
Open lesson in physical education in the senior group. Open physical education lesson in the senior group "Ball School

  Anna Strokova
  Abstract open classes  by physical education  in senior group  "Where is health hidden?"

Summary of open lesson on physical education in the senior group:

"Where health is hiding

purpose: The formation in children of a conscious attitude to their health and needs for a healthy lifestyle.


Educational: Enhance children's knowledge of factors that contribute to strengthening health.

Developing: Develop attention, speed of reaction, dexterity, strength, sense of rhythm.

Educational: Cultivate interest and love for physical education.

Type of lessons: training

Location: sports Hall

Methods: visual - visual, gaming (practical, verbal.

Receptions: explanation, clarification, assessment, question.

Allowance: musical score, gymnastic bench, hoops (5 pieces.)  , balls of medium diameter, cubes (4 pcs., flower from colored paper.


1. Conversations with children about healthy lifestyle.

2. Execution of physical. exercises in progress physical education  and morning exercises.

3. Preparing attributes for occupations.

4. Collaboration with other educators.

Class progress

Children go to the gym to music, are built in one line.

Guys let's get each other say hello! Here we are and wished each other health. Yes, yes, because the word "Hello"  means - i wish you health! Today I want to tell you old legend.

“Once upon a time, the gods lived on Mount Olympus. They became bored, and they decided to create a man and populate the planet Earth. They began to decide what a person should be.

One of the gods said: “A man must be strong”. Other said: "Man must be smart.". Third said: "Man must be healthy» . But one god said so: “If a person has all this, he will be like us”. And they decided to hide the main thing that a person’s father-in-law is health. They began to think - to decide - where to hide it? Some offered to hide health  deep in the blue sea, others on high mountains. And one of the gods proposed: « Health  must be hidden in the man himself ”.

So a man lives since ancient times, trying to find his health. “But not everyone can find and preserve the priceless gift of the gods!”

Means health somethingIt turns out to be hidden both in me and in you, and in each of you. guys and you feel healthy? What does it mean to be healthy?

Instructor: I i will open  you little secret! Our health  can be compared with beautiful flower, which has many rays, these petals live in every cell of our body. Now we will find out what our first petal is called.

Instructor: Dark forest, light meadow

We walk one after another.

So as not to mint flowers

You need to raise the legs. Walking with a high knee lift.

Walking one after another, Between the trees we ran - running "Snake",

Suddenly we saw the field! On the heels

If only you knew - through the middle of the hall,

How we walked quickly. in one column in the usual step.

We are looking for flowers

To weave wreaths. Loose walking

Here is a huge bouquet

soon we collected. Walking one after another.

And the carpet is huge

In the meadow weaved. Building in one line.

Instructor: Children, what exercises were we doing now?

Children: Run, different types  walk.

Instructor: Correctly. Various types of movement - this is the first petal health.

Second petal of your health is a massage, which strengthens your body, protects against diseases.

So let's all sit down

We’ll take a seat more conveniently.

You are going to massage,

I will ask you try to.

Itself - massage.

rubbing the palms; neck shoulders; knees foot of the feet.

Instructor: We guys need to move on.

II. Main part

Instructor: The third petal of your health is exercise. Let's think about the benefits. physical exercise?

Children: strengthen muscles, harden the body.

They give us a cheerful, good mood

Banish a dream.

Instructor: And you do it yourself physical exercise? Where and when? Guys, let's show how we train the muscles of our body.

We perform exercises with balls to the music.

Rebuilding in a circle.

Instructor: What muscles do you have?

Children: Strong, strong.

Instructor: There is no life without breathing

Without breathing, the light fades.

Birds and flowers breathe

We breathe, and I, and you.

Let's check if this is so. Now you will try  inhale deeply and close your mouth and nose with your palms.

Instructor: What did you feel? Why couldn’t they be without air for a long time?

