
Open lesson on physical education in the middle group “Flower of health. Physical culture node in the middle group on the theme "health flower"

  marina gumerova
Open lesson  by physical education  in middle group  "Flower of Health"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational

institution "Kindergarten No. 2, Askino, Askinsky District

Abstract open physical education classes in the middle group« Flower of health»

Has developed:

FC instructor

Gumerova M.K.

goal: preservation and strengthening physical and mental health of children.

Tasks: exercise children in walking and running with the performance of movements in a circle; repeat crawling under the arc without touching the edge of the arc; exercise in balance using unconventional equipment and herbal medicine.

Benefits: 2 sultans for each child, 2 arcs, traces. Hoops and balls of different colors, the flowers.

The course of the lesson.

FC instructor: guys to us on guests arrivedlet's get together say hello. And now, say hello to the sun, heaven and those who are near.

Hello, the sun is golden! (Reaching up, handles up.)

Hello sky blue!

Hello, free breeze! (Pens to the sides.)

Hello, little sprout! (Squat, hands down.)

We live in one land, I welcome you all.

Guys, today we got to the country "Neboleyka". They say magic grows in this country health flower. Whoever finds and smells him will be the strongest, most dexterous, and most importantly the most healthy person.

Do you want to find him? Getting to him is not easy. Then we will not lose time - on the road!

I part. Children walk around the hall, performing movements.

We go camping

A lot of us discoveries awaiting.

We step one after another

Forest and green meadow.

The bridge swayed to the side. Walking on toes, hands to the sides.

And under it a stream laughed.

On socks we will go

We get to that shore.

Hands behind the head we put Walking on the heels, hands behind the head.

And on the heels we go.

Bravely we walk

Knead your legs.

THE INSTRUCTOR: In this country, there are such funny people, in order to go further we need to do exercises with them.

II part. Children are built in three columns.

General developmental exercises with sultans

1. I. p. - the main stand, the sultans below. 1- sultans forward, 2- up, 3- to the sides, 4- initial position. (4-6r)

2. I. p. - main stance, legs shoulder-width apart, sultans at the chest. 1-turn to the right (left, arms to the sides; 2- initial position. (4p)

3. I. p. - the main stand, the sultans below. 1-2- to sit down, to take forward the sultans, 3-4- initial position. (4p).

4. I. p. - foot stand shoulder-width apart, sultans below. 1- sultans to the sides; 2- tilt forward to the left (right)  leg 3- straighten, arms to the sides; 4- starting position. (4-6r).

5. I. p. - main stance, sultans below. 1-8 - jumping on two legs in place (with a break).

THE INSTRUCTOR: We will return the little men to their houses. Rebuilding in two columns and they hear that Masha comes in with a thermometer.

MASHA: Hello guys. What are you doing here?

Are you ill? Let's play and measure your temperature.

In the form of a relay, the main types are performed movements: in front of each team is a box and pins, these are thermometers. On command, each participant follows the tracks, crawls through the arc, takes a thermometer, returns and stands at the end of the system.

1. Crawling under the arc without touching the floor with your hands.

2. Walking on the trail, maintaining a steady balance.

THE INSTRUCTOR: Well done guys, measured the temperature.

MASHA: All of you are healthy! And what must be done to be healthy?

CHILDREN ANSWERS: Do exercises, exercise, temper, eat more vitamins.

THE INSTRUCTOR: Let's play with you in the under. the game Vitamins

Hall (human organism). Children have different balls colors. During illness, mom gives you different vitamins colorsto strengthen your body, i.e. kill the germs inside you. These vitamins (circles)  located in the hall. And I will be a microbe. The tambourine rings and you run around the hall, the tambourine stops ringing, the microbe wants to infect you, you are looking for your vitamin.

Final part.

THE INSTRUCTOR: Let's do the physicals "Neboleyka"

THE INSTRUCTOR: Well done. I can smell something. (Masha bears the flowers) .It flower« health»   bloomed. Yes, not one, there is a whole glade of wonderful colors. (Shows the flowersmade from under the kinder surprise containers, in which pieces of garlic are embedded). Smell them! (Children take the flowerssniff). Than smell health flowers?

Children: Garlic.

THE INSTRUCTOR: The smell of garlic repels microbes and not a single microbe is close to you.

Let's take these health flowers to your groupand give one to Masha so that she never gets sick.

THE INSTRUCTOR: Our journey has come to an end, we have to go back.

