frightened at the doctor’s appointment. Clearly divides everyone into friends and foes. Own: mom, dad, grandmother Ira. All the rest are “strangers”. Recently I tried to fit the cord to the baby monitor - young technician. We play hide and seek. Hiding behind a rag and laughing, I have to be very happy and look for him. He throws a towel or a diaper over my face - also makes me hide, and then finds it with a squeal. Crying terribly if I retreat at least two steps.

They began to pry, began to make mumble sounds and growl with terrible force :). Done independently sat with support on the arm! They began to eat porridge, rice, without milk, without salt / sugar, without gluten. I didn’t like porridge: (They ate a little bit, less than a teaspoon. She herself gets up with support and sits down from a standing position.

The next day after my birthday (6 months :)))))) 2 lower teeth got out :) very funny :) For the first time I got on all fours. She began to crawl forward a little. Now, sexual life has begun :) I began to eat pumpkin, corn with potatoes, zucchini. Pumpkin rules! Although this does not affect the chair in any way - everything is still very bad :(

Walks along the support. Trying to pick up various dust particles from the floor.

Teeth - 2 pcs. Sasha is very mature! Exactly at 6 months, we began to crawl "correctly." Somehow I missed the moment that my son was already sitting down. We did it for the first time in 5.5 months.

04/12/2004: Sasha is a lot naughty now, sleeps poorly at night, cries - all these are teeth! He began to be frightened of strangers, especially men; he does not like to look at them even on TV. Sanka already quite quickly creeps into the kitchen, into the nursery, sits down from any position, tries to get up, sometimes it turns out. We eat poorly, it sucks especially badly at lunch, but I have a feeling that it hurts the gums, and today I ate only half of the vegetable puree, and then I demanded a breast - so understand! our menu, after mastering the crawl and mom's suddenly started session, has expanded greatly:

  • 7.00-7.30 - chest
  • 10.00 - porridge and juice
  • 14.00 - breast, after 1 hour - cottage cheese and fruit. mashed potatoes
  • 18.00   - vegetable puree and meat
  • 22.00   - chest. Well, at night it still sucks 2 times.

Sasha is already pulling his hands to be picked up and understands perfectly when I tell him: "Come to me!"

04.16: Today we went to take tests after chickenpox and for examination. Weight 9200, height 70, head and chest circumference 46 cm. Sasha is active, they said that we overeat breast milk, so we have a bad appetite ... Something I didn’t understand, some kind of nonsense ... At 7 months we are waiting for the last vaccine DTP, as I do not want it! This is again the temperature, his poor health, or maybe none of this will happen? Time will tell. April 13, Sasha himself got on his feet near the sofa!

6 months 3 days: Started to eat mashed potatoes (cauliflower)

6 months 6 days: I started to crawl

6 months 18 days: I got up at the support

We know how to sit, holding on to the head of the bed or mom, peeling the keyboard with all the dope and at the same time laughing, tasting the toys. Our jumps in jumpers are becoming more professional, now we not only jump, but can also fly back and forth, left and right.

Weight of liliks at 7 months:

As we already understood that Pope Gregory decided to bend a bit of history for himself and introduced new calendar  characterizing it by being inaccurate.

  The reason for the adoption of the new calendar was the gradual shift in relation to the Julian calendar of the vernal equinox, according to which the date of Easter was determined, and the mismatch of Easter full moons with astronomical ones.

Well, we do not see the accuracy of astronomical and religious dates.

Well, how did the Julian calendar come about? we'll see again at Vicki.

  Julian calendar is a calendar developed by a group of Alexandrian astronomers led by Sozigen and introduced by Julius Caesar from January 1, 45 BC. uh ..
  The Julian calendar reformed the obsolete Roman calendar and was based on the culture of the ancient Egyptian calendar.

Here you go! The Great Julius The Great Reformer! Not only did he conquer all of France the pagan Gauls so there is no time to change the calendar.

On the one hand, is it logical for the Romans to have an Egyptian calendar? you need to have something of your own. And Glory to Julia! he did it.

And what about us?

  In ancient Russia, the calendar was known under the name "Peace Circle", "Church Circle" and "The Great Indication".

I don’t know, I don’t know, we, dark servants, should know how to do this, although I think I’ll have to dig into these calendars! Well, only then.

But still, let's talk more about the Julius Calendar.

Julian calendar structure

The year according to the Julian calendar begins on January 1, since it is on this day from 153 BC. e. consuls elected by the comitia took office. IN julian calendar  A typical year consists of 365 days and is divided into 12 months. Once every 4 years, a leap year is announced, in which one day is added - February 29 (previously a similar system was adopted in the zodiac calendar according to Dionysius). Thus, the Julian year has an average duration of 365.25 days, which is 11 minutes longer than the tropical year.

In the Julian calendar, years are leap and non-leap years; Years start from Monday to Sunday. Together, this gives (2x7 \u003d 14) 14 calendar options.

January 1, 31
  2 February 28 (in a leap year - 29)
  March 3, 31
  April 4, 30
  5 May 31
  6 June 30
  7 July 31
  8 August 31
  9 September 30
  10 October 31
11 November 30
  12 December 31

You look, so many years have passed, so many hundreds of years, but nothing has changed !!

And now let’s dwell in more detail on every month.

January (lat. Jānuārius mēnsis "Janus month") - the first month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars,  the eleventh month of the Old Roman year, beginning before Caesar’s reform in March.

February (lat. Februārius mēnsis “purification month” from Lat. Februa “festival of purification”) is the second month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the twelfth month of the Old Roman year, which began before the Caesar’s reform in March.

March (lat. Mārtius mēnsis “Mars month” is the third month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the first month of the Old Roman year, which began before the Caesar’s reform in March.

April (lat. Aprīlis - options: “opening”, “warmed by the sun”, “month of Aphrodite”) - the fourth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the second month of the Old Roman year, which began before the Caesar’s reform in March.

May (lat. Mensis Majus - “the month of the goddess Maya”) is the fifth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the third month of the Old Roman year, which began before Caesar’s reform in March.

June (Latin Junius - “the month of Juno”) is the sixth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the fourth month of the Old Roman year, which began before Caesar’s reform in March.

July (Latin Julius - “the month of Julius (Caesar)”, literally “curly”) is the seventh month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the fifth month of the Old Roman year, which began before Caesar’s reform in March.

August (Latin augustus - “the month of Octavian Augustus”, literally: “divine, majestic”) - the eighth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the fifth month of the Old Roman year, which began before the Caesar’s reform in March.

September (lat. September) - the ninth month Gregorian calendar, one of four Gregorian months with 30 days. September is the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere of the Earth and the beginning of spring in the southern.

November (Latin November) is the eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar. The ninth month of the Old Roman year, beginning before Caesar's reform in March.

December (lat. December) is the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar. The tenth month of the Old Roman year, beginning before Caesar's reform in March.

Now let's play the game find 2 similarities!

Yeah yeah right

1. They are all Latin
  2 They are almost all from Starorimsky.

I think there is something to think about.

To be continued .... let's talk about every MONTH