Instructor: Correctly! This is every cell of your body. rebelled: “Please send air, otherwise we die!”  let's do some breathing exercises with you.

Breathing exercise.

1. "Warm Up". Arms apart, then with quick movements to cross them in front of the chest, clap your hands on the shoulders, pronounce: "Uhhh!"

2. "Lost in the forest". Inhale, scream as you exhale "Oooh".

Instructor: Please tell me why we do breathing exercises while exercising?

Children: So that our body is enriched with oxygen.

Instructor: Right, guys, oxygen-rich air is clean, fresh air. So what is the fourth petal called health?

Children: Air.

Instructor: the fifth petal is the main types of movements that we will now perform.

Rebuilding in one column.

1. Walking on the gym bench (height - 35 cm, arms to the sides)

Instructor: You must be able to balance. Your backs should be even.

2. Jumping from hoop to hoop.

Instructor: From coast to coast we need to go

And do not let each other down

Instructor: Guys, how are you feeling?

Children: OK!

Child: We engaged in physical education,

To become an iron organism

And so in healthy  the muscles of the body hardened.

Instructor: Now, we will play with you, as we are looking for health, we need to play an outdoor game.

The game "Fast rockets"

Instructor: Guys, also to find health, you and I need to move rhythmically.

Rhythmic exercises to the music

Rebuilding in one column. In walking breathing exercises are performed. Then the children stop.

Instructor: Listen proverb: “Do you want, do not want, but you have to eat”.

Why does the proverb say so? Why does a person need food? How do you think?

Instructor: Children, let’s play a word game with you.

Many different products are sold in stores. If your mother asked you to go to the store, you could choose healthy products. Let's play a game and find out if you can be trusted by the household.

The game “That's right!”

Instructor: If in a poem I tell you about useful things, you answer “right, right, absolutely true. If not, keep quiet

1 If you want to be slim,

You have to love sweet.

Eat sweets, chew iris

Be built like a cypress. (children are silent)

2 To eat right,

You will remember the advice:

Eat fruit, porridge with butter,

Fish, honey and vinaigrette. (children answer)

3 Do not forget before dinner

Pie a snack.

Eat plenty to get more

Upload your stomach. (children are silent)

4 No healthier products

Delicious vegetables and fruits.

And Sergei and Irina -

Vitamins are useful for everyone. (children answer)

5 Our Luba rolls ate

And terribly fat.

He wants to visit us,

Yes, the door can not creep. (children are silent)

6 If you want to be healthy,

Eat right

Eat more vitamins

Do not know about diseases! (children answer)

Instructor: So, what is the name of the sixth petal health?

Children: Healthy food.

Final part

Relaxation is carried out on a quiet background. music:

Instructor: “Let's close, children, eyes.

Imagine that we are in a fairy tale.

We are like flowers in a forest clearing

Warmed by the sun, washed in the spring.

We reach up, opening the petals,

And the gentle wind shakes us quietly

And birds sing soft songs to us

And the juices of the earth give us strength ”

And now open your eyes, look closely at each other, why do y) sparkle eyes? Why y) a kind smile? Why are you all smiling cheerfully? What is your mood? Good mood  - this is the name of the last petal. Look, the flower smiles, rejoices for you, because we found where the gods hid our health. Can you protect him? How will you do this? Well done, I'm sure of you!

Did you like to search health? (children's answers)

Instructor: Well, what about ours lesson is over.

Instructor: let's say goodbye to our guests.

Under the march, the children go to the group.

  Anna Grishchenko

Abstract open physical education classes in the senior group

« Ball school» .

purpose: learn to combine swing with throw when throwing ball  to a vertical target from a distance of 1.5-2 meters


educational: Exercise children in balance on an increased area of \u200b\u200bsupport

developing: develop physical qualities (agility, speed, strength); coordination of movements when performing jumps, continue to teach children the skills of performing a vertical throw (basketball elements)

educational: foster interest in sports, friendships during games

Equipment and inventory: sports images, balls for each child, gymnastic benches - 2 pcs., stuffed balls  4 pcs., Short ropes 10 pcs., Hoops 2 pcs., Target shields 2 pcs., Cones 2 pcs., Ropes 2 pcs.