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Belyakova M.M.
  Physical education lesson in the middle group “Flower of Health”

Open physical education lesson in the middle group

"Flower of Health"

Purpose: Enrichment of the motor experience of children 4-5th year of life. Formation of healthy lifestyle skills in children.

Software Content

Exercise children in walking with the performance of movements in a circle and between objects;

To learn how to creep into the hoop and under the arc sideways, without touching the edge of the hoop;

Learn to jump, jumping over bars of different heights;

Exercise in a crawl on a bench on his stomach;

To form skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle;

To provoke a positive emotional response to sports exercises in children, to instill a love of physical education.


Balls (diameter 10-12cm) according to the number of children, 2 hoops, 4 arcs, skittles, bench - 2, mats 2, whetstones of different heights -6. Mugs different colors  (large - 6pcs, small in number of children); yellow, blue, green. Musical accompaniment: Lyricist: Matusovsky M., composer: Shainsky V. “It’s fun to walk along the expanses together.” A - Studio - "Charging".

Preliminary work:

Examination of fruit illustrations. Conversation on the topic of “Healthy lifestyle”, conversation on the topic “On vitamins and where they are contained.”

The course of the lesson.

Children go into the hall and line up first in a column, and then in a row.

FIZO Instructor: Hello! I am glad to welcome you to class. They say there is magic flower  - a flower of health. Whoever finds him will be the strongest, most dexterous, and most importantly the most healthy person. This flower grows in the country "Neboleyka." Getting to him is not easy. How would I like to see this magical flower at least once, to always be healthy, Do you want to?

Children: Yes, we want.

FIZO Instructor: So, maybe, we will make this trip to the country of “Neboleyka”.

Children: Yes.

FIZO Instructor: Then we will not waste time - on the way! The music sounds - “Together it’s fun to pace the open spaces.”

I part.

Children walk around the hall, performing movements:

1. Walking on toes.

2. Walking on the heels, keep your hands behind your head.

3. Walking in half crouch.

4. Walking with an added step.

5. Running.

6. Walking with breathing exercises.

FIZO instructor: Rebuilding in one line

Children are in the same line. The FIZO instructor shows signs with signs:

FIZO Instructor: Which road do you choose?

Children: We will go straight.

FIZO Instructor: Or maybe you go to bed or eat candy?

Children: None.

FIZO Instructor: Then go ahead, hit the road.

II part.

Rebuilding children in two columns.

Children are built in two columns to perform general developmental exercises. The song sounds - A - Studio - "Charging".

General developmental exercises with sultans:

1. "Salute": I.P. - legs together, hands with sultanas below.

Raise the sultans through the sides up, right

put your foot back on the toe, make a cross

swing. Return to I.p. (6-8 times.)

2. “Turns to the side”: I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms at

chest, turn right- arms to the side, return to I.p.

Same to the left. (6-8 times).

3 . "Slopes": I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms to the sides.

Lean to the right, return to I.p., same to the left.

(6-8 times).

4. Squat - I.p. - heels together, socks apart, arms at the chest.

Sit down, knees apart, sultans

Take it forward. Return to I.p. (6-8) p

5. "Reach out" - I.p. - sitting, legs apart, hands with sultanas above.

7. "Breathing Exercise" Lean to the right leg, touch the sultans of the leg, return to I.p. (6-8) times

6. "Jumping" - I.p. - legs together, sultans below. Jump, legs apart, sultans to the sides. Return to I.I. (6-8) times

FIZO Instructor: Well done guys did it! We go further. More challenges await us.

The main types of movements:

1. Crawling sideways without touching the floor with your hands, in a row through three hoops set 1m apart from one another.

2. Jumping through gymnastic sticks with forward movement.

3. Crawling on the gymnastic bench on the stomach, pulling up with two hands (grabbing the hands from the sides of the bench).

4. Relay race with a ring throw. Distance 1, 5 - 2 meters.

FIZO Instructor: Well done, we have overcome all obstacles. It seems to me that the magic flower of "health" is already very close. Let's take a break before the last test. Let's play the game "Guess the riddle, show the guess." Listen carefully.

Scarlet Scallop

Ruffled caftan,

Double beard,

Important walk

It gets up before everyone

Children depict a rooster: hands on a belt. Raising their knees high, with a straight back, the children imitate the gait of a cockerel.

Muzzle mustachioed

The coat is striped

Often washed,

But he doesn’t know with water. (Cat)

Children depict a cat: leaning forward, rest your palms on the floor, walking on four limbs. Then, kneeling and on the elbows, bend and straighten the back.