Guys, in what sports use the ball? I have prepared pictures for you, let's take a close look and repeat with you in which sports balls are used. What do you guys think, athletes are good at owning the ball? That is, to catch, beat, throw? Do you want to learn how to handle the ball like real athletes? Athletes have a trainer who teaches them to correctly perform exercises with the ball, let me be your coach today, and you will be my students and we will be engaged in « School ball» will we be basketball players? Athletes do a lot of training and practice, and here we will have training too, and for this you need to carefully listen to my commands in order to correctly perform all the exercises and actions with the ball, athletes, are you ready?

Introduction: - 5-6 minutes

Walking, children take balls

Walking on toes, the ball in the hands above

Ordinary walking

Walking on heels, ball in outstretched arms in front

Ordinary walking

Walking, arms extended forward with the ball, knees touching ball

Ordinary walking


- run to attention: 1 hit in a tambourine - running with a lash of the lower leg, a ball near the chest


Ordinary walking

Construction in 2 columns at the outdoor switchgear

Main part: -15-20 minutes

1. I.P. - about. from. the ball in both hands below; 1-2 raise the ball up, rising on toes, 3- and. p. - 8 p.

2. I.P. - stand on the knees, the ball in both hands in front of you, V. - roll the ball around him to the right; 2 - and. n., 3 - to the left, 4 - and. p. - 8 p.

3. I. P. - sitting, legs apart, the ball in bent arms in front of the chest, 1-2 forward tilt, roll the ball from one leg to the other; 3-4 - return to and. p. - 8 p.

4. I.P. - legs are slightly apart, the ball in both hands in front of you, tossing ball  up and catching it with two hands at an arbitrary pace - 8 p.

5. I.P. - about. s., ball on the floor, jumping around ball on 2 legs, at the expense of 1-8, pause, walking in place, jumping -2 p. In different directions

Walking. Rebuild to perform basic movements.

Basic movements:

1. Walking on the gymnastics bench, through stuffed balls - the ball is in direct hands in front of you

2. Jumping through short ropes (5 pieces at a distance of 40 cm, the ball in bent arms at the chest

3. Throws ball  upright (target)  from behind the head at a distance of 1.5-2 m.

Rebuild on the game.

Game of great mobility: "Hunters and Hares"

purpose: develop agility, eye, ability to dodge, navigate in space, cultivate friendly feelings during the game, monitor the implementation of the rules of the game

Rebuilding in a circle

Low mobility game "Show the movement"

purpose: consolidate the skills of performing movements with the ball, develop attention, the ability to restrain oneself, respond to the signals of the educator

Analysis: What did you do today? What happened? What difficulties did you experience? And what was easier? Do you think we managed to practice as real athletes? Guys, I was very pleased to work with you, you were very attentive, strong and dexterous! Thanks!

Related Publications:

  "Ball school" Purpose: enrichment of motor experience of children, familiarization of parents and children with the technique of ball possession. Tasks: - introducing children.

Sports activities in the older group with the participation of parents “Ball and Hoop School” Purpose: to create conditions for emotionally close communication.

RDUZ "TALE" Game occupation  on physical education in the senior group Educator: Gromykovskaya E. M. p. Crimean ,.

Final lesson in the sports section "Ball School" in the middle group with episodic participation of parents Children enter the hall to music and are built in a semicircle. IFC. Guys, today your parents came to visit us, which, I think, is very interesting.

Open speech therapy lesson "School" (preparatory group)  Conducted a speech therapist MKDOU " Kindergarten  “Bell” Akchurina Olga Aleksandrovna Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of the school. To work out.

  Tatyana Pavlova
  Open lesson on physical education in the senior group "Flower of Health"

Open lesson in physical education in the senior group

« Flower of health»

purpose: Enrichment of the motor experience of children of the 5-6th year of life. The formation of skills in children healthy lifestyle.

Software Content

Exercise children in walking with the performance of movements in a circle and between objects;

To learn how to creep into the hoop and under the arc sideways, without touching the edge of the hoop;

Learn to jump, jumping over bars of different heights;

Exercise in a crawl on a bench on his stomach;

Build skills and habits healthy lifestyle;

To induce a positive emotional response to sports exercises in children, instill a love for physical education.


Balls (diameter 10-12cm)  by the number of children, 2 hoops, 4 arcs, skittles, bench - 2, mats 2, bars of different heights -6. Mugs of different colors(large - 6pcs, small in number of children)  ; yellow, blue, green. Musical escort: Author words: Matusovsky M., composer: Shainsky V. . A-studio - "Charging".

Preliminary work:

Examination of fruit illustrations. Conversation on “ Healthy lifestyle ”conversation on the topic "About vitamins and where they are contained".

The course of the lesson.

Children go into the hall and line up first in a column, and then in a row.

FIZO Instructor: Hello! I am glad to welcome you to occupation. They say there's magic flower - health flower. Whoever finds and smells him will be the strongest, most dexterous, and most importantly the most healthy person. This one is growing flower in the country"Neboleyka". Getting to him is not easy. I wish I could smell this magical flowerto always be healthyDo you want?

Children: Yes, we want.

FIZO Instructor: So maybe we make this trip to the country "Neboleyka".

Children: Yes.

FIZO Instructor: Then we will not lose time - on the road! Music sounds - “Together it’s fun to walk in the open spaces”.

Children walk around the hall performing movements:

1. Walking on toes.

2. Walking on the heels, keep your hands behind your head.

3. Walking in half crouch.

4. Walking with an added step.

6. Walking with breathing exercises.

FIZO Instructor: Rebuilding in one line

Children are in the same line. FIZO instructor shows plates with pointers:

FIZO Instructor: Which road do you choose?

Children: We will go straight.

FIZO Instructor: Or go to bed or eat some sweets?

Children: Not.

FIZO Instructor: Then go ahead, hit the road.

Rebuilding children in three columns.

Children are built in three columns to perform general developmental exercises. The song sounds - A - Studio - "Charging".

General developmental exercises with a small ball

1. And, item: the main rack, the ball in his right hand. 1-2-arms to the sides, up, shift the ball to the left hand; 3-4-lower your hands down, return to their original position. Same left hand (5-7 times).

2. I. p.: Feet to the width of the foot, the ball in the right hand. 1-2 raise in the right bent leg, shift the ball under it in the left hand; 3-4-return to starting position. Also shift the ball to the right hand (6 times).

3. I. p.: Feet with the width of the foot, the ball in the right hand. 1-crouch, hands forward, shift the ball to the left hand; 2 return to starting position (5-6 times).

4. I. p.: Kneeling, sitting on the heels, the ball in his right hand. 1-3-roll the ball to your right (in a straight line); 4 grab the ball, straighten, shift it to the left hand. Also left (3-4 times).

5. I. p.: Sitting, legs together straight, the ball rests on the feet, hands back all the way, 1-2 raise straight legs up, roll the ball, catch; 3-4 to return to the starting position. Medium pace (5-6 times).

6. I. p.: The main stance, the ball in both hands below. Throw the ball and catch (2-3 times).

7. I. p.: The main stance, the ball in his right hand. Jumping on the right and left foot with a turn to the right and left at the expense of the teacher 1-8 (3-5 times).

FIZO Instructor: Well done guys coped! We go further. More challenges await us.

The main types of movements:

1. Crawling sideways without touching the floor with your hands, in a row through three hoops set 1m apart from one another.

2. Jumping through bars of different heights with advancement.

3. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on his stomach, pulling himself up with both hands (grabbing hands from the sides of the bench).