Motley crack

Catches frogs.

Waddles around

A little trip. (Duck)

Children depict a duck: walking on bent legs.

He put his paw in the hollow

And let's growl, roar.

Oh how sweet you are

Kosolapenky. (Bear)

Children depict a bear: walking along the lane - the weight of the body is transferred from one leg to the other, the legs are shoulder-width apart, socks are looking at each other.

Standing on one leg

He stares into the water.

Poke with a beak at random

Looking in the river frogs.

A drop hung on his nose.

Do you recognize? It. (Heron)

Children depict a heron: arms raised up, one leg bent at the knee, raised.

On a large color carpet

Squadron villages

It will open, it will close

Painted wings. (Butterflies)

Children depict a butterfly: raise your bent at the elbows hands above your head to the pop, and then lower it.

Jumping gallop,

Jumping gallop.

Longfin -

White side. (Hare)

Children depict a hare: hands on a belt. Jumping

FIZO Instructor: Well done guys, guessed all the riddles and showed everything correctly. And now for the next test.

The mobile game "Vitamins".

The explanation of the game is the hall (the human body). Children have circles of different colors. During the illness, mothers give you vitamins of different colors to strengthen your body, that is, to kill the microbes inside you. These vitamins (circles) are located throughout the room. And the driver (he is chosen with the help of the calculator) will be a microbe. (Music sounds). You are vitamins, find your colors during music, as soon as the music stops playing, the microbe wants to infect you with microbes.

FIZO Instructor: We will now find out who is the most agile, fast, attentive.

FIZO Instructor: Well done. I see something. This flower of "health" has blossomed. Look how beautiful he is!

III part.

The game of low mobility "Sweet, sour."

Children stand in a circle passing the ball, they call any fruit, for example, an orange. Children facial expressions show the taste of orange.

FIZO Instructor: Guys, our journey to the country "Neboleyka" is over. It's time to say goodbye and go to the group. (Children rearrange in one column and step into the band to the music)

onspekt classes in the middle group in physical education "Health Paths"

Open physical education lesson for children of the middle group using unconventional equipment


physical education lesson "Health paths"



Abstract open physical education classes  in the middle group

Software Content:

Exercise children walking on the gymnastic bench, maintaining proper posture and balance.

In walking on the path of "health" in order to prevent flat feet. - To develop communicative qualities, the ability to overcome barriers in communication, dexterity and courage.

To nurture a conscious attitude to your health, contribute to the formation of positive emotions.

Promote children's health.Equipment:   “health” track, gymnastic bench, bags with natural filling, tape recorder, phonogram of Shainsky’s songs “Fun to walk together”, a large rubber ball.

LESSON COURSE: Educator:   Hello guys! And what word does the word “Hello!” Look like.

Educator:   That's right, children, the word hello is like a word"Health". When people greet each other, they wish each other health. Let us greet the guests who are present at our lesson today.Greet the guests and give them your smiles.


Children stand in a circle and alternately say a phrase, saying the name of the child to whom the ball is passed: “Hello, Masha!”Educator:   Guys, what should be done so as not to hurt.


Today, we will go on a journey along the path of "health". Each track will give you a drop of health.

To the soundtrack of V. Shainsky’s song “Fun to Walk Together”

Children go in a column one by one. "Giants are gnomes"

Walking on high socks, heels, external arches of the foot with different positions for the hands, with knees raised high.

fit the paths of "health".

What a miracle!

Here are the tracks on the way

All tracks are not easy.

Multi-colored such.On the paths who will go.

That health will find there.

Educator : Whoever follows the green path will leave from flat feet. Where is our green path?

Walking on bags with natural filling, massage mats. Educator:   And whoever follows the red carpet, he will find balance, posture.Walking on the gym bench.

Educator:   Those who follow the yellow path will find strength and dexterity - jumping over gymnastic sticks.

Educator: And the ball is rolling along the blue path, funny and sonorous, he wants to play.

Ball game “Useful - Not Useful” .

(children stand in a circle, the teacher - in the middle of the circle throws a ball to each child)

Educator:   Well, now we will rest a bit and go home.

RELAXED "POSTURE »   to slow calm music:

Stop pulling the backrest

We must lie down and rest.

Come on, right?

We will look at it!

Exactly five heels lie

Hangers, spatulas.

The back is flat, straight,

And there could be a curve!

It’s good for you to rest,

But it's time to get up already!

Everyone crouched, stretched,

They got up, smiled amicably.