4. Relay race with a ring throw. Distance 1, 5 - 2 meters.

FIZO Instructor: Well done, we have overcome all obstacles. It seems to me magical flower« health»   already very close. Let's take a break before the last test. Play the game “Guess the riddle, show the riddle”. Listen carefully.

Scarlet Scallop

Ruffled caftan,

Double beard,

Important walk

Children portray a rooster: hands on the belt. Raising their knees high, with a straight back, the children imitate the gait of a cockerel.

Muzzle mustachioed

The coat is striped

Often washed,

But he doesn’t know with water. (Cat)

Children depict a cat: forward bend, palms rest against the floor, walking on four limbs. Then, kneeling and on the elbows, bend and straighten the back.

Motley quack

Catches frogs.

Waddles around

A little trip. (Duck)

Children depict a duck: walking on bent legs.

He put his paw in the hollow

And let's growl, roar.

Oh how sweet you are

Kosolapenky. (Bear)

Children depict a bear: walking around - the weight of the body is transferred from one leg to the other, the legs are shoulder-width apart, the socks are looking at each other.

Standing on one leg

He stares into the water.

Poke with a beak at random

Looking in the river frogs.

A drop hung on his nose.

Do you recognize? It. (Heron)

Children represent a heron: arms raised up, one leg bent at the knee, raised.

On the big color carpet

Squadron villages

It will open, it will close

Painted wings. (Butterflies)

Children represent a butterfly: Raise your elbows bent at the elbows over your head until it pops, and then lower it.

Jumping gallop,

Jumping gallop.

Longfin -

White side. (Hare)

Children depict a hare: hands on the belt. Jumping

FIZO Instructor: Well done guys, guessed all the riddles and showed everything correctly. And now for the next test.

Outdoor game Vitamins.

Game explanation - Hall (human organism). Children have different circles colors. During illness, mothers give you different vitamins colorsto strengthen your body, i.e. kill the germs inside you. These vitamins (circles)  located in the hall. And the driver (he is chosen with the help of a reader)  there will be a microbe. (Music sounds). You vitamins, find yours colors during musicas soon as the music stops playing, the microbe wants to infect you with microbes.

FIZO Instructor: We will now find out who is the most agile, quick, attentive.

FIZO Instructor: Well done. I can smell something. it flower« health»   bloomed. Look how unusual he is! Smell it! (Children take flowersniff). What smells health flower?

Children: Garlic.

FIZO Instructor: The smell of garlic this wonderful flower  scares off germs and not a single microbe is close to you.

Low mobility game “Sweet, sour”.

Children stand in a circle passing the ball, they call any fruit, for example, an orange. Children facial expressions show the taste of orange.

FIZO Instructor: Guys our trip to the country "Neboleyka"  it's finished. It's time to say goodbye and go to the group. (Children rebuild in one column and step to the music the group).

Summary of open lesson in physical education

(senior group)

"Magic balls"

Prepared by:

Physical education instructor

Sarantseva L.A.


The formation in preschool children of the need for physical activity,c the use of health-saving technologies in a playful way.


Improving the blood supply to the spine, joints and internal organs.

Strengthening the muscle corset, creating the skill of proper posture.

Reducing the incidence of older preschool children.

Improving the level of physical fitness of children.

The formation of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

Expansion and enrichment of the motor experience of children.

Development of knowledge about the properties of balls.

The development of communicative and emotional - volitional sphere.

Course progress:

Balls - fitballs and massage balls are laid out in the hall. Children go into the hall.

A new day has come. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate. We are healthy. Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in freshness, kindness, and beauty. And exhale through your mouth all resentment, anger and grief. Now, let's wish each other good morning.

Guys, you probably noticed that today we have guests. Let's say to everyone: “Good morning! "

Guys, I want to tell you one story. Yesterday morning I went into the hall and saw that all the balls rolled out around the hall. I did not attach any importance to this, gathered the balls and put them in their places, and today I saw the same thing. I did not begin to collect the balls, but hid and heard such a conversation: the balls argued among themselves, which of them are healthier balls - fitballs or massage balls. It turns out that they quarreled so much that they even fell from their places. And what do you guys think, what balls are healthier (children's answers)

To solve this issue, I suggest you play with the balls and draw conclusions which of them are more useful.

And now everyone smiled at me, turned one after another (the children walk in a circle)

Together we go to the balls, stretch our legs (walking on toes, on the heels between the balls)

And now, run, run, go for a run with the breeze (running a snake between the balls)

We ran, we ran, our little legs are tired.

Quietly, let's go a step,

And take some rest (breathing exercises)

Guys, now we will do gymnastics for our fingers.

we can begin to solve our question: which balls are healthier?

"Little ring"

Alternately and as quickly as possible, sort your fingers, connecting the index, middle, etc. in a ring with the thumb. The test is performed in the direct and reverse (from the little finger to the index finger) order. At the beginning, the exercise is performed with each hand separately, then immediately with two hands.

But did you guys know that troubles happen when playing with the ball, if you forget the safety rules:

How to teach the ball to be obedient? Let's remember with you:

1. Do not play with the ball near the glass windows, shop windows. Why? The ball can break them.

2. Do not play with the ball near the carriageway. Why? The ball can roll out under the wheels of a passing car, cause an accident. And of course, in no case should you run out of the ball for the road!

3. Do not pierce the ball. Why? This will ruin the ball.

Well done, you have learned the safety rules when playing with the ball.

To strengthen the muscles

And the disease is nothing.

You guys do

Exercises with the ball.

And we will start with big fitball balls.

"Smile" is a musical rhythmic complex with fitballs.

From a smile the gloomy day is brighter -

Sitting on the ball. Hands freely down. Raise and lower the forearms at the same time to the rhythm of words, lifting the feet to the toes.

From a smile in the sky the rainbow will wake up

  sitting on the ball, hands on the belt, tilt to the right, left

sitting on the ball, left hand on the belt, take your right hand to the side, palm up, look at the palm


And then clouds will probably suddenly dance

  get up from the ball, steps around the ball

And the grasshopper seals on the violin

Behind the ball, focus on your knees, lie belly on the ball

A river begins with a blue stream

Lying belly on the ball, hands resting on the floor, hands forward

Well, friendship begins with a smile.

Hands back steps


Get up, go around the ball, sit on the ball

From the smile of the sun alone

Torso to the right, left, hands slide on the ball

The saddest rain will stop crying


Sleepy forest will say goodbye to silence -

Sitting on the ball, arms up, torso swaying to the right, left

And slams it in green hands.

Chorus: also

A smile will make everyone warm:

Sitting on the ball, hands hold the ball, alternately raise their legs.

And the elephant and even the little snail


So let it be everywhere on earth

Like bulbs, Smiles turn on!

Jumping on the ball, clapping his hands over his head

Chorus: same.

Well done boys! Did you enjoy doing the exercises on these balls? Guys, do you think fitballs are useful balls? (children’s answers) Of course, the guys - a fitball jumper, brought you a lot of fun and benefits. During the jumps on it, we quickly develop physically. Using this ball forms your correct posture, strengthens muscles and trains the vestibular apparatus, which is responsible for a sense of balance and coordination.

And now I suggest you pay attention to massage balls. We need to find out how they are useful. They are unusual. How do they differ from other balls? Who do they look like (like hedgehogs)

Take the hedgehogs in your hands.

Hand massage "Hedgehog"

Hedgehog ran along the track, (roll the ball between the palms)

His legs are tired.

Hedgehog jumped into my palms

(hold the ball in the palm of your hand)

There is no head or legs.

I want to stroke you, (stroke the ball with his hand)

I want to get along with you.