Educator:   So our lesson ended, guys what should be done so as not to get sick and always feel good?Children: In order not to get sick, you need to be tempered and play sports, and you also need to smile and be cheerful.Educator:   Take a walk in the air. Make friends with water, bathe, wipe yourself.In winter and summer, do physical education!Temper, children, in good time - physical education-CHILDREN: Hurray!Educator:   Guys, Let's wish our guests good health and say goodbye to them.

Synopsis of the physical education lesson “We want to be healthy!” For children together with their parents

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Goal: creation of conditions for joint motor activity of children with parents in kindergarten conditions and the formation of parents' interest in children's sports activities.


- strengthen children's health, promote the formation of the musculoskeletal system;
- to form motor skills in children when performing various exercises and the main types of movements;
- develop the psychophysical qualities of children, coordination of movements, balance, orientation in space;
- contribute to the establishment of a confidential atmosphere with parents that promotes the health of children’s savings; deliver mutual joy from the communication of parents and children in a joint motor activity.

Preliminary work: learning sports mottos with children, performing a set of exercises “Hare charging”, manufacturing of non-standard equipment.

Equipment: corrective walking paths, non-standard equipment (cushions, colored circles, arcs), large diameter rubber balls, red ribbons and yellow flowers, tape recorder, music disks, multi-colored balloons to decorate the hall.

Course progress:

The gymnasium is beautifully decorated with balloons.
The sports march sounds (“To keep the body and soul young”, music. I. Dunaevsky, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach, modern processing).
Children with parents, holding hands, enter the gym and line up.
The instructor: - Hello guys! Hello dear adults! We are pleased to welcome everyone to our smart gym. It is very nice to see parents so fit and healthy, and children cheerful and cheerful. And today we invited you to a gym class, which is called "We want to be healthy!" You are waiting for interesting and funny movements, useful exercises and, of course, the game.
- Guys, do you like to exercise? (Children answer).
- And parents? (Parents answer).
- Wonderful! And we will begin the physical education lesson with strengthening our feet, because, as you know, health starts from the feet. Guys, let's say our sports motto loudly! (Children chant):

We are strong, we are brave No weak among us! All together for health Let's go now!

To peppy music, children and parents begin to walk one after another, bypassing the hall in the column one at a time.

Walking exercises
(musical accompaniment - “Junior March”):

- walking on toes, arms up;
- walking on the heels, hands behind your back;
- walking on the outside of the foot, hands on the belt;
- walking with high knees, arms to the sides;

Running exercise:

- light running on socks with vigorous work of arms bent at the elbows, in a column one at a time (musical accompaniment - backing track of the song “Everyone small child", Music. Sh. Kallosh).

Corrective walking on the "Path of steps" - children and parents walk along the ribbed path and massage path with sewn buttons, caps, ringlets, beads, tracks (musical accompaniment - backing track of the song “Good Man, music. Lyubasha).

The instructor: - Well, you and I have trained the legs and feet and knead well.

We turn to a fun warm-up, So that everyone has straight backs, Hands are strong, the body is flexible.

The instructor: - I suggest that parents relax a bit, sit on a bench and look at their children, who suddenly became like mischievous bunnies! (After these words, the children quickly stand in a circle and hold their hands above their heads, depicting rabbit ears).

Further carried outwarm-up "Hare charge" with children (musical accompaniment - the song "Party of hares").

The instructor: I invite our bunnies to sit on a bench and look at their moms and dads, who will now become real sports lovers!

A dance and fitness workout for parents“Exercise” (musical accompaniment - song “Morning exercises” - Spanish group “A - studio”).

The instructor: - Well done! They all warmed up wonderfully and tried very hard! How are you feeling? How are you feeling? Well, now let's move on to performing interesting and very useful exercises.

Children with parents are built in pairs in the same column, holding hands. At this time, non-standard equipment for performing the main types of movement is laid out throughout the hall. Exercises are performed on a continuous basis twice (musical accompaniment - backing track song "On a round planet").

The main types of movements:

The instructor:

“We need to go from one end to another, Keep balance, do not let each other down! ”

1. Walking on stuffed pillows, lying in two rows of six pieces, holding hands (pillows 30 x 30 in size, filler - sawdust, oilcloth cover).
The instructor:

“We’ll jump from circle to circle, We are jumpers - just a class! ”

2. Jumping from circle to circle, lying in two rows of five, on two legs, holding hands (circles with a diameter of 40 cm are made of multi-colored long cords intertwined with each other, at the ends of the loop and button for connecting).
The instructor:

“Under a bright arc we creep And the backs will bend everything beautifully! ”

3. Crawling on all fours under arcs, standing next to one line, a child creeping under one arc, and an adult crawling under another (arcs 60 cm high are made of multi-colored plastic containers from Kinder Surprises, strung on a thick flexible wire, curved in the shape of arcs, the ends of the arc are inserted into a flat rectangular stable stand).
The instructor:

“We will play with the balls, And we’ll ride each other! ”

4. Children with parents sit on the floor opposite each other and begin to roll the ball to each other.

The instructor:

Well done! Well, all the exercises You did it adroitly, no doubt! One, two, three, four, five, It's time to play!

The game "Fast ribbons."

Children with parents are divided into two teams and are built in two columns parallel to each other. One team holds red ribbons in their hands, the other yellow. Fun music sounds, all team members disperse and scatter across the hall, perform dance moves. When the music stops, the participants of both teams should quickly settle into their places and raise their ribbons up and shout out the color of their ribbons loudly in chorus, for example: “Red!” The game is repeated several times.
The instructor:

You all played fun And, of course, tired.

The relaxation exercise "Autumn Forest" is being conducted.

Parents sit on the floor, leaning back on their hands, the children lie with their backs on the outstretched legs of their parents. Sounds calm music for relaxation. Everyone turns a blind eye:

We came to an autumn forest full of fabulous miracles: The foliage shines with gold, the sun gently warms ... So nice and easy! Breathe smoothly, deeply ... It smells of needles and mushrooms, and fallen leaves. We have a great rest - relax with you ... So nice and easy, breathe evenly, deeply ... The birds began to sing, but now we have to get up! Friendly, sweetly stretched, and with a smile everyone woke up!

The instructor: Well, then, our lesson has come to an end. The kids did just fine. And what kind of parents we have done well - quick, agile! Thank you for your active participation and for setting such a wonderful sports example for your children! I am sure that our meeting is not the last. Let's pronounce our universal sporting motto loudly:

We are friends with physical education, We are not afraid of disease!

The instructor: Bye! Be healthy!


E.I. Podolskaya "Scenarios of sporting events and events for children 3-7 years old." - Publisher: Teacher, 2009.

physical education instructor GBOU Secondary School No. 16 SPDS No. 21 “Little Red Riding Hood”, Zhigulevsk, Samara Region, Russia

"Naughty Cubs."

Head of physical education

Morgun V.G.

Exercise in throwing the ball at a horizontal target (distance 1.5-2 m).

  • To develop dexterity, orientation in space, coordination of movements, creativity, physiological breathing, the ability to regulate muscle tone.

To develop strong-willed qualities, ingenuity and the ability to move in accordance with the rules in the process of the mobile game "Bear".

  • To foster a steady interest in physical education, a healthy lifestyle, commitment.


  • Collaboration with a nurse.
  • Equipment preparation.

Interaction with a nurse:

  Course progress:

I. Introductory part.

The instructor.


The instructor:

Children:  Yes.

We are funny guys Walking in a column one at a time  Our name is cubs.

We love to climb, climb   Love to jump and play

Bears in the woods went   They walk along the path into the distance.

The bears ran fast Easy run one after another.

Breathing exercise:

Bears walked, walked, walked, Walking is ordinary.

2. The main part.

another before heating


Twitch slightly, do not be lazy.

  • Bear cubs lived more often Twisted his head Like this, like this. 3 times each wayHis head twisted.
  • They were looking for honey cubs, Friendly tree rocked So, so, like this, 3-4 - I.P. 5-6 timesFriendly tree rocked.
  • Come bear, turn around Come on bear!

to the side

Like this, like this 2- and.p.Come on bear!


4-i.p. 3 times in each direction

  • Went around   They drank water from the river Like this, like this 2- and.p. 5-6 times  They drank water from the river.
  • Slam bear Stomp bear 1-crouch, arms forwardSquat with me brother.   2- and.p. 5-6 times
  • And then they danced I.p. legs together, arms up  Above the paws raised.

Alternate with walking 2 times.

The main types of movements:

1. You walk the path Keep your hands to the sides.

2. hit

Came to the clearing.

3.   Ribbed Walking   Walk along the path.

4.   Crawling under an arc.   Crawl under the tree

  And so that the pens do not get dirty,

  Take it off your knees.

Another Bear!

5. Drop the ball

Hit the target.