Scratch your tummy

(rub the ball on the palm)

And then comin into the forest.

(throw the ball up and catch)

Guys, tell me how these balls are good for our health. (children answers)

Correctly. It’s very useful for a child to roll it in his hands.

So, through our palms and fingers, we act on all our organs! Such a massage is useful to do every day, and then no illnesses are not afraid of us! So, despite the small size - these balls are very, very useful.

Well, they have added health, it’s time to play.

MOBILE GAME “FUN BALLS”   (with a big ball - a fitball)

All balls rolled, rolled. (throwing the ball up and catching it with two hands)

Here the balls jumped, played out. (throw the ball with both hands on the floor and catch it.)

Our bright balls, multi-colored balls.

Balls run into the corner, run away. (loose running, balls on the floor)

Balls hid there, resting. (squat for balls)

Guess Who's the Ball Game ( with a massage ball)

Children stand in a circle, the driver is selected. He becomes in the center of the circle, and the other children are firmly moving towards each other, hands behind everyone's back. The ball (diameter 6-8 cm, children pass around in a circle behind their backs. The presenter tries to guess who has the ball. He says: “Hands!” - and the one who is addressed should put both hands with their palms up, as if showing that If he has guessed correctly, he takes the ball and becomes in a circle, and the player who has found the ball starts to drive.

Guys, here we are playing with all the balls.

It was fun? Interesting? Did you like it?(children answers)

Guys, we measured our balls and made conclusions. It turns out that each ball is useful in its own way, and playing with them is also very interesting and fun. Fitball - a health ball and massage balls also bring us health.

Play with the ball - add health!

Now tell me what your mood is! (children answers)

Relaxation "Kindness"

Let's find our heart by pressing both hands to our chest, listen to how it beats: knock - knock - knock. Imagine that instead of a heart you have a piece of affectionate sun. Bright and warm light overwhelms your body, spills over your arms and legs. Let us send a little of this warmth, the light of smiles to each other and our guests. (children from the chest carry their hands palms up)

  02/06/2015 g.

Ryazantseva Natalya Ivanovna,instructor for physical and physical education MKDOU №14  "Birch"

purpose:   Promote the development of physical qualities of children. Develop the emotional and moral sphere of the child. To cultivate a love of physical education. Involve parents in active participation in the sports life of children.



  1. Form the correct posture in children while walking, running, exercising and playing;
  2. Strengthen the muscles of the legs and arch of the foot during exercise;
  3. Activate the muscles of the feet to increase the functional activity of the body.


  1. To strengthen walking skills on toes, on heels, in a semi-squat;
  2. Exercise while running with an extra step;
  3. Improve motor skills and coordination of movements in space;
  4. Develop attention, speed of reaction, dexterity, strength, sense of rhythm.
  5. To develop the ability to perform collective actions;
  6. Strengthen the rules of the game.


  1. To instill a sense of responsibility for the assigned task;
  2. To foster interest and love for physical education and outdoor games.

3. Create a favorable atmosphere in class

Occupation Type:training

Location:  musical - sports hall

Methods  visual, game (practical), verbal

Receptions:  visual-visual, tactile-muscular, visual-auditory, use of visual landmarks.

Allowance:musical accompaniment, gymnastic benches, bricks, hoops, rugs according to the number of children.

General guidelines

  1 Introduction

Building in a row, then in a column.

Guys, you probably noticed that today we have guests at the lesson, whom we are always very happy to see - these are our mothers and fathers. Today, especially for them, we will hold a training session - warm-up. Physical education classes  develop strength, agility, speed. So here we go. Please pay attention.

During the execution of commands, pay attention to posture.

Walking on toes, hands on the belt.

Slow running on toes, hands on the belt

We monitor breathing: through the nose - inhale, through the mouth - exhale.

Walking: Normal, then

in a squat (hands are on your knees, rise on socks, keep your back straight), with an added step

We observe the distance when performing the walking exercise with an additional step, pay attention to the position of the back and legs.