6.   Creeping under arcs.   Then crawl into the tunnel.

The mobile game "Bear"

Text Movement

Somehow we walked in the woods

  Stop listening.. We walked around him

Wollyfoot was awakened:

“Well, Misha, get up “Well, Misha, get up,  And catch up with us faster. ”   And catch up with us faster! ”

3. The final part.

1. Massage of the hands:

  Roll the ball up and down

  one hand first

then on the other,

  pushing lightly on the ball

3. Breast massage:

Ball rolling his palm

  in a circle on the chest.

4. Foot massage:

then left.

Children take the balls.

And go to the group.

GUO "Preschool center for the development of the child of the agricultural town of Porechye"

Summary of physical education in the middle group

integrated training and education

"Naughty Cubs."

Head of physical education

Morgun V.G.

Tasks according to the curriculum of preschool education

Tasks for the program of training and education of children with TNR

  • To strengthen the ability of children to walk "snake" between objects, while maintaining balance.

Exercise in crawling under an arc; walking on a ribbed board; jumping on two legs.

Exercise in throwing the ball at a horizontal target (distance 1.5-2 m).

  • To develop dexterity, orientation in space, coordination of movements, creativity, physiological breathing, the ability to regulate muscle tone.

To develop strong-willed qualities, ingenuity and the ability to move in accordance with the rules in the process of the mobile game "Bear".

  • To foster a steady interest in physical education, a healthy lifestyle, commitment.
  • To consolidate the ability of children to walk "snake" between the placed objects.

Exercise in crawling under an arc; walking on a ribbed board; jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop.

Exercise in throwing the ball at a horizontal target (distance 1.5-2 m).

  • To develop dexterity, orientation in space, coordination of movements, creativity, physiological breathing, the ability to regulate muscle tone.

To develop strong-willed qualities, ingenuity and the ability to move in accordance with the rules in the process of the mobile game "Bear".

  • To foster a steady interest in physical education, a healthy lifestyle, commitment.

Equipment:  2 arcs, ribbed board, soft modules, bear mask, small massage balls for the number of children, 6 hoops, toys: 3 bears, 2 Christmas trees, balls for the number of children, basket.

Health saving technologies:

  • breathing exercises - A.N. Strelnikova;
  • acupressure  and breathing exercises - V.T. Kudryavtsev, B.B. Egorov;
  • prevention of flat feet and posture disorders - V.T. Kudryavtsev, B.B. Egorov;
  • massage with massage balls - K.K. Uterine.

Interaction with the teacher:

  • Insurance: jumping from hoop to hoop, walking on a ribbed board, crawling into hoops, crawling under an arc.
  • Collaboration with a nurse.
  • Equipment preparation.

Interaction with a nurse:medical control during the lesson; measurement of pulse / pressure at the beginning, middle and end of the lesson.

  Course progress:

I. Introductory part.

Children go to the gym with fun music scattered.

The instructor.  Hello guys! Guys, please guess the riddle:

In summer, walks without a road between pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost!


The instructor:  Well done boys! This is a bear. Look, what a bear came to visit us! A real athlete.

Do you want to turn into cubs?

Children:  Yes.

Then I say magic words, and we turn into little cubs: 1-2-3! Abracadabra, brie! Now you are not guys, but mischievous cubs. Friends of our Bear - athlete. They were built in a column one by one, and after me a step march!

We are funny guys Walking in a column one at a time  Our name is cubs.

We love to climb, climb Walking on toes, hands to the sides  Love to jump and play

Bears in the woods went Walking on the heels, hands on the belt  We went down the path into the distance. Paws raise higher Walking High  They walk along the path into the distance.

The bears ran fast Easy run one after another.The raspberry trail was attacked. So that Bears do not get sick, It is necessary to warm the skin.

Breathing exercise:(Exercises are carried out in accordance with the text) Let’s hang on the shoulder, blow on the other, Blow on the stomach, how the tube will become a mouth, And then on the clouds and stop for now! They quickly reached out, Smiled at each other, Turn our heads to the guests, We will send our greetings to them!

Bears walked, walked, walked, Walking is ordinary.They came to the lawn. They got up on the leaves, They began to warm up.

2. The main part.

Acupressure and breathing exercises

1) You connect hands, and rub them against each other. Join hands and rub them on one

Three, man, harder to get hot. another before heating

(This exercise has a positive effect on internal organs.)

2) Take the tip of your nose Twist the tip of the nose slightly.

Twitch slightly, do not be lazy.

3) Take the air deeper, then exhale calmly. Breathe in, exhale, make a sound

Knock on the wings of the nose and gently rush.   “Mmmm,” tapping fingers on the wings of the nose.