Medium Side Gallop

Movement should be carried out with strict observance of the distance.

Walking with the restoration of breathing: hands through the sides up (inhale), down (exhale).

circle around the hall

Hands during execution are relaxed. The breath is full and deep.

2 The main part

Reconstruction: column, line, circle.

All tasks are performed in the column behind the guide.

General developmental exercises (performed on individual rugs)

I give a demonstration of the exercises, accompanied by a verbal explanation.

1.I. by. from. 1 - hands forward, 2 - hands up, 3 - hands forward, 4 - hands down.

We extend our arms in front of us, then raise our arms up, forward in front of us, and lower them.

2. I.p. - o.s. 1 - right hand forward, 2 - left forward, 3 - right up, 4 - left up, 5 - right forward, 6 - left forward, 7 - lower right, 8 - left lower.

See how to perform the following exercise. Alternate removal of straight arms.

3. I.p. - o.s. 1 - right hand forward, 2 - left forward, 3 - right up, 4 - left up, 5 - right to the side, 6 - left to the side, 7 - lower the right, 8 - lower the left.

The following exercise is familiar to you. We only supplement a little - we add an alternate withdrawal of straight arms to the sides.

4. I.p. - stand legs shoulder width apart, arms to shoulders. At the expense of 1 - 8, perform circular rotation forward, then back.

Now, attention, look at the next exercise. Dasha will show him.

Dasha, try not to lean forward and you need to fix your hands at your shoulders.

5. I.p. - stand legs shoulder width apart, arms on the belt. At the expense of 1 - 8, perform tilts to the sides.

The next exercise is performed at the expense of 1-8 and then we stop.

6. I.p. - stand legs shoulder width apart, arms on the belt. Springy slopes to the sides.

The next exercise will show Danil. Watch the frequency of the exercise, for the correct springy bend to the sides, do not bend the legs at the knees.

7. I.p. - sitting on the floor, legs stretched forward, keep socks and heels together. 1 - stretch the socks forward, 2 - show on yourself, 3 - forward, 4 - on yourself.

8. I.p. also. Circular rotation

elongated socks left and right.

9. And p. - o.s. Jumping on toes.

Try to reach correctly, but not necessarily reach the socks.

We make sure that the socks and heels do not come off from each other

Jumping light, soft landing.

The main movements.

Performed by the inline method

The teacher, along with the attendants, collect rugs. Today we will perform different kinds  movements to make different muscle groups work ..

Climbing the gymnastics bench on all fours.

Running between the bricks is a snake, hands on the belt.

Jumping from hoop to hoop, spaced apart.

Keep your back straight, head slightly raised.

The task is carried out by light running. Remind about the correct setting of hands. Try not to shoot down the bricks.

The teacher insures the children.

Try not to shoot down the bricks.

While jumping, watch for a wave of your hands and pushing away.

3 Final part

Mobile game with "Two Frosts"

Guys, be careful and careful, do not collide, and follow all the rules of the game. Conditions of the game: All the guys are building a circle. Inside the circle are traps - two frosts. They say: “We are two young brothers, two frosts removed. One says - I, frost, Red nose! Another says - I - frost Blue nose! Together: How many of you will decide to take the path on the road? ”The guys answer:“ We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost! ”Then everyone runs up, and the frost catches up, they try to touch and freeze the guys. Who is frozen, that turns into an ice sculpture. At the end of the game, the most beautiful ice sculptures are selected.

Breathing exercise

On inspiration - raise your hands up, stretch on your toes. Exhale - return to I.P.

Calm walking to the music. Relaxation exercises

The movement is smooth, measured.

Watch your breath, posture

setting arms and legs.

The result of the lesson.

Guys, the tasks today were difficult, but you did a good job of them. Did you like the lesson? Tell me, who succeeded today? I am pleased to. Now, say goodbye, please, to the guests and go to the group for Cyril.