4) On the palm of your hand you blow and blow off the fluff from it. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth into the palm of your hand - "blow the fluff from the palm of your hand."

General developmental exercises without objects

  • Bear cubs lived more often I.p. feet wide feet, hands on the beltTwisted his head 1-4 - turns the head to the sidesLike this, like this. 3 times each wayHis head twisted.
  • They were looking for honey cubs, I.p. feet wide feet, arms belowFriendly tree rocked 1-2 - raise your hands up, wave themSo, so, like this, 3-4 - I.P. 5-6 timesFriendly tree rocked.
  • Come bear, turn around I.p. kneeling, hands on a belt,Come on bear! 1- turn the torso to the right side, arms

to the side

Like this, like this 2- and.p.Come on bear!   3- turn the torso to the left side, hands in


4-i.p. 3 times in each direction

  • Went around I.p. legs apart, hands on the belt  They drank water from the river 1 - tilt down, touch the floor with your handsLike this, like this 2- and.p. 5-6 times  They drank water from the river.
  • Slam bear I.p.- feet with the width of the foot, hands on the beltStomp bear 1-crouch, arms forwardSquat with me brother.   2- and.p. 5-6 times
  • And then they danced I.p. legs together, arms up  Above the paws raised. Two-legged jumping in place

Alternate with walking 2 times.

Well done, and now we will go along a winding path, jump from hummock to hummock - and we will fall into a clearing.

The main types of movements:

1.   Snake walking around colored modules You walk the path Keep your hands to the sides.

2.   Hands on a belt jumping from hoop to hoop Friskly Bear jump, In the swamp do not hit

Came to the clearing.

Guys, someone is sitting under the tree. Yes, this is a friend of our Bear-athlete!

He has prepared an obstacle course for us, if we manage, we can go further.

And now let's go along the path, come to a new adventure!

3.   Ribbed Walking   Walk along the path.

4.   Crawling under an arc.   Crawl under the tree

  And so that the pens do not get dirty,

  Take it off your knees.

See who meets us here:

Another Bear!

He was waiting for us here to warn that the passage ahead was stoned. You and I need to dismantle the blockage and then we can move on.

5. Throwing balls at a horizontal goal. Drop the ball

(distance Dima, Sasha - 1.5 m, Nikita - 2 m). Hit the target.

6.   Creeping under arcs.   Then crawl into the tunnel.

Well done, everyone coped with the task. Now let's play.

The mobile game "Bear"The players become in a circle. The driver is chosen - the “bear”. He stands in the center of the circle, pretending to be asleep. Children, holding hands, chorus the words and perform movements in accordance with the text. (Exercise children with TNR in the commonwealth of speech with movement).

Text Movement

Somehow we walked in the woods Walking in a circle holding hands

And they met a bear. He lies under the tree, Sprawled and snores.   Stop listening.. We walked around him   Walking the other way, on toes.

Wollyfoot was awakened:   Wag your index finger, say:

“Well, Misha, get up “Well, Misha, get up,  And catch up with us faster. ”   And catch up with us faster! ”

The children scatter around the room, the bear catches up with them, whoever touches them leaves the game.

We don’t sit on the chairs - this is a violation of the rules.

3. The final part.

Well done, teddy bears, you coped with the tasks.

And now I will again say magic words, and you will turn into guys!

"1-2-3 - Abracadabra, brie." Well, here you are again guys.

Children, you trained, played, a little tired, sit down rather in a circle, let's do a little massage.

Children take massage balls and sit on the floor in a circle. The background is soft music.

1. Massage of the hands:

The guys are going to a circle, And hedgehogs get into pens. Hedgehog, hedgehog, you are prickly, Ride between the hands. The ball is rolling, the palm is smiling. Children try, hedgehog slowly rides. Suddenly he quickly ran, ran, ran. Pressed on the palm. Look, the holes have become, And the palms are not tired.

2. Massage of the right and left hands:

Hedgehog climbed on his shoulder, there a little ride   Roll the ball up and down

Down rolled light, climbed up his arm.   one hand first

So up and down he rode then on the other,

And he moved to another pen.   pushing lightly on the ball

  (from the brush to the shoulder and back).

3. Breast massage:

We hide the hedgehog in our palm and press it a little bit. Ball rolling his palm

Hedgehog rides in a circle - our breast warms up.   in a circle on the chest.

4. Foot massage:

We walked, we rode, our legs are so tired. Do the right foot massage first, On the legs, hedgehogs, roll, tell the legs to rest. then left.

They will become fast - try, hedgehog, catch up.

All of you have done beautifully. Say to the hedgehogs, “Thank you!” Children take the balls.

We’ll wave our guests with a pen and we’ll all go to a group together. And go to the group.

  Tatyana Beloshkurskaya

Open physical education lesson in the middle group

"In search of adventures"

Goal:  development of physical abilities, consolidation of the studied general developmental exercises, basic movements.



1. Teach children to throw the ball into a vertical goal.

2. Repeat the jumping exercises.

3. Exercise in the crawl on the stomach on the gymnastic bench.

4. introduce a new outdoor game.


1. instill a desire to help.

2. to be friendly to people;

3. evoke positive emotions;

4. To cultivate discipline, courage.


1. develop speed, speed, strength, agility, coordination, endurance, interest in physical education.

2. apply musical, gaming, motor and verbal activities.

Lesson plan:

Introductory part.

Hello guys! Did you find out who I am? (a teacher dressed as a pirate enters)

I am the most important pirate. I have a big ship, beautiful. Take a look. (The ship is built of modules).

Pirate: What do you think my ship is called?

Pirate: I have a secret. I found a map, and it indicates the place where the treasures are hidden. Look here, everything is marked. Do you want to go with me to search for treasures ?. Come on my ship and go. (Music).

Let's look through my binoculars, what is visible ahead. I see the earth, I see palm trees, we are approaching the island.

All the guys we arrived on the island. We leave the ship. Now we have the main task with you to find the treasure, the path will be very difficult for us, so we need to do a warm-up.

1. now we are “Walking along the seashore” (walking is normal)

2. The guys here are scattered with hot sand, we need to go on toes, hands up.

3. Now we have guys here “sharp stones” (walking on the heels, hands on the belt).

4. ahead of the guys flying over the sea "Beautiful Seagulls" (running, swinging arms)

5. and here we have normal walking (breathing exercises)

General developmental exercises.

1. foot stand with the width of the foot, arms down. Raise your hands through the sides up, clap your hands above your head; lower your hands, return to starting position.

2. stand legs shoulder width apart, arms on the belt. Sit down, hands forward, clap your hands; straighten up, return to starting position.

3. sitting, legs apart, hands on the belt, hands to the sides, tilt forward, touch the toes of the fingers of the hands. Straighten, return to starting position.

4. lying on your back, arms straight above your head. Bend your knees, grab them in your arms. To straighten, return to starting position.

5. hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs - legs apart, legs together. with a slight pause between series of jumps.

Pirate: Now we’re going around the island to look for treasures. But my guys have one condition, when we go along the trail, only follow me, be careful. There are many dangers on the island. Have you agreed?

The main types of movements.

We look at the map, what do we have to go through.

1. Ahead we have hot sand, so as not to burn our legs, we need to jump on two legs (jumping through the cord to the right and left, moving forward).

1. You need to hit the target with a coconut. (throwing balls into a vertical goal from a distance of 1.5 meters from the shoulder.)

2. Crawling under the cord without touching the floor with your hands.

3. Ahead we have rocks and a large cliff. To overcome this precipice you need to crawl along the log. (crawling on the gymnastic bench on his stomach, pulling himself with both hands, grabbing the arms from the sides.)

Pirate: something became hot for me, and you? Want to swim in the sea? But sharks hide in the sea and you need to be careful, they can attack us.

The mobile game "Sharks".

Game progress:  Children are divided into two unequal groups: sharks and sailors. On the ship, is the "captain". He watches the "sailors" floating in the sea. Children run around the carpet, spreading their arms, as if swimming.

“Sharks,” yells, “Captain.” “Sailors” quickly jump onto the ship, and “sharks” rush after them. Having not caught anyone or, conversely, having taken their prey, the “sharks” go to sea, and the “sailors” again jump into the sea, swim and dive.

Rules of the game: You can catch only after the word "sharks!". On the ship "sharks" can not be jumped. Captured are taken aside, and they miss the game.

There is a huge cave ahead of us. Need to climb through this cave.

At the end of the cave, the guys find treasures hidden in a chest.

And now the guys have to go home before it gets dark, go back to kindergarten, go to the ship. We are leaving.

Here we are now in kindergarten.

The result of the lesson:

Well done boys! Today we saw how fast, bold, hardy, friendly you are. Did you enjoy our trip? If it weren’t for you, we would never have found a treasure - you tried very hard, I am very pleased with you.
